township 5 S. range 10 west . ............................... George W. linker. E i of Nw j, section 15. township 5 S, range 10 west ..................... .. C. B. I’p’on, Tract No. 701». For furtherdescrifition ace tract b«>ok io »•»»••or'« office, page 457. section 15. township 5 8. range KI west .........................................- E. J. Mendenhall, S t, of Se >» and Se $ of Swj. section 1.Î, township i S, range 10 west ...................... W. A. McKinster. Sw of Nw i and W V» of Sw J and Ne of Swi, section 17 township 5 S. range 10 west ... l/nknown owner. Trai t No 711. For further descrip­ tion nee tract Ixiok in as­ sessor’s office, page Kil. section 1«. township 5 S, range lowest .......... • Fannie F. Yach, Se of Se i. north of Lilt'e Nestu* ca river, section 23, township 5 S. range 10 west Frank Yach. Ne U of Se and Se of Ne *-♦. section 23. township 5 S. range 10 west, and W W of Nw *», •ection 24. township 5 S. range 10 west . Gi-orge E Robinson. Sw of ■w J, section township 5 n. range 10 west.................. tjeorge F. Robinson, He of se j. section 27, township 5 H. range 10 west.......... F D. Stalford. timber on fait 4, section •«>, township 5 s, range 10 west ................ , range II west ... ■ • James Walton. Jr., Trai t No. <.tm. For further description see frai t hcok in aasessoPs office, page 470, section 25. township 5 S. range 11 west, and Tract No. '.>37 For further description see tract book in assess or's office, page 471. sec­ tion 25, township 5 S, range 11 west......................... F. D. 8t.dford, Se of Nw J Ne of Sw J lest sold, see section 25, township 5 S. range II west ....................... F. D. Stalford. Timber on Se of Sw i and S | of Se 1 sec­ tion 25, township 5 S, range 11 west Carl G. Frank 'A interest ■ nd 11. Pingel i interest, \V of \V 1 section 10, township 6 south, range (♦ west ........ J. W. Boyer, I.ot 2 and N i of l Mild 17, blm li Ml. lot« 1. X 3, 1 wnd >\ bl«M'k II ............. 8. (•• Reed, Nenli-keh me Mollflt Hl III*. lotH 6. 7, 3, 0, K» end II. block II, lot« 1, 2, H, 4, 5 h nd 0, block 12 8 (>, Rrcka h > Fannie K. Rutf. Necarne) City. lot I, blixk 4 .... Stella R Appleye Secarne) City. lot 12. blin k 4 ... li C. Hani|>tou. Necnrney City. lot 16, block 4 Ni-hidcm H.iv Limi! Co , Ni enrney City, lot 27, bhx-k 4 W (■ til erg. Nei urne) City, lot 28 bl.x k 4 M.irg.irel Wixid, Ne« arnvy Citi. I<>t 13, block t> .... M È. King ludi inteieat ami I. Re* Hiia»n. hall interest. Necarnei City, lot W. tilix'k ■ Nehslcm Bay Land Co., Ne- i »mev City, lot 8. 4ilix k 8 Mil.hoil W eeteruiun. Iole Itt and 17. blixk a Alice Wrietr». Not arne) City, tot» 3 und 4 block V H W l.ytle, Necnrney City. |..t II biotta « .. H li. otaerg. Nevar ar ) Lit), kit n block » ....... -............. «> M) f. C. Kraechuke, Necarnev City, lot 19 block 9............ it. W luttle, Necarnev City, kit 17, block 10 ............... .. 7 ÏT) E. E.Stepbens.NecarneyCity, lot 13, block 11 ................. Clar . B.Colby, NecaraeyCily. lotblock 11......................... Grace D. Younger. Necarney City, lots 9 and 10. block 11 2 71) D. L. Kader, Necarney City, lol 4., bus k II......................... J, G. b: *■ > n, Necarney City, lots . .id 19, block '2H 11 ........................... ClaraB.Colby ... arneyCity, lot ¿2 block H......................... 13 75 E E. Stcphe..a, Necarney City, lot 24, tiiixk 11............. Nehalem Hay l^..-u i o . Ne- < arney City, lot S i _.. ck 12 Neha em Bay l^incjx ... Ne Carney City, lot 10, L.oc*. 3 42 Nenaiem Bay ¡-and co., Ne- carney City, lot 23, bkx s ¡4 Nehalem Ba) I-arul Co., .> carney City, lots 9 and lo, block 15 ............................... » Nehalem Hay Land Co,, Ne- carney City, lot 12, block 15 Nehalem Ba) Laud Co., Ne^ carney Cit), lot 15, block 15 Nehalem Hay Land ^o.. Ne­ » tn carney City, 1« la 1' anil 1». bhx'k 15..................................... W. G. Olierg. Necarney City, lot 11, block 15.............. 1 Ml) Caesar W eisman, Necarney City, iot 16, block 15 .......... 2 G. F. Nichols, Necarney City, lot 1, block 16 Xehalem Bay lamd Co., Ne­ carnev City, south >A lot 12. 4 07 block 16 ....... AnnieWalker, NecurneyCity, north 4 lot 12, blixs 10 ... 1 <0 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­ carney City, lot 14, block 16 1 44 W . <». Oberg. Necarney City, lol 22, block MJ................. II W. Lytle, Necarne) C ity, lot 1, blix’k 17......................... 90 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne carney City, lot 21», blix k 17 Nehalem Hay Lancico , .Ne­ carney City, lol 7, block 17 M. D. Deane, Necarney City, lot 22, block 17 ................. 12 «8* leena lumghlin, Necarney City, lot 29b block 17............. J R. Neer, Necarne) City, lots I and block ¡8.......... Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne carney vity, lots 9 anil Ml, block 1H ............. Erne«t Blue, NecSrney City, lots 11 anil 12, block 1H........ I„ M. Hill, Necarne) C ,t). lot 13, block 18 .................... 20 HI Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­ carney City, lots 1 and 2, block 19 ............................... III ft) J. L , J. C. and R. C Robin­ son, Necarney City, lot 7, block 2l>.... ......................... Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­ carney City, lots 15 anti hi, 12 00 block 21 ..................... . .. Nehalem Bay Land Co,, Ne carney C ity, lot 19 block 21 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­ 36 00 carney City lots 2 3 and 4 blix k 22 ............................... Nehalem Bay laind Co., Ne­ 18 III carney City lots IH and 19 block 22 .......... I- H Hansen, Necarney l ity 16 80 lot 15 block 22 ........ . I 1- Ai»plet«m,NecurneyCity < it) lot 9. bb ck -’I ............ II 50 Nehalem 11») Lund Co., Ne- < arm y Cit, lots 14 15 16 and 17 blix k 26 . ..................... A. J Henneman, Necarney t ity h i .'5 Work 26 M. D Deane, Necarnev City 00 lot 8. bloi k 27............... Jennie Colin. Necarney City lot 1» block 27 ............ Nehalem Bay l.atul Co., Ne- carney City lots 16 und 17 block 87................................... I. H Hansen. Necarne) City 26 UH lot 12 blix k 2 h ........... Leona Laughlin, Necarney i 'll) lot IS blix k 28 ............ T T)son and M. E. Rutf. Necarney City lot 18 b ock i 28 ........... .................. 28 52 Nehalem Buv Land Co.. Ne- enrney City lot In block 31 Nehalem Day Land Co., Ne- caiiie) City, lot 11 bltx'k 31 Nelia em Bay luind Co , Ne- currey City lots 8 and » block XI .... N II. Trooat, Necarney City lot 1 h blix k 33 ....................... Nehalem Bay Lard Co., Ne- enrney City lot 13 block 34. Jos. J. Ilugiio, Ne arneyCity lot 13 llltx'k lit ..................... 27 l',i Jo» I. Hague. NecarneyCitv tarts 4 ‘ 5 ami ...................... 6 block 40 . .. Jos. J Hague. NecarneyCity lots 15 16 and 17 block 4).. H. A »ell, Necarnev* City 15 «li Iota 7 8 and 9 block 43 .... II A. Hell, Necnrney City lots 12 13mid 14 block'42. John H Heinperley, Iota 8 and 9 20 9 blix k 1 Senbriglit............. 1- 1!. Senaaky. lot 7 blix k 3 Seiibiight.......... ............. 1, L. W right, lot 8 block 7 II 04 Seiibright ......................... L. 1.. W right, lot 5 block 8 Seabrie lit................. T. J. Jumes, lot 1«) blix k 8 Sealirtght......................... ... . 12 FO A. F. Ch.mberlain. lot 2, bkx k 2, Sunset Beach ... . W. 1. i row h> In, block 2. Sunset Beach ........................ 9 M R E Pa raima, kits 17 and 18, block 2. Stinaet bench .. Mari K. Coo|wr. lot II, bl*>ck 9 7« 3. Sunset Beach .................. R R Merrick, lot 13k block 4. Sunset Beach......................... E I* Kelly, lot 41. block 4. Sunset Beucn................ .... J. S. Povet. lota 17 mid IM. block 5 Su :set Beach......... 40 E F. Emerson. lota I and 2 block 7 Sunset Beach 46 K E. Addison, lot 2D block 7 Sannet Beach 4« I H. K Gritman. lot 2 block 9 Sunset Bauch .... K. \. tiorth. lot 7 blixk II Sunset Beach.. ............... .... 4«> Florence Ihiyle, lot Mt block 15 Sunset Bench ..................... TT K. and M. K Read, lot 6 block 19 Sunset Beach .. «I Chua. E. Hatch, lot Ik bl Sunset Benell................... 46 F. K. Schulta, lot I, block JO Sunset Bench........ «2 F K Schulta, lot 3 Meek .4' Sunset Benell........ 92 K K. Schulta. lot 9 block Ju Sunset Beach K F. »mlC II Kiiieraort l,as I J 3 block 33 Sunset Beach 1 46 E. H. EllingwotsL lot 7 block 22Sunset Beach.... J C. Auterson. lot 20 bloch 22 Sunset Beach ............. 46 Emina J. Kejs. iot XJrbioi « '¿¿Sunset Heacii....,.......... - 40 j. F. \V Aixlerson, lots 5 and«ibloi k¿«Sr.nset Beach Mi J. p. W Anderson, lota 13 14 block 21 Sunset Beach C Handier» lot S 92 Mildred block 24 Sunset Beach.... «i P. I. Packard, lot 4 block 25 Sunset Beach .................... Phil H. Newell, lot 1« block I" Sonnet Beach .... ....... «¿ Agnes N. Odeen. lot 21 block 19 Sonnet Beach............. . 46 Nehalem Bar Park Land € o , lot 17 block 5, Nehalem Mi Bay Park .............. MS H. W. Lytle, lot 3 block 7, Nehalem Ba / Park 45 Carrail Van Orsdall, S >3 lot R. block 15 and lot >5 Mi block 15. Nehalem Hay Park ......... ............ Nehalem Bay Para LanilCo. lot 17 block '¿4 Nehalem 92 Bay Park ....... ................ Nclialem Bay Park Land Co,, lota 10 and II. block 24, ■i' Nehalem Bay Park ........ Theekla Bright, lot 1« block 25. Nehalem Bay Park 92 2.u.< Gerde, lots M and 0 bl > I. 28, Nehalem Bay 4«; Park.......................................... A. M. I nseil. lot 18 block 4<> 26, Ncn. < in Bn • Parti ... 46 E. W. lb r.on, lot 10 block 46 2fk Neha.< i i Bay Park \V. E. Seve. .<•', lots 5 to 7 block 28. . .1 alem Hay 23 Park ....................... . Nehalem Buy P.. -and lo., 23 lot 5 block 30. Neu > em Bay Park............... . ........................ Mi Nehalem Bay Park 1 . nd Co., lot 6 block N, Ne r.......i Hay 46 Park........................................ Benj. Young, beginning at 46 Sw corner lot 15 ; them <• east 225 ieet ; thence north 46 llo feet ; thence west 2 5 feet ; thence south 110 feet* Pi to lieginnitig. lot 15 block’ I, Nehalem Bay Park........ 46 Bechill....................... Bros., lota 25 ... and 26, block F and lots 27 and 28, 46 Nehalem Bay block S, " Park 04 E. M. Innacent, Tract No. 761. For turther deaeri p- tion i see tract book in as- 92 sensor's oftice. page 414MI. lot 43 block \V, Nehalem 92 Bay Park .......... Nehalem BavPark LanilCo. 46 lots 1 to 5 block X, Ne­ halem Bay Park . .... Nehalem Bay Park laind Co , »2 Iota 8 and 9, block X. Ne­ halem Bay Park ............... C. T. Schroeder, lot 19 block 46 A, Nehalem Bay Park .... F. E. Fenler, lot 23 block A, Nehalem Bay Park ............ 92 Jennie M. Bramhall, lot 5 block 1 Nehalem Beach.... 46 Nehalem Bat Lard Co., lot 6 block I Nehalem Beach, and lot 1 block 2 Nehalem I 34 Beach........................................ Richard Tank, lot 2 block 3 Nehalem Beach.................... 92 Nehalem Bay Land Co., lot I block 6 Nehalem Bench 46 Nehalem Bay Land Co., lot 1 block Iti Nehalem Beach W Jennie M. Bramhall. lots 7 8 v b'oek l<> Nehalem Beach Jennie M. Bramhall. lota 21 1 HI 22 block lo Nehalem Beach Nehalem Bay Land Co , lot 46 29 block K> Nehalem Beach Nehalem Bay I.and Co., lots 46 7 and 8 block 12 N<-halem Be.uh........................................ 46 Daniel Cronen Eat., lota I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 If) II 12 bloi k 1 Pacific Harlair .................. 92 Daniel Cronen. Eat . lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 13 14 15 ID 46 blix’k tl Pacific Harbor.... Daniel Cronen. Est . lota I 2 46 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 block 8. Pacific Harlior. and iota I 2 3 4 5 6 block V Pacific H r- 46 Ixir............................................... Daniel Cronen. Eat . lota * 8 46 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 block 9 Pacific Harlior. and lota 1 2 46 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 block lo Pacific Harbor.... Daniel Cronen Eat.. Iola 1 2 92 3 15 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 I block 16 Pacific Harbor 46 Daniel Cronen, Eat., lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 block 8 46 Pacific Harlior, and Ida I 2 block 19 Pacific Harlair 46 Daniel Cronen. Ent., lota 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 II |J block lt> 1 38 Pacific linrlMir, and lota 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 '3 14 15 1 38 16 block 20 Pacific Harlior Daniel Cronen Kat., Iota I 2 1 38 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ml II 12 13 >4 15 16 block 21 Pacific Harlxir Nellie Keswick, blocks 123 4 5 6 7 H 9 lo Liver|M>ol ... 92 Nellie Beawick, lota 5 6 7 8 9 block II, and all' of blocks Ml 12 !3 14 15 IO 17 18. Liver- I xml . ........................................... Ml Nellie Beawick. lota 2 3 4 5 6 bhx'k 19 l.i vei|xx>l............... Ml Nellie Beswick, all ol blocks 20 21 22 ¿1 24 25 2t> 27 28 29 30 4« 31 32 l.ner|xxil ........ Nellie Beawick* all of blocks 411 34 :«5 36 37 l.iver|HM»l Nellie Beawick, lots 8 9 kill 4» block 38 and all of btocka M 40 41 42 43. and lota I 2 92 block A. »ml lots I 2 block B l.iver|xx»l ........ .......... 46 Wm. Padnerknuok lota 123 4 blix'k >1 l.iver|KH>l 46 Annu A. Sickles, lot 1 block Hl. LiverixMil . .......... .... 4tl A. A. Muck, lot — bhx k Nl l.iver|xx>l ....... 92 I nknown Owner. lot I block 38, l.iverpiHil ■pool ......................... VnkuownI Owner, lot 2 block Liver|xx>l Ml Unknown Owner. lot 3 bhx k 38. Uverpocl ....................... •Mt K J Themaa. lota 4 and 5 block M Liverpool........ 46 Unknown Owner lot 6 block 38. Liverpool ......................... «6 May Bingham, lot 7 block38 luvrr|xx»l ............................ 46 K 8. Johnson, lot 12 bhx k 21. W l.eeler ......... 4«< Jiiuiea W Walton, |r . Trua lee. lol 1 block 22. W heeler. 46 Jauies W. Walton, Jr.. True- tee. lot 7 blea k 22. W heeler. 46 Paul W i samger. lot 6 block 22. W beeier ............................. 61 Edith A. Bell, lots 1 23 4 3 * bkx'k 1. Brighton................. « « C N. biiarpstriu and Frank block 19 Brighton Beach ... Bhxhet, lot 9 bkxk 1 and Nein Osterman lots 19 and lot Ml likx-k 1. Brighton. .. 2» block 20 Brighton B* a* h Edith A Bell, lota > J J * Klizalieth Merle, lot 25 black 5 e 7 h » lo II 12 13 14 15 iß 11 46 2 j Brighton Beach. •*■••• H .Vi lx 19bkxk i. Brighton .... Thixt B. Watt, lota 27 28 29 X» Mi Edith A. Bell, lota 1 2 3 4 and 31 blixk ?' Brighton 5 6 7 S » M) 11 12 13 14 13, block 3 and Iota 12 3 4 Itt C.J Peter«on. lot 36 bkxk 20 5 H 7 8 9 1C II 12 13 14 13, Brighton Beach ......... bkx k 4. Brighton ..... Mi Katie G. Seston lot 39 blixk Edith A. Bell, lota W l> J8 20 Brighton Beach.............. 19 2» 21 22 Zi 24 25 2i> 27 2* 4«i Thoa. B. Watt, lot 40 blockZO 29 30 31 32 33 34, bkxk 4 and Brighton Beach • • • • lota 1 2 3 4 3 0 7 8» 10 11, Mi 13 «0 A and J Keeney, lots 8 and block 5. Brighton............... . 9 block 25 Brighton Beachy Mi Edith A Sell, lots 12 13 14 Anna Warrell, lots 11 and 12 15 10 17 18 19 21 21 22 Zi 24 block 25 ■ • • - 5 98 block 3, Brighton................. Mi Thos B Watt, lot 13 ¡.lock 25 Eilith A Bell. Iota 12 3 4 Brighton Beach 4 14 5 0 7 8«, block 0. Brighton J. E Carter, lots 16 and 17 :ß Edith A. Bell, lota 11 and ¡2, bkxk 25 Brighton Beach 92 block li. Brighton..........._... i Albert B. Scanlon, lots 18 and 36 Edith A Bell, lots 5 ft i 8, 19 bloce 25 Brighton Beach 2 1)7 block 7, Brighton ................ 1 M. A. Brown, lota 36 and 37 Edith A. bell, lots 3 4 5 0 7 blixk 25 Brighton Beach. 8 9 ¡0 11 12 13 14 15 0 17 18 IO. W. Brown, lot 38 block 19 at 21 22 23 24 25 2>i bkxk ; 25 Brighton Beach............. . 1« 8, Brighton ......................... Tho». B. Watt, lota 1 and ivlith A. Bell. Iota 29 3)31 :i2 2 bkxk 25 Brighton Beach 4 33 34 35. bkxk 8, Brighton 35 . Myrtle Hamilton, lota 5 6 Edith A. Bell, iota 12 3 4 bkxk 26 Brighton Beach . 5 0 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 ¡5 1Ö. 11 04 : Thos B, Watt. 14 15 block 26 70. blixk 9. Brighton............... Brighton Bïach................. • Edith A Beil, lots 17 18 19 4 14 W. A. Dentachman lot 22 20 21 22 bkxk 9, Brighton. block 26 Brighton Beach Edith A Heli, lots 2728 24 3», 2 76 Thos B. Watt, lots-23 24 25 block I», Brighton ... bkxk 26 Bright'>n^ Beach C. M Sharpetein and Frank S S. Mohler lots 29 30 block Bluehet. Iota 27 2* 2S> 30, 26 Brighton Beach ........... . 27 Ö 3132. blixk 3. Brighton .. 35 L. J. Hicks, lota 33 34 block C. M Si.arpatein and Frank block 26 Brighton Beach Bluchet. lota 15 10 17 18, 35 Thus. B. Watt, lota 12 3 4 block 0 and lota 1 2 3 4, blixk 27 Brighton Beach . . 4 60 block7, Brighton.. B .'I. Carlson, lots 5 6 blixk 1 14 C. M. Sharpstein and Frank 27 Brighton B-ach............. Bluchet lets 9 10 11, blocK 70 Tboa. B. W tt, lot 7 block 27 7. Brighton ............... . ......... Brighton Beach............ • 30 C. M. Sharpstein and FranK Thos. B. Watt, lot 9 block 27 Bluchet. lots 12 and 13, Brighton Beach............... 1 38 blocK 7. Brighton ............ John Murray, lot 12 block 27 1 61 C. M. Sharpstein and FranK Brighton Beach ............ Bluchet. lot 28, blocK 8, Heeklingcr, lot 13 69 N B Hecklingcr, Brighton ........ , • • • • block 27 Brighton Beach.. C. M. Sharpstein and FranK Eunice Potxery, lot 14 block Bluchet, lots 23 24 25, blocK 27 BriglUon Beach............. 2 07 9, Brighton ......................... Geo. H. Mashier, lot 15 block C. M. Sharpstein and FranK 27 Brighton Beach........... Bluchet. lota 31 and 32 92 ! H C. Burdick, lot 16 block 27 1 bhxK 9, Brighton .............. Brighton Beach..................... Agnee Thompson, lots 1 and ! M. J. Colli-’s, lots 20 21 block 1 2, blocK 8. Brighton........... 27 Brighton Beach............. 6 14 Thos. B. W att, lots 1« 1» and 35 M. N Chsngassky, lot 22 20 block 1, Brighton Beach bkxk 27 Brighton Bcacli.. rims. B. Watt, lota Z4 24 25 W S. Gibson, lot 25 26 block and 26 block 1 Brighton 27 Brighton Beach .... 46 Beach................. • • • B 1. Ddvison. lot 27 28 29 "it helm l.entz.. Iota 1 and 2 block 27 Brighton Beach.. 23 46 b ock 2 Bri. hton Beach... Henry Wetzler. lota 30 31 Tho. H Watt, lots 14 15 16 block 27 Brighton Beach anti ! i block 2 Brighton 46 A. W. Lyman, lot 32. block 72 Beach ....................................... 27 Brighton Beach ............. R. R. Garlick, lots 2tt anti 27 23 Elizabeth Lyman, lot 33 block block 2. Brighton Beach .. 27 Brighton Beach .... 69 Alfred Lindberg, lot 12block 11 Thos. B. Watt lot 34 b ocx 3 Brighton Beach ........ 27 Brighton Beach 35 E. Jacobson, lot 15 bloek 3 12 Thus. B. Watt, lot 36 blocK Brighton Be eh ............... 27 Brighton Beach............... 35 H. H. Pettit, lot 20 block 3 12 I-J. HicKs, lot 35 blocK 27 Brighton Beach .... Brighton Beach................... Zt Thos. H. Watt, lot 21 block 3 12 R. M Repass, lot 20 blocK Brighton Beach .. . 28 Brighton Beach.. Edward Sc tt, lot 22 blixk 3 12 W. H. Vrooman, lot 21 blocK Brighton Beach................... 2n Brighton Beach... Thoa. B. Watt, lot 23 block 3 11 Nellie Hopper, lot 22 blocK Bright m Beach .... . 28 Brighton Beach Z< Nellie Freeman, lot 23 block 12 B. L. Davison, blocK 23 24 25 3 Brighton Beach................. blocK 28 Brighton Beach 23 Thos. B. Watt, lots 31 and 32 block 3 Brighton Beach 23 Thos B. Watt, lot 26 lilixK 28 23 Thos. B. W alt, lots 1 and 2 Brighton Beach..................... block 4 Brighton Beach ... R. Guillard, lots 27 28 blocK I Thos B: Watt, lots 8 9 10 II 28 Brighton Beach............. .. 12 !3 14 15, block 4, Brigh­ Geo W. B ttner, lot 29 blocK 46 28. and south J lot 30 blocK ton Be.ich................. ............ 0. W. Haight, lota 22 anti 23. 28 Brighton Beach .......... 23 block 4, Brighton Beach .. Zf Rosa SwatfK, lots 32 33 34 35 Thos. B. W att, lots 31 anil 32 111 xK 2' Brighton Beach 23 I J, Shoot 1 2 blocK 45 bloca 4 Brighton Beach .. Thos. B. W att, lots 1 anil 2 Brighton Beach ............. block 5 Brighton Beach ... 23 I Thos B. Watt, lots 3 4 5 and S. H Hixivcr, lets 6 7 8 6 block 45 Brighton Beach •) 76 blixk 5 Brighton Beach .. 35 W. C. Higgiii > lot 25 block 45 Chas. V. Hardjieff. lots 16and Brighton Beach..................... 17, block 5 Brighton Beach 23 Thos B Watt, lots 8 9 10 and 3 68 F. L. Vaughn, lot 2o block 5 11 block 46 Brighton Beach Brighton Beach ........ 12 A M. Englebreteen, lots 17 rima. B. Watt, lot 1 Idtxk 6 and 18 block 46 Brighton Brighton Beach................... 11 Beach ........................................ Geo. Burg, lots 1 and 2block i Ruth S. Hicks, lots 21 and 22 « 90 6 Brighton Bench.................. 23 blixk 46 Brighton Beach Thos. B. Watt, lot 7 block 6 Lillian Wnalund. lot 25 block Brighton Beach..................... 12 46 Brithtou 2».,di .... I I Thoa B Watt, lot 27 block 46 Carl G. Anderson, lots 10 and 11 block 6 Brighton 1 Brighton Beach..................... 5 I* Beach ........................................ 23 , Ada W. Chambers, lota 29 Geo Nickoloff. lot 16 block 6 upd 30 block 46 Brighton Brighton Bench... 12 Beach .................................... 3 68 M. N. Chongiirsk.i. lot 17 Thos B. Watt, lot 36 blixk 46 block 6 Brighton Beach.... 12 Brighton Beach Thos. B. Watt, lots 20 and 21 Thos B Watt, lota 13 14 15 16 block 6 Brighton Beach . . 23 17 and 18. block 47 and lots 3 •»> H E. Bensley, lots 22 and 23 21 and 22 block 47 Brighton block 6 Brighton Beach . 23 Beach ........................................ B. L. Davison, lots 24 25 and John R. Vietare, lota 23 24 26 block 6 B ight. n Beach. 35 25 anil 26 bli ck 47 Brighton Titos. B. W at lots 27 28 29 Reach ....................................... 5 98 and 3» block 6 Brighton Time 1'. Watt, lot 32 block 47 Beach .. ................................ 46 Brighton Beach.................. C. J. Paini, lots 1 2 3 and 4 Hilda Jones lot 33 block 47 3 68 block 17 rl ighton Beech 46, Brighton Beach ................... Thoa B. Watt, lot 5 bkxk 17 Ida L Hayes lota 34 35 and 3 14 Brighton deacli............ 36 blix k 47 Brighten Beach Elenor Curtiss, lot 6 block 17 Thos. B. Watt, lota 9 10 11 Brighton Beach 12| and _________________________ 12 bkxk 48 Brighton Thoa B. Watt, lot 7 block 17 Beach.................................. . 1 98 Brighton Beach................... 12 Thos. B. W att. lots 17 18 ¡9 Clara Thmnpaon, lot 8 blixk and 21) block 48 Brighton 12 17 Brighton Beach.... 12 ' Beach......................................... Gustave Hogmun, lot 12 Wm F. ParKer. lots 21 ami lihx k 17 Brighton Beach 12 22 blocK 48 Brighton Beach 4 15 Carl Olson, lot 13 blixk 17 Thos. B. W att. lots 25 and 26 Brighton Beach .... 12 blocK 48 Brighton Beach .. 1 24 Thus B. Watt, lots 16 and 17 ; Emma I McGinn, lot 27 block 17 Brighton Beach. 231 blocK 48 Brighton Beach... Tima B W att, lots 25 and 26 ! Thos. B. W att. lots 28 and 29 bkxk 17 Brighton Beaeh blocK 48. Brighton Beach . John ,’lurra), lots 27 und 28 N. E. Chain bless, lot 30 I 28 block 17 Brighton Beaeh . I bhx'K 48 Brighton Beaeh rima B W all, lot 29 bkxk 17 Phil Wyvel lot 35 bhxK 48 11 Brighton Bauen............ 12 Brighton Beach. .................. Marie Basa, lota 3i> and 31 L L Wyvel. lot 36. blocK 48 04 block 17 Brighton Beach .. Brighton Beach ................... Emma Montgommery, lota Thos. B W att, lots 5 anil 6 .12 und 33 block li Brigh­ blocK 49, Brighton Beach ton Beaeh Theresa hair, lota 23 and 24 04 Herman Van Cleti, lota 34 blocK 49. Brighton Beach. and 35 tikx'k 17 Brighton G Li Swain, lot 26. bkx-K 49 04 Beach ...................................... 23 Brighton Beach ............... Thoa B Watt, lota i and 2 S. H Hoover, lota 31 anil 32 04 bkx k 18 Bi igliton Reach ... 23 biocK 49 Brighton Beach ... R. I. Pomeray. lot 15 block Thos. B. W att lots 33 and 34 18 Brighton B-uch 12 blocK 49. Brighton Beach.. T. I .Moreland, lot 16 block E. I. Sweet, lot 32, blocK 51 04 18 Brighton Bench 12 Brighton Beach .................. G. B. .Moreland, lot 17 block Altieri Isaac, lota 20 and 21 04 18 Brighton Benell 12 blocK 52, Brighton Beach Thoa B. Watt, lot 23. block 18 Sarah Sead,' lota 24 and 25 1 3* Brighton Beaeh ........ 12 blocK 52. Brighton Beach.. Thoa B. Watt, lota 33 34 and Thos. B. Watt, lot 32. block 1 ;♦ 36 b . ck 18 Brighton Beach 46 ää. Brighton Beach .......... John D. Fordite. lota 12 and Thus B. Watt, lota 35 36 37 I 38 3 block 19 Brighton Beach 35 block .53 Brighton Beach... H. D Portwixxl. jeta 15 and Thus. B Watt, lota 10 and 11 1 38 16 bkxk 19 Brighton Beach 23 bkx k 53 Brighton Beach .. W ui Farr lota 1, 18 líand 2Ü Tima B. Watt, lots 18 and 19 1 73 blix k 19 Brighton Bcuen .. 46 block 53 Brighton Beach Thoa B. Watt, lota 23 and 24 Harry Nelson lot 23. block 53 4rt Brighton Beach.......... 12 J I. Mayhugh, Irrt 24. block 53. Brighton Beach 12 Thon. B. Watt, lots 1 and 2, 12 block 54. Brighton Beach a Thomas B. Watt. lot 13 Mock 54. Brighton Beach ............ 12 58 R. J. Pomeroy, lot 12 block 54 Brighton Beach.... 12 12 Thon B Watt, lot 25. bloc* 54 Brighton Beach.............. 10 12 Thon. B. Wat*, lot 5. bloc* 55 Brighton Beach .... 12 12 W. F Halierlach. lot 10, block 55 Brighton Beach. 12 23 L A. Remolde, lot 11, block 55. Brighton Beach 12 23 W A- Hickson, lot 27 block 55. Brighton Beach............. 12 12 Thus. B. Watt, lots 34. block 55 Brighton Beach ........ 12 23 A. E. Davison, lot 35 blocK 55 Brighton Beach.............. 12 23 B. L Davison. lot 36 blocK 55 Brighton Beach 12 23 J. F. Wyvel, lots 37 38 blocK 55’ Brighton Beac h 28 12 ma . Proctor, 3 4 block 56 Brighton Beach 3 23 Lena ShauterbacK, lots 22 23 24 25 blocK 56 Brighton 23 Beach .................... 4« W. S. Gibson, lot 26 27 28 23 blocK 56 Brighton Beach 35 Tims B Watt, lots 2930 biocK 12 56 Brighton Beach............... 3 Thon B. Watt, lots 37 38 blocK 35 62 Brighton Beach............... Thus B Watt, lot 26 blocK 64 23 Brighton Beach..................... Thus B Watt, lots 33 34 35 23 blocK 64 Brighton Beach . 2 07 Thon B. Watt, lots 2223 blocK 46 66 Brighton Beach 92 Th is B. — Watt, . ‘ lota 24 25 26 27 23! 27 29 blocK 69 Brighton Beach 12! Thos B Watt, lots 4 5 blocK 73 Brighton Beach... ... . 23 12 Thos B. Watt, lots 24 25 blocK 74 Brighton Beach. 3 12 Thos B Watt. Iots42 43 blocK 81 Brighton Beach.... 1 38 12 Thos B Watt, lots 47 48 blocK Hl Brighton Beach.................. 1 38 12 Then B Wat', lots 1 2 blocK 82 Brighton Beach.......... .. 92 12 Thos B Watt, lots 38 39 blocK 82 Brighton Beach............... 92 12 Vlreiok Vlaliuwtiio» 47 48 blccK 82 Brighton Beach.. 92 23 Thos B Watt, lots 12 3 blocK h 9 Brighton Beach.... 35 12 Vlasios Vlahasotiios, lots 4 5 blocK 89 Brighton Beach 3 23 C. A. Messingj_lots 6 7blocK 89 Brighton Beach 23 35 Thos B Watt. lota 15 16 block 23 ........ 89 Brighton Beach 23 Thos B Watt. lois 21 22 block 23 89 Brighton Beach................ 12 Thos B Watt. lot 25 block 90 Brighton Beach 12 12 Sely Pomeroy, lot 25 blocK,91 12 Brighton Beach ........ 12 Thos B Watt, lots 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 blocK 92 Brigh­ 12 92 ton Beach................................. Thos B Watt, lot 25 blocK 93 12 23 Brighton Beach.... Thos B Watt, lots 23 24 block 12 92 95 Brighton Beach.............. Thos B Watt, lots 37 38 block 12 92 95 Brighton Beach................ Thos B Watt, lot 40 block 95 12 41 Brighton Beach Thos. B. Watt, lots 20 and 21 35 block 96. Brighton Beaeh Thos. B. Watt, lot 32 block 12 97, Brighton Beach............. Thos. B. Watt, lot 40 bloc* 23 tB 97. Brighton Beach .......... Thos. B. li att. lots 61 62 63 2 76 64 blocK 96 Brighton Beach 23 Thos. B. Watt, lots 9 and 10 92 bloc* 97. Brighton Beach.. 46 Thos B. Watt, lots 29 &) 31 1 84 :12 blocs 98 Brighton Beach 23 Manhattan Realty Co., lots 9 2 20 and 10, block 6, Manhattan 46 Manhattan Realty Co., lot 3, 1 10 block 7, Manhattan 12 Sophia Brobst, lots 4 and 5, 2 20 block 7, Manhattan 46 Mary L. and Minnie Denning 1 10 lot 1, block 9, Manhattan Manhattan Realty Co., lots 2 23 2 20 and 3, block 11, Manhattan. Manhattan RealtyJSo., lots 8 23 2 20 and 9, block 11, Manhattan. Manhattan Realty Co., lots 28 12 pnd 29, block 3, Manhattan Beach, * - 11 Lizzie Maguire, lota 14 and 15, block 4, • • - - 23 Manhattan Realty Co., lots 22 and 23, block 4, Manhattan 88 Beach. - - . . 12 Lizzie Finn, lots 3 and 4. block 5, Mal.attan Beach Manhattan Realty Co., lot 12, 44 block 5, Manhatten Beach 92 Manhattan Realty Co., lots 19 and 20, block 6, Manhattan Beach. - . . . 46 Manhattan Realty Co., lot 7, 44 block 7, Manhattan Beach. 12 Lena Rider, lot 13, block 7, 44 Manhattan Beach 12 Margaret Sharkey, lot 14, 44 block 7, Manhattan Beach 35 C. E. Brown, lot 15, block 7, 44 Manhattan Beach. 45 Emma Forsberg, lot 18, block 44 7, Manhattan Beach. E. R. Angell, lots 21 and 22, 81 block 7, Manhattan Beach 46 W. W. Wisewell, lots 23 and 24, 88 block 7, Manhattan Beach. 21 Manhattan Realty Co , lots 4, 5 and 6, block 8, Manhattan 23 1 S Beach. - 12 A. L. Davis, trustee, lots 9 and 10, block 8, Manhattan 88 Beach. - . . . 23 Manhattan Realty Co., lot 14, 11 44 block 8, Manhattan Beach H. P. Burroughs, lot 16, block 44 8, Manhattan Beach. Sarah F. Angell, lot 24, block 8, 44 Manhattan Beach. Manhattan Realty Co., lots 35 23 and 36, lot 8, Manhattan 88 Beach. .... Manhattan Realty Co., lot 26, 58 block 9, Manhattan Beach. Jessie C. Foote, lot 6, block 10 58 Manhattan Beach. L. B. Townsend, lot 7, block 10 58 Manhattan Beach. .viannattan 23 Manhattan Realty, Co., lot 23, 58 block 10. 10, Manhattan Beach. 12 Mary¡Wi taon. Jot 27, block 10. 58 Manhattan Beach. 23 Calla McMullin, iot 28, block 58 10, Manhattan Beach. 23 Manhattan Realty Co., lot 7, 58 block II, Manhattan Beach. Manhattan Realty Co., lot 10, 58 block II, Manhattan Beach. Manhattan Realty Co., lots 30 and 31, block 11, Manhattan 23 II Beach. . . . . Manhattan Realty Co., lota 24 23 25. block 11, Manhattan i a Beach. 23