Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 20, 1912, Image 3

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    Tillamook Headlight, Jun* 20. 1912
Seaport Addition. * <
Drew Addition,
nspect, Investigate These-Two-Properties.
Keep your investment eye on SEAPORT ADDI­
TION to Tillamook that your keen vision may
be fully awake to your opportunities.
WHY ? E==
For this property holds the key to the future water transportation of
of Tillamook Bay.
For it has the command of the fresh water harbor.
For it is absolutely removed from the destructive toredo belt.
For it is the only harbor on the bay sheltered from wind and storm.
For it has the natural fresh water empoundment for saw logs.
For nature has provided the only adequate deep water channel for
For it is bound to be thè second largest Commercial Port in Oregon
within 10 years, and from an investment standpoint these strong factors
mean much to you.
For it is the logical and geographical Point from which the vast
timber belt of Tillamook County must be Concentrated for water trans­
For it is in Close Proximity to Portland and its Vast Market advan­
tages and should equal if not Surpass Portland as a Lumber Manufactur­
ing Point within 20 years.
Phone. : Main 5407, A 3252.
ROLLIE W. WATSON, Tillamook, Oregon.
One of the epoch making events of Tillamook county which has
been anticipated and looked forward to for the last 20 years will take
place on May 25th when Clark-Cannon Company, of Portland, and
Follie W. Watson, of Tillamook, open their campaign for mill and factory
sites in Seaport Addition to Tillamook, thus assuring deep water trans­
portation for Tillamook and contiguous territory and adding one more
large feature to the transportation facilities and insuring the requisite^
mills and factories at the head of deep water transportation, only one
mile from’the center of Tillamook City.—Oregonian, May 21st.
Putting up Fruit
For 30 Days
a little apace on the top of the cork noted, howerver, that while the fed-
„ be
_ erals have .'been since advancing,
into which hot sealing wax __
is to
the revolutionists make no higher
poured, to render the contents]
thoroughly air-tight. New r bottles claim than that they are advancing
may be best, but any bottle, not backwards.
crocked, or with tlawa in it that may
develop into holes, can be used, if
The late king of Denmark had
it ia thoroughly washed and scald the advantage of beginning life as
ed and kept clean.
a poor boy.
Two of his sisters,
though princesses, were compelled,
China will try another experiment on account of limited family means,
in socialism under the* leadership to make their own dresses, yet one
of Sun Yat Sen.
The latter has became queen of England, and the
other empreas of Russia.
evidently had a bad tip.
When putting up fruits, too much
cooking makes the fruit dark and
spoils the flavor. Have everything
clean and whole, lids well fitted and
any additional
sealer, as
either paraffin or ordinary sealing
wax, at hand. Have your preserv­
ing kettle, spoons, funnels, ladles,
all ready. If not convenient to make
jelly at the time, put the juice up
as for beverages, and make the jelly
later, Jams can be made of canned
fruits, as well as of fresh, and in
Every politician of note wants to
The department of Agricultura 1
order to have the best of every­
thing you must have good, fresh be like Abraham Lincoln, but in at Washington has just issued its
Year Book—a
fruits, perfectly air-tight jars, and trying to be like him not many of 1911 Agricultural
a dark place to keep them in—not them use the real Lincoln method. bound volume of several hundred
pages containing much interesting
necessarily a dark cellar, but the
More battle stipe have been or- information regarding agriculture,
¡-helves may be darkened with cloth
or paper curtains, or the jars wrap­ dered to Cuba and the presence of horticulture, stockraiaing, etc. Each
ped in thick paper that will Weep some may possibly be called iot in Senator and Representative has
Mexican ports.
Two new battle copies of this book for distribution
out the light.
Before putting fruits awpy in ships a year is,but a moderate al­ and any farmer can secure a copy
your cellar, see that the cellar ie lowance.
by sending to one of the members
clean and well ventilated, with no
of the Oregon delegation.
Nine times out of ten there is so
bad or musty smells, or mold on
little contest for the vice presiden­
walls or shelves.
The rush to the divorce courts of
For bottling juices some house­ tial nomination that the conven­ St. Louie seem to be growing since
wives say the corks should be soak­ tions are glad to eelect an amiable the appointment of a divorce proctor
in cold, instead of hot water, but rather than an agreaeive candidate. in Kansas City has made the di­
the hot water is safe, and swells the
vorce atmosphere of that town lees
cork more thoroughly thanthecold.
A Berliner can breakfast at home congenial than it was The appoint­
Have good,fine grained, cleancorks and diue in Vienna after an aero­ ment of a proctor here would meet
Where fruits are scarce and wild plane flight at an average speed of with public approval as well as
grapes are plentiful, the grapes nearly a mile a minute.
Nothing that of a number of legal gentle­
while green lend themselves admir­ phlegmatic about that.
men who would like the chance of
ably to many ways of "putting up."
competing for the
.Manufactured gae for heisting reai- Democrat.
They may be canned, made into
jam. jellies, chutney, catsup, or dencea is promised in St. Louie at
marmalade. They usually have an 50 cents a thousand. The man who
Dr. Wiley hss been sent to bed by
struggled with the furnace last win­
excellent flavor, if well made.
his incessant care of the baby.
Where wild fruits are abundant ter ie not only ready but a nxious to
There are sa yet no symptoms of
...id jars and sugar scarce, many be shown,
pueaperal fever in hie case. We
kinds may be dried, and when cook-1
—' ----------------------
trust that while he ie abed Mrs.
ed are very palatable.
These havcj Texas Democrats in their state
Wiley may enjoy those sweet de-
the merit of being easily kept snd * pisiform oppose the initixitive, re-
inexpensive. The berries and soft' ferendum and recall. Thue begins lights so dear to the heart of a new-
made mother. If the preas dis­
iriiita will all dry nicely and be a diversity that ia likely to prove
do not misrepresent the
very palatable either in sauces or aatoniehing at Baltimore.
doctor, ne is a fussy puss in pants,
in pies or puddings.
disposed to rob women of their
One of l’ocle Sam’s new torpedo,
Fruit juice« may be put up with­
moat sacred rights.
out sugar, and will keep well, if boat destroyers made *) speed of
everything is thoroughly sterilized
| The Commercial travelers oflodi-
.faod the juice put up in absolutely trip. The,trotters are left far in the
inu. having made > heroic war
air-tight bottles.
If intending to
against the tipping evil, and not
put up juice«, one should gather up sea shell road.
having won a victory, are now re-
the bottles cf appropriate size and
solving that "there ought to be a
clean and sterilize them and put
them away where they will have he will send to Jail for six months law" forbidding tips, under penal-
But where drum-
good care. New corks should be say chauffeur who doesn't stop ties for violation.
Even mere fail, how can any law hope to
supplied, of the right size—a little wbeh he hits a pe-Jeatrisn
larger than the mouth of the bottle, this will be found ineffective. We win? It ie a hard case, and must
¡remain so until we get back to
so they will have to be soaked in must lake our ria ls, that's all.
hot water to make them soft enough
The long expected battle in
to force into the bottle, and when
the bottle in nearly full, force the ico has ticen foaght and twMh sfata »
■ tcrluzedjcork into the neck, leaving see claiming victory. It is to be
$400 the Lot.
10 Per Cent Cash—TERMS, $10 a Month.
5 Per Cent Discount for Cash.
Your choice of lots without Restriction as to Location or Merit at
$400 the Lot and during the month of JUNE ONLY. The terms are
such that you should not let this opportunity pass. The term of the
property is without queetion. GET BUSY. WHY YOU SHOULD
1.—Introductory Price of Lots.
2. —On main traveled road of Tillamook.
3. —Principle 10 inch Water Main of City.
4. —Street Paving within one block.
5. —Close in to Business Section.
6th—On Second Avenue East and Stillwell Avenue where property
values are on the upward trend.
The above are a reasonable half-dozen statements of facts. Come
in and we will tell you a dozen more reasons why you should look at
this property. Make an appointment.
Reason :
Dr. J. T. Work, M. T.
1st St. and 3rd Ave West.
Chiropractor and Naturopath is
the most improved science for the
cure of disease. Why suffer from
coldB, catarrah, rheumatism, hernia,
tumors and abdominal displace­
ments, indigestion, malaseiinilation
and the general neurotic run down
condition that follows when the
cause may be easily adjusted and
removed with no danger of other
complications, as there is no drugs
or knives used in this system.
A Card
This ie to certify that Foley’s
Honey and Tar Compound does
not contain any opiates, unv habit
forming drugs, or any ingredients
that could possibly harm its users.
On the contrary, its great healing
and soothing qualities make it a
real remedy for coughs, colds and
irritations of the throat, chest and
The genuine is in a yellow
package. Ask for Foley’s Honey
and Tar Compound and accept *no
substitute. Lamar’s Drug Store.
A Good Medicine.
Sold by
Mrs. I-ena Ixive. wife of Wiley
Live, a farmer living near Covena,
Ga.. says. "I have taken Foley Kid­
ney Pills and find them to lie all
you claim for them. They gave
me almost instant relief when my
kidneys were sluggish and inactive.
I can cheerfully recommend them
toall sufferers from kidney trouble.’’
Lamar’s Drug Store.
A sprained ankle may an a rule
be cured in from three to four days
by applying Chamberlain's Lini­
ment and observing the directions
with each bottle. For sale by all
They Put an End to It
Charles Sable, 30 Cook St.. Ro­
chester. N. Y.. says he recommends
Foley Kidney Pills st every oppor­
tunity because they gave him
prompt relief from a bad case of
kidney trouble that had long both­
ered him. Such a recommendation,
coining from Mr. Sable, ia direct
and convincing evidence of the
great curative qualities of Foley
Kidney Pills. Lamar's Drug Store.
with the problem of buying Harness,
yon will find it distinctly advanta­
geous to come and do your select
ing here
You will get the best
qualities, the most thorough and
conscientious workmanship, nndtia
charged the moat reasonable pricea
We can supply single or double
Meta or any single article that you
Adminiatrator'a Notice to C redltore. may be in need of.
N oticf .
H b ' ikhv G ivbn ,—T o
all whom it may concern, that the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County ot Tillamook, has
appointed the undersigned admin­
istrator of the Estate of N. M. F.
Dawson, deceased ; and all persons
haviug CHAINS against said es­
tate are hereby required Io present
the same, properly verified, to eaid
administrator at his residence in
Tillamook City. Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice
Dated June 20th. 1912.
J. A. DAWautt.
Administrator of the Estate of
N X. F. Liewaou, deceased.
W.A, Williams & Co
Notvj/j the time
to have that
group picture made
L-t us 'show you our
special display of attrac­
tive new styles.
We are
equipped for
making group pictures,
and will please you with
the quality of our work.
Monk 's Studio.
R-A. WAHLEN, D.O. We have two second hand wagons
used that can lie bought
Eye Sight Specialist.* slightly
ata bargain. Tillamook Feed Co. •