JlmWjt z Vol. XXV TII.UMOOK, ORBGON JULY 25, 1912, drove five miles the other "lay to pay A a debt, losing half a day’s time Farmer' doing so. Near Had he been a depositor with Here this bank, »he would have mailed his check at an expense of two cents, and spent his time more profitably. It’s an extravagance not to be a bank de- positor, for nothing helps so much to save time and money as having an account with I OLDEST^ bank CAPITA L TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK ~ J. county i COUNTY TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE.___ —Aossa SUPERVISION Parties who are sending the Headlight to E. F. Dack, Sheridan, Oregon, should cease doing so as the paper is not taken from that office. B. E. Duncan, wife and daughter, of Hood River, are attending a few days in this city. Mrs. Duncan is a daughter of L H. Brown, who was engaged in the meat business here There will be a big demand for about twenty years ago. It has good Cement this season. The been nearly fifteen years since she Lamb-Schrader Co. carry the largest was here. line of Cements in the city. Tele­ Rev. Father Adelheim, prior of phone Main 1771. • Moqnt Angel College, will come in George W. Stiverson and Mias this »eek and will have temporary Irene Ellenor Cochran, daughter of charge of the Catholic chWrch for Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cochran of a few weeks. The reverend gentle­ Cloverdale, will be married there man is an interesting speaker and the 29th of August. no doubt will make many friends The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ during hie brief stay in this city. lows who haul anything, anywhere, All old soldiers are requested to any time. Office on Main Street, meet on Saturday. August 3, at the opposite Clough's Drug Store. Cal! rooms of the Tillamook Commercial us by phone, Main 051. Club to reorganize Corinth Post. Mies Barbara Hathaway and Mrs. No 35, Department of Oregon, and Bert King returned from Portland it is hoped that all old soldiers will on Monday accompanied by Mrs. make a point of being present and Frank Kerremans, who bag come assist in the reorganization. in on a visit to her relatives. There will be a meeting of the Attorney Lee M. Travis, Mrs. members and friends of the Pres­ Travis and Mias Fredericka and byterian Church next Sunday eve­ Gould Travis, will come in today ning for the purpose of making a from Eugene to spend their vaca­ “call” for a pastor, to fill the va­ cancy caused by the resignation of tion at the editor's home. If you want to raise a horse that Rev. W. C. Ross, who preferred to has the right size, style, action, take up mission work at first, quality and value stop and study the opportunity that is before you in Eugene Jenkins’ window. The yacht Bayocean has been laid off and in future the launch Henrietta will carry the Bayocean passengers to and from Garibaldi. She will make three trips daily from this city, remaining at Bayocean over night, the last trip being made from this city will be 7:30 p. in. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Neilson, Mrs. W. W Pollock. Masters Jack Neil­ son. Stanley and Carl Pollock have returned to their borne inLa Grande, Oregon, after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. De Lillies. Mrs. Neilson and Mrs. Pollock are and Mr«. De daughters of Mr. Lillies, of this city. The Commercial Club of this city, at Jits regular monthly busi- ness meeting Monday night voted to have a get together meeting with the other Club» of the county and to extend to these clubs an in­ vitation to join them in the movement. The meeting ia to be held August 8th. Miss Grace Whitehouse has as her guest for a couple of weeks ‘ILLAMOOK JOTTINGSl Fro,nfuly 1st. 1012, the service Miss Roma G. Stafford, of Oregon fee will be % price or $12.50 for one City. Miss Stafford ia a teacher in Is p. Schnal, a brother of Morris colt one week old.—E. F. Rogers, the public schools of Portland. owner. Ihnal, is in on a visit. W. Raker, District Agent (or the '■> Captain Dodge has decided to North West Insurance Co., is in the Id. C. W. Leghorn Eggs- $1,00 per take passengers down the bay and county at present looking after the siting of 15. A. M. Ginn. I deep sea fishing trips for excursion interests of his company. He will ■Mrs. Fred Poorman is in from parties in the launch Olive. be in this vicinity about two weeks. Lrtland on a visit to her parents. | Mr. and Mrs. C- Christensen, G. W. Griffin and wife, of Eugene, (Commissioner H. V. Alley was in parents of F. W. Christensen, are are spending their vacation in this |e city Monday on private busi- in from Portland on their dimmer county visiting the .-beaches. Mr. L * ■83. vacation. Griffin is one of Eugene’s leading For Sale,—Seven Head of Horses Marriage licenses were issued to hardware men and is an important id two Hacks.--J. E. Brown, Tilla- H. T. Hylton and Ruth E. Fraser; factor in that city. Lok. * and John Matela and Fannie W. E. Claussen and C. A. Wolf­ Men and teams wanted for remov­ Wehmanen. gang, together with their wives, are al dirt for new hotel.—See H. T. Mrs. A. E. Nolan, of Portland, here visiting with Mr. Claussen’s jtts. * came in Monday to visit her sister, brother, E. J ClauBaen, of thisjeity, [Ve will sell vou a buggy for lees Mrs. B. C. Lamb and family, for and incidently looking, over the &ney than it has cost US., Ask several weeks. country about the bay. Irode. A petition was circulated last Quick relief and permanent re­ F. W. Talbot and family have Live chickeus wanted at the Tilla- sults follow Chiropractic (Spinal) week to have the train arrive in moved from this city to Clatskanie this city about two o'clock, which bok Meat Company's Market, 13c. Adjustments. Dr. Scheetz. Office where they will reside. Mr. Talbot would be a great convenience and r pound. Wade Residence. expects to use the Comet and Frolic to would enable business men Dr. Jack Olson has opened den- Chiropractic is successful in all in the passenger service on the I parlors over F. R Beals’ office. forms of disease. See Dr. Scheetz. answer their mail the same day. Columbia. The Frolic was taken 1th phones. R W. Smith, Road Manager for out with her own power while the Office Wade Residence, opposite the J. B. Henderson Co., of Stock- smaller boat > Bring your chickens to the Tilla- Court House South.^ was transported bok Meat Company’s Market. We One of the local attorneys are ton, California is in the city this aboard the steamer Sue H. Elmore. w 13c. per pound. looking into the proceedings of the week investigating conditions in A telegram has been received Luts more Grass with leas effort, city council in regard to the sewer thjp section. Mr. Smith is a gradu­ stating that President Schwerin, of ate of Leland Stanford University. the National Milk Sugar Co., of G erman S cythe Blade, $1.50 at and pavement contracts. YOU ’LL STAND WELL In the community once it is known you are saving money. Employers look with favor on the young man who is a regular visitor to our receiving teller’s window, y There's satisfactibn for the young man too. The satis­ faction of knowing he is building com­ fort and independence. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, TILLAMOOK, ORE. in use at the Lamar's drug store has been purchased by Mr. Ray and will be used to generate power. The system will light all of the build­ ings in the little city in tf»e south of the county. * UHMAR'S VARIETY STORE. TiuunmooK O regon Drop in and book Around ” FISHERMEN FORM UNION Prices on Chinooks Raised- Fishermen Stand Firm. The climax to the fight for a raise in the price of fresh Chinooks w not raise your Wilkinson Kinnan, was horn in the 1 prices above last year. Very large old Fort at Harper's Ferry in Vir­ ' pack of fatter salmon in Alaska, gin». Market elumnnug last.” Frank HanenkiHtt brought hie (10 h.p , seven passenger “Rambler” to this city lately from Portland and will use it during the summer in the passengerservice. Mr. Han- enkratt is having a good business, especially in taking parties from this place lo the beaches. Satur day night he made four trips to Bar View, taking as many as ten people at one load. He may gen­ erally be found around R. W. Wat­ son's Reul estate office or by phone. Mr Hanenkratt states that if there is sufficient business here thia sum­ mer, he will put his seven passen­ ger “Packard”'on the road. A. Giebisch, of the Giebisch and Joplin Co., arrived in town Friday with a party /including Mr. and Mrs Wallace Moser, Mrs. H. Law­ ler and’the Misses Anna and Kate Giebisch, nieces of Mr. Giebisch, Tlie trip froirf Portland to this city was made in Mr. Giebisch’« car in a little over six hours. When about nine miles this side of Portland the steering shaft broke afid the ma chine would have dashed the party to their death had it not la;en for the quick work of the driver in throwing on the brakes. As it was one of the young ladies in the back seat was thrown out of the auto by the sudden atop, and a suit case which was on the back of the ma chine was thrown nearly thirty feet ahead of the car. The party re­ turned to Portland Sunday after­ noon. Mr. Giebisch was here look­ . ing after the construction work on ! the city sewerage system. Don’t put in all of your time New York, will be in Tillamook City For Sale,-Team flyears old, weight thinking of the “ Sweet By-and- about the 1st August, when the rhe Tillamook Feed Co. will pay 13,000 to 15,000 each. Wagon and ■ cash for your good sack« 'if harness, $300.—Joe West, North By.” But be sure and connect up matter of establishing a factory with the “ Sweet' Now-and-Now” here for the purpose of extracting lught in at once. Fork of the Nehalem river. which is the time to buy A berdare sugar from whey will lie decided of Portland, The baseball game on- Sunday be- Frank Robinso.n, (Australian) Coal. Lamb-Schrader and the location selected. b in town the last of the week on ween the Baltimore Dairy and Till­ Co. Between 500 and flOO passengers amook was another victory for the it tern of business. R« m . W. S. Holt, D. D., field sec- left Portland on Saturday on the ■ay Rope, Forks and other Toole latter with a score of 4 to 0. retaay of the home board, will P.R. 4 N. The morning train was Miss Dorothy Wyvel. of Portland, It are required in Putting up preach at the Presbyterian Chuch so crowded that it had to return to arrived in town Wednesday and |y. King & Smith Co. . next Sunday. Dr. Holt has been in the depot for two extra coaches pig Reduction on Lawn Mowers, will visit Mies Grace Whitehouse this city a number of times and is after it had reached Fourth street, be one of your own while they during the camping season. a live wire in the Presbyterian and after pulling out with two Married. Sunday, July 21 at the church. I cheap. King A Smith Co. engines another engine had to lie Bor Sale,—A light wagon, light home of the bride's parents near Dan Oliver raised a chicken with sent for to help the train up the hill ' bble harness snd mowing mac- Forest Grove, Elva S. Baker to four legs, but as it would not eat at South Portland. Be. Enquire at Rogers Barn. • Eugene Atkinson, of Sandlake. he killed it. The chicken tried to Attorney James McCain, of Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton raise itself on three legs but was McMinnville, Oregon, and a party Bor Sale,—a young horse weight I about 1300 pounds, or will trade or $4.50 for half ton,or good fir wood unable to do so. It can be seen in composed of Attorney Potter C. [ la lighter one. See D. L Sbrode. already sawed for $5.75 per cord or a glass bottle at the Tillamook Feed Sullivan, of Tacoma; Mrs. Frank C. j $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. • Co’s. Store. Morse, of Olympia; Mrs. J C. | ■ you intend to paint, now is Frank Evanson, a timberman of ■ time. Have some special prices John Kirchoff, who has bseu Wells, of I-os Angeles, snd Lvle ■paints now. King A Smith Co. Portland, wan registered at the steward of the Tillamook Commer­ and Cecil Parker, of McMinnville, Rhe Elmore Packing Company Hotel Todd the last of the week. cial Club, has resigned and Frank were in this city with Ed. Gilbert, He ia looking after investments. Fitzpatrick will take his place. of Beaver, Saturday. Mr. McCain ■ brought a replevin suit against Miss Mabel Johnson, of Long Mr. Kirchoff expects to go into the and party are camping at Beaver bam Eadus to recover fishing Beach, Cal., who has been visiting grocery business the first of next at present and will remain at that |r. I place for about three weeks. at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. month. Bias Sadie Banfield and Mrs. W Reedy, left Saturday for her home. The Oregoq Life Insurance Co. On Saturday evening the Tilla ■ Slater and family returned to j regard Tillamook Country of suf­ mook Concert Band, assisted by John D. Edwards, of the Whitney ■r homes in Portland this morn- Co , Ltd., has beep in thia city for the Bayocean orchestra, will give ficient importance for a District the past week looking after the in­ a ball and concert at Bayocean, Management and was fortunate in >u can get the genuine K b stern terests of the Company in thia lo­ and a special banquet will be serv­ inducing Mr. Geo. H. Root to ac­ feed meats at the Tillamook ed at the hotel. The Henrietta will cept the District Management. He cality. I Company General Supply is a gentleman of push, integrity, R. L Beck, of the firm of Crand- leave here at 7 p. m. » • Attorney D. A. Tufts and Dr. R. . and will no doubt be a means of ■1 A Roberta, who are experting k>unty Clerk Holden will have the county booka, has taken Mr. E- Brennan, of Portland, are rus­ ' bringing Oregon Life to the front ! in Tillamook County, as it already notices posted, in regard to an­ Derchman’s place finishing up the ticating on the Trask River this ting new territory to the Port of week. They came in by auto and i is in all other sections of Oregon, r City, thirty days previous to work. Mr. Tufts says Tillamook county ia Percy Caufield, of Oregon City, Hiram Eadua haa been arrested ¡election. deserving of a great deal of credit spent the first part of the week at chaiged with threatening to shoot r. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr. I Tillamook Beach. Hayocean and for its good roads. •th, speaks German. Surgery, Fred Cody, the trouble grew out I Tillamook. While at Tillamook Rosenberg Bros., the new bank eye, none and throat Office in of a dispute between fishermen. Beach Mr. Caufiel«! waa the guest ere. came last Saturday evening He will have a hearing this (Thurs ­ Commercial Building, opposite | of Mr. and Mrs H. J. Thorne, of Tod^ffiotel. All calls answered day) afternoon before Justice Stan­ looking« for ■ place to live. They will camp” during the summer on Portland, who are apending their or ^P* 1’ Both phones • ley. R. M. Fuson's. Thej^are now busy vacation on their lieach property, fixing ready for the opening of the in Tillamook he visited at the home bank. Recor<1. Aumsville. Oregon. ot Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Whitehouae. Mr. Canfield ia connected with the The weather turned showery on Bank of Oregon City. Sunday, much tothe disappointment Will Spaulding, manager of the of the large crowd which went to I the beaches that day, which con I Tillamook Electric Light and Power tinned until Tuesday night, when Ptant, of this city, went to Clover- it turned into a soaking rain and . dele Sunday, lo make arrange continued till Wednesday. There ia mams for the installing of / light cc a good deal of hay down, but those ing system at that place for Chas who were ancceeeful in getting : Ray. The plant »ill be Hit light theirs in last week were fortunate. I poorer. Tb< »heel which lias been pg & Smith Co. I I