Tillamook Headlight, June 27, 1912 r L. HENDERSON ATTORNEY & COUN8EL- JOHN gates were soon at loggerhead* 'accusing one another of trea- LZOAI. ADVKKTISKMXNTS: 0'chery, falsehood, etc. This is First Insertion, per line .... $ 5 certainly a disgraceful state of Each subsequent insertion, line '' affair*, but blame it on the *ys- Business and professional csrds. 1 CO tem which deprived the people 1 month............................. 5 00 of their right to vote for ten Homestead Notices................... Timber Claims ................. 1 10 00 delegatee. LOR-AT-LAW. Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or. Room No. a6i. 5 Locals per line each insertion Display advertisement, an inch. 30 1 month ........ Ail Resolutions cf Condolence an lodge Notices, 5c. per tine. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices, lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc. miniiimn rate, 23c. not exceed­ ing five lines. Why so much whooping and yelling and giving orders by those who do not belong to the Hose Company when a fire oc­ curs ? That is not the way to cope with a fire successfully. The Hose Company is organiz­ ed with a fire chief and captains RATES OF SUBSCRI^ION. of hose carts, and if those who /STRICTLY IX ADVANCE.) rush to fires would hold their One year...... -.................. ............... 1.5o 75 whist and stand back, the fire Six**on*hs..................... 50 fighters would do lietter work. Three month»....»......... ................. T. BOTTS, • ttornky - at -L aw . Complete set of Abstract Book n office. Taxes paid for non* H A Residents. Tillamook Block. f-le (J'illatnook ^rabligbt, Editorial Snap Shots Is President McKinley’s pre­ diction going to prove true ? He prophesied that Roosevelt would wreck the Republican party. On account of the split in the Republican party. Democrats Senator La Follette has made believe they have the Republi­ political capital by deciding to can* beaten to a frazzle already. Perhaps so, but they had not support President Taft. That will make him a strong candi­ better crow too soou. date for the presidency four years hence. He had the cool From present indications the judgment and sober thought prospects are bright for a bum­ not to bolt or join forces with per crop thia year in the North-1 Theodnro Roosevelt, for it ________ .• west. We hope that the politi­ was Roosevelt’s friends who cal ruction will not knock the induced him to run for the pur­ bottom out of prices, which it pose of making a three-cornered i* liable to do at any time. fight to kill off both La Follette and Taft. There are some smart Tillamook strawberries are moves made in National poli- selling at 10c. a box. We saw tics, but this move to kill two strawberries selling for 25c. for birds with one stone did not six boxes in the Willamette work. Had not Roosevelt but- valley last week. It must belted in as he did we believe it that Tillamook strawberries, would have been a close race like Tillamook cheese, are at a I between La Follette and Taft, premium on the market._____________-- : 9 I « « i i : 4 Both phones. The valued family ctpes tor cough aud cold cure, liniments, tonic, and other remedies have careful attention here * the most intricate preserie tions. . Our grad, arugs will help to makt these remedies more tive than ever. Right prices are also assured. , CARL HABERLACH, Entered an second clan* mail mat­ The case having been decided ter July, 18*8, at the post office at Tillamook, Ore., under the act of by the Supreme Court against March 3, 187». the Port of Tillamook, why not all interests get together with the object of forming one Port for the entire water shed of Tillamook buy? If this can be brought about in a satisfactory manner to all interests it would tie the best thing that could happen to the center of the county, for it is absured to have three Ports, one pulling against the other and levying exorbi­ tant taxes. This is a good time to get together with the object of creating one Port. family RECIPES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, i Tillamook Block. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. Q^EORGE WILLETT, A ttornky - at -L aw , t N Tillamook Commercial Building. T illamook PRESIDENT TAFT shot man motored over 300 miles of roads in the Willamette val­ ley last week, and came across some pieces of road which were good, but for the most part they were rough and in some places very bad and hard to travel over in a machine. The good roads movement is doing much to im­ prove the roads, but there is a tendency not to keep the roads up after they have been gravel­ ed, allowing chuck holes to become deeper every time they are traveled over. That class of road is conspicuous in the Willamette valley. Tillamook county has set the pace in good roads, and in making a com parison, we could not help feel­ ing proud that this county has some of the best roads and is one of the most progressive in the good roads movement in the state. O kkgon H. GOYNE, Mr. Bryan’s Reconciling, A ttorney -A t -L aw . Office : Opposite Court House. HARNESS Mr. Bryan has had eome experi­ with the’problem of buying Hanes ence as a newspaper worker, but he T illamook . O regon . you will find it distinctly advanti ia not yet a graduate of that college geous to come and do your select of journalism which confers the ing here. You will get the beat thirty-third degree ; the B. A. may qualities, the most thorough ini be his. but the M. A. lies still be­ T. BOALS, M.D, conscientious workmanship, andbt yond. In his first report of Chicago charged the most reasonable prica. convention work he sets himself We can supply single or double the impossible task of “reconcil­ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Sets or any single article that r* ing” the conflicting statements of may be in need of. candidates and’their managers. He TILLAMOOK. makes a bad job of it, of course. Tillamook Block. No man could do better, but a more seasoned veteran would not have Next Door to Tillamook Cotintv Bant attempted the task of squaring a circle. The candidates and their g M. KER RON, managers always talk in a circle. Their route is laid out for them. They follow it. And it always ends PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ------------------------ I “Get Together” is a good wher<- it begins, the circle com­ Strange thing* do happen in I slogan for all parts of the conn- Tillamook Block, pleted, without an inch of deviation poiitic*. Roosevelt's steam I ty to preach and pructice. Get from its prescribed circumference. Tillamcok, roller which gave Taft the nom- togetheron road improvements, Oregon. If squaring the circle is hopeless * ¡nation four years ago was used harbor improvements, etc., and “reconciling” the widely varian to crush him last week, but it I it wouldn’t be a bad idea for President Taft was re-nomi­ claims of candidates and their did not work successfully, and the churches to get together, nated on Saturday after a most managers is not less so. The in'er- C. HAWK, now it is proposed to construct for one well filled church in the bitter, personal fight started by viewer who could reconcile such another steam-roller for the pur-1 city would have more influence ex-President Roosevelt, the claims on the eve of a national con pose of smashing the Republi-1 than half a dozen churches man who was instrumental in vention, or of an election might can party.------------------------------------- I with sparsely filled pews, to obtaining the nomination for hope to reconcile the clashing PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ------- ----------------- J M11y nothing of the expense and tile president four years ago. opinions of the principals and man­ The shap shot man had an wasted energy in maintaining The personal fight was started gers of opposing camps on the eve BAY CITY, OREGON. opportunity of seeing the differ­ them. Ou account of so much when the President had the of a great prize fight. There ia but ent kind* of (lavement* used in. religious prejudice, we realize backbone to remove Pinchot one thing to expect ; a supreme other town*, from an impartial It *'«■• >• re touching upon a and Garfield from office, and confidence. Those who expect this R. BEALS, point of view, nnd without bar-1 ver-v “‘■‘*H’ate subject, but we since then the President and are never disappointed. Those who ing someone along proclnitning|t’!’,l,c, that there are too many his official family have been expect anything else, always are the merit* of one kind of pnve-|c”urc ,8 *n cities and subject to all kinds of dirty poli­ disappointed. While those who REAL ESTATE, ment and the demerit* of otherlTBP”* “hould be devised to tics and vile abuse by those who hope to reconcile two supreme con­ F inancial A gknt kind*. We will have something I <,et I “Kether in the spirit of want to rule or ruin the Re­ fidences, emanating front two dia­ to say about street pavements I c*>«rity. __________ publican party. So bitter was metrically opposite points of view, Tillamook, Oregon. the fight, and with no respect are something worse than disap­ and its coat* in the near , , future. I “ 18 «omewhat of a surprise whatever for the President of pointed—or their readers will be. —------------ —------ Ito us why so many persons, the United States, it began to Mr. Bryan practically admits his Failing to obtain the nomina-1 c*P*‘c*|tlly amongst dairymen look as if the republican form failure as a reconciler of irreconcila­ P. J. SHARP tion, ex President Roosevelt’s I c,’unty. should want a of government was in jeopardy. ble things. After setting out a friend* “bolted,” but a large I1**• administration when Whether the convention acted composite prospectus showing the RESIDENT DENTIST A Delightful Beverage, number of prominent leaders of I have prospered so well wisely in re-nominating Taft certainty that Taft, Roosevelt, La the Republican party declined I“ur’,,K the past four years. It is a question of doubt to many, Follette^andCummins were all going Office across the street from th« A Safe Stimulant, to joiu the “bolter*,” preferiugI8*®tn* UB that they should be who thought Hughes was the to be nominated, and suggesting A Good Medicine. Court House. to remain with the G.O.P. fO|ni«tuu* to han« 00 to “ good proper man from a party point his own doubt of the possibility of Sold by jumping the fence. They claim I *heu they have it. Most of view, and we think, too, that such a result, he drops reconcilia­ Dr. Wise’s office. that whatever ia wrong with I d°- perhaps they tins would have been the pro­ tion with the sage remark : “ The ED. MCLAUGHLIN our political system can be|C?M * another four years per thing to have done. What predictions that are being made remedied by the Republican I“* pro*(>crity and want another Taft will now have to rely on, by interested parties illustrate the j 'Ts SARCHET, party aud they wisely decided I 8,eRe °f hard times. We are should Roosevelt become a old truth that man’s opinion of, . Th« Fashionable Tailor. to atav with the old ship. I not a pessimist, but those who candidate, is the four years of what is to be is half wish and half i are closely connected with the unprecedented prosperity he environment.” Mr. Bryan gets on | industrial life of the country has given the country. C.eauing, Pressing and Repair* more solid ground in expressing We want to impress this up­ •ay that the political fight made ing • Specialty. his own opinion that the Roosevelt on the minds of our readers *o on President Taft is felt and John D. Rockfeller has yet to delegates very tremendously un­ Bmt they may calmly consider I gradual tigMe“ng J up has make $1UO,IDU,OOU before lie cun be a derestimating what would be the it to their quiet moments. 1 he already begun No one —— No one should whole country having enjoyed1 be surprised when it is felt billionaire. With that gentleman's force of the antitliird-term senti­ economical habits, old as he is, we ment in the country against their fmtr years of unprectnJented mon* generally than it is today believe he can do it yet. candidates, if he could be nomi- prosperity under Taft's admin nated. He shows evidences o.' the istration, why jump out of the J. CLAUSSEN President Taft is a much There is just one reason why Cuba friendly feeling always exiating pan into the fire and help bring LAWYER, abused man bv the crafty poli- at thia time ia not tn the throea of between him and Roosevelt, and on a i>anic and industrial hard times? That is what must be ticians, fur they expected tokill general revolution, and that is the •ays that many of the Rooee- gkutacher Jlboohat. looked for if those who bolted him off by those method*, but neurnesa of the warships and ma­ veltistaa. while recognizing that the rines of the United States. third-term tradition would be a the Republican convention sue to their great surprise they did 3IJ Tillamook Block, not succeed, for Taft came out tred. handicap, feel that, the risk is not on top. Nor do we expect to Congress has decided that a long so great that they cannot take it the time T illamook - O regon . The Republican* of Oregon I *** tlis* campaign of abuse and session is inevitable Will it be “lean not agree with them ia instructevl the State delegates “hinder to cease wheu po|iti- useful as well as lengthy ? Unless putting this objection aside so to have to vote for Roosevelt in |c’Hn* fhke the position with n there is to be s«nsible legislation lightly,” he continues. “It has not E. REEDY, D.V.M., group picture made. National convention. Delegate* *° rule or ruin the calendar details are of little in yet been considered by the public.” 1 Hit aud the Republican party. terest. ______ Coe and Ackerson, both Roose- In that Oue statement Mr. Bryan VETERINARY relt tueu, failed to do so, but We had that kind of tactic* in Let us'show you our He not in haste to denounce na­ turns on more illumination of the the other eight delegates voted Oregon some year* ago when tional party conventions as wholly situation than efforts at reconciling (Both Phones). special display of attrac­ for Rooarvelt and carried out the Mitchell republican* bolted bad. Congress will be m almost the opposite opinions of candidates tive new styles. We jire - . tp some people shot and Garfield who were in in a distant city. The voice of ex­ reconcile the people to seeing the the tight for revenge and after perience is eloquent in its latest thing as the Roosevelt delegates . Blame it to the Oregon aya President Taft's scalp. version of how to be happy though see it st Chicago, as it is for him to tent. The people were deprived married. reconcile the opinions of the sc uf Voting for ten delegates to In regard to good roads we veil managers with the opinions of the National Republican con­ lhe Baltimore convention will not have no hesitancy in saving, In vention, consequently it was a with the exception of Multno­ be able to point with pride to the any of the other manager*. A Democratic contemporary motley delegation that went to mah county, Tillamook county reckless manner in which the pre •hort. Mr. Bryan admits that there worried about the number of R^P” Chicago from thia state. It was ha* better roads than any other sent House ante*outside legislstio* Mean* io Mississippi. What bo surprise to us that the dele county iu the state. to propose about the numlrt * The »u*p with appropriation bill* W.A, Williams à Cc R. A. WAHLEN, D.O. Eye Sight Specialist, HARPER h .'.,;,, Nouris that J Mother knows she has made the test, Tillamook Baker's Bread Six barge Loaves for 25«. I Monk’s Studio. Democrat* in \ ermout ?