Tit!*nftook Headlight, Jun* 13, 1912 20.00 H. B. Johnson...... Card of Thanks J Nelson A Co............. . 11.25 A. G. Wilk*.......... Walter D. Wood (bridge) Tillamook Beat Portland Cuba'High School Commencement. 44.00 H. Hayward......... W. A. Williams...... We desire to express our t^ 49.75 J. E. Zimmerman ... ------------ . The Presbyterian Church was B. R. Hays............. In the matter of the Petition of Clar ­ 80.00 ‘o ’b« many kind friends and Q. J. Pangborn.... r Inspired by the precedent which |crowded until Btanding room could Coroner's Inquest heift L. Wilson.............. l-25; bors for their kindly sympathr they have set for winning games no, 8ecured Kriday night, when ence E. Hannenkratt for liquor license 'T ir Surveyor ’ » Report F. H Egglisten.. 75.00 tokens of respect on account 0( in Garibaldi for three months from thia year, the Commercial tlub the graduating class of the ---- 7.50 W. Maddux........... our I ie Tilla com- ­ 5th- 1912' licen,e w“ Ktonted, Matt Wilber... | bereavement in the death of — team of thia city defeated the Poit- mook High School gave the 9.75 uva‘n or onrk. < 12.00 W. J. Knight........ com­ Chas. Wells . invited the license fee of »100 being imposed. hii'd Cuba tit the Gilford Stillwell mencement exercises to i-------- 25.00 loved mother, Mrs. \v 12 00 S. Dick.................. »»• v v VaiiFh- * B. Aiderman .. I In the matter of tie bid of M. M. J. 29.75’ The V aughx f Ì m S*’ Wm. Fletcher...... Park Sunday by a score of 2 to 1. Aschim ... guests and school patrons. 27.25 : G. Gokw**ky....... Mead & Son for construction of a fill Oscar Munson. Seldom is such an interesting Everything on the program was 3.75 Glen Zimmerman. game witnessed in amattur base­ received well by those attending. known as “Schollemyer Fill,” Neha­ J. Muir........... M. F. McNeil and wife, of Taco», .75 E. Larsen............. C. Black......... ball, but the matched condition of Of musical selections undoubtedly lem, for $2,275.00, bid waa accepted. 10.00’ came in on Sunday on a visit0"* W. Hadley............. In the matter of the Plat of Park the opposing teams seemed to make the violin solo by Chas. Baker was 54.00 left again this morning. yfr 808.50 Neil paid his first visit toTm.’ * 17.50 it impossible for either to cross tlie the best, and was received with the Addition to Cloverdale, the same was Grant Dawson Road 17.50 22 years ago, and has been^* Netarts Road.......... home plate. Many times during most enthusiasm, while the vocal approved and filed. 2.75 Amos Vaughn team...... 101.00 well posted on Tillamook affair* u In the matter of the Plat and Deed Boat hire ................. the game were the bases populated duet by Gladys and Helen Beals, 16.50 M D Darby..................... Labor......................... 45.00 . but no one could hit when hits were the vocal solo by Miss Florence of Dedication of Drew Addition to 45.00 he has been a constant reader of il J. T. Woodward team.. Tillamook City, same was approved 54.25 needed to win the game. 90.00 Headlight since then. He has «<.* A. L. Kisler team......... Laufman, the instrumental duet by The first run was made in the Eva Wheeler and Ruth Holmes, and filed. 80.00 property interests here and thu E. Anderson team........ Road District No. 1. 71.50 Tillamook County will g0 ah* second when Smith, the Cubs’ sec­ and selections by Mrs. F. W. Chris­ In the matter of the Plat and Deed of , F. A. Emery............................. 76.30 Claud Christensen......... 35.00 from now on. 127.00 Ed Jacoby........................ ond baseman, made home on au tenson, cannot be passed without Dedication of First Addition to Bar G. W. Zaddach anJ team........ 40.00 105.50 A. Haugen..................... View, same was approved and filed. Felix Kabba and team .......... error. 25.00 ------------------- - . notice. The duets of the Beals Arch Beebeheiser...... _.. 78.00 I Ernest Kabba and team ........... In the matter of the Plat and Deed However things were evened up Sisters are always gladly received, 22.50 ‘Missouri is credited with the 33.25 Tora Haugen.................. i H. Pageau .................................. vention of the be8t road drag. j*j in the third when Armbuster came and their sweet voices were, if any . ­ of Dedication of Neppack & Martin’s 34.00 J. Beebeheiser................ Ed Holmes................................. in on a hit by Meilis after King had thing, some sweeter than when they First Addition to Nehalem Bay Park, Ed Byrant.................................. 34.50 571 25 a 8*art toward making tl» i---- - ----------------------- . 37.00 same was approved and filed. placed him on third by a two base last sang in public. E. Carpenter ........................ state one of the most active » 12.50 In the matter of the Plat and Deed Matt Egenberger...................... hit. Mies Laufman, who has bien in­ 34.00 J. J. Rapp ...... 63.81 highway improvement. Ossonberger ....................... Things stood even up to the structor in English at the High of Dedication of Manzanita Beach, W. 44.50 E. Hannenkratt. August Ludtke and team .... 43.05 By the time the Republican X,. 1 ist of the ninth inning, when School the past year showed her same was approved and filed. 38.50 C. Wilks ........... 34.50 tional Convention concludes its W. Crawford............................. 28.00 Z. Wells.............. In the matter of the application of Emil Larsen............................... Edmunds ran out a punt, took sec­ knowledge of music and not only 27.00 15.75 J. Edwards........ 23.00 ceedings the two women delegate ond on an error at first and scored that, but gave the people of this W. H. Brobst and others for establish­ H. Payn ....... ............................ 3.00 Joe Blazer......... 2.00 from California will realizethatpoj Fred Humpke ........................... on a two base lilt by Peterson. ment of a county road, it was ordered city a treat in music by her selec­ 20.00 W. Wilks............ Andrew Peterson ..................... 17.25 tics is the moat absorbing busine* The main features of the game tion. that U. G. Jackson, Fred Zaddach and W. 3. Lukl-art ......................... 38.50 E. Smith.......... "... 16.00 on earth. were the batting of King, who se 26.25 S. Peterson........ 16.00 The instrumental selections were F. M. Wakeley be appointed as Road Joseph Angels .......................... 1.75 Joe Von Rotz...... One Memorial Day speaker «& 17.00 • tired three hits out of four times all well rendered and showed ability Viewers; and that the said board should L. Larsen..................................... 15.00 J. M. Turner ............................ j vised the election .of a preside« up and Peterson who made the and Btudy on the part of the musi­ meet on the 12th day of June, 1912. 5.00 J. J. Spenser.............................. 259.55 with a cool head because "tJ only three base hit of the game and cians. I In the matter of advertising and can­ E. Gray....................................... 75.00 the pitching of Millis, Tillamook’s 63.45 government is no more indestruc. 93.75 Dee Tomlison.............................. The salutatory given by J. Reed celling county warrants, it was ordered Geo. Knight and team ............ 54 85 E. D. Snodgrass ....................... 22^85 tible than tbe Titanic was unsink south paw. Bain was a lengthy oration on the that the county clerk be authorized to Geo. Henderson.......................... 49.00 James Christensen ................... 155.00 able. ......................... The visitors tried to have the mental slavery of the time aud was advertise all coun y warrants which Emil Ross................................... ” A hotspur president with| 28.40 J, Perry....................................... Dan Davidson ............................ 6.00 new nationalism is not the sou game called while the score was well rendered. Of course it had its are dated prior to July 1st, 1905. 26.00 Francis Gray.............................. 1.75 recommended. J. Weber..................................... tied by making excuses, but Ed defects, but the study which it 16.75 Tony Dalpaz, lumber................ Claim of F. S. Whitehouse & Son for Sam Thompson.......................... 2.40 48.12 David Martiny........................ . ■minds stalled things off by finding showed and the ability with which $125 was rejected. E. Gray’s team.......................... 52’2? ' Fitzgerald, --------------- • — (.iiairma Democratic chairnm 46.60 J. Salvey...................................... Lester Pitts................................. the right fielder’s glove which he it was delivered made it of a hijth The claim of R. N. Henkle for Gordon ; of the Appropriations Comnutt« 43.50 Pitts ............. ............... ' --- __ __ j . to the -- claimed he had lost. Things had rank. Road District No. 3. $44.00 for county poor was rejected. Joe Pitts ..................................... on Wednesday, read Hou* s 42.30 to move during the la it half ot the 52.50 U. S. Edwards ............ F. E. Carlton, of the State Super-1 In the matter of advertising for bids E. Craig....................... ............. a document which seven year» ninth for there were only foui ‘intendent's office, addressed the for right-of-way on Netarts Roa I, it A. Miller...................................... 38.75 U. S. Edwards ............. recommended an addition to the 102.25 Clyde Webb................. minutes in which to play, and the Otto Kocher and team............. class and many things that he said was ordered that county clerk adver­ G. White House and in which «u L. Dorothy............................. . 34.05 Tom Long . ................. game was to be called at the end of could well be taken into the lives of tise for bids for clearing and grading Guy Vedder.................................. interlined the following: •‘To 1» 57.50 Wm. Long ................... the ninth so that the team could 59.75 Mike Galloway............. V1 his listeners. of the right-of-way. J. W. Tohl.................................... permanent during my life time." catch the excursion train for Port­ 26.50 G. W. Galloway ......... Perl^tps the valedictory given by j In the matter of the application of W. J. Womelsdorf team............. Thia he interpreted to mean that land that evening. 47.50 W. M. Galloway ......... H. W. Klien ............................. Myron Blanfiliard was the best Don Ellis for liquor license at Brighton A. President Roosevelt had then form E. Rittenhouse team........... 106.00 J. R. Thompson........... received spefadi of the evening. It Beach, same was granted for the ter£ ter £ Joe Barshone ............................ . 59.25 John Whaiin .............. ed the purpose of becoming presi­ Death of Mrs. J. A. Dawson vn t short, but the whole thought of one year from the 20th day of June, Geo. Miller................................... 42.25 Claude Lewallen ......... dent for life. When shown thii 49.00 Claude Lane............... which Was desired to be given was lyl2, the license fee of $400 being im- Geo. Ludtke............................... story, Roosevelt said it was too 128.00 Fred Lewallen ............ Jasper Alley team ...................... Mrs. Nancy Magdalene Fleming -nade clear in fhe few words. It is po^ed. preposterous to consider and it 81.00 J. Lewallen.................. Leslie Barber and team............. Dawson passed quietly away at her a rare gift to be able to express a 93.75 Lee Lane ...................... H. Scovell and team................. Gettsburg he again referred to it. General Fund. home in thia city Monday night at deep thought in few words and for 26.50 Will Peacock................ Max Schroeder.......................... saying that only people with three 47.50 L. Lane......................... eleven o'clock after an illness of this, reason if for no other Mr. Wm. Jolly........................... . Dan Alley team........ 7 May F. Drew.................... guinea-pig power intellects could 57.50 Andrew Sanderson .^. A. S. Lane ................... several weeks duration. Blanchard's oration was a success Ross Shrive......................... heed such talk. 59.25 Frank Wilson .............. Frank Moore team ..... I.ate in the winter Mrs. Dawson After the program Mr. H. T. Tillamook Herald.............. 65.00 R. V. Rowland (team) Joe West team............. was taken sick with typhoid fever, Botts, the Chairman of the Board T. H. Pitts........................... Len Alley team................... ... 36 75 Dee Moon (team)........ Each age of our lives has its joy*. which conqielled her to give up her of Education, presented the diplo­ U. G. Jackson...................... T. D. Wash.................... Old people should be happy, «nd March 1, 1912. Barthold Barge Co .............. they will be if Chamberlain's Tab­ school at Hebo and come home mas to the graduates, who numered Carl Curl ,............................. 7.25 R. E. Welsh (team) ... Gordon Pitts.......................... lets are taken to strengthen the di­ Tlie typhoid developed into an acute eleven. Many gifts were received Detroit Trust Co. 6.00 J. F. Moon.................... Lester Pitts............................ gestion and keep the bowels regu 14.25 P. R. Coulson (team) . Joe Pitts......................... ... form of heurt trouble bringing, on a by those who leave the school this | Zaddoch.... lar. These tablets are mild and A. Miller................................ 9.25 Edward Gray................. O’ Forrest j“ Ayer : very complexed form of sickness year. They included not gentle in their action and especially 2 25 H. V. Welsh ............... F. M. Wakeley....................... which the doctors were unable to flower«, bnt books and other Rifts. H. A. Chopard ............ suitable for people of middle ant (3 Bewley... and older. For sale by all dealer«. cope with. Life was finally brought 2642.62 Frank Kumm................ The member« of the class were : Tillamook Iron and Brass Foun- • John Borba Jr ............... to a close by paracardinitis. Mrs. J. Reed Bain, Daisie E. Goodspeed, 25.50 dry ................. T. R. Wilson................. There is no real need of anyone Dawson was conscious to the very W. Clent King, Ruth D. Holmes, 94.00 E. Krumloff.......................... ... 68.75 S. W. Barker ............... *’gni f*nBn being troubled with constipation. 5.70 John Krumloff....................... ..... 66.25 L. Yach .......... ............ lust and her last words were to her Elbert E. Ginn, William E. Ander- c^t gJn........... Chamberlain's Tablets will cause 10.70 Griff Krumloff.................... .. . 58.50 Fred Affolter................ friends and family who were gath son. Horace L. Sappington, M. Eva Will Hadiey.... an agreeable movement of the box 20.00 John Pocquet.......................... .... 65.25 W. D. Winters.............. ered about her bedside. without any unpleasant effect Girt 17.50 Chas. Wilks team................... ... 88.50 Lee Affolter ................. Wheeler, H. Barbara Hathaway, I Powell & Son .. The funeral services were held Floyd L. E barman and C. Mvdoni^ them a trial. For sale by all dealer* 54.00 C. V. Stokes team............... .... 120.00 Dick Dingess................ I*',< 1 a«» Stasick —v ................................... Wednespay afternoon from the 10.25 Geo. Hoskins ....................... ..... 68.75 Morris Bays.. . .............. Blanchard. When your child has whoopinr W. H. Hoskins............................ 86.25 W. M. Walker team........ . ... 10.00 John Jenck .................. M. K. Church. cough be careful to keep the cougli Tillamook City Water Works. . 10.00 Nancy Magdalene Fleming WHS Boulder Creek Blake Thompson ................... .... 53.50 Jeff Fleck ..................... loose and expectoration easybygir Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Wm. Hoakins team ............. ..... 84.00 P. H. Messner............. born in Greenville, Tennessee, in ing Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy 16 40 Warren Hoikins .................. ..... 42.25 W. F. Messner............. as may be required. This remedy John Borba has been suffering Mrs. H/a Hanson, August 1802, where she spent her 9.00 E. G. Davis......................... ... 28.50 W. F. Messner (team) will also liquify the tough mucin “~* .............................. M. D Buel 9.00 F. Barnes team.................... .... 43.00 Claude Hall................... girlhood until she went to the with an abscess for the past week ’ Lillie “ and make it easier to expectorate 10.00 S. Barber................................ .... 22.00 A. B. Stem ................. Newman Seminary to complete her which was so severe that it was George Willett............................ It has been used successfully in W. F. Baker................................ 63.72 Geo. Wilks feared he would be obliged to call a . . 29.50 A. B. Stem (team) .... education. many epidemics and is safe and J. W. Maddux.............................. 3.75 E. J. Bartrow .................... ..... 25.00 Manuel Thomas............. sure. For sale by all dealers. On June 2. 1887 she married Mr. physician, fortunately it grew better Tillamook Electric Light and Dick Johnson....................... .... 12.50 F. W. Mathues............. 25.62 Fuel Co....................................... J. A. Dawson. To this marriage and at present, is on the mend. Chris Hansen ........................ ............... 50 W. Thomas.................... When Buying, Fuy Only th* Best 26.87 H I.. Jengen and fatjjily spent! Mrs. A. M. Ginn......................... Geo. Hoskins ....................... .... 16.00 James Thomas........ ... were born three children, Carl, 24.12 Costs no more but gives best result* ................................ Wm. Wallace......................... .... 27.50 P. Thomas..................... Eliza V. and Cloyd O. The first ast Sunday at the home’ of Jdcob ' 24.62 H. L. Blomquist, Esdaile, Wi’. Sam Johnson......................... .... 60.00 Chas. Baker ................. 1.25 says his wife considers Foley1« I Mary L. White\’’i'.\’?^i.” two were with their mother at the Nicklaus on upper Boulder. F. Illingsworth ................... ... 65.00 Fred Lyster (team).... 94.50 Work on the road repairing | Security .Vault & Metal Works time of her death while Cloyd who Honey and Tar Compound the best Geo. Eichinger team .......... .... 70.00 Harley Curl .................. 52.25 cough cure on the market. “She is attending school at Eugene was through the Hughey ranch was re­ Glass & Prudhomme Co........... Theo. Finney......................... ... 50.00 Carl Curl ....................... 51.75 Mutual Telephone Co................ has tri«d various kinds but Foley n Al Jurks ................. unable to arrive in time. Besides sumed last Monday. ... 23.75 E. E. Davis...... ............ 48.25 gives the best result of all ” 1* Remington Typewriter Co.... B. Bowman............................. 2 50 Louie Wolley................. Mrs. Brimhall’a mother, from W. D. Gladwell........................ 46.50 mar’s Drug Store. her husband, three children and Wm. Kennedy.................... ... 78.00 R. B. McClay (team).. 96.50 her mother, Mrs Dawson leaves Beaver, has been making a visit to Dr. S. M. Wendt...................... Frank Barnes ................. ... 10.00 Reed Farmer.................. 11.50 It is now well known that not Tillamook Meat Co ..................... live stepchildren, of whom two Mrs. Roza Borba, for the past week. Fritz Drebert ............. . 38.75 more than one case of rheumatism O. W. Kinnaman...................... Henry and Drew are livingat home, 1289.50 Tom Kellow (team) ..... Chas. Wooley, of Hemlock, spent B. L. Beals................................. 85.00 in ten requires any infernal treat­ J. R. Davis (team) ... Jay of Hoquiam, Wash,, and two last Sunday with his friends H. A. J. C. Holden ............................ 38.00 ment.whatever. All that is needed Robt. Huston ............ . 42.50 is a free a plication of Chamberlsis’s W. S. Buel................................. girls, Mary Morgan and Julia Chopard and family. L00 Geo. Sanders......................... 140.15 P. J. Trobough ............. . 34.75 Liniment and massaging the par* J. tC. Holden.............................. 3.00 j Alva Gore .............................. Seitters of McMinnville. These 84.00 Lloyd Woods................. Mrs. Maggie Nicklaus and sons, H. Crenshaw.............................. 33.75 at each application. Try it and »ee 1.55 j Geo. Vaughn.......................... 30.00 John Hielmeyer (team) and a host of friends and relatives foin and Robbie went to Beaver, B. F. Flint................................. 103.00 how quickly it will relieve the P»>" 3.00 I H. A. Wampler..................... 36.25 Alex Imlah .................... mourn their loss. 84.00 P. F. Fraser ............................ Monday. and soreness. Sold by all dea lers _ 5.00 V. D. Walker.......................... 30.00 Billie Peacock ............... 30.45 The greater part of Mrs. Dawson's 315.50 j C. L. Potter............................ Mrs. Anna Kbboeen and L. N. A. £. P. Mitchell.................... 12.00 I. W. Hiner ................... 26.20 Nehalem Enterprise ................ 4.50 L. O. Nelson ......................... married I’fe Ims been spent in Ore­ Sa ado* and wife, took dinner at J. <’.. Holden............................... 6.00 John Creecy (team)..... 32.50 20.29 Wm. Wallace.......................... 27.50 Roy Sailing (team).... gon. they having moved to thia H. A. Chopard’s on Sunday. 30.00 HOTEL COLUMBIA I Sarah Shearer, rent .............. 9.00 Salaries. state in September of the year of Robert Margarell and wife went J. J. McCormick, board....... I 32.00 Cor. 2nd Street and 2nd Ave. K- 2,011.60 their marriage. About fifteen years to Tillamook Saturday and return­ H. V. Alley............................... 76.00 W. H. Hoakins ..................... 1.30 Homer Mason.................. I 100.00 of this time has been spent in ed Sunday. Tillamook, Ore. Wm. D. Body felt...................... 45.00 Tillamook County. 200.00 394.06 E. E. Cross & Son.............. i Frank Kblieeen, who hae l>eeu W. 8. Buel ........................... 83.33 Cloverdale Mercantile Co._ 208.15 Mrs. Potter & Son, Prop* She will be rembered as a loving attending echool in Tillamook is ex­ B. L. Beals......................... ’' ’ 83 33 D. W. Gilbert A Son, mdse 32.38 C. A. Johnson.................. wife and mother, and a friend to l>ect<*d home thia week. 400.00 Myer A Son, mdse....... „...... 75.00 ............... 14. “5 Rooms 50c. and up; $7 00 a month im qq Nelson A Co. Mdse. ............... H. Crenshaw.................... 7.00 every one with whom she met. M. M. Mead A Son .............. W. N. Bays, the Beaver hotel Vida Rogen............. 965.00 Nelson A Co. Mdse. .............. 6.20 W. C. Thun, lumber .......... 131.50 andup. Baths, Hot and Cold W »,eT man. waa out in our neighborhood K. Mills...................... 75^00 H- L. Provost supplies......... 27.50 Geo. Kellow .......................... 5.50 J. C. Holden ................... ’ ” ‘ 13L33 Tohl & Anderson Mdse. ....... on Monday. 132.25 E. Godsey ........................... 15.15 KI I dee Krake is home ugain after J. H. Johnson .... 75.00 Road District No. 2. Ira Desmond, lumber ........ 150.55 A. M. Hare ............. 100 00 A. Biggs ................................. aevrral weeks absence in the county Current Expense*. Frank Redding .................. . seat. . Strayed. __ Rov Main.................... VMfOMACTKM . QUICK IN Mtn1* A. G. Beals Lumber Co.».. Church of Christ. 220.48 C. R. Funk............................... ’ T. If. Goyne....... ........... •toe paaapt relief from BACKAti* 4.00 A. M. - Myers j Strayed, a two year old mixedj 10 a m.—Bible Schtxil classes for H. M. Farmer................ 44.00 L. r Darbv..... ■' ■ Jersey Heifer. Tag in left ear, ■UDNBT sod BLADDER TROUM* nil, this means you if you do not W. F. Baker .............. .7 16.00 -. z. Wells . attend elsewhere. i marked ‘No. 38, F. Mowery.” from ■MZUMATI8M, CONGESTION «f “ King A Smith_____ . 36.18 I. Wells .... 11 a m.—Preaching subject ■’The Alex. McNair A Co. i M. A. Hodgdon’s, Fairview, Ore. 63.95 D. B. Darby.. ddniy », inflammation m * Covenants, their Promise, Condi­ Coast Bridge Co. ....... —------------- :---- 2,626.20 Bill Smith .. tions and Penalties.” •t ’ F. N. Elliott.......... ............. ■LADDER and all annoying UROU0 10.00 Matt Webber Dairy Farm Wanted. 3 p.iu. —lunior C-E. Henry Crenshaw ........ 12 35 Norman Olds 7 p.in.—Young People’s meeting. Dawson Bros. .................. nREOULARITIF.S. A poet th-» to** 16.00 J. Salvey .. Dairy Farm Wanted equipped ■ 1DDLB AGED and ELDEBfc* 8 p.m —Preaching by paator. sub ' D. W. Gilbert A Sons ... j.46 P. Sutton .... ject, “ Giving God a Square Deal.” I H. Crenshaw.............. tock, buildings, etc , from Owner 25.00 J. Blaser ... Come to these services. A cordial who will take Portland income pro­ VBOPU aa4 far WOMEN. invitation is extended t> you. perty as part first payment Give ■AVE NtAHIST R. K. JlWK Pastor Dr. Scheets, Chiropractor, full particulars, price and location. NOTICE. .XÏÎIT, thi e°Unty Court of Oregon. Address Owner. 140» Minnesota- wtolr «nSsrsd msefc frost tnr ki.iM M E Church. '^WtiiKHincea the opening of office» I ksd severs bseksebssasdnirb in the Wade Remien« r across from Ave.. Box Brysnt and Albina Ave.; ess - - - was io» frs*"sat, casting aw Io low 10 ii m.— Sundav School, ______> an Portland, Ore ttik innri House South. Monday at »iah*. sad is str blsAdar «her« ™ U n. m.—Sermon. This will be the not been presented for payment, to- esia I book Folrv Kidnsr Pill» for.______ second uf the series vn the Lord's wit; June l,th, twist Card of Thanks. Series « loro; tactic is a Naturi I and | Prayer Hallowed He Thy Name ” Number Date To Whom Drawn rvssna n fall ■ - • p m.-Epworth League. Amount. E The Sisters of St. Mary offer their • ?«ro S» lentiftc method of removing the I *V-n».-Song Nov.. 4. tana »rtmun Sub- Aguat Jurha »1.70 C, I. Clough. Druggi»*. sincere thands to the members of c.**,ae of iiiM-nee l>y adjiieting the 7348 M«r., g 1904 , Entering Into Covenant with Henry Kreimer 1.32 " F the Tillamook Band for the beauti. i • l>ii«e ai> 1904 N B1000 PLlWll. Jasper Dimick A New York Court has decided 162 6618 ' lbw to AMItx. to-. dr»ase.| Sept . 7. 190« Fred Maurer tba* a gun without lock, stock or 2.50 2 •> lbw to At Itx s**c dre^eil • hall be cancelled, and payment thereof will refused. barrel is a dangerous weapon. This pound» and over, îûc. By order of the County Court. to one of the decisions that will be I illsoicvk Meat Company. KiTy. r^,,ed Te““ “Od J. C. HOLDEN. Commissioners’ Court Foley Kidney Pills County Clerk.