Tillamook Headlight, June 27, 1912- Report of the Condition of the DAIRYMEN CELEBRATE BOOST BEACH RESORT. [DEFEAT OF PORT Portland Business Men Visit TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK, Bayocean and Other Inter* Ralpb R. Daniway Urges At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close esting Summer Resorts. Them to get together for of business June 14th, 1912. When the Portland excursion left Harbor Improvements. • Receive Certificates. Winnie Epplett, Min. Blanc. - Pearson. Miss Elsie White, Miss Alma Ripley, Janies Goldsworthy, J. R. Bidgood, Tillamook; Mian Ruth Gray. Nehalem. For five-year state certificate: Miss Agnes L. Morrissey, Miss Helena Schlappi, Tillamook. For life diploma: Miss Grace W. Whitehouse. Applications for renewal of one-year certificates: Miss Maud Edgar, Miss Ellen Bewley, Miss Elsie Lamb, Miss Helena Schlappi, J. D. Moffett, Mrs. Eacie 0. Mullen, Mrs. Daisy Golds­ worthy, Tillamook; Miss Martha E. Alley, Nehalem; Miss Jennie Blanch­ ard, Hemlock: Miss Ruth Clark, Gari­ baldi. ____________ ___ TESTED HER TEMPER. ( Thank . >nunh Thanks and a Laugh. “What was the coolest act ot self p books. "Unless you feel certain! | During the dinner hour the crowd died at his home near Bay City Lee Farm, 1% miles south of Dallas, gentle in their action and especially the change is decidedly for the bet- was given a continous treat in the shortly before noon on Wednesday, ion lower Falls City Road, on Fri- suitable for people of middle age An Unruffled Statesman. ♦•r ** *acai*4 M v II«» n4 ** 11»,.*.. * ..... For sale by all dealers. ter,” said Mr. Duniway, I d tbe early days, when tbe people ‘‘vote way of music, both instrumental He has been in poor health for some ' day, June 28, commencing at ten and older. against this proposition.” sent their wisest men to make the pub­ and vocal, and toasts. The instru. time, being bothered with asthma. o’clock the fol'.owing described pro­ lic laws, a man of peculiar traits, but mental music was given by a It was this that was tbe indirect perty: py, J. T, WORK, M.T •» of sterling worth, was sent to the Mas­ Game Was a Farce stringed orchestra Large Bay Mare about 8 years old, directed by cause of death, although heart trou sachusetts legislature from the townuf Arthur von Jessen uud Mrs. Dudel , ble was the direct cause. Mr. Doty weight about 1501); Bay Gelding 6 Douglas. He wore an old fashioned Sunday afternoon al the Stillwell one of Portlsnd’s leading soprano had lived in this county for about years old, weight about 1300 ¡Sorrel CHIROPRACTOR AND farmer’s frock, which was sadly out Park, the remains of the Coiumer ’ singers, sang u number of selections, 35 ¡years, having come here from Mare, middle age, weight 1100; Sor- NATUROPATH, of place in the legislative ball, where cial Club team played th* Hebo one of which,a boosting song, com- the atate of Iona. He leaves, be- rel Horse, middle age, weight about Also expert for troubles of the some of the fastidious statesmen from team a game that according to tbe p0Md by’ hersel? made’a"decid^d aidea hie family a large nutnber of 1250; Bay Horae, middle age, weight skin or feet. Hours io a.m. to Boston and other cities vied with eack reports was ao filed with runs that hit with the crowd. other in the correctness of tbelr attire. friends among the old settlers of about 1200; 20 Head Cows, some 4 p.m., and 7 to 8 p.m. it was impossible to keep track of Soon after the arrival of the Douglas The speakers of the evening were this county. He was a member of the High Grade Jerseys and some High the score. A number of vacancies D. L. Shrode, president uf the Tills- N.E. church, and the funeral ser- Teeters, and all gentle cows. Most Office in Williams’ Bldg., next man one of the Boston representatives door to Tillamook County Bank. seeking an opjiortunity to have fun st were made in the team when sonic mook Commercial Club; George H. vices will be conducted at 1 o’clock every one will make a good family ___________________________ _______ bls expense, called out to him, "Have of the boys went to the valley with Root, of Bay City; J. M Scott, gen on Friday by Rev. Irving, of the cow. Some large milkers. Some they no smarter men than you to send the ”hickers.”and to patch up these Interment will fresh and some soon to freshen, all era! passenger ugept of the South- ' Bay City church. to the legislature from your districtT places some of the boys about town | ern Pacific; Attorney Webster take place at the Bay City ceme- young, ZP \AJ QTflP K The 111 an from Douglas smiled 1» were used. • I* •• • O 1 nocently as he replied. 'There's ahead Holmes, of Tillamook; Adjt Gen­ ! ‘«O 3 Yearling Heifers, 8 Head of Fine For about the first seven innings eral W. E. Finzer, of the Oregon Sheep, Two-Horse Wagon, Hack, of smarter men up my way. but ths the teams played according to the National Guard; F. V. Healey, A. mischief of It is they hain't got ne M B. Church. Coil of Barbed Fence Wire, 14 inch line-up, John Stuart pitching for clothes good enough to wear dowi 1. Finley, Mrs. J. M. Tifft, Dr. Walking Plow,Old Mowing Machine, the home team the first four inuings here!”—Boston Herald. 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Amelia Zeigler, Dr, K P Gray, 20 gallon Iron Kettle, Some Few while Armbuater caught. However 11 a.m.—Sermon. Subject, "God’s Household Goode, and many other and R. W Wilson, of Portland, and at the end of thia inning Kirk, the Geometry. T. Irving Potter, owner of Bay­ Will, the Program of Life.” things too numerous to mention. new recruit of the Club team, went Geometry, so called from Its origtasl 7 p.m.—Epworth League. ocean and one of the biggest boost­ Terms of Sale: All sums of $10, into the box and pitched to Arma- apllcation to measuring the earth. Is 8 p.m.-Union Service of all the cash. Over that amount bankable ers in the Northwest. Geo. M. Hy­ j generally believed to have had It* ori­ piker. churches under the auspices of the note at 7 per cent interest. Free OFFICE : land, leader of the party, wa* toast gin among the Egyptians. It prob­ By thia time the score was ao W. C. T. U. This promises to be an Lunch. All Falls City trains will master. ably sprang from the surveyor's sft large that it was decided to give Corner of 8th st., and Ave. E. occasion of special interest. Be stop at ranch. . The annual Inundation of the Nils ear Hebo Millie nnd Peterson as bat­ I Mr. Potter showed how the ex-j early and insure a good seat. I ried away all landmarks and iwund- J. M. B riggs , owner. teries in order to make the game peuditure of one million dollars on j J ames T. M oore , Pastor. arles, and some scientific means of set- M. F. White, auctioneer. more intereeting for the spectators. a beach resort in southern Califor­ tllng tbe disputes In.tieumi tbetsi® nia was the cause of the city of Los However the larger part of the had to be devised; hence surveying, crowd became disgusted and left Angies being built and predicted Notice to Persona Owning Lota in Dairy Farm Wanted. the undoubted fountainhead of geo» I. O. O. F. Cemetery. the grounds before the game waa that the improvements of our beach­ etry. Geometry is said to hare bees Dairy Farm Wanted equipped brought to a close, Some reporta es wo;ild bring about the same for Introduced into Greece by the phlloas- He said in part, "Let There will be a meeting of owners tock, buildings, etc , from Owner are that the score waa 31 to 2 and this city. pber Thales about the year flOO B. C. of Lota in I. O O. F. Cemetery |on every one write to their friend* in who will take Portland income pro ­ others that it waa 17 to 2 and still The science was cultivated by Pytbsr- Saturday, July«. 1912, atthe I.O.O.F. the east and invite them to spend perty as part first payment Give others range all the way between oras. through whom it was made pop­ ular In Greece, from which country these two reports. | their vacation in Oregon, and Bay- Hall, Tillamook City, at 2 o'clock full particulars, price and location. 1 her share.” He to make arrangemeets ao that we Address Owner, 1409 Minnesota The.entire gam* waa spiced with w‘11 It spread over the then known world. said, -New York American. amusement. At one time Millie further "* ' "We do not ask for 1 can improve and beautify the cem Ave., Box. Bryant and Albina Ave., rsii ncroaa the diamoud to catch a you to talk Bayocean but we want ' etery. All are requested to attend. Portland, Ore y Irving Weald Hava to Hustle, thrown ball and u|>ou catching it to make Bayocean a resort that will attract people when they come to i When Henry Irving was making set he held it up tn the air nnd shout ' 1 thia state.'’ | of bls last tours of the country M ed, "How's that for Hebo?” found himself with an open date >• Mr. Finxer stated in his talk that Although thia game was not ex-1 I» Michigan. His manager wired tbe citing, T. B. Handley promise* to he wa* here for a double purpose, j J manager of a small o;.era house In • one to find a place to encamp one give the fane all the base ball ex- 1 ■e nearby place, asking If he could «• citeinent next Sunday nnd during regiment of the Oregon National J Irving on the night in question The Guard and another for pleasure. 1 the week of the Fourth that they a, following message cnioe back: George M. Hyland, the silver-' J "What does Irving doF will want. tongued orator, made several good The manager used up much expes- talks, at times he would get *0 lull eive space on the wire explaining Socialist Ticket C. I. Clough. Druggfet • leading points about Irving nod f<* of thought* that tie teed to tell mins received the following repl»: On Saturday last some twenty mem- them and each time he would tool a - annot use Irving tn this tows so- bers of the Socialist party of thia hie audience motionlrse under hie Irving can parade.’'—Judge county met In convention and nomi­ tlow of oratory. All of the party seemed very well nated a county ticket. G. J. Blanchard Amended. was chairman of the convention and pleased with our beaches and made IVben a Scotch schoolmaster entero* it known that they would uot let P W. Turner was secretary. * tempi« of learning one morning •• The following ticket was nominated. this be the last visit mad oe the blackboard. “Our tea«** Frank AI lander, Sheriff. Is a dookey “ Myron Blanchard. Clerk. Moroney Canal The pupils expected there woo <1 »* * Berger. Assessor. cyclone, but the philosophic pe«'- a RF Murton, Treasure. The Town of Moroney fronting on There is uo real need of anyone contented himself with adding th" Garibaldi beach, on the Rail Road A Scovill. Cbmuiisaiuner "drlvsT" and opened the scb.wt “ being troubled with constipation a cd on Lake Lytle and between tbe Chamberlain's Tablets will cause 'W. M. Living*lone, Coroner. an agreeable movement of the bow- » Other nomlnsUons neraeaary Io i Towne ol Lytle aad Manhattan, is without any unpleasant effect. Give complete the twket will be ronde later. now being plotted. See Moroney' them a trial. For sale by all dealers. on the place. For Real Estate on Farms Bran. Per each. Me. ►hurts, *1 su Prucsee Barley. •1.10. Wr have the ■«*>d«. Ctwase early TiMaanouk Feed Co. One of the (mints to be insisted on a| the Baltimore convention is Hist a aaajority ought to be enough. : The two third* rule, a relic of 1 atevery pol.hu illuetrste. ,hr Den.ocr.tK styl, ot progrese, ve- ■VW I tt io now well known that not more than one case of rheumatism in ten require* any internal treat­ ment whatever. AU that needed tea free aplication of Chamberlain’ a Claimant and massaging the parts •t each application Try it and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness. Sold by all deaf