Tillamook Headllgbt, August 22, 1®!2. UDIED THE BIRDS ”* READING IN BED. '.... Resolution Providing for the the City Surveyor": Determination to Improve1 Four*h Avenue East from the ' side of First Street to the Net Inferioua to the Eyes if a Few and the Time and Manner south north side of Third Street, in Tilla­ Siwipls Rules Are Observed. of Improving the following mook City, Oregon. To those addicted to tbe practice ot in Tillamook City. The improvement must be com­ Louis Mouillard Pointed the reading in bed the remarks of Dr. . Streets pleted on or before , December lat. Oregon. _____ Carl Seller will be of Interest He 1912. Way to the Aeroplane. B e I t R esolved ,—That the Com­ The proposals must be accom­ states that there to no valid reason to FATHER OF AVIATION. „tic Career of the Man Who Orlg- >tod the Theory of the Conqueat the Air With Machines That Would utato the Soaring of Vultures. be French-themselves masters of air-call lxiuto Moulllard the father aviation, although he never flew, uillard was a theorist It Is admlt- today that hla theories were Bound, lough be never put them Into ilevlng form. Moulllard wrote two ks. "The Empire of the Air" and igbt With Fixed Wings." Only the t of these works appeared during lifetime, and that bad a small clr- ition. But he pointed the way to and ten years after bls death tbe igbt brothers, following principles set down, proved that be bad aoiv- tbe problem. loulllard explained that to seek to by Imitating tbe beating of a bird's gs was error; that. Instead of try- this Impossible feat, man should tate those birds which soar with idy wings and arall themselves of i currents. If Moulllard bad possess- money there Is little doubt that he mid have demonstrated bls theory. It has been successfuly proved ie life of this remarkable man seems, superficial view, to have been a lure. But his compatriots, recog- ting his real worth, set up a mono- ■nt to bls memory at Hellopolls. ;ypt He died in 1897. The Btory bls life is pathetic. Moulllard was tbe son of a dyer of tons. From boyhood he was fas nated by tbe flight of birds. He anaged to buy an eagle, which lie creted In tbe family garret and udled with an avid Interest when ier he could escape from his tsioks > work. He watened the bird's ovements. measured Its wings and udled it with infinite pains. And ■hen he had mastered the secret. Itb tbe aid of his admiring sisters, be ullt an aeroplane with cotton and irset boues and determined biinseltto Going to a hill crowned with h lurch, with a sheer cliff on one side. >e young Inventor was about to trust imself to bls contrivance when the eiidle rushed at him. boxed his ears, onhsented bls machine and sent him onie tn disgrace. This was the only ttempt Moulllard ever made to fly. mt bls studies on the subject never eased. He showed such aptitude at drawing hat It was decided he should make bls Iving by this talent He won a scbol- rshlp and. going to Parts. studied tin­ ier Ingres. Yet while he drew and lalnted Ills mind was always on flight, ie would climb the towers of Notre lame, watch tbe startled birds take light nnd study their movements Moiilllard'a father died, and his nrtls Ic career suddenly closed He went to ilgerfa as a colonist and made a fall- ire In that, but tbe birds again were its teachers. He noted that the sea ilrds rose, turned and flew agnlnst the rind without a movement of their vines. He weighed the tsidies of the itrongeHt. calculated wing apace and advanced In but theories toward tl>e truth Casting about for a vocation. for he was poor, Mouillard secured a plai e to tench drawing at the Polytechnic scho "Flight With Plied Wlne forfeited as fixed to the North line of Third street in ' and liquidated damages in case Tillamook City, Oregon, in the fol­ bidder refuses to enter into a con- lowing manner : , tract and provide a surety bond By establishing the grades of said equal to the amount of the contract streets ; for the faithful performance of the By grading said streets to the pro­ ! work. The Council reserves the per sub grades ; right to reject any and all bids. By paving the road ways of said Before acceptance of work by city, streets full width with Bitulithic successful bidder shall furnish the pavement ; Mayor and Common Council with a By constructing artificial stone guarantee maintenance bond equiv­ curbing along each side of said alent to 50 per cent of the amount streets; of the contract, guaranteeing that By laying and constructing Bitu­ for a period of five years from the ertnpietion and laving of said bitti- lithic headers ; lithic pavement in proposed paving By constructing inlets ; By constructing catch basins and district, lie will at his own expense providing for the necessary surface repair and make good any defects drainage, together with all appur­ arising ,frotn faulty material or j workmanship, and due to tbe pro­ tenances thereto; All said improvements to be made per use of said pavement as a road I I i in accordance with the Charter, ! way. I Ordinances and Resolutions of Till I j Attention of all contractors is amook City, Oregon, and the plans called to the agreement of Warren and specifications of the City Sur-1 Brothers Company, patentees of veyor now on file in the office of the •the Bitulithic Pavement, on file in I the office of the City Recorder of City Recorder. I All of said improvements to be said Tillamook City. Oregon, in ac­ I made at the expense of the property cordance with which agreement and all thereof adjacent thereto, and ■ ( Warren Brothers Company agrees specially benefitted by said im- | to license all contractors desiring provements ; E xcept that the cost . , to bid for the work to lay Bitulithic and expense of establishing the pavement in accordance with its grades of said streets ; and the cost patents and the terms of said agree­ of constructing storm sewers, ment. Done by order of the Common drains, inlets, catch basins, man­ holes and all appurtenances for the Council ot Tillamook City. Oregon, surface drainage, included within of date August the 5th, 1912. T. B. H andley , the limits of the intersection of any City Recorder of Tillamook street with any street or alley ; the I seal ] City Oregon. estimated cost and expense of all engineering and surveying neces­ sary for said improvements to be Notice of the Appointment ot Ad­ I done by and under the direction of ministrator. the City Surveyor; ascertaining the N otice is H ereby G iven ,—T o ownership of the lots and parcels of land included in the assessment all whom it may concern that the ICEBERG S SECRET. districts ; advertising, mailing Htid County Court of the State of Oregon, I One of the Mysteries of the Sea That publishing all notices required to for the County of Tillamook, has be advertised, published or mailed; appointed the undersigned adminis­ Will Navor Ba Solved. accpunting, clerical labor ; books trator of the estate of SAMUEL ! Tbe age of an Iceberg is problem­ and blanks expended or used by the PERREN, deceased. All persons atic. Tbe berg that sank tbe Titanic city and the City Recorder or City having claims against said estate may have been forming on the coast Treasurer in connection with said are hereby required to present the of Gfeenland when Colurnbus crossed improvements ;* all salaries of in­ same, together with the proper tbe sea or even before that Then spectors and all other necessary vouchers, to the -undersigned, at the office of E. J. Claussen, Tilla­ again It may have been reared by tbe cost of inspection in connection mook Block, Tillamook, Oregon, with said improvements, shall be elements since Peary’s first expedition paid by warrants drawn on the within six months from the date of to the pole, but probably it antedated general funds ot the city. this notice ■teamsbips by many years. August 15th, 1912. The work shall commence within A lfred P erren , In 1841 a great berg appeared off St 30 days after the signing of the con­ Administrator of the estate of John’s. N. F. Its pinnacle was fully a tract, and be prosecuted with such Samuel Perren,deceased. hup-'red fe“t above the sea, and it» vigor that all of the improvement I base formed a glittering island tn tbe work embraced in the plans and 1 specifications shall be entirely com- middle of which, imbedded betweeu | pleted on or before the date herein NOTICE OF CONTEST. two bills of lee. were two ships side by : after stated. Department of tiie Interior, side. Tbe musts were gone, but other­ The contractor or contractors United States Land Office, wise the upper works seemed to be In­ ' shall complete the foregoing itn- Portland, Oregon, tact. Scattered about tbe decks were I provements within the time fixed August 12th, 1912. i by the Common Council, towit: on various objects that might have been HARRIS SAMUEL LEMMON, ' or before December 1st., 1912, and To of Blaine, Oregon, Contestee ; the frozen bodies of tbe crews, All 'in commencing said work shall con- You are hereby notified that Jacob were covered with snow. i tinue without delay until complet- Several old sailors approached the | ed, and if the improvements be not A. Amacher, who gives 611 Third St., Portland, Oregon, as his post­ berg as near as they dared to and completed within the time fixed by address, did on July 22, 1912, I scanned tbe ships through powerful the Common Council, Tillamook office file in this office his duly corrobo­ glasses, but could not see any name or City shall be paid damages to the rated application to contest and anything to indicate their nationality amount of T wenty F ive ($25.00) secure tiie cancellation of your or business on the seas. There were per day for each and every day be­ Homestead, Entry No. 033011, Serial yond the date stated, which amount no sigus ot life aboard them, nothing shall be paid by the contractor un- No. 0330!), made December 13, Bill, but the motionless masses under their I less the time for the completion of for E 14 of Nw j and Lots 1 and 2, Section 30, Township 3 South, Range white coverings. ; improvements is extended by the 7 West, Willamette Meridian, and Tbey were believed to be part of Sir Common Council of Tillamook as grounds for his contest he Johu Franklin's expedition and were City, Oregon. allege« that said Harris Samuel The pavement shall be laid only Lemmon bus never established resi­ seen at the mouth of the harbor almost i in dry and suitable weather. dence on said land, has never culti­ stationary for several dsys. Then one I Upon completion of the improve­ morning the berg was gone, and the ments in accordance with the plans vated any part of the same nor ultimate fate of the derelicts It carried and specifications of the City Sur- made any improvements thereon, has never lived on »aid laud, but is still one of tbe mysteries of the sen i veror and as shall be provided in the has wholly abandoned the same for —Minna Irving In New York Press I contract, and upon the same being more than six months immediately accepted by the Common Council preceding the commencement of i of said City, said contractor shall this contest. The Pillars of Hercule« be paid for said improvements in You are, therefore, further noti­ Tbe "Pillars of Hercules" was the accordance with the provisions of name anciently given to the mountains the contract and the Charter ot fied that the said allegations will tie taken by thia office as having ¡of Calpe and Abyla. standing opposite said City. ! oeen been comessvn confessed i,v by yvu, you, ««>«« and yvua your to each other, tbe one on the Etiro[>eiin | That the contractor to whom the I -d entry wdl lie canceled there . ... your . further .. . . to aud the other on tbe African shore of contract is awarded will be requir I under without right the strait which connects tbe Medlter •d to furnish a surety bond far thei be heard therein, either before this faithful performance of the con-1 office or on appeal, if you fail to ranean sea with the Atlantic ocean ’ Tbe mountains are now called tbe tract for a sum equivalent to the j tile in this office within twenty days full amount of the same, having as fourth publication of this Rock of Gibraltar and Jebel Zatant surety thereon, some Surety C0***". notice, as shown lielow, your an • Tbe word Gibraltar, which Is at pres pany, satisfactory to the Mayor and - swer under oath, specifically meet- ent also applied to the strait, was Common Council, authorized to aoijng and responding to these allega originally "Jebel Taric," or "Mountain ' business in the State of Oregon. |ponH of contest, or if you fail with­ fj,at time to file in this office due of Taric," Taric being tbe name of the and before acceptance of the work that you have served a copy leader of the first Mohammedan band by city, successful bidder shall fur- , which crossed at that point over Into nish the Mayor and Common Coun-; O| your answer on the said con cil with a guarantee maintenance : |eRjani either in person or by regia- Spain In tbe year A. D. 710. bond equivalent to 50 per cent of' tered nlaj) lf this service i» the amount of tlie contract, guaran- ina(|e by the delivery of a copy of Power of 8t. Francia. teeing that’for a periodtof five years r BOSWer to the contestant in The power of BL Francia of Aaslsl. from the completion and laying of ,^rBOn, proof of such service must son of tbe practical Peter Bernsrdone said bitulithic pavement in propos- , ■ be either the »aid contestant’s ____ ________ acknowledgment of his re- and tbe tender Madonna Hca. over the J ed paving district, he will at his ■ written j own expense repair and make good | cel pt of tiie copy, showing the date western world of his time and over defects arising from faulty of ftg receipt, or the affidavit of the our hearts In our time has been ex ’ 1 any material _ or workmanship and duel. .. . .. I riernon by whom the delivery wu» — iino uoirl no vpmpnf plained In many ways. But it has only ' a _______ to the proper use of said pavement llla,je »fating when and where the one source, sod that to love l-ove as a roadway. 'copy was delivered; if made by made him ■ poet, love made him a TheCity Recorder ie hereby autho­ registered mail, preof of such ser­ saint, love gave him life and fire and rized and directed to adveneej for a vice must consist of the affidavit of understanding and all tbe things that period of ten days by publishing the person by whom the copy was this resolution and notice, asking was mailed stating when and the were added to him.—Century Maga proposals, in one issue of the Tilla­ post office to whicn it was mailed, elne. _____ ___ mook Headlight, on the 22nd day of and this affidavit must be accom­ August, 1912, and to poet this reao panied by the postmaster'» receipt His S»l» hit ion and notice asking pro|waala, ' for the letter. “Yoo are not afraid to die, are yon? on or before »aid date in three : You should »late in your answer ' a»ked tbe weeping watcher by the public place», in Tillamook City, the name of the post office to which Oregon, inviting proposals for 1 you,desire future notices to be sent ' bedside I "No.” whispered tbe chronic kicker. doing of »uch improvement work to you. H. F. H igby , Register. , "but it doe» worry ma to think that I in form substantially as follow», to- Date of first publication August shall » ood be with tbe «Bent majority wit : P roposal » for i 15th, 1912 ; date of second publica- when all my life I bar« no enjoyed N otice A sking I mprovement ..-v. .. . tion August 22nd. 1912; date of Seine in tbe notoy minority Sealed proposals proposal» will be r>e receive«! received thir,| publication August 29th, 1912; at the office of City Recorder of Till- ‘ date of fourth publication Septem­ Tao Small a Rin®. amookCity. Oregon,until the 4lh day ber 5, 191’2. yon need. ’ Mid the ’ '« ’ rd» oi September, -I»12, at 6 00 o ’ clock "What I p m., for tbe improvement of the The ’’Progreaalv»” Party — hla ponderooa way. "to an eu medic to Mrgetneat of yowr dally roand. a wider following »treeta by grading, paving 1» the individual, man or womau, with bitulithic pavement, construct who u»es Foley Kidney Pill« for rircie of activity.” ing artificial »tone curbing, laying backach rheumatism, weak back, I Mebby that’» right." said the pa and constructing bitulithic header», and fother kidney and bladder ir- ttant -I m a bareback rid« to a ooe constructing inleto. and catch regularlantiea Foley kidney Pills ring rtrroa “-Clevatand Plain Dealer basin» »nd providing for the neces­ are healing strengthening, tonic sary surface drainage, together and quick to produce beneficial re with all appurtenance« thereto, in ■ults. Contain no harmful drug«. Mekm, Headway. "Have yon a spare cigar a boat you the manner provided by the Char Never «old in bulk Put np in two ter Ordinancea and Jteaolutiona of «ize« in sealed tMrttlea. The genu­ nW chapT Tillamook City, Oregon, and the ine in a yellow package. Iamar « -t ertalaly Bot I thoM*« F" plane and »fiecificatione heretofore Drug Store.___________ going to atop eaaoklag _ adopted for said improvement Hring your chickens to the Tilla­ Ho | am Mt not •«> a^T»P<'r ' which are now on file in the office already quit sax*Ing my oara rigs'»-" of the City Recorder of Tillamook mook Meat Company'« Market. We * City, Oregon, also at the office of pay Uc. per pound. Huetou lT»oacrtg<- be urged against using the eyes tn a proper manner tn a recumbent posi­ tion-such use is the least tiresome and can be persisted Io for longer per lods without damage than any other position. We all know that grave damage to often done by reading tn a recumbent posture, but therein possibly some oc­ ulists are at fault Had It been the universal practice during tbe last twenty or thirty years to give careful directions how to read lying down In­ stead of saying to one and all. “You must not read lying down." there would be less near sight and better eyes in the community than now exist Three easily scolded errors cause all tbe harm possible from reading lying down, tbe first often leading to tbe other two. They are insufficient or wrongly directed light, short reading distance and tipping tbe book out ot tbe plane at right angles to tbe line of vision. If. however, every one reading lying down will so arrange bls lounge or bed that the light comes over the head without striking tbe eyes and falls well upon the page. If he will hold his book at a long reading dis tance and take care that the line of letters shall be at right angles to the line of vision, be can be sure of doing bls eye» no more barm than if be were sitting up. More than this, there to much posi­ tively in favor of reading lying down. Dr. Seller concludes. “The recumbent posture allows more rest of the bodily structures than tbe sitting posture, and there Is greater possibility of rest­ ing and repair tn that position.’’—lx>n- don Globe. AN O^OJl ßT8TE F^,| $18,000.00 offered in Premiums ? on Livestock, Poultry, Agricultural and other Products RACES, DOQ SHOW, shooting TOURNAMENT, BAND CONCERTS, FIREWORKS AND FREE ATTRACTIONS. Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks Reduced Rates on all Railroads. For partcu'ars address : FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary, Salem Oregon. ’ ■/ a August at the Beaches The beach season is in full swing. Go while the crowd» go. Enjoy the cool breezes now, while the heat is so unpleasant inland. 3athing, boating, hill climbing, fishing, hikes over delightful trails. Oregon beaches belter prepared than ever before to care for the crowd». Plenty of accommo­ dations. Lots of fun. The water is finet GO VIA THE Newport, Excellent train Nehalem, service. W/SUNSIT Bayocean, round-trip fare*. lOSOlHSSHASTAj I ROUTES I Tillamook Co M c T y V Beaches Season Special week-end and Sunday fares'. Send for illustrated booklets about the Oregon resorts and our special folder on “Vacation Days in Oregon.” It tells all about the beaches, Bprings, mountain resorts, etc.“ Call on nearest agent' for inforrnution'relative to fares, literature, etc., or address w , JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Low lion nd Trips East On the dates given below, round trip ticlketa will be aold frooi ASTORIA AND PORTLAND, to the points in the Knot altown La- low, and many others, nt greatly reduced fares quoted. Fast Train East In connection with North Pacific and Great Northern Railways. Atlantic City . »111.00 Ballimore ... 107.50 110.00 Boston ... . Buffalo »1.50 72.50 Chicago ColoradoSpringw 55.00 Denver................. 55.(1) Detroit ............. W S» Dulutii............... aim atai Kansos City Milwaukee .... 72.50 Minneapolis .., tnoo ■Montreal ...... 100.11) New York......... K*.«) I 'mahn ......... S Philadelphia Pittsburg .... St. Idillio .... St. Paul......... Toronto Washington.. di' Od It* M 91..a l 70.00 «O