licaNialjt TILLAMOOK, The first step in buying or building a home is the Savings Account. Everybody should have a home of his own. A savings account with this bank, with regular deposits from the income, will provide the money for the first payment upon one. The sooner you begin, the sooner you will live in your own home. STTW00K COUNTY BANK »W ... TILL AM OPACITY. ORE-. . ÏLLAMOOK JOTTINGS Did clothes tjiade new at the City Inndry. Frank Kerreman and wife are in biting relatives. Blasses fitted, Any’ kind, any tie Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. « French dry cleaning, ladies’ gar- Ints a specialty at City Laundry. Ke will sell you a buggy for lees bney than it has cost us. Ask rode. • Lve chickens wanted at the Tilla- bok Meat Company’s Market, 13c. r pound. br. Jack Olson has opened den- I parlors over F. R. Beals’ office th phones. ie Tillamook Feed Co. will pay cash for your good sacks if ight in at once. E supfpvision Those who have friends visiting them, please send or hand in their names to the editor, for all news items are thankfully received. A suit has been filed in the county court by H. Wehrung & Sons against M. M. Mead to recover the sum of $250 on a promissory note. , Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton or $4.50 for half ton,or good firwood already sawed for $5.75 per cord or $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. * Wanted, work on farm by mar­ ried man, can milk or will consider a rental proposition.—Address F. G. Kemery, Route 2, Newberg, Ore. • Mrs. K. Borthwick and Mrs. J. Dalgetty, of Portland, who have been visiting with Captain and Mrs. Groat, left for their home this morn­ ing. Dr. R. T. Boats left Wednesday morning for New York, where he esh Salmon eggs 5c., Salmon will remain four months. He wil, ks 10c. a dozen. Small's Wharf, take a post graduate course while there. e Small. F or E xchange / desirable city marriage license wae issued arl Paul, of Hebo, and Blanche property in Medford, Ore, for acre­ age near Tillamook. H. C. Glos- phy, of Cloverdale. rs. Hathaway and daughters, who cock, 256 Realty St., Medford, Ore­ e been camping at Bar View, gon. A. G. Beals Lumber Company rned home Tuesday. le interior of the Lyric Theatre , has the contract for the lumber for ing torn out and it will be con­ I the new bank and hotel building ' and Blasker Bros, has the contract ed into a restaurant. for the plumbing. illiam Lytle and W. B. Gordon The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ ohn Langley, is a suit filed in lows who haul anything, anywhere, uatice court to recover $75.55. Office on Main Street, rence Hanenkratt’s saloon any time. been closed out at Rockaway opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call ccount of scarcity of business, us by phone, Main 651. Lost, on Saturday, between Tilla­ r Sale,—a young horse weigh- about 1300 pounda, or will trade mook and Wilson river, a string of lighter one. See D. L. Shrode. rose beads; strung with oblong, gold colored beads. Finder please Iph Ackley and family are leave same at this office. ng at Bar View thia summer, Elder R.Y. Blalock, the Baptist h is selling quite a number of ii can get the genuine Eastern missionary of^ this county, will i feed meats at the Tillamook preach in the Adventist Church Company General Supply next Sunday at 2; 30 p. m. Every­ • body invited to attend. » W. B. Aiderman expects to The regular Saturday excursion for Vancouver, B. C., shortly, : ■ train from Portland will lay over may remain there the coming 1 • in Tillamook until Monday, giving an additional day here This is on * on the new Christian account of labor day next week. h will be started on Friday, The Presbyterian Sunday school t will be built aa quickly aa will re-assemble next Sunday after ble. the summer vacation, and the B Chair has rented the Red Ladies’ Guild of the Presbyterian t building on First street and Church will also re-assemble next tart a city laundry and French Wednesday. leaning works. There will be preaching at the •-—Gold watch, hunting case, Adventist Church Friday, Saturday engraved on back. $10.00 and Sunday evenings by H W. d for return of same. H. H. Cottrell, President of Western Ore­ Bayocean, Ore. gon conference of Seventh Day Ad­ • D A. Mackenzie will occupy ventists. pulpit in the Presbyterian Will. Spalding came near meeting th on Sunday, having became with a serious accident on Tuesday, •r of that church. when a telephone pole fell that he leeting is called on Saturday was on. Fortuuately it struck Bert loon of the Progressive party Stephens'.saloon building and threw court house, for the purpose Spalding off, He was shook up ctmg an organixalion. some and hurt his shoulder UAIWRR’S variety store , TIUbHCDOOK- « < » 2>, 1912. Bring your chickens to the Tilla-i place of Alva Finlev, who had re- ! •nook Meat Company’s Market We signed. It was decided to buy a 1 P«v 13c. per pound « Lchool 8ite in the new territory I Editor M. Cornwall of the Timber-1 added to this district, and to avoid man, and F A. Armandy, chief building a school house at the I clerk of the Southern Pacific at Ruger place this year, arrange- Tillamook. Oregon Portland, were Bayocean visitors ments have been made to convey i > • last week. They left Monday for the three pupils to school in thia Portland The Directors of this bank beg to City. George Arthur Brown, State announce that it is untler entirely new E. F. Lamson has just sold to Chairman of the Oregon Progrès- A. R. Ford 30 head of beef cattle for management. sive party will arrive on Friday and $60 per head. This is the record price will address the voters of the county ever paid for beef cattle in this sec- < Mr. Wm. G. Tait, a capable and at the Court House, on Saturday tiou of the country. Mr. Lamson experienced banker, who has purchased afternoon. says that he sold the same kind of a controlling interest, has been elected For sale cheap, if sold immedi­ cattle during Cleveland's adminis­ ately, a horse, harness and buggy, tration for $15 per head and was President, and assisted by the Board of This is a bargain as the party must glad to get it. Is it any wonder Directors, will have the entire manage­ dispose of them at once. Don’t that Mr. Lamson is a thorough ment of the bank. miss this chance of buying a real republican and a Taft man.—Wil- . bargain. See Shrode. lamina Times. Mr. Chester Holden has been elected There is a good interest shown ' Chris Hansen was fined $50 for Vice-President. violating the fish law, in having a in the Holiness Camp Meeting now net more than one third across the being held in Tillamook. Evange­ The Board of Directors is as fol­ Wilson river. The complaint was list Harry Joseph Elliott will preach lows : C. W. Talmage, B. [C. Lamb, sworn out by Augus Gor, deputy twice each day at 2 p in. and 8 p. ui. j rp excepting Monday and Saturday af ­ game and fish warden. Wm. G. Tait, Pau! Schrader and ternoons. Some of the subjects for In connection with the Progres­ Chester Holden. this week will be “Christian Per­ sive Party’s meeting in this city on fection,’’ "Holiness,” “The two In future the bank will be con­ Saturday, a free show will be given Baptisms," "The Double Minded in the afternoon at the Star theatre, ducted on a conservative basis and busi­ Man," Sanctification as a second of the Panama Canal views. work of Grace,” "Sowing aud ness entrusted to it will, have efficient A double wedding will take place Reaping,” "Hell,” “Heaven,” and prompt attention. at the Seventh Day Adventist Quite a number of Tillamookers Church in this city on Monday evening, when George J. Scharf are camping on the beaches this and Miss Carrie Fox and Ernest M. season and on Sundays the trains Subke and Miss Pearl Knapp will are crowded with passengers who NOTICE. BAY GETS 7 LIGHTS. go to the beaches to enjoy the day. be married. There was a large crowd at Bar Appropriation By Congress to OFFICE OF COUNTY SCHOOL Geoge H Himes, assistant secre­ View on Sunday, where there is SUPERINTENDENT. tary and curator of the Oregon His­ Aid Tillamook Shore--Site fine bathing, open air dancing and To Teachers and Pupils; torical Society and secretary of the Already Chosen. other enjoyable features. The in. Eight Grade Examinations Sept. 6 Oregon Pioneer Association ; Cap­ coming trains always bring large Ill success that attended efforts and 6, at the County Court Room, tain W. H. Pope, a Columbia River crowds of pleasure seekers from i Tillamook City. All applicants wish of Tillamook Bay commercial in­ ing to complete the examinations so as pilot and W. P. Pope, were in the the outside and the rooms seem to terests in the past to obtain to take up 9th Grads work, should city on Saturday. be taken as soon as vacated. needed uids to navigation in thut present themselves at ths sbsve Nineteen days after the death of main way has been obliterated, stated dates. PROGRAM. George N. Johnson, his widow re­ for Ilenry L. Beck, inspector of New Corporations. Thursday Sept. Sth, Physiology, ceived payment in full on his bene the 17th lighthouse district, an­ Geography, History and Civil Govern­ Incorporation papers have been nounced Monday tluit as Con­ ment. ficiary certificate of $2000 in the Friday Sept. 6. Grammer, Spelling, A. O. U. W. Another member of filed of the Nestucca Valley Bank, gress has passed the appropria­ the order borrowed $350 on his which is to be established at Clov- tion bill, seven post lights would be Arithmetic and Writing. Teachers are obliged to satisfy the erdale, the incorporators being W. established on Tillamook Bay as School Superintendent that they have beneficiary policy. J. Logue, Walter H. Evans and done the Reading reuuired under the soon as practicable, A large number of Tillamook He has located them on the map “Reading Circle Act, before the cer­ people will leave next week to attend Joe. M. Reig. The capital stock tificates may be registered, la srder the State Fair, which commences will be $15,000. backed by Portland and the nearest to Tillamook City to register contracts the certificates and Tillamook people. This will proper will be the Dry Stocking should be registered. That time may on Monday, at Salem. The Southern Pacific will issue cheap rate tickets give those who reside in the south light. One will be placed at Dick be saved we have deckled to prepare f the county an opportunity point, the third at Long Jetty, fourth questions of test from the different on the P R. & N., the rate being one their banFirtg' in their own on the north aide of the Buy City books required rssd, and hold these and one third fare. tests at stated times. Saturday Sept. vicinity. cutoff, the fifth near Hobsonville 14, one will be given at the Coanty Rural Mail* Carrier Merril Smith Court Room, Tillamook City. We Articles of iucoriairation of the and the sixth on the wharf at is taking a 15 days' vacation, which Neskowin Dairy Association, with Garibaldi while the seventh will lie hope to make arrangements for hold­ is given to rural mail carriers un- I ing these tests in different parts of the $2,000 capital stock, have been filed the main channel light, shown from county so as not to place the Teaehara der the civil service rules, his pay with Joseph Au'dermauer, Nick a dolphin, on the southerly side of to much inconvenience in attending going on the same. Mrs. Smith is laus Affolter, Jatnes W. Myers and the entrance to the main road. Over them. the deputy and is carrying the The books required are: Civies and Joseph Kodad incorporators. a year ago Tillamook residents and mail and occassionly she takes her Health, Allen; The American Rural mariners sought to have more aids Schools, Foght; How to Study, Mc­ Articles of incorporation of the husband along for the benefit of Mohler Mercantile Co. have been established than have been doing Murry; The Teaching of English, his health. filed with Alva Finley. E. E. Finley duty, but though recommendations Chubb. The atxive hooks may be hail Wanted, a young man of foreign at my office. All parties wishing to and T. H. Goyne incorporators. were made at Washington, the read same may call and do so without birth to work on farm, Dane or the authorities there turned down being compelled to purchase them. Sweed preferred, who has not been The capital stock is placed at W<- have only a limited number, hence project. __________ in county long and wants a start $25,000. we have limited the time for which ttw Articles of incorporation of the Would not object to a young mar­ PULLMAN JOINS THE PRO­ books may be kept from the office. Tillamook Co. Operative Fish Com ­ Owing to the requirements of this ried man Good wages and certain CESSION. law being new to the teacher» of working interest in crops if desired. pany have been filed with a capital Oregon, lenacy will be extended until For information call at the Head­ stock of $20.000. The incorporators Get# in Line With Progres* an opportunity has been given for are J H. Hathaway, W. O. Chase light office. every one to take the teat as stated sive Cities That are Us­ and R. Blaine Hays above. W. B. Dennis and wife were in ing Bitulithic Paving. However the contracts will he re­ Articles of incorporation of the is the city last week. Mr. Deunis tained in this office until we are satis Masonic Building Association of Pullman, Washington, has given . fled that the required reading has keen the vice-president and manager of the Carlton & Coast Railroad Com­ Tillamook have been filed, which is notice to the world) that it is for done. Respectfully, pany. and came over to meet Rus capitalized for $10,000 divided inte progress and that her citizens are W. S. Busi, sell Hawkins of the Whitney Co. four hundred shares of the value enterprising by awarding a con- County Superintendent. He informs us that his company of $25 00each, with Chas. I.'Clough, tract for paving her streets with expects to build down the Trask ic. W Talmage, M. F. Leach, S. bitulithic. The city council of Pullman has Church of Christ Viereek and George Willett incorp­ River before a great while. for a long time been considering orators. It is the intention of the The base ball game on Sunday 10, Bible school with classa« the demand of taxpayers that the between Sheridan and Tillamook association to build a Masonic tem­ streets lie hardsurfaced, and after for all. ple next year on the lots recently resulted in favor of the visitors, Sec- various trips of inspection to cities I 11 a m., Preaching by the pastor, the score being 4 to 3. This is the bought from that purpose on that are using bitulithic, llassam, subject, ’’Will Jeans Come Agate?” third game the home team played ond street. 3 p in., Junior Endeavor. Dohirwny, Concrete, Bitumas, Asp­ with Sheridan, and notwithstand­ I 7 p in, Chriatinn Endeavor. Prices for Hogs. halt and other kinds of hardsurface ing their success with other teams, H p.m., Preaching, subject. 'Is paving, the council finally decided the Sheridan boys won three Up to 225 lbs., 10c., dressed. It Worth While?” unanimously in favor of bitulithic 225 lbs. to 275 lbs , SVjc dressed. straight victories. We extern! to you a cordial iovi- as the best and also cheapest in 275 pounds and over, 7c. i tation to any or all of these ••r- The Executive Board of the Tilla­ Tillamook Meat Company. . the long run. I vices. mook Commercial Club will send a Look at This R K. J opi . pastor. resolution to the Southern 'Pacific - M E Church. ———— requesting that immediate steps Bran. Per aack, S5c. 10 a.m., Sunday School. "Were all medicines as meritorious be taken in the erection of a depot, Shorts, $1 20 11 a.m , Sermon, subject, —“The aa Chamberlain’s Colic, Choi si» Procesa Barley, $1.50. as it will be a great inconvenience and Diarrhoau Remedy the world We have the goods. Come early Peace of God." to the traveling public to have to would be much better off and th« Tillamook Feed Co. 7 p.m., Epworth League. remain out in the open waiting for I erceritage of suffering greatly ils 8 p.m., Song and ser.non, “Re­ creased, writes Lindsay Weott. el trains in the wet weather. For Sale. ligion Brings Joy.’’ Temple, Ind. For sale by ail deal­ i ers. A special «lection will take place On account of lea vini; for the J. T MooRB. on Saturday to annex additional East. 1 will sell my team wagon, territory to the Port of Bay City, harness end gravel bed, at a bar­ but only those who reside within gain. Inquire at J. W. Maddux's the territory to tie annexed and office or to Wm. Kasom, Tillamook. that already in the Port of Bay Bids Wanted City, will allowed to rote, which is included in the Tillamook, Ho Bids will lie received fur the erec­ quarton. Fairview, Hay. Foley and tion <>f a parsonage for the German Garibaldi precinte. and Reformed Church, Plana A tout 700.060 young fish managed specificattotw can be seen at C. I. to get away from the Trask river Clough's Drug Store. lióla will lie hatchery during the recent raise op»?n on September !lth. 1912, and ( in the river. They were large the committee reserves the right enough to take care of themavlvea. to reject any or all bid«, All bids Sol Wheeler, wlio has charge of the to be mailed to E. J Giengvr, hatchery, and Ed. Mach V*»nted Tillamook. Ore. fti.fti) young »almon in the Salmon For Sale. tierry river, ¡#» ft*' I in the Kelchis river and MVWO in I the Neat urea Four hundred fifty dollar (fL'MO river. equity in H»v