Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 22, 1912, Image 6

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    lot 12 block 9 ......................
township 5 8, range 10
5 I L C Kraecliuke, Necarney
lot 19 t’KM’k 0...............
George W. Baker, E f of Nw
H. W Little. Necarney City,
1, section 15, township 5 S,
lot 17, luock 1J
7 ao I
range 10 west ................ . .
E. E. Stephens. NecarneyCity,
C. B. Upton, Tract No. 709.
lot 13, l»ks k d
For further description see
ClaraH.c o|by.Necer..eyCity.
tract book in assessor's
lot 5. bio. k d........................
office, page 457, section
Grace l>. Youngci. Nec..rney
15, township 5 S, range 10
lots 9 „t’.d is. blot k 11
west ...........................
D. 1- Rader. Necarney City,
E. J. Mendenhall. S H of Se
lot I,*, blis l; 11 . ■ ..............
•4 and Se f of Su|, section
1 J, G. Muyt • rimn, Necarney
15, township 5 S, range 10
City, lots 1» aim 19, block
7 3) 1
west .............................
W. A. McKinster, Sw ol Nw
| ClaraB.Colby .XeCurneyCdy
} and W >/i of Sw J and Ne
lot 22 block II......... ...............
of Sw|, section 17 township
15 75 E E. Stephens, XeCarney
3 S, range lOwest
lot 24, block II.............
Unknown owner, Tract No
Xelialeiii Bay la.eu ' •> . .Ne­
For further descrip­
carney City, lot 10 umck 12
tion see tract b<«»k in as­
Neha em Bay Lana co.. Ne
sessor's office, page 401.
Carney City, lot XI, bioek 13
section 1», township 5 S,
42 Nenalem Bay Land Co., Ne-
range lowest
1 carney City, l-t 23. blocs 14
Fannie F. Yach, Se of x
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne-
north of Litt'e Neutin
[ carney City, lots 9 and 10,
river, section 23, townsl
block 15 ................... .
5 S. range 10 west
I Nehalem Buy Land Co,, Ne­
Frank Yach, Ne ,'4 of Se '4.
carney City , lot 12, block 1.1
and Se of Ne L, section 21.
i Nehalem Bay laind Co., Ne­
township 5 S. range io
carney C;ty. lot 15, block 15
west, and W Ij of Nw U,
Nehalem Bay Land ^o., Ne­
section 24. township 5 S,
carney City, lots 1» and 19,
9 93
range 10 west.............. ■
block 15 .... ...........................
_____ ______
E Robinson. Sw .f
W G. Oberg. NecarneyCity,
sw J, section 2ti. township
lot II, buK’k 15........ .......
5 s, range Kl «est.................
Caesar Weisman, Necarney
George I
Ri binaon. se of
lot Ki. block 15 ..........
se i. section 27, township
2 00 G. E Nichols. NecarneyCity,
5 ». range 10 west.........
lot 1. block Ki.......................
F 1). Stalford. timber on
yjehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
I.ot 4. section 30, township
carney City, south *2 lot 12,
4 03
5 », range 10 west...............
block 16
Geo. E. Robinson. Xe i of
Annie Walker, NecarneyCity,
Ne f section 34, township a
north j lot 12, block 16 ....
1 (K)
», range 10 west .. .........
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
Geo. E. Robinson, Nw of
carney City, lot 14, block 16
Nw i sei’tion 35. township
1 44 W. G. Oberg, NecarneyCity,
5 8, range 10 west ..
lot 22, block 16.......................
J. >|. <ileovea. K" ■ d »« i
If W. Lytle, Necarney City,
section 30. township 5 »,
1, block 17.........................
range lo west
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne
Tillamook l.-ind and Invest­
carney City, lot 21), block 17
ment Co.. !s>t 2» section
Nehalem Bay Land Co., .Ne­
13. township 5 S, range
carney City, lot 7, block 17
west Lots 5 and 12 sec-
M. D. Deane, Necarney City,
tion 24. township .5 S,
lot 22, block 17 ...................
12 (IO
range II west....
Leona Laughlin, Necarney
lames Walton. Jr.. True
City, lot 23, block 17..............
93d. For further description
J R. Neer, Necarney City,
see trai t book in assessor’s
lots 1 and 2, block 1»..........
office, page 470, section
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
25. township 5 S. range
city, lots 9 and 10,
11 west, and Tract No. 937
block 1»
For further description
Ernest Blue, Necarney City,
see tract book in _assess-
lots 11 mid 12, block 1»........
or’s office, page 471, sec­
L. M. Bill, Necarney City,
tion 25. township 5 s,
lot 13, block IS ...................
20 (IO
range 11 west.................
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
F. I). Mulford, Se of Nw j
carney City, lots 1 and 2,
Ne of Sw f less sold, sec
block 19 ...................................
section 25, township 5 S,
range 11 west......................... (X) 00 J. L , J. C. and R. C. Robin­
son, Necarney City, lot 7,
F. 1>. Stalford. Timber on Se
block 20 .... ...........................
of Sw f and S j of Se f sec­
tion 25, township 5 S,
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
carney City, lots 1.5 and 1<>,
range 11 west.........................
block 21
Carl G. Frank >4 interest
and H. I’ingel i interest,
Nehalem Bay Land Co,, Ne
carney City, lot 19 block 21
W W of W i ‘ section 10,
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
township 0 south, range
3B 00
carney City lots 2 3 and 4
9 west..........
block 22 ...................................
J. W. Boyer, I.ot 2 and N i
of 1 x>t 3, section 12, town
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
• hip I) S, range 9 west....
carney City lots 1» and 19
Jas. Altenbcryer, Sw f sec
block 22
tion 3>. township (I S,
L. H Hansen, Necarney City’
range 10 west
lot 15 block 22
O. C Wright, E J of Sw f
I L. Appleton, NecarneyCity
anil W J of Se i section 17
City lol 9, blcck 24...............
township (i », range lowest 11 50 Nehalem llay Land Co., Ne­
S. G. Reed, Neiill kali nie
carney City lots 14 1516 and
Mountains, lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
17 block 26......................... ...
5, (J. 7, ». 9, 10, II. 12, 13. II.
A. J Henneman, Necarney
15, Iff. 17, 1». 19 31, 21 22.
C tty lot 25 block 26
and 23, block 1. lots 1, 2, 3,
M. D Deane, Necarney City
4. 5, 0 and 7, block 2............
27 oo
lot », block 27...............
S. G. Reed, Neiill kall-me
Jennie Colin, Necarney City
Mountains, lots », 9, 10. II,
lot 9 block 27
12, 13, 14, 15 10, 17 an I 1«,
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
block 2, lot» I, 2, 3. and I,
carney City lots 16 and 17
block 3, lots 0, 7 », 9 10. 11
block 27....................................
and 12, block 3, lots I, 2 3,
I. H llansen, NecarneyCity
20 (Jx
4, 5, 0 and 7, block 4
lot 12 block 2»......... ..........
S. G Reed, Neahkahnie
Leona Laughlin, Necarney
Mountains, lots 8, 9, 10, 11,
City lot 15 block 2» ..............
12, 13 14 and 15 block 4,
T. Tyson mid M. K. Ruff,
lots 1, 2, 3 4, 5, (J, 7, », 9, 10,
Necarney City lot 1» b ock
11, 12, 13. 14, 15. 10, 17. I». 19,
. ............
20, 21, 22 and 23, block 5 .
28 32 ' Nehalem Bav Land Co., Ne-
8 G. Reed, Neah kali nie
I carney City lot 10 bluer 31
Mountains, lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Nehalem Day Lund Co., Ne­
0. 7, », 9. 10. II, ’2, 13, 14, 15.
carney City, lot II block 31
10, 17, 1». 19. 20, 21. 22. 23,
Neha em Bay Land Co , Ne-
24. 25, 20. 27 , 2» mid 29,
cart’ey City lots » and 9
block 0
31 1«
block 33.....................................
S. G
Reed, Neah-kah-tlie
N. II. I'rooxt. Necarney City
Mountains lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
lot 1» block 53 .
.. . .
0, 7, » and 9, block 7, lots
Nehalem Buy Land Co., Ne­
1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 0, 7. ». 9. 10. If.
carney City lot 13 block 34.
12. 13, 14 mid 15, block »,
Jos. J. Hague. Ne arneyCity
lota I, 2, 3. 4, 5 mid (J. block
lot 13 block 33 .........
27 («I Jos J. Hague, NecarneyCity
8 G. Reed. Neuli-k ili h iv
lots 4 ■’ 5 un<l ......................
0 block 40 . ..
Mountain», fot« 7. I, P. K»,
Jos J Hiiguv. NecarneyCity
11, 12. 13 and
lota 13 10 mid 17 block 49..
1. 2, 3. 4. 5, (\ 7, N it nd 9,
II. A k ell, Necurnev City
block 10 ....
15 01
lota 7 » and 9 lilock 43 ....
S. G. Reed, Neuli knh-nip
A. Kell. Necumey City
Mountain», Iota 13. II. 15.
lots 12 13 mid 14 block 42....
10 and 17, block 10, lota I, 9•»
John II Hempel ley, lota » and
3, 4 mill 5, block II ........
9 block 1 Seubright ............
S. G. Reed. Neah-kahnie
L. B. Senaaky, lot 7 block 3
Mountains, lots 0. 7, 3, W,
Se.ibright ....
10 and II, block II, lota I, 2.
I.. I. Wright. lot H block 7
3, 4, 5 mid 0, blot k 12
11 04
8. G. Reed, Neah kah nie
I. . I.. Wright, lot 5 block »
Mountains, lots 11, 12. 13, 14.
Seubright ....
15 and 10. block 12. hits 1,
T. J. James, lot 10 block »
2, 3, 4, 5. (I. 7 mid 7, block
Sealii iglit .... ...............
13 ..........
12 »» A. E Cliuiiiberhiin. lot •>
S G. Reed, Neulikah me
block 2. Sunset Beach .
Mountains, lots 9, 10. II 12
W. L 1 row Io In, lilock 2.
mid I» block 13, lets I. 2. 3,
Sunset Beach....................
4 mid 5, block 14 ..............
9 311 R. E. I’arsonx, lots 17 anil 1»,
Daniel Meaner, Neali kali nie
block 2, Sunset lieacll ...
Mountains, lots », 9 anil 10,
Mary E. Co<>|H-r, lot II. block
liloi k 12
3. Sunset Bench.....................
Nehalem Bay Land Co , Ne
R R. Merrick, lot 13. block 4.
came) City, lots 5 mid (’.,
Sunset Beach ...
block 3 ................ .............
92 E F. Kelly, h>t 21. bhick 4,
Fannie ■ K. Rutf. Necarney
Sunset Benell, .......................
City. lot I, biota I ..........
40 J. S. Bovey, lota 17 and 1».
¿tell» I R. Appieve. Necarney
blis k 5 S11 set Beach.........
City, lot 12. blix’k 4
40 E F. Emerson. Iota I and 2
HMinplon, Nrcrtrnry
blisk 7 Sunset Beach.... ..
lot lb, block .... 4
E. E. Addison, lot '20 block 7
Nehalem Bay Land Co , Ne
Sunset Beach
carney City, lot 27. bhs’k 4
40 B. E Gritman. lot 2 block
W G t>l erg. Necarney City,
9 Sunset Beach ...
lot 2» block 4
E. V. Gortli. lot 7 block II
Margaret Wood. Necarney
Sunset Bench .......................
City, lot 13. block 0 ..........
40 Florence I\>yle. lot lo block 15
M Ë. King half intereat
Sunset Bench . ................ .
and 1. Rex Busan, half
T. K. and M. E. Read, lot
interest. Necarney City,
0 block 19 Sunaet Beach...
lot 9, block 7
40 Cliaa. E. Hutch, lot 16. block
Nehalem Bay Land Co.. Ne-
19 Sunaet Beach...................
cmnev City, lot », blis k H
40 F I Schult^ lot I. block 31
Mildred Westerman, lot» 10
Sunaet Beach........
anil 17. block ».......................
U4 F. E Schulta, lot 3 black 3>
Alice Weister. Necarney City,
Sunaet Beach.......
lots 3 mul 4 blis k 9
I« K E. Schulta. lot 9 block 29
H W Lx tie. Necarney City.
Sunaet Beach.. .
1.1 11 M m k V
«I E. F. undC. II. Euiemon lot»
|l G. Oberg. Necuiuey City,
I 2 3 block 22 Sunaet Beach
46 E. H. Ellingwood, lot 7 block
22Suneet Beach.....................
46 J. C. Auterson. lot 20 block
22 Sunset Beach.....................
46 Emma J. Keys, lot 23 block
22 Sunset Beacn.....................
46 J. B. W Anderson, lots 5
and 6 block 23Sunset Beach
46 J. B. W Anderson, lots 13
14 (dock 23 Sunset Beach
92 Mildred Chambers lot S
block 24 Sunset Beach....
46 B. I. Backard. lot 4 block 25
Sunset Beach ......................
Bliil II. Newell, lot 1» block
1» Suns»t Beach ..................
Agnes N. Odeen, lot 21 block
19 Sunset Beach...................
Nehalem Bay Bark Land Co ,
lot 17 block 5, Nehalem
Bay Bark
« H. \V. Lytle, lot 3 block 7,
N lialem Bay Bark ...........
Cai mil Van Orsdall, S
101 R. block 15 and lol 15
10. ck 15, Nelinlem Bay
i* rk ..........
Ne I. in Hay Bark Land Co.,
i t I .
I ick 23, Nehalem
Bay Bai k ........
N .1 em Bay Park Land Co,,
lots 10 and 11, block 24,
N••iialein Bay Bark..........
I'heekla Bright, lot 16 block
25, Nelialeiu Bay Park
92 I N ick Geide, lots » and 9
block 2 i, Nenalem Bay
46 I Park..........................................
A. M. H..naen, lot 1» n.ock
26, Nelli*.em Ba Park ....
46 E. W. Horton, lot 19 I.lock
26. Nehalem ray P.i’
W. E. Sevenge', lots 5 to 7
block 2», Nehalem r...y
Nehalem BayPaik ..and, o.,
lot 5 block 30, Neo.1.em Bay
46 Nehalem Bay Park l...n I < o.,
lot 6 block N, Neh.’.le.n Buy
Benj. Young, beginning at
Sw corner lot 15 ; theme
east 225 feet ; thence north
110 feet ; thence west 2.5
feet ; thence south 110 feet
to beginning, lot 15 block
I, Nehalem Bay Park........
46 Bechill Bros., lot» 25 and 26,
block F and lots 27 anti 2»,
block S, Nehalem Bay
Park .........................................
92 E. M. fnnacent, Tract No.
761. For 'urther descrip­
tion see tract bookin as­
sessor’s office, page 600,
lot 43 block W, Nehalem
Bay Park .................................
Nehalem Bav Park Land Co.
Jots 1 to 5 block X, Ne­
halem Bay Park .
Nehalem Bay Park Land Co ,
lots » and 9, block X, Ne­
halem Bay Park ................
C. T. Schroeder, lot 19 block
A, Nehalem Bay Park ....
F. E. Fenler, lot 23 block A,
Nehalem Bay Park ............
92 Jennie M. Brauihall, lot 5
block 1 Nehalem Beach....
46 Nehalem Bay l.a::d Co., lot
6 block 1 Nehalem Beach,
and lot 1 block 2 Nehalem
1 3»
Beach............... •........................
Richard Tunk, lot 2 block 3
Nehalem Beach......................
92 Nehalem Bay Land Co., lot
1 block 6 Nehalem Beach
46 Nehalem Bav Land Co., lot
1 block 10 Nehalem Beach
46 Jennie M. Brauihall, lots 7
» 9 block 10 Nehalem Beach
Jennie M. Brauihall, lots 21
22 block 10 Nehalem Beach
Nehalem Bay Lund Co , lot
29 block 10 Nehalem Beach
Nehalem Bay Land Co., lots
7 and » block 12 Nehalem
Beach ........................................
4« Daniel Cronen Eat., lota I 2*
3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 II 12 block 1
Pacific Harbor .....................
92 Daniel Cronen, list., lots 1 2
3 4 5 6 7» 9 10 li 12 13 14 15 16
block 6 Pacific Harbor....
Daniel Cronen. Est . lots 1 2
3 4 5 0 7 » 9 10 II 12 block »,
Pacific Harbor, and lots 1
2 3 4 5 0 block 9 Pacific Har­
bor ..............................................
Daniel Cronen, list., lots < »
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 block 9
Pacific Harbor, and lots 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 » 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10
block 10 Pacific Harbor....
Daniel Cronen Ext., lots 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 » 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16
block 16 Pacific Harbor
46 Daniel Cronen, Ext., lotx 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 » 9 10 II 12 block »
Pacific Harbor, and let» 1
2 block 19 Pacific Harlior
46 Daniel Cronen. Ext., lots 3 4
5 6 7 » 9 10 II 12 block 19
1 3S .Pacific Harbor, and lots 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 » 9 10 II 12 13 14 1,5
1 :«
16 block 20 Pacific Harbor
Daniel Cronen Ext., lots I 2
1 3»
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16
block 21 Pacific Harlior. .
1 3» Nellie Beswick, blocks 123
4 5 6 7 6 9 10 l.iverpixil ....
Wf Nellie Beswick, lots 5 6 7 6 9
block II, and all of blocks
12 13 14 15 10 ¡7 1», Liver­
pool ............. ..................... ..
46 Nellie Beswick, lots 2 3 4 5 6
block 19 Liverpool...............
40 Nellie Beswick, all ol blocks
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2» 2!) 30
31 32 Liverpool ........
Nellie Beswick, all of blinks
34 35 idi 37 Liverptuil
Xellie Beswick, lots 6 9 10 11
block 38, and all of blocks
,’tl 40 tl 42 43, and lots 4 2
block A, mid lots I 2 block
B Liverpool .............
40 W 111, Padnerknook lots 1 2 3
4 block 11 Liverpool...........
40 Anna A. Sickles, lot 1 block
>9, l.iverpool .......................
46 A. A. Muck, lot — blink .>3,
Liverpiml ...............................
92 Unknown Owner, lot I block
36, Liverpool .......................
92 Unknown Owner, lot 2 block
38, l.iverinnil .......................
46 Unknown Owner, lot 3 block
ifri, l.iverinnil .........................
46 E J, Thomae, lot» 4 and 5
liliH’k ■(», Liverpool .....
46 Unknown Owner, lot 6 block
it». Lit erpool ........ ..........
«6 May Bingham, lot 7block;«
Liverpxnil . ...................
46 E 8. Johnson, lot 12 block
21. W heeler
.. ........
46 Junies W. Walton, |r.. Tnts-
tee. lot 1 block 22. Wheeler.
46 Junies W. Walton, Jr., Trus­
tee. lot 7 block 22. W heeler.
46 Paul Weasinger. lot 6 block
22. Wheeler ................
Edith A. Bell, lot» I 2 3 4 5
block 1. Hnghton.................
< M. Sharpateiu and Frank
Bluchet, lot 9 block 1 and
hit 10 block I. Brighton....
Edith A Bell, lots 12 3 4
5 fl 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1» 19block 2. Brighton ....
A. Bell, lots 12 3 4
S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,
block 3 and lota 12 3 4
i 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15,
block 4. Brighton ..............
Edith A. Bell, lots 16 17 16
19 20 21 22 Zi 24 25 26 27 2»
20 30 31 32 33 34. block 4 and
46 I lota 1 2 3 4 5 (I 7 6 9 10 11,
block 5. Brighton..................
I Edith A Bell, lots 12 13 14
15 16 17 1» 19 20 21 22 23 24
block 5, Brighton..................
Edith A. Bell, lots 12 3 4
5 6 7 6 9, block 6. Brighton
Edith A. Bell, lots 11 and 12,
block 6, Brighton..................
Edith A Bell, lot» 5 6 7 6,
block 7, Brighton ..............
Edith A. Bell, lots 3 4 5 6 7
6 9 ¡0 11 12 13 14 15 6 17 1»
19 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 b ock
6, Brighton ...........................
Kdith A. Bell, lots 29 30 31 32
33 34 35, block 6, Brighton
Edith A. Bell, lots 12 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 KJ,
block 9. Brighton . ..........
Edith A Bell, lots 17 16 19
20 2122, block 9, Brighton.
Edith A Bell, lots 2726 29 30,
block 9, Brighton
69 C. M. Sharputein and Frank
Bluehet. lots 27 2» 29 30,
3132, block 5, Brighton ..
C. M Sharpateiu and Frank
Bluchet. lots 15 16 17 18,
block 6 -and lotx 1 2 3 4,
block7, Brighton..
1 04 C. M. Sharpstein and F ra n k
Bluchet, lets 9 10 11, blocK
7, Brighton...............
C. M. Sharpstein and FranK
Bluchet, lots 12 and 13,
blocK 7, Brighton ..............
1 61 , J M. Sharpstein and FranK
, Muchet. lot 28, blocK 8,
J .'I. Sharpstein and FranK
i 1 ehet. lo,» 23 24 25, blocK
y. Brighton
Sharpstein and FranK
Bl.iC: et, lots 31 and 32,
blo. K 9. Brif-liton ..............
Agnes I ompson, lots 1 and
2. blocK 8, Brighton...........
6 44 ¡ In a. I'.. ...tt, lots 18 19 and
2u I4i ck 1. Brighton Beach
Tims. B. Wait, lots 23 24 25
and 26 block 1 Brighton
.Vdliel ., i.entz, lots 1 and 2
b.oc- 1 Bri. liton Beach...
Thos B. W alt, lois 14 15 16
and *‘ block 2 Brighton
1 72
Beach ..
R. R. Garlick, lots 26 and 27
block 2. Brighton (tench ..
69 Alfred Lindberg i .t 12 block
3 Brighton Be.ici:
35 E. Jacobson, lot 1.5 block 3
Brighton Be .ch
35 H. H. Pettit, Jot 2 * bio. k 3
Brighton Beach ....
23 Thos. B. Watt, lot 21 block 3
Brighton Beat 11
Edward Scott, lot 22 blot k 3
Brighton Beach ....
46 Thos. B. Watt, lot 23 block 3
Brighton Beach
23 Nellie Freeman, lot 25 block
3 Brighton Beach.................
23 Thos. B. Watt, lots 31 and 32
block 3 Brighton Beach
23 Thos. B. Wait, lots 1 and 2
block l Brighton Beach ...
6(1 Thos B: Watt, lots 6 9 10 L
12 13 14 15, block 4, Brigh­
ton Beach............. ...................
C. W. Haight, lotx 22 and 23,
block 4, Brighton Beach ..
Thos. B. W att, lots 31 and 32
block 4 Brighton Beach ..
46 Thos, B. Watt, lots 1 ’and 2
block 5 Brighton Beach .. .
8. H Hoover, lots 6 7 8
2 76
block 5 Brighton Beach
Chas. V. Hardjieff, lots 16and
17, block 5 Brighton Beach
3 66 F. L. Vaughn, lot 20 block 5
Brighton Beach ...............
Thos. B. Watt, lot 1 block 6
Brighton Beach...................
Geo. Burg, lots 1 and 2 block
6 90
6 Brighton Beach..................
Thos. B. Watt, lot 7 block 6
Brighton Beach.....................
Carl G. Anderson, lotx 10
and 11 block 6 Brighton
5 9S
Bench ........................................
Geo Nickoloff. lot 16 lilock 6
Brighton Beach...................
.3 6» M. N. Chongiirsky, lot 17
block 6 Brighton Beach....
Thos. B. Watt, lots 20 and 21
block 6 Brighton Beacli . .
3 •s* H E. Hensley, lots 22 and 23
block 6 Brighton Beach
B. L. Duvison, lota 24 25 and
26 block 6 B ighton Beach.
Thos. B. Watt, lots 27 28 29
5 96
utid3l) block 6 Brighton
Beach ................................
C. J. Pattii, lots 12 3 anil 4
3 6»
block 17 Brighton Beacli
Thos B. Win,, lot 5 block 17
3 14
Brighton Bench................
Elenor Curtiss, lot 6 block 17
Brighton Bench
Thos B. Wutt, lot 7 block 17
I 96
Brighton Beach............... .
Clara Thompson, lot 8 block
17 Brigliton Beach................
.Gustave Hoguian.
lot 12
block 17 Brighton Beach ..
4 151 Carl Olson, lot 13 block 17
Brighton Bench
1 24 Thos B. W att, lots 16 and ¡7
block 17 Brighton Beach..
Thos B Watt, lots 25 and 26
block 17 Brighton Beach
John Murray, lots 27 and 28
I 26
block 17 Brighton Beach .
I hos B Watt, lot 29 block 17
Brighton Beacli...............
Marie Buss, lots 30 and 31
block 17 Brighton Beach ..
Emma Montgoniinerv, lots
32 and 33 block 17 Brigh­
ton Beach
04 Herman Van Cleff. lots 34
and 35 block 17 Brighton
Thos B Watt, lots 1 and 2
block 18 Brighton Beach ...
R. I. Pouieray, lot 15 block
18 Brighton B-ach
T I Moreland, lot 16 block
18 Brighton Beach ............
G. B. Moreland, lot 17 block
18 Brighton Beach
Tho» B.Watt. lot 23, block 18
1 36
Brighton Beach
Thg» B. W att. lots 33 34 and
1 36
36 b ock 18 Brighton Beach
John D. Fordice. lot» 1 2 and
1 36
3 block 19 Brighton Beach
II. D Portwood, lets 15 anil
1 •*
16 block 19 Brighton Beach
W m F»rr lot«. 17 18 19and 20
1 73
block 19 Brighton Beach
Tlioa & Watt lota 23 and 24
block 19 Brighton Beach ...
89 Nels Guterman, lots 19 and
I 20 blis k 20 Brighton Beach
Elizabeth Merle, >ot 25 block
23 Brighton Beach.
6 56
Thos B. Watt, Iota 27 28 29 30
and 31 block 20 Brighton
C. J Peterson, lot 36 block 20
Brighton Beach
12 07
Katie G. Sexton lot 39 block
20 Brighton Beach...............
Tho». B. Watt, lot 40 block20
Brighton Beach...................
13 60 A. and J Keeney, lotx 8 and
9 block 25 Brighton Beach
Anna Warrell, lots 11 and 12
block 25
5 96
Tho». B Watt, lot 13 olock 25
Brighton Beaeh
4 14
J. E Carter, lots 16 and 17
block 25 Brighton Beach.
Albert B. Scanlen, lots 18 and
19 bloce 25 Brighton Beaeh
2 07
M. A. Brown, lots 36 and 37
block 25 Brighton Beach..
O. W. Brown, lot 38 block
16 56
25 Brighton Beach................
Thos. B. Watt, lots 1 and
2 block 26 Brighton Beach
4 83
Myrtle Hamilton, lots 5 6
block 26 Brighton Beach
11 04 Thos B. Watt. 14 15 block 26
Brighton Beach
4 14 i W. A. Dentschrnan lot 22
block 26 Brighton Beach.
2 76 Thos B. Watt, lots '23 24 25
block 26 Brighton* Beach
S. S. Moll er lots 29 30 block
26 Brighton Beach.................
27 6
I.. J. Hicks, lots 33 34 block
block 26 Brighton Beach
Thos. B. Watt, lots 12 34
block 27 Brighton Beach..
4 60
B. M. Carlsen, lots 5 6 block
27 Brighton Beach..............
76 Thou. B. W tt, lot 7 block 27
Brighton Beaeh................
Thos. B. Watt, lot 9 block 27
1 38
Brighton Beach................
John Murray, lot 12 block 27
Brighton Beach ..............
lot 13
69 N. B. Hecklinger,
block 27 Brighton Beach..
Eunice Pottery, lot 14 block
2 07
27 Brighton Beach..............
Geo. H. Mushier, lot 15 block
27 Brighton Beach............
1 38 H. C. Burdick, lot 16 block 27
Brighton Be <ch.....................
M. J. Collins, lots 20 21 block
27 Brighton Beach
35 M. N. Clisngassky, lot 22
block 27 Brighton Beach..
W S. Gibson, lot 25 26 block
27 Brighton Beach
B L Ddvixo.., lot 27 28 29
block 27 Brighton Beach..
Henry’ Wetz.ler, lots 30 31
block 27 Brighton Beach
46 A. W. Lyman, lot 32, block
27 Brighton Beach...............
23 Elizabeth Lyman, lot33 block
27 Brighton Beach
11 Thos. B. Watt lot 34 b.ocix
27 Brighton Beach
12 Thos. B. Watt, lot 36 blocK
27 Brighton Beach................
12 L. J. HicKs. lot 35 blocK 27
Brighton Beach ....................
12 R. M. Repass, lot 20-blocK
28 Brighton Beach..
2 W. H. Vrooman, lot 21 blocK
28 Brighton Beach...
11 Nellie Hopper, lot 22 blocK
28 Brighton Beach
12 B. L. Davison, blocK 23 24 25
blocK 28 Brighton Beach
23 j I’hox B. Watt, lot 26 blocK 28
Brighton Beach.....................
2. 1 R Guillard, lots 27 28 blocK
28 Brighton Beach............. ..
Geo W’. Bittner, lot 29 blocK
23. anil south J lot 30 blocK
28 Brighton Beach ............
I i.. -s SivanK, lots 32 33 34 35
I . . ck 28 Brighton Beach .
Shoot 1 2 blocK 45
Ji 1.. iiion Beach
1 i • - i>. Watt, lots 3 4 5 and
6 ’liocK 45 Brighton Beach
35 > W . C. lliggin- Jot 25 block 45
Brig 1 dim Beu' «1.... . ............
23 i Thos B Wait. iotsS910and
II blocs 4G Brighton Beach
12 ■ A. M. Englebrv(s''ii. lots 17
and 18 block 46 Brighton
Beach....... ..............................
Ruth S. Hicks, lo;s21 and 22
block 46 Brighton Beach .
Lillian Raxlaml. .’'»t 25 block
12 !
46 Brighton Beach ....
Thos B Watt, lot 27 block 46
Brighton Beach.....................
23 Ada W. Chambers, lots 29
and 30 block 46 Brig:.ton
........................... ...
Thos B. Watt, lot 3u b.i,. k 46
Brighton Beach....................
Thos B. Watt, lots 13 14 15 16
17 and 18, block 47 and lo x
21 and 22 block 47 Brighton
Beach ........................................
John R. Victar», lots 23 24
25 and 26 block 47 Brighton
Beach ........................... ...........
Thos T. W att. lot 32 block 47
Brighton Beach ..................
Hilda Jones lot 33 block 47
Brighton Beach.....................
Ida L. Hayes lofk 34 35 and
36 block 47 Brighten Beach
Thos. B. Watt, ‘ lots 9 ' 1(1 11
and 12 block 48 Brighton
Beach ..............
12 Thos. B. Watt, lotx 17 18 19
and 20 blo<-k 48 Brighton
Beach .........................................
Win F. 1’arKer. lots 21 and
22 block 48 Brighton Beach
Thus. B Watt, lots 25 and 26
blocK 48 Brighton Beach ..
Emma J McGinn, lot 27
blocK 48 Brighton Beach...
Thos. B. Watt, lot» 28 and 29
blocK 48. Brighton Beach .
N. E. Chambless, lot 30
blocK 48 Brighton Beach .
Phil Wy vel lot’ 35 blocK 48
Brighton Beacli.....................
4- I Wyvel, lot 36. blocK 48
Brighton Beach.....................
I hos. B. W att, lot» 5 and 6
blocK 49, Brighton Beach
23 Theresa Hair, lot» 23 and 24
block’ 49, Brighton Beach
C. I.. Swain, lot 26. blocK 49
Brighton Beach
S. H Hoover, lots 31 ami 32
biocK 49 Brighton Beach..
Tho». B. Watt lots 33 and 34
blocK 49. Brighton Beach..
b. L. Sweet, lot 32. blocK 51
Brighton Beach ....................
Albert Isaac, lots 20 and 21
blocK 52. Brighton Beach
Sarah Send, lots 24 and 25
blocK 52, Brighton Beach .
Tho». a Watt, lot 32. block
52. Brighton Beach ..........
Tho». B. Watt, lota 85 36 37
block 53 Brighton Beach...
Tho». B. W att. lots 10 and 11
block 53 Brighton Beach ..
Tho» B. Watt, lotx 1« and 19
block 53 Brighton Beach
Harry Nelson lot 23. block 53
Brighton Beach.........
J I. Muyhugh, lot 24 hi,
53. Brighton Beach
Tho». B. Watt, lota 1
block M
b S1
'ïi/bÂS “
12 Thos B WHtt, lot 25. Lio«.*,
Brighton Beach
12 Tlios. B. Watt, lot 5. bloc,«
Brighton Beach
12 W. F. Halierlach, lot n'
35 Brighton Beach ’
23 1. block
A. Reynolds, lot 11 |, l 1
53, Brighton Beach
W. A. Hickson, lot 27 1,1,. l
1 55 Br ghton Beaeh
Thos. B. Watt, lotx 34, buL
55 Brighton Beach
A. E. Davison, lot 35 bicv
55 Brighton Beach
23 B. I. Davison, lot 36 bicv
55 Brighton Beach
i J. F. W’yvel, lots 37 jj
' blovK 55 Brighton Beah
-A’. Pr°ctor, 3 4 blocK«
Brighton Beach
. I.etiu ShauterbucK, lots 223
24 25 blocK 56 Brightn
Beach ...........................
W. S. Gibson, lot 26 27 28
. blocK 56 Brighton Bead
j Thos B. Watt, lot»2930b!i<
56 Brighton Beach.........
Thos B. Watt, lots 37 38 bio«
62 Brighton Beach...........
Thos B Watt, lot 26 blocK i
; Brighton Beach........
Thos B. Watt, lots 33 34 5
blocK 64 Brighton Bead
Thou B. Watt, lots 2223 bloc
66 Brighton Beach
Th is B. Watt, lots 24 25 26 (
27 29 blocK 69 Brightc
Beach.................. .
12 Thos B. Watt, lots 4 5 bloc
73 Brighton Beach.........
12 Thos B. Watt, lots 24
blocK 74 Brigh'on Beach
12 Thos B Watt, lots 42 43 bloc
81 Brighton Beach....
12 Thos B Watt, lots 47 4» bloc
81 Brighton Beach.............
12 Thos B Wat , lots 1 2 bloc
»2 Brighton Beach.........
12 Thos B Watt, lots 38 39 bloc
82 Brighton Beadi.............
12 VlHsioa Vlahasotiios 47 •
blocK »2 Brighton Beach.
23 Thos B Watt, lotx 12 3 bloc
»9 Brighton Beach....
12 Vlasios V’lahasotiios, lots
5 blocK »9 Brighton Beac
23 C. A. Messing, lots 6 7bloc
»9 Brighton Beacli
35 Thos B Watt, lots 15 16 bloc!
»9 Brighton Beach
23 Thos B Watt, lots 21 22 bloc
»9 Brighton Beach.............
12 Thos B Watt, lot 25 block' 9
Brighton Beach
12 Sely Pomeroy, lot 25 blocK 9
Brighton Beach ........
12 Thos B Watt, lots 21 22 23 2<
25 26 27 2» blocK 92 Bright-
ton Beadi.... .......................
Thos B Watt, lot 25 block 9
Brighton Beach....
Thos B Watt, lots 23 24 bloc»
95 Brighton Beach.............
Thos B Watt, lots 37 3» bloc)
95 Brighton Beach...............
Thos B Watt, lot 40 blocK 9.'
Brighton Beach
Thos. B. Watt, lots 20 and 21
block 96, Brighton Beaeh
Thos. B. Watt, lot 32 block
97, Brighton Beach.............
Thos. B. Watt, lot 40 bloc»
97, Brighton Beach ... ..
Thos. B. Watt, lots 61 62 63
<54 blocs 96 Brighton Beach
23 Thos. B. Watt, lotx 9 and 10
bloc* 97, Brighton Beach..
46 Tims B. Watt, lots 29 30 31
32. block 98 Brighton Beach
23 Manhattan Realty Co., lota 9
and 10, block 6, Manhattan
46 Manhattan Realty Co., lot 3,
block 7, Manhattan
12 Sophia Brobst, lota 4 and 5,
block 7, Manhattan
46 Mary L. and Minnie Denning
lot 1, block 9, Manhattan
Manhattan Realty Co., lota 2
and 3, block 11, Manhattan.
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 8
and 9, bloclf 11, Manhattan.
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 28
and 29, block 3, Manhattan
11 Lizzie Maguire, lots 14 and 15,
block 4,
Realty Co., lots 22
23 Manhattan
and 23, block 4, Manhattan
Lizzie Finn,
lots 3 and 4,
block 5, Mahattan Beach
Manhattan Realty Co., lot 12,
block 5, Manhatten Beach
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 19
and 20, block 6, Manhattan
.Manhattan Realty Co., lot 7,
i block 7, Manhattan Beach.
Lena Rider, lot 13, block 7,
Manhattan Beach
Margaret Sharkey,
lot 14,
block 7, Manhattan Beach
C. E. Bruwn, lot 15, block 7,
Manhattan Beach.
45 Emma Forsberg, lot 18, block
7, Manhattan Beach.
E. R. Angell, lots 21 and 22,
block 7, Manhattan Beach
W. W. Wisewel), lots 23 and 24,
block 7, Manhattan Beach.
Manhattan Real.y Co , lots 4,
and 6, block 8, Manhattan
12 A. L. Davis, trustee, lots 9 and
10, block
8, Manhattan
Manhattan Realty Co., lot 14,
block 8, Manhattan Beach
H. P. Burroughs, lot 16, block
8, Manhattan Beach.
Sarah F. Angell, lot 24, block 8,
Manhattan Beach.
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 35
and 36, lot 8, Manhattan
23 Manhattan Realty Co., lot 26.
block 9, Mamiatta.n Beach.
11 Jessie C. Foote, lot 6, block 10
Manhattan Bea.-h.
L. B. Townsend, lot 7, block 10
Manhattan Beach.
Manhattan Realty, Co., lot 23,
block 10, Manhattan Beach.
12 MaryJWilso-t, lot 27, block 10,
Manhattan Beach.
Calla McMullin, lot 28, block
10, Manhattan Beach.
23 Manhattan Realty Co., lot 7,
block II. Manhattan Beach.
Manhattan Realty Co., lot 10,
block II, Manhattan Beach.
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 3*1
and 31, block 11, Manhattan
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 24
25, block 11, Manhattan
2 07
1 38
1 38
2 76
1 84
2 20
1 10
2 20
1 10
2 20