Tillamook Headlight, Jana 20. 1^12. THE -HALIFAX GIBBET. MAGNIFIED HER WEALTH. A Sort of Guillotine That Was O imo A Five Dollar B.»l That Seemed to Bo a Small Fortune. Used In England. An aocleut law ot Hardwick forest, a tract coextensive with Halifax par­ ish. Is sung by Tsylor, tbe water post: At Halifax ths law so sharp» doth 1—H Tbat wboeo more than thirteen panoa dots 8 aala They have a Jin that wondrous quick aad well Benda IblevM all headlaoa Into haavM ar holla This "Jin” resembled the guillotine In construction and stood oo a stone scaffold, unearthed wben GlbKt bill was leveled Tbe ax Is preserved This, tbe only guillotine used In Eng laud, was the forerunner of tbe "Mid on." introduced Into Scotland by He gent Morton and now in tbe Edln burgh Antiquarian museum. Tbe "Halifax gibbet” was last used In 1660 and tbe "maiden” for Lord Argyll lo 1I5III aud bls son In 1685. wbo spoke of ft as tbe sweetest maiden be ever kissed. Dr. Guillotine did not Invent tbe machine. Dr. Lonla constructed oae in 1791, tbe “Loulson.” but tbe name “guillotine” became general from tbe burst of surgical enthusiasm. In which Dr Guillotine In 1789. after deploring tbe tedious torture of banging, ex claimed. "W'ltb my machine I strike off your bend In tbe twinkling ot an eye. and you never feel itr— London Globe. The drunkard will have none of m The heavy drinker says “no” when name is mentioned. \ The man who craves rough-strong whiskey passes me by. All this is as it should be as I mysel would wish it. I am not for them. Tbe woman handed her friend a flee dollar bill. "Fee the ouamer of small I lives engraved od It’r* »be asked. "When I was in lieu mark a few years ago such a bill as tbat caused mo a great deal of amusement, and 1 bad to surrender one beiore 1 could prove myself clear or a false belief regard­ ing my finances. "An allot whom I was visiting saw In my puree oue day a number of these ollie, and sbe asked to examine one. as It was so different from any of tbe Danish money. She studied It atteo- □ vely a few minutes and tben asked me bow much It wax, I told ber It I WHS <5. and. to my surprise, I saw she did not believe ins. 'If It la only tbat amount.' she said, 'why bus it so many little figures on It? "I tried to explain, but I made little Impression on her later I beard she had told our relatives tbat I was 'worth thousands and thousands of dollars' and was trying to conceal tbe tact from tbe family lest they should expect some things of me that they would not otherwise. "When I beard that 1 was visiting in another part of the country anu could not very well defend myself, so I bit on the expedient of sending my aunt a present of a five dollar bill When sbe went to have it changed Into tbe money of tbe country sbe was The eleventh annual meeting of at last convinced, though at tbe price of having ber dream of wealth rudely the Oregon Ostepathic Association ■ was a tremendous success. Dr. shattered.”—New York PreM. Cyrus Noble WWED-A RIDER AGENT Women and Country Life Ifl EACH TO.VN mid district to ride and exhibit a sample Latest Model “»•near” bicycle turn Filed by us. Our sirentsevery where «re makS money ia>t. IT ritetor full sariirslariasj ifaal stir at •tiff, NO MONEY REQUIMLO until you receive and approve of yoor bicycle. We ship to anyone anywhere In the P S withaut a taut - I — In adynnre..-,^,/^!,*,, aud allow TEN DAYS’ FREE TRIAL durtnw which tin.o you m 17 ride the bicycle and put it to any test you wls? It you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keeo tta Were women chiefly responsible for the movement from the farm to the city ? MEERSCHAUM MINING. The Chicago Tribune charges The Pita at Namlau Hava Bean Worked ■ H. A Bowers, the local D. O. at­ that such was the caBe, and very FACTCRY PRICES hlshest grade blcyclea it b For Twenty Centuries. 1 e . . possible to make at, one small profit above tended their two days’ session last plainly says that woman was not to A FAMOUS BEACON. actual factory cost You save *10 to » >5 middlemen's profit» by bov- Meerschaum mines at Nemlau have week on Monday and Tuesday. It be blamed for her unwillingness to lmrdlrectof us■nndheve the manufacturer's trnarantee behind your been worked for 2.000 years, it Is claim­ bicycle DO ? ed. and tbe process Is quite simple. Tbe The Navesink Light, Near Sandy Hook. print and rimarkabla iprriol cfert t<) rider a^ent^. Portland throwing open its spac­ which have generally prevailed up Is a Wonder. mines, which at one time reached from YOU , WILL BE uurKujierDfiKKieiHattheu’. der- ious parlors for the accommodation to this time. It says in defense of ------- ’ jptaantotau kindisut — " -- — w » «r kiud.ul hal/hie luilj l:s regular nynlar retail Mail prices. prices primitive manner by a foreman and York. It Is called Navesink light and them from the adjoining States homes. They could not do it be­ two to tire workmen with picks The la of 96.000,000 candle power. At fif­ coming nearly 600 miles. I ffi cause there was nothing to be proud depths of tbe pita vary greatly and de­ teen or twenty miles Its flash is as Each subject was well handled, of. The home represented the ne­ SAMPLE PAIR . pointed and brllllaot as a star. Oo a pend upon tbe depth at which a red » 7 J IMTMJClsCE^MLY I Dr. Walker of Sunnyside, Washing­ cessaries, and when once the grim dlab browu earth Is met, which Is the perfectly clear nlgbt Its shaft of light The regular retail priceof :herttt: e: -ií¿s¡j* $10.00 per potr, hut to introduce flrat Indication of tbe existence ot mug can be seen 100 miles at sea. When ton, showing an especial grasp and objects of domestic use had been Bill nil - you a sample z; j — . — ... f « pair free . . for j f ’.8j(caih .ts\j\asaart utitb Mr i1 o order $4.5 ■ w w-, !■! - I i » i - i power in handling his difficult sub ­ It was erected It was operated at twice placed, nothing further was done neoIto. JIOMOHETROUD! ’ r WMC7CRE» U& • X Its present candle power. But ocean ject. The program is herewith ap ­ to the home. Whereas the village Sometimes this red enrtb is found RAIL«, TaekN, orClasa «v II not Ivt the al rout. ■ X"'7 » A hundred thousand pa i rs sold lost year. only a few yards beneaib tbe surface, pilots objected to Its strength, saying pended save one subject presented woman or the city woman of very - DESOfUPTIOK: A • a.dn 1 n a • 1 -1 ‘£7 bill ordinarily at s depth of twenty that so amazing an electric flash ac­ i by Otis F. Akin, D. O., M. D., the moderate means might indulge in 1 in tually blinded them and Interfered ' Ostepathic Surgeon of the profes- fresh wall paper and gay painted rialnjr, very durable end lined inside wi n v yards, often forty and even sixty a special quality of rublirr, which ne/er m Uncle Sam beard this layer oi red earth meerschaum la with their work. 1 sion in the west. His subject was hangings, the farm woman of a comes porous and which close« up small n found, disseminated tn nuggets ot Ir tbe prayer of the pilots and turned 1 Spinal Scoliosis (curvature of the punctures without allo win? the air to Lscape. k certain circumstance looked year in we have, hundreds of letters from satisfied customers if Notice the thick rubbertread regular aba|>u. Tbe slxe of these rarely down bls pet lamp to 96.00Q.ooo candle /l” »"d puncture st rij>"i ‘ C 1 spine). He presented a clinic—a and year out upon the same hard, statingthat their tires haveonly been pumped up once vS exceeds twelve lo sixteen cubic Inches power. or twice in a whole season. They weigh no more than J and ”D”s!so rim strip “H” boy aged 15 years — and demonstrat- an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting ouahties being J to prevent rim cutting. This white plastering, which gathered Tbe amount of oil consumed by tbe The greatei part ere of tbe size of a tir« will outlast any oilier given by several layers of thiru specially prepared x walnut. N'o explosive» are used, tbe engine that provides the power for , ed the ’‘Abbott Method” of correct­ to itself additional smoke and fabric on the tread. The regular price of th'*se tires make-SOFT, ELASTIC ¡.nd EADY RIDING. is $10.00 «10.00 per pair, but for foradvertising punxteeswe aro ------ advertising purposes we tiro ive light la only one gallon and seven ing curvature, it being an S or cracks, but offered nothing upon Is ground being soft making a special factory price to tae rider of only h .80p^r pair I s ri , ‘ ce *ved. M e sl-.lp CO. D. on approval, Luu'do Almost the entire output of tbls art! eighths an hour. That Is tbe astonish­ ' double curvature in thiB case. The which the imagination could feed. day letter is received. We ship C. O. approvid. luu do nuc pay u ceul^uutii you bay s examined and found them strictly es as represented. renrexented. cle la exported to Vienna and thence ing thing to tbe unscientltic visitor— method of Dr. Abbott, Portland There migh) be a picture or two up­ have wiTMVrVnnBnacai*h <,’sco“"t of 6 per cent (tbftTBl y UMklasjthe price TABS per pair) If you eend FULL CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement. You run no n- *c in «¿ndlnsns an ord'-’r at the tires mar he distributed to tbe various European tbe comparatively small exitense and Maine, is of special value in me­ on *he walls, but these grew as returned at OUR1 expen-e If for any reason they an, not •alisfaciory on axandnatlon. b e iri lirfeX n nnbS Í^^J^OÍ^Jrer♦ttOU818?.9’’'lfaas,Ilnban,t■ 1» y°u or,,*ra !>*'<* et* these tirei. you will find that tbpywillnda counines aod to tbe (Julted States, tbe effort required to inalntalu so great a chanical therapentics. famtiiar and as hateful as the pal ­ a T n Iniw^iVt^„W^tlterJrt8t‘.ontSr?nd«kwlt tha“ *DT y«'« bavoeveruid or sien ailnv nrl£ latter buylug only tbe tliieut selections light There are two fair sized dyna­ ing around the pig pen. These mos aod two oil engines. One set Is I Afternoon, June 10. were no magazines, or at best only fF YOU NEED always kept In reserve. Of course | » Well and Truly Laid. 1:30 p. m. a farm journal and a denomination­ tbe tremendous candle power Is devel ­ The laying of the British royal table President’s Address: al paper; there was no music save la attended with considerable eereino oped by means of a great lens, made Dr. B. P. Shepard. the droning of the choir on Sun­ ay First come the "upholsterers." In France. Tbe lens weighs seven tons and a half, la seven Inches tblck Prayer Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D. days; there was no surprise, no whose duty It Is to see that the tnble gayety, no anticipation. la la Its proper place and In gissl con­ and rests In mercury. It is revolved 2 p. m. dition to near Its precious burden of with ease.—Saturday Evening Boat Life, really, when you come to S ymposium gold slid al.ver plate. ‘I lie weight ot think about it is something like a Demonstrations in Diagnosis. Purely Mental. tbe turnons Flaimab service designed motorcycle It proceeds by 4 series Mrs. Holden had been blessed with Physical Examination: for George IV Is so tremendous as to of explosions. Let these explosions It Justify fully thia precautlou. Tbe up remarkable eyesight all her life. Auscultation, Percussion, Palpa­ be too slow or too feeble, the ma­ •ns a great trial to her when at tbe | bolaterers give place to the "tnble tion ^5 age of seventy-two she was obliged to chine will not run. Lat them be deckers,” who arrange the snowy tin Dr. E. B. II a slop. Portland, Ore. too violent and too swift, and dis­ pery worked with Hie royal arms and put on "rending glasses.” "Hut they Reflexes aster is possib'e. But the farm tbe plainly folded serviettes Fanciful are really becoming to yon. Aunt tUl- Dr. L. H. Howland, Portland, Ore. woman of the drudge and grind shapes are Inadmissible on the royal arta and friendly neighbor that kee;>» Ave.. Box, Bryant and Albina Ave.. at euch amilieation Try it anil see For Sale,— the hay crop on 20 :>• ri* how quickly it will relieve the pain ¡ta navy up to date. Portland. Ore and soreneaa. Sold by all dea.g . of prairie land G. 11. Ward. I i $ i Al? 00 Hedge!to Hedgethora P¡ Psmters-Procf $ I Seif-heaSmgTircs , si |g|l 80 4" csmssssS®1«8^^ J.L. MEA9 CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. First Class Job Printing at the Headlight Office.’ ' W SWEET PEAS I I