Tillamook Hoadiight. July 4. i»'« If you are a housewife you can net reasonably hope to be healthy or beautiful by washing sweeping and doing housework al All Tillamook was astir on Wed­ day, and crawling into bed dead tired at night. You must get out nesday morning getting ready for into the open air and sunlight It the Independence Day celebration The hiking party of twenty-three you do this every day and keep are necessary if a perfeet which began at nine o’clock when young men from the Loyal Sons your stomach and bowels in good Banks Was Badly Licked. is expected. You CSh America was played by the Tilla­ class of the Christian Church re­ order by taking Chamberlain’s Tab-, Jets when needed, you should be mook Concert Band. The band turned to this city last Sunday rely upon getting them her, j, The Til amook Commercial Club come both healthy and beautiful marched to the band stand on 2nd morning at half an hour paBt mid­ any quantity, in any stands baseball team defeated the fast For sals bv all dealers. Ave. Kust and 4th St , where they night. The word ‘‘tired’’ was writ­ Banks team Sunday at the Gilfcrd width and finish. Ceiling aai gave an o(>en air concert from nine ten in every feature, but altho the A M Nason, farming near Ca­ side wall lumber of the to 10:30 a. tn From there they last of the trip seemed rather hard Stillwell Park by the score of 16 to naan, Me., was badly crippled with inarched to the Stillwell ranch where to some still they are not sorry 1. sciatic rheumatism due he saj-s to high grade also. Bear us in At no time during the entire uric acid in his blood. Foley Kid­ the bi plane demonstration was to that the hike was made. when you plan repairs. game was the home team in any ney Pills entirely cured me and also be given. From this city the walkers were removed numerous black specks danger and had it not been for an On Saturday the Celebration Com­ taken to Hebo in autos and frcm that were continually before my, mittee received the following tele­ there they walked to Sheridan. . At error at home in the second inning eyes." Foley Kidney Pills are a the visitors would have been shut uric acid solvent and are effective gram from the California Aviation Willamina they were supposed to 1 for the __ various forms of rheumatism. Company which fully explains why play base ball but were unable to out entirely. While Banks only found Millie Lamar's Drug Store, Aviator Francis did not make the do so. However, in Sheridan they for three hits, which were scattered flight on the Fourth: found a team ready for them and through eight innings, Tillamook San Francisco, June 28. TlLlUfllYlOOK FARM after they had been given a recep­ fell heavily on Carson batting him Fourth of July Committee, Tilla­ tion upon the eve of their arrival bANDS. ROUND TRIPS EAST mook. out of the box in the sixth. At the Our aviator instructed ua that he in that city the boys felt themselves beginning of the seventh Newell On th* dates given below, round trip ticket« will l sold to the points in the East shown below, and mini Are you thinking of selling your had shipped his machine to your prepared to take defeat into the 1 was sent in to finish the game for town and we found out thia morn­ supposed Sheridan High School others, at greatly reduced fares quoted: dairy ranch or looking for visitors but he, too. was found ing that he had not. He smasheo team. Clent King had the measles I i the ‘Ilc good dairy land. See ............... up three days ago and was nearly > and four bits in THROUGH EAST killed. Could you chunge the date and was unable to pitch, so Bruie 1 three innings. In Connection With oi your celebration to a later date H> re was placed in the box for t> e Tillamook played a steady game Northern Pacific and Great Northern Raihrap so that it will give us a chance to travelers. Although the game re­ throughout, there being only two send another man ? German l^eal Estate $82^0 Omaha $111.00 Detroit .... AtlanticJCity . sulted in a 5 to 3 defeat for our bo) s I errors charged to her. The main I 60.00 Philadelphia 107.50 Duluth .... C al . A viation C<. Baltimore . . I Dealer, it ley did not feet so bad when they 60.00 Pittsburg . 110.00 Kansas City . . features of the game were the heavy Boston ... Upon the receipt of the above 91 found out that there was only one 72.50 St. Louis . 91.50 Milwaukee . . Buffalo .... hitting of the home team, especially Corner of 8th and 2nd Ave. E > telegram the committee made ai- High School boy in the team and 60.00 St. Paul . 72*50 Minneapolis . . Chicago . . . • • Ml Eberman, Peterson, Millis and rangements with Manning Bros., Tillamook, Oregon. 106.00 Toronto , • • M 55.00 Montreal . . . that he played with the regular Colorado Springs of Portland, to secure one of their Sheridan team. At least they feel Tuerck and the pitching of Millis 108.50 Washington . 55.00 New York . . Denver . . . • • 1073 machines and an aviator. It was confident that had Clent pitched, who struck out thirteen men and DATE8 OF SALE May 2 3, 4,9, 10, 11,17.18, 24, 29, 1912. July 2. 3, 6. 7, 11. 12. 15, IB, 20, M a J J- T, WORK, M.T., decided that Sy Chriatoferson, the victory would have been theirs. allowed only three hits. 26, 29, 30, 31, 1912. The Banks team is considered man who made a successful flight June 1 6. 7, 8. 13. 14.15, 17, 18, 19, 20, August 1. 2, 3, 6, 7. 12, 1», 16, 22.2S 3 From Sheridan the boys went to 21 24 26,27.28.29,1912. 30,31,1912. from the roof of the Multnomah Salem through Balaton and McCoy one of the strongest teams among CHIROPRACTOR AND September 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 11, 12,30, 1912. Hotel a few weeks ago, would come by conveyance,owing to the muddy the lower Willamette Valley ame- Stopovers aud choice of route, allowed in each direction. Final returnHai NATUROPATH, October 13. 1912. Details of schedule, fares, etc., will be furnished on requm. to this city and fly in a Curtis Bi­ condition of the roads. Here they tuer teams and their defeat by the Also expert for troubles of the W. E. COMAN, Gen*l Freight and Pass. Agent, plane at 11 a. m. Wednesday. How­ plaved the Loyal Sons Class or in home Bquad puts our team high in PORTLAND. OREGON skin or feet. Hours io a m. to ever! the ground which had not fact the Y. M. C. A. team of Salem its class. 4 p.m., and 7 to 8 p.m. Batteries for Banks: Carson, New been put in shape was so soft that and were again defeated 4 to 2. Office in Williams’ Bldg., next sufficient speed could not be made The boys report that Salem sure­ ell and Wanderlich; for Tillamook When rough, high-proof, strong whiskey begins to tell a to take the machine from the ground ly knows how to entertain, for they Millis and Armbuster; Umpire Ver­ door to Tillamook County Bank. until the third trial arid even then I non. you— when your nerves and stomach commence “callii were given a royal reception and the attempt to fly was unsuccessful I were taken over the entire city, for help”—try a little Cyrus Noble. and the machine plunged tu the I BEAVER. through the State Institutions of ground, breaking one of the wings. aefo;7n Bna t~h^ public buildings It is mild in character—aged in wood in charred barrels The boys of the U.B. Sunday At 7 p in. Mr. Cliristoferson made and through the Y. M. C. A. build- school were entertained at Ed. Kin- I blended and re-aged in steam-heated warehouses. TWIG IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULTS another attempt to fly but thie also I ¡n^ At the last place they were naman’s and given a feast of straw­ •Hs prompt relief from BACKACHE, This gives it that palatable, enjoyable flavor peculiar to it- was a failure. Although some have I told they might use the swimming berries, cake and cream, by the KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLB, said unkind things about the dem- tank and o( courae they were ,oo its mellowness—its richness. girls of the Sunday-school. There onstration and the aviator, thev I timid to refuse. The last game has been a contest between the boys RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of ba should remember that he was not played in Salem wae with the con- and girls of the school, on at- KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of tbs Sold by first-class dealers all over the world. having the same success tli.it he victs at the State penitentiary, tendence for the past six months, BLADDER and all annoying URINARY usually does and as many people After ieavin(i Salem Mr. jope took the boys winning and the girls »REGULARITIES. A positive boot M present had never se*n a mecham-1 the boys to the Sunday School Con- furnish the feasting of berries and MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY cal bird before, the demonstration vention at Turner where they spent cream. A good sized crowd, fifty- will lie appreciated by them although I a few days during which time they one gathered there, and after being FBOPLE and for WOMEN. ii long flight was not made. I defeated the preachers in a base entertained by singing and recita­ NAVI HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION In the afternoon the first thing I tJa|| ffaa)e g to 2. They then play- tion, was ushered into the dining­ A A. Davis, 627 Washington St., CmasrerfllN was the automobile parade wbicliL-d the Salem team a return game d.. is in his 85th year. He writes ns: “I haw room, where tables had been spread, teljr suffered much from my kidneys aad bla» was composed of several very I id Turner defeating them 3 to 2. In I had severe backaches aud my kidney actios and sat down to something that dar was too frequent, causing me to lose much aiaaa pretty floats of which Sheriff (. ren-|thia game King struck out nineteen makes the boys long for more and at night, and in my bladder there waseoaataal shnw’a wua the beat. There were men and would have had a shut gain. I took Foley Kidney Pills for soom tia» that is strawberries and cream. ttki am now free or all trouble and a gala ablate over thirty autos altogether in the|out game had it not been for a wild up and around. Foley Kidaoy Pills have After the tables were cleared away bo highest recommendalwa.’’ parade. throw by Stam in the last inning. they had some more songs and After this came the base ball j The * hv itauiu mp was then mcru oiancu, return trip started, speeches, and then bidding the host C. I. Clough. Druggist. game between Tillamook and the which took thelI1 through Dallas, and hostess good bye, departed to Studebaker team which was won by I nlle|| Willumina and over the their homes, feeling they had been the home team 5 to 4. At 3:30 p.m. I • Jones Trail through Blaine and royally entertained by the girls of the sports including the catching Beaver hgo1'Tillamwk. ______ _ ______________ _ At Blaine Ï m funders Sunday-school. The of the greased pig, 11 sack race of they were met by Drew Dawson the U.B. average attendance here for six 40 yards and a three legged race of who brought them to town. All of 50 yards, occurred on 2nd Ave. .those starting the hike returned months is 41. , A Tonic. Alterative and Resolvent. The A Christian Endeavor has been East. The winners were: greased wjth the bunch e t F, oyd Kber best remedy for Kidneys, Liver and Bowels. .a* Blazer; llliisari furaa lamrazl e/ us- Our sgentsevery w has a place and a welcome for all. aprons, representing the dairy I I inside of the wall ready for the-. maids; alter them came a number! I gate to be opened and the Tills- The citizens of Tillamook, as well of men supposed to be cheeae-mak-1 I mook boya to enter. As the guard as the strangers are cordially in­ If vo..U. ~ 1’2“ “’y rtdethe bicycle and put it to any test blcvX?M?.n Ii°.t satisfied or do not wish to *■ 1 era but having more the appear» I ushered the boya on the ground a vited to worship here. Aug. 11th.—Dr. Fletcher Horman, ante of downs. They were dreased I cheer arose that made Mr Jope’s FACTORY PRICES "Af1'‘,rnUh the highest sra'le actual___ ' • t»vssll>le to mnke at one smallr- President of \Villamette University, in green and wore on their heads I aggregation feel quite welcome. inr riireJfLT71 ssveWO to S25 middlemen s i>ro«* will spend the day with this church. blcvcle^Ba WA-rluw'’ ’’’•nnfactuivr’s »narantce . imitation cheese. In the rear were I X until ,D?. _.0T,BUV • bicycle or a pair ot tires fem Of course the game was of most t"lr eaulornos and lerrn our u .beard<41 the flouts representing the many I importance und everyone seemed Dr. Horman’s coming will be an to those who are business houses of the city. Of! to think so. According to the war- inspiration interested in the broader and higher these the float of.iliiltoiu'a took first I s IT 7' 1 ttds wr. V o Mil th« Hjbe-i den the convicts had their whole , '«ALBa'^a’SL 'L’?’“’ *'*r ■"•"•’’d with place and showed much pains undl week's allowance of tobacco and I outlook for life. Keep thia date in mind and be ability for decorating. *»SSlartT bem*«evonnd liwnd bk-rr’c everything else that they could put ' t There wns very little coih|>etition up on the outcome of the game, j prepared to make the most of the * U H A K L S a oSeeeMm awl CM*«*. pw«a«* day. in the sports uf the afternoon, This gave the viaitora a large num­ J amm T. .M oors . Pastor. Krneet Therdicli took timi on the ber of rooters, for those who hud I g reused pole ,wi formative and bet on Tillamook were making all i Prices for Hogs Hubert Melchoir and Therdicli tied the noise that they could to help 131) lbs. to 300lbs.. 10c.. dressed, for high dive. It wns impossible them win. The prison team were tra M ^* U [ 200 lbs. tb 250 lbs . 8Hc dressed. J44r.tt.lge« g«*fr . Auf is •/»**• to have the tub race eo a long swim I drvaaed in blue and white uniforms 3UÜ pounds and WwA over, r— masxg - -J 7^fC. was substituted which wns wun by aad mada B fi„e appearance on the Tillamook Meat Company Janies Smith. I diamond. Their pitcher McClure. Fhe base ball game wus close all Ln ez-Multnomah Club man. did During the summer months moth OESQR/PTlQNt J*.’}* ‘«e It' through and interest died down at I good work,but was not enough for era of young children should wetch s«»?i«T,rr i’’1™' • *<1 iii'M înrids’m ( I for nay unnatural looseness of the no tune until the last man at the I the hikers, and their catcher, Lewis, bowels. When given prompt atten bat tor the Studebaker’s and one of L big husky negtorgptaone of «he tion at this time serious trouble tbeir heaviest hitters was struck heaviest hitters on the team is re- may be avoided. Chamberlain's oot by Millis. and TUIamook had ported aa being an excellent man Colic, Cholera and diairhoea Rem- with tlte'problemof buying Hames«, ordinary tira. tb« nnnctnrJnom* ’S Ihm can always be depended upon. won the second game of the aeries tiehind the bat. For all hie batting •dy yos will find it diwtinctlv advanta* He«Ith«T dXJ,’* For Sale by all dealers liyj» 3 tu 2 score. The gainee have ability King allowed him one hit. U »IÜ 00 per PC tbcas t.rvs geou* to come and do your select ■skins a ¿*Ka| f™tiTnÀZ,,.’,.,.CTO ,r» In these days of high coat of liv. itig here been well attended and the Club ia | The line up for thia game was: You will get the best mg. a medicine that gets a man up thoroughly pleased with having qualities, the most thorough and Tillamook Convict* of bed and able to work in a turn iahed games that kept the I King ............. »’ .... McClure out few days io a valuable and welcome conscientious workmanship and be Honey ....... . c . .. Lewis remedy ape« tames intered John Heath. Michigan ' rented} charged the most reasonable prices. Stam ...« «- let B. ......... Ferris Bar Cal., had kidney and bladder _ __ % Kbinger ... 2nd B ... La Barge trouble, wae confined to hie bed We can supply single or double Horas for tale Hare .. .. 3rd B . ....... Khnert unable to turn without hël helix ”11 Sets or any single article that you .89. . .. Eberman cm—~ may be in need of. Your choira of three good horses; Eberman........ r°»vi especially Parvhaon murr, 4 years H. Ebinger... ..L F... . ......... Clark Pilla and can trai' b say I was re-: Wallace .... ..C F ........... Miller listed at once ’* 1 Hie example ia old Inquire of Psul Erickson, Nswmaa ....... KF.. .. Madden worth following Lamar’s ‘Drug Wilson River, Oregon. Substitute F Davis. store. “ teat Dour to Tillamook lonely Bank THE HIKERS RETURN. Twenty-Tbree Young Men Had Pleasant Time on Trip. Tillamook Celebrates. The boys feel very proud because they defeated this team since it has defeated nearly every team around Salem including the Willamette University nine. Perfectly Matchy Boards A. G. Beals Lumber Company TRAINS F. W. STOCK, Foley Kidney Pills W. J Van Schuyver Co., Portland, On & K .P -n ÄBoDPÜRlFIfR Posts the Farmer on Market Condition N° THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE i & TELEGRAPH CO. BNTED-A rider ag _ £ L I W.A. Williams4cCo