Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 30, 1912, Image 5

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Tillamook Headlight, May âô, 1Ô12,
Morris Bros, and the
Irict Next in Regard
the Sale of Bonds.
Taxpayers of School District
^Lames Walton, Jr., has seen fit
jHish in the Tillamook Herald a
^Knication from Morris Brothers
■ purports to cover the history ol
Ble or our school bonds, and Mr.
K vouches for this statement be-
Hcurate and true. He also states
Hie Morris Brothers letter cantains
■hole history of the transaction.
^ktever else may be said of this
■ it does net set out the whole
H-y of the transaction, and it
Kates the folly of anyone assum-
Ho give l he history of a trans-
z* vrhich he does not have
Knal knowledge. The school board
Ked of the existence of this letter
■ral days before it was published,
■of the fact that Mr. Walton was
■ lating it, or having it circulated
■hose who were interest in getting
■nd having signed the recall petition
■the members of the school board.
His apparent that it was the inten-
H of those interested in the matter to
K) the matter concealed from the
^Eol board untill the recall petitions
■ been signed by enough persons to
He them effective. We know of no
Hr reason why the letter should have
Hi withheld from publication from
H 7th untill May 24th. ,
■ hy Mr. Walton did not give, or
He given, the full history of the
■taction may possible appear from
■onsideration of the fact* which he
■ not have brought out in the Morris
■ther’s letter, but which we are
Hating in a letter which the school
■ rd wrote to Morris Brothers before
E publication of their letter in the
■raid. and as this ansv er to Morris
■other’s letter contains a statement
■ the school board’s side of the trans­
ition, we are having it puDliihed
■th this letter so that the taxpayere
lay not have to depend upon a hearsay
latement as to what has taken place.
[The school board contemplated issu-
Lg such a statement before this time,
kit there having been no published
latement made by anyone in the news­
papers criticizing the action of the
toard in the matter, we thought that
t might appear that were trying to
efend ourselves against something of
rhich no complaint was being made
ly the taxpayers.
It would appear at this time, even
rom the publication ot this letter,
hat the taxpayers of the district have
lot take it upon themselves to have
ny investigation of the matter made,
nd the oublication of the letter has
een inspired by Mr. Welton, whsss
roperty interests in the district we
pderstand, are at this tims of a vary
rifling character to say the least.
We might add further, that when the
irculators of the recall petition wire
idvised to ascertain the board's side
f the controversy they declined to take
ny such action.
[ We are submitting the matter in the
»rm of the reply made tu the letter of
(orris Brothers so that the taxpayers
lay ascertain to their satisfaction
1st what has been done and the reas-
hs for it. We will not undertake to
Such for the truth of matter of which
fe have no personal knowledge, and
le will not attack anyone further than
Be facts themselves (may constitute
■ch an attack, but we invite your
Kieful consideration of the circum-
fences attending the action of the
bard, and of the representations which
Sere made to them to cause them to
St as they did. The board realizes
Sat this is a matter concerning the
■siness of the taxpayers of the dis-
■ct, and they are at all times ready to
111 what they have done in tbe matter.
■One thing more: While no formal
Ivertisement was made of the sale of
lese bonds, but the financial and bond
■pers carried notices of the intended
Eue and inquires were received from
■id houses, some forty or fifty, and
Ha were received from eight or ten,
■y one being higher then the priee at
■ ich the bonds were actually sold.
■ t should also he stated that the Dis-
Het Clerk never received any tele­
mm from Denver bond dealers re­
Esting to be allowed to bid. The
■easurer received some such inquiry
■ replied that parties should wire
■ bid they wish to make and it would
■considered. No bid was submitted in
Hpunse to this.
H.T. Botts, G.B. Lamb
of the School Board.
May 24th, 1912.
rris Bros.,
brtland, Oregon,
lur attention has been called to a
er written by you to Mr. James
Iton, Jr., under date of May 7th, in
»rence to the sale of the bonds of
Tillamook School District.
le are glad you wrote this letter,
ause it makes some matters clear
Is which were not clear before, and
are also glad to have the oppor-
Ity of explaining the matter fully,
¡only to you but to the taxpayers
pis district.
ou will understand, of course, that
Ho not think you have any particu-
kight to advise thetsx payers of this
rict as to what they should do, but
r advice is good never the less, and
he facts were as you supposed them
k we would undoubtedly be subject
berv severe criticism, to say the
k, for taking the action which we
I Possibly we are properly subject
Criticism anyhow for not showing
ler judgement in the matter than
■id. but we believe with facts fully
pe you, you will be of a different
bion in regard to this matter than
I were when you wrote the letter
prtd to.
I the first place it appears fro n
■ letter that you have no direct
_ whte i
pnal knowledge of anything
■bombers of the school
— board
boat, here
la-.d what you say
to the fact«.
■ ir assumption as to the facts, is
fc upon what has been given you
■ rvr,. We do not suppose that you
■t all interested yourselves in nhs-
►enting anything wnieb took plac?.
►4 knowing all of the facts in the
lyu are not in a
Jrec’ opinion or I
■ actions, and i
■re very glad to make a statement
■at was done.
■ the tint place. *ben the matter
of building a new school house in thia came in before anything definate was very glad to have availed themselves I made we are willirg to submit to the
listrict came up, a meeting was called I done, and Mr. Camp was told that he to this information and would have people of the district for their judg-
to discuss the matter and to authorize i would be given a chance to submit an governed themselves accordingly, and ment and will abide by their position
Notice is hereby given that the
the purchase of additional ground, and I offer for the bjnds. but his intimation have made fhe saving which your offer in the matter.
County Court of Tillamook County,
the issuing of interest bearing warrents i was That he would pay very little, if would have made for the district.
to the amou t of $25,000.00. At this i any, better than 5J per cents bonds No doubt it will seem to you that the
Oregon, will receive Sealed Bids, for
H.T.Botts & G.B.Lamb
meeting the voters expressed theme­ at par, or 3 per cent premium for the boardwas wrong in taking up the matter
making fills in the County Road, as
selves as favorable to the proposition, 6 per cent bonds. Before that time the without making a more thorough in­
follows: For grading a wagon road
but suggested the matter of increasing ' chairman had written Mr. Glenn stat- vestigation than it did, and it would
tbe territory of the district, which was i ing that the board would not consider appear from the offers that came in Commercial Club Meets running from th? North end of the
acceptable all around. At this meet­ his offer as of any force or effect, and so after the bonds were out of the board’s
Bridge across the North Fork of the
ing Mr. Walton stated that he could I advised Mr. Camp. Mr. Camp did state hands that the district had suffered
The regular meeting of the Club was Nehalem River to the trestle across
arrange for the sale of the bonds for that he would submit an offer at that a loss, but we have been led to
the district, but could not handle the time if the board would close the mat­ believe from what we have heard held Monday, May 27th, President the Creek near the Larson Hotel in
Shrode presiding.
“Upper Town” Nehalem, in Section 23,
warrents, and decided to postpone the ter up with him, and he did make the in regard
to the matter, that
After roll call, the minutes of the including the fill across the Schollmeyer
matter of issuing bonds until the offer as abore stated, but vith the inti­ it was the disposition
of the
territory of the district should be in­ mation that he might do bettier. He bond houses to prevent __ ______
Glenn previous meeting were read and ap- bottom, according to the plans and
creased. as it was felt that the people also stated that they could pay more from doing business that led Mr. them
specifications on file at the office of
would then feel even more favorably than anybody else could for the bonds, make the offers that they have made proved.
The committee on revision of the the County Clerk.
disposed toward the building of the but his intimation was that what he after it was too late for them to be
schedule of fees in the by-laws re-
new school building which was badly had offered was about the] limit.
A certified check equal to 5 per cent
considéré 1.
Mr. Camp went away, and in a few
We regret that this condition has ported that owing to the activities in of the amount of the bid, must ac­
The school board took up with Mr. days called up Mr. Botts, saying he had arisen, but we feel that under the
Walton the matter of the sale of the seen the circular of the clerk, which circumitance3, and with the informa­ connection with the Portland Men’s company each bid as a guarantee that
bonds, and he informed the board that stated dids would be opened about the tion we had. we were justified in doing Excursion, it had been unable to meet. the bidder will execute a ttnno »..» •
It Was mnv—I ---I
he could dispose of the 6 per cent bonds 15th day of April, and was told that it what we did.
•vV' »UOWVIOII K»k V1W o' IlVlttv* ■»
k'Sw- «
of the district at par. Shortly after was not the intention tn onen hi.!« •»
cuintiniure ue given luruier t
this Mr. Fred Glenn came to Tillamook that time, and that no time hal been in your letter which arose without the
All bids tobe filed in the office of
and had an interview with the school actually fixed for doing that, but he fault of the board, or any of its Motion carried.
It was moxed and seconded that the ‘ County Clerk of Tillamook County,
board, and offered to contract to take was again told that he would have an members, which have given you evi­
the bonds of the district, 6 per cent , opportunity tu take the matter up.
a false impression about this next mid-day lunch be held Wednesday, Oregon, on or before 10 o’clock A. M.
bonds with a 2 per cent premium, 1 per | ! About April 17th Mr. Glenn earns to dently
mention that a news- June 5th. An amendment was offered Wednesday the 5th day of June, A. D.
cent of the premium, however, to be Tillamook, with bonds prepared, and paps' item You
1 that Mr. Botts de­ that the lunches be held on the first 1912.
allowed for the purpose of bearing the ' 1 the matter ready to be certified by the clined to make any
statement in the and third Wednesdays of each month.
The County Court reserves the rigr.z
legal expenses and co3ts of printing I ! district board, and stated that he had Dremises. N >w, this is
to reject any and all bids. By order of
the bonds, etc. M Glenn was to I transferred his paper to some other itatem -nt of th? matter, the
and the fact
furnish the distrii
with whatever parties, and that they were real/ tn
the County Court.
that Mr. B’tts not only explained carried.
forms were necessary in every way. put up the money as son aa the boils is
J. C. Holden.
By common consent, the House Com­
The board at that time had made no in­ were delivered to the First National inquired of him. including person
the edit' rs mittee was authorized to formulate
County Clerk.
vestigation as to that, and as Mr. Wal­ Bank of Denver, and the first agree­ of the papers, but he alsp made
a pub­
ton nad offered to look after the financ- ment with him was that the bonds lic statement in the Circuit Court
rules for the use of the Club rooms
Notice to Creditore.
ingofth? bonds foe the district, th»! should be delivered at any bank he the time when Mr. Walton, at your during business meetings of the Club.
board again consulted with him in re-' might select. The board at first told instance, brought an injunction suit
gard to the matter, without, at that Mr. Glenn thjt he wonld have to take to restrain the County Treasurer from
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
tims, disclosing to him the offer which his chances with the other bidders who delivering the bonds to Keeler Brothers. ecutive Board to prepare in detail a the undersigned hus been by the
had been made by Mr. Glenn, and Mr. had sent bids to the County Treasurer
suit has been brought, as we plan of raising funds for advertising County Court of Tillamook County,
Walton again stated that he could I but which at that time had n>t been This
vou are informed, after the Tillamook City reported that it had Oregon duly appointed as admin­
handle the bonds for the district at par | .opened. Mr. Glenn was indignant at presume
bonds had been transmitted to Denver. prepared a list of the property in the istrator of the estate of JOHN C.
for 6 per cent bonds, but knew of no ! this, but the board insisted, and was The
editor’s statement was based up­ city, of the property owners and of the MANGAN, deceased, and that he
prospect of any better prices being I ' not inclined to carry out the agreement
the fact that he had asked the board assessed valuations. It was moved and has qualified as such administrator.
relaized, and state 1 that he considered i had with him in the first place. Mr. on
All persons having claims against
write out »statement of the matter,
that the district would be doing well Glenn, it might be stated, had formerly to
this was not done, but the facts seconded that a committee of three (the said estate are hereby required to
to sell their bonds at par. Mr. Walton agreed to deposit with the County and
the same to said adminis­
placed at the editor’s disposal.
committee to have power to choose fur­
never at any tims before ths bonis Treasurer security for the taking by were
trator at hie office in Tillamook
were disposed of by the district stated him of ¡the district bonds, but he had paper item as to Mr. Glenn being con­ ther members if deemed advisable) -** City, Tillamook County, Oregon,
to any member of the board that he not complied with that part of the nected
with the First National Bank appointed to take this matter up wiln within six months from the date
was representing your company. Now agreement.
This information never property owners of the city, and to hereof, together with proper verifi­
this all took place after February 10th.
cations thereof as required by law.
Mr. Glenn went to the County Treas­ came from any member of the board, solicit subscriptions, the plan to
and after the time when you state in urer, and the Treasurer called in the
Dated this May 23rd, 1912.
the bonds were transmitted to come operative when 60 per cent of the
your letter that you told Mr. Walton Deputy District Attorney, and after but
H. T. B otts ,
that bank at the request of NJr. Glenn. property ownets is represented in the
you would pay a substantial premium consulting with the board it was finally We
Administrator of the Estate of
never knew that Mr. Glenn had any
for 6 per cent bonds, or would buy 5 thought best to accept his offer, as the connection with the bank as an officer, subscription.
John C. Mangan, deceased.
per cent bonds at par.
district had made use of Mr Glenn’s or otherwise, and never made any claim
The following committee was ap-
After oor co.13 llting with Mr. Wal­ services, and he had gone ahead appar­ that he was.
pointed: W. G. Dwight, F. R. Beals,
For Sale or Trade.
ton as to this, Mr. Glenn again came ently in good faith on the strength of
It may interest vou to know that the
to Tillamook, and the board, relying the agreement the board had mide with advice you gave Mr. Walton in your Will Spalding.
two years old, black,
up»n Mr Walton’s stat!m?nt as t> the him, and the board felt that it would letter as to what might properly be
It was moved and seconded that the
matter that 6 per cent bonds at par not be fair to him to disregard the con­ asked of the board, has only been fol­ Secretary be instructed to write to weigh« 1035, perfectly gentle, will
was the b?it. in his opinion, that the tract or arrangement which had been lowed to the extent that a petition for
guarantee him. Will sell cheap for
board could do, thought that if they entered into with him, and it was then the recall of members of the board has Andrew Carnegie regarding the estab­ cash, or will trade for town property,
could get the 1 per cent net to the dis­ agreed that the Treasurer would open been put in circulation. Mr. Walton’s
Vacantt lots preferred.—See Frank
trict for 6 per cent bonds, it would be the bids which were then on hand, an J nam? appearing on at last one of the city. Carried.
making a good transaction, and accord­ if Mr.. Glenn would make som? raisa in petitions, the petitions mentioning, as
It was moved and seconded that the
ingly the board made a kind of an his bld the board might increase th? we are informed, nothing in regard to
agreement with Mr. Glenn as outlined I allowance for expenses ma le so that the bond transaction, but Mr. Walton Club endorse the petition for the open­
i the district would not have to sacrifice lelivered your letter to one of the ing or the Light House trail in order to
The board knew at that time that ¡too much in doing businesi with him. I circulators of the petitions, and he has assure a road to Bayocean in the near
this contract was not binding in law, Mr. Glenn had stated that the party to been making use of that while circulât future. Motion carried.
as the bonds had not yet been voted, i whom he had transferred his contract ing the petition. Tn letter was being
An amendment to the by-law* was 1
ini th?y knew also that the board wai < would undoubtedly enjoin the district circulated for a week or more before
not authorized to mal^e a sale, as the if they attempted to disregard his ar- the members of the board were aware offered aa follows:
law required the sale to be made by ( rangement and bring a suit in the Fed­ thit such a letter had ever been writ­
That Section 2 of Article 3 be J
the county treasurer.
eral Court for that purpose, which ten. fh? dispasiti > 1 as to this matter amended to read as follows:
Shortly after this arrangement wai would hang up the proceedings for an being
The valued family rc-
not to ask for or get an ex-
Resident Members -Resident mem-
made with Mr. Glenn, Mr. Walton indefinite leng’hof time. We believel planatio
i from the members of the
ci es for cough and cold
learned of it, and stated to the mem­ i then and now, however, that this was a boari, but to us? your letter in a bers shall consist of the business and
cure, liniments, tonics and
bers of the board that Portland bonding bluff on Mr. Glenn's part, but even secret and behind-the-back way in an professional men of Tillamook City an I
houses were very indignant over the after the bonds were delivered, Mr. eff >rt to get the p uple of the district others interested in the development
other remedies have as
matter; that Mr. Glenn was not a legit- ’ Glenn still insisted that Keeler Broth­ to d icide as to this matter on a one-
Non-resident Members -Non resident
careful attention here as
¡mate bond buyer, and they were deter-' ers, who took the bonds, were pe iplc side 1 statement of what had taken
members shall be persons not residing
the most intricate prescrip­ ri
mined that he should not get these' who would take such steps as that even place.
in Tillamook City; ministers in charge
bonis, and that they would see that he | if
_ knew they had no legal right
____ to
If we are subj »ct to criticism for of churches and principals and teachers
did not get them, and he also, at that r|o so, and if this had been done, even what we did u ¡1er the circumstances, of school* when engaged in such pro­
time, stated that the bonds were worth i the district hal won oit in ths enI, a< we will accept it cheerfully, but we fessions in the city.
more than they were when he first, it undoubtedly would, in would have do not want to be criticized for some­
Honorary Members -This section to
drugs will help to make
talked with the board aoout it; that. meant the expense of a law suit in the thing we didn tdo.
remain as before.
when he made the six per cent talk he Federal Court, and might have delayed
these remedies more effec-
We would say further, that in this
That Section 4 of Article 3 be
supposed that was the best that could the construction of the school building matter the County Treasurer acted
tive than ever.
be done, but he had found other people for another year.
with the full approval of the school
who were willing to pay more money. • Under such circumstances the board board, and whatever was done by him
Fees and Dues —Each resident mem­
Right prices are also
He never stated, however, who the. felt that it was better o close with in the matter we wish to have taken ber shall pay an initiation fee of $10.00,
people were, never stated that the , Mr. Glenn, knowing that tbe money as the action of the school board, and and annual dues of $18.00, payable in
assu red.
bonds could be sold at par with inter- j would be promptly on hand and the we absolve im from responsibbty on monthly payments of $1.50. E ich non­
est at 5 per cent, or that they could be matter ended. Accordingly the bids that account so far as any of the resident member shall pay an initiation
sold with a premium for 5J per cent were opened, and the highest bid found, blame being laid upon him.
fee of $5.00 and annual dues of $5 00, I
bonds, and made no mention of any-1 except one, was a premium of $1,350.00.
Will sav further, that the board payable in quarterly payments of $1.25.
thing other than the 6 per cent bonds, 'The one higher bid was made on the knew of y oir house, and of your busi­ All initiation fees and dues are payable
with the intimation that more than 2 strength of the statements coitainel ness. and had we known that you were in advance. Honorary members shall
Reliable Druggiat.
per cent might be paid as a premium in the circular sent out by the clerk, interested in the bond issue as indicat­ be exempt from paying initiation fees i ■
such UUIlUSf
bonds, UUtgIIV
butjno 1 intimation
lib*trickvtxjn as v?./
to glvlll
giving the valuation of the district as ed by y our letter, we would have baaii or dues.
■ « « ■ « • a.
000,000.0J, which could
how much, except as hereafter stated over
over, $2 ____-------------------
------ nil be | only ton glad to have taken up the mat­
It was moved and seconded that the
dis-j ter an I done business with you upon
in connection with Mr. Camp.
! officially certified to as the new dis-
The board notified Mr. Glenn of this trict valuations were not shown on the. the o f :rs which you oov ssy that y o l amendment to Section 4 be amended
disposition on the part of Mr. Walton tax roll at that tim!, an J will mt be, | male through Mr. Walton, we would to read: “Each resident membershall
and ------
his -------------
Portland --- people,
so that he —
»g - a --------
matter ot fact, until about the > s i r {ist th st in view of the facts as pay an initiation fee of not more than
could take any steps he ssw fit to look close of the year. inis one higher bid i we hive stated them, your criticism of $25. O') nor less than $10.00, |t > be de­
after his interest in the matter. The offered about 1 per cent higher pre­ bill biyers who seek to got bonds
termined by the Executive Board,” and
board heard nothing more from Mr. mium for a 6 per cent bend.
without competition will apply to the
of ' April, I 1 With these bids in this shane
shaoe Mr. representative of Roiling & Sons in continue as above. The amendment to
___ ____
” after the
but Mr. Glenn complied with his agree- Glenn agresd t? raise his bid t> $U»5-- disease. We do not blamo hi n for the amendment was carried.
ment as to the furnishing of forms for 00, but with an allowance from the that, We are not upholding Mr. Glenn
it was moved and seconded that the
the proceedings leading up to the
the ; school board to him, to cover his legal in particular, but seems chat we have
issuing of the bonds, and the board services, etc., of $650.00, netting to learned, at any rate, that, reputabe amendment bo adopted. Motion car­
accepted this and made use of it. The the.district a premium of $705.0J a I or other wise, the bond house* are ried.
district clerk received numerous in­ bove its expenses. After considerable ¡anxious to do bo si ns is, and are nut
quiries from different bonding houses, discussion this was finally agreed to, 1 seeking to have others get in and com­
and the board instructed him to send and the matter was closed on that pete for the business so as to reduce
out circular letters _of
of information basis.
Dr. J. T. Work, M. T.
the amount of their profits.
Mr. Camp was immediately notifiei
which was asked for. They also talked
We believe that this covers the sit­
1st St. and 3rd Ave West
with Mr. Walton and told him that the of what was done and the reason for uation quite fully and trust that we
and Naturopath
board regarded the Glenn matter as in­
have made our position clear to you.
writing to him it was If we have not, if you wil I call our at­ the moat improved science for the
formal and not legally 1 binding, and that in
'rom any other stated that the board felt that it ws« tention to anything not explained cure of disease. Why suffer from
that offers received from
source would be considered by the board. under a moral obligation to Mr. Glenn 1 which requires any further light or colds, catarrah. rheumatism, hernia,
The circulars sent out by the clerk on account of having accepted i is explanation from u*. we will be vary tumors und abdominal displace­
stated that the bids for the bonds would services and allowing him to incur ex glad tf give it so far as we can.
ments, indigestion, rnalusaimilation Home Made at the Cold Stoiage.
r Finally,
in>ii/ don’ ¥ t be to
w ---------------
be opened about the 15th of April. pensea on ita W»lf. which the b?ard
ready to assume
on hearsay. Find out how far and the general neurotic run down
There were probably forty or fifty of did not feel justified in disregarding.
these inquiries which were answered by Replying to that Mr.Gamp expressed a yaur own agents are to blame before condition that follows when the
great deal of surprise, anl among you i,« the blame for thinga you don’t cause may be easily adjusted and
the clerk.
stated. “I appreciate all fike «n eomeone el*e. If vour agenta
After the bonds were voted on other
(March 30th), Mr. F. W. Camp, rep­ you say about the moral obligation in­ don't properly take care of your inter­ removed with no danger of other
matter, but I eann.it ests, don't blame us for '• and don’t complications, as there in no drugs
resenting E. H. Rollins & Sons, had an
interview with the chairmen of the under stand how the same enters into blame u* for not accepting of­ or knives used in this system.
board, being introduced to him by Mr. a matter of thi i kin J. “ In this letter fer* which we never heard of nr had
Walton. At that time Mr. Camp offer­ Mr. Camp stated that he would have any intimation we might hear.
ed to take the district bonds at par, paid a premium of ( per cent for a 5
Kindly bear in mind, in thia matter Vaccum Washing Machine.
bearing 5j per cent interest. He stat­ per cent bond, or woulJ hive paid a that ao far as the school board ia con­
D. Tope of Portland has been in this
ed that 2 per cent was not a large $135103 premia a for a 5j per ceit cerned we never knew that yo i were
enough premium for the 6 per cent b>nd, but thio was the firat < wwledya interested in this bond matter in any vicinity during the past week, intro­
bonds, but that 3 per cent would be that the board, or any of its mi nb?rs way at all untill the same was out of ducing tbe vacuum was! ing machine.
had that any each price wialJ have our hands, and the aame ia true a* to
about right, or. he would take the
per cent bonds at par. He was very been paid, or offered to be p ud br eny tla> Count» Treaaurer. If you have This machine is a remarkable inven-
anxious to have the board enter into a person in tbe market for bo . is. As has been thrown down in the matter in any don, simple of construction and so eas­
contract with him at that time on that been stated, Mr. Walton did n it dis­ way it has not been by us, and in view ily handled that a child can use it. It
basis and urged that it be done without close any su-h o.fer. n >r did dr. Ca.wp of the circumstance« which we have sella fur 13.50. and dues its work thor­
waiting for replies or other bids, am make any better offer in the first place stated and the manner in which Mr. oughly and quickly. One mutt see the
that the board disregard altogether U-nasatatei herein. Tae o»ard had Camp’a offer waa made to us. we ean-
any arrangement it hwi with Mr.Gienn. no knowledge that they could realize not feel that he h«a any good cause to machine work to comprehend it* use­
Mr. Walton was present when the talk any better price loan they go* from complain, and whatever complaint fulness.
between Mr. Camp and the «t»«'"»®" Mr. Glemat the tuna Hi/ enters! there ia to come againat ua we think
Mr. Tope tenders the following rec­
took place, and be advised that the into th! arrang--.il»it will li.n. and would come properly only from the ommendations In regard to his machine:
board would do well to close with Mr. tbougnt they were at that ti ai taking people of the diatrict. We believe the
Camp on the 5} per cent bonds, never care of tbs interests of tbs district ai most of these pe iple sre people who To whom it may concern:
The vacuum washing machine is a
intimating that your house ha I offered as well as could be done.
regard their promise* a* being of some
We are very sorry to leern that ths value, arxl who are not disposed to wonder and will not injure the finest
to take 5 per cent at par, as you state
that you had offered to do through Mr. information upon which we relied in break their word for the matter of * garment. It will do tbe entire wash­
Walton. In fact he never mentioned this matter waa not reliable. We were pecuniary advantage, and believe that ing in a few minutes to my lull sat­
Mrs. M. R. Hanenkratt.
your bouse in connection with the mat­ endeavoring to look after the interests they would feel that way in regard to isfaction.
ter at alt, that is to any member of of tie district and save raise/ to th« tbe matter* of the dis trnct, arid as the To whom it may concern :
On Monday, May 27th, Mr. D. Tope
tbe board or to the County Treasurer, taxpayers, and presume that in dealing board represents the m i n these matters,
did the week’s washing for me with
until after the bonds bad oeeedsepiaed witn Mr. Wait-sa bs w»*H taxa the
the vacuum washer
I consider it tbe
OiThe chairman of the board r.f
moot simple and satisfactory washing
machine that 1 have ever seen.
close with Mr. Camp. telling him that
Mrs. Jam«« T. Moore,
circulars bad been eent eel, and th.
board was gomg u wail uaUI bat»
mistake we may have
s w
Ask for Mokciti!