ok.Uadlight, Hugust 15, I9I3- in the right it is now want­ work, and we i will be devised an be carried on Pebbleford, bottled in bond, per bottle. «1.50 manner, for now Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in bond •. u• r *io□ th .... ... i w the MdUltmil TWMWFWFF Homestead Notices ................. 5 00 that is to be held at Nehalem is the time' for united effort in Per bottle, 1 25 Timber Claims ................. 10 00 that direction to induce home Keg Beer.............. Locals per line each insertion 3 on Saturday, Aug. 24, and to seekers and new industries to Echo Spring, bottled in bond ............. • • • • • 15 gallons $5.55 Display advertisement, an inch, help boost it as much as possi­ locate in the county. Commer­ Per bottle, 1.25 Keg Beer............. .......... 10 gallons 4 ou 1 month.......................... .... 50 ble. In doing so we want to Local bottle Beer. Old Crow, bottled in bond, per bottle, 1.50 6 dozen quarts logo All Resolutions of Condolence and commend the people of Ne­ cial clubs in other places of the Northwest are obtaining re­ Lodge Notices, Sc. per line. 1.50 Local bottle Beer Hermitage, bottled in bond, per bottle, halem on their enterprise, with ■ • 10 dozen pints llgg Cards of Thanks, 3c. per line. sults, and to obtain the same 1.50 the hope that a large number Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ........................... Notices, LoaL Strayed or Stolen, results in this county the com­ etc., minimun rate, 23c. not exceed of our citizens will take a day mercial clubs will have to show O.T.O., bottled in bond, per bottle, 1.25 off and visit the fair. It may more hustle in the future than ing five lines. Kentucky Dew, i gal., bottled in bond 2.25 not be on an elaborate affair, in the past. Each dub may 75 RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. but as a starter in a small way have its social features, but no Kentucky Dewr, full pint, ,, (STRICTLY IN ADV ANCB.) it will be appreciated because club will amount to much if it John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch One year........ home talent, home industry and turns its attention to social Budwiser Beer.............. 6 dozen quarts|15gg Six montbs...., Whiskey.................................. .................. 1.50 home products will be the lead­ functions and neglects the most Budwiser Beer............... 10 dozen pints 1600 Three months 1.50 Black & White, Old Scotch Whiskey ing features. Everybody help important work for which they Old styler Lauger Beer. 10 dozen pints 18.0® Entered as second class mail mat­ boost the Industrial and Floral are organized, viz., V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey............ 1.75 that of ter July, 1888, at the post office at Fair at Nehalem and try and- Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch Tillamook. Ore., under the act of be present so as to encourage advertising and boosting their 1.75 respective localities. It is true March 3. 1879. Whiskey ................................................... the good people in the north that the Tillamook Commercial Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch end of the county in their com­ Club have devoted considera­ 1.50 Whiskey .................................................. ftlje ^illamooh IjeabUgbt, mendable effort in having a ble attention for the entertain­ yearly local fair. This is a good Canadian Club ....................................... 1.50 White Port, Old Monk Brand $1 00 per gal, ment of its member, which was time and place to “Get toge­ the proper thing to do, for this I. W. Harper ............................................. 1.00 Port Wine 1-00 per gal. ther” and give one another the 1.00 Editorial Snap Shots brought the business men to ­ Harvester Old Style .............................. Sherry 1-00 per gal. glad hnnd in the effort to boost gether. Having been success­ Monogram .................. ............................. 1.00 all parts of the county. Rah ! Claret . 75c. per gal. ful in one feature, let the good Oct together and puli toge­ Rah ! Rah ! For the Nehalem work progress along publicity Kentucky Dew........................................... 1.00 Angelica . 1.00 per gal. ther to boost Tillamook County. Fair on Saturday, the 24th. 1.25 Billie Taylor, full quart.......................... lines. And to make it success­ Zenfendel 1.25 pergal, Coronet Dry Gin.................. Per bottle 1.00 ful there must be a publicity Tokev 1.25 per gal ’•* Tillamook City is just begin­ We predict that before many fund and a managerat the head A. V. II Gin ............................ Per bottle 1.75 ning to put on metropolitan years roll round there will be a to boost the county. We hope Gorden Sloe Gin.................... Per bottle 1.75 airs with the completion of the demand for bard surfaced roads this will be the object the com­ Gordon Dry Gin Per bottle 1.25 first few blocks of hard surfaced for the main thoroughfares mercial clubs have in view in j roads, and when the contract of throughout the county. This getting together, and wt ap­ Rock and Rye.......................... Per bottle 1.00 sixty blocks is finished this fail is one of the most progressive peal toour progressive citizens 1.25 El Bart Gin................ the city will have an up-to-date counties in the state for road and business men in all parts of 75c. Per bottle Virginia Dare Wine Monogram......................... ... per gal. $5.00 appearance. improvements, and we expect the county to lend their help­ 35c. Per quart Port Wine ................ White Corn Whiskey. ■. .... per gal. 400 to see Tillamook county in the ing hand in a united effort to 35c. Sherry Wine ............ lead whenever a move in that Harvester Old Style ■. • • ■ per gal, 4.25 help boost the entire county, “Get together” is what con­ Per quart 35- Angelica Wine McBrayer, 13 y&irs old • per gal. 6.00 cerns the progressive citizens direction is made. The County and as soon as this is done Per quart 35c. of this county just now for pub­ Court have the right idea, and the population and pay rolls, Zenfendel Wine • • •. Echo Spring ................... per gal. 4.25' licity work. We recommend that is to allow' some of the will increase. Per quart 40c. Tokey ......................... Chestnut Grove Rye • ... per gal. 2.Î5 the same slogan for Republi* paving concerns to lay a piece Per quart 25c. Claret .......................... of hard surfaced road by way of KentuckeyUlew ............... ........ per gal. 2.25 Prominently attached to the third cans—"get together” and pull 75c. White Grape Juice • ■ Alcohol .............................. ....per gal. 4.00 together in the interest of the an experiment, and with that party will be a Jim Crow car. The Local Bear, quart Three bottles for 50c. Republican imrty, not for one object in view the Warren Con­ idea struck the colonel the moment • per gal. 4.00 Cornet Dry Gin.........*... struction Co. has offered to lay he decided that it might be of per­ fticfion pr one individual. Domestic Beer, quart. Three bottles for 75c. a piece of hard surfaced road sonal advantage to himself. from the city limits east to the An Indiana orator says Col. I i I The snap shot man is a booster depot grounds with a bitulithic Roosevelt v * ■ • a 9 power-mad. •• w » - aaa sa CO wvz aa is So aaa many; for a Wagon, road from Tilla- pavement, which would be suit­ voters have made this discovery rnpok City to Bayocean. That able for county roads. If there that a new party had to be manu-1 is along progressive lines, but are other concerns which want factored 1 tu keep the diseuse alive u t the snap shot is wonder how u to lay a piece of road to demon- little whili lelonger. Standpatter can advocate such ¡strate the quality of their pave­ progressive ideas. Perhaps|Bro. ment by all means allow them If free sugar works no better than Trombley can explain it, for itj I to do so, for this will create free coffee and free hides con- j is something beyond our com­ .competition. Most of the dairy­ sinners will get no benefit whatever j prehension. men, before many veers, will from a changed schedule. Prices ' | oe driving autos for business will not go down and there will be1 It stems ns though the saloons and pleasure, and they will be a hole in the treasury to fil 1. nt Garibaldi, or to be more cor the biggest boosters for hard Those who intend to join the third- rect, those who abuse sulouns, surfaced roads. Suppose, for in- party discover that it is impossible 1 are causing considerable annoy-stance, Tillamook county had a ut the same time to remain fraction ante to the citizens there on ac- road of that description from ally in some other party. Revolu- count of rowdyism. This can Dolph to the county line at Ne­ rions never work in that fashion. not tie tolerated, and the County halem, the fame of Tillutnoo’t's Bolters soon find themselves out, Court will be justified in repeal­ splendid trunk and scenic road and generally down also. ing any saloon keeper's license would lie advertised all over Jiiat as the marines were being if he is in any way responsible the United States. The snap HEADQUARTERS FOR withdrawn from Cuba they are sent for causing annoyance. ' man expect to live long enough to Nicaragua, the mission being’ to see this hard surfaced rond the same in each case. In each in- George Washington Kiger had built in sections by contract, stance, too, these most mobile of I £ “joy riile” with Ed. Hadley, and in the meantime boost to ull the "armed agents of Uncle Sum AND aud this is the flrat time that we help bring about, notwithstand­ enter on their new assignment on ing that some of our political have seen the former Buy City the invitation of the head of the booster in a "tight place." As friends, who imagine they have government which they are to aid all the progressive ideas cram ­ the lively little horseless car in maintaining order. As in the riage hit the road nt lightning med into their own craniums, Province of Orient«, the disturbed gait George’s optics bugged out, cull us a standpatter. region in Cuba during the rebellion We carry a Large Stock of prespiriition rolled down his of a few weeks ago they enter face ami be held on like grim The snap shot man wns asked Managua the Nicaragua capital, death for fear that he would be to take an active part in the to protect American life and pro rushed into the next world at organization of u Roosevelt perty there, which President Diaz lightning speed. It is safe to club for this city and county. says he is not able to guard without say that George Won't go "joy Having registered as a Republi­ help from us. Under these circum­ riding” with Ed. Hadley again can and taken part in a Republi­ stances, Washington promptly re­ after last week's experience. can primary, the editor thinks sponded to the appeal for aid. (that, if there is any honor in At the last national election the Quite a number of visitors politics, that he should support Republican party was ahead of any Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window the county, state and national have been coming to Tillnmook other by over a million and a tickets, and not “ bolt ” or at ­ Sash as .* • this summer for the purpose of quarter votes, and ahead in the making investments and with tempt to defeat the Republican electoral vote by nearly two to one. the intention of locating here, party simply because one man Ila total was over 7,tk*),UJO, and mid*it is not surprising, seeing did not obtain the national more than ever before. At no the activity in city improve­ nomination. Without any per election since has a full vote polled, Agents') for the Great WesternSaw ments along up-to-date lines, sonnl feeling in the matter, we and consequently the general, atti­ they are convinced that in u look at the situation like this .- tude has not been definitely ascer­ frw years Tillamook City will Hud Roosevelt secured the have a population of 20,000 peo­ nomination he would now be tained. On the face of past nation­ The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County ple, hence they are making in­ appealing to theG.O.P. to sup­ al elections the country is strongly Republican. What is called a pro ­ vestments in thia city. Those port him for president, but hav­ who have pinned their faith to ing failed to do so, he and his gressive element has sprung up in Tillnmook City for so long made followers are now endeavoring the party since 1908, and showed That is considerable strength in 1909 and good investments, and from to defeat the party. ,,<> A Republican party 1910. It is expected to assert itself now on the city is going to im­ prove rapidly and increase in a "square deal,” as every fair actively in the compaign of this population, amt ns the metroim- minded and conscientious j>er- year, but to keep inside the party lis of the county biisiness will son must admit,especially those lines. Bolting was not a part of its also Increase Watch Tillamook who registered and took part in programme. But Col. Rooaevelt the primary election as Repub­ suddenly pushed it aside presenting City grow. Ah i tr°°^es— ^digestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, licans. Some people won’t play himself personally and a third term * rea h.sick headache,torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to taka- It is surprising what n large fair in politics- unless they can aa the paramount issue. Defeated numtier of passengers the P. R have their own way and become in the national conveution he is & N is bringing to rillaniook the dictators of the Republican now organizing a third party open ■r every dav. This time last venr party. We cannot sec any good on equal terma to Democrats and The •'Progressive” Party the people went to the dock to reason why the Republican Republicans. and it would de It is the sense of the American to make a witness the arrival once u week partv. which has done so much ■■ounce alike both the old leading Is the individual, man or woman, people that the Monroe doctrine is some of the Southern States parties. It is no wonder that pro ­ who uses Foley Kidney Pill» for for the development and pro ­ of the steamer Sue H Elmore rheumatism, weak back. not to be assailed either by front or Republicans more than once with about twenty pMseugera. gress of the United States, testing Republicans like Senator • backach carried several of the old nd other kidney and bladder ir- flank. La Follette look upon the hutting ­ should be dum|>ed overboard Now the railroad is bringing in states oi 1860—Delaware. Maty*** regularlorities Foley kidney Pills Mason and ¡Dixon's] line is dis ­ in of Col. Roosevelt •• an insolent not Messengers every day by the because Roosevelt was ureh*a)ing strengthening. tonic Kentucky and Missouri-!« IFj tinctly revived in the colonel ’ s plat- nuiidrrds, mid those who pro nominated for president. So we displav of egotism and indifference • nd quick to produce beneficial re ........... drug*. form. The colored voter in a dent and for state office!». All®* Contain no harmful phtyaied there would be noth­ decline to take part in any to the rights of others. He is not suits Never sold in bulk U ‘ up in two Southern state is certainly sur- states, however, clung to the t«** Put the originator of the so-called pro ing for a railroad to do after it movement that will help defeat sizes in sealed bottles. ‘ The genu ( prised by 'he development, but the in 1&61. Although each had »•* wit* built and it would never the G.O.P. and the tickets that greasive movement. He was sup­ ine in a yellow package. Lamar's 1 colonel's peculiar view of friend­ meat of sympathizers wl,h posed to mean whst he said when be Drug Store. pay look on in perfect wonder­ were put up by that party. To tremists of the states farther ship has been illustrated before. ment ut the transformation. be consistent and honest, there announced that he would not be a they supported the national <*«* candidate for a third term. Now he Col. Roosevelt finds the negro is no other course for us to fol ­ "W ere all medicines as meritorious And we surmise that the South­ ern Pacific will soon look upon low. as we view the situatiou in aaka both Republicans and Demo­ ••Chamberlain's Colic Cholera problem in the South difficult. and contributed, in the crats to desert their party and sup­ • nd Diarrhoea Remedy the world Some Southern Democrat, accord hundreds ¡of thousands of the P R. A N •• one of the this neck of the woods. would be much better off and the port him for a third term. Pro- I erceniage of suffering greatly de­ ing to the gossip from the head­ the national armies. •>est paying stub roads out of writes I.indaay Scott, of quarters of the Nstonal Progrea- Portland, The railroad is now lhe 'Get Together” meeting gressive Republicans he fancies creased." Bring your chickens to the I Temple, Ind. For sale by ail desl- •‘vps. is to befhoeea for the second doiug u large amount of busi- of the Commercial Club* last will flock to him anyway. mook Meat Company's Market. , Special Prices for Family Trade. BOTTLE GOODS Domestic Beers WINES. WHISKEYS. : AT BILLY STEPHENS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, Cor. First and First Avenue East AIRYMEN’S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES. il H Hardwar«, Tinware, Glass and China, ALEX McNAIR CO FOLEYS ORINO LAXATIVE LAMAR’S DRUG STORE place on the ticket, and the partv is pay 13c. per pound