Tillamook Headlight, Jane 6, ld!2. I Seaport Addition. *-* Dre Addition. Inspect, Investigate Tliese-Two-Properties. Keep your investment eye on SEAPORT ADDI TION to Tillamook that your keen vision may be fully awake to your opportunities. For 30 Days Drew Addition ------- WHY ?............ For this property holds the key to the future water transportation of of Tillamook Bay. For it has the command of the fresh water harbor. For it is absolutely removed from the destructive toredo belt For it is the only harbor on the bay sheltered from wind and storm. For it has the natural fresh water empoundment for saw logs. For nature has provided the only adequate deep water channel for commerce. For it is bound to be the second largest Commercial Port in Oregon within 10 years, and from an investment standpoint these strong factors mean much to you. For it is the logical and geographical Point from which the vast timber belt of Tillamook County must be Concentrated for water trans­ portation. For it is in Close Proximity to Portland and its Vast Market advan­ tages and should equal if not Surpass Portland as a Lumber Manufactur­ ing Point within 20 years. $400 the Lot 10 Per Cent Cash---TERMS, $10 a Month. 5 Per Cent Discount for Cash. / Your choice of lots without Restriction as to Location or Merit at $400 the Lot and during the month of JUNE ONLY. The terms are such that you should not let this opportunity pass. The merit of the property is without question. GET BUSY. WHY YOU SHOULD BUY IN THIS TRACT: CLARK-CANNON CO., 1.—Introductory Price of Lots. 2. —On main traveled road of Tillamook. 3. —Principle 10 inch Water Main of City. 4. —Street Paving within one block. 5. —Close in to Business Section. 6th—On Second Avenue East and Stillwell Avenue where property values are on the upward trend. The above are a reasonable half-dozen statements of facts. Come in and we will tell you a dozen more reasons ’why you should look at this property. Make an appointment. Reason : 274 OAK and 80 FOURTH STREETS - PORTLAND, OREGON. Phones : Main 5407, A 3252. ROLLIE W. WATSON, Tillamook, Oregon. One of the epodh making events of Tillamook county which has been anticipated and looked forward to for the last 20 years will take place on May 25th when Clark-Cannon Company, of Portland, and Rollie W. WatBon, of Tillamook, open their campaign for mill and factory sites in Seaport Addition to Tillamook, thus assuring deep water trans­ portation for Tillamook and contiguous territory and adding one more large feature to the transportation facilities and insuring the requisite ’ mills*and factories at the head of deep water transportation, only one J mifefrom^the centerjof Tillamook City.—Oregonian, May 21st. ROLLIE W. WATSON, AGENT blossoms and olive branches are Summer School for Teachers at the necessary expense, in addition to Bltulithic Pavement Is Re­ Young Vincent Astor is receiving the rail road fare. The increased Agricultural College. well enough in their wa-, blit the multitudes of letters advising hint quired. [Massachusetts has an excellent colonel can not be a Claude Mel- value of such a teacher’s work in what to do with his money. He is Ian for cutting down the number notte by the Lake of Como when To the Editor: Committee, after inspection of nearly of a marriageable age, and the school would many times justi­ I murderers. It cuts the murder- Old Kentuck gets heated up for a both bitulithic and Powers Macad­ perhaps, if he marries a New York Some time ago we mailed you fy the outlay. fs off just as soon as it gets the campaign. am, recommends former, Mays the woman, the problem can easily bo Very truly yours, copy of the illustrated bulletin of Iquiaite evidence against them, Kalispel (Mont.) Interlake. E. D. R essler . solved without outside advice. the Summer School. This letter is leas of emotional insanity will not The committee chosen to make If Ohio is capable of knockiug addressed you to invite your co­ Oregon Agriculture College. Ive them if proof of their guilt is out two favorite nona in two parties, It in predicted that within ten an inspection of and to report on operation in securing the attend­ btained. Brain storm, temporary in a single day never again let it be years |>ostal banks in the United different kinds of pavement, recom ­ Aechim is Supervising Warden. ance ot public school teachers for I protracted, has shielded many eaid that a buckeye-ia a president­ the purpose of enabling them to mended the bitulithic, such as has Stateswill hold FW,000,(JOO and that Mr. John Aschim, of Tillamook, ien and women slayers in the ial mascot. get some preparation along the has been appointed by the State been laid on First avenue east. The the thrift of the people will be fur frty three years which have passed more general than ever before. The line of the industrial branches. Forester as Supervising Warden report is in part, aa follows: lice temporary mental irresponsi­ On examination you will find that French, who can come forward at In the Maryland presidential elec­ The pupils’ contests thia year will for Tillamook County. He will have number!, or the bitulithic is very any time with a billion dr two, must bly was successfully invoked in tion primary only half the vote of awaken a great interest in agri­ charge of all State, County and pri­ hard. Thia sample was taken with look to their laurels in saving. ■cfarlane's favor in New York, the two parties came out. In such culture and household arts, but ■t that excuse does not get accept­ fractional politics there is precious i next year our teachera and principals vate patrol work in this County, much difficulty, aa you would re­ and co-operate with the Forest ive in the Bay State. little that ia entitled to be called and other supervisors must be able Supervisors of the National Forests move a block of cemqjit, while the other aamplea were dug with a pick [‘Hanging for murder is played conclusive. | to propose some advancement or to the greatest possible extent as you would remove jnacadam. ■t in New York,” exclaimed Jack ¡the interest will soon wane. He can be reached by telephone From all that your committee ; bynolds, an obscure slayer in the The Rhine, free from tolls, has f The College has arranged special when in Tillamook at Main 1511 fe city a third of a century ago. could learn they feel that while the become one of the busiest rivers in courses for the six week's summer Bell phone. court house or Powers pavement Bat immunity did not work in his the world. Once it was subject to school, June 18 to July 28, to better It is to be hoped that residents of would be all right where the travel | fee, because he put up a challenge a number of local monopolistic prepare the teachers not only to the County will give him their hearty waa light, for the four blocks on j ■jury and judge which they dared charges, and its dwarfed commerce organize and conduct these con­ support and consult him in regard Main street we certainly can not The valued family re­ ■ dodge. He suffered the extreme made a pitiful showing. tests but to provide some practical to burning permits, etc., of a local .afford to experiment and aa lietween feialty, not so much for hia crime cipe* for cough and cold instruction in tbe elements of agri nature. He will be in touch with *he kind of pavement considered we I for hie truth telling, for a score cure, liniments, tonics and The old delusion that Arkansas culture and household arte for the all local wardens and will gladly unhesitatingly recommend bitul- ■ fenurderers in that state had escap- other remedies have as It is not is a hoplessly Democratic state must regular school course. refer requests for information to itbic such as ia now on First avenue ■ within Reynolds’ recollection, be abandoned. There are so many generally understood that the State careful attention here as the warden nearest you for any in east. feioujli broughtJto trial. the most intricate prescrip­ Republicians there that two delega­ school law requires tbe teaching of formation or assistance he may be Respectfully submitted, Bicheson’s murder of the Linnell and tions are to go to the national con­ agriculture in the seventh tions. able to give. A list- of local war ­ A. J. K ino , B in Massaohnsetts was worse vention at Chicago. One, it seems, eigth grades of every public ecnool. dens, with their addresses and H enry B ierman , Bn a crime, it was a blunder. Had Our fresh, high grade is not enough to represent all ofthe A text-book has been adopted and telephone numbers, will be publish­ F. K. F rench . Bten committed a few miles away, 1 the subject has been taught, in a drugs will help to make Republicans in Arkansas. ed in the local papers, when such • i ^Kew York, he probably would way. for five years. The reason so appointments are made. these remedies more effec- — Be been acquitted before this time, Dr. J. T. Work, M. T. A new French liner has just made little is known about and so little tive than ever. It will be impossible for the State feimt- sort of subterfuge, and be 1st St. and 3rd Ave West a run across the Atlantic at a speed value baa resulted ia becauae the Forester to personally inspect all Chiropractor qnd Naturopath is ■king the afreets a free man. A of over twenty-three knots, but adds teachera are wholly unprepared. the work done by the numerous Bparative stranger there. Riche- Now that there ia a state-wide in­ supervising warden« in hie employ, the most improved science for ths to the score the announcement that B perhaps was excusable for not cure of disease. Why suffer from terart in the development of Ore ­ the shipcarries twenty-tyo life boats and their success will depend very ^ping that it enforced honestly, colds, caterrah, rheumstism, hernia, and thirty two life rafts that will gon’s wonderful resources and a largely upon the support they re­ Mrously, every statute which was tumors and abdominal displace, hold 1000 more persons ’ than the belief that our schools should give ceive from the people whom the St- books, bad and good alike. CLOUGH, ments, indigestion, malassimilation maximum passenger capacity. The the pupils at least some apprecia­ Forestry Law ia intended to aid and and the general neurotic run down he taken the precaution to con- Titantic cataBtrophe has given the tion of the importance of it, aome- protect. Reliable Druggist. condition that follows when the any of the natives or old resi- j wor,d g,hakjnK up thing of a practical nature muat be cause may be easily adjusted and Is tiefore he committed hie crime j — . . ■ done. If a few of the rural teachera They Put an End to It removed with no danger of other kiistake would have been avoid-1 .q-he frjeoda of constitutions! and the town schools can have the Charlee Sable, 30 Cook St., Ro I Gov. Foss doee not believe in ffovernment will be in control at advantage of aix weeks’ study at cheater, N. Y., aaya he recommends complications, sa thete is no drugs lai punishment, but he enforces Chicago,” said Mr. Taft. •'That,” the Agricultural College, at least a Foley Kidney Fills at every oppor­ or knives used in thia system. ¡Jaw as he tinde it A person said the colonel. “mean nothing beginning can be made. Those tunity tiecause they gave him prompt relief from a bad caae of hate the death penalty and etill Mrs. M. A. McLaughlin, 512 Jay else than that they will be in con­ teachers whose previous education kidney trouble that had long both­ he that no murderer of recent trol of the national committee." will permit, can take up some ot ered him. Such a recommendation, iM., Lacroea, Wis, writes that she l suffered all kinds of pains in her r deserved it more than does Here we get, as ill a flashlight view, the advanced courses in agronomy, coming from Mr. Sable, ia direct back and hips on account of kidney pise reant whose sentence Gov. a eight of the( working of the horticulture, etc., etc., and prepare and convincing evidence of the trouble and rheumatiam. "I got great curative qualities of Foley aome of Foley Kidney Fills and I refuses to commute. colonel's mental processes Either for more systematic instruction Kidney Fills. luunar'a Drug Store. after taking them lot a few days State Immigration Agent C. C. he belieuee that what tbe president i there was a wonderful change I I alifornia a Japanese is report- really did mean in saying that a Chapman, and other officers of tbe 1 my case, fur the pain entirely lei A Card Oregon Development League ad- ! have cornered tbe potato mar- conservative majority would be in This ia to certify that Foley's my back and tn pa and I am than) I If Wall street io nervous over control at Chicago waa that each a vise that an effort be made to pro­ Honey and Tar Compound does ful there ia auch a medicine as Kidney Fills,” Lamar'a h'"lent it need not ex pet to majority would be in control only vide a part or all of the expenses nut contain any opiates, anv habit Foley forming drugs, or any ingredients Drug Store. she assistance of the navy. A of the national committee, or he for those teachers who are enter that could possibly harm ita users. I way would be to offer prises knowingly seeks tn twist and pre­ prising enough to give up their On the contrary, its great heeling When Buying, Buy Only the Beat American boys and girls to vert the real moaning of the state­ vacations and put in aix weeks of and soothing 'qualities make it a Cqata no mure but give« beet results. H. L. Blomquist, Fsdsile, Wis , ment into one to place the presi­ bard study. Thia might be done real remedy for coughs, colds and Fle potato clubs. irritatiosa of tbe throat, chest and says hia wife conalders Foley's dent io a false position In either either by boards agreeing to raise lungs. Tbe genuine to in a yellow Hooey and Tar Compound the beet Watterson ia in the'tbick of cose, what ___________ __________ he says affords ______ us an their sals nee for the next year or package. Ask for Foley's Honey cough cure on the market. "She ___ _________ *__________ hl in Kentucky to control tbe Uluminating view of the qiaakty of by tbe community clubbing to and Tar Compound and _____ accept nu Ihae trt«d various kinds but Foley's getber fiU-UU will cover all the jsubstitute Lamar's Drug Store Home Made at tbe Cold Storage. gives the beet result of ail.” delegation. Orange I hia own mind. To Make Murder Unpopular. FAMILY RECIPES I Ask for Mokatil