i K / Vol. XXV. No. 4. TILLAMOOK, OREGON JULY 4, ‘Two suits were filed in the county In regard to 100 acres of land for court the first of the week, one by the Oregon National Guard, to hold F. D. Small and D. C. Urie in which their summer encampment, it was they bring action against Webb stated that this could be obtained Elliott for money due them on mer­ east of town, but as there are sev­ chandise. The other is an action eral patches of oats on the land the for money brought by Dr. R. T. coin inittee will have to make ar­ REDIT is the temporary use of Boals against L. D. Krake. rangements to take this over at funds belonging to others, and A petition has been circulated a cost of $380. and freely signed for the construc­ returning them promptly when due. It tion ot a road to Bayocean. The Johnson Brothers Drowned necessary uotices have been posted i is the part of wisdom to establish one’s Off Nestucci Bar. and the petition will be presented at I the August term of the county credit. At about five o’clock on the morning coust, with the subscription list, of July 3rd Warren and Jim Johnson, which was circulated some months who resided near Meda, ventured too Meeting every obligation promptly ago. near the Nestucca bar in a Bmall boat Feeney A Bremer Co. is the name and were carried out by the outgoing lays the foundation. Having an ac­ of a new firm, which have filed pa­ tide beyond the bar, where their boat pers of incorporation with the upset. count with this bank helps a long way. esunty clerk. It is capitalized at Their dog, which was with them, $10,000, and will engage in the swam ashore, and the paddles of the This bank takes especial pleasure in coundry and machinist business. boat drifted ashsre. The incorporators were James aiding its clients to establish them­ The anchor of the boat dropped out Feeney, „Frank Bremer and H. T. and held the boat when it upset. Botts. selves upon a good credit basis. The boys’ bodies had not been re­ As it was the desire of the Port­ covered up to the time of our going to land congregation to retain Rev. press. Don’t wait until you want to borrow. J. W. Sprecher, that gentleman did not come to Tillamook as the pas­ Fracas at Pacific City. Begin to establish your credit now. tor of the U. B. church, but Rev. Word was received here at noon this J. E. Meeee was sent here who Friday in regard to a fight and stabbing [" oldest ] ' CAPITAL preached on Sunday. He left for $30.000 00 Philomath the next morning for affray which took place at Pacific City BANK during the forenoon. STATE IN THE his wife and family. TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. It seems that Henry Brooten, Jeff COUNTY Prof. W. W. Wiley, wife and Fleck, Ben Via and others of that children of Athena, Oregon, arriv­ vicinity got mixed up in a free-for-all ed in town Saturday evening on fight over a dispute in regard to some TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS The cause of all diseases is re­ the train to spend a few weeks with race purses that had been contested for, moved by spinal adjustments. See Mrs. Wiley's parents, Mr. and and that Deputy Sheriff Dwight Ed­ Found,—a ring in the hall of St. Dr. Scheetz, Wade residence, op­ Mrs. C. N. Drew. While in town munds was seriously pounded and posite Court House. • Mr. Wiley is looking after the im­ bruised up trying to restore order. Alphonsus Academy. provements on his building which The new firm of Johh Leland After the first fight Henry Brooten A few persons were locked up for is occupied by Honey and Sons’ is reported to have stabbed Jeff Fleck Henderson <5t Son have taken over drunkenness thia week. the abstract books of the Tillamook confectionery. in the back near the shoulder blade, 3. C. W. Leghorn Eggs—$1,00 per Title and Abstract Co. Dr.C. H. Chapman, who delivered injuring Fleck very seriously. Sheriff setting of 15. A. M. Ginn. Captain John Groat returned from the Fourth of July oration, came in Crenshaw and Dr. Wendt were sent for One Full Blooded Jersey Bull for Portland on Sunday, where he had from Portland on Wednesday and and immediately departed for theBcene Sale.—Apply to T. H. McCormick. * gone to see what could be done to left on Friday. The Entertainment of the disorder. Committee of the Tillamook Com­ Ira Heckinger, of Portland, came keep the dredge going. Sheriff Crenshaw, who was hastily in Tuesday on a brief business trip Mrs. Wilfred Slater and children mercial Club took him for an auto summoned to Pacific City, returned ride Thuiaday morning to see the For Sale,—Seven Head of Horses and Miss Sadie Banfield, of Port­ in the evening in company with and two Hacks.—J. E. Brown, Tilla­ land, came in on Tuesday on a cheese factories and dairy country Deputy Sheriff Edmunds and Henry adjacent to this city, and in the mook. Hl visit to the editor’s family. afternoon he was taken down the Brooton to arrange for bringing For Sale,-Team Oyears old, weight bay. We will aell vou a buggy for leas Jess Fleck before the Justice of the money than it haa cost us. Ask 13,000 to 15,000 each. Wagon and James Myer, of Hebo, while run­ Peace on the chargo of assaulting Shrode. harness, $300.—Joe West, North ning a Ford automobile near Nes­ an officer. Fleck is reported to be Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ Fork of the Nehalem river. kowin on Friday, met with an ac­ badly cut and is confined to hie bed. mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. W. B. Gordan handle all kinds cident, the machine turning over Nomrrest have yet been made. The difficulty is said to have per pound. • of building materials in any and breaking hia arm. Dr. Boals Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ amount and can quote the lowest was telephened for and he set out grown out of the Fourth of July Fleck, having been mook Meat Company’s Market We prices in the city. See him before with bis car, but met with an ac­ celebration buying. • pay 13c. per pound. * cident at Cloverdale, which crippled (Jriuking freely on the Fourth, Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton his machine, one of the hind axles challenged Brooten to a fight and C. M. Wheeler and wife, of the came to the home of Edmunds, Warren Construction Co., arrived or $4.50 for half ton,or good firwood breaking. The doctor obtained an­ where Brooton was working, on already sawed for $5.75 per cord or other automobile and it was not in town Monday evening. Friday morning, bringing with him The firm of Lytle A Gordon has $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. * long before he had set the injured a number of his friends, This man man ’ s arm. When you eat Mokatil ice cream been dissolved, and W. B. Gordon clenched and Brooten, who had a you know you are eating pure R. C. Glover, Secretary to Con knife in his hand, cut Fleck under will continue in the busineas. " Con- the shoulder blade. H. Chambers, of Astoria, left cream. When you eat Portland ice gressman Hawley, writes : cream you don ’ t know what dope gressman Hawley directs me to Edmunds, who attempted to in- Friday for Portland after looking advise you that the Commissioner terfere, was set upon by Fleck and you are eating. over hia property interests here. The Tillamook Meat Co. is selling of the Bureau of Lighthouses on some of hie friends and beaten up, Why is Mokatil ice cream the best lard at the following prices : 101b. June 19, 1912, authorized the estab­ but not seriously injured. He had in the state ? Simply because it’s pail, $1.60, s 5 lb. pail, 85c. ; 00 lb. lishment of seven post lights in sworn out a warrant for the arreat made of Tillamook pure cream. pails at 13V$c. per pound, Lard Tillamook Bay when funds become of Fleck. It is thought the attack Why is Mokatil ice cream the best wholesale 1314c. available for such purpose. The on Edmunds is the result of hia in the state ? Simply because it Commissioner states that ' It ap­ attitude in fishing cases about Nea- We were late iB getting to Press pears that, for the present at least, ranked highest percent last year. . owing to the Fourth and the print­ the lights to mark the dredged tucca Bay. For Sale,—A light wagon, light ing maching balking, conaequently channel to the Bayocean resort double harness and mowing mac­ Archbishop to Visit City. we had to reduce the size of the should properly be maintained as hine. Enquire at Rogers Barn. • Hia Grace, Archbiahop A. Chris­ paper this week. private aids by the promoter« of Bees for Sale,—in excellent con­ The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ the resort, and they have been sup tie, of Portland, will arrive in Tilla­ dition; $3 50 to $6.00 per swarm. lows who haul anything, anywhere, plied with blank applications for mook on Saturday, to administer Call or phone the U. B. parsonage. any time. Office on Main Street, this purpose. It is believed that the sacrament of Confirmation the following day to a large class of W. J. Bogart has returned to the opposite Clough's Drug Store. Call the proposed aids when established Catholic children. A special dele­ city from Vancouver, B. C., where us by phone, Main 651. will meet the needs of navigation gation will meet him at the depot he has been employed on the rail­ For Sale,—a Gasoline Engine in thia locality.’ ’’ and welcome him to our city. road. Pumping outfit, 214 h.p. engine. Emmett Jenkins took a large July the 7th—Program of the day A railroad switch is being put in Guaranteed to give satisfaction and number of excursionists to Bay­ at the Sacred Heart Church : st the saw mill, which is to be warranted for five years.—Virgil ocean Thursday evening on his 8 a.m —Communion Mass, aaid by used for receiving logs on the rail­ Donaldson, Tillamook, Oregon. . gasoline launch Henrietta No. 2. Hie Grace. road. My method in selling glasses is A dance was given in Bayocean 10:30 a m. -Second Mass, followed You can get the genuine Eastern not to catch a new victim and the at the pavilion and a light lunch by the ceremony of confirma­ corn feed meats at the Tillamook price—but to see how well I can fit was served. All these attending tion. Feed Company General Supply the eyea. R. A. Whalen, Opt. D. report having a very good time. Catholics and non-Catholice desir­ Store. • Registered under State Law of Ore­ The excursionists were: Mr. and ing to meet the Archbishop will Mr«. Webster Holmes, Miss Ruth gon. How to aolve tbe heat problem, be^given an opportunity to do so Holme«; Burr, Gladys, Hejgn and buy A bbkdakb (Australian) Coal. If you are sick and have tried on the Church grounds. Telephone Main 1771. Lamb-Schra­ everything and did not receive Pauline Beals; A. H. Gaylord and 12:30 p.m — Banquet at the priest's der Co. • help, try Chiropractic (Spinal) ad­ daughters, the Misses Theresa and house at which the father of Ethel Gaylord; Mrs A. K. Case. every Catholic family io ex Grant Thayer, with his wife and justmentsand get well. Dr. Scheetz, Arthur and Mis« Ollie Case; Misers pected to be present with a few family, left on Monday for Hamp­ Wade residence, opposite Court Blanch McNair and Vida Rogers; * * other prominent men of thia ton, Crook Co., where he expects House. Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Wataon; Wm. city. to locate. The Allen House has been leased Gordon, Ralph Cady, Preston Wil­ D. E Kerr, of Globe, Arizona and to Mrs. A. Stienboff, Mrs. Allen re­ liams, George Armapiker, W. E. The Commercial Club will give Hia Grace an informal reception on of the Santa Fe line. was.in town a tiring from the business. The hotel Ashcroft «nd wife, Floyd Wi liam», Sunday evening, to which every­ few days this week visiting hie son, has been newly renovated and put R H. Bate«, Fred Ries, G. Peter I body ia invited. in good Shape for the summer son and H. I. Bowie«. II P- Kerr. I All are welcome to these services. business. The Executive Board of the Tilla­ The very beat music will be ren - If you are in need of a Jersey bull Misses Marie and Clara Tinnerstet mook Commercial Club met on •o head your herd or want a ball returned Monday evening from Monday evening at the club room«, dered by the members of the Cath cad. correspond with H. A. Wert. ,_________ Portland and Clackamas where when two matter« of interest to the olic choir. Oswego, Ore. • they have been viaiting for the public came np The first w^s in Golds« Gate Cement ia the atan- past three weeks. While out they regard to the site at Garibaldi for a HOTEL COLUMBIA JsyJ for house and barn blocks. attended the Rose Festival motor life boat for the li»e saving Cor. 2nd Street and 2nd Ave. E. >oW by Lamb-Schraher Co. Tele Nursing, day or week, by compe crew. A« it i« necessary to raise Phone Main 177L • Tillamook, Ore. tent, practical nurse Willing to ffltri. the committee. Messrs C. I. h N. Kelsey, of Fort Worth. Tex-’ assist with light housework, if . Clough. W. C. King, Carl Kund- Mrs. Potter A Son. Props. »a* looking over the situation necessary. Price« reasonable Mrs. son and Webater Holmes rocom >o the city for tbe purpose of start- Emma Vedder. P.O. box 18B. Tilla­ ' mended that a« J. J. McCormack Rooms 9hr. and up, |7 <«' a month ln< ■ •bingie mill. mook. Ore. • A I had agreed to donate SfitK each of and np. Hatha, Hot ami Cold Water. I*- S. M. Wendt, successor to Dr. John Olsen, who graduated from the commeri isl clubs do the same, Huy it now. Chamberlain’« Colte, ®,lh- *+*•*» German. Surgery, the North Pacific Dental College, and with help from ths shipping Cholera «od Diarrhoea Remedy is no—*and throat. Office in baa opened dental parlors over F. interest« it sraa thought the money almost certain to I» needed I«-fore th ‘ Building, opposite R Beals' office and being a Tilla­ could be raised in that manner. the summer^ i« over. Buy it now .h Todd Hotel. All calle answered mook boy will no doubt, receive a Tbe Board ordered ISO to be drawn aatd be prepared tor such «■ emer­ from tbe club tojfo towards the site gency. Fur «ale by all dealer«. '*y <»r night Both phones. • good patronage. building a credit . C ACCOUNT Pay Your Bills With Checks And there will never be any dispute about the payments. The cancelled checks are the best of all receipts. Checks ure cheaper to send than any other form of remittance. These are only two of the many advantages of having an account at this bank. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, TILLAMOOK, ORE. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK John Leland (fenderai) ¡Son, ROOMS 215-216, TILLAMOOK BLOCK, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. This firm is doing a general land business. The senior member carne to Oregon 42 years ago. He iB a Lawyer, Surveyor and Abstracter. The Junior member, Sidney E. Henderson, is a graduate of Oregon University, and is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor. The Company makes a specialty of the follow­ ing branches of the Land Business : Law—Abstracts-—Surveying and Engineering —Real Estate—Fire Insurance—Farm Loans— Conveyancing. They offer for sale the following choice pro­ perty in Tillamook City and Country. , Price«. 1 —3514 acre«. All in cultivation. 614 mile» S.E. of Tilla­ mook ........................................................................................... S4,auo 2— 160 acres The Castle Rock Ranch. 3J4 mile» S.E. of Hebo........................................................................................... 7,000 3— -80 acres. Raw land. 30 acres rich bottom. 3J4 miles S. E. of city...................... .......................................................... «,900 4— House and lot on main county road. North of city limits. Only ............................................................................ wo 5— Two lotsand cottage. 2nd Ave. E.................... .................. 1,525 6— One Lot S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly...................... 900 7— Two Lots. One corner. S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly. 700 8— Two Lota. S.E of Catholic Church. Sightly................... 000 9— One corner Lot One Block S. W. High School. Cheap. 700 And other properties. Some good trades. This firm has taken over the Abstract (Books of the Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. and good will and will continue to serve the public. AGENTS FOR NORTHERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. Outings in Oregon If you are looking for an ideal piaes to spend a portion of the summer, where you ten find rest, health and rsereatlon, the outing resorts reached by the Southern Pacific are «xosMbaaoe. Newport YaquiM Bay, Tillamook County Beaches, Crater Uks, Coiestin Springs. Shasta Bprings, Cascadia, Breftenbueh Hot .Springs and many other springs of oaor or less note. low R cuih I TH u Tlolntt With long limits on seis daily to the above resorts. Our booklet, "Vacation Daye in Oregon" deaeribmg these and other outing plates can be obtained from any Agent, who will rheerfully furnish information as to fares, train servies,ate..or a postal cart to the undersigned will receive prompt a I Unix» • JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon