Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 27, 1912, Image 3

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    Tillamook Headlight, Jane 27, 1912
1“BWS in cultivation Free city water. #14 miles S.E -$4.500.
2. —16 acres in cultivation. Spring water. Oretown.—$2,250.
3. -66 acres at Beaver. Dairy ranch and stock. -$10,000.
4. —160 acres, Castle Rock ranch. 3«, miles S.E. of Hebo.-$7000’
5 —House and Lot in town.-$525.00.
6 —Fine Residence, central Tillamook City.— $2,100.
7. —House and Two Lots Miller’ e addition, Tillamook City.—$1 500.
8. —160 acres. Dairy Ranch. Pleasant Valleys—$7,500.
9. —40 acres on Tillamook River. Unimproved. All bottom.-$1 700
10. —160 acres, Timber Claim on Miami river.—$4,500.
IL—$0 acres fine
1,580. M, feet
feet. — $1,500.
— timber.
---------- 1.58U
4Ù miles S.—$8,000.
12. —40 acres. Well improved. New building. 4U
$8 000.
13. —80 acres, near Cloverdale. Timber.--$3.000.
14. —30 acres. Four
”-------- miles
*•- south.
- •• improved.
— $6,509.
15. —30 acres. 3>a miles
south. ____
Half ....
improved. $3.500
16. —150 Lots aud Hotel site, Long Beach add. to Bayocean.$15.000.
17. —80 acres 4ti miles S.E. Tillamook.—$1,800.
18. —200 acre ranch. 70 acres bottom. All stocked. —$22,500.
19. —The finest residence in Tillamook —*4,700
20. —240 acres 5S miles S.E. Dairy Ranch.—$43,200.
21. —60 acres. Nestucca bottom. Dairy Ranch —$11,000.
L—1000 acres. Orchard Land.
tracts to suit.
Mostly raw.
For sale only in
L—Two Lots. Portland Heights.—$12 000.
2-—Three Lots. Peninsular, near Swift’s Packing Plant.— $1 50ft
3. - Fine Residence. Mt Tabor. Furnished.—$3,600
4. —Equity in 2 lots. Capital Hill add.— $400.
5. -6 Lots. Parrell’s add. to Woodlawn, Portland.—$4,300.
acres in town. Five acres in cultivation. Fine creek.—$2,400.
1. —160 acres. All good fruit lands. 4acres orchard. Buildings.—
2. -378 acres Ranch 70 acres, 1 year old apples, 150 acres cleared.
$75 per acre.
34 acre Truck Farm at Ethridge. Will trade.—$5000.
John Leland Henderson & Son,
Let Kids Ask Questions.
It Was Not tho Minister’s Fault That
His Shafts Wont Astray.
Mr. McDougall was a Scotsman, and
of him a good story Is told. He was a
large, pompous man. Intolerably self
conceited and arrogant—In fact, bls
I conduct toward his neighbors was so
offensive that the good people success­
fully requested their minister to preach
a sermon directed st tbelr vain neigh-
The day came, The little kirk was
packed, though a few tender hearted
ones stayed at home, not wishing to
witness their neighbor’s humiliation.
The sermon began, and Mr. McDou­
gall disposed himself to listen. Tbe
man’s infirmity was sketched with
bold, severe strokes. He smiled with
lofty superiority. As tbe denunciation
grew more scathing his smile deepened
with a touch of complacent pity. At
the conclusion of the service he swag­
gered down tbe aisle. One of tbe eld­
ers joined him.
“Weel. wbat did ye think of the ser­
mon F’ the latter ventured to ask.
“A great effort, sir,” was the answer,
“but personal. Tbe meenlster aimed
his shots too directly. Poor MacTav-
Ish! I felt sorry for him. but the mau’a
conceit la enormous, sir!”
There is a great deal of truth in
the old quotation. ‘‘Let me train a
Bitulithic is Giving Great child till he is eight years old, and
Satisfaction to the People I care not who hda its training
afterward,” most of the habits that
are to rule its life being formed by
G. D. Christie and W. E Brass, that.
A Sheer Waste of Money.
prominent real estate men of Cal­
‘When I played politics and little
Children showing a particular
gary, Alta., have been inf thia City
Indian Jim
Jim ” Unlay.
bent in any direction should be en­ else," observed “
for the past week, says the Great
couraged, whether it be skating, "I was delegated to raise a subscrip­
Falls, Mont., Leader.
tion to buy a solid brass chandelier
reading, drawing or something
“Galgary probably has more pav­
for a well konwn politician who first
else. If the child has a propensity saw tbe light of day In the Emerald
ed streets than any other city in
for asking questions, it should also Isle. It was to be a present to him to
the Canadian Northwest,’* they say
be encouraged by answering its be Installed In tbe parlor of a new
today. Its miles of Bitulithic streets
questions as well as circumstances bouse be was about to move Into
have been quite a boost for the
will allow. It is a faculty deaden­ Among those 1 tackled for a contri
Large contracts for this
ing method to tell a child that it butlon was an Irishman wbo bad l>een
type of paving have been let this
born In tbe same town and came
asks too many questions.
year, showing the satisfaction given
across tbe pood about tbe same time
Grown-ups, instead of trying tn
by thia type of paving. All our
as tbe politician I told blm wbat was
keep children quiet, should learn
to be bought with tbe mouey, aud as
heavy traffic streets are now being
to sleep bv the aid of the noise and be put bls name down for a Over, be
paved with bitulithic, after trying
not in spite of it, and they should blurted out:
various other kinds.
always vote for school committee
"I was born and brought up with
members who advocate the small­ Blank, and It Is like throwing money
Administrator's Notice to Creditors. est possible classes in school.
In tbe river buying the likes of him f
Children should never be fright- chandelier, as tbe dlvll of a note can
N oticb is H brehy G iven ,—T o
all whom it may concern, that the into being good by telling them be play on It.”—Kansas City Journal.
County Court of the State of Oregon, they will be turned over to the mer­
Boston’s Spinning School.
tor the County of Tillamook, has cies of a bear, a bogy man or the
appointed the undersigned admin­ doctor. The practice sometimes
Comparatively few people know that
istrator of the Estate of N. M. F.
there was once s "spinning school’’ on
Dawson, deceased ; and all persons destroys a child’s belief in or res­ Boston common. Wlnsor’s "Memorial
having CLAIMS against said es­ pect for parent or guardian.
History of Boston" records that upon
tate are hereby required to present
Children’s lies should not be re­
the same, properly verified, to said garded too seriously, as they often tbe arrival In Boston of some Irish
spinners and weavers a spinning craze
administrator at his residence in
Tillamook City, Oregon, within six result merely from a vivid imagi­ took possession of tbe town, "and tbe
months from the date of this notice. nation. Severe punishment should women, young and old. high and low.
Dated June 20th, 1012.
seldom be given for fibs, but rather rich and poor, flocked into tbe spinning
J. A. D awson ,
gentle admonition, otherwise the school, which for want of better quar­
Administrator of the Estate of
child will aim not to get found out ters was set up In tbe common, in tbe
N. M. F. Dawson, deceased.
open air.
Here the whir of their
in its lying rather than to avoid
a beets was beard from morning to
Notice to Creditors.
lying itself. Above all, to make Bight” Thlrty-flve years later tbe So
truthful children parents should set defy For Encouraging industry and
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That a good example themselves.
Employing tbe Poor again used the
the undersigned has been by the
Even the stealing of money is common as a spinning school. about
County Court of Tillamook County, not a heinous offense, and can 800 young women appearing there,
Or^fon duly appointed as admin­
seated at tbelr wheels, as a sort of ex-
istrator of the estate of JOHN C be cured by gentle remonstrance
MANGAN, deceased, and that he and argument. Formulas for po­ ample and advertisement
has qualified as such administrator. liteness should be avoided. Polite­
A Curious Will.
All persons having claims against ness should be based on good-will
said estate are hereby required to
By tbe terms of tbe will of one Dr.
present the same to said adminis­ If it is based on insincerity it is of i Wilde of St Ives partab. Huntingdon
trator at his office in Tillamook no value.
shire. England. bls trustees were dl
City. Tillamook County, Oregon,
As to children being “seen and ‘ retted to spend £50 In tbe purchase of
within six months from the Jate not hearp,” they should be heard I a piece of hod In St Ires, tbe annual
hereof, together with proper verifi­
cations thereof as required by law. as much as possible, save on rare | rent of which was to be set aside for
occaaaions of great seriousness, the purchase of six Bibles at a cost of
Dated this May 23rd, 1912.
H. T. B otts ,
and the general conversation when 7 shillings each To decide wbo shall
Administrator of the Estate of children are present should be on have them be requested bls trustees to
John C. Mangan, deceased.
"prepare a saucer with three dtae upon
subjects interesting to children.— I
tbe altar table of tbe partab church and
Dr. C. P. Putnam, in the Journal of 1 lot tbe Bible- be raffled for.**
A Card
Thia ie to certify that Foley’s Education.
Honey and Tar Compound does
not contain any opiates, anv habit
Mra. I-ena Love, wife of Wiley
forming drugs, or any ingredients l_ove, a farmer living near Cpvena,
that could possibly harm its users. Ga., says: “I have taken Foley Kid­
On the contrary, its great healing ney Pills and find them to be all
aud soothing qualities make it a you claim for them. They gave
real remedy for coughs, colds and me almost inatant relief when my
irritations of the throat, cheat and kidneys were sluggish and inactive. Se f
The genuine is in s yellow I can cheerfully recommend tbet
package. Ask for Foley's Honev to al' sufferers from kidney trouble. ;
and Tar Compound and accept no Lamar’s Drug Store. f
buBbtitute. I.timer's Drug Store.
, Cur. 2nd Street and 2nd Ave. £.
Strenuous Career of William Walkor,
ths Notsd Filibuster.
William Walker, the noted fillbitater
and soldier of fortune, wus born In
Nashville. Tenn., on May 8. 1824. For
a time he wus an editor in New Or
leans and In 1850 went to California.
In the summer of 1853 he organized
an expedition for tbe conquest of the
Mlxlcan state of 8onora. He captured
several small towns; but. bls provisions
and ammunition running short, he
crossed the border into ,the Cnlted
States and surrendered to the govern­
ment officials. He was tried at _8an
Francisco for violating tbe neutrality
Inws. but wt.s acquitted.
Wnlker’s next venture was an Inva­
sion of Nicaragua, where he was for a
time successful and bad himself pro­
claimed president, letter lie wns driven
from the country. Late In 1858 he
started with a force of adventurers for
Honduras, but a shipwreck caused a
susfieuslon of the expedition.
In June. 18(10. he made a second at­
tempt and captured the town of Trux­
illo. but was «impelled to tlee and sub­
sequently surrendered to tbe captain
of the Britls i sloop of war Iseartm. by
whom he wns handed over to the Hon
durau government He wus condemned
by court martial and on Ne|>t. 12. 1800.
wus shot to death at Truxillo.
First Recorded Yacht Raes.
A race aiw» tbe Atlnutlc ocean
would buve «eemed n wild romance to
King Charlea II. when be took a lend­
ing part lu the first recorded yacht
race. "I sailed this morning.” says
Evelyn on (k t. 1. KWI1. "with bls maj­
esty In one of Ilin yachts, or pleasure
boats. vessels not known among as till
the Dutch East India company pre­
sented that curious piece to the king,
being very excellent sailing vessels It
was on s wager between bln other new
pleasure boa.. built frlgate-llke. and
one of tbe Duke of York’s: tbe wager,
£100: tbe race front Greenwich to
Gravesend and back Tbe king lost It
going, the wind being contrary, but
saved stakes In returning There were
divers noble persons and loros on
board, bls majesty sometimes steering
Via the
To the Eut
To the
Round Trip tickets to the principal cities of th East, going or re­
Going limit 15 days, 'final
turning through California, or via Portland.
return limit October 31, on sale as follows :
Aug. 1-2-3^-7-12-15-16-22-23-29-30-31
Sept. 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-30.
July 2-3-6-7-11-12-15-16-20-22-23-26- Stop_ove„
the limit.
June 19-20-21-24 25-27-28-29.
Pacific Railway & Navigation Beachea
Are now within easy reach by the P. R. 4 N. and a new field for a
pleasant vacation open.
Round Trip week end and season tickets from
al) S. P. points now on sale.
Round Trip Fares from the principal
P. R. tk N. station* are as follows:
Bay City.................. $4.00 $3.70 $4.00 $3.10
$0.30 $0 35 <0.90
Brighton Beach.... 3.30 2.95 3.80 2.30 $0.75
.50 1.10
Fishers ................... 3 20 2.90 3.75 2.30
.55 1.15
Garibaldi................ 3.75 3.40 4.00 2.80
Hobaonville............ 3.85 3.60 4.00 2.95
Idaville................... 4.00 3.80 4.00 3.15
Lake Lytle............ 3.50 8.15 4.00 2.55
Life Saving Station 3.70 8.35 4.00 2.75
Manhattan Beach.
3.40 3.10 3.95 2.50
Mohler.................... 3.00 2.70 3.55 2.00 1.00
.75 1.35
Ocean Lake Park.
3.60 3.30 4.00 2.60
Rockaway Beach.
3.55 3.20 4.00 2.55
Tillamook................ 4.00 4 00 4.00 3.35
1 20
Tillamook Beach. . 3.55 3.20 4.00 2.55
Twin Rocks
3.60 3.30 4.00 2.60
Wheeler................... 3.15 2.80 3.70 2.20
.60 1.20 r......
From Portland, Hillsboro and Banks to all stitions named above, $3.00
Low Fares to Meeting of Women's Clubs San Francisco, June 24 to July fl
For beautifully illustrated booklet “Vacation Days in Oregon" or
booklets* describing Bayocean and other points, as well as information
about Eastern Fares, routes, ^op-uvers, etc., call on nearest Agent or
write to
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
B. P. O. E. (Elks) Convention, July • to 13, 1912
about ourlumlter in not our
policy. Those who know
our lumber don’t have to lie
told how sound, straight
grained and thoroughly
seasoned it is. Those who
don’t know our lumber
get acquainted,
They, like the others, will
Purely find the acquaint­
ance an advantage in more
ways than one
Old Parr’s Possible Age.
One of Hie last services Deau Stanley
did for Westminster abbey w*a to
cause the almost effaced Inscription
over tbe celebrated old I’nrrj» grave to
be'recut. It Is as follows: “Tho: I’arr
of ye Couuty of Salop. , Borne In AD
1483 He lived lu ye reigns of Ten
Princes viz.. K Edw 4. K Edw b. K.
Rich 3. K Hen 7. K. Heu. 8. K Edw
0. Q Ma.. Q Ella. Ka. Ja. A K.
Charles Aged 152 yearea. and was
Burled Here Novemh. 15. HB5 ”
The "old Countess of Desmond." wbo
la said to have died at tbe age of 140.
Is mentioned by I »rd Baron. Archbish­
op Vatter and Kir William Temple Tbe
first assures us tbat "she did deutlge
(renew her teeth) twice or tbrl<-e. cast-
teg her old teeth, and others coming lu
tbelr place ’’— Loudon Graphic.
A. G. Beals Lumber Company
On ths dates given below, round trip tickets will be
sold to the points in the East shown below, and many
others, al greatly reduced fares quoted:
The Way Spaniards Smoke.
The Spaniards are tbe moat expert
smoker* In tbe world. A native takes
a bevvy pull at bls cigarette, tnbaies
tbe smoke, takes up a wins skin *>r bot­
tle. pours half a (Hnl down bl« throat,
bolding tbe veaael a foot front bln
ntouih. without spilling a drop, and
then, with a sigh of satisfaction, closes
his ryes and eihaies tbe smoke from
tale boss sod tuoutli In cloud« He will
also lobale tbe einoke. coo reran for a
few minutes In a natural manner and
then blow out tbe smoke
In Connection With
Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railways
»11IX® Dttr. It .... $5240 Omaha
Duluth ....
WM Philadelphia . .
II0J0 Kenias CBy . .
60J® Pittaburg . . .
7240 St. Loua ...
9140 Milwaukee . .
7240 MinneapoUe . .
60 00 St. Paul ...
55 90 Montreal . . .
106.00 Toronto ...
10640 Vaablngton . .
55JK New York . .
May a,a, s t.io. ii.iy.ia, m , as, tata.
lu. i. a, r. a. ta. »♦, ta, it . ta, ta. 30.
at. as. as. ar. as a», tata.
Charles Sable. 3U Cook St.. Ro
cheater, N. Y., eave be recommends
Foley Kidney Pills st every oppor­
tunity bees use they gave him
Mrs. Potter A Son, Prop«.
coming from Mr. Sable, is direct
Rarmie 80c. and up; $7 00 a month and convincing evidence of the
great curative qualities of Foley.
and'up. Beths. Hot aad told Water. Kidney Pills. Lamar's Drug Store
Vacation Suggestions
Elk’» Convention
They Put an Kn4 to It.
Cyras Noble is pure, old and palatable—
Bottled at drinking strength.
Sold all over the world.
The stronger and rougher
whiskey tastes—the more
harm it will do.
Why take chancès with your
nerves, your stopiach, your
general health
Washington County, Or., Lands.
216 Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or.
Window Panos Upon Which Henry of
Navarre Had Not Written.
Mrs. Andrew Laug. writing in Black­
wood's. tells of a Freis-bmau in whose
chateau was a window on which Henry
IV. bad once scratched the Inscription:
“Dleu garde de mal ma uiie: Ce 22 de
Septembre. 1589.— lleury.” Tbe Inset p-
tlou when M Eudel first saw It was lu
two lines of big. clumsy letters. Two
years later, being again In the neb It-
Itorbood. be revisited tbe chatei u.
when he was astonished to find that
tbe Inscription was now In three lines,
with the letters much more uearly u it
form After some effort be got bold of
the secret, ¡'or forty years the Inacrip.
tion ou tbe wludow bad been t he
guide's pride and pleasure till. In one
fatal moment of Inattention on tla
imrt. an Englishman bad cut tbe pane
of glass out of Its setting and walked
away with It in bis pocket.
Tbe poor guide hurried to tell his
master wbat bad befallen blm. The
owner of the chateau assured him that
the Occident was of no consequence
nnd could soon be put right. And so It
was! A piece of glass of tbe same tone
as the, other (tanes was procured and
fastened lightly in its place. Tbe guide
received orders to turn his back so as
to allow visitors to read tbe inscrip­
tion—or, if they wished, to steal it.
But It was necessary for tbe man to
perceive tn tbe nick of time what wns
goiug on and only consent to abut his
eyes on tbe receipt of n handsome tip
(the amount fixed beforehand!, two-
tblrds of which was to go to bls mas­
Bay City.
1. -17 Acres. Orchard. Well improved.
Will trade for bottom
land only.—$15,000.
2. —TO acres. Orchard. Buildings cost $5,000.—$18 000.
3. -24 acres. Orchard. Fine
r__________ —$36,000. .
4. —42S acres. Part Orchard. Balance raw.— $25,000.
5 —15 acres. All fruit. Gdod improvements.—$20,000.
ft— f> acres. All in fruit. Good improvements.—$1(10001
7.—Business Lot, Hood River.—$10,000.
11. —160 acres. Six acres cleared. Fine apple land.—$8,000.
General Scwt’a Retort to His Whist
Partner a Apology.
After bls retirement General Scott
passed tbe summer of 18112 at Cozzeu’s
hotel. West Point, where every even­
ing a party of gentlemen adjourned to
tbe general’s sitting room for tbelr
game. Being a good player, tbe host
was usually victorious, but If he and
bls partner were ever lieateo Scott’s
ire was made manifest
One night it happened that the usual
party was missing. Wbat was to be
done? Tbe general must buve bls
wblst. There happened to be staying
at tbe hotel a Judge, wbo was asked to
do the favor of taking the fourth band.
With some protest on bls part be
agreed to do It By cutting for part-
ners tbe general aud tbe Judge played
together and were beaten—horribly
Knowing bow it Irritated the gen­
eral to lose tbe game, tbe Judge as he
rose from the table said in his most
dignified and courtly way: “I formerly
played a fairly good game of wblst.
but have been out of practice so long
that 1 am somewhat rusty. I hope
that fact may be taken as an excuse
for my mistakes.”
Whereupon the general arose with
equal dignity and retorted. “I am glad
to learn that 1 have been playing with
latent talent and not with a natural
born fool!”
For Sale ©r Exchange at
First Class Job Printing at
the Headlight Office.