Tillamook H«®dlight, July 18, 1912- [can be done to bring the entire as they used to be, and the ' territory into one Port. W e newspapers which denounced L egal A dvertisements : l>elieve that this could be done those who opposed it have held 10 First Insertion, per line ... $ if an understanding could be their whist. Why ? Because s Each subsequent insertion, line arrived. It is acknowledged they have to admit that the sys­ Business and professional cards, that the first necessary improve­ tem is not working as satisfac­ 1 oo 1 month .................................. 5 U) ment is the bar. We are mostly tory as they predicted it wou»d. Homestead Notices................... Timber Claims ................. 10 00 all agreed on that, «o on that We want to say this that the S l.qpals per line each insertion point there should not be m»ch Oregon system came in handy Display advertisement, an inch, difficulty in getting together. for a certain calss of politicians 50 1 month.................................. Harbor improvements must of to espouse and get into office. All Resolutions of Condolence Bfl necessity follow bar improve­ But what about the taxpayers, T.odge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. ments. Here is where there is the fellows who have to foot the Notices. Ix>st, Strayed or Stolen, a strong difference of opinion, bill ? We will ask the taxpay­ etc. minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ for there are those who contend ers of Tillamook county to com­ ing five lines. that it is unjust to improve the pare their taxes last year to that channel to a certain point in the of ten years ago. It is the pri­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. bay and neglect other and more vilege of the taxpayers to ad­ (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) important locations in the in­ vocate a new system of politics One year.......... ....................... -........... 1.5o and legislation, but is the sys­ 75 ner harbor. It is neither right tem reducing taxation and sim- Six month«......... .................................. 50 nor just to do so Bar improve­ Three month»....................................... ment should be considered one plifing the laws and bringing about a more satisfactory state Entered an second das* mail mat­ project and harbor improve­ ter July, 1888, at the poet office at ments another. And as it is of affairs ? NoJ much, by a long Tillamook, Ore., under the act of necessary to have plans for the shot. But we will confine our­ March 3, 187V. improvement of the bar, so also selves in this article to tax­ should there be plans to im- ation and what the Oregon sys­ i prove the inner bay, not to one tem is doing to the taxpayers, ^illamooh Ijrabliqbt, point only, nor should one per­ and we hope those who were so son be taxed 10 mills while loud in their advocacy of it will others are not taxed at all. As prove to us wherein it is a ben­ Editorial Snap Shots these are a few phases of the efit to the taxpayers in face of question which are open todis- tne increase in taxation in this county. Below we give the • • Iii the matter of raising bu ,f. cussion, we hope that the Till- I total amount of taxes collected ticient money v . for _ the __ life boat aniook, Bay City and Bayocean , for the past nine years : Commercial Clubs and Grange site at Garibaldi, every locality 1«B ......... ........... $69,83’26 should show a magnanimous will take the matter up with 85,810.80 1904 ...................... spirit in helping to raise the the idea of getting a delegation 89,262.81 1905 ........... .......... from each precinct to discuss 1906 ........... .......... 110,(110 82 $tW._______ 1907 ........... .......... the question, and, if possible, 125J13.79 203^393.43 1908 ........... .......... The Elks' Carnival ^ept large arrive at some understanding 230,063.67 1909 ........... .......... numbers of persons in Portland j that will be of mutual agree- 282,244.98 1910 ........... .......... i inent to al) sections and all who would otherwise be rusti-1 337,379.98 1911 ........... .......... eating at the coast. With the I interests within the watershed. State Tax, Tillamook County paid in advent of hot weather in that 1903 ...................... $ 6,612.00 1911 ...................... 48.666.00 city they will flock to the Woodrow Wilson, the Demo ­ beaches from now on. These figures show one thing cratic nominee, like most col­ lege professors, is an idealist. very conclusively, the taxpay­ Tillamookers who attended The theory that he advances ears are being “stung” quite the Elks’ Carnival in Portland that the cost of living is so high badly by the Oregon system. returned borne delighted with is that the products of the farm That is not the only’ bad fea­ the entire affair, which put the are too high. Most of us re­ ture about the system. By the Rose Festival in the shade. It member that during the last dual system of legislation tax­ was one of the jolliest, good- Democratic administration that payers’ property have been tempered crowds they ever met. farm product was down to bed placed in bondage, with the And Portland did herself proud rock and farmers were down on prospects that lawB will be in hospitality and spectacular their uppers. The first shot passed which will increase the efforts fired by the Democratic uonri- bonding system and fasten the nee is to reduce the price of yoke of bondage tighter upon The snap shot man has been farm products, knocking to taxpayers’ property. But this called u standpatter because he smithereens the four years of is what the people wanted, and | could not swallow the bad with they should not complain, for! the good features of the Oregon unprecedented prosperity the it is what is commonly called! farmers have enjoyed under the system, while the self-styled the sovereign will of the people. I progressives’’ did so without Taft administration. Farmers This is only the taxation fea­ who have mortgages on their a word of protest. We want to tures of the system we have ask those who are such strong places will be in a bad fix when­ touched on, and we cannot re-1 shunters about the sovereign ever the Democrats are in a frain from asking the taxpayers' will of the people what the peo­ position to reduce the price of of Tillamook county: “How ple had to do with preparing farm products, and next No­ do you like it; and how do you j the numerous bills which are to vember you will find dairymen like to be 'stung' harder every be voted on next November or and others, who are not satisfied year ?” Read the article on new what opportunity the people with the splendid prosperity tax bills on another page in this they have enjoyed for the past have to utnend them ? four years, who will support issue. the partv with the reputation of A drop ill the price of butter placing farm products down to Some people take their pleasures fut, and u big one, will surely bedrock, for as Candidate Wil­ sadly, and some even try to start a come if Wilson becomes presi­ son contends, the cost of living new party in dog days. dent. Politicians have been is too high because the farmers successful in making people are charging too high for farm Mfich more than half the 15,000,- believe that conditions are rot­ products. Gee ! Why single OJ0 voters have «aid nothing yet. ten mid that a change is neces­ out the farmer and overlook the their busy month ia November. sary. Those who nre not satis­ large trusts company's, who have Men may cotne and men may go, fied with the four years of un- continually raised the price of precedeted prosperity ought to their products ? Pity the poor I but the G O. P.. on it« merits, ex- tpke into consideration what farmer now that the Democrats pectb to last through the centuries. butter fut was worth in this are going to take him in hand Reduced to simple terms the row 1 county when the Democrats Again. in the treasury is merely the at-I were in power, la that the rot­ , ten times people are wanting I tempt of a subordinate to be bigger Politics appear to be the burn­ tbau the head of the department. [ in their clamor fora change ? ing question in national affair«. The versatile Dr. Woods Hutch­ Yet it in not politics of a party Tillamook County in the year nature, but rather one politician , inson ia one of - the ------------------ —- signers of the >>,c 1908 paid $6.613.00state tux. In endeavoring to kill off other. Roosevelt convention call. They nine years, in 1911, it jumped politicians for’"their own ag­ ! that be whole need no physician, , to $48,666.(M). At thut rate it grandisement. | Roosevelt did i says the bible. will not lie long before it will that at the Republican conven­ I Mexico'« silver dollar ia quoted reach $100,000 a yearon account tion when he * knife” President of the Oregon system, which is I Taft, ut one time his closest and at 48. More than 95.OO0.UOO Aineri-, .......................... ~ Friends can« are glad that every one of iu>t only muddling up affairs most intimate friend. but is make taxpayers look up of Roosevelt induced La Fol- ,helr • worth mure than in wonderment as to bow much lette to tun for the express pur- doub,e th"‘ «mount. more they are going to be* P‘>ee of killing that gentleman 1 Middle names have sometime« “pinched.” All that we need off and thus make a three hiiv is the end is uot in sight, for corner fight, knowing at the been opposed «• superfluous. But if the numerous law tinkers in time they did the Wisconsin they came in handy with Stephen Oregon succeed in tinkering statesman a dirty Irish trick and Grover Cleveland and Thoma« them in the future as they have that Roosevelt would be a can­ Woodrow Wilson. dune since the system came into < didate. The same killing off •'Bryan must be eliminated if the vogue, every dairyman will process went on iu tile Demo­ have to |-ay double the taxes cratic convention between the Democrat« are goiug to wit,.” says « Missouri member of that party. I they r.re paving today when when the radicals and the conserva­ Now let’s all gather around and the large class of voters, who pay tives. Bryan represented the no tuxes, com|iel laud to bear former and had a knife up his watch the elimination. the entire burden of taxation. sleeve to kill off those who stood If women are to be permitted to I lie fiirmers as a class wanted in Ills way, for it was seen that the system because it was he wanted the nomination. wear hate at the theater, us the Ger­ considered to come under the Alter lie had “knifed” Speaker man courts have decided, they head of | ’rogressi veisiu, ” but C lark and killed him off when ought to be required to pay for the actual experience with the sys­ he had more than a majority vacant seats lie hi nd Utem. tem now convince them that it vote, the convention nuddently What to do with our ex presidents is not what it was cracked up turned to Wilson before Brvan >• atill a bothersome question, but to lie by the advocates of it. hud time to knock him out also. it ia not more bothersome than the To say the least, Roosevelt and problem: What to do with our ex Bryau each had a grouch and a liiere i» a strong sentiment personal fight to make for no candidates for president. jto'iU'" "f one Fort (or the en- other purpose tliau to satisfy It ia auirirested by SU official of •’r»' 'Miter shed of l'illatuook theirown|ambitions. Asa result Me English Board of Trade that hny, and notwithstanding the Roosevelt bolted the Repub­ the causes of the Titanic csta.lrope new system of legislation and lican party, but Brvan had the were a bad lootout ami excessive procedure have placed mnttem good sense and grace to sup­ »peril. Thia conclusion was reach- •’-i u tangled condition, we hope port the Democratic nominee. “• •°on •• ,he the people will use good judg ; And the killing off process still first detail« PUblk arrived Advertising Rates, Pebbleford, bottled iu bond, per bottle, Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in bond .. Per bottle, Echo Spring, bottled in bond............... Per bottle. Old Crow, bottled in bond, per bottle, Hermitage, bottled in bond, per bottle, Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ........................... O.T.O., bottled in bond, per bottle, Kentucky Dew, i gal., bottled in bond Kentucky Dew, full pint, John Dewar & Sone, Old Scotch Whiskey.................................. .................. Black & White, Old Scotch Whiskey V O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey............ Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch Whiskey ............................................. • ■ • Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch Whiskey......................................... *■•••• Canadian Club........................................... I. W. Harper ............................................. Harvester Old Style............................... Monogram .................................................. • Kentucky Dew......................................... Billie Taylor, full quart........................... Coronet Dry Gin.................... Per bottle A.V.H. Gin................................ Per bottle Gordon Sloe Gin...................... Per bottle Gordon Dry Gin....................... Per bottle Rock and Rye............................Per bottle El Bart Gin................ Per bottle Virginia Dare Wine Per quart Port Wine................. Sherry Wine............ Angelica Wine........ Per quart Zenfendel Wine .... Per quart Per quart Tokey ........................... Claret........................... Per quart White Grape Juice.. Local Beer, quart.. .Three bottles for Domestic Beer, quart.Three bottles for With that Object In view we are “72?* " «»MWeeti