Notice of delinquent taxes od Real Property I township 1 N, range 10 west................... Fox Lumber Co .TractNaSTH. For further description see tract book in assessor’a office, pane 4ft section 34 township 1 N, range 10 west, and Tract No. 715. For further description see tract book in assessor's office, page 4ft section 34, township 1 N, range 10 west .................. .......... N’OTICB 18 HKirtSBY G iven , pur- Nellie E. Armstrong, Tract .„«nt to the provisions of Chapter No. 43. For further des­ $rt‘"f the General Laws of Oregon cription see tract book in f'r the '•ear 1191. that the taxes for assessor’^ office, page 99, me vear 1911 HI«" the following de section 35, township 1 N, bribed real property in Tillamook range 10 west......................... ronnty. Oregon, became delin- Security Saving A Trust Co., Lent on the 1st day of April, 1911, Sw 4 of Sw 4 section 3, and are subject to a penalty of ten township 2 N, range 7 oer cent and interest at the rate of west............................................ twelve per cent per annum until Security Saving 4 Trust Co.. paid, and that the description of Ne | N 4 of Nw J and Sw the real property upon which said of Nw J. section 10 town­ taxes are delinquent, nnd the amount ship 2 N, range 7 west.... of the tax. and the name of the own- Fred R. Hayes, one-half in­ er# thereof as the same appears terest, and IVm Cautyone- 11, oil the Tax Roll, are as follows. half interest E J of IV J section 5, township 2 N, Merchants' Saving A Trust range 8 west........................... Co Se ‘i. section 5, town- Fred R Hayes one-half in­ $100 15 ship 1 N. range 5 west terest and IVm Cmity one- } F Thompson, Nw 14 of be half interest andW i of Ki H section 18, township 1 section 9, township 2 N, 9 25 N, range 7 west .. ............ range 8 west .. ...................... i p R. R. Co., Ixtt 4, sec­ C. P. Knudson, Lot 3. Less tion 18, township 1 N, tract sold, section 5, town- 45 range 9 west ship 2 N, range 9 west.... Jlaude Thayer, S i of Nw i W. H. Easom, Tract No. 102. section 36, township 1 N, For further description 4 75 range 9 west....... • • • • • • • • see tract book in assessor's lomer D. Angell and F. S. office, page 56, section 6, Fisher N i of Nw i section township 2 N. range 9 36, township 1 N, range 9 west............................... GR e Mary E. Smith Ne i of Ne 4 west ................... . • I, Smith, W i of Sw J, section 18, township 2 N, section 1, township 1 N. range 9 west........................... range 10 west, and Ne of Ed F. Robson, Nw J of Se 4 Se i and Se of Ne i, sec­ section J16, township 2 N, tion 2, township 1 N, range range 9 west.......... .... 36 80 Henry Lederer. Se of Nw J 10 west............ ■, \ ”• lary Aellig, Est., Lota 2, 3, section 29, township 2 N,_ 4, and Sw of Ne i section 2, range 9 west........................... township 1 N, range 10 west. Heniy Lederer, Ne of Sw 4 Tract No 5. For further section 29, township 2 N, description see tract book range 9 west .............. in assessor’s office page 5, Erwin Kabkee, Sw of Nw 4 section 2, township 1 N, section 29, township 2 N, 50 80 range 10 west......................... range 9 west........................... > G. McMullen. Tract No. Erwin Kabkee, Nw of Sw 4 833. For further descrip­ section 29. township 2 N, tion see tract book in as range 9 west, «nd Ne of Se sessor's office page 10, X section 30, township 2 section 6, township 1 N, N. range 9 west.... 1 05 Ernest Kabkee, Se 4 of Ne j range 10 west.......... illaniook Beach Realty Co., section 30, ’ownship 2 N, Tract No 856. For further range 9 west........................... description see tract book S. and J. Barber, N 4 of N J in assessor’s office page ¡8, of Se i of Se i. section 22, section 6 township 1 N, township 2 N, range 10 20 4 west.... ......................... range 10 west........................... Jas. Kodad. N J of 3e j, sec . F. Buckles, Tract book For further des ­ tion 22, township 2 N, No. 14. . cription see tract book in range 10 west, and Nw 4 of assessor’s office page ll> Sw J secti -n 23 township r.ection 11. township 1 N, 2 N, range 10 west 78 20 Erwin Kabkee, Sw f of Sw i range 10 west.......... he Garibaldi BeiiCh Co., S* and IV i of E J of Sw 4 of S i and Ne Vi of Se J. sec­ section 35, township 2 N, tion 16,township 1 N, range. range 10 west, and -rract 23 10 No. 117. For further des­ 1(1 west..................................... lie Garibaldi Beach Co , All cription see tract book in tide land F. and A on Lot assessor's office, page 74, 2. section 20, township 1 section .35, towpship 2 N, 40 1 N. range 10 west.. ................ range 10 west I. Handley, Tract No. 17. J. Garbee, Se of Sw J section For further description see 3 township 3 N, range 6 t • et book in assessor’s west ................................. alik e nage 15, section 20, J. Glaser, Sw of Sw J section township 1 N, range 10 3, township 3 N, range 6 12 «XJ west.. . ........ west ............... ................... idney Smith Est, Tract No R. F. Cox, Ne of Nw 4 and» 18. For further descrip­ Ne of Se J section 8 town- tion see tract book in as­ ship 3 N, range 6 west ... sessor's office page 15, sec­ A. Mahue, Ne 4 section 9, tion 20, township 1 N, township 9 N, range 6 12 60 range 10 west . .. ... west..................... . E Watt, Tract No. 25. J. Glaser, W J of Nw J and For further description see Se. of Nw J. section 10,town tract book in assessor’s ship 3 N. range 6 west office, page 15. section J. Garbe, N i of Ne 4 and Ne 21. township 1 N, range 10 of Nw J, section 10 town-’ 8 40 west............................................ ship 3 N, ranged west he Garibaldi Beach Co>, W. N. IJosclier, Lots 3, 4 and For further Tract No. 31). 5 and Sw of Nw 4, section description see tract book 2, township 3 N, range 8 in assessor’s office, page west ......................................... 18, section 21, township 1 Lombard A Rittenhouse, N 25 *20 N, rarge 10 west.................... 4 of Se i and Sw of Se 4. he Garibaldi Beach Co., section 2, township 3 N, Tract No. 24. For further range 8 west ......................... description see tract book W. G Dwight, Lots 7 and 8, in assessor's office, page section 2, township 3 N, 17. section 21, township 1 rangeS west, and H 4 of Se north, range 10 west i and Sw of Se 4 section 3. Tract No. 33. For. further township 3 N, range 9 descpription see tract book west ..................................... in assessor's office, page N. P. R. R. Co., Nw of Ne 4. Nw of Ne i section 10, 19, section 21, township 1 39 90 N, range 10 west.................... township 3 N, range 8 he Garibaldi Beach Co., west............................................ AU tide land F. and A. on City of Astoria, Lota 1 and 2. section 10, township 3 N, Lots 3 and 4, section 21, townshiplN. range 10 west 31 50 range 8 west ......................... he Garibaldi Beach Co. W. G. Dwight. Ne of Sei and Lot 10, section 10,township Tract No. 48. For further lescription see tract I took 3 N, range 8 west, and Sw of Nw i and Ixit 1, section n assessor’s office, page 11, township 3 N, range 8 !2. section 22, township 1 C range 10 west .............. 2 10 west........................................... J. \V. Russell. Sw of Nw i, e Garibaldi Beach Co , and Lots 3 and 4, section 111 tide lands F. and A. 2, township 3 N, range 9 in lots 1, 2. 3, section 22, ownship 1 N, range 10 west ........................................... rest'............................................ 27 30 Jos. Russell, Se of Ne i and Lota 1 and 2, section 3, E. Noble, Tract No 56. township 3 N, range 9 •or further description see ractbook in assessor’s of- west ......................................... R. A. Crawford, timber on ice, page 26, section 22, W i of Nw i, section 5, cwnship 1 N, range 10 vest ........................................... township 3 N, range 9 5 55 ama Adams, Tract No. 61. west ........................................... Ida Condit, Ne of Nw 4, W 4 •or further description of Ne i and Ne of Ne 4. sec­ lee tract book in aseeror’s tion 7, township 3N, range jftice, page 27, section 22, 9 west, an<1 Nw section township 1 N, range 10 west ........................................... 9, township 3 N, range 9 93 ara Pearson, Tract No. 62. west.................................... . A. A. Smith, half interest, For further description and J. F. Martyn, halt in­ •et'track Ixxik in assessor's terest, Lot 4, section 13. office, page 27, section 22, township 3 N, range 9 township 1 N. range 10 west............................................. west .................................. • • • • 1 85 Jos. Effenberger. timber on ck Tone, Est, Tract No. E 4 of Sw i, section 31, For further descrip­ township 3 N, range 9 tion see tract book in as­ sessor" s office, page 25, west ... west ..................... — O. J. Boe, Ne 4. section ft section 22. township 1 N, township 3 N. range 10 range 10 west............ —.... 4 05 west ... ...——..................... W. Wright. N 4 of Ne i. G Dwight, Ix>t 3, section Section 25. township 1 N, 11. . «» 2. township 3 N, range 10 range 10 west ........................ 2 15 west............................................ Garibaldi Beach Co., Nora A. Skyles. E i of Nw AU tide land F and A on 4. section 5. township 3 N, Lot 1 section 29, township range 10 west............. I N range 10 west ............ 5 70 D. F. Skinner, E J of E J, ” Eastman. Tract No 83. section 7, township 3 N. For further description *e* tract book in assessor's range 10 west -••••••••;•" Ray Marble. Ne 4 of Ne 4 of office page 43. section 34. Sw f . W * of E * of Se t of township 1 N, range lo Nw 4 section 13, township best. Tract No» 84. Foe 3 N, range 10 west . .... further description see S. G Heed. Se of Sw 4 and tract book in aaseeooc's Sw of Se 4. section 17, office, page 43, section 34. Ü 40 in Tillamook County, Oregon, for the Year 1911. 56 35 17 20 37 00 175 75 53 75 79 20 1 08 4 60 8 a> 4 40 6 60 8 40 3 30 8 80 4 40 3 75 22 50 25 20 1 56 5 72 44 20 20 80 20 80 14 30 39 00 67 00 33 80 10 40 11 70 23 4« :« oo 89 00 9 10 39 00 5 10 6 90 |J5 80 18 40 1« 10 20 70 8 9B township 3 N, range 10 west ................................... S. G. Reed, Imitai. 2. 3, 4 and 5. section 18, t'wnship 3 N, range 10 west, Lot 1, sec­ tion 19, township3 N, range 10 west. Ne i, section '20. township 3 N range 10 west. E i of Nw i and Lots 1 and 2. section 20. town­ ship 3 N, range 10 west, I-ots 3 and 4, less platted, section 20, township 3 N, range 10 west, and Se i, less tract sold, section 20. township 3 N. range 10 west............................................ Andrew Gottenborg, Tract No. 131. For further de­ scription see tract book in assessor’s office, page 81, section 23, township 3 N, range 10 west ....................... Ida Henshaw, % interest, and Pearl Crawaton H in­ terest. Lot 1, section 1, township 3 N, range 11 west.. ... ........................... M. A. Thompson, Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18, section 5, township 1 S, range 8 west.......................................... Hans C Hanson, Sw of Sw f, section 28. township 1 S, range 8 west ......................... Hans C. Hanson, S i of Se i, section 29, township 1 S, range 8 west ......................... Hans C. Hanson, Nw of Ne i, section 32, township 1 S, range 8 west ......................... L. H. Fields, S J of Se i and Nw of Se i, section 33, township 1 S, range 8 west .......................................... John E. Nelson. Ne i, section 3, township 1 S, range 9 west ........... Oak Nolan, Tract No. 181. For further description see tract book in assessor’s office, page 109, section 6, township 1 S, range 9 west . .......................................... Benj Sensney, Se i of Ne i, section 16, township 1 S range 9 west............................ George K. Quiggle, N J of Sw J, section 17, township 1 S, range 9 west............... George E. Quigger, E i of Se 1, section 18, township 1 S, range 9 west........................... Lillian R. Anderson, Tract No. 216. For further de­ scription see tract book in assessor’s office, page 126, sections 20 and 25), town­ ship 1 S, .-ange 9 west C E Reynolds, Lots 14. 15 and 16,section 23, township IS, range 9 west, and Sw i of Sw J, section 24, town­ ship 1 S. range 9 west......... Tillamook ’Vater Company, Tract No. 225. For further description see tract book in assessor’s office, page 133, section 26, township 1 S, range 9 west .................... M. E. Parkhurst, Tract No. 231. For further descrip­ tion s-e tract book in as­ sessor's office, page 136, section 27, township 1 S, ronge 9 west .......................... Lillian R. Anderson, I-ot 1, section 29, township 1 S, range 9 west ......................... O. A. and F. E. Dodge. *4 interest,and AnnaC.Erkie, % interest, Tract No. 265. For further description see tract book in assessor's office, page 149, sections 29 anil 32, township 1 S, range 9 west ......................... Mary E. Phelps estate, part of Tract No. 319. For fur ther description see tract book in assessor’s office, page 165, section 30, town­ ship 1 S, range 9 west .... John Rupp, E i ofNwJ, sec­ tion 36, township IS range ! Fred Tontfinson, Eat., lots 1, 7 and 8, section 34, town­ ship 1 S, range 10 west .. John Duttweiler, Tract Na 524. For further descrip­ tion see tract laxik in as­ sessor'll office, page 362, section 36» township 1 S, range 10 went ..................... Nellie E. Armstrong, N } of Se I*, section 5, township 2 south, range 8 west .... I Nellie E. Armstrong. Sw I4 : of Ne U and Se of Mw Ji, section 5, township 2 S, I range 8 west ....... ■>............. 253 00 E. S. Snares, S ) of Ne *4 and N j of Se V«. leas sold, section 29, township 2 S, range 8 west ......................... B. O. Snuffer, S 4 of Nw t» and N J of Sw t*. section 29, township 2 S, range 8 west ....................... .............. R. J. Heyvaert Se U of Sw J4. section 2, township 2 S, range 9 west .. 1 15 * D. A. Storey, Se % of Se u. section 3, township 2 s. range 9 west ........ .. . of Sw V«, 13 39 , D. D. Jones, Se section 4, township 2 s. range 9 west .......... off east Mat Weber, 50 acres side of Nw Xi, less sold.sec­ 2 10 tion 7, township2 S. range 9 west....................................... 14 80 Mary E, Johnson, lot 1, section 8, township 2 S, range 9 west......................... 12 60 G. B. I.amb, Ne V» of Sw *4 and Se *4 of Sw *4, less sold, section 9, township 2 south, range 9 west .. .. 29 40 G. B. I.amb, W } of E i of Se X and W } of Se H section 9 township 2 S, range 9 west ....................... 3 80 P. J. Heyvaert, Ne *4 of Nw *4 and lots 1 and 2, section 11, township2 south, range 9 west........................................ Hugh Johnson. Ne Vi of Ne X, section 11, township 2 1 90 south, range 9 west and Nw Vi of Nw >4, section 12, township 2 S, range 9 1 80 west .......................................... Isaac F. Quick, Tract No. 843. For further descrip­ 4 00 tion see tract book in as­ sessor's office, page 286, section 16, township 2 S 12 00 range 9 west........................... G. B Lamb, lots 2 and 3, section 16, township 2 S, range 9 west....................... H. L. Simmons, Tract No. 569. For further descrip­ 27 00 tion see tract book in as­ sessor's office, page 293, section 21, township 2 S, range 9 west............ ........... 12 60 James Goldsworthy, Sw Vi of Nw Vi, section 21, town­ ship 2 S, range 9 west .. . Frank Fowler, Nw J4 of Se section 21, township 2 S. range 9 west ......................... 2 10 E. E. Mason, Sw Vi of Ne Vi, section 21, township 2 S, range 9 west ....................... \V. R. Lusby. W 4 of Sw li, section 27, township 2 S, range 9 west............... Nancy R. Simmons. Nw V* 9 00 of Ne Xi, section 28, town­ ship 2 S, range 9 west ... 10 80 W. R. Lusby, Ne V* of Se X, section 28, township 2 S, range 9 west and Tract No. 571. For further descrip­ tion see tract book in as­ sessor's office, page 297. section 28, township 2 S, range 9 west......................... 19 80 Fred Blum, N Vi of Sw Vi of Sw Vi, section 28, township 2 south, range9 west . ... Janies Christensen, half in­ terest; Blanche Beach, half interest in Tract No. 747. For iurther descrip­ 7 37 tion see tract book in aa- aessor's office, page 299, section 29, township 2 S, 3 15 range 9 west.......... ... ■ . . Thore Haugen, Tract No. 360. James Christensen. Ne X For further description see of Se J4> section 32, town­ tract book in assessor's ship 2 S range 9 writ ... office, page 183, aectio.i W R. Lusby. N 4 of Nw Vi, 2, township 1 S, range 10 section 34, township 2 S, 20 90 west . . .......... ................ range 9 west ......................... United Railway Company, James Tone, Eat., Se i of Sw Tract No. 834. For further 4, section 3, township 2 S, description see tract book range 10 west....................... in assessor's office, page A. H. Wilson, N Vi $»f Nw J. 189, section 3, township 1 S, section 5, township 2 S, 12 25 range 10 west ....................... range 10 west......................... W. I- Riefenlarg, small part A. H Wilson, all tide land of Tract No. 367, for further F. and A, on lot 6, section description see tract book 6, township 2 S, range 10 in assessor's office, page west .......................................... 187, section 3, township 1 1 95 S. M. Dailey, Se 4 of Ne 4, S. range 10 west ...—............. section 10. township 2 S, H L. Provost. Tract No 372. range 10 west ........................ For further description see Oscar Monson, ten acres off tract book in assessoTa west side of Nw 4 of Nw J. office, page 189, section section 13, township 2 S, 3, township 1 S, range 10 range 10 west......................... 1 95 west ... ................................ Oacar Monson, Ne 4 of Ne 4, Edna S Lamb, Tract No. section 14. township 2 S, 461. For further descrip range 10 west................... • tion see tract lxx>k in as- Chas. Blum, W 4 of Se j and eessor’s office, page 232. E 4 of Sw J, section 25, section '25. township 1 S, township 2 S, range 10 38 53 range 10 west......................... .••••• •••••••— »»••«•••• •• J. R. Harter. Tract No. 477. Chas Arrance, Tract No. For further description see 582. For further descrip­ tract book in assessor*s of­ tion nee tract book in aa- fice, page 235, section 25, •esBor’s office, page 321. township 1 S, range 10 section 3ft township 2 3, 38 53 west............................................ range 10 west and S X of B. J. Stephens, Tract No. Ne 4 and Ne 4 of Ne and 736. For further descrip­ Lot 1, section 30, township tion see tract book in as­ 2 3 range 10 west.................. sessor's office, psge 237, C. and M. B. Blum. Ne 4 of section 25, township 1 S, Me 4. section 36, township « 70 range 10 west................. . 2 8, range 10 west................. William Dowd. Tract Na John B. Caples, timber on 485. For further descrip­ Ne 4 of Ne 4. section 36, tion see tract book in township 2 south, range 10 assessor* s office page west ......................................... 240, section 26. township 1 fl 00 W. G. Dwight, Ne 4 of Nw j, S, range 10 west ............... - section 36, township 3 3, Fred Tomlinson estate, Se of range 7 west ... ............ of Se i, section 27, town­ 7 50 W. R. Rutherford. E H of ship 1 S, range 10 west .... of Sw 4, Se 4 of Nw 4 and Bjorn Paulson, N S of Nw Nw 4 of Se 4, section fl, 14, section 28. township 1 S, township 3 3. range 6 west. range 10 west and N i of Matt Thompson, Se 4. section Ne X. section 29. township 15 township3 south, range 19 80 1 S, range 10 west .............. 8 west......................................... M. M. Diet lot X Je»« tract H. A. R- Thun. X interest in sold, section 31 townahipl E 4 of Ne t Swof Ne 4 “nd 35 » south, range lowest ..... Se of Sw 4. onc ncre, P. L. McCowell, Tract Na section 16» township 3 S, 743» For further descrip­ range » we»t,aod Se 4. sec- tion see tract book in aa- tiofl 16. township 3 S range seswov’s office, page 34A s west..................................... section 31. township I 6 69 I. H. Jackson estate. Tract south, range lowest ...... Mo. *4. For further de­ C B. Hsdley, Eat-. Tract Na scription see tract book in 492. For further descrip­ assessor’s office, page 325, tion see tract book in as section 16» township 3 3, sesoor's office. j»age 247, ranirc S wcote section 31, township 1 S. 5 57 Edwin Haoker trustees. Lota range 10 west »••«•••••• ••• 13 80 I 3 and 4, aection 18, town­ ship 3 3, range 8 west, and Lota 1 and 2 and Se of Nw 4, section 19, township 3 S, range 8 west ......................... Fannie Smith, Lot 2, section 30, township 3 3, range 8 west............................................ 19 80 J. 8» Moore, N 4 ofSw 4. sec­ tion 3ti, township 3S, range 8 west....................... . ............... 14 80 E. M. Nelson, W 4 of Ne 4. section 3ft township 3 S, range 8 west ........................ D. D. Jones, Lot 12. section 16 80 1, township 3 S, range 9 west............................................. D. D. Jones. N 4 of Se Vi and I-ot 9, section 2. township 2 IM 3 S, range 9 west.................. Clara J _ Rease, Tract Na 591. For further descrip­ tion see tract book in asses­ 4 20 sor's office, page 333. sec­ tion 7, township 3 S, range 9 west .................. 1 85 A. H. Beaty, Sw of Nw Vi, section 8, township 3 S, range 9 west........................... 5 55 Edwin Hooker trustee. Lots 2. 5, 7 and 10, section 13, township 3S, rnng'ePweHt, S 4 of Se Vi and Ne'tif Se Vr, 7 40 section 13, township 3 S. range 9 west,. Lots 8 and 9, section 13, township 3 S, range 9 west, and Ne of 39 60 Se Vi and Se of Ne Vi, sec­ tion 14, township 3S. range 14 40 i 9 west......................................... E. Skegg, N 4 of Nw *-4 of Ne section 16, township 3 S, i V4, range 9 west ......................... George Pierce, Se Vi of Nw 10 80 ¡ Jj of Ne Vi,section 1ft town­ ship 3 S, range 9 west . , N. J. Wiley, Sw V« of Nw of Ne Vi, section 1ft township 25 90 3 S, range 9 west ......... John Hicks, Nw of Se Vi and Ne of Sw 'j, section 16, township 3 S, range 9 5 55 west ......................................... James A. Barfield, Sw of Ne 14 and Se of Nw Vi, section 16» township 3 S, range 9 west.......... ..................... 22 20 A. M. Ginn, S V^ of Nw *4, section 19, township 3 S, range 9 west ......................... A. M. Ginn, N Vi of Sw 4», section 19. township 3 S, range 9 west ......................... I. W. Hiner, E Vi of .Nw '», 48 10 and Sw Vi of Nw X. less sold, section 20, township 3 S, range 9 west ........ 36 00 E. M. Johnson, Se of Ne section 21, township 3 S, range 9 west ......................... Chas. N. Johnson,Sw X, less sold, section 22, township 3 S, range 9 west ................ 28 50 Edwin Hooker, trustees, Ne V» and E Vi of Nw sec­ tion 24, township3S, range 24 23 9 west........................................ M. N. Bayes, W X of Ne Vi, Se of Nw Vi and Ne of Sw 8 55 Vi, south of Big Nestucca river, section 26, township 3 S, range 9 west.............. 8 55 Chas. N. Johnson, Ne of Nw f and W Vi of Nw 4. less sold, section 27, township 3 24 23 S, range 9 west, and Se of Ne 1, north of Big Nestuc- ca river, section 28, town­ 7 13 ship 3 S, range 9 west .... E. M. Johnson, Ne of Ne 4, less tract sold, section '2b. township 3 S, range 9 west............................................. F. D. Turck, Nw of Ne 4, Ne of Nw 4. «nd 8 acres off west end of Ne i of Ne 4. 18 53 section 28, township 1 S, range 9 went .............. 18 58 Carrie A. Gordon, Nw of Se 4, section 36» township 3 S, range 9 west..................... . L H. Albert, SViofSe4, Nw 4 of Se 4, section 1, town­ ship 3 S, range 10 west Benj. G. Fau»t. Sw of Nw 4 section ft township 3 S, range 10 west .................. H6 Mnry S. Brown, Nw 4. sec­ tion 9, township 3 S, range 10 west................. ....................... 39 90 Randolph Lamb, K Vi of Se 4 and Sw of Se 4 section 11 township 3 S, range 10 14 Z5 west..................................... Randolph Lamb, Nw of Sw 4 section 12. township 3 S, 6 40 range 10 west ....................... L. H. Alliert Ne of Ne 4 sec­ tion 12. townshipSS, range 35 21) 10 west......................................... Clarence Atterbury, S j of Se 4 section 13, township .3 S, range lOwest.................. 4 40 Otis E Farmer, S 4 of Nw 4 of Ne 4 section 17, town­ ship 3 S, rang« 10 west ... 13 50 Elijah Osliorne, K 4 of Nw 4 and N 4 of Sw 4 section 17, township 3 S, range 10 west .......... .......... 1 00 Claude Thayer, K 4 of Se 4 section 21, township 3 S, range 10 west.......................... 4 (» Claude Thayer, W 4 of Sw 4 section 22 township 3 S, range 10 west......................... 18 00 Clarence Atterbury, N lot Ne 4 section 24, township 3 S, range 10 west.................. C. |. Savage, W 4 of Sw 4 section 26, township 3 S, range 10 west, and Lots 9. 1ft section 27, township 3 5. range 10 west..................... W. H. Wisxl, Se of Nw 4 Ne of Sw and J-ota 2 and 3 sec­ 41 40 tion 18, township 4 S, range 6 west........ .................. 25 fl6 H. J. Kawtfman, Ixita 2, 3 Se of Nw X "nd Sw of Ne 4 section 4, township 4 S, range 7 west.......................... 7 13 Margaret McAyeal, W 4 K 4 section ft township 4 S, range 7 west.............................. G. A. and F. L Withee, E 4 1 OO of Ne 4 section 6, township 4 S. range 7 west.................. Matt Thompson, S | Nw 4 section ft township 4 S, 44 00 range 8 west.......... ...... C. Kruger, W 4 of Se of Sw 4 section 16, township 4 S, 13 00 range 8 west............ .. Wni. Kggert. Ne of Nw 4 and N S Of Nw of Nw 4 section 1ft township 4 S, range 8 west ......... ........ Jscol. Nichlaus, Nw of Sw 4 section 1, township 4 S, 1 no range 9 west, and E | of Ne H and Ne Vi of Se V4 section 2, township 4 S. range 9 went............................. Lewis Morris, Sw of Nw and 20' Nw of Sw 4 section 17, town­ ship 4 S» range 9 west.... 24 œ Lewis Morris, Se of Ne 4 and Ne of Se 4 Section 1ft town­ ship 4 S. range 9 west...., John Lawrence, Lot 3. l^ss tract sold, section 19, town­ 8 (Ml ship 4 S, rang? 9 west.... E. Finney Ne 4 <>f Se 4 sec tion 32. township 4 south, 2 00 range 9 west, und N of Sw 4 and Se 4 01 Nw 4 sec­ tion 33, township 4 S, range 2 00 9 west ....................................... F. R. Beals. W 4 Se 4 and Sw of Ne 4 South of 2 00 Big Nestucca River, sec­ ll, township 4 S, rang? 10 west..... ............... 1 80 F. R. Beals, Nw 4 of Ne 4 less tract sold, section 14, township 4 S, range 10 6 30 west............................................ W- Sappmgton, Tract 73ft For further description see tract book in asses or’s office, page 377, seection 14, township 4 S, range 10 2 10 west................. ........................ E. F. and V E. Worthington Sw of Se 4 section 15 town­ 4 72 ship 4 ft, range 10 west .. Chas. A Smith. Nw J of Sw 4, Nw of Big Nestucca River, section 14 township 4 S, range 10 west and Tract No. 859. For further description see tract book in assessor’s office, page 378, sections 14 ana 15, township 4 S, range 10 west and Ne 4 of Se 4. 48 61) section 15, township 4 S, range 10 west ....................... 1 47 R. T. Weatherly, Tract No. 629. For further descrip­ tion see tract book in as sessoris office, page 381, 84 section 19, township 4 S. range 10 west .............. 84 John H. Dunstan, Tract No 946. For further descrip­ tion see tract Look in as­ sessor’s office, page 414, sections 19 and 30, town­ 6 30 ship 4 S, range 10 west ... G. A. Hoover, Tract Na 644. For further description see tract book in assessor's 6 31) office, page 384, section 19, township 4 8, range 10 west.................................... 4 20 J. F. Weatherley, Tract No. 645. For further descrip­ tion see tract Imok in as­ 4 80 sessor's office, page 385, section 19, township 4 8, range 19 west ............ 18 90 D, E. Emmett. N* 4 of Se 4. section 20, township 4 8, range 10 west ................... D. K. Emmett, W Vfi of Nw 4 14 95 and Nw 4 Of Sw 4. section 21. township 4 S, range 10 west^ ............................... 20 70 K. F. and V. E. Worthing­ ton, Nw 4 of Ne X> section 22. township 4 S, range 10 west ................................. 25 20 J. F. Jenkins, Tract No 818. For further description see tract book in assessor's office, page 405, section 27, township 4 8, range 10 56 00 west ................. E. F. Fisk, Tract Xo. 74). For further description see tract book in assessor's office, page 404. section 27, township 4 S, runge It) west. Tract No. 667 For 64 40 further description see tract book in assessor's office, page 40ft section 27, township 4 S, range 10 18 40 west......... ...................... Frank L Bowles, lots 10 and 11 and Nw V« of Sw U, section 29. township 4 8, range 10 west 20 70 N. F. R R. Co., lot I, sec­ tion 30, township 4 8, range 10 west ..................... 4 20 J. H. Upton, % interest and A H. Maloney, 4 in­ terest, lots 5 and 6 and tide fl 30 land F. and A. on lots 5 and 6, section 31, township 4 8, range 10 west .............. 3 60 Hans H. Brooten, lot 9, sec­ tion 31, township 4 8, 16 20 ' range 10 west r.ntion see tract book 4 00 in Hsseasor'a office, page 451, section 9, township 5 60 ffi, rang« 10 west.......... .... Miller Bros., improvements on Sw 4 of Ne 4, section 9, township 5 8. range 10 weet............................................ 1 40 W. H. Stewart, Se 4 of Ne 4. and E Vi of Se 4. section 11, township 5 S, range 10 west ............ ......................... W M. Stewart, Nw 4 of Sw 1, section 12, township 5 S, U 60 range 10 went ........................ Sadie J. Baker, N X of Ne 1, lees tract sold, section 15, 4 30 • I 3 60 ir4 DO 19 20 50 40 12 60 6 00 7 20 UK) 20 90 11 20 2 70 10 80 1 80 3 60 43 20 4 80 8 64 92 40 1 40 14 40 39 00 8 10 28 80 12 00 8 10 3 60 9 00 16 20 7 20 3 ft) 7 20 fl 30 1 80 7 » 1 O