Tillo mook H«®dlight, May 30. 1912 on’ Result of Eighth Grade Ex­ Wants Convict Labor • MOTOR BOAT ASSURED. Road Work. HAD A DELIGHTFUL TIME amination. [TO EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT.] Portland Business Men Ex- Question of Suitable Site ii The following named pupils were I have read with much interest is Causing the Delay. press Their Thanks to the account of the visit of Portland, awarded diplomas: School District No 5,-Dan David­ business men to your city, and as Tillamook. Washington, D. C. son, Eva Cain. in everything else in the past it May 25. 1912. No. 6,—Ernest Vinzent. A niwnber of letters have been Hon. F. C. Baker, shows that Tillamook and its people No. 8,—Guy Huston. received from the Portland busi Tillamook, Oregon. No. 9,—Lloyd Kaya, Cheater Dust- are on the job and equal to any ness men who visited this city last Dear Sir,—I have just received en. Herbert Moore, Lottie Crane, situation. As an Oregonian, born week, all expressing a warm appre­ the following letter: Helen M. Case, Marie Holden, Ger- Ger­ and raised here, I, of course, take trude Ebinger, Verina Lucas. Lewis an unusual interest in anything for ciation of what the Tillamook peo­ Treasury Department, ple did for their pleasure, as it was United States Life Saving Service. Atterbury, Stanley Fox, Lowell the betterment of the state and it* Washington, May 23, 1912. Moulton, Florence Eberman, Marie one of the most interesting and en­ resources. Hathaway, Elsie White. Honorable W. C. Hawley, joyable trips the Portland Commer­ Particularly so as regards it s House of Repreeefftives. No. 12,—Fred Robitsch. cial Club ever arranged. We will My dear Sir, —I have the honor to manufacturing industries. I a tn at No. 15,—Hiram Crane. publish only a few of them, which acknowledge receipt of your letter No. 17,—Neita Wheeler. this time doing all within my power of the 18th instant, enclosing a No. 22,—Phares Stiverson. are as follow»' Me. to help overcome the unfair com­ communication from Mr. bred C. 24, — Lizzie Tohl, Louise No. Commercial Club Building. petition that exists over the entire Baker, of Tillamook, Oregon, who | Kimens. Portland Oregon. calls attention to the urgent need of | No. 26,—Mida Hiner. country between free labor and Mar 27, 1912. a power lifeboat at the Tillamook | No. 31,—Orval Bodie. convict labor under the contract President D. L. Shrode, Bay life-saving station Garibaldi, i No. 32,—Edith Fowler. •Commercial Club, This business has been system, Oregon. You urge that the power I No. 35, — Howard Reeher. Tillamook, Oregon. lifeboat be furnished as well as any No. 38,—Elizabeth Haugen, Irene obliterated within our own etate as Dear Sir,—I take great pleasure other modern improvements that ¡ Elliott. far as our power allows us to go. in sending you herewith copy of a may prove helpful. No. 50,—Ethel Jensen. I However, through the unfairness resolution unanimously adopted by 1 he importance of having a power Charles Moore of District No. 12, of Interstate Commerce laws as at th* Portland excursionists upon boat at this locality has been rec returning from their recent trip to ognized for some time, but we have and Wesley Lawyer of District No. present, we cannot protect our­ Tillamojk County. The resolution been unable to obtain title to a 22, were awarded diplomas at the selves from the millions of dollars fellows: suitable site for a boathouse in January Examination. worth of goods which are annually W hereas : The Tillamook Com­ which to keep the boat. Under date Marie Holden received highest mercial Club and the citizen» gen­ of June 21, 1911, Captain J. H. Quin- shipped in from other states, which average, 94 per cent; Lottie Crane contract their convict labor. It erally, gave uh . the members of the Ian, ■■■ U.S.R.C.S , Assistant Inspect- 7, , ....... V.Ö.K.U.S, Aesisiani inspcvi- j. ... z. ....' ___ :..l ..... 1 ______ ;...... „ _ District . (coasts ., second highest, 93 per cent; and Portiand i • Commercial Club nr* rl t in town.—$525.00. 6. —Fine Residence, central Tillamook City.— $2,100. 7 —House and Two Lots, Miller* e addition, Tillamook City. - $1 vn 8. —160 acres. Dairy Ranch. Pleasant Valley.—$7,500. 9. —40 acres on Tillamook River. Unimproved. All bottom.-$1 7rn 10. —160 acres, Timber Claim on Miami river.—$4,500. 11. —80 acres fine timber. 1,580. M, feet.—$1,500. 12. —40 acres. Well improved. New bRilding. 4U miles S.- $8 (m 13. —80 acres, near Cloverdale. Timber.—$3,000. 14. —30 acres. Eour miles south. All improved. —$0,500. 15. —30 acres. 35-4 miles south. Half improved. r ___________ $3,500 16. —150 Lots nud Hotel site, Long Beach add. to Bayocean.$15 om 17. —80 acres 4J£ miles S.E. Tillamook, - ft, 800. 1S—200 acre ranch. 70 acres bottom. All stocked.—$22,500. 19. —The finest residence in Tillamook —»4,700. 20. —240 acres 5Ji miles S.E. Dairy Ranch.— $43,200. 21. —60 acres. Nestucca bottom. Dairy Ranch —$11,000. HOOD RIVER LANDS AND LOTS. to 1. -17 acres. Orchard. Well improved. Will trade for bettom 'land only.—$15,000. 2. —10 acres. Orchard. Building'S cost $5,000. —$18 000. 3. —24 acres. Orchard. Fine improvements.—$36,000. 4. —42J6 acres. Part Orchard. Balance raw.— $25,000. 5. —15 acres. All fruit. Good improvement».—$20,000, 6 l — ’» acres. All in fruit. Good~ < i m pro vemen ts. — $10,000. 7. —Business Lot, Hood River.—$10,000. 11.—160 acres. Six acres cleared. Fine apple land.—$8,000. I Washington County, Or., Lands. 1.--1000 acres. Orchard Land. tracts to suit. PORTLAND* NORTH PLAINS 1.—8 acres in town. Five acres in cultivation. Fine creek.—$2 400. LYLE, WASH., LANDS. 1. —160 acres. All good fruit lands. 4 acres orchard. Buildings — $12,000. 2. -378 acres Ranch. 70 acres, 1 year old apples, 150 acres cleared $75 per acre. STATE OF TENNESSEE. 34 acre Truck Farm at Ethridge Will trade. —$5000. < John Leland Henderson & Son, -A-grerxts. AGENTS FOR NORTHERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON. Summer Vacations SOUTHERN PACIFIC Via the To the East. Rose Festival. Elk’s Convention. UAMAR’S VARIETY STORE TILLAMOOK, OREGON. è SEASHORE or MOUNTAINS. Round Trip tickets to the principal Cities of the East, going or returning through California, or via Portland. Going limit 15 day*, final return limit October 31, on sale as follows : Sale Dates. May 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, II, 14. 15, 17, 18, 24, 29. Jume 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 17, 18, 1», 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29. „ July 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31. August 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12. 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31. September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12. 20. Stop-over going or returning within the limit Newport—Ya quin a Bay. The home of the Rhododendron, an ideal place to spendthe summer. Low round trip and week end tickets. Reasonable hotel rates, out door amusements, bathing, boating, golf, fishing, etc. Low Fares to Meeting of Women’s Clubs San Francisco, June 24 to July 6. PACIFIC RAILWAY A NAVIGATION BEACHES Are now within easy reach by the P.R. A N. and a new field for « pleasant vacation open. Week en l tickets now on sale and season tickets from all points on sale June 18t. PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL Opens June 10 ar.d closes June 15. The greatest Floral Fiesta and Carnival of Pleasure yet held. Low round trip tickets on sale from all points. For beautifully illustrated tiooklets describing Newport, Bay­ ocean and other points, as well as information about Eastern Fare*, ro}V.S?’.,9 vei^.etc'' ca" on ne»reat Agent or write to JOHN . 1. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. B P. o, E. (Elks) Convention, July 8 to 13, 1912. LOW ROUND TRIPS EAST On the date* given below, round trip tickets will R sold to the points in the East shown below, and many others, at greatly reduced fare* quoted: ACADEMY HALL, The Shepherdess of Lourdes,” W. J. Van Sohuyver Co., Portland, Ore For sale only in 1. —Two Lots. Portland Heights.—$12,000. 2. —Three Lots. Peninsular, near Swift’s Packing Plant.—$1 500. 3. - Fine Residence. Mt. Tabor. Furnished.—$3,600. 4. —Equity in 2 Hts. Capital Hill add.—$400. 5. -6 Lots. Parrell’s add. to Woodlawn, Portland.—$4,300. Wednesday Evening, June 5th, When you ask for Cyrus Noble the dealer knows that you know good whiskey. Mostly raw. THROUGH TRAINS EAST In Connection With Northern Pacific and Great Nrrthern Railway* Atlantic City Baltimore . . Boston . . . Buffalo .... Chicago . . . Colorado Spring: Denver . . . . $111.00 107^50 J >0.00 9140 7240 55.00 5540 Detroit .... Duluth.... Kansas City . . Milwaukee . . Minneapolis . . Montreal • . . New York . . $8240 60.00 60.00 7240 60.00 106.00 10840 Omaha Philadelphia Pittsburg . St. Loui* . St- Paul Toronto . Washington DATES OF" SAL^ May a. 3. *,9.10, 11,17,18 2*. 2», 1912. July 2. 3. 8. 7. 11. 12. IS, 18. 20. 23, W 28.29.30,31.1912. „ June 1. 8, 7, 8 13. 1*. is, 17. 18, 19. 80, August 1. 2. 3, 8. 7. 12, lfl, 18. 22.23,7»' 21.2*. 23, 27. 28. 29, 1912. 30. 31. 1912. September 4, . 5, . 6, . .».11.12, 30, 1912. .StoPOT,r» «u<’• need and we’ll have it up your place in less than nO time. A. G. Beals Lumber Company