Tillamook M«adlight, Juno 20, 1912 JOHN ATTORNEY Photograph. That Can Bs Msds by ths Aid of a Magnet. It la poaslbie to produce. with th* aid of a magnet, ahadow photographs re­ sembling those made by action of tbe X ray. Either an electromagnet or a permanent magnet will answer tbe pur pose. Place a key or other Iron or steel object on tbe sensitive dim of sn ordi­ nary photographic plate, then bring the poles of the magnet user the other side of tbe plate aDd keep them there for 8ve minutes or more. Cpou develop­ ing tbe plate a shadow picture of tbe key or other object, as sharp and well deb tied a* any of tbs X ray pictures wlii be found. By thia method only Iron or steel or other paramagnetic aubstance* may t>e photographed, but tbe »ensitlve side of tbe piste Is turned toward tbe mag uetlc poles and a disk of Iron nearly as large as tbe plate Is placed on tbe ether side then shadow pictures of any nonmagnetic objects, placed ou the letisiuve dim factug the magnet, may be obtained Tbe operations are. of course, conducted in a dark room. With an electromagnet capable of lifting a weight of 1U0 pounds one sclen tlst bne made such pictures through two Inches or interposed wood He has also obtained shadow pictures with s compound steel tnaguet weighing little ' more than a pound —New York Trib­ I I une. r & COUNSEL LOR-AT-LAW, Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or. ('Room No. 261, 1 f » T T T. BOTTS, A- A • attorney - at -L aw . Watch Your Money Grow When you deposit it in this savings bank. No matter how small your deposits, if they are made regularly, your account will increase with surprising quickness* The interest helps a lot too. The way to have money is to eave it. Suppose you commence by starting au account here next pay Oay. Complete set of Abstract Book, n office. Taxes paid for non- Residents. Tillamook Block. Roth phones. C arl haberlach , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tillamook Block. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. TILLAMOOK, ORE. Q.EORGE WILLETT, 11 A ttorney - at - law . Tillamook Commercial Building. Vacation Suggestions 1 T illamook 'J'' O regon . - H. GOYNE, A ttorney - at -L aw . SEASHCRE To the East Office : Opposite Court House. To the T illamook , O regon . MOUNTAINS Elk’s Convention Round Trip tickets to the principal cities of the East, going or rt- turning through California, or via Portland, " ", ,Going limit 15 days, Anal return limit October 31, on sale as follows: SALE DATES» T. BO ALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, - TILLAMOOK. Aug. 1-2-3-6-7-12-15-16-22-23-29-30-31 Sept. 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-30. July 2-3-6-7-11-12-15-16-20-22-23-26- __ _______ . . . Stop-overs going or returning within 29-30-31. ths limit. June 19-20-21-24 25-27-28-29. Pacific Railway & Navigation Beaches Are now within easy reach by the P. R. & N. and a new field for a pleasant vacation open. Round Trip week end and season tickets from all S. P. points now on sale. Round Trip Fares from the principal P. R. & N. stations are as follows: Wbeeier. Tillamook. Garibaldi. c o X □ 09 • TO Bay City. FROM Timber. ORIGIN OF \ Hillsboro. fewer in number and not able to * know the evidence, as well as tbe Step* are now being taken for the first court, as they cannot look into organuation of a Tillamook Gun the faces of witnesses and know Club to increase the interest in trap they are telling the truth or a lie shooting throughout the county (the countenance bearing the best with tbe intention of holding a meet testimony), and then where the use in the near future promise consid­ of all this when we have one man erable success. The number of in our state that haa authority to sportsmen here seems to indicate say tbe findings of these court* that Tillamook will mnke a good shall or shall not stand. Now, sir, showing in such an undertaking. if we were to act out th* spirit of Steps are now tieing taken to secure our criminal law in Oregon when some marksmen from Portland or a murder has been committed, the some other of the cities of the c.J»ea|>est. and the quickest, and most Northwest to furnish Borne fancy sensible way would be to send for shooting. Classes not only for trap the Governor, have him pronounce shooters but for rifle marksman a sentence that to him seemed just, may be provided, and it is thought and if the prisoner took his a special class for ladies would sentence hard, and the Governor provea feature of the meet. got sorry, he could readjust, make It is thought organizations could “BLACKLEG. it lighter, juet to eui. the crimi- 1 be secured to compete from Bay nets need and hie ideas of what was Ci‘y, Bavoceau and other places of The Term Came From Race Traci« Mon sufficient punishment. Who Wore Black Top Boot*. tbia vicininy. The management of i Can any sensible min and one The term blackleg, wblcb baa come the Bayocean resort hau offered that believes that crime should be their range for a meet and will do­ to mean one wbo systematically tries punished look back over our to win money by cheating In connec­ criminal records a few years, eee nate a number of handsome cup*. tion with races or w1tb cards, billiards how justice has been beaten, Just when the event will be pulled or other games of skill or cbance and money spent criminals turned loose, off haa not yet been decided, but it la used as .synonymous with a swln and not pray tor tbe Lord to send a is thought shortly after the July 4th dler. a welsber, t* of uncertain origin fool killer to Oregon? Is it possi­ celebration would be most desire­ Some authorities connect It with the able The meet would attract at- [ black legs of a gamecock, ao much ble with a ballot long enough for a used by the sporting fraternity for bet­ morning walk, we cannot get a law teutiofa^as well as prove of interest ting purposes. .upon it that will put ouch men as to,the Ipq/lsnietj here. According to another and mors prob­ | ’ ' the Humphry Bros, out of business able view, tbe expression bad no dis­ when they confess a crime so re­ Ripening Cheese by Electricity. graceful sense attached to it at first, volting, the devil would hide his but was applied to turf and sporting One of the most recent applica­ men because they were often In tbe face while they repeat it? I would suggest that much of our laws be tions of electricity which has come bablt of wearing black top boots. cancelled, revoked, and we a to our notice is that for ripening When blackleg had thus become a cur people of a great state swear cheese, says the Scientific Ameri ‘ rent phrase for professional sporting men It probably passed Into nse as ap­ allegiance to the remaining laws, can. The use of electricity for ma aland for their enforcement and luring various article of consump­ plied more (tartlcularly to those wbo took an unfair advantage of tbelr op­ honor. We need a governor and we tion, such as wine* and alcoholic portunities to cheat the unwary. _ ~ ___ ____ . ___ ___ ________ liquors, is not new, but Mr. Gokkes' ; hâve a good one, but he ahould The derivation of this term was once have his crown taken from bini, method of applying au alternating solemnly argued before tbe full court Now I will juat any I hope Taft and current of two ainperea and 10,000 of queen's bench upon a motion for a Roosevelt will tioth get what they volts for the purpose of ripening new trial for libel, bot tbat learned nee T**1» •“‘1 reduces the acreage known to science as Purpura laplllua. dersd the lumber on the ground, there-' *“ b* cultivated from eighty acre* If tbe shell of one of these whelks ba by excluding Mr. Berger from doing, *” ,orty- The homestead policy broken tilers will ba found Juat under tbe sklo of tbe back a slender whitish Work which hi* contract calls for. Af-' ’’riginated by the Republican patty vein containing a yellow liquor. The in Preaident Lincoln's time has Ur dfbeuesing the mstter the council latter when applied to Unea with a came to the conclusion that where the l>een of incalculable benefit to the small brush and exposed to tbe sun 70 days’ notice bed expired and the |>euple, and these latest changes turns first green, then blue, then pur­ «Mincil had taken ujion Itself the re­ will add to it* advantages. ple and anally a brilliant crimson Nothing will «wash it out. sponsibility of building the walk, that Mr Berger waa entitled to the work.' Notice to Water Consumer*. Somewhat Misad. Two petitions were presented to the "Willie, can you tell me what a vege­ council asking for street improve-: Th* Tillamook Water Commit­ tarian IsF* ments. One petllioa asked for the psv-,aion means of informing "A vegetarla* la a person who Uves ing of Second Ave East south to th* ,h* **Ur coneuwiei» and property eu vegetable*'* replied Willie city limits, and on* asked for the im- hoi<*ar» °* Tillamook City. Oregon, *1 hat Is correct. Now I wonder wbo provement of Stillwell Ave south to **,a* ,he Hme ,he streets of can tell what an octogenaria!» is.’ the city limits. These petitions were ■aid citv are being graded that the "I know." replied Kddia. _____________________ _ on »treeta. grading contractors will often plow "Well, what is an ortagenartanr referred to the committee Mr. Spssksr, rsprssentu^ ths"War- “P waler •**!*• wh#ra *•»* aame are "An octogenarian la a person that I rs* Construction Company, asksd ths not • laid deep enough; that the coat knocks the other genartans.--fnk«r> Hecord Hernia. council for peraiiMion to use grav*l I*. cri laying the pip* tu proper depth •to»d of cruthed ruck, as th* spoeifies- la tu be born by the owner* of such tion* e iloo fur, in tbs malting of th* pipe, ami that the pipe ia tu be so Street rurtM. Mr. hpsakor Mid that on lowered by ouch owner* of pipe. account of their rock ennMr twin* mt The commission suggests that the of commission ami not being *M* to owners of property ascertain from the city engineer the depth of grade the same lot »ume two w*«k* he MAkl like permission from tbe council «(Bltveta in fW»nt of their property ^■^ss a certain gravel that had been iind make arrangements to have their pi|>e laid to the pru(>*r depth red in the Wlieun river, which •a* a far better gravel than wm : and thereby save inconvenience and aaaoyam-e of I wing without thought to exist i* these parts sod water. Would be just a* good a* the cruehad, K. D. floau. Sup'I rock. The council passed * resolution w-—» giving the construction nompanj per j Price* for ■. mission to use the gravel foe two weeks *’ U>>> ’*'* **•’ T*—130 lb*, tu MX) lb*.. Wc_. dressed HeetMoe. was eesmiderabto argument la regard JOO lb* »o MU lb* . »He .frr.^1 to thia ehange i* th* specification*. At R ju pounds — sad ____ over _ IMç. tbe request of Mayo* Harter. I. H l t ” adtook _ Till Meat Company Bay City................... $4.00 $3.70 $4.00 $3.10 $0.30 $0.36 $0.90 Brighton Beach.... 3.30 2.95 3.80 2.30 $0.75 .50 1.10 .16 Fishers..................... 3 20 2.90 3.75 2.30 .80 .56 1.16 .10 Garibaldi................. 3.75 3.40 4.00 2.80 .30 .60 60 Hobsonville............. 3.85 3.60 4 00 2.95 .15 .16 .40 .75 Idaville..................... 4.00 3.80 4.00 3.15 .15 .40 .96 .20 Lake Lytle............. 3.50 3.15 4.00 2.55 .55 .30 .90 35 Life Saving Station 3.70 3.35 4.00 2.76 .35 .10 .rs .70 Manhattan Beach. 3.40 3.10 3.95 2.50 .60 .36 .95 30 Mohler....................... 3.00 2.70 3.55 2.00 15 1.00 .75 1.35 Ocean Lake Park. 3.60 3.30 4.00 2.60 .40 .16 75 40 Rockaway Beach... 3.55 3.20 4.00 2.55 .50 .20 40 .80 Tillamook. ............. 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.35 .35 .60 1 20 Tillamook Beach . . 3.55 3.20 4.00 2.55 .50 .20 40 80 Twin Rocks............. 3.60 3.30 4.00 2.60 .40 .16 .75 .40 Wheeler ................. 3.15 2.80 3.70 2.20 :eo 1.20 .90 ROUND TRIP WEEK ENO PARCS From Portland, Hillsboro and Banks to all stations named shove, $3.00 I Tillamook Block. M. KER RON, g PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Tillamook Block, Tillamcok, 4 For beautifully illustrated booklet “Vacation Days in Oregon” or booklets describing Bayocean and other points, as well as information about Eastern Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., call on nearest Agent or write to JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Oregon. C. HAWK, SURGEON, PHYSICIAN & BAY CITY, OREGON. R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon. Low Fare* to Meetinc of Women’» Clubs San Francisco, June 24 to July 6 P. J. SHARP, DENTIST, RESIDENT B P. O. E. (Elks) Convention. July S to 13, 1912 Office across the street froir tbe Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. * - I I HENDERSON L. SHADOW PICTURES. Banks. Simpeoc. an experienced concrete man, gave sn opinion which waa to tbe ef­ fect that th* company was saving be- [MY KKAK OLD RBADLIGBT.] I .want to say your visit* to our ! tween 5 and 6 cents on each lineal foot Salem home is appreciated like a of curbing by the change, whereupon letter from home I and wife are Blaine Ha>» made the »tatement that well, busy, and happy, and 1 wish if tbe council allowed the change the everybody else waa, dont you, but I property owners instead of the compa­ have some trouble, and here is one. ny should receive the benefit. Mr. Iam not able to see the use of a Mead in behalf of the company contra­ man confessing to a great crime dicted Mr. Simpson’s statement that that has shocked the country if he the company would gain between 5 and cannot make anyone believe him. 6 cents per foot by the ehange, and the Neither can I eee any need of . discussion ended by the council passing calling a jury of 12 men and going the resolution as above stated. through a long trial only to have it eet aside by a tribunal of men,| , t Onr Sportsmen Communication. LOWÎROUND TRIPS EAST On the dates given below, round trip tickets will fo »oWtothe points to th* East shown briow, and many others, at greatly reduced fares quoted: T THROUGH TRAINS EAST • AtLntkîCity . $111X0 Baltimore . . B««on • . . Buffalo. . . . Chicago . . . Colorado Springs Denver . . . 107X0 110X0 91X0 72X0 55.00 55X0 In Connection With Northern Pacific aad Great Norther* Railways ^rtroi* • • • • $62X0 Omaha Kansas City . . 60X0 Milwaukee . . 72X0, St. Minneapolis . . 60.00 Montreal . . . 106X0 New York . . 106X0 . S60XO , Pittsburg . . , Lou* ... St. Paul . . . Toronto Washington SI 55) 70^ . o TS T The . “s.’• T' »L «»• »a. I«. »O. 88. 33 3«. 3». 30, 31. 1213. .»»»•. June 1. S, T, « 13. 14. IS. IT. 18, 19. 30 18. IS. »3 23. rt. 31. 34. 3S. 3T. 38. 39. 19t3. __ __ September 4. S. 6, T. *. 11. 1*. 30. t'»13. ¿StoF?Ter* a"d cb<4ce