Tillamook HoodUght, Juno 13. 1312. Addition. < Inspect, Investigate These-Two-Properties. Seaport Addition. Keep your investment eye on SEAPORT ADDI­ TION to Tillamook that your keen vision may be fully awake to your opportunities. WHY ? ee == For this property holds the key to the future water transportation of of Tillamook Bay. For it has the command of the fresh water harbor. For it is absolutely removed from the destructive toredo belt. For it is the only harbor on the bay sheltered from wind and storm. For it has the natural fresh water empoundment for saw’ logs. For nature has provided the only adequate deep water channel for commerce. For it is bound to be the second largest Commercial Port in Oregon within 10 years, and from an investment standpoint these strong factors mean much to you. For it is the logical and geographical Point from which the vast timber belt of Tillamook County must be Concentrated for water trans­ portation. For it is in Close Proximity to Portland and its Vast Market advan­ tages and should equal if not Surpass Portland as a Lumber Manufactur­ ing Point within 20 years. CLARK-CANNON CO., 274 OAK and 80 FOfikTH STREETS - PORTLAND, OREGON. Phones: Main 5407, ▲ 3252. ROLLIE W. WATSON, Tillamook, Oregon. One of the epoch making events of Tillamook county which has been anticipated and looked forward to for the last 20 years will take place on May 25th when Clark-Cannon Company, of Portland, and Rollie W. Watson, of Tillamook, open their campaign for mill and factory sites in Seaport Addition to Tillamook, thus assuring deep water trans­ portation for Tillamook and contiguous territory and adding one more large feature to the transportation facilities and insuring the requisite mills and factories at the head of deep water transportation, only one mile from'the center of Tillamook City.—Oregonian, May 21st. Convict Labor on Roads. The Bayocean Road. For 30 Days Drew Addition $400 the Lot. 10 Per Cent Cash—TERMS, $10 a Month. 5 Per Cent Discount for Cash. Your choice of lots without Restriction as to Location or Merit at $400 the Lot and during the month of JUNE ONLY. The terms are such that you should not let this opportunity pass. The merit of the property is without queetion. GET BUSY. WHY YOU SHOULD BUY IN THIS TRACT: 1.—Introductory Price of Lots. 2. —On main traveled road of Tillamook. 3. —Principle 10 inch Water Main of City. 4. —Street Paving within one block. 5. —Close in to Business Section. 6th—On Second Avenue East and Stillwell Avenue where property values are on the upward trend. The above are a reasonable half-dozen statements of facts. Come in and we will tell you a dozen more reasons why you should look at this property. Make an appointment. Reason : ROLLIE W. WATSON, AGENT. TILLAMOOK IS IMPROV-1 Memorial Day is one of the signs ’ that the patriotism of tlie American ING people is not declining from the FAMILY RECIPES HARPER To the Editor: • ’ ' highest standard of the past. Just a few words of thanks and Big Contract is Awarded for Another jury, this time at Cleve­ comment in explanation of my let­ Bitulithic Paving. ter to you last week. land, has acquitted another trust. Now you say I take an illogical Perhaps the colonel’s recall should The valued family re­ view of the situation and that it is T illamook , Ore., June 3—At a be widened to include jury verdicts. cipes for cough and cold unfair to nee convict labor for meeting of the City Council Wed­ PHydro-aeroplanes are of increas­ U1* cure, liniments, tonics and manufacturing it is also unfair to nesday night bide were opened for ing interest in army and navy other remedies have as use such labor on road work. Ye the construction of a sewer system bureaus. Amphibious exploits will Gods ! Mr. Editor, do you think I and for bitulithic pavements careful atteution bere as add interest to the stories of future The contracts were let to the war correspondents. would advise placing Convict La­ the most intricate prescrip­ bor in competition with the farm­ Warren Construction Company for tions. An Indiana frog when ptepared ers and those who depend upon 00,000 square yards of bitulithic for the market measured 16 by 15 Our fresh, high grade road work for their living ? Never pavement and it is stipulated that inches. The Hoosier hint on fight­ work is to commence in three days for a minute. This is a very deep drugs will help to make ing the meat trust may be valua­ subject and one, as I mentioned be­ after the contract is signed. This these remedies more effec­ ble The Attorney General informs us fore, worthy of consideration. I will give Tillamook City about 00 tive than ever. There is also a yellow man's bur­ that on May 22, 1912, he wrote yon don’t take snap judgment for my blocks of hard surface streets. den in acquired territory. Japan relative to the matter and the Board contentions Mr. Editor, and I only Its distinctive quality and This award was made after the Right prices are also see no reason why hie suggestion became enthused with the needed moat thorouKh investigation of the has just lost heavily in fighting the rare delicious flavor suit assured. should not be complied with. You reforms in our penal and other merits of different kinds of paving natives of the island of Formosa, the palate of the moat will notice that the order above state institutional work after years by a special committee which visit­ taken from China. exacting connoisseur. Joplin is to have a female justice referred to does not grant them a i study and practical d-monstra- ed the leading cities and personally Sold by right of way but simply authorises , tlon ln which i have taken special inspected all classes of pavements. of the peace. |Here is another case ED. MCLAUGHLIN in point where Missouri does the the tracing of their right of way interest. Just to simplify the situs- Reliable Druggist. i on the plats of this office and the Oon Jet me explain that in my letter showing. It was a women of whom ■ Dr. J. T.Wart, M. T. law also providea that this right of formerly, I spoke of Convict Labor both sides during a trial once call­ 1st St. and 3rd Ave West ed “a, Daniel come to judgment.” way be excepted from all convey- being properly handled. With» the Chiropractor and Naturopath in ances of lands made by the state, j uphold, instead of placing penal New Jersey’s glory fa as brief as the most improved science for the Yours very truly, inmates in competition with free cure of disease. Why suffer from it must be strange to her. Basking 6. G. BROWN. roads, there vzill be a necessity for colds, catorrah, rheumatism, hernia, in the new sensation of limelight 4 Clerk State Land Board. more free rosd workers than are tumors aad abdominal displace­ she vows that she will never desert now employed. Another thing is ments, indigestion, malassimilation presidental primary and go back to ■ that you will have roads that will and the general neurotic run down the caucus and convention in which Teacher’s Examination« prove necessary to the success of condition that follows when the a few men did all the basking. « mi 1 f E the farmers along such and roads cause may be easily adjusted and Rev. Dr. I.ichliter confesses thnt N oticb is H brery G iven ,— That which will not get in other ways if removed with no danger of other he once lied to get a place for a 4 the County Superintendent of Till-; you shout until dooms day. complications, as there is no drugs woman unjustly discriminated amook County Will hold the regular Use Convict Labor on the hills, or knives used in this system. against, and has never regretted it examination for applicants for one in the quarries and in the difficult ■ i wi 1 i sit What is more important, he never year, five year and life papers, at places where it would take great the Circuit Court Room, Tillamook A Card will. If the doctor finds any barn expense otherwise to do this pro- City, as follows - Thio is to certify that Foley's at the gate, that lie will be the - n ■ I jieriy with free labor. Letthefarm- Hooey aad Tar Compound does For State _______ Papers. Comtnencing Wednesday,June 19, ers do the hauling and level grad- not contain any opiates, snv habit easiest one to let down. C ' „ ~ ' * ... with the problem of buying Harness, ___________ m e • m a•ea rr im _ ! . The death of Wilbur Wright, one you will find it distinctly advanta­ at 1 o’clock a a.m., and continuing un- forming drugs, or any ingredients ing wherever possible. til Saturday, lune 22, at 4 o’clock that could possibly harm its users. of the originators of the aeroplane, geous to come end do your select Believe me your road workers p. m. On the contrary, its great healing You will get the best will be few and far between if you and soothing qualities make it a is deplored in the leading countries ing here Wednesday Forenoon. U.S. history, physiology, writing. provided decent uieans for them to real remedy for coughs, coIde and of the world, all of which see in qualities, the most thorough and Wednesday Afternoon. irritations of the throat, cheat and this machine certain |>ooaibilitea conscientious workmanship, and be transport their produce to market. Physical geography, reading, lunge. The genuine U in a yellow that demand vigilant examination charged the moat reasonable prices Build better | roads, remove the composition, methods in reading, Let us show you our package. Ask for Foley's Hooey stumps and base farms worth thou­ and Ter Compound and accept ¿no by governments maintaining armies We can supply single or double method» in arithmetic. special display of attrac. and navies. There are also com­ Sets or any single article that you Thursday Forenoon. sands instead/ of ranches worth substitute. Lamar'a Dmg Store. five new ntylea. We are mercial points to consider, but a may lie in need of. Arithmetic, history of education, hundreds of dollars. The way is perfectly equipped for psychology, methods in geography ■ serious military menace of any Mrs. Lena Love, wife of Wiley open to you. /Why not all work to­ X-'*’» Thursday Afternoon. making group pictures Love, a farmer living near Covena, kind is necessarily first to attract t Grammar, gvograph, American 11 gether to reach success. and will please you with Ga.. say»: "I have taken Fbley Kid- attention. The Wright brothers literature, physics. methods in E. G B arge *. nay Pills and find them to ba all grasjied the itest-known practical the quality of our work. t language, thesis for primarycertifi Next fMor tn Tillamook Ovantv Bank. I you claim for I bam. They gave cate. idea in air flight and developed it me almost instant relief when my Friday Foreooon. kidneys were eiuggieh and inactive. by intense study and patient exper­ Theory and practice, orthography. I can cheerfully recommend them iment. As far as safety is coo- English literature. , to all sufferers from kidney trouble. ’ ’ earned the latest areopiaoee leave Friday Afternoon. Lamar's Drug Store. School law, botany, Algebra, civil . much to be desired But they fly, government. covering long distances st s speed Saturday Forenoon of more than a mile a miauls, sad Geometry. Mvoiogjr ( Au Iowa man W ||<» *ss knocked soar to an altitude of two miles at Saturday Afternoon down by su automobile apologised have carried several to the chauffeur. Nevertheless, in in this crossing a street, agility is more to be recuaiintadeil than politeness. Salem, May 29, 1912. Fred C. Baker, Tillamook. Ore. Dear Sir,—The Board had under consideration your letter of the 25th and I am directed to inform you in compliance with Section 3939 of Ix>rd'e Code, on March 14, 1911, the following order was entered on the records of thia office: to “The Clerk was instructed ___________ trace oh the i___________ plats of his _______ office, the right of way of the Tillamook Bay Railroad and Navigation Company in T. 1 N. R. 10 W. and T. 1 S R. 10 W., ,*as indicated on the plat filed in his office by the said Company.” | WHISKY® CLOUGH. ; 4 HARNESS 'J y Nou'tij the time to have that group picture made W.A, Williams & Co Monk ’s Studio. R. A. WAHLEN, D.O. Eye Sight SpeoialUt.