Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 11, 1912, Image 2

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    Tillamook Hsadllgne, July II, 1»12
new park.
Wilson, the Democratic nomi­
nee for president, for he has
L egal A dvertisements :
still to learn much bucking up
First Insertion, per line
5 against the real and practical
Each subsequent insertion, line
, things of life in which Presi-
Business aud professional cards
1 month ................................. 1 co dent Taft have been schooled in
Homestead Notices................... 5 00 for so many years. The presi-
Timber Claims
................. 1 10 0(_> ,jential tight devolves itself into
Locals per line each insertion
51 two things: A man who is im
Display advertisement, an inch,
hued with theory, or the man
1 month..................................
All Resolutions of Condolence ■ an i who is a statesmen by his very
1 environment, who worked out
I-odge Notices, 5c. per line.
Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line.
’ the hard problems of life in a
Notices, Ixist, Strayed or Stolen practical manner.
Ad vertí*'ng Ratea.
etc. minfmun rate, 25c. not exceed
ing five linee.
One year..........................................
Six montili......................................
Three montili.......................................
^illamook $c<ibligbt,
Editorial Snap Shots
Tt looks as though Governor
West was butting-in with his
tin soldiers. We look upon it
as a political skirmish to ad­
vertise the governor. It pays
to keep one’s name liefore the
public, and in this way the gov­
ernor is obtaining a whole lot
of advertising.
The score was 1G to 5
law because union men will Batteries for Portland, Small and
vote for them while the rest of Wilson; for Tillamook. Tuerck and
the voters are indifferent as to Armbuster. Umpires, Baker and
what class legislation will lead
to. The Oregon System placed Kerron.
A five inning game was played
a dangerous weapon in the Sunday so that the visitors might
hands of labor union, and they leave cn the evening train for Port
are gradually forcing, as we ex­ land This game was won bv the
pected they would, class legis­ home team, the score bei,ng 2 to 0.
lation, no matter how harmful The game should have been 0 to 0
it may be to tbe State and un­ had tbe Studebakers given Welsch
just to employers of labor. Not good support. Millis was in fine
only does it give labor unions form,allowing no hits and allowing
this advantage, but any other only three men to reach bases.
class organization can do the Batteries for Portland, Welsch and
same thing provided they can Wilson; for Tillamook, MilliS and
swing enough votes. This is
what is called the sovereign Armspiker
The Club did not come out a a
will of the people.
Did Bro.
Effenberger ever give it one well financially on the games as
thought how difficult it is going they had expected, owing to a
shortage in gate receipts the first
to be to get rid of class legisla­
tion, or any other kind of legis­ day, from some unknown cause,
lation, once it is enacted ? and from the rain which caused the
Take for instance the old Port attendance to be small at Sunday's
of Tillamook, which has been game. However, enough was re­
a dead corporation for years, it ceived to square up accounts. An
will take several thousand dol­ effort is being made to secure ad­
lars to secure signatures so that ditional subscriptions for the sup­
the entire state can vote on an port of tfie team from the people
entirely local affair. And we about town. Only a dollar or two
think we are right in saying is asked from each person desiring
that if it was put to a vote of tosupport the team and it is thought
the entire state the voters would that a good many will help in this
vote to retain the old Port law way until the first of September.
on the statute books. These
are a few imperfections out of Administrator’s Notice to Creditors.
many in our much advertised
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—T o
Oregon System which are pro­ all whom it may concern, that the
per subjects for discussion. It County Court of the State of Oregon,
is beginning to dawn upon-a for the County ot Tillamook, has
the undersigned admin­
great many persons that the appointed
istrator of the Estate of N. M. F.
system is not what it was Dawson, deceased ; and all persons
cracked up to be, and longer it having CLAIMS against said es­
is tried more disgusted is peo­ tate are hereby required to present
the same, properly verified, to said
ple becoming.
administrator at his residence in
I Leaders in the Republican
, party, and especially those who
| made such a determined fight
I in the National convention for
I what is termed “progressive”
'ideas, now admit what is an
establish factj that the Republi­
can party is ' progressive.” and
Tillamook City, Oregon, within Bix
on that account they contend
months from the date of this notice.
that a third party is not neces­
The Baseball Series.
Dated June 20th, 1912.
sary. This shows conclusively
J. A. D awson ,
Administrator of the Estate of
that the fight in the Republican
N. M. F. Dawson, deceased.
National convention was a per­ Studebaker and Tillamook teams
sonal fight for the different can­ was finished Sunday afternoon at
didates, and where one faction the Gilford Stillwell Park, the home
expected to carry their candi­ team winning four out of five games.
date to victory on the assump­ The Friday’s and Saturday’s games
tion that they were “progress­ were both lacking in interest after
ives” and the other fellows were the fourth inning; ¡but the Sunday
not, overlooked what is freely game was full of life and snap from
acknowledged by all those have the very first, and although it was
The valued family re­
followed the history of the Re­ called in tbe sixth so that the visit­
cipes for cough and cold
publican party that it has been ors might leave on the Sunday eve­
and is now a “progressive” ning special for Portland, it was
cure, liniments, tonics and
still well worth the price to see,and
other remedies have
no one was disappointed in not
careful attention here as
seeing a full nine inning game.
the most intricate prescrip­
Friday’s ga-ne was lost in the
seventh by two costly errors at
short und one in the out field being
made which allowed six runs, and
a lead secured by the visitors that
the home team could not overcome.
King, the pitcher for the home
squad, pitched gilt edged ball
Right prices are also
through the entire game, cinched
the score standing 5 to 2.
In the seventh Voss, the first
man up for Portland, struck out
Martin singled and Welsch walked.
Lind grounded and was safe on
Reliable Druggist.
Eberman’s fumble. By the time
the ball was recovered Martin, who
had reached first, started home and
scored on Fbcrman'a wild throw.
Stranahan grounded and was safe
ou an attempt to catch Lind at
second, Gertz grounded too short
allowed the ball to pass between
his legs, scoring Stranahan and
Lin d.
Sigsby singled and Martin was
safe on a muffed fly by Eamunds
winch together with an error at
second allowed all three to croas
the plate. Wilson walked: Voss
singled; and Martin was out when
Peterson caught his foul fly.
Tillamook made two rune in the
eight and it looked for a while aa
though they were going to run
ahead, but Welsch tightened up
and saved hie game. In the ninth
hqpe began to die when Buster and
Eberman struck out Melchoir was
sent in to bat foe Rogers but failed
Delightful Beverage.
to connect with the ball, and the
■\ Safe Stimulant,
game was lost 9 to 7. Batteries
A Good Medicine.
for Portland, Welsch and Wilson;
Sold by
for Tillamook, King and Armbuster.
Kerron, Umpire.
Manager Swint, of the Studeba­
kers, had secured Small, a six aud
a half foot pitcher, to pitch Satur­
day's game with the hope of win­
ning thst game and possibly taking
the series.
Portis nd scored in the first when
Cummings singled and made home
on aa error at short. From the
tint to the eight the game was very
fint one and then the
other being ahead
scored twice in the third and Port­
land twice,and the home team once
in the fourth which evened up the
score. In the fifth graine the Club
bovs went ahead once more by
making two rune while the visitors
were making one. Only one man I
ranched third in the a xth and; with the'prublein of buying Harness,
seventh.but in theeightli Handley's 1 you will find it distinctly advanta­
bunch landed on Small for four geous to come and do your select-
hits one of which was a triple and ing here
You will get the best'
another a home run. In short Till­ qualities, the most thorough and
amook pounded in five rune in this conscientious workmanship, and be !
inning and had not only cinched charged the most reasonable prices.
the game but also the series. Arm We can supply single or double
•P'ker easily made himself the star 1 Sets or any single article that you
of the gam«, and incidently rvceiv- may be in need of.
ed a nice contribution from tbe fans
<or the home run which lie made it W.A, Williams & Co
***“* the first ever made in the 1
N««i Doot to Tillamook Coaal, Bask
he keep*
t Teddy,
” when
» justify
& fnm»
A Cramp In ths Tea May Indicate a ATTORNEY
Disordered Stomach.
Pain sometimes behaves in a curious
fashion. There was a soldier in Lon- I
dan after the Boer war wbo complain­ .Tillamook Block,Tillamook
ed of excruciating neuralgic pains in
Room No. 261.
his right foot
This very much amused bis friends,
tor be had lost his right leg. and both
leg and foot were long burled near T T
A ttorney - at -L aw
The explanation was that the pain
happened to be in the trunks ot those Complete set of Abstract
nerves which bad sent branches to the
foot. Sometimes a patient comes to a n office. Taxes paid foril0l
doctor complaining of pain in the knee,
and be is greatly surprised when tbe
doctor tells him that the site of the
Tillamook Block.
affection to not the knee, but the hip.
We are all familiar with tbe pain un­
Both phones.
der the shoulder blade which comes
from au afflicted liver.
Tbe stomach, too. can produce pain
In many parts of the body. A disor­
dered stomach will give us pain as far
away as the bead, and when one gets a
cramp in his toe it to often due to acid­
ity of tbe stomach. Swallow a pinch
of soda and tbe cramp will disappear.
An aching tooth will produce neural­
Tillamook Block.
gic pains In the face, and very often a
violent pain at the back of tbe head is
due to the faraway kidneys, which
themselves may suffer no pain at ths Q.EORGE WILLETT,
A ttornky - at -L aw .
Magio of a Tiger's Carcase In the Open
Air In India.
Tillamook Commercial Building,
T illamook
Tbe vulture Is seen at its beat when
O rrgom .
a dead tiger, brought into camp to be
skinned, is exposed In tbe open. Over­
head is a cloudless sky and not a bird
to be seen in that great void by the
human eye.
Tbe tiger's body is thrown from tbe
A ttorney - at -L aw .
pad to the ground, and before the skin
has been removed there above one Office ; Opposite Court House.
and always nearing the earth are the
vultures circling, poising like things of
T illamook , O regon .
air. now a dozen of them, in a few
minutes a score or two and then a
hundred strong.
Then, whan tbe
flayed carcass of the tiger la left by
those who skinned IL tbe vultures de­
Down tbey come Ilka feathered thun­
der out of tbe sky, and from east PHYSICIAN & SURGEON,
and west and north and south, tbe
very embodiment of power while they
whirl aloft and tn their quick de­
Tillamook Block,
scent to earth, and now, as they wad­
dle around that carrion beast, mis­
shapen ghouls, whose only apparent
strength Is that of the ravening jawa
which tear and gorge tbe tiger's flesh
until within the hour naught of that
splendid brute remains but a clean
picked skeleton. — Sir Edward Brad- PHYSICIAN & SURGEON
den's “Thirty Years of Shikar.”
Tillamook Block,
Followed 8uit.
This curious incident comes from
8ubr. Switzerland: An inspector of
schools, without any previous warning,
visited tbe village school and found
tbe elderly teacher asleep at bis desk
and the children departed, having ap­
parently taken French leave. To give
tbe teacher a great surprise and a bad
quarter of un hour the Inspector de­
cided to wait until he awoke and seat­
ed himself on a beuch in front of the
culprit Tbe hours passed, and the in
spector bimself went to sleep. Tbe
teacher, on awakening and seeing wbo
was sleeping before him, quietly left
tbe school for home. Without entering
tbe schoolroom the concierge locked
up tbe school and the slumbering In­
spector. Several hours later the con
cierge heard a great noise and. arming
bimself. opened tbedoor and was great­
ly surprised to find the angry inspector
before him.
Three Million Wired to an Inch.
Gold bas l«en hammered out to tbin
sheets whose thinness is beyond imagi
nation, so thin a pile oBe Inch high
would doubtless contain 300.000 If all
were as tbin as tbe thinnest one. Bu’
a platinum wire bas been drawn to a
diameter so minute that 3.000,000 side
by side would occupy one inch. The
method was to surround platinum with
silver and draw the mass into finer
and finer wire. Then tbe silver coating
was dissolved off with nitric acid, leav
ing tbe excessively thin, insoluble
thread of piatinum. Particles of gold
have been seen In tbe uew ultra violet
light, dark ground reflecting micro­
scopes so small that a row containing
250.000 would be one Inch long. And
there are animals aa small.—New York
F inancial A gent ,
Tillamook, Oregon,
S»*re in Heins Photographic
5 entacher Jlbvohat.
ai3 Tillamook Block,
O rbgo N.
T illamook
(Both Phones).
Also expert for troubles of the
skin or feet. Hoars to a. tn.
4 p.m., and 7 to 8 p.ni.
Office in Williams' Bldg., next
door to Tillamook County Bank-