Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 27, 1912, Image 1

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Vol. XXV.
No. 3.
What You Gain
lar depositor with
Tillamook County Bank.
Your funds are kept in absolute security.
Payment by cheek
provide indisputable
receipts in the form of returned canceled checks.
Being a depositor with us acquaints us with
each other and lays the foundation for accommo­
dation when you want to piece out your resources
with a loan.
Every courtesy and facility is rendered the
small as well as the large depositor.
Don’t wait
until you can begin with a large deposit.
$30.000 00
I Found,—a ring in the hall of St.
lAlphonsus Academy.
3. C. W. Leghorn Eggs-$1,00 per
setting of 15. A. M. Ginn.
Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Wise came in
for a short visit on Sunday.
One Full Blooded Jersey Bull for
ISsle.—Apply to T. FT. McCormick. *
For Sale,—Seven Head of Horees
and two Hacks.—J. E. Brown, Tilla­
We will sell you a buggy for leas
money than it has cost us. Ask
Chiropractic is a drugless cure
for all diseases. Dr. Scheetz, W'ade
Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­
mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c.
per pound.
Waijted,—A situation by a Girl,
aged 17 years. Apply at the Head­
light office.
The Allen House has been reno­
vated, the rooms being re-papered
and painted.
Bring your chickens to the Tilla­
mook MeatCompany’s Market. We
pay 13c. per pound.
We understand that the Port of
Tillamook will return the Port tax
collected by the sheriff.
Mrs. John Latimer and child re
turned to this city on Sunday after
visiting friends on the outside.
Why is Mokatil ice cream the best
in the state ? Simply because it’s
made of Tillamook pure cream.
Wanted,—Lady with a good voice
for Vaudeville Sketch Team. Write
to C. H. Curtin, Tillamook, Ore. .
Mrs. Jos. Harrison and eon re­
turned to her home on Sunday
after visiting friends in Portland.
Why is Mokatil ice cream the best
in the state ? Simply because it
ranked highest percent last year. .
For Sale,—A light wagon, light
double harneaa and mowing mac­
hine. Enquire at Rogers Barn. •
If you are in doubt inveatigate
Chiropractic. Office south of the
Court Houae in the Wade Residence.
R. R. Haya, brother of Blaine
Hays, and R. D. Woodsworth are
in town for the summer, from Port
You can get the genuine Eastern
corn feed meats at the Tillamook
Feed Company General Supply
Rev. J. W. Sprecher has been ap­
pointed to the V. B. church in this
city, and the Rev. B. F. Emerick to
The Dalles.
If you are in need of a Jersey bull
to head your herd or want a bull
calf, correspond with H. A. West.
Oswego. Ore.
The Editor snd Mrs. Fred C.
Usker returned home on Sunday
after visiting inPortland agdEugene
for two weeks.
At tbe Commencement at the
■^■te University last week Howard
Drew was on< o, tboae who receiv­
ed a BA degree.
Quicl^ relief and permanent re­
sults follow Chiropn-tic Adjust­
ments. Dr. Scheetz. Office in tbe
W a de Residence
Road Supervisor Alderman is
making preparation to |4snk three
quarter of a mile of road on the
Netarts road, the county having the
blank sawed from logs they bought.
For Sale,-Team 6years old, weight
13,000 to 15,000 each. Wagon and
harness, $300.—Joe West, North
Fork of the Nehalem river.
K. B. & S., English Cement, ia
the kind you want for that top
dressing for the new sidewalk.
Sold by Lamb-Schrader Co.
Have you seen that new 5c. lace,
10c. and 15c. Embroider}' and In­
sertions at Lainar’s Variety Store.
“Drop in and look around.”-
Lytle & Gordan handle all kinds
of building materials in any
amount and can quote the lowest
prices in the city. See them before
Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton
or $4.50 for half ton,or good fir wood
already sawed for $5.75 per cord or
$3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. •
The County Court will meet on
Saturday to allow bills, so that those
who have done road work can ob­
tain their warrants the first of next
When you eat Mokatil ice cream
you knt>w you are eating pure
cream. When y.ou eat Portland ice
cream you don’t know what dope
you are eating.
J. T. Healey and Lindsay T. Eales,
representatives of the Empire In­
vestment Co., were in the city the
past week looking over real estate
The Tillamook Meat Co. ia selling
lard at the following prices : 101b.
pail, $1.60. ; 5 lb. pail, 85t. ; SO lb.
pails at 1314c. per pound. Lard
Archbishop Christie will be in
Tillamook on Sunday, July 7th,
for the purpose of holding confir­
mation services of members of tbe
Sacred Heart Church.
The City Transfer Co. are the fel­
lows who .haul anything, anywhere,
any time. Office on Main Street,
opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Cell
us by phone, Main 651.
J. N. Bayliss, a master mason of
Portland, was in the city during the
past week and will carry out a
number of construction contrscts
which he has secured htre.
For Sale,—« Gasoline Engine
Pumping outfit, 24£ h p engine
Guaranteed to give satisfaction and
warrantel for five years—Virgil
Donaldson, Tillamook, Oregon. .
M. M. Kaufman, of Clarion, Penn.,
arrived in Tillamook last week to
look after his large timber interests
in this county, He will spend eev-
eral weeks here hunting and fieh-
If you could buy heat inatead of
Coal, your fuel problem would be
solved. But as _ you can’t, you can
do the next best, buy A berdakk
(Australian) Coal.
ScbraderCo., Telephone Main 1771.*
My method in selling glasses ia
not to catch a new victim and the
price—but to see how well I can fit
tbe eyes. R- A. Whalen, Opt D.
Registered under State I^w pf Ore­
Emmett Jenkins took a large crowd
down the hay Monday morning
with tbe mention of going over
the Imr and ft the seal rocks The
bar was so rough however that he
was compelled to turn back.
Dr. S. M. Wendt, siwcessor to Dr.
Smith, speaks German, surgery,
ear, eye. mwe end throat. Office in
the Commercial Building. opposite
the Todd Hotel. All «.alia answered
day or night Both pbooea.
Mrs. ClaraColby, of Portland, gave
an address on Woman Suffrage at
the Court House, Tuesday« evening.
The attendance was very small and
no particular interest was shown
in the cause which she was defend­
There will be a Union Temper- !
ance meeting of all the Churches ■
of this city, in the M.E. Church, on
Monday evening, June 30.
pastor of each church will take part.
AU are invited to come out and en­
joy thiB, the first meeting of the
Sheriff Crenshaw was summoned kind since the Tillamook W.C.T.U.
before the Federal grand jury in the was organized.
case of George Rose, who pleaded
Tbe members of the Progressor
guilty to robbing the Bay City post Class of the Methodist Church met
office. A true bill was returned and at the home of Edwin Boquist Tues - (
Ross will be sentenced in a few day night and from there went to
the Wilson River on the Whitney
Does the City Council intend that Company's land where they built a
cussing” ordinauce to be taken fire on the bank of the river and
seriously or is it intended as a joke ? spent the evening playing games
We wonder whether it would be and having a general good time.
contempt of court to say that the Coffee was cooked on the fire and
city officials are the best looking luncheon was served at twelve
o’clock, after which the crowd de­
lot of gentlemen in the city.
Thursday evening. June 27th, at parted for tneir homes.
the Bayocean open air pavilion, twenty-five were present and all re­
will be given an informal private port having a good time.
dance. Professor Arthur von Jes- ! At a meeting of the City Council
sen will conduct the music and on Monday evening, with Mayor
tickets for the dance, including Harter and Councilmen Vantress.
Sappington, Knudson, Leach and
lunch, will be seventy five cents.
All cheesemen in Tillamook are Maddux present, it waa decided to
earnestly requested to take part in ! turn thej street concessions to the
the cheesetnen’s parade. This is to Fourth of July Committee. A reso
be one of the big features of the , lution was passed ordering the
Fourth of July celebration in this Warren Construction Company to
city next week that cannot be repro­ live up to the etre'et specifications
and^iee crushed rock instead of
duced in any part of the state.
gravel for curbs. The resolution
Colonel Cooper returned to the
also ordered that where curbing ia
city on Sunday after attending the
made of gravel they are to be torn
G. A. R. Encampment. lie made
out. The City Council passed an
an effort to have the Encampment
ordinance to prohibit and punish
meet in this city next year, but
disorderly conduct in the council
those in favor of Newberg succeeded chamber.
in outvoting those who wanted to
According to the letters received
come to Tillamook.
from the “hikers” who went to the
A paragraph appeared in the valley the first of last week, Mr.
Oregonian a few days ago about a
Sope will start on the return trip to
man raising strawberries and 18 this city with ' his bunch about
filling a box. Tillamook County can
Thursday. The boys won two of
beat that. Mrs. D. Billings brought the base ball games which they
a box of strawberries to the office
plsyed while out, the one with Wfl-
on Wednesday and 14 filled a box, (lamina and the other with the team
They were the Magoon kind.
• at the State Penitentary. At Salem
The Warren Construction Co. the boys were taken through the
started their rock crushing plant entire grounds belonging to he
the first of the week. It ia located State and everything was explained
east of town on the terminal grounds thoroughly to them. Quite a few
of the P. R. & N. Co. Two crushers loving letters have been received
are operated at the plant, one for by the parents of the boys stating,
small rock and the other for large after saying how much they loved
rock. The rock is received from the their mother and father, that they
quarry at Garibaldi.
were “broke” and needed money.
Mayor Harter informs us that the
The Fire Department was called
city council has made arrange out at half past ten Monday evening
ments for a Portland firm to take to save Wolfe’s blacksmith whop.
up city warrants at par. There ia At the time of discovery, the fire
no reason why they should be sold had burned a bad hole in the roof
at a discount to the warrant sharks of the building and was making
The Mayor proposes to keep up the . rapid headway in the dry- shingles.
credit of the city as long as he is I The Hose Company did quick work
head boas of this municipality.
' and must be complimented on the
W. C. Johnson, late of Alton, Mo., way they handled the fire. Much
has leased the Todd Hotel for a trouble was caused, as usual, by
period of two years. Mr. Johnson people who tire not firemen, giving
and wife are pleasant people and orders. Perhaps these people do
we feel that they will have a goodly not realize that they lay themselves
patronage. Mr. Todd, owner of the liable to a fine. However, in the
hotel, states that he will remain in future the company will try to have
this city and rest up for a while it so that only tbe orders from th«
and in the meantime look after hie captains will need to be observed.
property here.
It seems that the fire started in the
About seventy excursionists from I southeast corner of the shop from
Portland arrived in Tillamook Tues­ I underneath.
day on the special train. They
Arrangements are being made to
boarded the yacht Bayocean and secure tbe use of 100 acres of land
went to the Bayocean resort where for two weeks in July, for if this can
they will make their headquarters. be obtained it is more than proba­
Wednesday afternoon the visitors ble that the Oregon National Guard
came into this city for a few hours »ill hold its annual encampment in
visit, afterwards returning'.to Bay­ Tillamook this year. The regiment
ocean. The excursion is merely is about 1000 strong, and should
for eight seeing and recreation on it be decided that tbe encampment
our famous beaches.
be held here, it will be an interest­
Louis E. Morton vs. Mary Morton ing affair. Some of the members of
is a suit filed in the Circuit Court the Tillamook Commercial Club
this week by Attorney John Leland have the matter in hand, and as
Henderson. The plaintiff sets forth soon as the land is obtained Adjt. -
that bia wife has not lived with him General Finzer will be advised, who
since some time last year and since will decide where the encampment
leaving him has joined a movement is to be held after tbe different loca­
in Loa Angeles known as the ’Ton­ tions have been inspected.
gues of Fire,” which practices free understand that a location near thia
love, and also that her politicsl ’ city ia desired and would have pre-
views were not aa bis. He therefore | ference over other locations.
prays for divorce.
The Tillamook Commercial Club
team will play tbe Banks
Mrs. G. L Dick left
Sunday morning with her son Don■ team next Sunday at the Gilford
aid whom she ia taking to that city Stillwell Park. The visiting team
to have hie eye operated on. The is considered to be one of the
latter part of laat week while play­ ■ fastest amateur teams in the lower
ing with hie younger brother, Don­ Willamette valley and a fast and
ald wae «truck in the ey accident­ snappy game ia expected. It ia
ly with a stick. It wae found thet hojied that there will be more en­
there wae no help for the injury thusiastic support at thia game
T. B.
and the parente were advised that than there usually is.
an operation, involving the remov- Handley has arranged to have the
•• Portland Cubs” here during the
al of the eye, would be neceneary.
Fourth of July celebration. Games
J. S. Beall, preaident of Beall A will be plsyed at ’he Park each day
Co., was in thia county with th« Port­ from July third to aeventh inclu
land excursionist» sod came to this eive. The Cuba will come to thia
city Wednesday morning ahead of |
. 7 h
irrently strengthened to what
J *
'__ ____
the excursion train .nd
i—2 visited with they
were when here lasAind eince
R. W. Watson during the day. the last game waa played 2 to 1 it
Although Mr. Beall bee been ui can be aeen that the games will
tbe machinery business in Port
worth seeing.
land for a number of yenre nod bee
done > q extensive business with
thia county in the way of selling
machinery foe road work, yet he has
never seen the county until he came
in ou tbe ezcurnton train Tuesday.
for the
July 3rd, 4th and 5th, 1912
The program for the 3rd and 4th of
July will be according to the following
schedule as arranged by the committee
with some possible variations The attrac-
tions are so many and so important that
some good things may be left over until
the 5th.
July 3rd—Forenoon.
9:00—Band Music.
11:00—Hoop Drill. School Girls.
1:00 Automobile Parade.
1:30 Base Ball Game.
Catching Greased Pig— $5.00.
Sack Race, 40 yds.—$5.00.
3-Legged Race, 50 yds.—$5.00.
Three or more teams must enter
July 4th—Forenoon.
8:30 -Band Music.
9:00 -Recitation Declaration of In­
9:30—Address, Dr. C. H. Chapman.
11:00—Aeroplane Flight.
1:00—Parade, Dairymaids, Cheesemen
and Floats.
1:30 Base Ball Game.
Greased Pole—$5.00.
Tub Race—Stetson Hat
Diving Contest—$5.00.
4 Mile Long Distance Race—First
$25 ; Second Prize, $10.
8 or More Persons must enter.
one barred.
Tug-of-VVar, 6 men on each side, $6.00-
Live Committees are carefully looking
after the details and it is the intention to
have everything iu readiness to move
promptly on time, on the stroke of the
Mayor Harter will preside and Frank
Severance will be Grand Marshal
Everybody Come and have a
Good Time Celebrating.