Tillamook Headlight, Hugust 22, 1912 WINNING A BRIDE. If MAKING A BASEBALL A DUEL IN BALLOONS. EARTHQUAKES. I JOHN POTTED GHOSTS. L HENDER^# An African Tribe’s M st hod of Driving A TORN EY & COUNSEL t Curious Aerial Battle Fought by Two Causes That Conspire to Ren* th« Away 8ioknooa. The winding Process Is Done In Secret Earth's Crust Asunder. Frenchman In 1808. One of the most curious and interest­ In a Locked Room. Until recently all earthquake shocks LOR-AT-LAW, In this day of the development In In the center of tbe standard base­ aeronautics It may be Interesting to were attributed to volcanic manifesto ing of African tribes are the Banyoro. »r cow people, of Uganda, who are Tillamook Block,Tillamook,Or ball, as used by tbe professional play Mark Twain's Wooing of Lovel) era, there Is a globe of compressed cork recall the first duel tbat was ever dons. But ofteD tbe earth is agitated powerful clansmen and whose wealth, In regions where there are no vol ­ fought in the air. It took place In Room No. aói. covered with rubber. This globe Is 1808 and. as might have been ex­ canoes. Hence the belief has arisen religion and health are all connected Olivia Langdon. about an Inch In diameter and around pected, occurred In France. M. de that earthquakes may arise lndepend with cows. It la degrading for any It are wound a few layers of coarse Grandpre and M. le Pique had a quar­ ently of volcanic action. Very often, member of the tribe to dig, so milk and NOT HELPED BY HIS FRIENDS twine. It la tben sent to tbe winding rel arising out of Jealousy concerning a again, when volcanoes are io eruption Jesh are their staple food. Their brav- TT T. BOTTS, iry Is very great Tbe only beast they room, where machines first wind on lady engaged in th.- Imperial Opera. there are no earthquakes. X A ttorney - at .L aw thick four ply blue yarn. At frequent Subterranean cave-ins are often tbe fear Is the leopard. Their chief weap­ They agreed to fight a duel to settle They Seemed to Agree That Ho Would intervals tbe ball la soaked In a ee their respective claims, and In order cause of earthquakes. They are tbe con­ on Is a long stick, and. armed with Complete set of Abstract Book, Make About the Worst Hueband on went solution and put aside to dry. that the beat ofangry passion should sequences of tbe action of subtei i anean this, they go out to meet a lion tbat is Tates paid foraon Record, but Mias Langdon’s Father Many different workers have to do not Interfere with the polished ele­ water. When water runs through lime­ trying to g“t at their precious cattle no fire. with tbe winding of tbe ball. Each gance of the proceeding they postponed stone it carves out grottoes and ter and drive him away by the simple Took a Different View. Residents. workman tests It for size and weight races or galleries. When in Its under­ process of thrashing him. In Harper's Magazine Albert Bige­ before be passes it aloDg. Tbe ma- the duel for a month, tbe lady agree­ Though they are brave, they are In­ ing to bestow her smiles on the sur­ ground run It comes In contact with Tillamook Block low Pains, tbe authorized biographer chines Insure tight aud even winding vivor. Tbe duelists were to tight In gypsum or rock salt It dissolves these veterate thieves and very subtle in of Mark Twain, tells bow tbe great and there are different machines for Both phones. their methods of carrying out their substances, aud thus vacuums are form­ the air. humorist first met Olivia Langdon, different sizes of yaru. These machines Two balloons were constructed ex ed In the depths of tbe earth. When .hefts and concealing their guilt by Indeed, one of their favorite who afterward became bls wife. They are operated in secret In a locked room actly alike. On tbe day <4 tbe duel the water has worn tbe earth thin the Iles. When tbe ball has been wound to the De Grandpre and bls second entered met In New York. Young Charles earth gives way. and tbe subterranean mottoes is, “Keep a grave face even Langdon, who had been on tbe voyage proper size with blue and white yarn tbe car of one balloon, Le Pique and cave-ln shakes the regions above it. In though you laugh behind your hand.” and baa been dlp[»'d I d tbe solution. It bis second the other. This was In the When sickness comes to these people C/ARL haberlach well worked coal mines great hollows of tbe "Innocents,” brought them to­ is wound finally with smaller yarn garden of tbe Tuileries, amid a big are made which produce similar re­ they believe that it is one of their ene­ gether. Thus the firm, rough center Is overlaid mies. tbe ghosts, that is attacking “At tbe old St. Nicholas hotel, which with finer and finer material until at crowd of spectators. Tbe men were sults. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, to fire, not at each other, but at each Tbe layers forming the solid en­ them, so they proceed to capture him. stood on the west side of Broadway last It Is smooth aud perfect, ready fur other’s balloon. In order to bring them Ghosts like hot cooked meat, so meat velope of tbe earth are neither homo ­ tietween Spring and Broome streets, tbe cover Mown by the escape of gas. As pls geneous nor regularly distributed. is cooked in a large pot near the dwell­ Tillamook Block. there were stopping at this time Jervis The tiest horsehide obtainable Is used tols would hardly have served for this Limestone bits granite, and relatively ing where the ghost Is at work. As I.angdun. a wealthy coal dealer and for covers. The piece« are cut by band purpose, each aeronaut took u blunder recent rocks overlie ancient masses. oon as tbe savor of the food reaches mine owner of Elmira; bls son t'barle» and darniiened and stretched The ball buss in his car. Limestone and schist tie together tike the dwelling the evil spirit greedily at|d bls daughter. Olivia, whose pic­ Is put Into clam|m and the cover sewed At a given signal the ropes bolding folded cloth Layers of the same age inters the pot and Is at once sealed up. Q.EORGE WILLETT, tured face Samuel Clemens bad örst on with cotton thread, which baa a the bulloons were cut, and up they are separated by abrupt gaps and This potted ghost Is then taken away seen In tbe bay of Smyrna one Nep greater frictional strength than llueu went Into tbe air. The wind was breaks by tbe debris cast out od either from tbe village and buried, tbe spot ternber day. Young Langdon bad been or «Ilk. Each ball la sewed by band A t torn R y - at -L aw . nearly moderate and kept tbe balloous side. being marked by a ghost shrine. especially anxious to bring bls dls- and then put Into a machine tbat Irons In their respective positions, about Tbe position of rest for these people The crust of the earth has been com ­ thigulshed Quaker City friend and his down the «cuius. The polishing Is done eighty yards apart When about half pared to marquetry composed of many Is a half sitting posture, and when Tillamook Commercial Building. owu people together, and two days tie by still another machine. Tben. after a mile up in tbe air tbe preconcerted parts which must have been Joined, they are holding a council they will fore Christmas Samuel Clemens win belDg stamped and wrapped, tbe ball 1« M. le signal for firing was given. broken and Joined again many times, remain in this posture as long as ten T illamook Invited to dine at the hotel. He went ready for market. O regon . Pique fired, but missed. M. de Grand its component parts are unstable; their hours. When they die it is In this very willingly. The lovely girl of the A ball weighs five ounces and Is nine pre fired and sent a ball through Le movements are still In progress; they resting position that they are burled. miniature which he had first seen In Inches lu circumference. In the course Pique's balloon. Tbe balloon collapsed, shift, and possibly their sudden shift­ If It shculd be tbe king who dies his her brother’s stateroom bad been often of manufacture It Is weighed and meas ( H. GOYNE, tbe car descended with frightful rapid ing causes tbe upper crust to tremble. successor is generally selected by the « part of bls waking dreams. For the ured Ove times.—Harper's Weekly. Ity, and Le Pique and hJs second were The best evidence In favor of this ex- drastic process of civil war. first time, now, be looked upon Its dashed to pieces. planation la tbat tbe great earthquakes reality. Long afterward be said: De Grandpre continued his ascent A ttorney - at -L aw . have devastated countries where tbe “ 'It Is forty years ago. From that NEW YORK’S FIRST CHURCH. and terminated his aerial voyage at a PLUCK OF A DEER. ----------- day to this she baa never been out of 1 geological layers show traces of cave- Office : Opposite Court House. And th« Earliest Rsligious 8«rvic«s on distance of seven leagues from Paris. my mind.' ins and slips. In Japan an earthquake History does not state whether he was A Big Buck That Was Mors Than a Manhattan Island. “Ills waa not an unruffled courtship. raised the ground about twenty-one Match For a Cougar. Man- rewarded by tbe hand of tbe lady for T illamook , O regon . When at last he reached the point of feet, and the rise ran for a distance of whose sake the duel bad been fought It seems to be generally assumed This proposing for the daughter of tbe The first religious service on 112 kilometers. An earthquake In —New York Herald. that wild animals of different species house neither tbe daughter nor tbe battan Island was held In 1628. of a Alaska occurring tn 1899 raised the keep tbe peace, but now and then tbe household offered any noticeable en- ; resulted lu the organization were coast for a long distance. Earthquakes experience of some woodsman striking­ couragement to bls suit , cburcb. the services of which T. BOALS, M.D, SPOKE HIS OWN DOOM are limited to two zones. One embraces ly disproves ibis peaceful view of for­ “There was only a provisional en- i held In the upper story of a mill which Himalaya, Asia Minor, the coasts of gagement at first Jervis Langdon sug ! ground tbe grain of tbe colonists Tbe In Spite of Hia Caution an Innocent the Adriatic. Italy, the Alps, the Pyre­ est life. Two sportsmen made a trip to the gested, aud Samuel Clemens agreed . first minister was Jonas Mlchaellus Ramark Condemned Him. nees. Algeria. Andalusia and southern PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Kettle river region, in the state of with him, tbat It was proper to know and tbe first elder Peter Mlnuit, direc The father of Gueau de Reverseaux Portugal; the other zodo comprises the Washington, and In tbe course of the something of hla past as well as of hla ' tor general of New N'etberland. bad been a distinguished lawyer, and two coasts of the Pacific ocean. The TILLAMOOK shooting witnessed a rare occurrence. present before ths official parental | Tbe first church building on Manhat­ through bls Influence be held Impor­ majority of earthquakes have been pro­ They bad been on tbe trail of a large sanction should be given When Mr. tan laland was situated on Pearl street, tant offices under the government duced tn the first zone.—Harper’s Tillamook Block. buck for some time and. as It chanced, Langdon Inquired as to tbe names of between Whitehall and Broad streets, When the revolution began he gave up Weekly. came In sight of him at the very mo ­ persons of standing to whom he might facing tbe East river. Thia structure bis office nt La Rochelle and retired to ment when a cougar launched himself write for credentials, Clemens pretty was a poor. plnlD building of wood Chartres. Bartholdi’« Egotism. upon the buck from the limb of a tree. confidently gave him tbe name of the and constructed In 1633 by tbe West From tbe time tbat tbe revolution An old friend of Mme. Stelnhell’s M. KER RON, The cougar landed squarely on the Itev. Mr. Stebblngs and others of Sun India company. Its congregation was began Gueau de Reverseaux devoted busband was Bartholdi, the sculptor of buck’s shoulders, almost throwing him Francisco, adding tliat he might write presided over by Dominie Bogardus. hfs attention exclusively to preserving tbe colossal “Liberty Enlightening tbe to the ground. also to Joe Goodman If be wtinted to. the second clergyman of New Amster his own safety. He wrote no letters. World.” Although a man of keen In­ SURGEON The buck quickly recovered and. PHYSICIAN & but tbat be bad lied for Goodman a dam. aud was regarded as a more fit H would receive no letters. He saw tellect and much originality of thought, throwing back his head, drove two bundled tlmre and that Goodman ting plate that) the loft ot tbe mill for no visitors and paid no visits. He Bartholdi’s egotism was as colossal as Tillamook Block, prongs of bls antlers Into the cougar’s would lie for him If necessary, so bis public worship spoke to no person and allowed no one bls statue. Once Mme. Steinbell met testimony would be of no value The body and with a swing forward threw William Kletb, director general of the to come neur him. It would have been him at tbe “institut” He wore the Tillamook, Oregon. letters to tbe clergy were written. and him to tbe ground. Leaping backward, West India company, caused to be Impossible to be more prudent than he green uniform and sword of a mem Mr. Langdon also wrote one uu bls erected a cburcb outside of Fort Am was. be tben waited with lowered bead for ber, and bls breast glittered with or ­ own account. aterdam. which contained three long, However, he wanted some sheds built ders. "You see this little thing here?" a second attack. “Clemens was In Jacksonville, III., narrow windows on eact) aide, fitted on bls farm near Chartres and ven­ With a yell of rage and pain the cou. he said. "There are but three Euro C. HAWK, at tile end of .March. 1801). and lu a let- with small panes of glass set in lead, tured to consult a carjienter. Tbe car­ gar sprang upon him. He might as peans who have the right to wear It — ter to bls publisher states that be will on which were burned tbe coat« of penter told him tbat be could not un­ well have leaped against an array of be in Elmira two days later and asks arms of tbe chief parishioners. This dertake tbe work Immediately, as one emperor, one king and myself. I bayonets, for be was caught on the that proofs of the book be sent there. building was erected In tbe meadow of Gueau de Reverseaux wished, because don’t attach the slightest Importance buck's antlers and burled several feet PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, to it” Of the statue In New fork Ho arrived according to sctiedule. anx­ I Mrs. Dominie Dri«lus and fronted on a most of bls workmen were drafted to into the air. harbor he said. 'The Americans be­ ious to hear the reports tbat would lane, now called Exchange place. In Join the army at once. Tbe Instant be struck the ground tbe lieve that It Is Liberty tbat Illuminates make him. as the novels might say. those days, however. It was known as buck was upon him. striking savagely BAY CITY, OREGON. Gueau de Reverseaux replied: "The tbe world, but In reality It Is my geo 'tbe happiest or the most miserable of "Garden alley.” A large bowl of solid with his forefeet, which cut like knife workmen need not go. They can send Iue. ” — Bookman. men.' Jervis Langdon had a rather silver for baatlsmal services was made blades, and driving bls antlers again substitutes.” «oleum look when they were alone to and again into his body. by the silver workers In llollaud. lu This remark was heard by the work­ Scared and Knew IL get Iler Clemens asked: R. BEALS, Finally they separated, and the cou­ the belfry was the bell which hnd men. but only tbe first phrase made A soldier under bls first fire WAR gar crawled forward for tbe final " 'You've beard from those gentle been removed from the old cburcb lu any Impression on them. They reported men out there?' the fort-Westchester County Magn everywhere tbat M. Gueau de Rever­ charging with tbe rest of bis regiment struggle. The deer was wounded, but up tbe heights of Vicksburg, but no still In excellent fighting trim. The "'Yes. aud from another gentleman tine. REAL ESTATE, seaux. who must be good authority, scared be looked like a ghost A com hunters Interfered. One of them walked 1 wrote concerning you.’ Mark Twain's Queation. had said tbat they need not go. The rnde next to him was unafraid and up to tbe cougar and shot It through " ’They dou’t apiiear to have been F inancial A gent , Mark Twain wbeu visiting Mel news went to headquarters tbat Gueau very enthusiastic from your manner-' bourne was the guest of the mayor ou de Reverseaux declared that the draft­ even smiled nt tbe torrents of grape the heart.—Exchange. shot tbat swept tbe ranks. The i com " 'Well, yen; some of them were ’ h picnic trip dowu tbe river Yarra. a ed workmen need not obey the gov­ Tillamook, Oregon. " *1 «upiiuse I may ask what particu­ stream renowned for Its crookedness rnde. ootlclng his frlgjid'n plight turn- 1 ernment. This was considered to be Sea Level and Tides at Panama. lar form their emotion took?* ed to him and said with a sneer; and for tbe odor from Its banks. On conspiracy, and be was condemned to The average sea level of the Pacific “'Ob. yes; yes. they agree unani­ account of tbe many turua tn tbe river “Coward!” death and executed. ocean and the Caribbean sea, at oppo­ mously that you are a brilliant, able numerous signs reeding "Dead Slow” “Coward yourself," retorted the J^R. P. J. SHARP, site sides of the Isthmus of Panama. man. a mnu with a future, and that are placed at tbe turnings to warn frightened soldier. “Old man. If you Is the same. This Is tbe mean or aver­ Who Ho Was. you would make about the worst hue were one-tenth ns scared as I am yon’d ship captains to slacken speed, and age levels of the two waters during A traveler saw a woman take a man band on record.’ have broken ranks aud run long ago.” these attracted Twalu’s attention. RESIDENT DENTIST, all days of the year. But there is a "Tbe appllcaut for favor had a for- Sniffing cautiously at tbe tainted by tbe collar, yank him up the steps — Kansas City Journal. great difference in tides. The Carib­ Into a railroad car. Jam him down Into lorn look. breeze tbat came from the slimy banka, bean tides are faint, rarely exceeding Office across the street froir tbe a neat pile up a valise and two big “ There’s nothing very evasive about he turned to hla host The One He Caught. two feet, while the tides in the Pacific brown baskets with loose covers and Court House. that,' be said. "Mr. Mayor,” be asked, "what are One day many years ago tbe tele- at Panama are not pacific, for they at 'There was a period of reflective si­ theee dead slows that smell so strong?" long handles at his feet and say: phone tn tbe office of tbe chief of po ­ Dr. Wise’s office. "Now. sit there until I help Mary times rise ten feet and sink ten feet lence. It was probably no more than lice rang. Chief Speers answered below normal undisturbed sea level Jane on the car, and don't move till 1 a few aecouda. but It seemed longer. Radium's Wonderful Power. The call was from a new policeman Without tide locks, currents would al­ coma back.” “'Haven't you auy other friend that 8uppoae tbat th« euergy of a ton of When the womnn reached the door on the Union avenue beat He said. ternately rush In tbe canal from south you «uggeatr Laugdon said. S ARCHET, radium could be utilized In thirty “A mnn bns been robbed down here, to north entering, and from north to “ 'Apparently none whose testimony years. Instead of being evolved at Its tbe traveler said to her: I . The Fashionable Tailor. and I've got one of tblm.” "It tbat man your busbaDd? ” south escaping. — New York American. would 1« valuable.' Invariable alow rate of 1.760 years for “Which one have you?" asked the “Naw!" roared tbe woman. "He's “Jsrvls l.angdon held out hie hand half disintegration, It would aufflee to chief. A Politioal Pointer. 'You have at least one,’ be said. *1 t>e- propel a ahlp of 10,000 tone, with en my daughter's husband, and she hasn't Cleaning,» Pressing and Rep** Tbe reply came back. ‘The man tbat lleve lu you. I know you better thau glnea of 15.000 horsepower, st tbe rste spirit enough to say her soul Is her “A president has to eat a good deal waa robbed!" — Argonaut own.” ing a Specialty. these times. ” they do.’ of fifteen knots an hour for thirty "Aud so came the crown of bappl- "What do you mean?” years—practically tbe lifetime of the Solid Ivory. Wouldn’t Work Nowadays. nesa. The engagement of Samuel ahlp •The chief executive has to attend a S* »re in Heins Photographic To do this actually requires “Yes," confessed Mr. Dorktnn. , “W Tbe Egyptians had a very remarka- Langhorne Clemens and Olivia I^wls great many banquets and tbe like.” 1,500.000 tone of coal. — Sir WUllam I serves me right I engaged tbs > ble ordinance to prevent persous from _ _ __ man 1. angdon was ratified next day, Feb Gallery. "Seems so. What about It?" Ramsay. to move our good a. and I forgot to ask , borrowing Imprudently. An Egyptian 2. 1*19." “I was Just thinking tbat the next him bow much be was going to charge , was not permitted to borrow without president ought to recognize the grow­ A Household Hint me for the Job. If ever 1 do such a giving to h'j creditors In pledge the A Fsrtun« In Hla Lega. ing Importance of this social side of Young Wife (sobbing)—George treat­ J. CLAUSSEN, Ou ring Ilia reign of Queen Elizabeth ed me awful mean He—be promised body of bls father. It was deemed thing again, Marla, you can have my the Job and appoint an addition to the both an impiety and an Infamy not to bead for a football." an l iiK.Ub aetiileiuan of wealth uauit-d • LAWYER, cabinet In the shape of a toastmaster to give iue a machine for my birthday, “It would be a good deal more profit­ redeem ao sacred a pledge A person Ou bet. of a distinguished family user general."—Louisville Courier-Journal. and it—it—came home today Her able. John." an Id Mrs. Dortloa. "to cat who died without discharging tbat duty Kl.revtsbury. bet that hla leg was lbs Mother Then what are yus crying $eut«cher jbbvfhi't« It up into billiard balla. ’- Chicago bandaouieat In the country or klugdota waa deprived of the customary hon- about? Young W If«—It's a—M's a ora paid to tbe dead. Yeung A merlo«. Tri bone. aud staked estate« worth KKl.OOO on waahlng machia*-Baltimore Amori “You may be president some day. my 213 Tillamook Block, the subject. He won tbe wager, and a can. boy," said the patronising old gentle­ Preached Into Genereelty. picture Is still preserved tn tbe family Not In tho Contract. man. O regon . A preacher pawned bls watrb and manatoo representing tbe process of T illamook “Have you anything to sav for yonr- I Getting Square. “Orest Scotti" replied tbe sadly flip- the following Sunday preached four measuring tbe legs of the different coo ••IfF The Docti*— Harki Whence those testants. boors because be bad no timepiece At pant youth. “You're not trying to pick "Not unlem I can get a rebate from rrtee of agony? ltbe Lawyer—They tbe conclusion of tbe sermon there was dark horses that far ahead, are you?"— •>v lawyer. Judge: 1 have paid him come from tbe office at tbe dentist. E. REEDY, D.V.M., Th« Milky Way. a «rectal collection raised and sent to Washington Star. Last week the chiropodist operated on good money to talk for me. and I —Grandpa," said tbe small boy from tbe pawnbroker. —New Orleans Pica- won't do bls work fur nothlug "—New tbe dentist, agree lug to take Knows B«tt«r Now. yuua th« city, pointing to a wayside plant York Press. out to trade, and now the VETERINARY Trocber-Tommy, you should have **wbat la thatT* taking It out-Satire toown batter than to fight with tbat »—>'Thats milkweed." eras tbe reply. Corrected. (Both Phones). Wh«n Women Vote Ulla ms boy. Tommy-1 know, ma'am, "Oh. I know.” exclaimed tbe tittle Gentleman «engaging groom»—Ar« Fair Suffragette — lan ’ t a bo a fright! but I thought 1 coaid lick him.-Hearth •fellow 'That's what you feed to tbe Orego* Tillamook Why does abe do It? Her Cbuta- you married? Groom —Na air I waa and Homa cowe ao they will give milk.“—Chicago thrown agio a barbed wire fem-v aud I rtuclple. She swore she wouldn't News. got my face scratched -txmdon Tatler wear a rat or a corset until Marne R«al Pre« re««. iinlth is elected president.—Puck. “How Is father getting on with Three Proof«. Trochee-Willie, gire tn fee p^f, riding lessons?" A Miataha "Very wall We children sre that tbe world actually is round WIL O the Landlord-You owe me now f„r four Ito- Tbe book says ea yw say so sod towed to watch him now."-Fiiegende months' rent, aud tbe first three months Blattor. ■“ roy» so —Fuck. you paid so promptly Tenant-Yea. I know I «boa Id n't bare doo« It-Ho» too Trauacrlpt i , I I E J