TîlUmook Headlight, flugust 29. 1912 Nehalem districts have taken a lead in this matter, and they are , LXOAL ADVXRTISKJtXNTS : to be com mended fordoing so, 10 First Insertion, per line .... > the Tillamook Commercial Club 5 Each subsequent insertion, line should decide to hold a county Pebbleford, bottled iu bond, per bottle, $1.50 Business and professional cards, next year, so that home 1 fair ' 1 mouth ...”......................... 1 00 Clarke’s Pure Rve, bottled in bond -- products from all parts of the omeatead Notices................. 5 00 Per bottle, 1.25 county could be exhibited. We imber Claims ........................ 10 00 5 Keg Beer.............. Locals per line each insertion hope to seethe "Get Together" Echo Spring, bottled in bond............... ...........15 «alione «5.75 The business men should de­ spirit take up the matter of a Display advertisement, an inch, 1.25 Keg Beer ........... Per bottle, ........... 10 gallon» 4 00 so vote more time and take more 1 month........................ .... county fair for next year. Local bottle Beer 6 dozen quart, IO® All Resolutions of Condolence and interest in the commercial club Old Crow, bottled in bond, per bottle, 1.50 !>>ylge Notices, 5c. per line. 1.50 Local bottle Beer of this city, for a live commer­ • • 10 dozen pint, Hermitage, bottled in bond, per bottle, Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. drive cial club means a live business Most every day people 1.50 Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ............................ Notices, Lost, Straved or Stolen, etc. minimun raté, 23c. not exceed­ city, and just the opposite when into Tillamook in autos with O.T.O., bottled in bond, per bottle, 1.25 Bay- business men become inactive the intention of going to ing five lines. and take little or no iuterest in ocean. Kentucky Dew, 4 gal., bottled in bond 2.25 They express them RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. the commercial club. From selves as delighted with their 75 Kentucky Dew, full pint, ,, (STRICTLY IN-AUVANCB.) years of experience we known trip, the beautiful scenery and John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch One year................ 7.......... .. ............ 1.50 that people in Tillamook have the splendid roads. When told Budwiser Beer............... 6 dozen quarts$15oo 75 Six months............... .......................... Whiskey . *................................................. 1.50 a tendency to take hold of a that they cannot reachBayocean 50 Three months.............. /....................... Budwiser Beer............... 10 dozen pints 16,oo proposition with a vim and then by auto and there is no road Black & White, Old Scotch Whiskey. 1.50 -------------------------------- J Old styler Langer Beer. 10 dozen pints lioo This is Entered na second class mall mat­ loose interest. Climatic condi­ they are surprised. V O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey............. 1.75 ter July, 1888, at the post office at tions may have something to wiiere Bayocean is handicapped Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch Tillamook, Ore., under the act of do with that. But we contend right _____ ____ now, ____ and the promoters March 3. 187V. Whiskey ..................................................... 1.75 that every business man ought of that resort are at a diaadvan- Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch to take enough interest in the tage. With the large amount ^illamook ^tabligljt. welfare of the city to devote one of money expended in building Whiskey ..................................................... 1.50 evening a month to help boost up Bayocean and the large Canadian Club.................................. .......... 1.50 White Port, Old Monk Brand $1 00 per gal it. Every monthly meeting of amount of taxes the lot owners 1.00 I. W. Harper ... ...................................... Port Wine * 1-00 ~* per gal. the club should be a boosters’ and the company are paying Editorial Snap Shots. Harvester Old Style................................ 1.00 Sherry gathering, and every business into the county treasury every L00 per gal, man, without any exception, year, we feel that Bay ocean is Monogram ..................................................... 1.00 Claret . . . L5c. per gal, Wn noticed one young fellow should be present and help to \ justly entitled to a way out and Kentucky* Dew ........................................... 1.00 Angelica . L00 per gal. at Nehalem on Saturday who boost for their own town, and I should have a road built in time 1.25 Billie Taylor, full quart ............................ Zenfendel was a booster, even if he wns not stand back and reap the for next year’s summer travel, L25 pergal, 1.00 Coronet Dry Gin Per bottle feeling a little hilarious and benefits of those Tokey ... who are for we do not like to see a com­ L25 pergal 1.75 good natured, he boosted for the giving their time and footing mendable enterprise suffer on A.V.H Gin............................... Per bottle home band. the bills in their efforts to make account of being bottled up. Gordon Sloe Gin ................... Per bottle 1.75 thia a live, prosperous, business The county has been spending Gordon Dry Gin ................... Per bottle 1.25 Don’t have the bad reputation city. large amounts of money build­ 1.00 Rock and Rye........................... Per bottle of being u iwilter from either the ing a road on the South side of 1.25 El Bart Gin ................. Governor West has jumped Nehalem bay, from Mohler to Republican or Democratic party 75c. .. Per bottle into the reform band wagon and Virginia Dare Wine Monogram........................ for the purpose of riding in the Wheeler, which is a commend­ ■per gal. $5.00 Per quart 35c. bolters' baud wagon for a few says he is going to clean up the able improvement, but as the Port Wine................. White Corn Whiskey. • ■ per gal. 400 city of Portland of vice. But Bayocean project is somewhat short months. 35c. Sherry Wine............. Harvester Old Style .. per gal. 4.25 suppose he does succeed in run­ similar and as highly commend­ 35c. Per quart Angelica Wine ........ McBrayer, 13 years old per gal. 6.00 ning out a large number of pros­ I able, we feel in justice to Hay­ The Bull Moose party will be Per quart 35c. Zenfendel Wine .... titutes from that city other parts ocean that the work should be Echo Spring .................. per gal. 4.25 a political hoodoo to a good Per quart 40c. of Oregon will be infested with commenced with the $5,000 the Tokey ............................ Chestnut Grove Rye • • per gal. 2.75 many persons, for they will them. Driving these unfortu­ County Court promised to ap­ Per quart 25c. Claret......................... • Kentuckey Dew............. always afterwards bear the ear per gal. 2.25 nate women from one place to propriate out of the taxes that 75c. marks of attempting to bust up White Grape Juice • Alcohol ............................. per gal. 4.00 another only adds to the hard were collected this year. the Republican party. Local Beer, quart . Three bottles for 50c. Cornet Dry Gin............. lives they are living. Instead per gal. 4.00 Domestic Beer, quart.Three bottles for 75c. of driving them out like so many A Quiet Convention- When it cfime to judging cattle is not a solution to the babies at Nehalem ou Saturday social purity question,and spas- Henry Tohl threw up bis bands motic attempts to reform these Some of the newspapers are talk­ apd swore off. Had one of the unfortunates in that way have ing facetiously about the quietness infant talking machines af­ always ended in failure. If of the Populist National Conven­ tempted to expand its lungs in these women are’to be reformed tion which recently met in St Louis 1 Henry’s ears ? at all it is by kindness and not They eay it afforded a welcome harch treatment—taking them I contrast to the turbulence of the into rescue homes and private gatherings at Chicago and Balti­ The Bull Moose meeting in families. But what about the more a few weeks earlier. For a this next Saturday ia for the purpose of lending a helping men w’ho lead innocent girls party which once polled 1,000,000 hand to bust up the Republican astray, causing deep sorrow in ! votes, and which carried several pttrty, and, of course, Demo­ in the homes, and the men who states, they intimate that its recent crats are urging and advising use women to satisfy their own exit is somewhat tragic They are mistaken about the the Bull MooBers to organize passions ? It is easy to find but they are all right on and place candidates in the Held. people who want to drive un­ 1 I tragedy, - other points. There was noth- I fortunate women from a large the city into the rural towns, but I ing for the Populists to quarrel If it ia necessary to ttooat the very few who will lend a help- | about, therefore they refused to ! county by advertising it ia also ing hand to provide homes for get angry at anything, Not having i :*a equally necessary to boost ones them. 1 ■ any contested ................... delegations, they busines». Whenever a stranger ; omitted the formality of a creden- I comes fo the city with anything Populism is outdistanced by | tints committee. As they had no I to »<*11, the first thing be does is Roosevelt and his followers ; in ! funds except what each individual | to hunt up the newspapers. fact, some of the things the delegate carried, they declined to, Why ? Because he knows that Bull Moosera advocates is Pop­ appoint any treasurer. For the j it pay» to advertise. ulism gone crazy. For instance, reason that they had no longer a | Roosevelt want judicial deci­ national organization they did not { It is no wonder that a large sions referred to the people. It ! need to appoint a national commit- i proportion of business men and is a surprise to us how an intel­ I tee. They reaffirmed the Omaha' the manufacturers are for Taft, ligent citizen, and especially an platform of 1892, which was the' ■JET___ for they know that he is a safe attorney, can advocate such Koran of their party in its great ' man at the head of the country, tom my rot. It is a common ex- days, but they skipped the little de- uud that the country will lie pression amongst attorneys that tuil of nominating a ticket. But where is the tragedy in thia pro»|>erous if he is re-elected. they never know what a jury is ‘ji They don't proposed to take doing to do after hearing the affair? By polling their l.OJO.UOO II evidence and the argument in a votes in 1892, thereby aiding Cleve­ any chances, and that is the Under the Bull Moose land to get elected, they absorbed reason they are becoming big­ case ger boosters for President Taft system every attorney who re­ the Democracy shortly afterward, ceived a reverse decision in a leaving Cleveland without a party every day. case would have it referred to a in the later half of his second term, < )ur local Bull Moose rs hnve vote of the people, which would and then they compelled the Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window compared Roooevelt and John­ mean that nt every state elec­ Democrats hi 1896 to nominate a son to "Dreadnought»." If we tion people would be called up­ man who had stumped several 4 Sashas. know anything about dread­ on to vote and decide the cases states for their candidate. Gen. brought in the courts of Oregon Weaver, four years earlier. All of naughts they are built for de­ 4 structive purpoBM and when in for two years, for every attor­ i the doctrines which the Populists commission are loaded with ex­ ney who is defeated in a case preached long ago which were not 1 Agents.! for the Great Western Saw. ■ plosives. No one now doubts will hang on to it with the hope appropriated by the Democrats in but what Roosevelt and John­ that the people, who know noth­ 1896 or later on, were taken over by son are loaded with a whole lot ing about the evidence or the the Progressives at the recent con­ explosives to des troy the Repub­ law, will reverse the court’s de­ vention at Chicago. There is more 1 lican party and overthrow con­ cision. We think moat every Populism than old time Democracy The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. well balanced und sensible per­ of Tilden and Cleveland in . the stitutional government. son will agree with us that this Wilson platform. Col. Roosevelt’s 1 d, is Populism gone crazy and is creed is almost all Populism, with I It wan a college professor, worse than socialism. a few follies which the Ocula and Seth Ixiwe, who was elected Ithe Omaha political carpenters did , mayor to administer and clean The public school children of not think of. up New York city. When he The superfluity of a ticket was was placed in harness and had to Tillamook county did not take buck up against the hard pro­ to raising vegetables as they omitted by the Populists at St I Louis because the Progressives had blems of city government, bis should certainly have done, but got ahead of them in nominating theories nil fell to pieces and a few enthusiasts did so and for all stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, it. There was nothing pathetic; his administration was a gigan­ they are to lx* commended for about the Populists' exit at St. ' breath,sick headache,torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to tak* the success Which attended their tic failure. Candidate Wilson Louis. Wilson and Roosevelt are i»*als<> u college professor and efforts. We hear a great deal doing their work, and shouldering tilled up with theory, while Taft ubout the high cost of living, their worries. j is a practical man und knows and one wav to help reduce this is for each family in the county how tn bundle difficult problems At a meeting of the National Soil As Vermont will furnish the first which it may have on the ether In its first plank the in a practical manner from long to raise their own garden truck, experience and thoughtful chicken, eggs, small fruits, etc. Fertility Leagu- a speaker ««id 11 test of the temper of the people in states, especially on Maine, which platform declares that a ’ It is to lie hoped that renewed famine in the United States ir advance of the plebiscite of Novern- vote a week later. The Republicans tariff is unconstitutional is in- effort will be make next year to evitable unless the soil •u grently ber 5th. its work will be watched are alert and are making a strong platform multiplies words ------------------------- *«k^»erv ia little or no difference \ induce the young folks to raise improved. The boys’ corn dubs with interest by the politicians of canvass of the state. subject, trying to hedge. tieiweeu the old Tillamook rule these home products, and us a njw found in every str te are all shades of opinion. It has been t As a personally conducted affair Democratic party could Republican ever since the early or ruin faction aud the Bull greater stimulus to this it should building wiser than they > ncw compromise on a , ' lolated iol® the third term party has left the Mousers. As long as the rule or I be known that a county fair »•¿‘Hs.t.UaUndotVevolt and days of the party and is likely to glob* trotters completely in the atitution. remain in li ke thin year. The Roose­ ruin faction could dominate the will be held in TillauMM>k City ...amtn.ttm. What would be rear, Cook has been the merest I China also will hold » « Republican party of this county, and that valuable prises given come of tue.y ,lx„ ln U|jn Amer velt party, however, may take some election in November. to those who made the best dis name, elect and control officials ; votes away from the Republican tyro compared with the ubiquitous returns from back ilestricw^| colonel invariably and profusely on *"'“*•<>.> from 1 candidates. One county fair would otntr continent« » they remained regular Repub­ play. The colonel himself the spot. population of ‘¿J licans, but as soon as the peo­ do more good and cause greater _ ----- ‘ will make a few speeches in Ver- a strady job for several -iiw A« active r — ple revolted at these methods satisfaction than a dosenFourth iiekwe betw^ Mr. Wells wasonce against Bryan ,er* '*,e •*'or* moot this week, and Senator Dixo "f was cured of diard.1®** and nominated candidate« who of July celebrations,when most ’.'•® “°d the and others of his leaders are also to but the Wells appointment as demo dose of Chamberlain* tot • colonel, but in leading o— monev ........... goes ------ «— could not be controlled, then the '•* *he for a musical! talk there. Naturally, he wants to cratic treasurer is not necessarily B era and Diarrhoea Remeoy. ovation the colo jel ba lule and ruin faction, headed by Rftmctions ” As Fairview and * °o rival ex make the beat showing which is fresh attempt to knock Bryan into a M. E- Gebhardt, Oriole «ptStgnor Cr-jatore. is nothing better. For M" > piosaible for tbs “moral effect" cocked hat dealers. * 1 I I Advertising Batee. disgruntled office seekers, were the first to make a fight upon uou defeat urica, the vi.v Republican can- ■ and didate» and Republican party, Roosevelt and his followers have adopted exactly the same rule or ruin policy. Special Prices for Family Trade. BOTTLE GOODS. Domestic Beers. WINES. YS. AT ILLY STEPHENS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, Cor. First and First Avenue East. HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN'S SUPPLIES AND STEEL STOVES & RANCES. □fcj We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, ■ ALEX McNAIR CO LAMAR’S DRUG STORE. I