Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 22, 1912, Image 1

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People who succeed in
saving make a habit of it.
The saving
quires determined cultiva­
tion, but when well rooted,
grows fast.
are quick and certain.
You can start the saving
habit any time at this bank.
The test time is NOW.
Glasses fitted. Any kind, any
lyle Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. *
Miss Annie Weening, of Portland,
I visiting friends in the city this
We will sell you a buggy for leas
loney than it has cost us. Ask
Mrs. R. Rinland, of Portland, is
I on a visit to her brother, W. B.
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla-
look Meat Company’s Market, 13c.
fr pound.
tlr. Jack Olson has opened den-
II parlors over F. R. Beals’ office.
pth phones.
[The Tillamook Feed Co. will pay
lu cash for your good sacks if
fought in at once.
Fresh Salmon eggs 5c., Salmon
leeks 10c. a dozen. Small’s Wharf.
Is re Small.
Mrs. N. S. Hamlin, o< Portland,
Ivisiting at the home of Morrison
Ills, on Fairview.
Elmer Payne came in from
bgene on Sunday on a visit at the
line of Mr. McNair.
the monthly meeting of the Till-
Book Commercial Club will be
Id on Monday evening.
For Sale,—a young horse weigh-
■ about 1300 pounds, or will trade
I a lighter one. See D. L. Shrode.
ltrs. Margaret C. White is visit-
■ her sister, Mrs. Geo. Willett,
Im Mosouri, and will remain here,
tou can get the genuine Eastern
■n feed meats at the Tillamook
Bd Company General Supply
■ wo keys were left in the office
■Attorney Henderson, which the
k«r will find at the Headlight
■he case against Roy Dunham,
B> is charged with using- abusive
Bguage at Garibaldi, was contin-
B one week.
fcvitations are out for the mar-
p of George J. Scharff and Miss
fr’ie Fox, daughter of Mr. and
ft- A W. Fox, on Sept. Or
Wanted, work on farm by mar­
ried man, can milk or will consider
a rental proposition.—Address F.
G. Kemery, Route 2, Newberg,
The Ladies’ Aid of the Christian
church have rented the window of
the Ray & Co.’s Grocery Store and
will sell Home cooking on Satur­
day, August 24.
The City Transfer Co. are the fel­
lows who haul anything, anywhere,
any time. Office on Main Street,
opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call
us by phone, Main 651.
Banker Rowe was in the city on
Wednesday boosting for the In­
dustrial and Floral Fair at Nehalem
on Saturday and inviting the citi­
zens to take a trip there that day and
enjoy the fun.
Attorney L. M. Travis, Mrs. Travis
and children left for their home in
Eugene this morning. Mr. Travis
was sick with inflammatory rheu­
matism and was confined to the
house for a week.
Prof. R. Newquist, of Minne­
apolis, Minn., will speak in Swedish
st the Christian Church on Sunday
afternoon at 1.30. Miss Newquist
will sing and all Scandinavians are
welcome to this service.
Dr. R. T. Boats will leave shortly
for New York, where he will take a
poet graduate course. During his
absence Dr Oftedal, who came from
Minnesota, will have charge of the
piactice. and be is highly com-
mended as a doetpr.
R. B. Linville, of Newberg, took
a run over to this city from their
camp at the Life Saving Station
last Saturday. The city pleased
him well. While here he called at
Dr. Bowers’ office, they being old
Mrs Quinner will be at Mason,
Pennington 4 Co.’s store about
September 1st, with a full line of
Pattern hats, shapes, plumes,
feathers, trimmings and novelties
in all the latest styles for the fall
and winter season.
Harry Mitchell, Charles Griffith
and Ben Centers pleaded guilty to
using obscene language st Garibal­
di, and Justice Stanley fined Mitch­
ell *20 as he had poluted the atmos­
phere before with cuss words, and
the other two had to dig up *5 each
for doing the same thing
y*e Children’s Industrial Fair at
■rxicw will tak* place tomorrow,
■day), which the citizens of this
ft of the county should attend.
■fof. W W. Wiley, wife and fam-
James Hughey will leave for a
Hand Howard Drew, who spent trip to Canada to visit his relatives.
H summer with their parents, left
It is forty years since he left there
ft morning for Eastern Oregon.
and last year his mother died, who
ft11 delivered for *8.00 per ton wae 103 jears of age. He has a sis­
f°r half ton,or good firwood ter living whom he will visit Mr.
ftady sawed for *5.75 per cord or Hughey has been a subscriber of
ft for half a cord. See Shrode. • the Headlight since it was first is­
ft* Tillamook Base Ball Team sued in June 1888.
ftrned on Wednesday after play-
Supt. Tillinghaat. of the Deaf and
■ several games in the Willam- Mute School, accompanied by his
■ \ alley. They won three out of wife and daughter, motored in from
■ five games played, defeating Salem, and while in the city visited
■•■nnville, Salem and Robert with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Beale. The
ft** and lost the games with Prof, wae greatly pleased with Till­
and Sheridan.
amook County, and he wae greatly
TiuunmooK, O regon
• «
Drop in and book Around "
surprised to find such good roads
and delightful country to motor
Alv-in \\ hitlaw, of Newberg, visit­
ed with Dr. H. D Bowers over Sat­
urday and Sunday. They are old
friends and neighbors who have
lived thus several years. He con-
aiders Tillamook a city with a
future. With his mother, aunt,
uncle und cousins they were in
camp at Netarts the past week.
Rev. D. A. Mackenzie,pastor of the
Fourth Presbyterian Church of
Portland, has accepted the "call”
of the members to become the pas­
tor of the Presbyterian church of
this city, and the first Sunday in
September he will commence his
work here. No services will be
held in the Presbyterian next Sun­
The schedule of the local train
service which went into effect on
Sunday between Tillamook and
Mohler, is as follows :
Leave Tillamook
8.0 a. uà
Arrive Mohler....
9.50 a. in.
Leave Mohler ....
10 00 a. tu.
Arrive Tillamook
12.35 p. m
Leave Tillamook
3.20 p. ui.
Arrive Mohler . .
6.02 p. m.
Leave Mohler
6.10 p.tn.
Arive Tillamook
8. CO p. m
The mill company having put in
a spur and built a dump for logs,
arrangemnts have been made by
A. G. Beals to receive logs in future
by rail. He has bought some fine
timber and the first lot of logs will
be here next week. Mr. Beals ex­
pects J to be shipping lumber from
this city soon, as the market is
good in the WiilametteValley,which
will help to keep the sawmill in
operation this winter.
Will Pow Wow in Tillamook
City August 31.
To the Citizens of Tillamook County:
A mass meeti.ig of the citizens of
Tillamook County, Oregon, ir
respective of former party' affilia­
tions will be hekl at the Court
House of Tillamook County, in
Tillamook City, Saturday, August
31st, 1912. at 1:30 p. in. of said day
for the purpose of organizing the
P rogressive PASTY in said county,
and which party has for its candi­
dates (or President and Vice-Presi,
dent respectively, at the next gen­
eral Election, the two great "D read ­
naughts ,” Roosevelt and Johnson.
If you are in sympathy with this
movement for a National Uplift,
and wish to allign yourselt on the
side of Human Rights and the
Progressive Party, come to . this
meeting, and put your shoulder to
the Wheel of Progress,
means You.
Progressive Clubs
will be organized in every Town,
Precinct and Community of this
noble county, and if we work to­
gether in this state and elsewhere,
we can and will carry Oregon and
the Country at large for "Teddy”
and Johnson.
This Call is made at the request
of the Oregon Progressive Club,
L. M. Lepper, Secretary, Head­
quarters at Portland, Oregon.
J ohn L eland H enderson .
For the New Party
CTuu jjilu nnnfÊ gF
Try to Count on Your Fingers
The advantage of having an account
at this bank and you won’t have
fingers enough to go round.
absolute safety of your money is only
one of the benefits. There are many
others which any of our staff will be
happy to explain to you if you will call
aud inquire. Why not to-day ?
phoned to the sheriff, who brought
him to this city, greatly scared by
G. H. Root Threatens the the experience he had gone through
Sharp swore out a corupluint
Life of P. J. Sharp.
against Root aud the sheriff went
A sensational affair occurred at to Bay City and arrested him, bring
Bay City on Monday afternoon, in ing him to this city, and when it
was known by Sharp that Root was
RAILROAD OFFICALS ON which G. H. Root of Bay City, and in the city, he agaiu became greatly
Dr. P. J. Sharp, of thia city, were
the star performers. The trouble excited.
grew out of a statement made by , Justice Stunley set the hearing
As a result of the recent "Get To­ Pleased with Improvements Root’s daughter that Sharp had for Tuesday ufternoon, when Root
gether” meeting of the Commercial
Going On and the Busi­
given her whiskey nt Barview on decided to conduct liis own case
Clubs of the county, the committee
Saturday night, which Sharp al The witnesses for the prosecution
ness on P.R. & N.
which had been appointed by the
were Dr. Sharp and Attorney John­
leges is not true.
presidents met on Wednesday in
A special train arrived in this
Monday morning Root came to son und for the defense Alex Mc­
thia city, when the Tillamook, Bay city on Tuesday, with Southern the city and had a i^inversation Nair and the defendant. With few
City and Nehalem clubs were rep­ Pacific railroad-officials from San with Deputy District Attorney G. exceptions the evidence of both
resented. It was decided to adopt Francisco and Portland, who were Willett in regard to the matter and sides was about the same, but
the by-laws of the Oregon Develop­ out on an official inspection of the made threats against Sharp. The when Root attempted to offer evi­
ment League and to call a meeting P.R & N. and for a visit to Tilla­ deputy district attorney advised dence iti the form of n statement
for September 10th for the purpose mook County’s metropolis. The Root to allow the law to take its from liis daughter that Sharp litad
of forming a permanent organiza party included W. R. Scott, general course, and he left the city with the given her whiskey the prosecution
tion, to be known as the Tillamook manager ; Geo. W. I.uce, freight intention of bringing his daughter objected, hr Root hud not placed
County Development League.
traffic manager ; J. S, Barlow, chief here for the purpose of being in hie daughter on the staiid, which
Mrs. E. N. Whitlaw, of Newberg, engineer, who were from San Fran- terrogated by the public prosecutor. the Justice sustained. During the
with her brother, J. Nelson aud jcisco ; and L. R. Fields, superin- It seems that Dr. Sharp was advis­ cross-examination,
family of Dayton, have been "coast-1 I tendent ; F. H. Burkhalter, division ed of this fact and he made pre Sharp whether he had given hie
ing" the past three weeks. They engineer ; J. M. Scott, general parations at once to go to Bay City daughter whiskey after he liad ex­
have been at Woods, Barview and passenger agent ; F. Henshaw, for the purpose of having the girl tracted her teeth. He admitted do­
Netarts, and have had a most en general freight agent, of Portland make a statement that he had not ing so, as it was a practice he had
joyable time. Mr. Nelson’s family The party made an inspection of the given her whiskey on Saturday. followed for year» when patients
When asked whether
recently came from Oklahoma. He city and were greatly pleased with Before doing so, he went to McNair’s became faint
was very favorably impressed with the large amount of permanent im- store and bought a revolver, and he had given bis daughter whiskey
Tillamook during his visit with Dr. I provements which were going on. telephoned to the girl that he was Saturday night, Shurp emphatically
Bowers, last Sunday, who the past In the evening they spent about coming to Bay City, and taking his denied doing so.
As the evidence was so conclu­
seven years has accomplished what two hours at the Tillamook Com­ legal advisor. S. S. Johnson, with
other doctors have said was impos merciel
4-1 Club, discussing tlie i~
—i him, they started about one o'clock sive, even from the defendant s
sible in the Whitlaw family. He situation, and from what the official for Bay City in an auto On their own statement on the stand that lie
has treated all but one in the family said they are anxious to do every­ way there Sharp gave Johnson the bud threatened the life of Dr.
of ten including the infant grand­ thing possible for the up-building revolver, which was loaded with Sharp, there was nothing for the
Arriving there they were Justice to do but bind Root over to
of the entire county. They appeared shells.
_______ .
greatly pleased with the amount of met on the railroad track b> Root, the grand jury, which he did.
FLEAS, FLEAS, FLEAS! business the P.R. A N. had done who was carrying a shot gun, but
and they do not think that it will be it wae not loaded, neither did he KALAMA
Not Blight, Which Destroys long before the travel will demand have any ammunition.
Root accused Johnson of having Bitulithic Pavement on the
two daily trains lietween this city
Potato Vines.
Busineus Streets.
It is fleas which destroy the potato and Portland. Although the local a gun in his |M>cket and told him
train service between Mohler adn not to use it but to hold up his
vines in Tillamook County, not
Will be Commenced
Tillamook was only commenced on hands, which he did, and Root look
blight. This fact was fully demo-
Sunday there inconsiderable travel, it from it from Ills pocket It seems
and Joo will
strated to the editor on Wednes­
which seemed to please the officials, that it was the intention of Root to
day when M. B. Moulton walked
and as a result early next spring, a take Sharp to his home for the pur.
90 Days.
into the office with a bottle of
motor engine will be used. As to |H>se of hearing his daughter testi­
fleas. Mr. Moulton is an horticul­
the new de|>ot, this is now in the fy in the presence of witnesses,
A new era in opening in Kalama
turist and practical orchard man
hands of those whose duty it in to ' that lie had given her whiskey, and —an era of substantial giowtli at id
of Forest Grove, and he informed
took after these matters, and it will . while on their way Root threatened improvements.
us that it was fleas, not blig’t,
the life of Sharp several tunes, say-
The town council bus let a con.
which destroyed the potato vines, net be long before this is built.
' ing at one time "You' re a dead man tract to pave the business streets of
when he produced a bottle contain
already.” Fearing hie life was in Kalama with bitulithic pavement.
ing a number of fleas he had just Francisco were surprised to find
imminent danger, tjharp made a Fir street will be paved from the
swept off of infested potato vines. such comfortable up-to date club
break and jumped into the brush, Railroad fracas to the east avia of
The fleas have the same agility in
hopping as the ordinary flea, and profljierity of Tillamook City looked ' and as he did so Root called to him First street, and First Street from
by the aid of a miscrope some good to them from a railroad fioint to stop three times, and every time th« plank street to the south hue of
be did ao lie fired a shot from the Elm Street. The bitulithic pave­
what seaembles it For a number of view.
re vol ver. Root said on tlie wit- ment is to have u two.inch top sur­
of years the common impression
ness stand that he fired in face. Much Street improvement is
Engineer is Suspended.
have prevailed that there was an
testified contemplated.
air, but
early and late, blight, which de­
one bullet struck .a tree
juaxj au .■
stroyed the potato vine. Mr. Moul
The Board of Inquiry convened to that
ton informs us that the only way ascertain the cause and fix the respon­
to destroy the fleas is to spray the sibility for the derailment of Extra not know if there were one or seven up to 225 lbs., 10c., dressed.
vines and for that purpose he sug­ westbound train 2187 two and one-half shots fired in his hasty retreat 225 lbs. to 275 lbs . 8Vic. dressed.
gested either black juice, known as miles west of Idaville, on August 4, through the brush. Coming out I 275 pounds and over, 7c.
Tillamook Meat Company.
black leal; Paria green or arsnic of when Engineer K. Guler and Fireman somewhere near Kodad's he tele-
R. M. Gordan were slightly injured,
______ _____
has found that the derailment was due
Eye* Tested And Glasses Fitted^ to the fact that the engineer exceeded
the prescribed speed limit, and that
I sm a member of the Optical
the accident was further aggravated
Association of America and hold
that the engineer was not in the proper
State License. All work correctly
position in the engine cab.
attended to and guaranteed.
Owing to the fact that the engineer,
Prices Reaeonsble for
K. Guler. poss e ssed an absolutely clean
Cisss Wdrk.» Csn furnish Refer
record, he has not l>een discharged but
ences to your satisfaction.
has been «uapended
days on the
Now for awhile at Jenkins’
record. The board of inquiry com­
Jewelry Store. Addison H. Harris.
prised : Superintendent L. R. Fields,
Optician and Jeweler
Master Mechanic D. M. McLauchlan,
Assistant Superintendent G. C. Morris,
■ •
■.*. Chnrch
C. 1. Clough and M F. Leach
10 a.m — Sunday School.
11 a tn.—Sermon Subject. " The
Mystery of Godìinees "
7 p m. — Epworth I-engue
gpm. —Song and Sermon. Sub
ject. •Seeing God." I
J ambs T. M oobm . Pastor.
Coal, Cement, Lime,
Brick, Shingles,
Drain Tile,
Plaster, Roof Paint.
Look at Thia
Bran. Per sack. Me
Shorts. *1 20
Process Barley, *1.90.
We have the goods. tome
Tillamook Feed Co.