Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 22, 1912, Image 3

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    Tillamook Haadlignt, Augaat >2. 1912.
, Oregon, also at the office of
Resolution Providing for the , City
Surveyor :
Determination to Improve I the All City
that portion of Fourth street
and the Time and Manner and of Fifth Avenne East included
of Improving the following within the intersection of eaid street
and of said avenue, in Tillamook
Streets in Tillamook City, City,
The improvement must be com­
of First Street to the place of be- of the lots or parcels of lend tn-
| eluded in the assessment district;
Also. Beginning at the intersec-I advertising, mailing and publish-
tionof the South line of First Street ing of notices required to be ad-
with the East line of Fourth Avenue vertised published or mailed • ac-
East. and running thence South 105 counting, clerical labor, books and
feet; thence Southerly parallel with blanks expended or used by the city
the South line of First Street to the and the city recorder or city
RE I t R esolved ,—That the Com­ pleted on or before December 1st West line of Fifth Avenue East; treasurer in connection with said
mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore­ 1912.
thence North to the South line of improvemet. and all salaries of
The proposals must be accom- First Street; thence Northeasterly inspectors and all necessary coat of
gon, hereby declares its determina-
tion to improve the following!
along the South line of First Street inspection in connection with said 1
(order of the Mayor of Tillamook to the place of beginning.
improvement, shall be paid by­
: portion of Fourth Street C*ty- Oregon, certified by
y a reapon-
Also, Lots 1 to 5 of Block 31 of warrants drawn on the general fund
rmn n venue
mount equal to Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook of the city.
and nf F>fi
•he intersection
percent of the total amountof the City, aud Lots 1 to 5 of Block 1, Mil- 1 All of the Lots, Blocks and Par­
within tuw.
—-------------- of said street
as fixed 1er’« Addition to Townul Tillamook cels of land described as follows
and of said avenue, in Tillamook <
City, Oregon, in the following man and liquidated damages in case (now Tillamook City.)
constitute the proposed assessment
bidder refuses to enter iuto a con­
It is hereby further resolved, that district for the construction of the |
n<By establishing the grades of said tract and provide a surety bond Thursday the 29 day day of August, sidewalks; all of Blocks 1 and 2; the I
equal to the amount of the contract 1912, at 8 o’clock p.m. at the Coun­ North half ot Block 3 ; the North I
streets ;
By grading- said streets to the pro for the faithful performance of the cil Room (Commercial Rooms in half of Lots 7 and 8 of Block 4, and
work. The Council reserves the Tillamook Block) in Tillamook City, I all of Blocks 5, 6 and 7 of Maple I
per sub grades ;
Oregon, be and hereby is fixed as Grove Addition to Tillamook City ;
Bv paving the road ways of said Fight to reject any and all bids.
Before acceptance of work by city, the time and place for the hearing also a Tract 105 feet North and South
streets full width with Bitulithic
successful bidder shall furnish the of all objections and remonstrances by 125 feet East and West adjoining
' Bv"’constructing artificial stone Mayor and Common Council with a to the proposed improvements, the West side of Stillwell Avenue
curbing along each side of said guarantee maintenance bond equiv­ when and where all persons inter­ and the North side of Third street; '
alent to 50 per cent of the amount ested may appear and file or pre­ also all of that certain Tract of land 1
By laying and constructing Bitu­ of the contract, guaranteeing that sent objections and remonstrances 105 feet North and South adjoining I
for a period of five years from the to such proposed improvements: the South side of Third street and I
lithic headers ;
completion and laying of said bitu- and it is further ordered that the lying between Stillwell Aveune and |
By constructing inlets ;
Bv constructing catch basins and lithic pavement in proposed paving City Recorder publish this resolu­ First Avenue West.
It is hereby further resolved, that
providing for the necessary surface district, he will at his own expense tion and notice in one issue of the
drainage, together with all appur­ repair and make good any defects Tillamook Headlight on Thursday, Thursday, the 29th day ot August,
arising from faulty material or Angust 22d, 1912, in Tillamook City, j 1912, at eight (8) o’clock P.M., at the
tenances thereto;
All said improvements to be made workmanship, and due to the pro­ Oregon, and post this Resolution , Council Room (Commercial Club),
in accordance with the Charter, per use of said pavement as a road and Notice| in three public places ' in Tillamook Block, Tillamook City,
in Tillamook City, Oregon, within | Oregon, be and hereby is fixed as
Ordinances and Resolutions of Till way.
Attention of all contractors is one day from this date.
the time and place for the hearing
amook City, Oregon, and the plans
All whom it may concern are of all objectionsand remonstrances
and specifications of the City Sur­ called to the agreement of Warren
tc> the proposed improvements,
veyor now on file in the office of the
the Bitulithic Pavement, on file in cordingly.
when and where all persons inter­
City Recorder.
T, B. H andley .
ested mayappear and file or present
All of said improvements to be the office of the City Recorder of
made at the expense of the property said Tillamook City, Oregon, in ac­ City Recorder, Tillamook City, objections anil remonstrances to
such proposed improvements ; and
and all thereof adjacent thereto, and cordance with which agreement
Done by order of the Common it is further ordered that the City
specially benefitted by said im­ Warren Brothers Company agrees
provements ; E xcept that the cost to license all contractors desiring Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, Recorder publish this Resolution
and Notice in one issue of the Tilla­
and expense of establishing the. to bid for the work to lay Bitulithic August 20th, 1912.”
N otice I s H ereby F urther G iv ­ mook Headlight, on Thursday,
grades of said streets ; and the cost pavement in accordance with its
en To A ll W hom I t M ay C oncern : August 22nd, 1912, in Tillamook
of constructing : storm
That said Resolution and Notice City, Oregon, and post this Reso­
drains, inlets, catch basins, man­ ment.
be and hereby is made a part of lution and Notice in three public
holes and all appurtenances for the
surface drainage, included within Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, this Notice; and all persons whom places in Tillamook City, Oregon,
soever interested or affected in any within one day from this date. All
the limits of the intersection of any of date August the 5th, 1912.
T. B. H andley ,
manner by said proposed improve­ whom it may concern are notified ,
street with any street or alley ; the
City Recorder of Tillamook ments as set forth in this Notice, to govern themselves accordingly.
estimated cost and expense of all [ seal ]
City Oregon.
T. B. H andley ,
are hereby notified to, at the hour
engineering and surveying neces
of 8 o’clock p.m. on the 20th day of
City Recorder, Tillamook
sary for said improvements to be
City, Oregon.
done by and under the direction of Notice of Intention to Im­ August, 1912, remonstrate against
Done by order or the Co.nmon
or object to said proposed improve­
the City Surveyor; ascertaining the
City. Oregon,
prove Certain Streets in ments as hereinbefore set forth, or
ownership of the lots and parcels of
in any other manner object thereto August 20th, 1912.
Tillamook City, Oregon.
land included in the assessment
N otice I s H ereby F urther G iv ­
or remonstrate against said im-
districts ; advertising, mailing and
— To
au all
mi provements or any part thereof, if en To A i . l W hom I t M ay C oncern :
N otice la
H ereby yjxvii«,
G iven ,—
publishing all notices required to
That said Resolution and Notice
be advertised, published or mailed; whom it may concern: That the ¡any objections or remonstrances
accounting, clerical labor ; books Common Council of Tillamook City, | . thereto they may have; and are be and hereby is made a part of
of this notice; and all persons
that the said Coun-
___ JI__________
deems r
it expedient to im- ¡further
and blanks expended or used by the Oregon,
■prove certai..
certain streets in Tillamook
at the
Rooms in whomsoever interested or affected
L , ! cil will, _1
— Council
city and the City Recorder or'City prove
any manner by said proposed
Treasurer in connection with said City, Oregon, and to that end said the Commercial Club Rooms in in
improvements as set forth in this
improvements ; all salaries of in Common Council did, on the 20th Tillamook Block, Tillamook City, notice, and in said Resolution and
hear and determine any
spectors and all other necessary day of August, 1912, at a regular Oregon,
remonstrances Notice, are hereby notified to,
cost of inspection in connection meeting, adopt a Resolution and objections
at the hour of 8 o’clock p. m.
with said improvements, shall be Notice setting forth therein the thereto, if any, at said time and on the
29th day
of August,
paid by warrants drawn on the streets that said city proposes to place.
This notice is given by the Under­ 1912, remonstrate against, or object
improve, and also the kind and
general funds of the city.
as the Recorder of Tilla­ to said proposed improvements
The work shall commence within manner of improvements which signed,
mook City, by order of the Common as hereinbefore set forth,
30 days after the signing of the con said city proposes to make, and the Council
Tillamook City, Oregon, in any other
tract, and be prosecuted with such time and place when and where the in .and of
by said Resolution and thereto or remonstrate against
vigor that all of the improvement Council will hear and determine
said improvements or any part
and remonstrances there­ Notice ordered
work embraced in the plane and objections
objections or
Dated this 21st day of Au^uat, thereof, if
specifications shall be entirely com­ to, if any, and which said Resolu­ 1912.
remonstrances thereto tliev may
pleted on or before the date herein tions and Notice, and the whole
hereby noti­
T. B. H andley .
thereof, is in words, letters and
after stated.
As the Recorder of Tillamook, City, fied that the said Council will, at
The contractor or contractors 1
said last named hour and date, at
shall complete the foregoing im­ “R esolution A nd N otice O f I n ! Oregon.
the Council Rooms in the Commer
tention T o I mprove C ertain
provements within the time fixed
cial Club Rooms in Tillamook
S treets I n T illamook C ity , Notice is Hereby Given to ¡Block at Tillamook City, Oregon,
by the Common Council, towit: on
O regon .
~ May
or before December 1st., 1912, and
Whom It
hear and determine any objections
B e I t R esolved ,—That the Com­
in commencing said work shall con­
That the Common Council .and remonstrances thereto if any,
tinue without delay until complet- i mon Council of Tillamook City, |
said time and place.
of Tillamook City, Oregon, I at This
deems it expedient and
ed, and if the improvements be not Oregon,
notice is given by the under-
declares its intention to im- j Deems It Expedient to Im­ : signed, as the Recorder of Tilla
completed within the time fixed by hereby
the Common Council, 'Tillamook prove
the following streets:
prove Certain Streets in mook City, by order of the Cum-
City shall be paid damages to the
First Street from the East line of
Tillamook City, Oregon, I mon Council of Tillamook City,
amount of T wenty F ive ($25 00; 1 Fourth Avenue East to the East
I Oregon, in and by «aid Resolution
of Miller Avenue, in the fol­
per day for each and every day be line
'and Notice ordered.
yond the date stated, which amount lowing
Council did, on the 20th day of 1 Dated this 20th day of August,
By grading said street to the pro­
shall be paid by the contractor un­
August, 1912, at a regular meet- 1912.
less the time for the completion of per
“\'i ( seal )
T. B. H andley ,
ing, adopt a Resolution ' end
By paving the roadway of said
improvements is extended by the
Notice setting forth therein the As the Recorder of TillamooK City,
for a width, additional to the
Council of Tillamook street
streets that said city proposed to
City, Oregon.
I preeent paving thereof provided for
improve, and also the kind and
The pavement shall be laid only > with bitulithic pavement, to an ad­
which'Notice of Sheriff’s Sale Under
i manner
______ of ' improvements
’ ,
in dry and suitable weather.
< ditional width of three feet on each
said city proposes to make, and
and abutting upon the pave­
Upon completion of the improve- side
the time and place when and
thereof already contracted for;
ments in accordance with the plans ment
N otice is H ereby G iven , That
where the Council herein will hear
additional width to be paved
and specifications of the City Stir- said
re-1 by virtue of an execution issued out
and determine objections and re
veror and as shall be provided in the i with bithulithic pavement;
the Circuit Court of the state of
monstrances thereto, if any, ai nd
— of
By constructing artificial stone
contract, and upon the same being
which Resolution and Notice and Oregon, for the county of Multno-
along each side of said ad­
accepted by the Common Council curbing
dated the 4th day of June,
paving; and eliminating
of said City, said contractor shall ditional
and figures as follows, to- 1912, upon a judgment recovered
removing curbing already con I letters
be paid for said improvements in and
I by Thomas Boggess,
accordance with the provisions of traded
R esolution AND N otice OF I n against O. C. Edwards, defendant,
By laying and constructing bitu­
the contract and the Charter of
tention to I mprove C ertain , in the Justice’s Court of the Port-
said City.
| lithic headers;
S treets in T illamook C ity , (land District, in said county and
By constructing inlets;
That the contractor to whom the
state, for ttie sum of Thirty and no
O regon ,
By constructing catch basins and
contract is awarded will be requir
B e I t R esolved ,—That the Com­ ; | 100 Dollars, with Interest thereon
for the necessary sur-
•d to furnish a surety bond for the iiroviding
mon Council of Tillamook City at the rate of 6 per cent per annum j
faithful performance of the con- 1 ace drainage, together with all ap­ Oregon,
deems it expedient, and from th» flth day of April, 1912, and i
tract for a sum equivalent to the purtenances
hereby declares its intention to im the further sum of Four and 95 | 100 i
full amount of the same, having as
Dollars costa and disbursements, i
prove the following streets :
surety thereon, some Surety Com- in
i accordance with the Charter and
which Judgment was enrolled and 1
pany, satisfactory to the Mayor and Ordinances of Tillamook City, Ore­
the Northeast corner of Lot 2, docketed in the Clerk's office of;
Common Council, authorized to do gon, andall said improvements to be from
Block 2, Maple Grove Addition, said Circuit Court on the let day of l
business in the State of Oregon, made at the expense of the property West to Third Avenue West ; both June. 1912, I have levied upon that
and before acceptance of the work and all thereof adjacent thereto, sides of Third Street from Stillwell certain real property owned by said
by city, successful bidder shall fur­ and especially benefitted by said Avenue to Third Avenue West ; defendant, O. C. Edwards, situated
nish the Mayor and Common Coun­ improvements; EXCEPT, that the the
Fourth in Tillamook County, Oregon, des- ;
cil with a guarantee maintenance cost of establishing the grades of Street from Third Avenue West to cribed as follows, to wit:
bond equivalent to 50 per cent of said streets, and the cost of con­ Sixth Avenue West ; the North side
The W H of Sw M, Se y« of Sw
the amount of the contract, guaran­ structing and installing sewers, of Fifth Street from Third Avenue and the Sw
of Se V* of section 34, I
teeing that for a period of five years drains, inlets, catch basins, man­ Weil to Sixth Avenue West ; the in Township 4 S of Range 10 west
from the completion and laying of holes and all appurtenances for West side of First Avenue West of Willamette Meridan, and, on the
said bitulithic pavement in propos­ surface drainage, included within from Third Street to Fourth Street ; 7th day of September, 1912, ut 10
ed paving district, he will at his the limits of the intersection of any both sides of Second Avenue West o’clock a.tn of said day, at the.
own expense repair and make good streit with any street or alley; the from Second Street to Fouth Street ; front door of the county courthouse j
any defects arising from faulty estimated cost and expense of ail the East side of Third Avenue West in Tillamook
material or workmanship and due engineering and surveying neces­ from Second Street to Fourth Street; County, Oregon, I will sell at ,
to the proper use of said pavement sary for said improvements to be the West aide of Third Avenue West public auction to the highest bidder, .
done by and under the direction of from Fourth Street to Fifth Street , for cash in hand, tlie above des­
as a roadway.
. TheCity Recorder is hereby autho­ the City Engineer; ascertaining the both sides of Fourth Avenue West cribed real property, to satisfy the
rized and directed to adveiise for a ownership of the lota or parcels of from Fourth Street to Fifth Street ; said judgment and coats and dis
period of ten days by publishing land included in the assessment both sides of Fifth Avenue West burseinents, and the costs and ex­
this resolution and notice, asking districts; advertising, mailing and from Fourth Street to Fifth Street, I penses of said writ
proposals, in one issue of the Tilla­ publishing all notices required to and the East side of Sixth Avenue
Dated this August 8th, 1912.
mook Headlight, on the 22nd day of be advertised, published or mailed; West from Fourth Street to Fifth
H. C renshaw .
August. 1912, and to poet this reso­ accounting, clerical labor, book» Street, in the following manner :
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore.
lution «nd notice asking proposals and blanks expended or used by
By establishing the grades of said
on or before said date in three the City and the City Recorder or streets :
For Sale.
public places, in Tillamook City,
By grading that part of »aid
yregon, inviting
proposals for said improvements; all salaries of streets necessary for the construe
Four hundred fifty dollar <$450.)
□oing of such improvement work inspectors and other necessary cost •ion of sidewalk« on the portions of
t °rm 8ub8*an'*a"y 89 follows, to- of inspection in connection
the streets hereinbefore designated, equity in Bavoecan lot for sale or
said improvements shall be paid and on the sides thereof hereinbe­
N oticb A sking
P roposals for by warrants drawn on the general fore named, «nd by constructing trade. No reasonable offer refused.
Address F. H. Sherwood, Rainier,
funds of the city.
I mprovement .
upon the »ides of the street» here
AU the lots and blocks and par­ inbefore specified concrete side­ (tregon.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the office of City Recorder of Till- cels of land described as follows walk», in accordance with the speci-
One of the most common ailments
institute the
amookCity. Oregon, until the 4th day —
me proposed
propo»c<i assesetnent fication for concrete si lewalks.
of September, 1912. at 6 00 o’clccL «fistrict for grading, paving, curb- heretofore established by the ordi that liard working people are afflict
ed with is lame back.
for the improvement of the ing. installing inlets, catch basins nances of Tillamixik City.
Chamberlain’S Liniment twice a
All of said improvement» to lie day
by Rmdinff, paving and necessary surface drainage, to­
and massage the parts thorough
witn bitulithic pavement, construct- gether with all the appurtenances made <n accordance with the char­
,n* amfieiat stone curbing, laving thereto.
, .
, ter and ordinances of Tillamook Jy at each application, ami you will
Beginning at the mteraection ot City. Oregon, and to Is* made at the get quick relief. For aale l>y all
■ nd constructing bitulithic headers
^'-nstructinx inlets,
catch the North side of First Street, in expense of the property ami all dealers
*ssias and providing for the necea- Tillamook Citv. Oregon, with the thereof
adjacent thereto and especi­
‘Were all medic met as meritorious
••ry surface drainage, together East line of Fourth Averse East, ally benefitted by said improve­
as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
*'th all appurtenances thereto, in and running North 105 feet;
ment«. exceiit that the cant of es­ and Diarrhoea Remedy the world
me manner provided by the Char Southeasterly, and parallel with the tablishing the grade» of said streets,
would t>e much tattler off and the
To Or<Un»tiCea and Resolutions of North line of aatd First Street to and the expense of all engineering percentage
of suffering greatly de­
Ollaitook City, Oregon, and the intersect the Eset line of •'J1,,er an<l surveying necessary for Mid
creased. writes Lindsay Scott, of
a 09 ,nrl •P*cificatious heretofore Avenue (extended) tn »aid Tilla improvement to be done by and Temple. Ind. For sale by «11 deal
■□opted for said improvement mook City; tbence South to the under the direction of the city engi
w.h‘fh •»* now on file in the offke North line of First Street thence neer , «acertaining the ownership ere.
- I the City Recorder of Tillamook Northeasterly along the North line
John Leland [lende^oq jE>on,
This firm is doing a general land business.
The senior member came to Oregon 42 years ago.
He is a Lawyer, Surveyor and r\bstracter.
The Junior member, Sidney E. Henderson, is
a graduate of Oregon University, and is a Civil
Engineer anti Surveyor.
The Company makes a specialty of the follow­
ing branches of the Land Business :
Law—Abstracts—Surveying and Engineering
—Real Estate—Fire Insurance—Farm Loans—
They offer for sale the following choice pro­
perty in Tillamook City and Country.
1— 35V4 acres. All in cultivation. 6^4 miles S.E. of Tilla­
mook..................................................................................................... $4,500
2— 100 acres The Castle Rock Ranch. 3*^ miles S.E. of
3— -80 acres. Raw land. 30 acres rich bottom. 3U miles
S. E. of city. ?......................................................................................
4— House and lot on main county road. North of city
limits. Only ....................................................................................
5— Two lots and cottage. 2nd Ave. E............................................
6— One Lot S. E. of Catholic Church. Sightly.......... ......
7— Two lasts. One corner. S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly.
8— Two Lots. S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly.....................
9— One corner Ix>t. One Block S. W. High School. Cheap.
10— 1 Lot at Mohler .................
11 — Part of Marolf Estate, 384* acres, per acre, $2ix>.............
12— Sightly improved ranch at Netarts Bay
......................... 10,000
13— Fine Timber claim. 100 acres in 3 S of 10 W...................
14— The Ida M. Lilly Cottage und two lots .................................
And other properties.
Some good trades.
This firm has taken over the Abstract Books
of the Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. anil good
will and will continue to serve the public.
Build your house
from lumber
bought here and thus insure per­
manent satisfaction and freedom
from the many repair bi Da that
always follow the use of poor or
unseasoned lumber.
Better try
our lumber and lie done with it
than to buy poorer and then be
continually paying for repairs.
The best is always the cheapest.
A. G. Beals Lumber Company
Blend Flour
TRATGHT Fastern Herd Wheat flour has it* use*,
has straight Soft Vthi-.it fluor.
But ♦ get reaul't
from the hard wheat flour, it mu 4 be fhotoughly
Th« LouMPwffe finds this tot» ardwoti-
I urthermore, we’re living in a labor-having age.
Yet, Eastern
Hard Wheat flour has desirable qualities that cannot be overlooked
in the production of the l>r»t breadstuff.
Rakers realire this, for
invariably they coml me flours themselves, made of Eastern Hard
Wheat -nd Western Soft Wheat —that is to say: B lind Them.
But th»' two must not be mixed liaphaisrdly, as the superiority of corn­
bin-1» n depends wholly on a proper balance
Before off ar ing the publlu
ti.e»r product, the hmm ProuatNG M ills C omfanv made exhatrs*
tlve tests to determine
inc the exact proportions
proportion« of tach flour ia-
qtilred to prod tn * the blend of highest efficiency
The furt.mli fmMly adopted, in actual baking competition with
all other well known brands on the market today, has re*
pea'edly demonstrated Its excellence. You get this scien­
tific combination in buying
Fisher's Blend Flour
Manufactured by the