■■■ Tillamook Headlight, J um 6. TILLAMOOK HIGH ANOTHER EXCURSION tq Han* Sterner a boy J* yea« ci age, DEATHS OF GEO. TRASK * k « w od tbe fiat being an SCHOOL CLOSES TILLAMOOK JUNE 25-27. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS caught. left bi» borne oa W edaeaday after AND MRS. W. N- VAUGHN. large that it caused some diMcuity R . w - is getting them on board on ac­ noon, aod hi» whereabout» are un­ known He had some trouble al Brother and Sister Pass Away Eleven Promising Citizen« From Oregonian: Tj.r Killkcre KluL met i<® the M4 the Tillamook of Tillamook County—George Trask | for Commencement exercises. Elev­ and will lack some of the :-.2ustrial waa ow bi» way to Hay ocean wbee F. D. Small in two weeks tbe Recejxiun Committee utitained Commercirt Club on W ednesday and Mrs. W. N. Vaughn, brother, en graduates are expected to finish features that marked the first excm It i» reported that there will 1« a some iUe-a from b»ro a* to tti» aec- j ■Cart Knudson »poke in behalf of I and sister—which occurred within i change in tbe P. R A N’a. time end business men * tnp to thia i ' a" Carneigie library. and Everett 121 hour* ot one another. The death their High School work this year ■ion. Tbe party will be limited to 75, schedule withsa a tea weeks u*wn a county Mr. Hyland infurmed the] jPayne gave tn* ¡»pre»»«»» of ¡and it will undoubtedly be not inchiding women, railroad officiate and saving of »tout two hour* will be committee that tbe party would I | Tillamook City a* a splendid place of George Trask took place Wednes­ only the largest claa* which has newspaper men. A special train of belt >ya,i.^| made on the run between tins city be a more repreaentative and in ’ far inientment* L. Samuel, of the day morning at 'i a.m.. at tbe home ever graduated from tbe school but and Portland. Tbe incoming and fluential lot of business men than , . Oregon Life, was a visitor to the of Mra. Martiny and that of Mrs. also the best looking clsss. Tbe equipment will be provided, and it ¡s tbe outgoing trama will leave at the first. The Reception Committee, club and hi* remark* were some­ Vaughn on Wednesday night at 11 past month has been a busy one estimated that the expense of the trip 8 a-m Tbe train will arrive in this a» tbe Portlanders were deairou* of what devoted to beautifying the p,m at the borne of William Body- for all tbe students in the school, will be »boat S20 a penor. -n^ city afoot two o’clock. The new viaiting this city, extended an in­ city with flower», and he suggest­ tell. after being there on a three but more especially for tbe mem­ whose names were on the "saitiag” list of the first excursion will be the time unt of it* poor quality. Road for Bandon and oilier Coast port*, The controversy between J a roe« 28. 100* and since then with Amos Supervisor Aiderman say* it ia no the gisoline achooner Tillamook. Walton and tbe directors of the Vaughn, on the home place, that grand climax and put the claaa in will be served at Bayocean. Thursday morning, at an early hour, good for roads, aa it pulvenae* and C aptain Antenaon. ot tbe Elmore prime condition for Sunday, when school board must cease a* far a» being her home since she was mar­ the ex. unionist will leave Bayoeenn blow* auay. and a* an illutratma of fleet, wa* »truck by a rock Lwrge is they were to attend Baccaloureate ried. The remains will be buried for Wheeler, whence they will be con­ th.- tie ha* to fix a piece of road tow of the tug Samson, and dam­ the Headlight i* concerned, since it cm Saturday at the Bay View ceme­ services at the Preebvterian church. veyed in launches to Nehalem. Thence ha* assumed a personal fight be ­ at llie Holden place. We cannot aay whether or not Rev. aged so aermualy that ber voyage tween Mr. Walton and Attorney H tery the funeral leaving this city at in vehicles they will be driver to the The deep sea fishing excursion in was abandoned. The Tiharuook T Botts. There ia little or no in­ 11 am., and tbe sea vice will be^ Jope talked bi* best, but the senior home of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Reed at class left the sanctuary with the left Portland Monday and the acci the Henrietta on Thuraeay when terest taken m the matter ae far as conducted by Rev. D. L. Shrode. Neaaahnie Beach, where they will par­ atiuut thirty passengers were on dent occurred at 1(1.45 pm tbe tbe patron* of tbe school are con­ Mr. Vaughn married Harriet impression that it was the best take of a picnic lunch. After making bused including three veteran* of .-„.rue day be.ween Waterford: and cerned, but when a controversy Trzak. who was torn on the Clatsop sermon that they had ever beard. This week has been spent in the ascent of tbe Neahkahnie Mountain the Civil War, proved an interest U e»t port ligbt Tbe bulwark* and cannot be earned on in a gentle­ plains. Clatsop county. December tug * flair ia the way ot Decoration eaperatrizcture was lenouilt dam manly manner and without insinu­ 22. 1543. being the first child born exams, and the plans on that Fri­ in the aftemoou, tbe excursionist* at I aged but the veaaei w«a not injured ations of “ lav,’* etc., it ia time to of white parents in that locality. day night will be the biggest night P. M. will return to their train and start Day. Tbe three veterans wer for Portland, arriving in this city it below tbe waler line to an extent Dcew, George Wilt and Co: Her father. Elbndge Trask, was that the High School has ever seen. 10 XK) o’clock Thursday night. that prevented her continuing to ■ round Flowers bad teea The senior class a* they graduate torn ia Maine, and came to the Astoria Fortunately . the damage . alung and during the aft coast with the American Fur Com­ from the High School will try to to tbe sc bociner waa all above tbe For Sale or Trade. Ihew were strewn on the wal pany about 184(1 He aubaequently live up to their motto : “ To be guard and her hull ia uninjured, memory ot those who ha The meat that Gov. Woodraw Wil- settled in Tillamook county, *[»end­ doers, not dreamers." Staflion. two years old. (lack t»ul n i* esumated the re;»»ir* will »00 ran expect to get oat of it will their lives at aea A* eec | entail an expenditure of nearly be a aort of traveling scholarship ing his last years here. He was a weighs 1(35, jierfectly gentle, will will The graduating exercises quantity of deep sea flah KKkM man of prominence, and the Trask ia politic*. him. Will sell cheap for take place Friday evening at thé guarantee caah. or will trade for town projierty, river was named in his honor. Of the union of Mr. and Mra. Vaughn Presbyterian Church. The gTadu Vacuntt lota preferred.—See Frank Eva Wheeler. Ruth Hanenkratt. _______ __ sixteen children, five sons and ter^ ates are: Holme». Barbara Hathaway, Daisy daughters, were born, twelve of Prices for Hogs Anderson, whom are living, namely* Mr* Ida Goodspeed. William Horace Sappington, Floyd Eber- 150 lbs. to 2001b».. 10c.. dressed. Martiny, Delia Vaughn, dead ; 200 lbs. to 250 lbs . 8>4c dressed. Amoa Vaughn, Mrs. Lydia Hoskins, nian, Reed Bain, E. K Ginn and 300 pounds and over, * Yc- PcbbJrford. I Kittled iu bond per buttle. >1 5u Mr* Alice Woodward. Mr«. Nora Myron Blanchard. The valedictory Tillamook Meat Company. address will be made by Myron Clarke’s Purr Jive, bottled in bund Bodyfelt. Tillamook ; Mrs. Anna Blanchard and «he claaa will be ad ­ Jacoby, Bay City; Mrs. Clara Carey, Per bottle, 1.25 Auction Sale By Sheriff Crenshaw La Follett ; Warren D. Vaughn dressed bv Deputy State Superin­ Ecl»o Spring, bottled iu bond tendent C. E. Carlson and the pre ­ Keg Beer.............. Sheriff Crenahaw will sell at pub­ and Guy Vaughn, Kelchi* ; William 15 gallon» $3.75 Per bottle. 1.25 Keg Beer ........ , and Harriett Page. both dead ; sentation of diplomas by School lic anction next Saturday at 1 30, all - - - 10 gallons 4.0U Old Crow, ta-ttled in bund, per bidtie. 1 5u George V. Vaughn. Bay City ; Mr* Director H. T. Botts. Following is of the homes, harnesses. buggiag Local bottle Beer 6 duzen quart» 10. (I) hacks, blanket», robes, whips, etc, Hermitage, buttled in bood ¡er buttle. 1.5u Lena Goodspeed. Tillamook ; aod the program: Local bottle Beer Orchestra. IO dozen pinta 11.00 out of the stable recently »old to Mr*. Myrtle Holden, Fairview. Cyrus Noble. 3 Crown 1 50 Duet Misne* Gladys and Helen Beals. Beal* by Harris. Everything must (J. TO.. buttled in bond, per buttle, 1.25 Violin solo................. Chas. Baker be »old to highest bidder, no by TILLAMOOK DE Kentucky Ikvn, t gat. bottled in bund 2.25 Salutatory.........................Reed Bain. bidding. A rare opportunity. SaK FEATS CORNELIUS Instrumental duet. Misses Ruth urday at 1:30 p. m. Kentucky Dew, full pint. .. 75 Holmes and Eva Wheeler. John Lkewar A Sons, OM Scotch Til'amook baseball fans enjoyed Address ..................... C. F. Carlson Marriage Licenses solo Mrs. F. W/Christensen Whiakey ................................. ............... 1.50 Budwtacr Beer 6 dozen quarta SIS 00 one of tbe best games of base ball Piano Valedictory MvrqA Blanchard. S. A. Smith, 31 years, and Hattie last Sunday at the Stilwell Park Vocol solo Miss Florent* Laufman. Black A White, Old Scotch Whiskey Budwiaer Beer . 10 dozen piata 16.00 1.50 C. Tohl. 21 yearn. Présentation of diplomas .... that waa ever played in Tillamook. V U.K, Old Scotch Whiskey .......... Old at y 1er Lauger Beer. 10 dozen pint* 18.00 1.75 H. T. Botts Carl Poasetti. 29 years, and Mary Luck seemed to be against the Sandy Macdonald's Old Scotch Orchestra. Luthi, 18 years. home team during the first of the Class motto .“To be Doers, Not Whiskey...................... 1.75 game and by the end of tbe seventh Daniel Hickey, 27 years, ami Dreamers." Hunter Baltimore. Rye Scotch inaing, when the »core read eight Class Coler» : Green and White. Sarah Smith. 34 years Whiskey ....................... to two for Cornelious. nearly half of Claaa Flower : White Rose. 1 5u Charles J. Ku per. 30 years a*l I the fans had left the grandstand in Canadian Club .. .... Mary Plasker. 21 years 1 50 Teacher ’ s Examinations I disgust. Tillamook made one run White Port. Old Monk Brand >1.00 per gal I. W Harper................. 1.00 jin the second und another in the Church of Christ N otics is H ebbby G ivkn ,—That Port Wine . ■ .. .............. 1.(0 per gal Harvester Old Style 1 Ou the County Superintendent of Till ­ sixth, but tbe visitors bad made 10 a m.— Bible School. This is a Sherry ........ .. ... 1.00 per gal. Monogram.............. 1 ou ¡two in the third and five in the amook County will bold the regular good place to spend an bour. Come examination for applicants for one Claret .............. 75c. per gal Kentucky Dew ........ '»sixth when every one went up in year, five year and life papers, at and we will do you good ltlU _U a m — Preaching subject TSe Angelica..................................... 1.00 per gal. ' tbe air. Billie Taylor, full quart the Circuit Court Room. Tillamook Name 1 25 Chnstian.“ Again in the seventh Hanley’s City, aa follows - Zenfendei ... ........ 125 per gal. Comoet Dry Gin lYr bottle 1 OU 3 p.iu. — Junior C.E. For State Papers. bunch tried in vain to cross the 7 p.ui. —Christian Endeavor. Toker .......................................... 1.25 per gal. A.V.li tain ................. Per bottle 1.75 Wednesday.June 19, plate, but to no avail, while an­ at Commencing 8 pm — Special service The o ’ clock a m., and continuing un- Gurdon Slue Gm .......... I Yr buttle 1 75 other error registered the visitors til Saturday, lune 22. at 4 o'clock Knights of Phythias attending iaa body. This being the K. P- Me* Gurdon Dry Gia lYr buttle 1 25 their eighth score. Things looked pm orial Sunday. Even body rented Wednesday Forenoon. different in tbe eigth. Tiliamock Ruck and Rye ............ .. 1Yr bottle 1.0U to the senice A cordial Invitatioa U.Si history, physiology, writing to had registered three rum At this run. El Bart Gia .................... I 25 Wednesday Afternoon. R K JOPB. Pastor. juncture the fans tiegan to realize Physical geography, reading, Virginia Dare Wine lYr bottle TSc. that the game waa neither lost nor com position, methods iu reading, Muaugram $5 0) Port Wine........ .............. 1 Yr quart 3Sr. ■KC Ui UUI - won and lhat the ninth would tell methods in arithmetic. White Corn Whaehey . - per gal 4 (Ml Old people should be hapj" *»“ Thursday Forenoon. Skerry Wine 35c the story Some who had started they will be if Chamberlain s Taa- Harvester Old Style . . Arithmetic, history ot education, pergal 4 25 Angelica Win«....__ _ away turned back and were glad paycbology, methods in geography leta are taken to strengthen the di­ lYr quart McBrayer. 13 yeera old pergal 6 00 gestion and keep the bowel- eg» they did for the Club tmys made Thursday Afternoon. Zenfendei Wine............. Per quart 35c Echo Spring .... Grammar, geogvapb. American iar. Tliese tableta are mild per gal. 4.25 auch a rally as Tillamook fans had Taker..................... ... Per quart 4Uc gentle in their actio« isde«;*- »“T never before seen on their home literature pbyaica. methods in suitable for people of middle si« Cheatnut Grove Rye • pergal 2.75 language, thesis for primary certifi ­ Claret................................. JYr quart Mr. du-.mond and older. For sale by all de.otUes for 30c son who tanned a couple of sale Cornet Dry Gia 4.IM) • l*r gal hits bringiag ia the winning tally I hagfish literature. lamest k Beer, quart Throe buttles for 75c. wi h one .mt and two men on banes ' X--------- Kmh. tbe High Scboyi pitcher, who Friday Afternoon. caught a hard ffy clone to tbe i School tel. botany. Algebra, civil ground, turned a double aomer | gi'vernment aault and held the ball vu eaaily Saturday Forenoon tbe .tar of the gam*. Thebenene*' Geometry. geoki