Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 29, 1912, Image 3

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    Tillamook' Haadllgm, Rogast 29, !#T2.
Land for Sale
Ü^EGOfl ßT^TE F^,
$18,000.00 offered in Premiums
on Livestock, Poultry,
Agricultural and other
Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks
Reduced Rates on all Railroads.
For partcu'ara address :
Salem Oregon.
r*11 TfSlB
U h
“A merica ' s F inest F loueinc M ills
13,000 Mills
' N F isher ’ s B lend F lour we
have striven to produce a
breadstuff that is beyond a 11
competition. True, it costs the
buyer a little more than other
brands, but he can’t object, because it gives
him better bread value.
In actual baking tests conducted in impartial
Eastern laboratories under scientific condi­
tions, F isher ' s B lend F lour hrs repeatedly
proved that it will br.ke more and larger loaves
of better bread to the given quantity than any
other flours on the market today.
We stand ready to prove this to the satisfac­
tion of any person desiring proof.
F isher ’ s B i . f . nd is not a cheap flour, from
the purchase price standpoint; but it is
the cheapest flour you can buy, if you
are after results, value and efficiency.
C o - ts M ore pfr S ack
* C osts L ess ter L oaf
They are
turning out
all ¡ot ts of flour:
bad and
Fisher s Blend Flour
f üoüKi
Manufactured by the
Low hound Trips East.
On the dates given below, round trip ticlketa will be sold from
ASTORIA AND PORTLAND, to the points in the Eaat shown be­
low. and many others, at greatly reduced fares quoted.
Fast Train East
In connection with North
Pacific and Great Northern
Atlantic City. ..>111.00 Detroit..........
Balumore .......... 107.50 Duluth ....
"«•’on.................... HO l OO Kansoe City
Buffalo ............. 91.50 Milwaukee .
C hicago ............. 72.50 Minneapolis
ioloradoSprings 5&00 Montreal
1‘enver..^......... 55,0) New York...
. $82.10
.* flUIO
. *noo
an. oo
Omaha ......... I 80.00
Philadelphia. 108 50
Pittsburg ..
St ixiuie ..
Of) to
St Paul....
01. SO
Toronto ....
JULY M 20. 30 91. 101Z
AUGUST 1, Z X fl, 7. 12, IS, M, 22. It. » »I SL MH2.
SEPTEMBER 4, 5, fl 7. 8, 11. 12 30. 1V1Z
Stopovers and choice of routes allowed in each ditevtion.
Final return limit October 31 1012
Details of achedules. fares, etc . will be furnished on requ est
E CONAN, Gen'l Frt. and Pass. Agent.
Porland. Ore.
T. H JOHNSON, Gen. Agent, Aetoria, Ore.
200 acres of fine unimproved land
for eale, about nine miles from
Tillamook City,
about 30 acres
could be put in cultivation with
small expense. Plenty of water,
vine maple, alder and crab apple.
Electrical survey through the place.
—J. S. Stephens, Room No. 16, Com­
mercial Building.
Also House to Rent and Furniture
for Sale
H« lnv«nt«d "Grog" and Gav« a NflMfc
to Waahington’« Home.
Few Americans are Informed
About All That Now Remain of I bow Mount Vernon, the home of WfcflR-
; Ington, received Its uarne.
the Original Cossacks.
Th» unfortunate Duke of Meamafc*
bad a secretary named Vernoa, a pf»»
dent, seuslble man of buslaam. atfefc,
VODE OF THE FIRST TRIBES. after the duke's death, found favor tfc
Influential quarters and under WUM bm
Notice of the Appointment ot Ad­ One Class Lived In the Villages, the 111. became a secretary of state. Re
left a son. Edward, boru in 1684. Wfca<
Other In a Sort of Monastery, and All
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—T o Were Free Warriors, Self Appointed greatly agalust bls father’s wtsfcaa. «*■
tered the navy and, serving with dlfc-
all whom it may concern that the
Guardians of the People.
I tlnction, rose to the rank of admiral.
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Tillamook, has
Wherever Russia has a tight on hand In 1722 be was elected to the bouee af
appointed the undersigned adminis­
commous. aud bavlug. lu July, 1730, *p-
trator of the estate of SAMUEL there bobs up promptly to do her bid­ clared there that Porto Bello inigM
PERREN, deceased. All persons ding tbe Cossack. This right arm ot be reduced with six sail of tbe line. I m
having claims against said estate tbe czar has not the best of reputa­ was sent with a squadron to Fulfill tofes
are' hereby required to present the tions. Illustrated papers picture him a
prediction. Ou returning borne suc­
same, together with the proper
vouchers, to the undersigned, at savage scarecrow mounted on a wiry cessful be received tbe tbauka of both
the office of E. J Claussen, Tilla­ looking animal, and bls chief occupa­ bouses and tbe freedom of tbs city of
mook Block. Tillamook, Oregon, tion is apparently the knlflng and London. From that time, however, tots
within six months from the date of kuoutlug ot harmless people. Yet be star declined. An expedition to Car­
this notice
tagena, made two years later, signally
tomes of good stock.
August 15th, 1912
A lfred P erren ,
It was In tbe land force at Cartagena
Administrator of the estate of southwest Russia a tribe ot runaways
that Lawrence Washington. Georges
Samuel Perren, deceased.
who called themselves
’ which is Tartar for free men. free eldest brother by fourteen years, bad
served, and apparently be esteemed
Notice of Sheriff's Sale Under warriors or guardians, Seemingly I Vernon, as he gave bls name la Ms
home on the Potomac, aud procure* a
tected from the Tartars the peoples in
appointment for George.
N otice is H ereby G iven , That the countries wbicb they originally had uiidsbipmau's
by virtue of an execution issued out fled from aud saved thousands of Rus­ His mother's Interposition ultimately
of the Circuit Court of the state of sian women and cbildreu from slavery prevented the boy's availing blmaelf of
Oregon, for the county of Multno­ in Turkey. Growing in uuml rs and this appointment
Vernou's popularity wns so great that
mah, dated the 4th day of June,
1912, upon a judgment recovered Importance, these self appointed guard­ his unlucky expedition does nut seem
by Thomas Boggess,
to have affected It. as be was actfcMly
against O. C. Edwards, defendant, and respected. Their military services elected to parliament for three piaeva
in the Justice's Court of the Port­ especially were In request Any nation on his return. Probably bls known hos­
land District, in said county and could command their help If its causa
state, for the sum of Thirty and no appealed to tbe Kossakl code of honor. I tility to tbe government bad much te
i do with this, in 1745 be was detailed
| 100 Dollars, with Interest thereon
Tbe tribe bad gradually resolved It­ to watcb the North sen. in vie* af the
at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
self Into two classes—the village Koa- I movement of the pretender's adher­
from th» 6th day of April, 1912, and
the further sum of Four and 95 | 100 saki. who lived tn tbelr own settl*- I ents. Tbe next year a serious «qaah-
Dollars costs and disbursements, meats all over southern Russia, and ble arose between him and the guv«e»-
which judgment was enrolled and the Inhabitants ot tbe "Setcb beyond ment. resulting in his producing twa
docketed in the Clerk’s office of tbe rapids.” Tbe former bad the ad­ i pamphlets that so exasperated tbe eh-
Baid Circuit Court on the let day of vantage over other country folk, as
tborltles that by tbe klug’a exprem
June, 1912, I have levied upon that : neighboring governments were too
certain real property owned by said afraid to tax them. Between wars, to command be was struck off the Uat at
admirals. He died In 1757.
defendant, O. C. Edwards, situated
1 wblch tbe call came from the Setcb,
It was Vernon who brought Inta *sa
in Tillamook County, Oregon, des­
, tbe village Kossakl tilled tbe laud. Of tbe custom of mixing water with the
cribed as follows, to wit:
The W Jfe of Sw
Se Ji of 3w V*, an altogether different character wan ratloD of rum, wblch got tbe na— st
and the Sw Jj of Se Ji of section 34, tbe organization of this Setch. a com­ grog from his habit of wearing a gxw-
in Township 4 S of Range 10 west munity of about 12.000 men with per- i gram waistcoat, and hence bis Meh-
of Willamette Meridan, and, on the i manent headquarters tn a movable name of "Old Grog.” To summaries,
7th day of September, 1912, at 10 settlement (the exact location was
tbe man who Invented grog la barte*
o’clock a.m. of said day. at the
■uurtiiuuse cll,n8ed el8|lt times In two centuries), In Westminster abbey, com me morate*
front door of the county courthouse
Tillamook usual*y on aD unapproachable laland by Smollett and gave a name to Wash-
in Tillamook
County, Oregon, 1 will sell
bc.i at on
— the
— iower
--------- of the Dnieper. Ington s home.
public auction to the highest bidder, ( The Turks once tried to rush the place,
tor cash in hand, the above des- but got caught In the maze of Islands
An Awe Inspiring 8pectaola.
cribed real property, to satisfy the like rats In a trap.
Of the overirawering magnlticence af
said judgment and costa and dis­
The Setcb tn one respect resembled a the suu's corona ns seen In a total
bursements, and the costs and ex­ monastery
No woman was allowed eclipse some Idea may be gathered
penses of said w-rit.
inside It a man might not even bring when It Is considered thnt even mattar
Dated this August 8th, 1912.
his mother or bis sister. If he did be of fact scientists are stricken speech-
H. C renshaw ,
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. was banged Here, eager to lead the less with awe in its presence. HIT
tree and simple life among their Francis Galtou was once assigned to
equals, came all sorts and conditions measure the heat of that strange halo.
of men. Indeed, owing to the law He recounts that he experienced a feel
Department of the Interior,
enjoining celibacy, the colony depend­ Ing of supreme exultation wheu be dia
United States Land Office, ed for Its numbers on newcomers, al­ I
covered thnt bls Instrument wns bro-
Portland, Oregon,
though the village Koesakl contributed keu nnd that he would be permitted a
August 12th, 1912.
recruits. Any one could Join, as rank I few momenta In which to revel lu th«
and ri< bes were despised, and all be i remarkable s|>ectacle. So carried away
of Blaine, Oregon, Contestee ;
You are hereby notified that Jacob I bad to do was to submit to laws as was he by the glory of the panorama
A. Amacher, who gives 611 Third follows: Chastity, the orthodox creed, that he even forgot to note down the
St., Portland, Oregon, as his post- allegiance to Russia and the south beginning of th« first contact.
office address, did on July 22, 1912, Russian dialect No reference or In­
file in thin office his duly corrobo­ convenient questions of his past were
Romsn Limps,
rated application to contest and asked of the Intending Kossak
Roman lamps were of many sizes.
secure the cancellation of your simply went to the elected chief aud.
Homestead, Entry No. 03309, Serial after a brief greeting, was shown to but most of them very closely resetu-
bled whut Is at present denominated a
No. 03309, made December 13, 1911, j
for K W of Nw i and Lots 1 and 2, j bls place In one of the •’kurenl." or sauce or gravy boat. At one end there
Section 30, Township 3 South, Kang» big buts. "Here Is thy home, three Ì was a ring, through which the finger
7 West, Willamette Meridian, and ' paces long and two paces wide, aud was passed when the light wits carried.
as grounds for his contest he ’ when thou Shalt die we will make It The body of the vessel wns tilled with
alleges that said Harris Samuel smaller."
oil, and at the other end there was a
Lemmon has never established resi­
They had good times, though. In tbe
dence on said land, has never culti­ 8etch There were no maneuvers, no small tulra, throngh which a rag wick
was passed. When this was lighted
vated any part of the same nor
training, no compulsory the ainoke and odor of the rancid fat
made any improvements thereon, organized
has never lived
on -____
said ______
land, ____
but drill. MeD llly or ,lept ,D th* •e’’*1*’1 employed were extremely offensive,
has wholly abandoned the same for ( spaces between buta, enjoying, gypsy Many Roman poets mention the strani
more than six months immediately , fashion, the freedom of the open air. triable effluvium sent out by the lamin
preceding the commencement of Drink was plentiful and also tobac­ at the feasts.
this contest.
co. Great songs were sung, and there
You are, therefore, further noti­ was much playing of stringed Instru­
Punishment For Poi «onoro.
fied that the eaid allegations will ments. Throughout tbe place a spirit
In ancient Rome poisoning was pun-
betaken by this office as having
of good comradeship prevailed.
A lshed by crucifixion, no matter what
been confessed by you, and your
.Da7dVn74e win
Zance1e’d'’th7re‘-'popu>.r pastime was dancing, no easy the rank of the criminal. although this
. ■
t _ a «- — — —1 „1.4
wt* I —» x»., F la wo win 111 <r I fe I w xs~l t <1 i '/~1M
under without your further right to task In cumbersome high boots. Cos­ penalty was usually reserved for slaves
be heard therein, either before thia tumes were of a picturesque variety. A Roman of respectable station, hav­
The Kossak wore a mustache and on ing been convicted of poisoning Ills
office or on appeal, if you fail to
file in this office within twenty days tbe crown of his head a lonesome wisp ward, was sentenced to Ira crucified,
after the fourth publication of thia of hair, both being worn long to eo-
notice, as shown below, your an-1 able him to wind the three ends round but protested against the punishment
as unlit for a gentleman The emperor
ewer, under oath, specifically meet­
ing and responding to theae allege bis ears. Each man went armed to I tbereuiran ordered the crime to be
painted white and otherwise made
tions of contest or if you fail with­
in that time to file in thia office due “nagalkaa” (whips wbicb are still ■non» presentable Hinn those commonly
proof that you have served a copy used i.
used Whether the convict expressed
ot your answer on the said con­
In wartime things were different i himself as better stiliaUed Is trot re­
testant either in person or by regis­ To drink was a crime. Food, always corded.
tered mail
this service is plain, consisted of rations of uncooked
made by the delivery of a copy of horseflesh
Military organization was
Indolsnt Rosami.
your answer to the contestant in
Rossini «»< one ot the mont Indolent
person, proof of such service must by election ot leaders, one to every 160
be either the said
contestant’s men. with a colonel In command of a men that ever lived, yet lie wrote op­
written acknowledgment cf his re | regiment These officers bad abaoluts eras against time, us It were
ceipt of the copy, showing the date irawer, but authority for only one cam­ Hartier of Seville," for Ristaine. was
of its receipt, or the affidavit of the paign
Ruch war spelle were of fre­ written and mounted in leas Ilian h
person by whom the delivery was quent occurrence. »<» much ao that tbe month, which fact gh'e rise to Doni-
made stating when and where the lighting business led to the eitlnctloh setti» cogent wlttlclran (jeon being
copy was delivered ; if made by of the trltra
Pvter the Great Inld Informed that Koradnl lead finished ids
registered mail, proof of such ser­
opera In thirteen days Itonlzcttl
vice must consist of the affidavit of waste tbe Setcb Naarpira made blta
the person by whom the copy was self uupleaaunt Tbe Setcb was again piled: "It Is 'ery isnaible. He Is •o
was mailed stating when and the bombarded and ruined when Its In
lazy r
poet office to which it was mailed, habitants became, some of them, plow­
and thia affidavit must be accom men. while others were shipped to
Information Wanted.
panied by the postmaster’• receipt tbe ortenL True, there was a brief re-
"Roy." Mid the man In Xu. 23 aa th»
for the letter
appearance of the Setcb but under
You should state in your answer different auspices snd nothing like lu pag>* enlrr««d lit. room, ' go nr»r to No
2*1 and Hud out If that >»dy I. iiioanlii*
the name of the post office to which
you desire future notices to be sent old times Finally the Koesakl lands or ringing If she la aluglng ark th*
were cuoflwated. ami the trilie and Its < lerk to change my room; II «be e
to you.
„ . .
Institution« gave plare to serfdom an* tnonnlng tell the clerk to ra-nd for a
H. F HIGHY, Register.
Date of first publication August tbe creation of a new nobility. The physician.**- Ixiodon Tit Hila
15th. 1912 ; date of second publica­ Cossack of today Inherits little of tbs
tion August 22nd. H»I2 ; , •I«”’
old traditions but tbe name and tbe
N* Uss For Barbe»«.
third publication August 29th, 1VI2, whip-Harper's Weekly.
Customer tin barber's chair* No ye*
date of fourth publication Septem
haven't heard Von Trumiwr Ih» w.ivld
her 5, 1012
flinoiia pianisti
Harle, Nu
This Lets.
bits Is msde np not of great sacri
binai«*« oeffer batroalx» me. an' se i
Eye« Tested And Glasses Fitted
fi«»» nr duties, but nt little things, la „offer b» Iron Ise dem.-
I am a member of the Optical Which smiles end kindness sod small
Association of America and hold obligations riven hsbltnally fera what
Nst he Cnjsrsbls
State Licenae. All work correctly win ths besri snd secure <-omforL-
Friend tour wedding t.r.akfssi wafc
attended to and guaranteed.
s delightful iffilr Mr lloinrmeM
felr H Davy.
Reaaonable for
(with a sigh*-Tse. trat were had wh
Class Work
Can furnish Refer-
era since.
ences to your satiafoction.
but anybody can help becoming
Now for
fa fly and prorkUnt fear le tfe»
Jewelry Store
Addison H. Harrta. pldri than be was bora - Lady
mot ber of Mfetf - Horte
F orbs*.
Optician and Jeweler.
VW ItthmuR From Which Every Otho4
lothmuo Has Boon Named.
TW “Bridge of the Sea a” ta the
rtrtkln* name which l*tndar gives to
fee Mfrow Uthmua which connects
the gulf of Corinth with tho Aegean
■m. It la one of the most interest kig
Btolpa of soil on the Ove continents, it
IB tMe latbmua par excellence of all the
werW. for from its Greek name, lath-
■te, every other tatbmua has been
The ancients were not good sailors,
never went by sea where they
BMkl conveniently go by land, and to
this narrow neck of land, only
(bar miles wide, saved them many a
Mary league ot sailing around a
•barmy coast In going from the Pelo-
Rshoesus to Attica and indeed from
Rhrope to Asia.
Ibe aontbeastern point ot Attica was
•specially dangerous, and-an old prov-
•rb used to run, “When you are rouud-
Iba Cape Malta forget all you have at
Mat." Indeed, navigation tn tflbse
••as was almost wholly abandoned lu
the winter months, and we remember
that la the graphic account of St.
Paul's shipwreck he advised the cap-
tala to winter In the Cretan harbor of
Fair Havens. Through disregarding
this advice disaster came to ship and
crow and prisoners alike.
No wonder, then, thnt the Isthmus,
which the ancient city of Corinth dom­
inated. became at one time the bihlt’at
aod perhaps the most notable strip of
land which the World knew. More
battles have been fought, more dynas­
ties established or dethroned, Just here
tn all probability than In any other
•pot on the earth’s surface.—Christisn
Here Id.
Kalikaua Couldn’t Wear It, and Hie
Sroom Disgraced It.
When King Kalaknua of Hawaii vis.
tied Japan many yenrs ago he was
very anxious to exhibit to the Japa­
nese his famous royal feather cloak. It
did not look well draped over the regu­
lar costume of the kltig. which was
based on European military models.
It was out of ths question to wafer 1c
draped over brown cuticla, as was the
•Sclent fashion. Finally it was divid­
ed to let HoberL one of hie attendants,
wbar It
William N. Armstrong, the ting’s at*
Mraev general. said: "This additional
service delighted Robert, who now, ac­
cording to a confidential ‘statement
made to bls Japanese attendant was
*haeper ot the royal standard,' 'groom
•f the feather cloak* and 'valet in or­
dinary.' While in the Imperial car, on
the way to Tokyo, the king’s suit had
eWMeuly seen Robert sitting In state
In the luggage car dressed In a silk hat.
white gloves aud with the gorgeous
royal cloak hanging over Ills shoulders,
the tableau being completed by a group
of Japanese attendants who were
standing before him lost lu idmlra-
“But Holrart wns scarcely equal to
tbs dignity that was bls. In hla ca-
<* valet he preceded the party
lb tbs palace assigned to them and
dlacovsrsd there abundance of wines
bad spirits, which he consumed until
IWc arrived, lie was found asleep tn
the king’s bedchamber with the silk
bat far down over his head and tbo
gorgeous cloak askew on his shoulders.
He was at once deposed from his office
•f groom of ths feather cloak.’ "
At Laast Ha Healtatad.
A group of St. Ixrala men ware dis-
Chasing a banker In that city who han
the reputation of bard bargaining, close
BaUMneee nnd who Invariably gets hla
(MSd of flesh.
’•Ofc. well," said a man present who
hod nt taken part In the general ham-
—rfiat, "be lan't no bad. 1 went In
tn see him the other day to got a loan
af 110,000, and be treated me very
"DM ho lend yoo the money F
"No. ba didn't lend It to me. but he
heaitntril before be refused.”—Satur­
day Krening Poet
N«w Managern«»*.
"Wbat'a eoura over Worn Irai? 1 saw
Mm araoiing up l'enn avenu» a Hille
wfclle apo. and be roaltkTt Stop
war* ’’
''Tee; be’» working like a horee t
"Bat br n»ed tn ba rather ISay Why
tfcv rban««?*'
"Rea under a new iiimiagamrrt.
Hla latrili wife nm)» a lot of eipeai-
*v« tfelaga '—Plttabiirgb I’trai
Jerk -Relio. Fred! >lnd roar hair
eWT Fresi-Tee. old fellow. I tejjfrt
a ptars where they cut your Iwtr wtitle
yas Walt. .1er* That’s good
A bar
Oar's ao<g> is nanally s pisse raw»
iw, ran some other man e hair wMAa
yea wait.
Tbe LiFewesa.
Mrs S. wt I t*sii|>|»n.e now we have
<Haarre«e you «re comps ring this 01
yea* old home
Mr Newrri —Ksirrtly
TMe w )u«t tike tha*rows mother used
(•■afe» Itmtlinure Auiertcaa.
Ths.r Haevnesa.
-How rtarnt that uewly ufsrried J>«ar
Ms couple nell door is yoal M they
wa> naiipyr
"taaprsksidy.'*-Hoaton T»sa«ri*t
M • D.partmerat hier«.
Fteorwalkei Koiurititng I ran
y*s air? Nervuua Giratlemao—
Mat my »If* t brarwalter-M
gnuds o«i third floor