Tillamook Headlight, July 18. I912 ___ » » nviCW BFSORT reels readv by the micdle of August. The Club Luncheon. There was a fair attendence at the business men's luncheon at the Commercial Club room Wednesday noon. There were twenty-eight who set down to the table, and each wore a smile on his face branded him for a booster of everything that is good in Tillamook County. After luncheon President Shrode, of the Commercial Club, called on W. M. Owen, of the Ray A Co , and one of Cloverdale’s boosters, for a short talk. Emphasis was made by Mr. Owen of the need of the “ Pull to­ gether spirit.” L. V. Eberhardt, manager of the Pacific Abstract Co., was next to speak. Mr. Eberhardt spoke of his business in this city and stated that he had settled here after a great deal of study as to the future possibilities of this section, and was located here at present to stay. The boosting spirit was shown stongly in hie talk. 8tg)finjr of play. On our| Tillamook Did Not Play Ball POPULAR BEACH RESO« I ! beaches for reproduction on the TO OPEN. Last Sunday. -----------»1 screens of moving picture shows Two Day» of Celebration at wiJ1 be u of Bhowing the There was no base ball game Sun­ people of this country the rare Bar View, day at Gilford Stillwell Park owing beauty of our scenery, especially John Leland (iende^oq ^ od , ROOMS BLOCK 215-216, TILLAMOOK to the fact that the Baltimore Dairy Jack Oliver, the proprietor of the is this true with regard to the scenic team which was scheduled to play OREGON. the home team did not arrive as ex- i Bar View beach resort, will formally picture» pected. According to a message re­ open his place to /^e pubhc for BELIEVED IN MOVE ceived by T. B. Handley, manager the lummer, by giving a general of the Club team, the Portland g^id'tTme, which will be started off, This land business boys were of the impression that Saturday evening by a dance. The Southern Pacific Engineers, The member came years they could leave their city Sunday Tillamook Concert Band will fur­ Re-surveying Survey. morning and arrive here in time to nish the music for the entire two is Lawyer, Surveyor Abstracter. play a game in the afternoon and days of festivites and they will be S heridan , Or., July 15—A party return to Portland in the evening. taken to that place by the Henri­ I of Southern Pacific engineers left Thejunior member, E. Henderson, ¡ It was because of this that they did etta No. 2. The band bovs will run here today to resurvey the old a Oregon and a not come, for when they asked for an excursion Saturday evening for Southern Pacific survey from here and their tickets the agent at Portland the purpose of making money to to the coast The original survey informed them that they would not pay their expenses. Capt. Jenkin» was made some eight years ago The specialty the folio», arrive here when they bad expect­ ha» agreed to assist them in this and the present party is merely re­ ing branches ed. The team was composed of matter by giving them a per cent locating and checking the data as four men of the Aberdeen aggrega­ of the fare collected from the excur­ furnished by the original survey. —Surveying tion from the Washington State sionists, and it is the desire of the It is probable that when the elec­ —Real Fire Loans- League, three of the Northwest boys that who all go to the reeort trification of the Southern Pacific League men, belonging to Nick will go with them if it is conveni- procerds this far they will build Williams, and only had two of 1 ent, as they are trying to maxe it on, providing the present party re­ They Lost Their Watches. their own men with them. It possible to have the subscriptions locating the survey reports favor- They for choice pro seems that the teams around Port for the band done away with by ably. in City It seems that Saturday and Sun­ land have learned that our team is making uiouey from their excur­ This action on the part of the Pricu day were bad days for those who nothing to fool with and after this sions. Southern Pacific probably is due 1— 35Y4 acres. All in cultivation. 6)6 miles S.E. of Tilla- where before that time, possessors we may expect to see exceptionally In addition to the evening excur­ to the action of the Portland West mook.................................................................................................... HKO of gold watches. At least there strong men come to play the home sion the Henrietta will leave the Coast, which has a survey and 2— 160 acres. The Castle Rock Ranch. 3)6 miles S.K. of three men who had serious luck rail road dock Sunday morning at boys. . . large stretches of right of way Hebo ...................................................................... *.......................... 7,OOC with their time pieces on those day». seven o’clock with the Tillamook 3— -80 acres. Raw land. 30 acres rich bottom. 3)6 miles On Saturday, while working in the Shakespeare Club Ha» Social base ball team. A game has been through thia section. It is said that the Portland West Coast is S. E. of city......................................................................................... 4,300 hay field, Gail Buel lost a $20 tick planned for Sunday at nine o’clock merely Meeting. a dummy corporation, 4— House and lot on main county road. North of city er, and although he has searched with the Winton Six team of Port­ operating for the Hill lines. limits. Only ................................................................................... for it diligeutly ever since he has The Shakespeare Club met at the land. After the game the teams 5— Two lotsand cottage. 2nd Ave. E.......... ........................ not been able to find it. W. P. home of Mrs. F S. Whitehouse will come to this city and play ball 6— One Lot S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly........................ ROAD OFFICIALS Tuerck, while boat riding on the Friday afternoon and had a social at the Stillwell Park at two o’clock RAIL slough last Sunday, lost fiia Elgin good time. Only six of the mem­ 7— Two Luts. One corner. S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly. VISIT TILLAMOOK. in the afternoon The Henrietta 8— Two Lots. S.E of Catholic Church. Sightly.................... overboard and as a result is iisk bers were present, they being: Mes- No. 2 will land on the beach direct­ ing other people what the time is dames Alex McNair, B. C Lamb, 9— One corner Lot. One Block S. W. High School. Cheap. ly in front of Bar View on each of Make Brief Inspection Tonr-- The other accident was hardly aa John Groat, Fred Christensen, her trip» to that place. A large other Some good trades. Wiil Build Depot Soon. disastrous t o the owner as the two George Willett and Mrs. F, 3. White­ representation from Tillamook is former ones were. Joe Richard­ house. The invited guests were: expected to attend the opening of D. W. Campbell, District Super­ This firm has over the Abstract son. while trying to get the launch Mesdamea Curl Haberlach, B.D. this popular resqrt. , inteadent of the Southern Pacific, Bayocean under the cable that was Lamar, James T. Moore and Miss of Abstract Co. and A special train will leave this city with hie secretary, H. G. Thompson; stretched across the channel last Grace Whitehouse. No study work Saturday at 9 p.m., returning after R. E. Strahorn, Vice-president of and will to serve Sunday came nearly loosing his was taken up owing to the small the dance. the O. R. A N.; R. T. Guppy, the watch when he was knocked number of members present. Mrs. Chief Enginner; and F. L. Burk­ down by the rope. He regained it Moor«- favored the ladies with a AGENTS FOR NORTHERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY without any particular damage number of vocal selections and Fire Association Has Lively halter, District Engineer, arrived OF LONDON. in thia city Tuesday evening at Business Session. being done to it. Miss Whitehouse played a number eight o’clock on board a special of beautiful instrumental selections. Thursday evening the Tillamook train and returned to Portland Annual Fish War Begins. The Club decided to have their Hose Company met at the Commer­ after a stay of an hour and a half. The first trouble of the fish season annual picnic at Rose City Park on cial Club rooms in business ses­ According to a statement given Dairy Chief Visits Tillamook Pupils Who Were Awarded Bigkt started this week when the fisher­ Wednesday July 24th, and a full sion, this being their regular meet­ out by the officials, the trip was in Grade Diplomas for the June To See How C heese Is men of the bay formed a union for attendance of the members is ex Examination 1912. ing night. There was considerable the main part to see about the the purpose of forcing the fish pected. Lunch will be taken along comment on the matter of people building of the new depot on the Made. Charles Pesterfield, Dist. No. L I packers and canneries to raise the and the ladies will go prepared for who are not connected with the terminal grounds and to ascertain Dr. B. H. Rawl, Chief of the Carl Commons, Dist. No. 6. | price puid fur fresh (salmon from a good time. company giving orders at fires, what the condition of the road is Lillian Severance, Harold Maacil A dainty luncheon was served which tends to confuse the firemen. three cents to five cents. As a re­ and where it can be bettered. It is dairy division, of the Bureau of sult the buyer» have made the by the hostess after which the It was decided to purchase signal thought that work will be started Animal Industry, arrived on the Victor Nielson, Charles Johnagl Herbert Moore, Lena Trout, Clainl statement that no offer above three ladies adjourned. whistles for the use of the Chief on the depot within the next thirty Wednesday evening train in comp­ The visit Finley, Clifford Kiunamao, Diitl mid a half cents can be offered, and captains. days in order that it may be finish­ any with Mrs. Rawl. and as the strikers hold out for five The Killkare Klub Holds A matter which baa been before ed before the end of the good weath­ was made so as to see “How the No. 9. Eddie Heisel, Diet. No. 10. I trick of making cheese in Tilla­ cents it will be impossible forthen the firemen for a number of months, er. Interesting Meeting. mook was done, ” was the state ­ Bernice Barber. Dist. No. IL j to buy. that is the securing of suitable No statement was made as to Flora Robitsch, Dist. Na 12. j At the present time no one is The Killkare Klub met at t the exempt certificates, was finally set­ whether the Southern Pacific in­ ment of Dr. Rawl. His visit to offering above 3c. except W. O. 1 home of Mrs. Homer Mason last tled when it was decided to pur- tended to extend the road south the Coast was primarily to make Martin Ripley, Dist. No. 15. Orson Batterson, Dist. No. 24. I Chase, who states that he will pay Thursday afternon. where they ( chase three dozen of them from an from this city or not, but it was arrangements for the agricultural 1 5c. a» long as he can secure suffi spent a few hours reading and talk- eastern firm, Mary Rowland, Diet No. 21 , made known that no extension exhibit at the Panama-Pacific Ex­ Berenice Knight, Dist. No. 38. I cient fish to warrant it. He has ing over things of general interest 1 As the result of a slight diversity work would be attempted until position at San Francisco in 1915, made arrangements with the Port The Indies of the klub spent the in« opinion Dolly Buckles, Willie HarriioM regarding a certain things are arranged in this city. but as he had heard so much Dist. No. 46. i land Fish Company to take his en­ greater part of the ufternoon in the ; clause in the constitution, the aec- about Tillamook county as a place With a crew of surveyors working tire fish i supply. Oral Barnes, Dist No. 54. atuily of the book, “Polish Tlires- retary was called upon to secure toward this county from Sheridan, where the beat cheese was made They will send a men to thia hold of Russia.” Pupils who failed on not mon 'the old record in which it had it looks like the road might be he decided to spend a couple of city the - lust of this week to see : Mrs. K. I). Severance, who had been written. Upon the reading of than two subjects and who will It built south as soon as the depot is days seeing how it is made. whether or not it will pay them to charge of the reading, thoroughly the different clauses it waa found Mr. Rawl and wife were taken permitted to complete Septemtat finished. 5-6, without rewriting on the sub-l inatall i ■I atorage plant here, but proved her ability at the work and that there were a number of them The building on the terminal around to the larger factories near until other arrangements lire imide not only made the time spent very , that were not suitable for the com­ grounds will be of a better class of the city today in company with jectB on which they have pawed: Buelah Funk, Gilbert Rock, Renbnl nil of the fish will be shipped direct enjoyable but caused the members 1 pany’s present needs and it wasjde- depot and will be a fine addition to Carl Haberlach, secretary of the Glad, Leonard Paquet, Glen S TiJ-l to Portland. to feel that they had been greatly cided that a committee should be the eastlpart of the city. It will be Tillamook Creamery Association; lor, Lizzie Tohl, Fred Coul«*| F. I). Small has had trouble with profited by the study. The sub­ appointed to propose » revised con­ Fred Chrisiensen. inspector for the located in all probability just south hisfishermee. He gave them bouts ject itself was made interesting by stitution at the next regular meet­ of the road that runs east from Tillamook Creamery Association; Emma Bauer, Eustace Pefteyt »nd they sold their catch to other the'fact that'it ¿ftheo’ndtoary ing. The committee was composed town. and George Willett, salesman for Katie I. JoneB, Martha Balnw parties. However, the matter hue line of reading and touches on a , of E. J. Claussen, Will Spaulding Arelene Burge, Lucy Sewers the Red Clover Creamery. been settled without any trouble. Highest average—Lillian Sever­ 1 subject that ia of importance to a and U. O. Jackson. Eids for New Church. Mr. Rawl is more than pleased ance, 91 and 5-9. 1 great many people. j There was also considerable bust- Aged Pioneer Is Severely In­ After the reading a light lunch neas of minor importance trans­ The trustees of the Christian with the agricultural conditions in Second Highest — Oral Barna Church. Tillamook, Oregon will this county. He states that the co­ 87 5-9. jured-Daughter Also Sick. waft served by the hostess. Thia acted, receive sealed bid« for the con­ operative plan for handling the thoether with the friendly coover- I ™ Third Highest— Chas. John**, struction of church in said city, milk and diapoaing of the cheese Grandma Mills, mother of Grant sution which was indulged in made 1 MOVING PICTURE MEN bids will be opened at the hour of ia the beat plan that the farmers 87 per cent. Milla, who fell from her invalid ten a.m., Thursday, July 25th. at the ladies feel that they had spent I IN TILLAMOOK. chair about a week ago, is reported < one of the best afternoons that they | the office of H. T. Botts, 204 Tilla­ of thia locality could adopt and ex- NOTICE. mook Block. The board reserves presaed bia desire to see more of as no tietter. Mrs. Milla, who ia 78 have had together since their or- Use Scenery as Background the right to reject any or all bids. the factories enter into the plan of years old, was stepping into the Notice is hereby given that th A bond for the fulfillment of con- selling their product through one ganization. The klub will meet in chair when she overbalanced, lip. for Films. County Court of Tillamook County tract will be demanded of any ac ­ two weeks at the home of Mr». ing the chair over and falling with cepted bidder. Plana and specifi­ man. He further aaid that all of Oregon, will receive sealed bid, k W. A Williams. It will not be long before moving cations can be seen at the office of the factories should join together the construction of a wagon rok> her back across it. No injuriea pictures will be on the circuit which H. T. Botts, or at the residence of and not allow any cheese to leave feet wide from the Union School Ha* were received other than some very the pastor of the church, R. E. Jope. have aa a part of their sea shore painful bruises, and Dr. Koala, who the county unleaa it carries the in section 33, Twp. 4 South, rani»® dramas the beautiful acenery of brand of the inspector on the case. ia attending her, states that he has Osteopathy’s first college was case. West.Wm. along the right-of-way For Sale. Itopea for her recovery. In answer to the question, “L How ___ ' ad by J. P. Gage to Tillamook County ’ ________ founded ___ in 1892; _Jhere are now the country around Tillamook Bay. One \ and one double bed com­ does Tillamook cheese rank with Mie» Kitty Milla, the deputy.' eight collegea. They have over Within the last few days the Amer­ to the first mile post of the Giffi __________________ . aexee), I ican Lifeograph Ca has finished plete, with springs and mattress. comity clerk, ia also dangerously 2,S»atudenta annually (both Call on owner, at the Felger Apart­ that of other sections in regard to Dawson County Road, in Section L sick at the Milla home, two miles their t • graduate physicians practic : the staging of four dramatic playa ments, S.E. of Academy, this even­ quality?” Mr. Rawl said, “All of Twp., 5 S. R. 10 west. The work • east of town, with inflammation |of ingin ing in the ____ field. They are in ail ' along the Garibaldi beach which ing or any time Friday the leading men in the Department consist of clearirg of the right-rf-«ff- the bowels. Mias Milla was work-i the States of the Union."in England, had plots built up about the sea of Agricultural acknowledge the grading and constructing a fill a«- ■ ng in the Clerk ft Office on Tues- 1 j"'«"»1 * ‘ France. ‘i™?1*’, Germany, 7’, Jfß"' Horse for Sal«. Japan, shore or s fishing village. superiority of the Tillamook pro- i the tide land to Gage’s point and , , , , , . , China and the Islands of the Sei.. , There were abont five members «lav, and although feeling |>oorly, St(U< te-i.uturee gives them the Your choice of three good horses; duct.” He predicts a great futute ing ail culverts according to the pk* did not think that anything wee the le^al right to practice in the U. S of the company who took part in especially Percheon mare, 4 years for thia county if dairying is hand!- ' and specifications on file at the office« Inuuire of Paul Erickson, matter, except poeaibly an attack of ! Dr Bowers, the local osteopath, ie the placing of the plays and they old. ed right Wilson River, Oregon. the County Clerk. the grip. Howeven .(ter work ^‘^e together with the machine men Dr. k^wl and wife will leave for A certified check equal to 6 per"» thal evening »he was taken sick A1 lleBV,r Sundays and Thursdays, were nil of the company’s force San Francisco to-morrow morning. of the amount of the bid must see* Look at Thia who were present. Beside these mid grew »tendily worse until on He can show his Physician’s Certi- I pany each bid aa a guarantee that • Bran. Per sack, 85c. Wednrwilay, at noon, her sister. ficate granted by the State Medical there were some of the local people Prices for Mega. bidder will execute a bond for the<* Shorts, $1 20 Myrtle, who ia stenographer for H. Board, and his physician’s permit who helped in the work and added » pietion of the contract if awardsi ■ by the pru|>er county official. Mas­ Process Barley, $1.50. 130 lbs. to 2001be., 8Wc.. dressed. 1 Botts, had to lie »ent for to help sage and other non drug methods | to the lifelikeness of the pictures. We have the goods. Come early 200 lbs. to 250 lbs.. 7Hc dressed. same. . in raring for her. l)r. Boats re merely scratch the surface in their Tillamook Bay and Bar, the Tillamook Feed Co. 3U0 pounds and over, 6)4c. Al) bids to be filed in the IH-rted today that Miss Milla,'had an beneficial effects, he contrasts with pounding surf of the Pacific, the Tillamook Meat Company. the County Clerk of Tillamook County Auction Sele~ nVack of appendicitis and that she osteopathy. Garibaldi and Bayocean beaches, — '-it ----- ae Oregon, on or before 10 o’clock A-^ Auction Sale,—On Saturday, Au- would, probablv, have to tw oper­ including the Bayocean dock, the Wednesday the 7th day of Aufl* MMice. gual 3rd., beginning at 1 p.m., I ated noon, Life Saving Station at Bar View, will »ell at public auction, at my and the Elmore Cannery were ail I ranch 12 miles south of Tillamook, The Trustees of Mount Hebo A. D. 1912. t A M Nason, farming near Ca The Court reserves the right 1» • included in the staging of the 2 wngona. 1 buggy, 1 bear hound, i Lodge, I.O.O. F., Na 221. will re­ naan, Me., was Imdlv crippled with i rifle. 1 shot gnn. anil all mv house - ceive sealed bid» for the construc ­ ject any and all bids. dramas in order to give s variety »curtic rheumatism due he says to J, C. Hold«, uWt acid in hie blood "Foley Kid- to the setting and -nake the pictures I hold goods, including chairs, ta tion of a Hall, at Beaver, Oregon. I bles. beds, dishes, a new Home Bids will be opened at two o ’ clock County ChJ* ney Pills entirely cured me and also Iinowoiwn for CAMPERS, Tents; seem more >e»l. Comfort range, and other articles p,m., the 17th day of July, 1912, at remoeed numerous black specks are U x 16. furnished for light- Besides the dramas the company 'too numerous to mention. Abso- the residence of A. W. Bunn, at that were continually before my huiiw keepiug. EXCEPT BKHH- rvr«." Foley Kidney Pills are a 1NG, ia making up a reel of the views | j lately every article will go »o the Beaver. Otegon. | higheet bidder. Terms made known All material will be furnished on unc acid solvent and are effective ................................... , , lIlr 10 a. tn Sunday School- j( 4 Fine mountain water piped to the «bout TillamoJh Bay. These views ■ at »ale. Chas. Wooley, owner. . the ground by tha Trustees The lor the various forme of rheumatism. door, grocery »tore on the grounds incl,w^r th* p- «»d X. rail road j 11 a. tn. —Sermon. Subject, Truatees reserves the right to re­ l.aiiMti *e Ding More. and every thing convenient.' 1 Prsper Against Tempis“- n- convenient. L._, Fine atong the beach, the lakes between For soreness of the muscles, ject any or all bide. The aucceae- A conservation plunk Is found in fishing 7 p.m. — Epworth League »•lung and bunting iKKling on the Lake th, LHe Saving Station ______ ___ and _______ Lake whether induced by violent exer­ ful bidders, if say. will be expected 1 have a welcome for all young p*1 live lirmocralic platlurui. but Hie RATES, $2 per day or $10 per week ¡J-ytle. the Life Station, Gsribsldi cise or injury, there is nothing bet- to satisf> Trustees with bond for I to the League. ,4 document a general aaaault on ’»n.t w- " - .I rx- Ihnn Chamberlain's Liniment. fulfillment of contract. Address. AUSTIN A WRI.CH, "* “ 8 pun. -Song and Sermon ■ •**«** •«» Thia liniment also relieve» Plans and specification can be Hie i->ua»ivalioa of present |iroe and the light house on the cape. ' mafic |^aa. b'Or sale by all seen at the residence of A. W. ject: “Cultivating the Lord • ’ ROCKAWAY, OREGON. jwiity. yard.” Buna, at Beaver Oregon. The company expects to have the era, t J ames T. M oorb . ' a TILLAMOOK, firm is doing a general senior to Oregon 42 ago He a and Sidney g graduate -of University, is Civil Engineer Surveyor. Company makes a of of the Land Business : Law—Abstracts and Engineering Estate— Insurance—Farm Conveyancing. offer sale the following ­ perty Tillamook and Country. And properties. taken the Tillamook Title and will continue Osteopathy. Lake Lytle,« TENT CITY. Books good the public.