Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 13, 1912, Image 4

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    Tillamook rteadlight, June 13, 1912.
A Solemn Dane*.
The Tribute of the Pewhatana,
They have a singular kind of
What 1s perhaps the most Interesting
ceremony to he wltneeeed in tbe Unit­ conducted on the greens of country
ed States takes place at tbe state Capi­ luges In Russia. The dancers st
tol at Richmond on Feb 16 of each apart, a knot of young men bef* •
year. It consists of tbe delivery of tbe knot of maiden* there, each »ex by *•
annual tribute of the Pamunkey river self and silent as a crowd of mute*. A
Indians, representing a surviving tribe piper break* Into a tune; a youth pulto
of the Powhatan nation, to tbe gov­ off hl* cap and challenge* his girl with
ernor of Virginia The manner of tbe a wave and bow. If the girl 1» willing,
presentation of the tribute Is simple. ■be wave* her handkerchief In tokaa of
Tbe chief and tbe head men of the assent. The youth advances, takes a
tribe uiion the appointed day appear at corner of the handkerchief In hl* baud
the copltol bearing baskets of ducks »nd leads his lassie round and round
and fish and lay the baskets at the feet No word Is »poken and no laugh is
of the governor. The few and simple heard. Stiff with cords and rich with
words which are spoken are traditional braids, the girl move* heavily by her
and do not vary, Originally the trib- »elf, going round and round and never
ute consisted of venison, ducks and allowing her partner to touch her band
fish, each of tbe finest and represent- The pipe goes droning on for boors In
Ing tbe dominion of the state of Vlr- tbe same sad key and measure, and
glnla over the animals of the forest, |
prU<, of nl(*r|t’|n this “circling.' “ as
the birds of the air and the fish of the the dance la called. Is given by specta
waters, but the state law establishing tors to the lassie who tn all that sum
a closed season for deer now prevents mer revelry has never spoken and nev
the Indians from including veulson In er smiled.
tbe tribute.—Harper's.
Thumb Prints.
Seeing Distance*.
Back's Narrow Escape.
In the Argentine Republic the Identi­
About 200 miles In every direction Is
David Beck, the celebrated portrait tbe distance a man can see when stand
fication cards of policemen, coachmen,
cab drivers, commissionaires and serv i painter and pupil of Van Dyck, while lug ou a clear day on tbe peak of the
ants have since 1R0G Ixvrne their finger i traveling through Germany was sud­ highest mountain—aay at a height of
prints. Upon all passports and bank denly taken III and to all appearances 20.068 feet, or a little over five miles
receipts for deposits the Imprint of the [ tiled and was laid out a corpse. Illa above the level of the sea. An ob­
thumb must be made at the time of de­ i servants, sitting around the bed, griev­ server mu3t be at a height of 6,067
livery. In Roumanla since 180.1 the ed heartily for the loss of so good a feet above sea level to see objects at a
thumb print has been substituted for master and, as grief Is thirsty, drank distance of a hundred miles. The dis-
the cross made Instead of signature by as heartily at the same time. One of I tance in miles nt which an object upon
persona who cannot write. In the Thll them, becoming more befuddled than I the surface of the earth is visible Is
Ipplne Islands those who cannot write the rest, then addressed his compan­ i equal to the square root of one and
are not obliged to be Identified by wit­ ions thus: "Our master when alive one-half times the height of the ob-
nesses at savings banks, but have to was foud of his glass. Let us out of i server In feet above sea level. Some
make their mark with their thumb. gratitude, then, give him one now he allowance has to be made for the ef­
The same system has l*en used In la dead." Assent was given. Tbe head fect of atmospheric refraction, but as
the banka of Bengal for fifty years. In of the dead painter was raised up and the refraction varies at different heights
Franco to put an end to the fraud of aome wine poured down or spilled and Is affected by the various states of
enlistment, desertion and re-enlistment about, the fragrance or spirit of which the weather no precisely accurate fig­
for the bounty paid In the Foreign le­ caused Beck to open hla eyes, upon ures for general purposes can be given.
gion, every man's finger prints are tak which the servant, who, being drunk, Probably from one-fourteenth to one-
half forgetting hla master was dead, tenth of the distance given by the
on and kept on file.
forced down the remainder of the formula would have to be deducted
glass. The painter gradually revived owing to the refraction of the atmo»-
The First Railway Gauge.
An Interesting story was told by one and thus cscai>ed a living Interment
of George Htephenson's biographers re
taring how the great engineer cauie to >
Te Escape Geld Bricka.
"Long Live ths King.”
A man or a woman with funds to In-
adopt the four foot eight and a half
The expression "The king is dead,
Inch gauge for hie railways. Some t vest should mnke if a primary principle long live the king." indicates tbe auto­
time previous to the buildiug of his 1 to first consult au experienced banking matic succession of ruling sovereigns—
Newcastle and Carlisle railway Ste- house of established reputation. Tbe that tbe moment a king dies bis suc­
pbeusou had an opportunity of Inspect- first step In tbe prudent Investment of cessor becomes king without any fur­
Ing some portion of an old Roman wall, your money Is the selection of your ther formality. It is believed to have
through which the chariots used to banking bouse. You should choose a had Its origin at tbe death of Louis
be driven. Deep nits made by the banker not only willing but competent 1 XIV. of France. In Pardoe'e "Life of
ebarlot wheels were still visible, and 1 to serve your every need—one with tbe Louis XIV." Is the following account
on measuring these he found their , requisite patience and aympatby to of tbe announcement of tbe death of
distance apart to be as near as possible etudy your Investment problem from that monarch:
four feet eight and a half Inches. Ste- all angles, to make your problem bls
“The death of Louis XIV. was an­
pbenson thereupon came to the conctu problem. Few investors realise that j nounced by the captain of the body­
eton that if a world |>ower like the : within the past few years there has guard from a window of the state
Bomans bad made such use of the sprung up a new guild In tbe bauklng I apartment.
Raising his truncheon
measure for its chariots be could not ' business, bankers whose business runs shove bls bead, he broke it In the cen
be wrong In adopting those measure well over $100,000.000 annually and ter and, throwing the pieces among
monte as a rule for hie railway.
whose success is largely due to the the crowd, exclaimed In a loud voice
faithful and thoughtful attention glveu 'Le roi est mort!' (the king is dead)
each serious inquiry or request for ad­ Then, aelxlug another staff, he flour
Fogs Bewilder Birds.
It I* a curious thing that, though vice. If you can save and Invest $100 ished it In the air as he shouted, ‘Vive
human beluga are utterly bewilder** or more each year you can command le roll’ (Long live tbe king).”—New
in a dense fog, most animals find thi- j the best financial brains in America.— York Times
way through It without mu. h dlfil Charles E. Merrill tn Leslie's.
cUlty A horae will trot along •" ('
Primitive Screws.
fight direction aa though the air w -i
An Astronomer's Wit,
Screws are still made In India just
perfectly clear, and not only that be
Trofessor Adams of Cambridge uni­
will take the right turning st the li; I- versity, England, who discovered the as they were made originally, by wind
Moment If it t* at all accustomed V planet Neptune, waa a distinguished ing two soft wires together around a
tbe road A human being would lake proof flint n man may have bls head mandrel. The wires are then carefully
as? turning but the right one. Bird« among the clouds and still keep a separaled. and one of them Is soldered
an the other hand, arc utterly bewll read)' wit for mundane occasions. At Into a tube or nut. while the other Is
Bored by fog* Pigeons. for Instance. a dinner of the Philosophical atx'lety, soldered to a short rod. All the silver­
*111 remain motionless nil ds.v long runs a contribution to the Cornhill smiths make their screws in this way.
half asleep, huddled up In their pigeon Magazine, one of the company was and they are all left liauded. for they
bouse-* Chicken* and poultry of all concluding an nft-r dinner speech are wound over and over by the right
kinds won't atlr all the time a hear) •bout the activities of the society for hand. Screw bolts and screw presses
fag la about. Bird« of all kind*, as s the past year. He pointed to the book I were Introduced by Europeans, and
Matter of fact, aeein helpless during of the proceedings lying on the table for many years all the cotton export­
ed from India was compressed by a
fhggj weather - Pearson’s.
near him, adding:
massive screw of wood, turned round
"But of all the proceedings thia year,
Bwew Garlands.
gentlemen, you will agree with me by cattle yoked to a long lever. This
Curious ropes of snow that form that one of the beet Is this (waving screw may still be found In remote dis­
*• window ledges, tree branches, etc , hla hand at the assembled diners] phll trict*. It is cut entirely by hand and
Is set out by winding two ropes around
at a temperature mar freeslng point oaophlcal proceeding."
the baud dressed beam to give the
hav* heen brought to notice by Dr
"Illustrated with plates!" flashed out
Karl Kassner aa "snow garlands" Professor Adams to hla neighbor at pitch.—Eastern Engineering.
Ou* of th«» ropes photographed on the table.
Dickon* and a Face Ache.
the building of the Meteorological In
Dicken* wanted to be an actor before
atltut* In Berlin was four Inches In
A Left Handed Compliment.
tbhknes. and was suspended by the
"Ma." said little Harry, "I'll tell you be was an author. He would have
been but for a face ache. When he
t*o end* tbe distance lietween the what you ought to do.”
waa a lad and a lawyer'» clerk he had
petals of support being three amt
"What, dear!” hte mother asked
attained a trial of his power of repro ;
three-quarii-r« feet and the vertical
"You ought to go over to live in some
aa* ahont one and one half Inches country where the |M*ople are Mobatn- during "ch-racter and oddity" before |
Mathews and Charles Kemble. But a ;
l^e emo* ,,n ths little |>rojectlon of medana."
face ache kept him at home, and soon '
the wall. It la supposed, waa warmed
"What on earth ever put auch a
by th* heat of th* building, when the thought aa that into your dear bead, after be "made a great splash" as s |
newspn|»ar reporter. Thereafter J»e re- '
Middle «lipped down and. twin* thus darling"”
produced "character and oddity" on pa- ,
»•move,! from the source of heat.
" 'Cause over there they think all fat per instead of the stags
women are beautiful."
"Harry, If you dare to open your
A Surprise.
Me Told Mer.
mouth again this evening you will be
Rector (on bis way to church, meet­
A Middle aged govern«*« on arriving sent to t»*d with nothing to eat!"—Chi­
ing a gat»ekee|>eri Come, my good
•t • new situation was formally intro- cago Record Herald.
follow, bow la It I never see you at
deced to the family, and the next mom
church! Gamekeeper Well. sir. 1 don't
tag “Master Tom,” tbe hopeful of the
Mere Exactly Stated.
wish tn make your congregation small I
fkuMtr m M t* her. "Miss Parker, are
Jamie, having come Into the poeeee er Rector ipunledl -I dou't see how
Fen lABhorn or Cochin China T' "Why •Ion of considerable wealth through
Ba yen ask such an extraordinary quo* the death of relative«, waa thus ad you could Gamekeeper Well. sir. yon
see. if I came to church the reel of tbe
•an"“ she asked
dressed by one of tbe neighbors:
parish would go poaching -Lond>n
“Bweose “ anawereJ tbe boy. "I heard
"Aye, Jamie, It waa • gutd thing for
dad aay te mummy after yon left tbe you that your rich freons waur born Telegraph
eaeM test night that you were no long- afore ye."
• a rlkleten “
“Weet," said Jamie. “Pm nee eae
cure aboot that, but tt waa a gold
thing that they deed afore me"—Lon­
A pnaalnem Eugllab clergyman oner don Tit-Rita
eetegWulatrd an old lady ou her brav-
•y tn fighting bee way to church
again" • torrihl* tempaat but rw-etved
•» Oeeen. vrriug reply. "My husband
*<• *n enwagrained after meal* that I
ba»» la get out of hie way. so 1 might
M weh g» to church -
Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or.
Room No. a6i.
A A • A ttobney - at -L aw .
Complete set of Abstract Bouk»
n office. Taxes paid for non«
Watch Your Money
Tillamook Block
Both phones.
When you deposit it in this saving’s bank. No matter
how small your deposits, if they are made regularly,
your account will increase with surprising quickness The
interest helps a lot too. The way to have money is to
save it. Suppose you commence by starting an account
here next pay day.
C arl
haberlach ,
attorney - at - law ,
Tillamook Block.
A ttobnky - at -L aw .
Tillamook Commercial Bnilding.
T illamook
Vacation Suggestions
T. H.
Via the
To the East
O regon .
A ttokney - at -L aw .
Office : Opposite Court House,
To the
Elk'» Convention
T illamook , O regon
Round Trip tickets to the principal cities of the East, going or re­
turning through California, or via Portland.
Going limit 15 days, final
return limit October 31, on sale as follows:
June 6-7-8-13-15-17-18-19-20-21-24- Aug. 1-2-3-6-7-12-15-16-22-23-29-30-31
Sept. 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-30.
July 2-3-6-7-11-12*15-16-20-22-23-26- Stop-overs going or returning within
6 the limit.
Pacific Railway & Navigation Beaches
Are now within easy reach by the P. R. & N. and a new field for a
pleasant vacation open.
Week end and season tickets from all S. P.
points now on sale.
Fares from the principal P. R. & N. stations
are as follows:
Tillamook Block
Tillamook Block,
Bay City.
Whore Starling* Bring Ruhs.
In “Quiet Day* In Spain," tbe au­
thor. C. B. Luffman, describee tbe fUT-
•gee of the starling* In • hacienda da-
voted to raialng muacatel raisin* near
“Dog* and goats ar* very fond of
grapes and are only kept off them by
rural guards, but th* greatest enemy
of all la the starling Thia bird file*
over from Africa in such millions aa
literally to darken the earth. When­
ever they camp for the night they
Ijgve a desert. Every particle of fruit,
leaf, tender shoot and piece of soft
bark vanishes.
Aa the saying la.
'Many crops spell various fortune*; ons
crop of starling* spell* ruin ' The
blowing of a southern wind and tbe
sound of wings in the air produces
panic, men'a face* blanch with terror.
In despair, bell* are rung, gun* fired,
torches lighted, aud donkeys, mules
and horses are galloped up and down
and round about to scare 'loe blchoa' —
tbe beaata-as they are termed."
Bay City................... $4.00 $3.70 $4.00 $3.10
$0.30 $0 35 SO 90
Brighton Beach.... 3.30 2.95 3.80 2.30 $0.75
.50 1.10
3 20 2.90 3.75 2.30
.55 1.15
Garibaldi ..
3.75 3.40 4.00 2.80
3.85 3.60 4.00 2.95
4.00 3.80 4.00 3.15
Lake Lytle
3.50 3.15 4.00 2.55
Life Saving Station 3.70 3.35 4.00 2.75
Manhattan Beach.
3.40 3.10 3.95 2.50
Mohler....................... 3.00 2.70 3.55 2.00 1.00
.75 1.35
Ocean Lake Park.. 3.60 3.30 4.00 2.60
Rockaway Beach... 3.55 3.20 4.00 2.55
Tillamook.................. 4.00 4.00 4.00 3 35
Tillamook Beach
3.55 3.20 4.00 2 55
Twin Rocks
3.60 3.30 4.00 2.60
Wheeler . .
8.15 2.80 3.70 2.20
.60 1.20
F inancial A gent ,
From Portland, Hillsboro and Banks to all stations named above, $3.00
Low Fares to Meeting of Women’s Clubs San Francisco, June 24 to July 6
For beautifully illustrated booklet “Vacation Days in Oregon ’ or’
booklets describing Bayocean and other points, as well as information
about Eastern Fares, routes, stop-overs, etc., call on nearest Agent or
-write to
JOHN M. SCOTT.’General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Tillamook, Oregon,
p. J. SHARP,
B. P. O. E. (Elks) Convention, July 8 to 13, 1912
Office across the street fron- tbe
Court House.
Dr. Wise’s office.
*■ . The Fashionable Tailcx.
through trains east
In Connectton With
Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railway»
Atlantic Qty
Baltimore ,
. . .
107.50 ^UIUUI
Duluth e . . .J
toxiO Philadelphia . .
. . .
110X10 Kansas City* .
*OX)0 Pittsburg . . .
Bufiate . .1 . - g 19J.50 Milwaukee
7L50 St. Loub ...
f. *
ÇhtesT' '!
7L50 Minneapolkf ” .
MXIO St. Paul
. . .
Colorado (Springs
55X» Montreal . . ,
. JlObXX) Toronto . . .
Om ver” ... J 554» New York ¡. . .y 108.50 Washington . .
July 2. S. «, 7. 11. 12. 15.
Cleaning, Pressing and Repair­
ing a Specialty.
S» tre in Heins Photographie
go. aa, as,
September 4, 5, 6, ?, S, 11, u, 39, 1912
5>eut»cher jLfrvtfltai.
««3 Tillamook Block,
a *™,
T illamook
The Easter Rush
Is On
but we are not too buwv to
till yo«r order tor lumber,
even if it h hut a small one.
Look aronnd aud w if your
place wouldn’t look better
tor a bttte fixing up. Then
tell ns what lumber von
need and we'll have it up to
your place in leas than no
A. G. Beals Lumber Company
O rbgob
(Both Pbone*).
Mother knows she has
made the test.
Ti llamook Baker's
Six Large Ugaves
for 25 g .