iluimûûk HcaÔliûljt. ■A TILLAMOOK, ORBGON JUNE 13, 1912. Tillamook City was well represent ed at the Portland Rose Carnival thia week, for an unusual large number of Tillamookers went there IV. the first of the week. Collecting Are you troubled with rheuma­ Checks. tism, Stomach troubles. Kidney disease, if so try Chiropratic and get well. Dr. Scheetx, office in the Wade residence. In the regular course of business The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ lows who haul anything, anywhere, the depositor receives check b on any time. Office on Main Street, many banks. opposite Clough’s Drug Store, Call us by phone, Main 651. It is not necessary for him to pre­ If you want a good garden, or want to grow good potatoes, use a sent these checks for payment at the fertalizer prepared for the purpose, banks on which drawn, but he may no weed seeds. A supply at the Tillamook Feed Co. • deposit them here, and this bank The whole of the arrangements collects them for him, without charge, for the building of the new hotel in and credits them to his account. this city have been satisfactorily agreed upon, and a new building company will be incorporated. Checks on out-of-town banks Carbon is heat; A berdare (Aus­ may be deposited in the same way, tralian) Coal carries double the and no ¡charge is made by us for this percentage of carbon of any other coal on the market. Lamb-Schrader collection. Co., Telephone Main 1771. • The Tillamook Meat Co. is selling lard at the following prices : 101b. OLDEST' CAPITA L pail, $1.50, ; 5 lb. pail, 80c. ; 50 lb. pails at 12Wc. per pound, Thia bank lard is absolutely pure. I TILL AM OOK ÇJT Y. O R E ■ SUPERVISION [COUNTY You cannot afford to wait until cement gets any cheaper. It might ’ go higher, Lamb-Schrader Co, j ILLAMOOK JOTTINGS ForSale,-A light wagon, light carry the best grades at the lowest • | double harness and mowing mac­ prices, Telephone Main 1771. hine. Enquire at Rogers Barn. • I For Sale,—Ten Head of milch Dirt for filling yards, for sale.— i Dr. J. K. Reedy left Monday tor Cows, one Holstein Bull and three . R. Harter. Portland to attend a meeting of the Head of Horses. Will be sold rea­ For Sale,—IV» year old bull. In- sonable. Inquire at what is known Veterinary Association June 11-12. [Uire Frank Tone. * We have two secondhand wagons as the Desmond place, Netarts. . W. E. Noyes left on Friday on a 100 x 100 5 Room House 1 block slightly used that can be bought attle buying trip. ata bargain. Tillamook Feed Co. • from store and street car; 7 blocks Mrs. Webster Holmes went to It is somewhat of a surprise to from Reed Institute, Portland. All ’ortland on Monday. see some of the dairymen making kinds of roses, fruit berries, $2650.00. Found,—a ring in the hall of St. hay this early in Tillamook County. $1000 down, terms to suit on balance. llphonsus Academy. • * —Wm. Gibson, Rockaway, Ore. . Dr. Payne came in from Eugene Baby Crib and mattress for sale. My method in selling glasses is on Saturday on a visit to the Mc­ iquire of Ira C. Smith. • Nair’s and left on Monday morning. not to catch a new victim and the price—but to see how well I can fit S. C. W. Leghorn Eggs-$1,00 per You can get the genuine Eastern the eyes. R. A. Whalen, Opt D. letting cf 15. A. M. Ginn. corn feed meats at the Tillamook One 63 egg Petaluma Incubator Feed Company General Supply Registered under State Law of Ore- ’ ! or sale. King & Smith Co. * Store. —~r~—~~ K2L I Gnt, shells, meat scraps, ground D. L. Shrode left on a business Mrs. Retha Phillips and Mrs. E. bone, blood meat, char coal, scratch rip to Portland on Monday, F. Rogers went to Bay City Thurs­ food, baby chick food, egg food, C. Ray left last week to visit his day to organize a W.C.T. U. in that in fact all chicken supplies at the lister, Mrs. Iler, at Heppner. place. . Tillamook Feed Co. General Supply Attorney H. T. Botts and wife Articles incorporating the Tilla­ Store. • .rent to Portland on Monday. mook Hotel Company have been Last Sunday evening the mem James Hughey took his first trip filed, the capital stock being placed here of the K. P. lodge attended at $33,000. out on the train on Saturday. services at the Christian Chnrch, I Mrs. J. S. Lamar and siater, Miss when an appropriate sermon was One Full Blooded Jersey Bull for Bale.—Apply to T. H. McCormick. * Carrie Gallworth, left Monday preached by the pastor, Rev. J. K. For Sale,—Seven Head of Horses morning to spend Carnival week in Jope. and two Hacks.—J. E. Brown, Tilla- Portland, Dr. Scheetz is a graduate of the If you are in need of a Jersey bull Palmer College conducted by the mook. We will sell you a buggy for less to head your herd or want a bull man who discovered Chiropractic. money than it haa cost us. Ask calf, correspond with H. A. W est, If you are suffering from any dis­ Shrode. * Oswego, Ore. • ease see Dr. Scheetz. Office in the Howard Drew came in on Satur­ No matter where the rock ia taken chines, costing up to $100. Ittrans- Ask for Mokatil ice-cream. Why?! The merits of Dement’s Best is Wade residence. . ■ day from Eastern Oregon where he from for the street improvements, i forms the toil of washing day into Dr, Norton, Dentist and assistant, Because it is the best. Ask your proven by those who buy nothing has been teaching school. He will it will be a wise precaution for the a pleasure and is one of the simpl- , else of us but their flour. Tilla- expects to be in Bay City, Oregon, visitors. leave in a few days to participate in city council to have it tested as well eat anil greatest labor saving de- i mook Feed Co. • * June 20, 1912. Those requiring our Sheriff Crenshaw during the past, the Commencement at the State as the Warren Construction Co. vices ever invented as attested by six months has collected $289,923.21 I W. C. King and wife and Clent beet Dentistry will receive our Beet University. He has been engaged There is something peculiar about all its patrons. It will be demon- King and Mina Ruth Holmes left' efforts along that line. Graduate to teach in the high school at La some of the rock in this county, for strated free on Monday and Satur- in taxes. Tuesday to attend the Rose Carni Eastern Dental College. Grande at a salary ol $110 per month. what may appear good rock today day afternoons at 3 p. m., at the B. L. Beals, wife and daughter, Dr. S. M. Wendt, succesaor to Dr. Miss Gladys, are in Portland thia val in Portland. C. E. Peterson, half brother of the a year hence it would not be thought house on S. W. cor. 1 st. and 3rd E. E. Finley, who has been one of Smith, speaks German. Surgery, late J. P. Allen, accompanied by to. I Ave. West. Solicitors wanted, male week. the teachers at the high school left ear, eye, nose and throat Office in his wife and eon, Gus Peterson and The W.C.T. U. has opened up a or female. Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ on Saturday for Newberg, where he the Commercial Building, opposite family, arrived from Porter, Okla., Free Reading and Rest Room i mook Meat Company's Market, 13c. the Todd Hotel. All calls answered will join his wife. on Sunday. They will remain here across the street from the Allen i per pound. * * The Swastika Club. Mrs. Rollie W. Watson and family day or night Both phones. during tne summer and may locate Hotel. You will not find thia room Dr. Thomae Blair, of Lyons, returned to the city on Saturday Postmaster W. F. Baker left on | ! here. Mr. Peterson was here about furnished very elaborate. You will I Ohio, was in this city the first part after spending two weeks with her Monday to attend the Postmaster’s eight years ago. find a cordial welcome. The W.C. Tl,c li"*‘ l«eetinl4 <oy the peet Tillamook, for mill and factory city. Colonel Cooper, who will at for the electrical cow, and the I-net a gold brooch, round with Beam ceiling, fire place the best three months while enjoying the sites. It is nicely gotten up and tend the encampment next week at school children are being drilled in ruby set Finder, please leave at location on Garbaldi Beach. $1275.00. delights of gross widowhood. give some useful and accurate in­ Salem, will carry the invitation and the Commercial Club rooms, Mes- Headlight office. Reward. Wm. Gibson Rockaway, Oregon. . formation The book ahould help while there will boost for Tillamook. damea Leach. Holtnea, Groat and Russell Hawkins and J D. Ed­ The only genuine "Standard Port- The County Court will bold an wards. of the Whitney Co., came in : to boost that manufacturing toca- This would bring between !kii and Willett having charge of thia. iand-Cement" to be had to the city 000 persona to the city during the Arrangrmenta have also been com­ adjourned term on Saturday for the from Portland thia week It is the I tion of Tillamook County. at the Tillamook Feed Co. * encampmeut. and there in not pleted with a Sen Francisco com­ purpose of opening bids for the intention of Mr. Hawkins to spend There will be services at the Pres- much doubt but that number could pany for an aeroplane flight, which I will trade property in Tillamook Netarts road and other business. several months in each year in Till­ > byterian church next Sunday, when tie accommodated at hotels and will be the first event of that nature City for Tillamook dairy land. See Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton amook, and he gave orders at the * the new pastor, Rev. W. C. Roes, private homes. W. G. Dwight, Tillamook, Ore. . in thia county. From all appear- or 4.90 for half ton. or good firwood aaw mill in thia city for lumber for ; will commence hia pastoral work in Attorney E. J. Claussen, secretary already sawed for $6.75 per cord or a bungalow to be built on tbe Whit­ i this city Mr.'Roes comes highly Mrs. M Work has secured the ance thia ¡will be one of the moat attractive celebrations in thia of the Tillamook Commercial Club. $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode • ney place. He ia anxiously waiting 1 recommended, and ia a young men. geoeral agency in Tillamook ior county. Moat all thoee whoownautoa left this morning foe Portland. the result of the Port of 1 ills mook ; recently ordained. It in planned the Vacuum Clothea Washer. Thia Lytle A Gordon handle all kinds have aignifie