Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 11, 1912, Image 1

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Vol. XXV.
No. 5
All Ladies' Tailored Linen Waists
The body of James Johnson was
at Patzlaf’a on sale at % price.
* found on the beach uear Pacific
Nursing, day or week, by compe­ City last Friday. Henry Dawson
tent, practical nurse
Willing to was phoned to in this city to bring
assist with light housework, if a coffin to Meda and the interment
necessary. Prices reasonable. Mrs. was made Sunday. Mr. Johnson
Emma Vedder, P.O. box 188, Tilla­ was drowned last Wednesday, the
boat capsizing in which he and his
mook. Ore.
brother had been riding after it
^•„ J- ^'orreb who owns the con­ had been carried over the bar by
trolling interest in the new hotel the fast out going tide. So far the
property on the corner of Third body of Warren Johnson has not
street and Second Avenue East, is been found.
in town at present looking after his
Married, on July 4th, at the Christ­
business interests.
ian church parsonage, by the Rev.
E>r S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr. J. E. Jope, the pastor. Mr. Gottlieb
Smith, speaks German. Surgery, Schoppert and Miss Rhoda Farmer,
ear, eye, nose and throat Office in the only daughter of County Com­
f*le Commercial Building, opposite missioner and Mrs. H. M. Farmer
the Todd Hotel. All calle answered Only a few members of the bride’s
day or night. Both phones.
family witnessed the ceremony, and
Warrants were sworn out the the next morning the happy couple
first of the week for the arrest of left for Portland, where they will
Via and Fleck, by D. T Edmunds, spend their honeymoon. Mr. and
and for the arrest of Brooten by the .Mrs. Schoppert are highly respect­
Fleck's. The trials will occur on ed, ami their friends wish them a
Saturday in Justice Stanley’s court. long lit« of matrimonal bliss.
Financial Growth.
A large, strong bank does not
lose dignity or conservatism when it
encourages the small depositor.
The large balances of the future
are having their beginnings today in
modest accumulations.
We want to
within the
reach of an association with a strong,
John Zumstien, who works in
Billy Stephen's cigar store, has
a bad case of blood poison as the
result of being stung by a small in­
sect while on the beach the first of
the week. The arm is out of danger.
serious minded
person who has a regular income and
a desire to conserve it, ueed hesitate
to become a depositor here.
Dance at Bayocean on Saturday.
I Found,—a ring in the hall of St.
LXlphonsus Academy.
W. J. Stephens and wife went to
[Portland onjTuesday.
Born, •on the 5th, to Mr. and Mrs.
ClemJPlasker, a daughter.
3. C. W. Leghorn Egga- $1,00 per
netting of 15. A. M. Ginn.
Dance at Bayocead on Saturday
night. Tickets 50c. couple.
A discount of 20 per cent at Patz-
laf s on all summer wash goods.
Buy the best, A berdak B (Aus­
tralian) Coal. Lamb Schrader Co. *
Deep Sea Fishing on Sunday, the
yacht leaving Bayocean at 8.30a.m.
For Sale,—Seven Head of Horses
and two Hacks.—J. E. Brown. Tilla-
All Ladies* Tailored Suita and
Coats at Patzlafe on Sale at (6
We will sell you a buggy for less
money than it has cost us. Ask
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market. 13c.
per pound.
Dr. W. G. McGee, who is practi­
cing at Gervais, Ore., came in for a
¡few days.
Dr. and Mrs. R T. Boa la are the
proud parents of a fine boy born
last Sunday.
Dr. jack Olson has opened den­
tal parlors over F. R. Beals’ office
Both phones.
A large number of Tillamookers
are in Portland this week attending
the Elk’s Carnival.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’a Market We
pay 13c. per pound.
Mies E. M. Blackador, of Van­
couver, B. C., is visiting her broth­
er, C. H. Blackador.
Those intending to put in cement
sidewalks should see Lamb Schra­
der Co. Telephone 1771
During the absence from the city
of Rural Mail Carrier Smith, W. L.
Bryan is carrying the mail.
Mrs. N. N. Ginn left for Portland
Wednesday morning where she will
spend a week viaiting relatives.
Ralph Ackley, of Portland, is in
thia city looking after real estate
and incidently taking a vacation.
Bees for Sale,—in excellent con­
dition; $3 50 to $6.00 per swarm,
('all or phone the U.B. paraonage-
Why ia Mokatil ice cream the be at
in the state ? Simply because it’s
made of Tillamook pure cream.
Why is Mokatil ice cream the beet
■ n the state ? Simply because it
I ranked higheet per cent last year. .
, Wanted,—Position aa hotel mao-
! Rger or clerk. Five years’ exper­
ience. Addreea Headlight office.
For Sale,—A light wagon, light
double harness and mowing mac­
Enquire at Rogers Barn. •
Mrs. E. T. Haltom and children
| left on Wednesday for Portland,
where they will visit for a few days.
You can get the genuine Bastern
1 'jorn feed meats at the Tillamook
Company General Supply
W. K. Slater came in on Satur­
day lor a few day’s visit, whose
family ia stoppiug at the editor’s
From July 1st. MM2, the service
fee will be '■« price or $12.50 for one
colt one week old.—E. F. Rogers,
To cleaa up oar line of children's
reedy made dresses at Patxlaf's a
’••count of 30 per cent on the sa-
’•»» line.
Lj»1* F. D. Small'a sinter, Mrs.
Doaoran and hueband of Son Fran­
cisco, are viaiting at the home of
^US om IL*
Pay Your Bills With
And there will never be any dispute about
the payments. The cancelled checks are the
best of all receipts. Checks are cheaper to
send than any other form of remittance. These
are only two of the many advantages of
having an account at this bank.
Work was started Monday on the
W. G. Dwight has hit upon a
storm sewers by Gibbith & Joplin, plan to advertise Tillamook City,
contractors. A large crew is now which, if readily complied with by
at work on the sewerage and it is all the property ow nera, would prove
the intention of the contractors to a great factor, not only in helping to
rush the work to completion as boost the city, but that all property
A discount of 30 per cent at Patz- rapidly as possible.
owners would help share the ex­
laf’s on all Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s
pense. His plan is to assess the
Alice J. Tone vs. George Tone is
land one per cent, and in that way
a suit filed in the Circuit Court the
enough money could be raised to
Tillamook Meat Co. vs. O. N.
boost the city, the money to be
Johnson and A. F. Johnson is a son to recover the plaintiff’s share turned over to a publicity commit­
suit filed in the county court to re­ in the property of George Tone and tee. The plan is a good one and
to restrain the defendant from dis­
cover $232.06.
property owners should get toge­
posing of any of the property.
ther and adopt it.
If you are in need of a Jersey bull
Expert Masonary,—J. N. Bayliss,
to head your herd or want a bull
For cure of humanity’s ills go to
calf, correspond with H. A. West, a master mason is in town for the D. O. (Doctor of Osteopaths).
Oswego, Ore.
• i about ten days and will be glad to Many so-called incurables have
1 make repairs on any brick chim­
Quick relief and permanent re­ neys, fire places or any other brick been cured by osteopathic physic­
sults follow Chiropractic (Spinal) ! work that needs to be repaired. He ians. Our colleges, eight in num­
Adjustments. DL Scheetz.
Office ' may be found at the Rainsev Hotel. ber, give a four year course of
All graduates can show di
Wade Residence.
Rev. Paul Ebinger, of the Re­ plomas. Dr. Bowers has had ex­
Golden Gate Cement is the stan­ formed Church of this city, held perience in all kinds of diseases
dard for house and barn blocks. services at Mohler lately, when it the past 12 years. At Beaver on
Sold by Lamb-Schraher Co. Tele­ was decided by the member of the Thursdays and Sundays.
phone Main 1771.
church at that place and Nehalem, here on E. First street, opposite
The Tillamook Cornet Band of to have a class organized at each A. L. Page’s Second Hand Store.
about 18 pieces left on Tuesday £to 1 of these places and have Rev. Hours 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Office Boy.
take part in the Elks’ Festival in Ebinger hold regular services for to 5 p.m.
Portland this week.
J,. V. Eberhardt, manager of the
There is some mystery about the
Chiropractic is successful in all
Pacific Abstract Co., lias located
forms of disease. See Dr. Scheetz. lose of Dr. Sharp’s stick pin, which (lermanently in thia city. Mi
Mr 'riber-
Office Wade Residence, opposite was valued at $250. He was show­ , hardt
has been engaged
for a num­
___ ,
ing it to some parties and it was _____________
Court House South.
given back to him in an envelope, ber of years in the abstract business
School Supt. Buel, Mrs. Buel and
ut afterwards he found it was not in Portland and ia thoroughly ac­
family returned home on Wednes­ there when he came to look for it. quainted with its every derail. That
day from Salem and other parts of Several parties were suspicioned as his business was one of the finest
in Portland will give some idea of
the Willamette valley.
taking the pin.
his ability and accuracy.
Miss Ethel Gaylord left on the
J. S. Lamar has installed a fine Theresa Gaylord has tieen working
train this morning for Portland, soft drink fountain in his drug on the abstracts and records of thia
where she will spend a few days store on the corner of Main Street county since last Septeiqjier, get­
and Second Avenue East.
The ting them ready for the opening of
during the Elks' Carnival.
fountain consists of an ice cream the business. Mr. Eberhardt’s mot­
For Sale,-Team Oyeareold, weight
and a large plate glass
13,000 to 15,000 each. Wagon and flavor ppts i cost complete some to is to make records in record
mirror. It
harness, $300.—Joe West, North
thing over $1000 and makes a fine
Fork of the Nehalem river.
The frequent showers of rain up
appearance ! in the store.
till Monday made the prospects look
Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton
Mrs f. J. _. P. Allen received, during
gloomy for hay harvest, but early
or $4.50 for half ton,or good fir wood the
past week, $1000 from the Mac-
alreadj- sawed for $5.75 per cord or cabee Lodge in payment of the in­ that morning the wind turned to the
$3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. • surance policy which Mr. Allen northwest, with pros|>ects of good
weather from now on, and notwith­
The A. G. Beals Lumber Co.’s held in the Lodge at the time of standing the heavy fogs at night,
mill in this city is not running at his death. Although it was impos­ the weather has been good for hay
present owing to some repair work sible for Mrs. Allen to find the making. There is a heavy crop of
policy, there was no delay at all in grass, and with the oat hay looking
that is being done on the engine.
the payment.
fine, there will be a bumper crop
Prof. W. R. Rutherford and fami­
There ia also a
Charley Wooley, who lives twelve again thia year.
ly, of McMinnville, are spending
the summer at the home of Mr. miles south uf this city\ has rented large crop off hay all over Oregon,
and Mrs. T. H. Goyne in this city. his dairy ranch to G.R.Chopard. Mr. which will make it plentiful and,
Wooley has not decided what he probably, much cheaper. A large
W. B. Gordon handle all kinds will do yet, but will probable re­ number of the dairymen commenced
of building
materials in any main in this county. Miss Jennie | hay making the first of the week,
amount and can quote the lowest Wooley will leave for Portland di­ which will be in full blast from now
prices in the city. See him before rectly after the auction sale which , on if the weather continues favor­
will be held at thsir farm the first able.
When you eat Mokatil ice cream of August.
The Pacific Telephone and Tele­
you know you are eating pure
Dr. 3. M. Wendt was called to graph Company has just completed
cream. When you eat Portland ice Pacific Citv the last of the week to i a line up the tieach covering the
cream you don’t know what dope attend the injury received by Jeff '< tieach resorts, which is free to all
you are eating.
Fleck at the hands of Henry Broot­ i Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Com-
The line to
The Tillamook Meat Co. is selling en. Altho there is nothing serious Bany subscribers.
righton ia not quite completed,
lard at the following prices : 10 lb. about the nature of the wound it
pail, $1.60, ; 5 lb. pail, 85c. ; SO lb. seems that it gives Fleck consider­ ‘ but so far the Life Saving Station,
Lard able pain. The injury was receiv­ Lake Lytle, Barview, Ocean Lake.
pails at 1316c. per pound,
ed while fighting with Brooten, Rockaway, Rose City and all other
wholesale 13J$c.
poiuts are reached.
In addition to
Fleck being drunk.
The City Transfer Co. are the fel­
thia eight new orders were taken in
Joe Schnsl, who severely injured Garibaldi.
lows who haul anything, anywhere,
This places Bell pat
any time.
Office on Main Street, hie knee some time ago, is report­ rons only in a |>osition to reach
opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call ed by Doctor Wendt aa recovering every portion of the county. A
as rapidly aa could be expected. crew of men has been actively en­
us by phone. Main 651.
Mrs. Schnal took the boy to Port­
If you want to raise a horse that land to have him examined, but gaged for several months in metal­
has the right size, style, action, the doctors there were very pessi­ lacing all lines, reconstructing and
quality and value stop and study mistic about his recovery, stating building additional circuits lor the
the opportunity that is before you that he would undoubtedly be left new business and in regrouping
the subscribers to place but ten on
in Eugene Jenkins’ window.
with a stiff leg, The injury is a the line, this doing away a great
i Dr P. J. Sharp is in Portland
deal with busy line reports. One
thia week attending the Elk’s Con­
Deep Sea Fishing next Sunday on or more circuits will be built at
While absent from the the yacht Bayocean.
The interest­ once between Tillamook and Bay
city Dr. Sharp’s practice is being ing and exciting deep sea fishing is City owing to the heavy traffic on
cared for by Dr. E. A. Allen.
becoming more attractive to visi­ the present two lines, which will
Go to the dance st Bayocean on tors, and on account of having a then place the system in a first
Saturday night, which will be a fine large, safe and commodious vessel, class condition.
affair with good music good man­ more people are becoming interest­
agement and a good crowd. Do not ed in catching the large Rah which
are so plentiful off this coast
miss this dance. Tickets 50c.
yacht will leave Bayocean at ».30 on
The trustees of the Christian
For Sale, -a Gasoline
Engine Sunday morning. Tickets $1 SI-
Church, Tillamook, Oregon will
Pumping outfit, 2*4 h.p. engine.
Lula for the con-
A discount of 20 per cent at PeU-
Guaranteed to give satislsction and
atruction of church in said city,
warranted for five years. 4 irgil lafsonall Ladiee* separate Skirts.* bide will be <>j>ened m the hour of
Donaldson. Tillamook. Oregon. ,
Auction Sale.-On Saturday. Au ten a.n>., Thursday. July 23th. at
My method in selling glasses is gust 3rd., beginning at 1 p.m., I the office of H. T. Botta. 3M ' Tills -
The board reserves
not to catch a new victim and the «rill sell at public auction, at my ■nook Block
price—but to see how well I can fit ranch 12 miles south of Tillamook. the right to rei •ject anv or all bid»,
the eyes. R A. Whalen. Opt D- 2 wagons, I bugg) 1 bear hound. I A bond for tl the fnlnllinent of con.
Registere<i under State law of Ore­ rifle, I shot gun, and all my house­ tract will be demanded of any nr
hold goods. including chairs, ta erpted bidder.
Plana and specifi
hies, beds, dishes, a new Home cations can be seen at . the office of
Wanted. - An energetic young man Comfort range and other articles i H. T Hotts, or at the residence of
Ahso- the pastor of the church. It. K. Jope
of good habits to travel and learn a too numerous to mention
<rMxi paving busineas. with« hamea lately every article will go to the
of promotion. Must be single and highest bidder Terma made known
How to solve the liest problem,
net afraid to hustle.
Experience at sale. Cbaa. Wooley, owner. .
buy AlUUÀtl (Australian) Coni.
For psrticuter» ad
30 per cent off at PataJaf’a on our Telephone Mam 1771. I-smb-Schra-
drees F. H Gilbam. Tillamook
' entire line of Ladies Shirt Waiata. *
Mayor John Harter’s new resi­
dence in the east part of town is
well under headway. A large fire­
place is being built by J. N. Bay-
, lies. When completed Mr. Harter
; will have one of the finest residence
1 homes in the city.
A special concert by the Von
Jessen orchestra wi
will be given at
Bayocean, Saturday night, to be
followed by a dance at the pavilion.
As the affair is preliminary to the
fishing excursion Sunday morning
on the yacht Bayocean, which will
make a trip to Seal Rocks, it is ex­
pected there will be a large at­
tendance. The fishing excursion
will leave early Sunday morning
and will occupy nbout four hours,
returning to the beach in time for
the phnrmacist for the Chas I.
Clough Co , of thia city. The bride
was formerly in the employ of E.
T. Haltom as bead milliner in the
Wm. G. Tait Buys Control­ Haltom Department store of this
she having come here but a
ling Interest--Becomes its city,
few months ago from Minneapolis,
where her people live. Mr.
and Mrs, Cady will make their
Wm. G. Tait, late of Omak, Wash­ home in Tillamook. They receive
ington, has purchased the control­ the best wishes ot a host of friends
ling interest in the First National for a long and happy life.
Bank of thia city by taking over
the Walton and Bush stock, and
has ainunied the presidency of the Unique Wedding Occurs on
Board Henrietta No. 2.
Mr Tait came to the Northwest
One of the moat'unique wedding
six years ago and settled at Omak,
Washington, where he organized ceremonies ever performed in this
was when George Phelps
the Omak State Bank which he
managed for over five yeura. Be­ wuh united in marriage to Mrs.
fore coming tc»Washington, Mr.Tait Hardman by the Rev. D. L. Shrode,
was engaged in the banking bust* on board the launch Henrietta No.
ness in Uliuonie and Wsat Virginia, 2. The wedding occurred Wednes­
ha ving been engaged in the bnsi day while the launch wna making
oes» in tljat section for about ten her afternoon trip down the bay.
Mr. Pheljia
bad come to town
.. i --
and was ««-
There vrill be no changes tn the and secured 1 the
mv license
nt vnov «uu
board of directors except that Mr. | turning) to Garbaldi, where he is
Tait wifi take Hie place of Mr. Wai spending the summer, to tie mar-
ton. The directs w11'
C“P • i ■«-<!, when he discovered that there
Schrader, H. C. Laiftb. C- W- Tal­ was another bridal party on board
mage, 1. C. Holden «nd Wm. G. the launch and the thought occur
Tail. Mr. McGhee will Continue in ed to him that it wns no use wait
the capacity of cashier a'nd Irvie ing until they reached Garibaldi
when a minister wan on board.
Kelffson aa book keeper.
Mr. Tait states that the
First The couple accordingly atixidFup
National Bank will in the future in the’eabin of the bout und while
be controlled and owned exclus. *e‘ Capt. Chatterton was running full
speed ahead they were made man
lv by residents of Tillamook. M
Tait, in the capacity of Preside n,' and wife.
The witnesses were Carl Knud-
of the bank, will devote hie entire
Mr. and
time to the work in the bank and i(vn !,,K’ Ed Lnugltlin.
will seek to do every thing possible Mr« .'‘helps will make their home
bo make it an up to date inatitution in this co'H»‘y-___________
and a place where the citizens will
deaire to do their banking business.
Mr. and Mrs. Tait will begin
housekeeping aa noon an a suitable
Osteopathy’s first
College W h I
house can lie secured, fie will be
founded in 1882;
the.** “fe now
triad to meet t'ue patron a of the eight colleges.
They b’gve over
bank at any time.
2,500students annually (both sexes),
and there are now nearly 7000 of
their graduate physicians practic­
ing in the field. They are in all
COUPLE MARRIED. the States of the Union, in England,
Ireland, France, Germany, Japan,
Quiet Wedding Takes Place China and the Inlands of the Sea.
State legislatures given them the
at Bayocean.
legal right to practice in the U. S.
At three o'clock Wednesday after­ Dr Bowera, the local osteopath, ia
noon in Uie parlor of the Hotel in the Talmage building, E. First
Bayocean occured the wedding of Street. Mutual Phone. Office Boy.
two of Tillamook's moat |x>pular At Beaver Sundsys and Thursdays.
young people Mr. Ralph Cady and He can show hie Physician’s Certi­
Mies Rose Schei.
The ceremony ficate granted by the State Medical
was a very quiet affair, the only Board, and hia physician's permit
ones present being Mias Gladys by the proper connty official. Mas­
Beale, B. L. Beale, Jr., ArthurCase sage and other non-drug methods
and th»- members of the Arthur merely ecratch*the surface in their
beneficial effects, he contrasts with
von Jesse orchestra.
Miss Beale was the bridesmaid osteopathy.
and Mr. Benia attended the groom.
Rev. Q. L. Shrode officiating. As
A. M. Nason, farming near Ca­
the bridal party marched down naan. Me., wan badly crippled with
the beauti'ully decorated parlor, sciatic rheumatism due he says to
the sweet strains of the Mendelshon uric acid in his blood. “Foley Kid­
Weeding march were softly played ney Pilla entirely cured me and also
by the famous Arthur von Jeaaon removed numerous black specks
orchestra. The ceremony was very that were continually before my
Foley Kidney Pilla are n
Mr and Mrs. Cady will spend a uric acid solvent and are effective
short time in Bayocean before re­ for the various forma of rheumatism.
turning to thin city. The groom ia Lamar’s Drug Store.
when you begin craving
rough, high-proof, strong,
when flavor,
delicacy and age no longer
appeal to you cut out
Cyrus Noble is purs, old and palatable-»
Bottled at drinking Strength
Coats no more than any other good whiskey.
W. J, Van Schuyvar Co», Portland, Ora