The Qnut Muwwr<»t Was s Vsicaes When He Brolis Laos». Famoii» sathors am isuslly dost auataea» men. our Mark Twain, ac­ cording to William El. aidelng tn 01» •Many CalebrtCea ind a Few 'Ichors. ’ anew 01» own value and aad ao on- jualneasllks indifference co ’tie mo- itantlal recognition of X The any critic Twain 'ever larened to with pa- tleni’e anil -espert««l and ibeyerf was ms vife. ’ Lndemeatn al» burner lay a deeply aerious narnre. Mr. Rideing toys: -How mlataaen were ths people who. not knowing him. imagined that every where and in ail orrasioaa ale at- itnile and point of ’’.ew were thoae at the Jester'. 1 never knew a more ear nest nan than he was or one whose iroueed tndlgnarton was v iverwaeim- Ing. When anger moved him you could see hta nan tlgure contract, and Ms eyes ominously screwed themaolTSB tnto their wx’keta. Every Sber X him quivered, and for the moment ala voice Became acid and albtlant and out of nine—almost a whine. •Then ae would let hlmseif out tn « break, like that of a dam onaSie to hold the flood, tn language as candid and ntunrlnkable aa the vernacular of the Eltzabe’"lane Epithet wou.d ae plied on epltnet. one following another with cumulative vigor and ilsttnct- nesa and the disclosing and Illumina, rive effect of explosives. -And not a word mlased 'tn na nr: not a word «eemed mnerinoiis changeable for any other word. Each Otted the nae he made of It ia a rar ufldg» ata a rifle or a mvoivw. eaea told.’ a COUNSEL- LDR-AT-LAW. Tillamook Block,Tillamook, Or. Room No. a6c. BOTTS, .ATTOa»«Y-AT-LAW. Complete set of Abstract Book n office. Taxes paid for non Residents. FAMILY recipes . The valued :\n*dy cip es tor “ cough ind cnij cure, liniments, bmit» uf other remedies üve H careful attention fc aete a the most intricate preset^. tiona. Our fresh, Ihgh drugs will help to these remedies more eftt. five than ever. Right prices assured. ire il» C arl haberlach ATTORNEY-KT-LAW Tdlamook Black. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggift Q.E0ÄGE WILLETT A r rogxgY-AT-L aw . Ti.lamaok Commeraol Building. T illamook O kxgon . H. GO Y NE. A ttorney -A t -L aw . Office : Opposite Com: House. T h XAMOOK, T. O bjegow . BO a LS, MJ). PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, TELLAMoOK. Tillamook Block. with the'problemof buying!! yon will find it distinctly ad geou» to come and do your ing here. You will get the qualities, the most thorough conacientiaus workmanship, atrf charged the most reasonable We can supply single or Sets or any single article th may be in need ot. W.A. Williams & Cc Next Door to Tillamook County Bui g M. KERRON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Tillamook Block, Tillamcok, \\T Oregon. R A. WAHLEN, D.O. Eye Sight Specialist, c- iIAWK- physician a surgeon B ay CITY. OREGON. HARPER R. BEALS, real estate . F inancial A gent Tillamook, Oregon. J~JR- P. J. SHARP, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the streei from the Court Haue. Dr. Wise’s office. A Delightful Beverage A Safe Stimulant, A Good Medicine. Sold by McLAUGHUDi 'T5 SARCHET, *■ . The Faahkoable Tailor. Cira-jing, Pitting sad Repair. E. DV.M., REEDY, Now~is the time to have that group picture matit VETERINARY (Both Phone»L . . < Oregon. r Tillamook • s - a u = ^ s .o >M • Specialty. Mother knows she has made the test, Tillamook Baker's Monk ’s Studio- Bread Six barge Loaves e It ia certainly poor law and poor logic to contend that there is no other way tn wipe out a dead corporation created by the legislature or by the votes of My ! We always thought 2S0 persons other than by a vote the cheetemaken of Tillmook of the entire state. This is how RATES OH SUBSCRIPTION. belonged to the handsomest ' the law is defined by the State ST»1CTI.Y IN .4DVAXCS.) One year 1*1 claim of men in the county, Supreme Court, and although The bunch which appeared in 50 the parade had evidently not it looks absurd on the face of it, ’ one need not be surprised, for been inspect by the cheese in­ so many persons have been Entered is second claim mail mat­ spector as to their qualifica­ . tinkering with laws they have ter July, ISfiB, at ’he poet iffli'r at Tillamook. Ora., under the act it tions, consequently most of mixed things up so badly attor- them would have been placed ; ueys are at sea. This was the Watch i .»7». ‘ on the market as an inferior vital point which tasmtfced out article as far as cheese making the Port of Tillami'Mik. and not fu fxiLun««. ÿntugln and good looks are concerned. withstanding that the original Although not braniied as At, Fort had been dead for a num­ they made a good showing. ber of years, it will take a vote Editorial Snap Shots. of the entire state to complete The birdman was evkientiv its demise. Even then there is Have we arrived at rhe stage »cared ot. Wednesday and afraid ; no assunuice that the people of nut political history, a» will to make a flight. No one need would vote to annul the Port he itoteli at fe ßfepnblican inri tie surprised at this, for news i charter, for there are so many­ i>emocmnc convention where reports have been recording the voters who have become so dis­ men pince themselves above last tragne flights of a large gusted with the dual system of number of btrdmen. A man iuw making in Oregon that they party who lost neart and had no con­ will not take the trouble to W. J. iiryan five the New fidence in himself and his ma acquaint themselves with the York delegation an uncalled chine should stay on terra proposed legislation that they CURIOUS BATTLEFIELDS. for «lap ■n the face at rhe firms. It was, no doubt, a dis­ do not vote or vote "No.’’ It hut appointment to many that the • is to be hoped that sdme day, Iiemocratic convention one ot tile delegate» iuuidt-d it f flight did not come off, but with when the people get tired of the back to him in good shape It so many flying machine acci­ present sfstem, some easy way dents and with the probability ; i will be found to pat the dead, waa a genuine boomerang. of seeing another man go to his lifeless Port out of existence death we do not feel disap without having to go to the ex­ Trucking between the south pointed under the circum­ pense of circulating petitions. pert of the county and Tilln- stances. that the flight did not mnnk with auto truck was a come off Harbor Improvement» Stop. little late in getting started, hut the service tn come to stay and This is what is suggested for The government dredge has been to run summer and winter. Tt ex-President Roosevelt's plat­ put out of commission for lack if wan good roads which makes form should he head a bolters’ funds and is now laid up. on ac­ thia possible ticket count of the decision In the Port of Arter hi» election to the presi­ Tillamook case. The Port had been Rhe Nehalem Enterprise in dency November, 19D4- furnishing money to improve the No third term, either in form or channel between thia city and the lamenting that road work is to be discontinued for lack of substance for any man as presi­ bay, a large part of which was used fit nd» It is, certainly, a source dent of the United State». to keep open the channel on the On the 4th of March next I shall bay. No money will be availaoie of regret, but having to pay off the mad indebtedness which have served three and a half years, until the pending Rivers aad Har had been increasing every year, and these three and a half years bora bill ia passed and the money cases is no helo for it. ft is a •nnsttfute my first term. made available. There is an ap­ The wine ustom which limits the propriation of 15,'JUl for Tulamooa. mi<< precedent to establish, via.. get out of debt and keep president to two terms regards the which wtll not go very far in seep­ '»•* of debt by quitting mad substance and not the form, sivl ing the channel open between t.*ue work when the funds are ex- under no circumstance» will I be a city and the bay for two years as candidate for, or accept another the maintenance charges for the haunted s-vmi nation. channel on the bay are navvy as Tsgonoss R oosbvslt . the government dosed ap rhe kur The people nf thia county geon channel, which was the best have to furnish a site for the new mntnr life saving boat that Bryan gave Speaker Clark a channel in the bay and wruud cant is to be added to the life saving slap in the face at the Demo­ less to maintain. There are mveral •qaiptaerrt at Garibaldi. This cratic National Convention on places on the bay where the chan may not be exactly the prr.per_______________ _ knocked the ..... nel is filling up, especially at wtia- Saturday which thing tn expert the people tn prnpa from nnder the speaker's ia known st the aheep carml, and if awbncribe fa, but ss it in a mai­ chances nf receiving the presi­ something ia not done to keep this ler of rrmswterable importane«, dential nomination at a time open it in going to make it diflfcalt sn effort » In he made to rame when he was far ahead of his for the steamer Sue H. ill mor» to thè neeessary mor.ev By alt opponents As Roosevelt tried reach this city This work would hetping a hftle it should not he but failed to be dictator of the have been done by the Port of Till dirti. ult to serare thè site. Republican convention. Brvsn amook had the case been decide-l played the parr of a dictator in I1* **• ,*’or but what fuada it haw the Democratic convention, and on hand’ •>11 he returned to the h><: noe ot poaaeaaing. bat of Probably there Are quite a few u . ... —. — . . .. _ _■ a fat na cara 1 t - .-.«.■wu • the a dairy __ '.n* taxpayers. Altnough tn* Ik It ta is fho the warm warm rio* glow a of # a a K heart at persona in thie county who are having queered, Clark, he was not so succesafifl in his efforts ,nen ,ouKht ,h* Port of Tulamook. inclined to favor a third partv, to place W ixm I vow Wilson on ! ***e large quamty of eheese menu with Roosevelt at the head, ft the political stlelf. Roosevelt I f“ctlir«d in thia county ua Mill *bip- would be well to carefully con­ and By ran should not say one out by »reamer, the rale m the sider thia, for the ambition of Roosevelt should not cause any word in future'agninst political rail,roa41 being double that t»y water ————— person to renounce the Repub­ boase». They,take the cake for J bitulithic WINS. lican partv. When the wave of political bo»sea after what took j place at the national conven- -------------------------- — Populism. A.P -ism and other tionn. i Junction City Officials and »naiss ta growth, nippiness is am. swept over the country a . Property Owners Decide On ""r* tb* ot tte large nnmher of Republicans de Paving After It ia about time that the Edi- ! [ Bitnlithic Bitnlithic Paving After •erted their pnrtv. only to see tor Boosters were getting to­ their mistake in after years. Thorough Investigation. a Pr.cti»»i Huabaad. gether again for the purpose of -------- — Surely the Moomootbablrs mas agreeing upon a policy to boost The groemg popularity of bitnl- caused bis wife’» wedding ring fc When on« politician want» to all parts of the county. The ithic paving wm again demomtrat I ascribed. “If thee doesn't work. I ■ evwn another politician he first matter of one Port is ■ question ed by tlie award st Junction City ’«>«»» est." wu determined that« claims that he ia a «elf right­ the local Press have touched recently The committee appoint- •boaM »• “« mtataka tn what hs eous prognraaive’’ and the upon from time to time, and it |ed to investigate the merit» of the <’olr*d *” • w1f* The only wood» Mher Irflow is a ''reactionary." would not surprise us much, I vanou» paving» proposed for the S“* *** »»man could be Indocsf Truly the parable nf the self- should the Grangers* road bills |cty am .ugly endorsed bitulith.c ¡XT jm ” t Z1' »"^d^Ttl^ righteotis Pharisee i» appliea- become law, »that there will be P..vmg torauee of ... Jnrabd.ty M ^Tno^tot^b jXXX h*r to a largr number of politi­ a strong sentiment to bond the lbii^Ut nP^*r“n»y-Ia every word ta gresaive party, and no politician wsnt tn gi>e the commercial avlectioa of bituhthk. tlonary. pa? Pcckley-Ok. •Houi.i eottaider himself btgrr dubs a hunch (that the Tilln -W’d Every little while a than his party. mook County Editor-Booster» Atoui.lMmtoe .Motu, to Creditors J£t Association is iiprn to receive mot .« rs Ht«BV Gtv«x.-To ** We under»two.; that a plan is invitations to visit different being formulated for the pur- parts of the county this sum •II whom it mar concern, that the mer. ^°"rt th< *"‘e oi «"goo f**c of eventing <>ne port for lor the County ot Tillamook, ha. the entire water »bed (>f Tilla­ What with the txws politicians iff. mt or of the Estate of X. M E Wr pew t mook Bav. This is owe ->f tlie h'" bra’ things that could happen, scrapping amongst themselves haZ^g"•oTrK1: •”d aU for all must admit that before and trving to kill one another nanug CI.AlMh »gam.t .aid es__ -____ ate .re hereby required to pre^nt Um t^r central part of the dainty off. with some of them endea the Mme. properly verified, to .»„I * roving to bust; up ffie Repuhli ■dmimatrator at hl. reautence in ran become a bee hive of Indus­ Oregon, within six trie« there mult be bar and can partv. the people have over­ L nth'”»* 1 from thedgite of ------ - hffrb'.r improvements. In the looked the real \ issue which ^^tw - w Dated June 20th. tell May. C-i The pre •pir.t of fairness, let every sec­ concern. them m>wt J A. D awson , Dnagtoar— tion get together aud agree •ent Republican administration Adm.n.Mrator of the E.t»te of tot Utotty b** given the country an un- upon so rue plan that will create ■' _ r lsiwacn. deceased. a» oa tto J** Port, giving each location prerrilmted lour years of pros Naron farming near C« I perity. yet for all that the poli ­ representation. ticians have Stirred the |>e<>ple up tn such an extent with their UrH A* ln ***• blood "Foley Kid One thia thing which injured ea- personal fights and demand tor »resilient R‘««evelt s chances a change of administration, that rem. veu numerous black in the Republican National con­ should thia take place the most ^ra. W’rFni7'”g1,,1*"’r •**>« mv tention wm bluster, bullyrag prosperous times the country u^MrtdFt£A»!tw"rr p“u •** • •ing and trumped up charges ever enjoyed will be a thing of Lamar . Drug Store. *•"' attorney fl 1 month ......................... 'U Ftomrslesd Notice» .......... fl tn tier st. -ftrayed or dtolen, etc. unimmun cute, Be. aot rxi'ccii- ing five lines. HENDERSON í a - i i 10 .1 L- JOHN MARX TWAIN IN ANGER. s 1 the past for some years. ^o bitter is the fight against the present Republican administra­ tion that the pcditicians do not rare a whoop about prosperity as long as they can down Pre­ sident Taft and bust up the Re­ publican party. And it would not »urprine us if they succeed­ ed. _______________ 1 L aul uivBrmaraiT» Pi ret Iniwrtinit. per Sine if thievery. These were the methods used by mm who ap­ peared and acted like crazy perwma. hut, fortunately, there were plenty of cool headed and. fair drilling delegates to keep the convention m a sane state of miud. For the information of our readers, we give Ralph Williams’ version of what took place at the National Commit­ tee meetings- Read it, for it is , facts which are convincing, not bluster and bulldozing. ly <, 1>I2 is - ;! rmamooit