Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 18, 1912, Image 1

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No. 6
Vol. -XXV.
A diecount of 20 per cent at Pate- will be torn down and the property
laf’a on all Ladies' separate Skirts.• made as beautiful as possible.
Hay Rope, Forks and other Toole
The Della, of Cloverdale, arriv- ,
that are required in Putting up ed in port Wednesday with a
Hay. King A Smith Co.
cargo of frieght from the south.
For Nearly Ten Years
The Tillamook County Bank has
Word wae received to-day of the
death of Mrs. Rudolph Schiffman.
Mra. Shiffman died at her home in
Bay City yesterday afternoon.
L. V. Eberhardt, who located in
thia city last week hue secured
office space on the ground floor of
R. W. Watson’s real estate office.
been a strong factor in the cotnmer-
cial progress of Tillamook City and
its organization
Captain Richardson received a
ducking at Bayocean on Sunday
and ..Captain Hirsch came near
going overboard as well when they
attempted to pass under a cable.
Gary Price, who was formerly the
proprietor of the Pacific SodaWorks.
is in town for a few weeks’ vaca­
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Price are camp­
ed in the south part of town.
this bank has maintained its individ-
uality, and has grown continuously
in resources and in the public confi­
The high position which it has
attained is due to its conservative
policies and the satisfactory service
which its clients have enjoyed.
20 per cent off at Patzlaf’s on our
entire line of Ladies’ Shirt Waiats.*
Attorney C. W. Talmage returned
lo the city Wednesday.
If you intend to paint, now is
the time. Have some special prices
on paints now.
King A Smith Co.
She will leave out today.
Elmore ia also in the bay at pre­
sent and it is thought that she
will make port on the afternoon
Ex-County Judge W. W. Conder
left on Tuesday morning’s train
for his home in Silver City, New
Mexico. Mr. Conder who is a metu-
ber of the firm, Tillamook Meat
Co., has been in this city for the
past two months looking after his
The crowd which went out deep
sea fishing Sunday morning on the
yacht Bayocean were badly dis­
appointed in having to come home
without any fish. The day was the
If you want to raise a horse that finest that could be expected and
has the right size, style, action, the sea was very calm but the fish
quality and value stop and study wouldn’t bite.
the opportunity that is before you
Arthur Case and Blaine Chatter­
in Eugene Jenkins’ window.
ton made a trip to Portland the last
Mr. L. F. Wang, a merchant of of tbe week in Mr. Case's machine,
Canby, Oregon, was in town the leaving this city at about eight
first of the week looking after pro­ o,clock Friday evening and return­
perty interests in this section. He ing early Monday morning. While
out they attended the conclusion of
was registered at the Todd Hotel.
the Elks' Convention.
For Sale,—a Gasoline Engine
Mr. J. H. Williams, the photo­
Pumping outfit, 2J< h.p. engine.
Guaranteed to give satisfaction and grapher, left on Monday’s train for
warranted for five years.—Virgil Portland, where he will spend
Donaldson, Tillamook, Oregon. . about two months with his parents.
E. J. Dorsey, President of the This is the first time in three
New World Insurance Company, years that Mr. Williams haa hud a
of Spokane, Wash., and A. B, Car vacation. During hie absense Mrs. I
tey, their state agent for Oregon,
are registered at the Todd Hotel.
In the community once it is known
you are saving money.
look with favor on the young man who
is- a regular visitor to our receiving
’ teller’s window.
There’s satisfaction
for the young man too-
The satis­
faction of knowing he is building com­
fort and independence.
All Ladies’ Tailored Linen Waists
A resolution was passed st the
at Patzlaf's on sale at J4 price.
* regular council meeting last Mon­
Tbe mail boat Henrietta No. 2 day evening requiring that the tele­
light poles
was made about two hours late phone and electric
Sunday afternoon by repairs having which are located at the intersection
to be made on her engine. While of streets be placed within the curb
returning from her morning trip and also within the continuation of
the pump broke and the engine be. the property lines. According to
came so hot that Capt. Jenkins the resolution all poles not in con­
had to be towed into port by a fish- formity with the requirements are
ingboat. The break was so serious to be removed within ten days. Thia
that a new pump had to be put in resolution ia making considerable
before the afternoon trip could be trouble in the changing of poles
and especially at Haltotn’s corner
One of the finest strings of trout there ia a pole which has made it
that we have seen this season was necessary to cut two holes in the con­
brought into town Sunday by Dr. crete walk near the corner of the
J. E. Reedy and Dr. John Olson. block. It haa not been decided as
The two men and their wives spent yet where the pole will be located.
3. C. W. Leghorn Eggs-$1,00 per
David Evans, of Portland, is visit­
letting of 13. A. M. Ginn.
ing with hie daughter, M tb . C. I. t
Fathers Chas. Raymond and i
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. G. Tait came
Mrs. S. S. Stephens, of San Fran­
Myers, and J. Franklin accompanied
n from Portland Wednesday.
cisco, is visiting at the home of her James Gillhooly, of the McMinnville I
brother, Dan Oliver, in this city. Catholic Church, are in this county
A discount of 20 per cent at Patz-
From July 1st, 1912, the service Mrs. Stephens will remain in this at present for their summer vaca­
af’s on all summer wash goods.
tion. While here they are making
fee will be Ji price or $12.50 for one vicinity for about two months.
Frank Devine and wife returned colt one we<*k old.—'
•E. F. Rogers, | Mayor Harter has made arrsnge- their beadquarters at Father Berne’s
rum Portland the first of the week. owner.
house. They will remain in this
j ments to keep the credit of the city
For Sale,—Seven Head of Horses
section until Saturday, when they
To clean up our line of children’s at par, the Warreu Construction Co.
will return to their homes in the
ind two Hacks.—J. E. Brown, Tilla- ready made dresses at Patzlaf’s a
having agreed to takecity warrants,
President Shrode, of the Tilla­
discount of 20 per cent on the en­ paying face for them.
the day on the upper Trask where
All Ladies' Tailored Suits and tire line.
W. P. McPherson, of Portland, is I it seems that the trout were biting mook Commercial Club, received a
oats at Patzlaf's on Sale at Vi
in town this week making prepara­ unusually good, for when they re­ message from Adjt. Gen. W. E.
I If you are in need of a Jersey bull as pastor of the Presbyterian
tions for the installing of the heat­ turned to town in the evening, Finzer the last of the week in which
to head your herd or want a bull Church a few weeks since, has re­
We will sell you a buggy for less
ing plant at the new High School there were fifty-four trout, averag­ it was stated
tliut the Oregon
calf, correspond with H. A. West, signed, as the Presbytery withdrew
>oney than it has cost ns. —
building. The plant is to be for ing utiout ten inches or over in regiment would not make encamp­
Oswego, Ore.
, him from this field. He left here on hot air heating and will have a fan
ment in thia county this year, be­
length included in their string.
Quick relief and permanent re­ Tuesday.)
in connection to furnish the venti­
cause of orders having beeu receiv-
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla-
sults follow Chiropractic (Spinal)
Mrs. B. T. Whited and daughter lation and distribute the heat even­
■ook Meat Company’s Market, 13c.
damaged Saturday evening when froin Washington, I). C., to the
Adjustments. Dr. Scheetz.
Office are visiting at the home of Dr. aud
er pound.
she was backed into the Bayocean eilect that the Oregon regiment
Wade Residence.
Mrs S. M Wendt. Mrs. Whited is
The old board fence around the dock, breaking off the aft railing would meet in joint enenmpment
Dr. Jack Olson has opened den-
The regular monthly meeting of a sister of Mrs. Wendt and lives at Drew tract is being torn down this
il parlors over F. R. Beals’ office,
and tearing down the awning roof with the Washington and Idaho
Tillamook Commercial Club Forest Grove. She will remain in week, and as soon as the crops are
loth phones.
the open air saloon. Tlie boat troops at Grays Harbor, Washing­
will be held next Monday evening this city for about two week.
removed from the ground, side also broke a piling from underneath ton, thia year. Gen. Fiuzer stated
Mr. and Mrs. Magarrell were reg-
at the Club rooms.
My method in selling glasses ia walk improvements and street
the Bayocean dock. The yacht was that it was hie opinion thut the
itered at the Ramsey, last Satur-
Chiropractic is successful in all not to catch a new victim and the grading will be completed in this just returning from Garibaldi where Oregon Guar 1 would encamp in
ay, from Blaine.
forms of disease. See Dr. Scheetz. price—but to see how well I can fit tract, in which a large number of she had been to get the passengers this county next summer for their
Bring your chickens to the Tilla-
Office Wade Residence, opposite the eyes. R. A. Whalen, Opt D. lots have already been purchased from the Saturday evening special yearly maneuvers and outing.
■ook Meat Company's Market. We
Registered under State Law of Ore­ by local parties.
Court House South.
The cases against Jeff Fleck and
when the accident occurred
sy 13c. per pound.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Deeter, of Med­
Ben Via for intimidating an officer
For Sale,-Team Oyears old, weight
B. W. Johnson,
postmaster of
Father Berne,of the local Catholic ford, Oregon, arrived on the train
Henry Brooten for
13,000 to 15,000 each. Wagon and
land Sunday and reports that his and against
orvallis, is rusticating in this
Church, left for Portland thejfirst of Sunday evening and will spend a
assault with a dangerous weapon
harness, $300.—Joe West, North
junty for two weeks.
the week to attend tosome business few days visiting with Mrs. Deeter* a
Fork of the Nehalem river.
ed the latter part of the week, is were tried in Justice Stanley's court
matters in that city. He will re­ mother, Mrs. Capt.
Wanted,—Competent girl wishes
Dodge and getting along as nicely as can be on Saturday. The case against Fleck
F. D. Small and family, together
turn during the latter part of the family. Mr. Deeter is engaged in
osition; general housework, Ap-
There were two small was dismissed because of insuffi-
with Mrs. Small’s sister and hus­ week.
ly at Headlight office.
back part of the eye cient evidence. Brooten and Via
band, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Donovan,
Howard Drew, accompanied by a
| Jay Honey, of Rodere A Hoven’a ports the yield in that section will ball which were working toward were each bound over to the grand
spent Tuesday at Pacific City.
lend, R. F. Murphy, arrived in
It was hard to
grocery, and Ralph Himea, of A. be unusually good this year.
the brain and which made it neces­ ury on $250 bonds
Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton
iwn Tuesday evening.
Finley’s grocery, are taking a few
The Christian Church and par­ sary for tbe operation to be per­ determine which of the two witness
or $4.50 for half ton,or good fir wood
daya’ vacation on the Trask River sonage have been moved from the formed. Had the eye not been re­ ea was telling the truest story, but
Mrs Claude Thayer and daughter
already sawed for $5.75 per cord or
and incidentally catching a few lots which were purchased recently moved when it was it ia very prob­ it seems that both Fleck and Via
ugenia are spending tbe summer
$3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. •
speckled beauties.
by the Tillamook Hotel Co. The able that the accident might have hit Deputy Sheriff Edmunde und
: their home in thia city.
Mrs. Paul Schrader and daughter.
that the stabbing of Fleck
is now on the lot just north proved fatal.
Big Reduction on Lawn Mowers,
Miss Julia, who are spending the
property holder and capitalist of
Rollie W. Watson closed a deal
ive one of your own while they
summer at the Elmore Park beach
Portland, was in the county the mally located and the parsonage Tuesdaytosell wbat will be known as accident, although one or two of
■e cheap. King A Smith Co.
were in town the first of the week.
the witnesses stated that Brooten
last of the week looking over real will be placed on a lot in the east the Stillwell Park Addition to Tilla­
L. M. Kramer, the postmaster-at
struck at Fleck twice with th*
Lytle A Gordon handle all kinds estate matters. He waa segistered part of town aa soon aa the deal
mook. This property lies on the
loverdale, was in the city the last of building
materials io any at the Todd Hotel.
can be consummated.
tbe week as a business caller.
amount and can quote the lowest
The passenger traffic has increas­
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chapman and joins the Maple Grove Addition.
Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr.
Bees for Sale,—in excellent con- prices in the city. See them before
ed so rapidly within the past two
Smith, speaka German. Surgery,
tion; $3 SO to $6.00 per swarm, baying.
weeks that the Southern Pacific
ear, eye, none and throat. Office in been visiting at the*home of B. L. the Stillwell Park Addition, each
ill or phone the U.B. parsonage.
There will be a big demand for the Commercial Building, opposite Beals. Sr.,
left on
Wednesday lot being 30 x 100 feet with a ten Company haa increased the num­
Why is Mokatil ice cream the beet good Cement this season.
The the Todd Hotel. All calls answered morning for their home. Mr. and ! foot alley through the block. Water ber of coaches from two to four on
the state ? Simply because it’s Lamb-Schrader Co. carry the largest
Mrs. Ralph Cady have also been is already furnished to this pro­ the regular run. and all of'these ars
day or night. Both phones.
ade of Tillamook pure cream.
line of Cements in the city. Tele­
at the home of Mr. and perty through a six inch main filled to their capacity each even­
Jacob Zumstein has been spend­
A number of ■ hanges have
Why is Mokatil ice cream the best phone Main 1771.
They Mr. Watson will place the lots on ing
ing the past week visiting with hia Mrs. Beals for the past week
been made in the office in thia city
the state? Simply because it
When you eat Mokatil ice cream brother, John Zumstein, of this have, however, rented a house in sale on the installment plan.
within the past month, until nt
inked highest percent last year. . you know you are eating pure
An attractive feature of the Sun
city. Mr. Zumstein has been at­ I tbe east part of town and will be­
Wanted,—Position aa hotel man- cream. When you eat Portland ice tending a Mechanics school for tbe | gin housekeeping within a short day night concert at Bayocean was present the force is entirely differ-
ent from what it was nt that time.
rer or clerk. Five years’ exper- cream you don’t know what dope past three years, specializing on time.
the vocal recital given by 11. I.
The freight business of the road
nce. Address Headlight office.
you are eating.
According to figures at the Sher­ Bowles, of Portland, assisted by
automobile machinery.
has increased since the first of the
For Sale,—A light wagon, light
The Tillamook Meat Co. ia selling
Miss Mabel Johnson, of Long
year so that an additional man lias
luble harness and mowing mac- lard at the following prices : 10 lb. Beach, California, is visiting at in this county baa greatly increas­ rection of Professor von Jessen. been placed in the office. The force
pail, $1.00. ; 5 lb. pail, 85c. ; 50 lb. the home of Mr. and Mra. J E. ed during the past year. Tbe num­ Mr. Bowles sang a suite of songs at present includes A. H. Guy lord,
Enquire at Rogers Barn. •
I-a rd
Thy best ia the cheapest, A bek - pails at 13Hc. per pound. Lard Reedy. Mies Johnson is an old ber of tax receipts issued during by Arthur Foote, several Old Eng- agent; S. L Smith, operator; Bert
She will the past year waa 3600. while up to iiah Ballads and by request several Byers, frieght clerk; E. Gaylord,
ZBE (Ausl.alian) Coal.
friend of Mrs. Reedy.
The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ spend a good part of the summer the preaent time there have been modern sougs. Mr. Klein render­ express clerk, und W. E Anderson,
:hrader Co. Telephone Main 1771.
over 3W»> receipts issued and ac­ ed a violin solo and Mr. Brown, a baggage clerk.
For Sale,—a young horse weight lows who haul anything, anywhere, here.
The rendition of the
cording to tbe opinion of Deputy piano solo.
Office on Main Street,
P. J. Worrall and wife of the
ig about 1300 pounds, or will trade any time.
The Whitney Company,
Sheriff Johnson the number will in famous «.ocherini minuet, by Prof,
placed their fire wardens last week
Tillamook Hotel Co., arrived Wed
t a lighter one. See D. L. Shrode.
all probability reach twn before the von Jessen, was a feature of the
because of the dry condition of the
neoday from Portland
Mr. Wor
You can get the genuine Eastern no by pbone. Main 651.
end of the year.
moaa and dead timber in the forest.
Cuts more Grass with less effort, rol states that it ia the intention of
rn feed meats at tbe Tillamook
An application wee filed in the
Practically all of those from here
ed Company General Supply A GIBMIN S cythe Blade, $1.50 at the company to go ahead with the j Circuit Court, thé first of tbe week, who attended the Elka’ Convention The wardens and their locations
are aa follows: Edgar Munson,
budding Of the new hotel as soon
King A Smith Co.
by H. T. Botts, for the registration at Portland this year returned the Chief, Tillamook. Herbert Parsons,
as the ground ia vacated.
of tbe title of the S-K- one-fourth of last of the week and they all state Miami; Claude Webb, Kslchia; John
William Wiley, and neice, Miss
Mock four of Thayer's addition of that they had the l>est time of their Wilson, Upper Kelchis, William
Oletba Hili, of The Dalles, are
Wilson Elver, Hull
Tillamook, or what is generally lives. It seems that there wae ex­ Tinneretet.
visiting at the home of C. H. W iley
known aa the Christian Church ceptionally good order maintained Johnson, Bewley Creek; and|Ge«>rge
Vaughn, Fossett Creek. The Whit­
and family. Mr. Wiley ia a brother property. It seems that the title to
on the streets of tbe Carnival city ney Company is doing a good deal
of C. B. », and although hecroeeod i tbe property was not clear and this
and every one waa kept busy doing of work in this county this summer.
the plains over 50 years ago, thia is
etsp was necessary in order to give the things which the hosts had All of their timber will tie cruised
bis first visit to Tillamook.
a clear title to tbe hotel ;>eople. who «nned for the week of celebration, before the end of the summer, end
there is a large force of man work­
Preparation is being made to ’ have purebased it
> whole program waa carried ing at tlue at tbe present time.
grade the streets aad make side­
out with hardly a break.
The Riiaaell Hawkins, the head of the
A discount of 30 per cent at Pstx-
walk improvements in the Drew
Astoria lodge, of which tbe Tilla­ Company, is having a residence
mook Elka are members, won sec- built on their property on the bay,
addition aa soon as the crops are
at present for a summer bums.
0*4 prise in the parade.
ug oi Ute ground. The board teuoe , Oxfords.
Drop in and book Around.