Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 15, 1912, Image 8

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    Tillamook H«*dlignt, flugust 15, 1W12.
Fallow the arrows to Drew Addi
tiop fro on the Postoffice.
Ten Dollars down and ten dol­
lars a month will secure you a
choice lot in Drew Addition, Follow
the Arrows, from the Poetoffice.
Drew Addition lota on easy pay­
Drew Addition has city water.
Drew Addition will be just one
tloA.off the street payment.
Secere a lot in Drew Addition on
the suay payment plan now offered
yon. $10 down and $10 a month.
Let us show you the unsold lota in
Drew Addition Now before it is too
Rollie W Watson, Agt.
Eyes Tested And Glasses Fitted.
I am a member of the Optical
Association of America and hold
State License. All work correctly
attended to and guaranteed.
Reasonable for
CI iimh Work. Can furnish Refer
encea to your satisfaction.
Now for
Jewelry Store. Addison H. Harris.
Optician and Jeweler.
W.C.T.U. Notes.
The \V. C. T. C. held their first
Mother's meeting last week Ht the
Free Rending Rooms, which was u
success, there being over sixty pre­
sent tu enjoy the program and re­
The devotional
exercises were
conducted by Mra
Bewley, the
Rogers, and the entertaining was
< oaducted by Mis. Meuse und Mrs.
It Mak«« a Firm Foundation F«e Many
Now York Skyocraporo.
Quicksund. to tbe popular mind a
lurking monster that »wallows up tbe
unwary, while ofteu treacherous, tut»
been safely built upou. and several uf
the second class skyscrapers tn Sew
York rest directly upon IL It is necea
aury at tbe outset to correct tbe popu
lar idea about quicksand. Tbe eogi
Deer's definition of quicksand Is any
louse. friable material saturated with
There are different kinds of
qulckaaud. Juet as there are different
kinds of wood, varying from nearly as
treacherous as tbe popular idea of It
to a material that may be safely built
Tbe ground in tbe lower end of Man­
hattan Island Is a quicksand extending
from tbe surface to a maximum depth
of eighty feet below Broadway
will bear three tons per square foot
and tbe foundations of many tall build­
ings rest upon IL Filled In ground is
one of tbe poorest materials od which
to build, as for years after It has been
deposited it will continue to settle aDd
obviously any structure it carries must
settle with It
Ordinary grouDd will bear safely
from two to four tons per square foot,
dry clay from four to six tons per
square foot good gravel from six to
ten tons and bedrock from 50 to 200
tons per square foot. Sand If confined
will stand very large pressures, and
similarly water, tbe most unsuitable of
all. If It could be restrained, would be
capable of resisting an enormous pres
sure. Certaluly no force man bas pro­
duced is sufficient tt> Injure its struc­
ture.—Strand Magazine.
Hew sn Explorer Would Know When
He Was at the Pols.
Reward et Dutch Bays Fer Saving
Amsterdam's Steck Exchange.
Interesting Facts About
Labor Agitators.
tection against imposition is a|TOHN
wholesome axiom of law. Village ( I
school teachers, country clergymen
and the sophisticated in general are
protected against the bucket shop,
the mail older swindle, and the
gold-brick adventurer.
The post Tillamook Block,Tillamook rv
rs against
atrainst |
office issues fraud orders
Room No. a6i.
thieves and imposters and does
what it can to stand between the
hawk and the pigeon. Why should
not organized labor be similarly
protected, even against its will,
A ttorney at -L aw
lete Mt Qf Ab
since the spectacle ««
of ^oiea.ie
wholesale Com
-act dqu ||
robbery is < demoralizing
____________ to the pub- j
Tagtj p4id for O!».
lie at large ? There never was a ser •- nol’j.
vant girl in greater need of aid;
never a country clergyman or a
village postmistress so helpless, so
Tillamook Block.
innocent, so guileless, in presence
Both phones.
of the extortioner.
The protest
against the high price of living I
comes mainly from the class of i
workers who feel the pinch more
severely than some others. It is CARL HABERLACH,
to be feared that the difficulty of
making ends both ends m^et will
grow more grevious still so long
as Messrs.
Gompers, Tvietmoe, i
Tillamook Block.
Clancy, McCarty, Darrow et al re i
main at the seat of custom and is­
sue their tax warrants with no
other restraint than their estimate
oi what the traffic will bear.
In talking with some of the mem­
bers who are associated with organ­
ized labor as well as other indepen­
dent woikmen, both of whom recog­
nize in the work the Employers’
Association is doing something
that will assist labor io general in
holding up to view dishonest lead­
ers who have so grimly entrenched
themselves in position which they
now occupy in labor’s raaks and
who are using the word “labor”
for purposes of self aggrandizement
to line their pockets with the funds
that are contributed by the man
who earns his living by the swept
of his brow. These men whom we
refer to have asked us to do some­
thing to inform their brethern and
the world at large of the great in­
justice that is being perpetuated
upon working men, especially they
who are connected with labor or­
ganizations, by the blood-suckers
who by their piratical methode and
by the levying of defense funds ex
tract the last possible nickel from
the pockets of the poor, patient
These credulous dupes
paid cn an average of $17,00 per
head in the State of California for
Hope is to be seen, however, in
A ttorhky - at -L aw .
the defense of the McNamara, not the dumb questionings of the men
quite so mcch per head in Oregon of whom we refer to in the opening
Tillamook Commercial Bnildinj.
and Washington, but still a consid­ paragraph.
Organized labbr will
erable amount. Organized labor in soon assert its manhood, and while
T illamook
O sbgoi .
California alone paid $780,000 for refusing to be robbed for the per­
the defense of these confessed mur­ sonal interest of a few pirates, it
ders. ThiB is but one state in the will conform itself once more with
Union. In Canada the screw was an economic law that is as old as
turned as relentlessly as it was civilization und that demands ef­
here. Throughout the' country the ficiency as the price of prosperity.
A ttorney - at -L aw .
assessment was 25 cents a week, It will recover from the mesmer­
and it was continued for months. ism of the noisy loafers who lead Office : Opposite Court Hi
On the basis of two million mem­ them and some of whom in our
bership, using their own figures, sister state recently visited one of
T illamook , O rkgow .
if the levy bad lasted four weeks the the principal detention establish- (
proceeds would have been one rail ments for lawbreakers, not with a
lion dollars, so that we have a sum, view of inspecting appointments
including California’s levy, which of what should be their place of
was about the heaviest, amounting residence for a time, but for the ex­
to at least one million seven hun­ press purpose of intimidating the
For external application tbe nlgbtcap
Is rarely seen
It Is first mentioned dred and eighty thousand dollars. men in charge, feariug that some­ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,
during tbe time of tbe Tudors, in the It is perhaps from two to four thing might be brought out by
inventory of Henry VI H.’s wardrobe times greater than this, but we will some of the inmates now in that,
we come across tbe following Item: "A let the lowest estimate suffice.
institution that might lead to evi-1
Tillamook Block.
nlgbtcape of black velvet embroider­
The McNamara trial was but one dence of their connection and par­
ed.'' No wonder that with such gear­ excuse out of many for a contin­ ticipation in this defense fund and
ing. as Shakespeare suggests, ' uneasy uous graft upon labor collected un thus couple them with the uses
rests the bead that wears a crown" ceasingly by itching fingers at the
to which it had been put, leading
Poor old Bishop 1-atlmer was not cun
command of leaders whose greed ultimately to their sharing the
tent with one nlgbtcap. Fox In bls
“Book of Martyrs” describes him as was collosaf and insatiable, Every same fate as the men now incar­
follows: “He held bls bat lu bls band, man and woman in the ranks cerated who had been used merely PHYSICIAN & SURGEON
paid a good
many dol­ as pawns in the great game of po-
having a handkerchief on bls bend nud have
Tillamook Block,
upon It a nlgbtcap or two and a great lars during the last year in assess­ liticial labor preferment and self- 1
cap. sueb as townsmen us*.* with broad ments over and above the McNa­ aggrandizement, as practiced by '
flaps to button under his vblti ” They mara swindle. Only the grafters the present heads of Union Labor!
evidently believed in keepiug tbelr themselves have the least idea of -Ex.
beads warm In those d|iya
the disposition of this vast hoard.
It is a fraud that dwarfs the South
For Sale.
Ths Sailor's Toothbrush.
Sea bubbles, greater far than any
A bluff and coarse old time sea rap
Four hundred fifty dollar ($450.)
tain caught a sailor one inurnlug of the historic swindles that are
cleaning bls teeth with a touthbrush. remembered for their impudence equity in Bayocean lot for sale or PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,
Tbe old man seized tbe brush, snapped and their success. Never yet was trade. No reasonable offer refused.
It tn two aud tussml the piece» over j there a body of men so "easy” as Address F. H. Sherwood, Rainier,
board. Then, bla eye» flashing tire, be 'organized labor, so willing to be Oregon.
j robbed, so abject under imposition
"What are ye tryin' to da -corrupt I and threats.
Prices for Hog»
Even sheep bleat
tbe ship wltb this here effeinluscy ‘t
against the shearing process. Mem­ Up to 225 lbs., 10c., dressed.
Cleanin' yer teeth with a toothbrush
Why. ye swnb. don't ye kixiw that bers of unions geuerally expect 225 lbs. to 275 lbs., 8Hc. dressed.
and over, 7c.
when an honest sailor wants to scrape those who are enjoying the fruits ■275 pounds
Tillamook Meat Company.
tbe tobacker off bls grinders he does of this system of defense levy to
It, like a man. with a inarlinspike or give an accounting. They are not
F inancial A gm L
a link of cbnln cable dlp|>ed In cinders only wondering but protesting as to
Land for Sale.
outen the cook's galley?"—New York how this money iB being spent.
Tillamook, Oregon.
Darrow admits the receipt of $110,000,
200 acres of fine unimproved land
but this is a mere drop in the for sale, about nine miles from I
A Satirical Reward.
Tillamook City,
about 30 acres
There was perhaps more satire than bucket It is a question of millions, could be put in cultivation with (
gratitude In the reward bestow.-d by a not of thousand, and we are not small expense. Plenty : of water, -j-y. P. J. SHARP,
French lady on a surgeon for bleeding i surprised that the members of the vine maple, alder and crab apple.
ber—an o|>eratlon In which the lancet unions should be anxious to know Electrical survey through the place. I
was so clumsily used that an artery where the millions went It came —J. S. Stephens, Room No. 10, Com­
mercial Building.
was severed and tbe poor woihsd bled from the pockets of the individual
Also House to Rent and Furniture
Office acTO«s the street fr«r1
to death. When she recognised that , laborers, and we have a suspicion for Sale.
she was dying she made a will lu
> that they will ask where it went and
Court House.
which she left the operator a life an
(what has been done with it as soon
“I waa cured of diarrhoea by one
nulty of 800 francs on cun.lltton “that
Dr. Wise’s office-
dose of Chamberlain’a Ccaic, Chol­
be never again bleeds anybody as long as their dumb patience is exhaust- era and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes
as be Ilves."
M. E Gebhardt, Oriole, Pa. There
: a matter of public concern. That is nothin;; better. For sale by all
j the incompetent are entitled to pro- dealers.
The Hunters.
“I'm going off on a bunting trip wltb
. The Fashionable T
Rinka. Dawson and Biidad." said Hick
Cìeauing, Pressing and
"Finer said Wigley. “Big game or •
small r
ing • Specialty.
"Ob. we never go beyond tbe ten cent '
limit' said Hickenlooper. — Harpers
S» »ve in Heins Phot
Of tbe many quaint and curious cus­
tom*. tradition» and privilege« prevail
mg In Holland none la mure extrsurdl
uary tbau a certain privilege that has
been enjoyed by tbe boys of Amster­
dam tor nearly 300 years.
At a fixed time each summer these
noys gather by tbe hundreds in tbe
great square called the Dam. situated
tbe center of tbe city. Each buy has
■ drum slung over bls shoulder
Facing this square is the Stock Ex
change, and on tbe occasion In ques­
tion. Just as sood as tbe day's business
is over, a» many of tbe boy» as can
crowd into tbe building They proceed
to tbe floor of tbe exchange, where,
pursuant to this odd custom, they are
permitted to march about. slnglDg and
beatlDg upon tbelr drama.
Tbe origin of this custom. It is said.
Is as follows:
I One afternoon in tbe year 1622 a
crowd of boys playing In tbe Dam lost
a ball in tbe canal tbat in those days
skirted one side of the square ODe of
tbe Lads, while climbing In among tbe
piles on which tbe building stood,
found Instead of his ball a boat moored
tn a dark corner and loaded with boxes
of gunpowder This sbowed clearly
1 enough, wbat was afterward ascer­
tained with certainty, tbe Intention of
tbe Spanish conspirator» to blow up the
Stock Exchange while It was crowd
I ed. as It was every day. with tbe lead-
1 Ing citizens of tbe city.
Tbe boy wbo stumbled upon tbe gun­
powder at once hurried tu the town an
tboritles with bl» news. The boatload
of explosive» was quietly sunk lu tbe
canal and tbe Spanish plot thus frus­
When tbe burgesses asked the boy
wbat reward he desired for tbe service
be bad rendered the town be replied
tbat so long as there was a stock ex
change I d Amsterdam tbe boys uf the
towu would like to be permitted to
make the Boor of tbe exc hange tbelr
playground during a certain part ot tbe
year. Tbe request was granted, aud au
tbe custom survive».—New York Suu.
The question arises in the mind of
every one who Is not an expert In
using measuring Instruments.
do tbe explorers know wbeu they are
.standing on tbe rotating point of tbe
j world r
First on the program was a song.
Perhaps there Is a queer sensation
* Onward
Temperance Soldier," wbeu one Is standing on the exact
followed by 11 recitation by Mrs. spot, but then bo one -has located
YVude, subject, ''Personal Interests,’’ either pole with ouch exactness. Uno
instructive can. however, discover one's nearness
and delivered in auch a genial to this Interesting point by several
mariner as to leave a lusting im­
I First one can measure tbe belgbt
pression on nil who heard it.
of tbe sun above tbe horizon, When
The reading by Mrs. Phillipa, one la standing on tbe pole tbe sun
“The Match Making Mother,” was circles round the observer during tbe
A aolo by Mr». Bewley, "My wbole twenty-four hours. It does not
Mother’s Bible," wna very much perceptibly rise or fall during tbe day
enjoyed by all. The reading by It Just goeu right round at a certain
Miss Ellen Bewley, ’ The Storiea belgbt. which varies according to tbe
My Mother Told." was splendid. season.
You measure tbe sun's height above
Mrs. Mary Thomas,
of Berkley,
the horizon Dec. 14 at noon, at mid
Cal., gave 11 very helpful talk on
night and so forth. Tbe angle you ob
“Advice to Mothers," home training, tain I» the angle which you should
Following thia was
waa a aolo obtain for your aupfsMed position. To
sung by Mrs
Moore. “Where is make sure, you remalu there two or
My Boy?" which was beautifully throe days so that errors of measure
sung and the worda were those ment can tie corrected.
A Iso you can measure your shadow
you would never forget
In concluaion waa the Sony, or the xtindow <>f a |>ole during the
twenty-four hours.
If the
"The Plea of Mothers anil
Child- whole
length of this shadow varies by even
ran." M ihh Wnriniil presided nt ths
an Inch or so you are not st the |>ole
organ, anil sting by Mesdames It must descrlls* a iiei-fect circle about
Jo|<e, Moore, Bewley, Holmes, and the center
Miss Bewley. The Rending Room
The most exact measurements are
win nicely decorated with the na­ obtained by theodolites Heztnnta are
tional colors and Howers nrtisticnlly not so accurate.— Ixmdon Sphere
arranged by Mrs. Gumer, the Mat­
Named All Their Women Marla,
fks-otra.an ialnud In tbe Indian ocean.
One of the moat iinportunt feat
»«« for many centuries a place drenti
urea of the business was electing
e<l by tbe mariner In tbe tentb ceti
11 new president of the W C T. I'., tury It wna notorious as a pirate haunt,
Mrs Rogers resigning on account and one derout authority desert tied Its
of going to Salem soon.
Mrs. Inhabitants as “Nestorian Christians
Rogers regrets Io leave this union, and pirate«.'' In addition to its iiUtlve
uf which she has labored so hard ruffians. It was also a regular station
to build up and which standa t<>- for tbe Indian contain who preyed on
da\ 11» the lending young union in tbe trade with the far east At an ear
the State of Oregon
Mrs Mary Iler date Hocolra had tiren noted as the
Thomas, of Berkley, Cal , the new­ chief limeuse |>roduclng land and as
ly elected president, is a woman of such was known to the ancient Egyp­
tians Among the curious custom, of
untiring efforts, a woman who lias
the Nocotrana of tbe seventeenth cen
been a worker for 31) yeara.
tury was that of naming all tbelr wom­
Come to the Free Reading and en Maria.
Rest Room aero«« from the Alleu
Hotel und those of you who can
Johnson's Definitions.
Dr. Johnson |>erpetrated many Jokes
please bring tuaiks, pa|>era and
In bls dictionary, but among bis most
We ure sending reading matter famous blunders waa bls definition of
"pastorn" as “tbe knee of a burse"
to the logging camps,which Is very
Dr. Jobnaou defined oats as “a grain
much appreciated. We have also
which In Knglaud is generally given to
the Employment Bureau.
burses, but In Scotland supports tbs
people" lie defined "pensioner” as
“a slave of state, hired by a stipend to
The “Progreaalve" Party
la tlir nullviiliisl, man or woman, obey hla master.” which definition was
who uses Foley Kidney Pills for made much of by the doctor's enemies
hachach rheumatism, weak back, when be bltuself was awarded a pen
Fast Celee To*.
and ’other kidney anil bladder ir- aloo
Mr* Moneybag»-Why do von apply
Foley kidney Pills
for tbe position when I stated spe­
are healing strengthening, tonic
A strong Hand
cially I d my adrarttoement tbat I d*
iiik I quick to produce beneficial re
"You was a big knurr when de game aired a colored ebaaffeurf White Ap­
->ult*. Contain no harmful ijrugs.
plicant— Baca use, madam. I am quite
Never cold in bulk
Put up in two broke up. wasn't you?”
"Yea. Dai's wby It broke up."
alaes in sealed trollies. The genu
anre tbat I could til tbe poelGoa 1
"Was It a good band dat won ds last am very green.-Judge.
ine in a yellow package.
Drug Store.
pot F"
"Il shor» wa* When It landed It f»lt
8»"»e ImprevemeoL
“Were nil medicine« ns meritorious like It inus' o' weighed a to*.”— Wash­
■Janr got ner new bonnet wet"
as Chamberlain's Colic Chotera ington Star.
"Did it rain ItF
nail Diarrhoea Remedy the world
“I should say not
It mad« It look
would t>r much belter off and the
more fashlonsbly lof^klnd than Oe
I crcentrtge of suffering greatly de-
"Wbat! You marry my daughter." for*”—Detroit tree I’re«
,.reaae<l,'' wines I u>il».n Scot^ of
-(■emide, Ind. “
For sale by nd deal- thundered old Kurley—“you. a mer»
Making Fsrfsctly Sur«.
“No. sir." replied young Hunter, “not
Jfict—Ar» you »urv tbat 1 am the
Bids Wanted
only man you ever really aiul truly
ktsiH-d my Job the OMioieot roer da ugh
lovedt Ethel-Perfectly »ure. de«»
Notus I« IlkkttliY GiVKX,-That tw acvvptsd me Philadelphia Fresa went over the wboie IM only yeoter
tHelrk'l No. 23. Tillamook _
day - Boston rmo« rtrt
A R«miM*r
Count*. Oregon, will receive sealed
hid« lor th» erection of u achcol
Clot*-Mr Sapkrlgh compta I na tn bls
Changing Fashion«.
building un their school grounds, tetter that he I» not bearing anything
r»tbev •medltstlns >m tltue « ctMnmi
on i un» Preirle. The plana and
anecifti aliona may tie seen at the further about bl» «ntt Lawyer-Bend I -AB yew ibe ra«lium <>r tM* world
ofllreoflhe H* hool Hu|wrlntendent. bint a blit - Fliegende H la iter
!'•••«■<!< away! Ihiseii'rr Ii«w-<1 it
Hani lilds will be opened Saturday
dors |«ps I »bau *a,„ a UrW
August 17
The tn »«rd reserves the
seit week
righi to refe, t ally aid all bida
K uwaihi W ksto . n . I'hrrh,
Tlll.<in<«>k. tiiegon,
K F. U No I.
August at the Beaches
The beach season is in full swing. Go while the crowds go.
Enjoy the cool breezes now, while the beat is so unpleasant
inland. Bathing, boating, hill climbing, fishing, hikes over
delightful trails. Oregon beaches better prepared »*>■«
ever before to care for the crowds. Plenty of-------------
dations. Lot* of fuA The water is fine I
213 Tillamook Block»
Excellant train
round-trip fare*.
Tillamook Co.
Special week-end
and Sunday fare*.
Call on nearest agent for information relative to fares
literature, etc., or address
JOHN M. SCOH, Ceserai F.we^sv Affeat, >—»—■
T illamook
Send for illustrated book tota about the Oregon reaorta and
our special folder on “Vacation Days in Oregon." It
all about the beaches, springs, mountain resorte, etc.
(BotlfPb >nee).