Tillamook H««dIIght Jan« 2?, lftfS PORT CASE If h® justifies. he must set out his title i plan of home rule. If a munieip il specifically. It is not enough to allege i corporation is permitted to extend its generally that he was duly elected or boundaries step by step, indefinitely, to the office. He must plead | without the sanction of the state or e Court Decides appointed facte, showing on the face of the plea people of the districts included in the linst the Port. that he has a valid title to the office. extensions, it would subversive of the The State is not bound to show any­ very plan as expressed by the people Pebbleford, bottled in bond, per bottle, $1.50 thing ’’ in their sovereign power through the of Oregon, upon the In Section 1554 Id., we find the fol ­ Clarke's Pure Rye, bottled in bond .. ballot, and not a reasonable exercise of f S. V. Anderson and lowing: “The certificate of election of the power conferred. To this extent, iderson. Appellants, Per bottle, 1.25 an officer, or his commission, coming the proceedings in question are not V. from the proper source, is prima facie Echo Spring, bottled in bond ............... “ local ” or “ special ” within the mean ­ illamook. H. T. Botts, Keg Beer.............. .......... 15 gallons $5.75 evidence in favor of the holder; and in ing of the constitutio , and are not ils, D. Fitzpatrick, Per bottle, 1.25 every proceeding, except a direct one germane to the government of the Keg Beer ............ ........ 10 gallons 4.00 Jton, Jr., and M. F. to try the title of such holder, it is con­ port. They are inconsistent with the Old Crow, bottled in bond, per bottle, 1.50 Respondents. Local bottle Beer. 6 dozen quarts 10,00 clusive; but in quo warranto the court plain import of our orgonic law. Hermitage, bottled in liond, i>er bottle, 1.50 from the Circuit Court of will go behind the certificate or com­ Local bottle Beer Section 3209, L. 0. L., authorizing 10 dozen pints 11.1X1 ; County. The Hon. H. L. mission, and inquire into the validity of the annexation of new territory to Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown .................. ... 1.50 udge. Argued and submitted the election or appointment, and decide municipal corporations, required the O.T.O., bottled in bond, per bottle, 1.25 .12. Ralph R. Duniway, (J. the legal rights of the parties upon consent of the people of the area to be .ry in brief) for Appellants, full investigation of the facts.” annexed, The same safeguard is con­ Kentucky Dew, j gal., bottled in bond 2.25 its for respondents. Bean J. It is a well settled rule in Oregon tained in the act of 1911, which pro­ Kentucky Dew, full pint, 75 that the notices reuuired by statute to vides ior the changing of the boundaries an action in the nature of be given for a special election, consti­ of ports, and prescribes the manner John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch ante, brought by the state up- tute a condition precedent which must for proceeding to annex new territory Budwiser Beer............ 6 dozen quarts $15 00 Whiskey..................................................... 1.50 lation of S. V. Anderson and be observed in order to validate the thereto: \See laws of Oregon, 1911. such This isVa salutary requirement and inderson against H. T. Botts, measure to be voted at Budwiser Beer 10 dozen pint* 16.00 Black & White, Old Scotch Wliiskey. 1.50 eals, D. Fitzpatrick. James election. The purpose of the notices seem* to be the policy or the law. It Old styler Langer Beer.10 dozen pints 18.60 V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey ............ 1.75 is within the spirit and letter of the Jr., M. F. Leach, and the Port is to inform the legal voters of the nook, to determine the right of time, place and object of the election. constitutional provision for the enact­ Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch Considering now the evidence pro­ ment of local measures by means of endants. to act as a mniucipal Whiskey ...•............................................. 1.75 ion. From a judgement in duced by defendants, it appears that a the initiative. We know of no defendants, plaintiff appeals, petition, containing a requisite number authority, either delegated or reserved Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch implaint is signed by the dis- of signatures, was presented to the to the people of a numicipal corpor­ Whiskey ................................................... 1.50 orney of the proper district, county court of Tillamook county, re­ ation, permitting the enactment of a eged that the defendants are questing that the question of incorpor­ local measure for the extension of the Canadian Club...................... .................... 1.50 White Port, Old Monk Brand $1.00 pur «al. lly exercising a public office ating the port be submitted to the boundaries of the municipality so as to I. W. Harper ............................................. 1.00 chise within the state of Ore- hgal voters; that the county court include a large section of country, Port Wine..................................... 1.00 per gal. iffieers of the Port of Tilla- made an order providing for the hold­ without the consent of the legal voters Harvester Old Style............................... 1.00 without the same being duly ing of a special election therefor, and who reside in the area to be annexed. Sherry ........................................... 1.00 per gal. Monogram ................................................... 1.00 •ated; that the allege port is a directing the county clerk to give There is no doubt but that the people 75c. per gal. Claret ................... ■........................ of the whole state could pass such a notice of such election to be held on unicipal corporation, attempted Kentucky Dew............. '............................ 1.00 Angelica ....................................... 1.00 per gal. Drmed under the act of 1909 the twenty-fourth day of August, 1909; law. The assumption of such power Billie Taylor, full quart........................... 1.25 >f Oregon, 1909, pp. 73-33) ; that that at a special session of the court on by the Port of Tillamook is not in Zenfendel ................................... 1.25 per gal, lators are residents and tax- the 31st day of August, 1909 ; 248 votes consenance with our laws granting to Coronet Dry Gin................................ Per bottle 1.00 Tokey ........................................... 1.25 per gal. vithin the territory of the pre­ having been cast in favor of incorpor­ municipalities and districts, the privi­ A.V. H. Gin............................................ Per bottle 1.75 sort: and that the defendants ating the port and 172 votes against the lege to enact local or special laws. An attempt was made to repeal the irs of such corporation, are at_ same, the court made and entered a Gordon Sloe Gin.................................. Per bottle 1.75 ig to issue a large amount of proclamation declaring the Port of charter granted to the Port of Tilla­ Gordon Dry Gin.................................... Per bottle 1.25 and render the relators liable Tillamook to be duly incorporated as a mook by the legislature, the effect municipal corporation, pursuant to the thereof was not a reorganization of A payment of a part thereof, Rock and Rye........................................ Per bottle 1.00 of 1909; that thereafter the gover­ the port within the contemplation of complaint avers in detail that act El Bart Gin................................................... 1.25 the provisions of the laws of 1909. We nor appointed a board of five commis ­ •poration and the acts of the sioners for said port, consisting of the see no reason why the original Port of ’ Virginia Dare Wine............. Per bottle 75c. ints are illegal, for the follow- defendants, Monogram............................... per gal. $5.00 H. T. Botts, A. G. Beals, Tillamook is not a valid corporation. sons : (1) That the original Port D. Fitzpatrick, Port Wine............................................ Per quart 35c. It appears that the main purpose of James Waltin, Jr., and per gal. 4 00 White Corn Whiskey.......... amook was created by, and M. F. Leach, who duly qualified; that election was to change the boundaries Sherry Wine......................................... 35c. ;ed under an act of the legis- Harvester Old Style ........... per gal. 4.25 commissioners, H. T. Botts and D. of the Port of Tillamook so as to em- assembly approved February 21, the Angelica Wine.................................... Per quart 35c. prace new territory. The question of Fitzpatrick were re-elected at the gen ­ McBrayer, 13 years old .... per gal. 6.00 Laws of Oregon, 1899 pp. 419- eral, November 8, 1910, their term annexation was not submitted in such Zenfendel Wine ..................... Per quart 35c. ind has ever since existed as a having exired; and that they qualified a manner as to allow ‘he legal voters Echo Spring.................. '.... per gal. 4.25 numicipal corporationr that it as such commissioners. Their certifi- Tokey ....................................... Per quart 40c. th® area to be amended, to vote certifi ­ per gnl. 2.75 Chestnut Grove Rye ............ cedall of the corporate limits of cates of election and appointment separately from those within the limits Cinret...................................................... Per quart 25c. ity of Tillamook, and fifty feet were produced in evidence. Ketituckey Dew.................... per gal. 2.25 of the municipality. It is indicated, as :h bank of Hoquarton Slough White Grape Juice ........ .......................... 75c. As far as the form of the proceed­ far as can be ascertained from the bal­ Alcohol ................................... per gal. 4.00 the east boundry of the city lot, that the outside voters were op­ Local Beer, quart ■ Three bottles for 50c. ard to and including Dry Stock- ings are concerued, we think the de­ posed to annexation. Cornet Dry Gin ..................... per gal. 4.00 The election ar; that the attempt to rein- fendants made a prima facie case. held, and the action taken pursuant Domestic Beer, quart.Three bottles for 75c. ate the Port of Tillamook is The statute does not require a record thereto, did not effectuate an enlarge­ >ecause the proceedings thereof, of the posting of such election notices. ment of the port, and were unauthor­ the provisions of Chapt 39, Laws The defendtnts show a compliance with ized and void. ), by petition to the county court, the statute up to the time that it was A discussion of many of the ques­ >y an election held pursuant there- the duty of the clerk to issue and mail tions referred to in the briefs, would ■mbraced the same territory as notices to the judges and clerks of the be unfruitful, as the necessary legis­ included in the former port, to- election in the different precincts. Then lation for the extention of the bound­ er with a large additional area; the law steps in with the presumption aries of incorporated ports was enacted :hat no notice of the election for that this official duty has been regular­ in 1911. In conformity with section I incorporation of the present Port ly performed, which in itself stands as 3, article VII of the constitution of this ■ ♦ 'illamook was published as required prima facie evidence that the notices state, all of the evidence being con­ were issued and posted. law. tained in the record, the judgment of The circuit court found that, pur­ the lower court will be reversed and He defendednts, in their answer, up the proceedings under the act of suant to the order of the county Court, a judgement entered here in accord­ I for the organization of the port, the county clerk duly issued notices for ance with this opinion. denied the other allegations of the the holding of a special election called plaint. The reply puc in issue the by such order; that the notices were, Poor Old Boy. matter contained in answer. Up- transmitted to the respective judges he trial of the cause in the circuit and clerks of the election in the var­ ■t. it was agreed that the burden of ious precincts described in the petition; I visited today the old home place, defendents, the place I lived when a lad;| if was upon i the “ ‘ ' J *" and that the notices were, by such evidence, but judges and clerks, duly posted within Where I whittled and fished from introduced their several precincts more than 10 showing that morn to night, or worked the plow Juced none had been days prior to the holding of such with dad; ices of the election < election. This finding was warranted I heard again the mocking birds jed or posted. Plaintiff alleges sing, aa once they sang with joy, t because of a failure to give notice by the evi lence. The real cause of the controversy in But it seemed the song they sang the special election, a large number this case wai the extension of the today was ‘‘Poor old boy.” egal voters, who were opposed to h proceedings, were prevented from limits of the original Port of Tilla­ Through rooms that held memories ing, and that the result was thereby mook. It is asserted by the relators the past I wondered all alone, that there was no staute authorizing In of the nged. dark I found a trundle .tied Jean, J. The principal contentions incorporated ports to extend their that once had been my own. the part of plaintiff are: (1) That boundaries, until the passage of the act I fancy I heard my mother’s voice, re was no authority of law for organ­ of 1911 (See Laws of Oregon, 1911, p. again we knelt to pray. dsWHt ic or recognizing the present Port of 157). It was therefore impossible for Bnt instead of ‘‘Lay me down to lamook, and at the same time ex- the Port of Tillamook, as created bv sleep,” ‘‘Poor old boy," she seem iding the boundaries thereof, so as to the act of 1899, and known as the ed to say. di lude territory outside the limits of legislative port, to take proceeding in i port, as created by the act of 1899: 1909 to reorganize and extend its boun­ Down past the yard o’vergrown with weeds, down past the old oak that in the attempt to organize or daries, at a time when there was no tree. ognize the Port of Tillamook, the authority of law therefor. The portions of the amendments to I wandered to where, with sweat on .’endants did not show that they corn­ brows, we plowed, my dad and ed with the statutory requirements the constitution applicable to this question, are as follows: “The legal me. to notices. It is enacted by Section 366, L. 0. L., voters of every city-and town are here­ The old plow leaned against the it, “An action at law may be main- by granted power to enact and amend fence; as I raised it from its bed. ned in the name of the state, upon tbeir municipal cnarter, subject to the All coveree with rust, it mournfully s information of the prosecuting at- constitution and criminal laws of the creaked, “Poor old boy," was ■ney, or upon the relation of a pri- state of Oregon. ”, "The initiative and what it eaid. te party against the person offending, referendum powers reserved to the peo- the following cases; (1) When any ?le by this constitution are hereby I laid it bach in the same old place where we left it years ago. rson shall usurp, intrude into, or un- urther reserved to the legal voters of vfully hold, or exercise any public every municipality and distrii t, as to When it »eenii I heard as in the days of old the dinner horn loud­ 41 ice, civil or military, or any fran- all local, special and municipal legis­ ly blow. jise within this state, or any office in lation, of every character, in or for corporation either public or private, their respective municipalities and “Come wash for dinner, boy,” said dad, and we started to the stream. eated or formed by or under the au- districts. The manner or exercising ority of thia state; or, (2)-------- (3) said powers shall be prescribed by As I bathed rny face in the nectar there. I awoke and found 'twas a »en any association or number of per­ general laws, except that cities and dream. ns act within this state, as a eorpora- towns may provide for the manner of ,______ ” . | exercising the initiative and referen- I awoke. The sunlight streaming >n, without being duly incorporated. ition 363 -- L. O. L., the «-«C — “ A- . writ of 1 dum powers as to tbeir municipal legis- down cast a shadow by my side > warranto is — abolished. It _a is, how- , • lation. Not more than ten per TAX cent of Of buildings tall, and I could hear • .« . ■ . • __ . _ -A _ -> ! _ ____ .A — —— ■tfW-imvAzt AWIUV er. form UIAt that is abragated j t It legal be ------- required to ~ order JT, wily Irillj the Hit lurill ID «WK 6ai voters may — ■---------- — the din and noise outside. th ’» « section. The jurisdiction and . the referendum nor more than 15 Der ti per The whirl of cars through the crow­ arts are not changed, cent to propose any measure, „by the w»» nf the courts changed. | an' ed streets, the ceaaeteae, unend­ ie .»med les heretofore 1-^— .——. — — — obtainable ---------- initiative, in any city or town. ing tread ' In engrafting these amendments in ­ des ikose forms may be obtained by Of the crowds below seemed to action at Law. For an elaborate to the fundamental law of this state, chant a strain, “Poor old boy,” icaaalon of an action in th» nature of the people inaugurated a scheme for o’er and o’er they said. lings local self government. Thev paved o warranto, and the proceedings erela. see the opinion by Mr. Justice the way for the enactment of local or O dear old homestead of the past I O dreams that n’er come true ! The qualifying oora. In the recent case of State ex special measures. f. Brown v. Sengstachon, Or., 122 word?. "local” and “special,’' relating My heart goes out in the silent night through long years back to to municipal legislation, as used in >c. Rep. 292. you; Wo wf]i take up the questions re art. IV. la. arc synonymous terms and rrwi to in the inverse order. In an mean enactments intended to affect And I know if tonight you could make a wish, a wish you know ■tioe »Ort«king of the nature of quo only certain persona, or to operate in would come true. arrawto, in the absence of any legis- specified localities only. The desti notion between s general I know you would wish for the <* controlling consideration to “Poor old boy” and the old folks e 'WSiary, the rule that the onus law and a local taw is not easily de­ back with you ■obaadi is npon the respondent, sp­ fined. It hss often been found ex­ ies. «nd the defendants must prove pedient to leave tne matter open, to a —Annie Huff, in the New England Farmer • aa'atence of the corporate fran- considerable extent, for determination H»ljte<:to Keep Dowa *x*ewM. Notice of Final Settlement ias which they are alleged to have upon the special circumstances of each feMra. J. E. Henry, Akron, Mich., urpwt and their title to the offices, case. In the absence of any clear and tella how nhe’.did ao: '‘I waa bother­ When your child has whooping In the County Court of the Mate of ed with my kidneys and had to go ■th the wrongful claim or usurpation express declaration to that effect, tn cough be careful to keep the cough the amendments to our »m“'1*’' Oregon, for the County of Tills- nearly double. wbtah they are charged. I tried a aample of mooli. .. ...... ___ Foley Kidney Pilla and they did We Bed that in ordinary civil actions, which are the source from which the loose and expectoration easy by giv­ authority emanate», only those powers ing Chamberlain*a Cough Remedy « tawden rests upon the plaintiff to In the Matter of the Estate of Wil- me eo much good that I bought a tag* and prove hia title to the thing incident ami germane to the '“‘“’•‘¿P*1 aa may be required. Thia remedy liam D. Jones, deceased. bottle, and feel that they saved me government may be deemed to be dele ­ roeteoversy. In quo warranto prv- will also liquify the tough mucus N oticb » H imbhy G ivkn ,—That a big doctor’s bill.” lamir1« Drug cted or reserved. Such mumcipal ’**•«•». we find th» rok reversed, and and make it easier to expectorate the administrator of the Estate of Store. «•»*» upon the respondent to show corporations are always subject to the It has been used succeenfully in William D. Jones, deceased, hss control and regulation of the • IMrto th» office or franchise in Mrs. M. A. McLaughlin, 512 Jay many epidemics and is safe and filed in said county court hia final lawmakers of Ux state, in man- ■FK*. If he fail» to show complete sure. For sale by all dealers account of hia administration of St., lacro»», Win., writes that she ner directed bv the eonstitaUon. lodgment ia rendered againat him aaid eatate, and the county judge suffered all kinds of (mine in her Mb to ervll actions ptaintiff recovers While these public corporation» ce 4 k has ap|M>inted Tuesday the 2nd day back and hips on account of kidney ■on bto own title, in an action in the capable of adopUng and amending their When Buying. Buy Only tha Beet. “I got of July. 1012. at 10 o'clock a.m.. as trouble »nd rheumatism. IKl two »f quo warranto, the respondent charter, they a Uli continue to be. Costs no more but gives f>est rratilts. the time for the hearing of objec­ some of Foley Kidney Pills and Kt i . i IE Cl CAIAJ of the state. A general co»- «hew that be has a good title aa acancias after taking them fol a few days tions to aaid final account and for tST••left in the tagtatative^aammbly H. L Blomquist. Eadaile, Win., the government. the settlement thereof. Dated May there was a wonderful • hang» in At the tame time the peopl e reta in, aays hia wife consider« Foley’a Nv Wllion, in his work on Muntci- ■ Ufl1 my caae, for the pain entirely left Nth. IMS (tasporationa. Vol 4 (Bed ). See. under the initiative and referendum Honey and Tar Compoumi the tieet my l»a< k and hi|>a and I am thank­ Davin W. J ox as, full power over them. Therefor such cough cure on the market “She 1 : "In a proceeding by in- ful there is such a medu me aa Administrator municipal authority to act upon kwal has tried various kinds l»ut Foley a ■<*« in ths nature of a quo war- A. A Dwxasgs A J. W. Dnaran, Foley Kidney Pills." Ijimar'e should be exercised with doe given the bent renult of nil " La »*e defendant must either dis- matter» lir'ig Stere. Attorneys fur said estate. Hume Made al the Cold Slot. regard to the right o' idjointng local- mar’s Drug Mofto > ss^uatify. | dtoelaiw^tte ittaw and ta harmony with the gm-sral BOTTLE GOODS Special Prices for Family Trade. Domestic Beers. WINES. AT BILLY STEPHENS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, Cor. First and First Avenue East. 4 ! 1 HEADQUARTERS FOR § DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of J Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint. Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, Agents 1 for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County. Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook. Ask for Mokatil i I I