Tillamook" Haadlignc, July II, 19’2 ARCHBISHOP CHRISTIE VISITS THE CITY. Confirmed 35 Young Persons and Gave Them ^Good Ad- vice--He Predicts a Great Future for the! County. TO ENLARGE PORT OF BAY CITY. John Leland pende^oq ¡Son, The Territory to be Taken In Embraces $4,000,000 Additional Taxable Property. Archbishop A. Christie, of Port­ land, whose diocese include Oregon, Shall that portion of Tillamook County. State of ^rte^wtion lute running Washington, Idaho and Alaska, ac­ companied by Rev Jas H. Galla- shore of Tillamook Bay where the T^wnshio 1 South Range 10 West ; thence north gan, of the Columbia University, north and south through Section 11 in Township 1 sou , * 4 jd township to came to this city on Saturday for along said uuarter.ec.ion line and **"Action 5 n" aid township ; thence I the purpose of holding confirmation the center of said Section 2; thence east to the east line of Section 1 in s Section 8, I services at the Sacred Heart church north to the N.E. corner of said ‘„Ue to fhe S.E. corner of in Tillamook City. The Archbishop Township 1 South, Range 9 West, ''M. • ( quarter section corner common to wa* met by Father Berne and a del-1 egation of Catholic* on the arrival of the train. On Sunday morning Archbishop ! Christ* officiated at the eight o’clock communion mas«, and at the second mass the ceremony of confirmation was administered to 35 young peo­ ple belonging to the Sacred Heart church. The Archbishop gave the j young people some excellent ad-1 vice, laying siiecial stress u[xin the importance or living clean and vir­ east line of Section 8, Township 1 North, Range 5 West, to the S.E. corner of said section 8 tuous lives and to shun evil habit", thence west along the south line of Sections 8 and 7, Townshio 1 North, Range a W eat, to tt e N E. Joraer of Section 13, Township 1 North, Range 6 West ; he^ouHi^ine of laying special emphaxia on drunk­ ness and other degrading and vici­ of »aid Section 13 to the S.E. corner of said Section 13 ; thence west alonu the south jin® ous habits. He admonished the' said Section 13 to the S.W. corner of said Section 13; thence ion 23^ thence oltler members o! th* congregation Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 6 West to the S.E. corner of said Section 23 'hence to set the young fieople a good ex- ’ west along the south line of said Section 23 to the S.W. corner of said Section ¿3 . 'hence ample. south along the east line of Section 27, Township 1 North, Range 6 W . ,h At noon a banquet wa« served at corner of said Section 27; thence west along the south line of said Section -i to at the Parish Houne, to which some the S.W. corner of said section 27; thence south along the east line of Section' J?' of the leading citizens were invited, Township 1 North, Range 6 West, to the S.E. corner of said Section 31 ‘hence including Mayor Harter and Presi­ west along the south line of said Section 33 to the S. W. corner o: said Section 33 thence . dent D. L. Shrode, of the Tillamook south along the east line of Sections 5 and 8, Township 1 South. Range 6 West, to Commercial Club. The Pre»» was the S.E. corner of said Section 8 ; thence weBt along the south line of said Section 8, represented by Fred C. Baker, of Township 1 South, Range 6 West, to the S.W. corner of said Section 8; thence south Headlight, and C. K. Trombley, of I along the east line of Sections 18 and 19, Township 1 South, Range 6 West, to the S b. the Herald. After the banqnet about 1 corner of said Section 19 ; thence west along the south line of said Section 19, Township 1 an hour was spend in pleasant and South, Range 0 West, to the S.W. corner of said Section 19; thence south along the east interesting conversation, the Arch­ line of Sections 25 and 36, Township 1 South, Range 7 West, to the S E. corner of said bishop giving interesting accounts Section 3ti. Township 1 South, Range 7 West ; thence west along the south line of Sections of some of the places he had visited 30 35, 34 33, 32 and 31, Township 1 South, Range 7 West, to the S.W. corner of said sec­ and the sights he had seen. He is tion 31, Township 1 South, Range 7 West ; thence north along the west line of Sections greatly pleased with Tillamook 31, 30, 19 and 18. Township 1 South, Range 7 West, to the S.E. corner of Section 12, County, with its wonderful resour­ Township 1 South, Range 8 West ; thence west along the south line of Sections 12, 11, 10, ce* and bright future He advised 9 Sand 7, Township 1 South, Range 8 West, to the S.W. corner of said Section 7, Town the meintiere of the Tillamook Com ship 1 South, Range 8 Went ; thence to a point where the quarter section line running east mercial Club to get busy, for an and west through Section 13, Township 1 South, Range 9 West, intersects the east line of organization of that character did said Section 13, Township 1 South, Range 9 West; thence west along the quarter section a great deal of good for the develop line running east and west through the centers of Sections 13, 14 15, 10, 17 and 18, Town­ ment of the county. ship 1 South, Range 9 West, to the quarter section post in the east line of Section 13, Town­ Sunday evening an informal re ship 1 South, Runge 10 West; thence west along the quarter section line running east and ception was tendered the distin west through Sections 13 and 14, Township 1 South, Range 10 West, to a point where said quished churchman at the Tilla quarter section line intersects the shore line of Tillamook Bay ; thence in a straight line monk Commercial Club, at which in a northerly direction to the place of beginning ; be incorporated as a municipal corpora­ were present the President, Mayor tion, to be known as the "PORT OF BAY CITY,” in accordance with the provisions of and other citizens. that certain act of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, passed at its regular On Monday the Archbishop paid session held in 1909, entitled “An Act to provide for the incorporation under general law of Bayocean and other bay points a Porte in counties bordering upon bays or rivers navigable from the sea or containing bays visit, and on Tuesday lie went to or rivers navigable from the sea and to provide for the manner of incorporating such Ports Netarts, where he had a most de­ i and defining the powers of Ports so incorporated.” lightful day on the beach, anil he enjoyed liimself immensely. Wed­ nesday morning he left for Port land, charmed with the county and bitulithic chosen for In the Circuit Court for the State The Sports. everything he saw. of Oregon, for Tillamook Connty MISSOULA. CHARGE IS ADULTERY. Property Owners Make De­ cision which is Adopted Night Officer Distarbes Bar by the City Connell. Tender with Young Woman The city councilmen of Missoula, in Rooming House. Mont., after having been backed by On Friday night NightWatchman a large percentage of the property Myers became satisfied that Roy owners, awarded the contract for Rhodes, a bar tender arid u married paving Gerald Avenue, the Main man. wa« taking a young woman . street of the city, with Bitulithic to one of the rooming houses fori Pavement immoriil purposes, so he kept tab, The contract win awarded after u on them to ascertain the room they thorough investigation of all kinds intended to occupy. Having ob­ of street pavement, and Bitulithic tained the necessary order from was chosen because of its well Justice Stanley, Officer Myers de­ known good qualities, as it has manded admission. At first Rhode* stood for many years the hardest refused to open the door, but finally of time and traffic tests under all did so. This proved that Rhodes conditions and in all climates. The city officials are pleased to had taken the young woman there for an immoral uur|xise, and is a cniw see that their choice of pavement similar to those which have din- meets the approval of both the pro­ graced tins city and some of the perty owners and the citizens of Missoula. culprit« «erving time in the «lute penitentiary. Rhodes was arrested ■ nd a charge of contributing to the Water Commission Meets. delinquency of a minor child, but this was withdrawn, as the young The water commission met Mon­ woman was 19 years of ago. lie day evening at the Commercial was rearreated and a charge of Club rooms to transact the regular adultery placed against him, the monthly business. The members young woman’s father swearing to of the commission preBent were: the complaint, lie waived exami C. E. Reynolds, pres., Carl Haber- nation and Justice Stanley txiund lach, Sec., W. G. Dwight and M. him over to the grand jury, placing Melchoir; Chester McGhee being the tamd at fl UOG, which he was un- absent. The matter of laying pipe sble to furnish, so wss Ipck up un­ in those districts which at present til Tuesday afternoon, when a num­ have none, but where the streets ber of peraon* went on his bond. are to be paved was discussed and It is reported that should the it was decided to have such pipe cas» come to trial the young wo­ laid and taps put iu. The commis­ man will try to shield Rhodes, but sion was not in favor of allowing they are both liable to be a.-rested an excess of water to be used by on charges of leud cohabitation. the Construction Company without If the tendency to induce young payment for the same. It seems woman io go astray cannot be stop­ that the commission had not been ped. it is about time for the citizens asked with regard to the use of the to resort to a ‘-oat of tnrnud feathers water. A. H. Hill, of the National for those who are guilty. Milk Sugar Co., of New York, came before the commission to see if they could give a sufficient supply To Extract Sagar from Whey. of wuter to run a plant in this sec­ A. K. Hill, of the National Milk tion. He stated that it would take Sugar Co., of New York, is in the MM.) gallon« |>er minute to run them. City looking into the matter uf ea- Hie meeting was adjourned until tabli«hing a plant in thia vicinity Tuesday evening when they met for th* piirixiae of cuuverting wbey with Mr. Hill and informed him into milk nugiir in the crude form. that water could be supplied for Mr. Hill state« that the plant for night service. tins puriHiae will co«t about $20,000 ej|nipped It is proponed to pav Preabyterian_Church. tlie tarmer« the aame price for the whei that they can make if it were Summer Church Schedule. ted to the liog« Sunday School—10 o’clock. Mn Hill met with the water com Divine Worship—11 o'clock. iiiiaaion Momlaj evening and dia- Papular evening service—• o’clock. «u»ae.l the matter of obtaining All invited, a welcome to each • ufficieiit water from them to run WQ.LIAM CKoanv Rose, minister. the phint It was stilted that the plant would ua* NV gallon* of wat­ er |>er minute for ten hour* of M E Church. «very day. It i* thought that the 10 a.m.—Sunday School. water can t>* «applied without any 11 *.ui.—Sermon. Subject, “ The inconvenience to the water p« Iron a Condition of Psrdon.” rlu« industry would bring a large 7 pm. — Epworth League. We amount of mon«y into the hands of farmer« of thia aection and have a welcome for all jMRing people Juuld do away with the tilihy odor to Use I.eague. 8 p. us.-Song and Sermon, 'The round the cheese factories caused Place ol Confession in th* Christian by the waat* whey Life." i > JAMBS T. MUUHK. Pastor Huy it now. Chanilierlain*« Coin, t liolera and Diarrtio*« Remedy la almost certain to be needetl before For norvne** of th* muacle*. the an miner, la over. Huy it now whether induced by violent eier- and t>* prepared tor *och an emer­ ci*e or injury, there i* nothing bet­ gency. For aale bv all dealera ter than Chamberlain's Liniment ibis iiniutent alao relieves rheu During the summer month* moth luetic pain*. Fur sale by *11 deal era of young children should watch w* ___ . for any unnatural loose»«*« of the Dysentery >• always serious and I bowels. When given prompt atten lion at thia time eenoua trouble uften a dangarvuis disease. but it pmy be avoided. Chamberlain'* can he cured. Chamberlain'« Colic I Cotte. Cholera and diairhoea Rem- and Diarrhoea ‘ Remedy has cured »■!> can alwava be depended upon. it *ven when malignant and epi re. Sale by all dealer* demu- For »ale by all dealer* 4 Friday, July 5th, ended the Inde­ REGISTRATION OF TITLE | pendence Day celebration for this year. The only thing of importance ' In the rratter of the Application of was the sports which were left The ___________________________________ First Christian Church of Tilla- ovet from the Fourth. In the morn- Citv, Oregon, to register the title ing a number of the sprinters of to the --- -- — — South East quarter of - Block the city competed for the 100 yards four (4) in Thayer's Addition to the and the 220 yards dash, beside the Town of Lincoln (now Tillamook other races which were run more City) in Tillamook County, Oregon, for amusement than for profit. the same being otherwise more The 100 yards dash was won by particularly described as follows, Elmer Blyback. The 220 yards was to-wit: Beginning at a point 71H easily taken by Win. Tuerck. Tom feet East of the South West corner Price finishing second. A prize of, of Block Four (4) of the aforesaid $5.00 was given to the man winning Addition, and running thence East firat in each of these events. along the South line of said Block The tug of-war was called oil and . 71Mi feet- thence North 105 feet; immediately alter the ball game' thence West 71 % feet; thence South the four mile race was started from j to the place of beginning, and be- the corner of Main ... street and . First .... ‘ ing. and to be a tract of the full Avenue East. 1? There were eight size of 7D4 feet East and West by who entered in this event, they 105 feet North and South. being Ivan Donaldson, Frank All to whom it may concern : Cross, Leonard Rush, Homer T ake N otice : Cross, Will Tuerck, Robt. Wahlen, That on the Uth day of July, Jas. Smith apd A. F. Wilson. Ivan A D. 1912, an application was filed Donaldson received the first prize by said The FiratChrietian Church of of $25.00 and Frank Cross the second Tillamook City, Oregon, in the Cir­ prize of $10.00. Leonard Rush, who cuit Court of Tillamook County, finished third,started after the race, State of Oregon, for the initial regis­ but he believes that he could have tration of the title to the land above finished first had he had ten miles I described. more to run It seems that he had Now, unless you appear on or be never ran before in a race and didn’t fore the 15th day of August, A.D. commence to realize what he could 1912, and show cause why such ap­ do until within about a mile of the plication shall not be granted, the finish, when he began gaining same will be taken as confessed, rapidly, At Bayocean Harry Mit­ and a decree will be entered accord­ chell took first, Ben Centera second ing to the prayer of the application, and Joe Swahaw third in the sail and you will be forever barred from boat race, and Wilbur Stillwell first disputing the same. and Harry Mitchell aecond in the In witness whereof, I have here launch race. unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, this 11th day of July, A.D., ISO lbs. to 200 lbs.. 8He., dressed. 1912. | 200 lbs. to 250 lbs., 7Hc. dressed. J- C. H oliun . 300 pounds and over, 6Sc. Tillamook Meat Company. (SEAL)County Clerk and Clerk of the Circuit Court of Tillamook, County, State cf Oregon. I Church of Christ. Horae for Sale. * j If you do not attend Bible School anywhere, we have a welcome for Your choice of three good horses- ' you at 10 a.m. Our young men’s especially Percheon mare, 4 years class will be ready to receive any old Inquire of Paul Erickson, ' young man with a royal welcome. W ilson River, Oregon. 11 a m.—Preaching by pastor. Subject, “ The Ever Enduring Name.4 Look at Thia. 3 p.m.—Junior C.E. Bran. Per sack, 85c. 7 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. Shorts, fl 20 8 p-tn — Preaching. Subject. "If Process Barley, fl.50. We Should Take the Bible As It We have the goods. Come early. Read.” Tillamook Feed Co. We extend a welcome to any or all that feel to worship with us If you are a housewife you can R. K. J op«. Pastor. net j-''" --“•- - * to be healthy, — reasonably hope or beautiful . ______ w dishes, _ •eautiful by washing , In these day* of high cost of lie. sweeping 'ping and doing housework all »11 ' ing, a medicine that get* a man up day, and crawling into bed dead out of bed and able to work in a tired at night. You must get out few days i* a valuable and welcome into the open air and sunlight. If'- remedy. John Heath. Michigan you do thia every day and k8*pl Bar. CaL. had kidney and bladder your stomach and bowels in good trouble, wa* confined to hi* bed, order by taking Chamberlain’s Tab- , unable to turn without help. "I lets when needed, you should be- i commenced using Foiey Kidney come both healthy and beautiful'; Pill* and can truly s*y 1 wa* re­ For sale by all dealer*. lieved at once." Hi* example is worth following Lamar’s Drug Store • TibüRMOOK FARM » All Grocers Sell Tillamook Baker’s Bread for 6 LOAVES I FOR a Quarter. UANDS. Are you thinking of selling your dairy ranch or looking for good dairy land. See F- W. STOCK, German Real Batata Dealer, Corner of 8th and and Ave. E , Tillamook, Oregon. I ROOMS 215-216, TILLAMOOK BLOCK, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. This firm is doing a general land business The senior member came to Oregon 42 years ago He is a Lawyer, Surveyor and Abstracter. The Junior member, Sidney E. Henderson is a graduate of Oregon University, and is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor. The Company makes a specialty of the follow- ing branches of the Land Business : Law--Abstracts—Surveying and Engineering —Real Estate—Fire Insurance—Farm Loang- Conveyancing. They offer for sale the following choice pro­ perty in Tillamook City and Country. Prien 1— 35Ys acre*. All in cultivation. 0V4 miles S.E. of Tilla­ mook ............................................................. ...................................... $*.500 2— 100 acres The Castle Rock Ranch. 3% miles S.E. of Hebo .................................................................................................. 7,000 3— -80 acres. Raw land. 30 acres rich bottom. 31, miles S. E. of city....................... ................................................................ 1.3» 4— House and lot on main county road. North of city limits. Only ................................................................................... 111X0 Detroit . . e • $82X0 Omaha 107X0 110X0 91X0 72X0 55.00 55X0 Duluth . . Kansas City Milwaukee Minneapolis Montreal . e « 60.00 Philadelphia . . ¿0X0 Pittsburg ... 72X0 St. Louis . . • 60.00 St. Paul ... • e 106X0 Toronto . • • « • 106X0 Washington . • New York • • DATE8 OF 8AL.E £ fl fl fl wa May 2,3, *.9,10. 1 2«, 29,1912. July 2. 3, 6, , 7, 11. 12, IS. 16, 20. ® “ - 26, 29, 30,31, 1912. June 1. 6, 7, 8, 13. 1«. 15, 17. IS, 19. 20, Auguat i. 2. 3, _. 7. 12, IS, IS. 22.M" 31, 2*. 26. 27. 2*. 29, 1912. . 30,31.1912. September *, 6. 6, 7, 8, 11, 12. 30. 1912. Stopovers and choice of route* allowed in each direction. Final rrt"™ October 13. 1912. Betsill of schedules fares, etc., will be furnUheil on req«a- V. E. COMAN, Genl Freight and Pam. Agent, POBTLAND,OREGON Outings in Orego Excelles! Tra» Service aU I* RM^Tripf* If you are looking for an ideal place to spend a portion of the < where you can find rest, health and recreation, the outing resorts by the Southern Pacific are fear *xo*d**oe. Newport—Y»quint Bay, Tillamook County Beaehet. CrsK CoHatin Spring«. Shasta Springs. Cascadia, Breitenbush Hot SpritT many other rpriogs of more or leas note. low Ao«m service,ete. ,or a postal cart to the undersigned will receive prompt s JOHN M. SCOTT. General Paaaenger Agent. Portland. Oregon