Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 27, 1912, Image 4

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    Tillamook Headlight, June 2T,
Get Together.
Ono of the Horrible Modes of Tartar»
In Tillamook County exist several In Shskespeare’s Tima It Used ta Ba 1 It Carries With It the Right to Ke«p
In the Middle Ages.
Pigs In fit. James’ Parish.
flourishing commercial clubs com­
Called Vailsgiving.
One of the Judicial penalties in the
Many towns In Great Britain enjoy middle ages was death by pressing.
posed of the live men of ita different
The word tip is of corupsrtlvely mod­
communities. Each club meets at ern origin, as It used to be valla, a special and peculiar privileges. When, Strictly speaking, this manner
intervale to consider and discus« shortened form of avails or profits. We some years ago. parliament deprived death waa not a penalty, but an avoid­
things that are important to the apeak now of the avails of an estate the Cinque Ports of their ancient privi­ ance of penalty. In the penal practice
leges. Brlgbtllugsea, a Cinque Port of the time it was not enough that the
health, wealth and general better­ or of a business transaction. A hun­
dred years ago they called gratuities “limb" or "appanage,” was in some person accused of crime for which
ment of the community it repre­
to servants or waiters vails. Dr. John­ way overlooked. Consequently its in­
sents Hut each clubfaacting inde­ son's dictionary, published In 175S, de- habitants are still exempt from aerv capital punishment was provided
pendently of the other, resulting in ! i tines vails as 'SBouey given to servants Ing on Juries, they cannot he taken by should be convicted by the testimony
of witnesses. His own acknowledg­
the duplication of efforts.
1 as a perquisite or present rather than the press gang, and the town can still ment of guilt was necessary. If the
It seems to the Surf if a general ! in tbe way of wages.” Dean Swift tppolnt Its own ale taster. It Is at I crime was fastened upon the accused
meeting could be arranged at mentions a person "whose revenues, Brlghtllngsea that the ceremony of ' by witnesses and he confessed then
which would be representatives besides vails, amounted to £13.” Uhake- electing the mayor takes place In the | only was a true conviction obtained.
from all the communities that have ' speare uses the word In tbe same sense belfry of the parish church.
In this case the goods of the criminal
In at least one manor, that of the
so much in common, niucli good 1 where he makes one of tbe fishermen
as well as his life were forfeit to the
would result. At such h meeting
law. The pressing, the "peine forte et
friend, 'twas we that made up this gar­ may cheerfully disregard the enact­
the county a.-id its needs an a whole
dure" of the old penal law, was de­
ment and there are certain condol- ments of the ground game act, passed
could be discussed and pluriH for ( 1 meats, certain valla.” He wanted to twenty years ago. The ancient right signed as a means of extorting a con­
fession. The sufferer of this exercise
the united sup(>ort and c onrerted Ve condoled with a tip.
of free chase and warren over freehold
action formulated.
TJe practice probably continued to land Is still In force there. Indeed it administered by the sworn tormentors
The natural wealth of Tillamook grow after Shakespeare's time, for late was actually exercised a very few was stripped and laid upon the dun­
County is beyond estimate, its re­ In the eighteenth century a philan­ years ago, and a private bill was geon floor with a Jagged stone under
him. Over him was laid a door, and
sources are unlimited. It now is thropist and reformer of tbe period brought Into parliament designed to do
upon this platform was laid a mass of
reached by one of the most scenic published u tract against Indiscrim­ away with It. The bill however failed
stones up to aud past the weight which
inate almsgiving, and denouncing the > become law.
rail routes in the golden west. Ita
The freedom of the city of London the human frame could endure. On
streams and bays and luir hors and vails practice as demoralizing both to
those who gave nnd to those who ac­ carries with It. nominally, at any rate, the first day he was fed with three
beaches, its woodlands and meadows
cepted the gratuities. This early re­ the right to keep pigs In the parish of morsels of moldy bread, on the second
and mountains are destined to former was Jonas Hanway (1712 1786).
St. James. Piccadilly. But. if any one with three sips of water and thus in
spread the fame of the Pacific North­ who. after writing a book of eastern was disposed to avail himself of this alternation so long as life remained,
west throughout the world.
trnvel. undertook to reform some of liberty land In that part of London is During all ibis suffering the torment-
How best to exploit and capitalize the soolal vices of bls day. He de­ somewhat too costly for profitable pig ors awaited his confession.
it is of record that as late as 1630 In
this untold weuhh should be the nounced vailsgiving and practiced farming.—London Family Herald.
England a Mrs. Clltheroe died silent
aim of each and every community wbnt he preached by refusing to pay
under the pressure rather than allow
working in harmony for the good of more than the stipulated price for re­
her property to be taken from her fam­
all. The growth of one- means the freshments or for any kind of service
or to give gratuities to servants who
growth of all.
received wages. But his crusade died On ths Dsad Rush Bscauss Hs Had No
In the older accounts of the Salem
Let us have a “Tillamook Spirit with him, and vails still survive under
Tims to 8pars.
witchcraft it is said that Giles Corey in
Convention” this aumnier with the odious name of tips.—Indianapolis
In Chicago there is a man whom his 1692 was pressed to death, but that
friends know as Inaburry Jones. One whole episode is Involved in obscuri­
every man in attendance who ia News.
morning about 10 o'clock a man with ties.—New York Sun.
earning an honest living and ia
southern blood In bls veins saw Jones,
adding to the well being of this
whose energy be bad often admired,
com munity.
Every individual, every commer­ The Sente of Smoll Is Very Important tearing down State street as if propel­
led by the winds of heaven. It came
cial club and every newspaper in
to Thaso Inaacts.
over the southerner to follow Jones Th« R«ptil«s May B« Tamed, but They
the county should co-operate in
In their antennae, or ¡eelers, ants
Cannot Be Trained.
Just to see where be was going and
this, the sowing and growing and have five noses, each of which has Its
One cannot train or teach snakes to
bow tremendous a matter waa depend­
sure results that are bound to come own duties to perform.
do anything whatever. Their brain
ent on bls getting there.
One nose tells the ant whether it is
from the fostering of the "Tillamook
Jones rushed Into the Palmer House, power is so limited that the marvel is
Spirit. ”
rushed up to the cigar stand, grabbed bow they have ever managed to sur­
another nose discriminates between
a cigar, yelled back, "Puteronmyac- vive in the great competition, especial­
A Little Bcoat from an Oregonian odors of ants of the same species, but count,” without stopping to sort the ly when one finds that they are still
words, and dashed out, with the south­ on the "ascending curve” of evolution.
gan serves the purpose of discerning
I went for u ride to see the ocean the Bcent laid down by the ant's own erner panting hard behind. After tear­ Most of them can be tamed to some
ing down Washington street for balf extent by constant human companion­
feet, so that It may be able to retrace
Where the mountains and the ocean the way quite easily; a fourth nose a block he dived Into the Field office ship and Judicious handling (some spe­
linger side by side,
building and Just missed being Jam­ cies very much more readily than
And I got aboard the Tillamook smells the Inrvae and pupae, and the med by the elevator doors In his de­ others). When they have learned to
termination not to lose a car.
trust, to appreciate the fact that there
Such a time I had in my life and enemy.
The southerner took the next car up is no necessity for self defense, then
If an ant 1«! deprived of a certain
I'm going again,
Campers here Bnd there and every­ nose. It will live peaceably with ene­ and entered Jones' office timidly, cer­ they may tie trusted, a principle which
tain that be was about to come upon a applies to most animals, and there the
mies, but if It retains Its fifth nose It
And I was glad the conductor had will fight the alien to the death. There conference of at least four of the most scope and possibility of their educa­
Important men In Chicago's financial tion come to an end.
accepted my lure,
Is n difference In the functions of nose
If you get to feeling funny and
world. Inside he found Jones smoking
After that the most that a skillful
want the worth ol your money,
bls cigar behind the morning paper, exhibitor can do with them is to adapt
Then climb aboard, comr hurry,
bls feet on his desk and bis swivel himself and his actions to their move­
Tills sense of smell does not come
you’ll forget all your worry,
cbalr tilted back comfortably.— New ments, which by familiarity be can
All aboard on the Tillamook train. till the anta are three days old. If,
York Post.
pretty nearly anticipate, so that these
All alniard for Tillamook, come and therefore, anta only twelve hours old
may appear purposive and Intelligent
are placed among others belonging to
take a good look,
He may affect to listen to the serpent's
The Doomed Shepherd Dog.
There’s swimming and there's fish­ different colonies, they will grow up
Tbe shepherd's dog that kills a sheep counsels, or receive Its kiss on bis lips
ing in every brook,
quite amicably and not understand
Don't you hear that brakeman shout, that they are a mixed lot, because la doomed. Tbe penalty Is death. Ste­ if Its bead Inclines In an upward direc­
For he's been there getting wise they will have grown up with Ideas of venson in one of his essays tells a story tion, or to lure It from one hand to the
and he knows what lie's about,
scent In accordance with their sur­ of how Jobti Todd, “the oldest herd on other, or to guide It to some given
Get a bustle aboard thia train,
the reutlands." once snw a dog be spot should it by chance glide hurl-
Once they've bought a round trip roundings. The sense r.f smell to them knew maneuvering toward a pool be ■oiltally or downward. Just as the
ticket then you'll go again.
bind Kirk Yet ton.
Indian snake charmer takes deceptive
grounds and to human beings.
"John lay the closer under tbe bush advantage of the natural defiant atti­
ocean reaches,
aud presently saw tbe dog come forth tude of the well nigh untamable cobra
All nlioard it pleases, eating crabs
Placid Hindu Servants.
•pon tbe margin, look all about him to ds capello,—Chambers’ Journal.
and cluma and cheeses,
Hindoo servants are the most I tn
Don't you hear that "All aboard
see If be were anywhere observed,
perturnble people In the world, You
for Tillamook.”
blunge lu aud repeatedly wash him­
Man's Evening Clothes.
may throw one downstairs or (mt
self over bead aud ears and then (but
Many severe things have been said of
E. G. liKRtiKH.
oh the back. He accepts both with ex
sow opeuly with tall in air* strike the Inartistic qualities of man's dress
actly the same expression of counts-
The average man, says l^alir'a, nance The Indian's religion la at the homeward over tbe bills." But the ta modem times, so that It comes as a
lias 'ingredient«” to inak- fat for bottom of h II bls acts, all bls feelings. dog's high Intelligence did not save pleasing surprise to bear a word spoken
He eats, sleens, move« and has his be­ him. Jobu reported bls doings, and he Ml Its defense by no less an authority
seren bars of aoap, iron for a nieili
according to religious formula, and “was bad out to a dykeside and than Antonio de la Gandara, the por­
urn sized nail, augur to fill a small
promptly shot.” He was a sheep eater; trait painter. “In the first place." he
bowl, salt to till u 'shaker, lime to hla doctrine of relncaruntlon forma bl« be bad betrayed bis trust. —Loudon says. "people dress very well In these
whitewash u chicken coop, phos
days. Thus, as regards the men, think
that you are the master now la due to Btamiard.
pliorua to make 2200 mutch tip«,
at their evening dress clothes'. Admire
the fact that you have been the servant
Bears One Crop and Dios.
magnesium for a done of iiiagnesia, in some pn vlous reincarnation. He
the sober lines, the perfect harmony!
The augo pnlui tree bears but one One dazzling point alone in the whole
sodium to neutralize a pint and a la the servant now, and the only chance
bait of water, potassium to explode for him to Is» reborn In the uinster's crop of fruit. Its load of nuts ta Its real ume. the white surface of the shirt
u toy caiiuon, sulphvr to rid a dog IMMltlon Is to learu all the lessons of first aud final effort lu the way of fruit front, and all else Is black—nothing
bearing. The uuta become ripe aud are hot black. Do you know anything
oi fleas, and albuminoids to make bls present Incarnation. He takes ev
atrewn In thousands around the tree More beautiful? Never, possibly, has
erytblug philosophically. It Is all a
a case of eggs.
until the greet stem stauds up by Itself, ■nan's dress been nobler, in a cen­
part of the day's work.
empty and oare. The branches turn tury s time it will be said. 'With what
Nature makes more than ample
brown aud drop one by one to the perfect art men of that time used to
Kept a Watch an His Men.
provision for the perpetuation of a
grouud. Inside the trunk the work of dnaaf "—New York World.
species, ami weeds are noexception
decay la gvlcg on until what at one
to the rule. At thia time of the of the great Belfast firm of shipbuild­ time waa a mass of white sago and
The Old Tableboerd.
ers Ills lynx eyed vigilance waa a pith becomes nothing but a collection
year the ground ia full of weed
fWbaps no great dlfferem-e exists
legend at the works. It was said that of rotten brown fibers. One day the
seeds of ail kinds, which need only he used tp surrey the workmen through
between any mode of the olden times
the rain and sunshine of May and a telescope from tbs wludowa of tils trade wind blows more strongly than and that of today than can be seen tn
June to start them into vigorous residence. Urmlston. All the men felt uaual, and the leaflet« column of the the manner of serving the meals of the
trunk falls with a crash, destroying In fhmily In the first place the very dln-
If the soil remains wet that bls eye was on them. A riveter
ita fall many of the young palms that tsg table of the colonists waa not like
the sprouting of these seeds is de­ who has a spite against a fellow work,
are already springing from the nuts our present ones. It was a long and
layed Early plowing aerates and er on a ship can let a riveting hammer scattered some months before.
■arrow board, sometimes but three
warms up the soil more quickly, fall, appare tly by accident, upon bb
feet wide, with no legs attached to It
victim It was gravely alleged tkhi
thua starting the seed« early, fill
«till Life.
It waa laid on supports or trestles,
ti vat ion with the harrow on un
They were looking at the canvases shaped something like a sawhorse.
a riveter In thia act and, as aeon as be
planted land is much ahea|>er than
Thus it was literally a board and waa
strived at the works, walked up tu the on exhibition in the artist's studio.
"Does this one represent a real land rolled a tableboard, and the linen cov­
with the cultivator among crops. man and sacked him.
•rape?" Inquired the portly gentleman er need at meals was not called a
If the field ia to be planted to cul
with the double chin.
ties ted crop« can be plowed three
tablecloth, but a boardcloth or board
"Tee. air." answered the artist That
or four weeks before pls at mg time
"I suppose." «aid the min In the ysi
and harrowed or dishedrmr-a a week, lew rost, trvlng to be chntnmy. *Yt rode aback tn the foreground la a
moonshiner's cabin In the mountains."
thousands of weerle (net started will doran t hart your glass eye W
"Oh. yas. Thia must bo the painting
be Milled
A cultivetkm 1»
called •Still IJf»' ta the catalogue“—
"linee It loak as If It wvnM
eaves many Boeings.
Chicago Tribune
likely to hav-> a pans Is It?" rs
thia, It improves tire phyewel
the other frigidly
And bo
dition of the soil be Retag • nd gis«ey etaro
aerating it, and does mwrh •ft
serve the errtl moistnre G -r ” •
drouth which la almrret •wrt In
come later
Títere Is no real need of anyone
living troubled with conetIpalimi
kjbsmbeilain s Tableta wtll cause
ad agroesble movement of the tow-
Without any nnplewaanl effect. Glee
W<u s trial. For sale by «|| dealers
ft is now well known that not
usuro than one < aae of rheumatism
in ten requires any internal treat­
ment whatever.
All Hint ia nemied
ia a free aplication of Chsmlterlsin's
Liniment and maaaeging the porta
at each application
Try it and see
how quickly it will relieve the vain
and soreness
Bold by all dealt I
Used ta Oiuitss
"DM year «seta nd ever try Ma band
Are you on the market fora
Good Investment?
T illamook , O re ., J une 24,1912.
D ear R eader :—
I would like to interest you in the Drew Addition, and
would be pleased to have you make an appointment, and it
would give me pleasure to show you the unsold lots in the
tract, and I believe if ycu look into this matter rightly, that
vou will not hesitate in making an investment in this
This property appeals to me as being one of the best, if
not the best, real estate investments in Tillamook City at the
present time. . The reasons from which I draw this conclusion
are that the property is located several blocks nearer to the
business center than any other property in Tillamook that sells
at a higher price.
The Drew Addition lots can now lie bought for >400 a lot,
irrespective of location or individual merit of the lot, and the
terms are such that it would be very easy to make the pay­
ments at the purchase price of $400: the terms are >40 down
and >10 per month, thus giving the purchaser 37 months in
which to pay for his lot. I candidly believe that this property
will advance fully 50 per cent in value to the purchaser by the
time the final payments are completed. The value of this prop­
erty, as it appears to me, is caused by several factors that cre­
ate value. First, the main 10-inch pipe line, carrying the water
supply of Tillamook City, >s within one block of any lot in the
tract. This in itself is worth a great deal from several points;
first, it insures the property fire protection, and the full pres­
sure of the wacer system is carried on this main pipe. The
large number of consumers drawing water from the mains of
Tillamook insures a fresh, cool supply at all times, while if you
were on a small lateral, as in some of the other districts of the
citv that sell at a higher price, the water remaining in the pipe
any great length of time loses its freshness.
Another factor is that the property owners on Stillwell Av­
enue, which borders the western side of this tract, and the
property owners on Second Avenue East, which borders the
eastern side of the tract, have petitioned the City Council to
carry the street pavement from 9th Street to the city limits,
thus insuring street pavements between the east and west bor­
ders of this addition. This will advance the value of every lot
in the Drew Addition. If you are opposed to the street pav­
ing plan, or believe that you are not in a position to make the
payments on the street pavement, you have yet the opportuni­
ty to buy a lot in the Drew Addition where the paving ex­
penses will not fall on your property for some time, as the lots
in the center of the tract on First Avenue East will be only one
block from the pavement.
Another factor in the value of this property is that the
travel into Tillamook from the south end of the county, which
carries the Willamette Valley travel, passes within one block
of any lot in the tract.
Another factor is the fact that the permanent improve­
ments of the city, such as the new >30,000 high school building
and the present high school building, are only 5 blocks from
the tract and 6 blocks from the very center of it. The Tilla­
mook Building, where the Postoffice and King & Smith’s and
Haltom's stores are established, is only 8 blocks from the cen­
ter of this tract. Jones & Knudson Furniture Co.’s building
and the new hotel and such other improvements that are being
made on Third Street and Second Avenue East are only 8
blocks from the center of this tract.
I don't believe that you can make any mistake in making
an investment in the Drew Addition. I consider that the lots
are at least worth the money, as they are >100 a lot under the
market price of any lot that can lie Bought, which lots are lo­
cated farther from the business section than any lot in the
Drew Addition. There are several other factors in connection
with this property that appeal to me, and I would like to
have a personal interview with you and show you the proper­
ty on the ground. A much different idea is gained through a
personal inspection. It you will call me up by phone and make
an appointment, I will be pleased to show you the unsold lots
that remain in Drew Addition. I have several choice corner
lots left yet, which will not last very long. I will again add
that you can make no mistake by purchasing in this Addition,
as time is essential in this matter.
I would like to have you let me know at once as to wheth­
er or not I could consider you as an investor in this Addition.
With kind regards I beg to remain,
Yours very truly,
To the Ladies9 of Tillamook.
Commencing Wednesday, June 26th, we
wi// run our plant every Wednesday after-
noon, starting at 1 p,m. to enable you to do
your ironing with electric' Irons. Telephone
your iron order now, as the first shipment
is nearly all spoken for.
“DM be? Pee at lewet ten yearn be'a
bora trying ta make aw better« he
like» my cat lag "«-CMrogv Tribune.
WKil Ns Wsnt Tstl.
"Does rw tiustand tell von every
thing T*
“Yea, everything except how much
iwket mone* he spend.« himself every
*«Sta~—UsSrsM Ers» i'raaw