Tillamook Headlight, June 6, 1912 place where the County Court LYTLE SAYS WORLD I «how that they were straining could try the experiment to any IS NOT VERY LARGE at a knat two years ago and are ———— I.EOAL ADVBWTietHENTB : ’now able to swallow a moun­ better advantage than on the M tain without complaining one Bayocean road, for by making Railroad Builder Bumps Into First Insertion, per line .. . $ 5 Each subsequent insertion, line bit atxrnt bolding a national a start this year with convict Portlanders All Over Business and professional cards. OVER POST-OFFICE. convention. How inconsistent labor, if a large gang could be 1 co 1 month Europe. obtained, a large portion of the , 5 00 the anti - Assembly howlers Homestead Notices 10(0 have shown themselves to be. work could be performed so as ; E. E. Lytle, former president and Timber Claims 1.—3544 acres in cultivation. Free city water. 614 miles S R tin. 3. to have the road open for travel J ocais per line each insertion 2 —16 acres in cultivation. Spring water. Oretown—fja,*1* builder of the Pacific Railway A Display advertisement, an inch, . 1 next year. We feel sure that 501 How does this work tn ourl he property owner8 and busi- Navigation road to Tillamook, ’ias 3. -65 acres at Beaver. Dairy ranch und stock. -$10,OOQ? 1 month ....... ............... 4. —100 acres, Castle Rock ranch. 344 miles S.E. of All Resolutions of Condolence and few fangled method of legisla months’ just returned from a five I . - . I . ness men who subscribed to- 5. —House and Lot in town. —J525.00. Ixalge Notices, 5c. per li$e. tton ? The .last State legisla- w{jrda tbe road wouid be glad of tour of the Old World, the first 6. Fine Residence, central Tillamook City.—$2,100. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. >yed or stolen, ture passed several good roads I tunity to donate the vacation he has had since he built andTwoLots, Tillamook Citv-Jis. 7. House _________ . _ . Miller’s addition, ------ --------------------- - Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, ____ “ ■ , ~ ■ * Pleasant “ -ley-— 8. —160 acres. Dairy Ranch. Valley. — $7,5oo. $7,500. w to County if the Columbia Southern, and the etc. ininimun rate, 25c. *—— —. not exceed . bills, and much to the surprise i I monev io the inc ovmh . t Court •• 9. —40 acres on Tillamook River. Unimproved. AU All bottom bott Ti* i ing five lines. of the good roads advocates, the arrangements were made Tillamook roads, and sold them to acres, Timber Claim on Miami river.—$4,500. ' 10. — •160 L_______ Lytle is — ■ -■■ ■ -............ governor vetoed them. Since work. The private sub- the Harriman interests, 11. —80 acres fine timber. 1,580, M, feet.—$1,500. then the governor prepared »«v- witb convict labor more than ever convinced that the 12. —40 acres. Well improved. New building. 444 mile« 4 miles south. Half improved. r______ _____ $3,500 75 sion and raise money by the Six months ... deai <)f eB8 in Adams, both Portland men, several 16. —150 Lota aud Hotel aite, Long Beach add, to Bayocean tu». 50 Three months LIL Ithe road could be made at little times while he was enjoying motor­ 17. —80 acrea 444 milea S.E. Tillamook.—$4,800. Oregon system being the sove­ 18. —200 acre ranch. 70 acres bottom. All stocked.— $22.531 ing tripe and spending good Amer­ Entered as second class mail mat­ reign will of the people it is as cost, that is if convict labor ican dollars in other ways. He ran 19. —The finest residence in Tillamook — 84,700. amounts to anything. Anyway, ter July, 1888, at the poet office at 20. —240 acrea 5% miles S.E. Dairy Ranch.—$43,200. plain as the nose on a man ’ s across them fit;st in Naples, Italy, » Tillamook, Ore., under the act of this is a good way of finding 21. —60 acres. Neetncca bottom. Dairy Ranch.— $11,000. face that that it is the sovereign March 3, 1879. out, and we do not know of any and later in Paris, and tbe Lytles will of the individual And the better time than now to experi­ frequently crossed the trail of the above incident is a fair sample ment with convict labor and on W. W. Cottons while they were away, 1. -17 acres. Orchard. Well improved. Will trade forbci Mbe ^lllnmook Ijrabligbt, of how it works out. Those who the Bayocean road. Probably i Lytle found his greatest pleasure land only.—$15,000. * w ™ started in to smash up constitu- with the labor bill cut down to in visiting art galleries, palaces, 2. —10 acres. Orchard. Buildings cost $5,000.—$18 000. 3. —24 acres. Orchard. Fine improvements.—$36,000, ....................... -................. tional and representative gov­ a minimum enough money may castles, churches, temple^ tombs, 4. —424$ acrea. Part Orchard. Balance _ ___ __ ____ raw.—$25,000. ernment have certainly made a be saved to overcome the diffi- catacombs and in studying high- Editorial Snap Shots. 1 muss of it, but they will not • v » ViXiVU *n,— 5 —15 acrea. All fruit. Good aaaa improvements. —$20,000 culties where the surveys con-1 ways and railroads of Great Britian fl.—?l acres. All in fruit. Good improvements.—$10,000. admit it, yet insist on mussing flict. However, this is worthy , »nd Continental Europe, 7.—Business Lot, Hood River.— $10,000. There is n good deal of specu­ up things worse. 11.—»100 acres. Six acres cleared. Fine apple land.—$8,000. of the careful consideration ofj of i "The countries over there, partic- lation as to the result of the the County Court, and if it is ularly Germany, France and Eng- Port of Tillatnook case which Another representative dele ­ possible to obtain one hundred land, can show us a whole lot we was argued tiefore the supreme 1.--1000 acres. Orchard Land. Mostly raw. For sale onlyf gation of Portland business convicts, or more, to build the don’t know about improved roads,” tracts to suit. ‘ court on Tuesday. said Mr. Lytle this morning. “ The men will visit Tillamook coun­ Bayocean road, by all] means ty next week, to participate iultnake a strong _ effort to obtain average country road in these coun­ If the last bunch of Portland the opening of Bayocean for I them and put them to work at tries is much better than the aver 1. —Two Lots. Portland Heights.—$12,000. 2. —Three Lots. Peninsular, near Swift’s Packing Plant. —$15M business men were considered the season. There will be 150 once. We have no doubt but age run of streets in Portland. 3. - Fine Residence. Mt Tabor. Furnished.—$3,000. to lx? all millionaires, we sup­ in the bunch and it is proposed what a large gang of convicts, Most of them are of macadam con­ 4. —Equity in 2 lots. Capital Hill add.—$400. posed the next bunch will have tlmt they spend one day in this with proper men to boss them, struction. They are wide, well 5. -6 T r>ts. Parrell’s add. to Woodlawn, Portland.— $4,300. to call themselves billionaires. city ns the guests of the Tilla-Jwould make considerable show- ditched and crowned in the center; tnook Commercial Club. This ¡ng jn a short time, but with the drainage is perfect and the 1.—8 acres in town. Five acres in cultivation. Fine creek—12.Kt Tillamook City shows the is one of the best ways of ad-I those who questiop whether it roads are wide. Maintenance crews right spirit in offering the glad vertising the 1 *1’“ county, ------- - for since i8 economy to employ convict keep them in fine repair constantly, 1. —100 acres. All good fruit lands. 4 acres orchard. Buildinn- hand, which is seen most dis­ the first business men’s excur­ labor on roads and take the po­ and even the grass along the roads $12,000- 2. -378 acres Ranch. 70 acres, 1 year old apples, 150 acres clearti tinctly in bestowing hospitality sion, we understand that they sition of “Show Me,” this is a is trimmed to a line like our lawns. $75 per acre, to visitors. It is the best ad­ gave Tillamook such a boosting fitting opportunity to try it out The cities of the Old World strike STATE OF TENNESSEE. vertising stunt this city can when they returned to Port­ in actual experiment, for, as we you at once as being much cleaner 34 acre Truck Farm at Ethridge, Will trade.—$5000. adopt, and one which should land that this county was the consider the matter, the county than American cities. They take have the unanimous support of general topic of conversation. has nothing to loose and every­ more pains with them and the our citizens. As Bayocean was to first to be thing to gain if it proves a 8UC- Europeans aeetn to take great pride widely advertised as one of the cess. in their civic cleanliness. ■_________ _____ AGENTS FOR NORTHERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, The next delegation of Port­ many splendid beach resorts in "The European roads for milea OF LONDON. land business men to visit Tilla­ this county, it is fitting that a The King of Denmark, who died aoproaching the large cities have mook will come 150 strong, the large delegation of Portland! the other day, is the same who bridle paths and paths for pedes­ occasion being the opening of business men should give that di„cd c<"k " his'"return from trians along each side, and these vtsit ana Doost, ror other3> are of either cement or macadam. and a boost, for the ,he North PoleMany Pole.” Hayocean for the season. This resort a visit city will have another oppor the promoters are deserving of eqUBlly deceived, still live to re- “The railroads of England, Ger­ .. ______ » I reUt tunity to offer the glad hand to a great- deal of credit for turn­ many and France interested me a these influential and live-wire ing, what looked like a waste Uncle Sam is so patient as a great great deal. In the matter of speed, boosters from Portland, as they peninsula to most of us, into an and good friend that he sailed of roadbeds and other’, features of are desirous of spending one attractive summer resort, where away twice from Cuba after quiet­ construction they compare favor­ thousands of visitors this sum­ day in Tillamook City. ing the island for self-government. ably with American roads, particu­ mer will find splendid accom­ But in some things three strikes larly in England. All main lines modations ^nd the princiffffe branches are It begins to look as though mean out. double tracked. An 85-pound rail Oregon as been recently annex­ rendered Our recent visitors lrom Portland | A Philadelphia boy, ed to tile little kingdom of Tilla­ made a suggestion that appeals dumb by a fall some time ago, re­ is used, tie plates at every tie, while mook, or vice verse, since the strongly to those who attended the gained the power of speech when the rails are reinforced at the center iron rails brought this section banouet of the Commercial Club at kicked by a mule. ‘ If more politi­ to keep them from spreading.. They the Buy View Hotel, relative to into closer relation with other the need of the hour being a cal eloquence is needed Missouri' is hav$ automatic switches and elec­ tric block signal systems. Their parts of the state. The people definite campaign bringing about ready to furnish the dynamo. coaches are not quite as large or of Tillamook have so long grown the united purpose for the generr.l Capt. Amundsen and hie trained comfortable as the American cars, accustomed to saying they were good of nil residents of Tillamook Bay country. The slogan suggest­ companions will try to reach the going ’’outside,” some of the ed for thia campaign was "TILI.A- North Pole next year. After con­ nor are the sleeping cars quite so convenient. The dining cars ser­ visitors naturally have thought mook B ay U nited ” We offer quering both poles such an expert, vice is just about as good, but they that this side of the Coast range thie suggestion to Bayocean and AN HOUR saved in summoning the plumber Tillamook in a spirit of fellowship still comparatively young, will be have no observation cars.” did not belong to Oregon. by telephone may save the price of several years und hope the three commercial sure to find other geographical The Lytles left Portland last Jan­ of service. clubs will boost hard to put thia problems worthy to fit into his re- uary and toured England, Ireland, One thing which impressed suggestion into practice.--Bay City I cord. It certainly eaves let of discomfort and worry, Spaiu, France, Germany, Belguim, the Portland visitors was the Examiner. • Potitical managers do not have The Bell Telephone keeps the household in Austria, Italy and Egypt. They The Bay City Examiner sees splendid dairy country which any real information to base their had ideal weather, throughout the constant touch witn all the resources of civiliza­ surrounds Tillamook City. As theerror of its ways. Less than tion and is instantly available in any emergency. this was such a pleasing inci­ twelve months ago it was pub­ ¡claims upon, but the public always entire trip and not a single unto­ It also keeps the household in constant touch dent to them, if some arrange­ lishing scarcastic remarks about | insists that they shall guess, pre­ ward incident marred the pleasure with the broader outside world by means of the dict, estimate and forecast from of their long junket ments could be tnaUa to have Tillamook City, abusing the ■ Long Distance Service of the Bell System, . Even the weather is Since retiring from the railroad excursions, in autos or rigs for County Court, opposed to thei^y today, not more fickle and uncertain than good roads movement, objected i r "~ : ~- game after finishing the line to visitors this summer, they Tillamook Mr. Lytle has maintained j would go away more fully con­ to giving Bayocean a road, and, j P°litic»- vinced that Tillamook City wus in fact, was a disturbing ele-1 In respose to President Gomez’s offices in the Railroad Exchange He has a number of located in the center of the beat ment in the county when all appeal to be allowed to deal with building. dairy and timber country in the other sections were getting to­ hie rebels himself. President Taft projects in view, and expects to be gether, not for the benefit or any has told him that there is no pre­ back In the harness in the near Northwest. Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the Syttew, particular city or section, but sent intention by the United States futuie, but just what line he will Patronize home industry is for the general development of Government to intervene in Cuba. take up he has not yet decided. “I want jo look around and get something which helps to make the entire county, and with the But the disclaimer contains a warn- idea of giving the farming dis- msrins at Key West is merely home Industries and to patron­ them. That is the policy of the ” to be able to act promptly in case As members of the .Woman’s ize the home merchants who Tillamook Commercial Club , it should unfortunately become Christian Temperance Union we but we are not too busy to and which the Booster Editors necessary to protect American life pays big tuxes and dispose of love and wear the white ribbon fill your order for lumber, their merchandise at small recommended last summer. We «nd property by rendering moral bow. even if it is hut a small one •------ --- to ■>- - ■ the Cuban IM-otita. To maka this a live hope that our Bay City con tern aupport or assistance It is the beautiful badge of our Look around aud seeif yo< pornrv will get the same idea of Government.” This means that if business center, the tlrst move place wouldn’t look l>etttr organization, heaven born, to pro ­ i is to create a pay roll by pat­ the importance of the develop­ President Gomez should prove to mote a holy cause. for a little fixing up. TH ment of the entire county nnd be unsble to protect American life running home industries aud It is a blessed bond of fellowship tell us what luniigr yos its varied attractions, resources and property American marines or home merchants. need and we’ll have it opt® | and opportunities. 'The slogan American soldiers would be com­ among our members. It is a privilege of which we your place in less than oo I that is proposed ia too narrow pelled to step in. The Portlanders showed that proud. time. and sectional to suit those who In an address tiefore a denomina­ they could‘‘come back.” Hav ___ It ia a plea for purity of life. are broad guaged, but we are iug visited one of the liest un­ tional gathering in Minneapolis It is a pledge of total abstinence. glad to see the Examiner is de­ developed counties in Oregon, Mr. Bryan remarked that he waa It preaches the prohibition of the sirous of more friendly relations with it mutchless scenery and with other sections which are glad to be out of the list of candi­ liquor traffic. dates, and went on to say: “I am splendid cool summer utrnos- It proclaims the Gospel of peace. working harmoniously together phere, aud enjoyed the hospi­ for a common purpose, and the content to spend the r-ma’inder of It is a prayer for home protection, tality of the progressivecitizens, it predicts a safe path for chil­ sooner it is willing to concede my yearn in private life. A man is it is uot surprising that they that other parts of the county more free when he ia not a candi­ dren’s feet should want to **cotne back." It is an emblem of patriotism. have splendid attractions for date.” Mr. Bryan continued that, And in doing so Tillamookers It is a protest against the drink inveatmeuts and that it ia first when a candidate, he found hie will be plvHsed again to offer necessary to cement the "spirit coat tails constantly puDed. for habit and the liquor traffic, them the glad hand aud do of friendship” amongst thoae fear he might do aomething that t o< hot»« to the what they can to make the who are pulliug in different would injure the party. In conclu­ tempted and help to the suffering second visit of the Portland It Propbccie» prophecies t"__ the coming of directions at Buy City, when sion he repeated that ”! am now —I*. iWoe»’ men as pleasant und this ia brought about all will free. ’ There ia much about this Christ's Kingdom in all hearts ell JlllDO enjoyable as the first visit position that — ia — not . ,,rur. clear f(r homes and all governments tie pulling together. 107 JO 1 Bryan recently ton ml Ohio to ad- Let us wear the white rfbb on and 110.00 rise Democrats nut to vote for Gov. The Republicans and Druio 41.50 Hv wav of an experiment, the Harmon as a presidential candi follow its gleam. 72-50 crnta art? going tn hold national County Court might see what 55 j OO •1st« At Baltimore Mr Bryan will conventions, but the funny part Whrn j-our child hss whoopinc can be accomplished with con­ 554» of H is that tlioaa who claimed vict labor by having a gang put be practically the foremost delegate »Uffh L**» __ -a_ thr cdugh * ’h be rarcf.,! careful to keep -nd orator. That gsthenag. fn,m ,oo*e »"d expectoration enay by gw that it was such a wicked thing Ctao, ti.iT.is,a*. to work on the Bayocean road. to hold u Republican convention If other counties can obtain every state and territory, will ■ ng Chamberlain’s Cough P--ne-«-r ••may be rem,.red. This rim^dv Jw LSI • . in Oregon vo»rd for delegates ai. a* ’ L as. ’ÎJh a», a» «. a» »’ l#ja How far will wifi also liquify the tough mu^xi good roa Is at little expenditure "Present a party Nr Bryan feel JasOSed in s.Wrl. t<» these conventions. The anti- why not do the same in this Assembly howlers In this state »he perennal freedom tee now »“cvesafully in county ? We do uot know any celebrates ’ many eprdemics and is safe and sure For sale by all dealers. Advertising Kates. Sale or 216 Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or TILLAMOOK LANDS AND LOTS, HOOD RIVER LANDS AND Um Washington County, Or., Lands. PORTLAND, NORTH PLAINS LYLE, WASH., LANDS. John Leland Henderson & Son, THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE 4 TELEGRAPH CO. The Easter Rt® Is On A. G. Beals Lumber Company LOW