Y Tillamook tfaadlight. May 30, 191â. I A Story of Mallbran. I I 1 Among tbe stories told by Arthur Poagln of Mallbran, the great singer. Is one of her stay In Venice. She wss to give six performances st one thes- ter there when Gallo, tbe director of tbe Teatro Emeronlto, being on the eve of bankruptcy, begged her to give two at hla theater, promising ber £120 for each. She consented, but when Gallo went to take her tbe second payment be entered, saying, “Hero Is the sum we agreed on.” “What sum?* she replied, with an air of surprise. "Oh, the £120 for yesterday’s perform­ ance.” "I don't want your money. Take It all away und spend it on your children. You shall kiss me and we'll be quits." Did the good fellow be­ lieve his ears? His two performances had brought him in £400 tn round fig­ ures, had saved him from bankruptcy, aud, to crown bls Joy, he kissed Mme. Mallbran. This magnanimity to a poor Venetian was received publicly by a frantic ovation and crystalized In verse, while the theater was re- named Mallbran.—Argonaut Graceful Women of India. Flnd'ng a Silver Spoon. Describing tbe women of India, a The passengers on an Atlantic liner were at dinner when one of then»—he writer says: “Even tbe most with­ was, by the way, an amateur conjurer ered toil worn bag has a dignity of car­ and bad given a “turn" In the saloon riage and a grace of motion that tbe tbe previous evening—observed a lady western woman might envy. Tbe present take up a handsome sugar airi Is draped in an easy flowing style spoon and hide It up her sleeve. He and adjusted as it slips back with a waited till dinner was nearly over, graceful turn of the silver bangled then rose and addressed tbe company. arm, tbe eklnny legs move rhythmical­ He bad, be said, remembered anoth­ ly and the small feet fall with a silent er little trick, which he proposed to •nd pantherlike tread. It is the beau­ perform in amplification of his pro­ ty of natural and untrammeled motion gram of the evening before. Going end says much in favor of tbe aboli­ up to the captain, be took from the tion of tbe corset, for tbe Indian worn- table a spoon similar to that which ea retain their uprightness and supple­ ness of figure till bowed with age. tbe lady had hidden. "You will see, ladies and gentlemen. The commonest type is tbe coolie wo­ I take this spoon and place It in tbe man, who undertakes all sorts of rough work, carrying heavy burdens captain's sleeve.” He did so. bidding tbe captain grasp on her head, and she is perhaps the the sleeve tightly at the wrist with bls least attractive, for her workaday gar­ ments are usually faded and dirty, yet disengaged hand. "Now," be continued, “I will pro­ •ven among this poor class of burden duce tbe spoon from Mrs. Blank’s bearers we see many with handsome, straight features and supple, well pro­ sleeve.” And, approaching Aie souvenir hunt­ portioned figures. No matter how poor er. be dexterously did so. Tbe delin­ Jtelr garments. Jewelry of some sort is quent. crimson with shame and vex­ worn—necklaces of gold or beads, col­ ation, promptly left the saloon for ored glass or silver bangles and heavy allver anklets.” tbe solitude of ber own stateroom. Old Egyptian Perfumes. Priests In Egypt, who were the sole depositaries of science, knew the se­ cret of aromatic substances and pre­ The Asylum Debating Club. Marketing In France. pared them themselves. Egyptian “This Is a wonderful place,” In France the housewife does very perfumes acquired great celebrity, es­ i little of the marketing It is left to • man In the grounds of a lunatic pecially those made in Alexandria. the servants. There the servants do lam near Edinburgh to a casual Reserved originally for religious rites, the bargaining. If potatoes are 10 itur. “Everything is lo such excel- perfumes subsequently Itecame of cur­ cents per pound and the girl can get lent order, so agreeable too. They rent use among the wealthy classes. them from some market woman for 8 have concerts and balls, and. more During banquets they were diffused cents she reasons that the mistress than that, what do you think? They through the balls and were burnt In should not profit by the bargaining. have a debating society.” profusion. The Israelites during their “Indeed!” said the visitor. “A de­ I but that site herself should have the sojourn In Egypt adopted the use of difference. The regular price of the bating society?” aromatic substances primarily for re­ "Yes. They are debating Just now. ligious purposes and afterward for potatoes being 10 cents, the servant and If you like," suggested the man. marks them down tn her book at that personal usage. The Greeks, who price and pockets the difference. This "I will show you how they proceed. loved elegance, were especially ne the beet company n medal for live miles and one for ten and then hisses shudderingly. The man like you could ask for." "No, sir. Excuse me, sir. You're miles, a silver medal for swimming, stuff Is kept at until it comes up In wrong." said the prlaomr huskily. two cups for wrestling and a lot of regular sheets, very thin and looking like a sort of cake dusted with crumbs •'You see. I'd brought a quart of whis­ budges for boxlug and cycling.” “Begorra," said Pat, “lie must be a Then after thorough drying in vacuum ky for the Journey, and on account of chambers It is ready to be put in with the coiupauy I bad to drluk It all my- greut athlete, ludade!" "Bedad.” came the reply, “and you the chemicals and other things that self." are wroug! He keeps the pawnshop!" make up the compound.—New York Bun. —Loudou Telegraph. India Spun Cotton Long Ago. I-ancashlre's proud record of .UM) Changed With the Change. Tanned Skin. yesrs In the cotton trade Is far behind There was an aid negro In a small In the majority of cases tanned skin India's. Cotton was manufactured to perfection In India more than 3.000 Is an indication of health. It Is a con­ Tennessee town who had been steal years ago. Thus Thomas Ellison In dition resultlug from the action of Ing a great deal. He would go all over bls "Cotton Trade of Great Britain:“ chemical rays or of the ultra violet the town taking anything be could get “Fabrica as fine us any that enn be rays of the sun on the pigment of tbs In tbe form of clothing or food. One turned out at the present day by the skin. Tan may be produced also by day be became very ill. He grew worse, moot perfect machinery In Lancashire exposure to the rays of a mercury and it seemed that be was going to die. were produced by the nimble fingers lamp or It may be caused electrically. An death approached he began to re­ of Hludu spinners and the primitive But lu these cases It Is no Indication pent of his robberies. He called hla looms of Hindu weavers a thousand of the state of health. It does not eon to him and told him to return all years la-fore the Invasion of Britain by mean that there has been a multipli­ the clothing he had stolen. After this the Romans." When Britons, in fact, cation of red corpuscles In the blood, be became easier and went to sleep. In were suffering from their skins In­ such as follows healthful exercise tn several hours be awoke. “Mlrandy,” be said, "am Sam took diana were "luxuriating In garments of the <>|>en air. The tan acquired by a texture so flue as to hare earned the the skin at sea or ashore as a result back dem clothes yet?*' “No," said Mlrandy. “Sam am still poetic description of 'woven wind.' ” of life and exercise In the open air is What Lancashire makes today India always a sign of health, for the rea­ here.” “Well,” said the old negro, “tell him made the day before yesterday — Lou­ son that It Is accompanied by general don Chronicle. conditions that do not obtain In the to hold on a bit I believe I's gittlng case of electric tan.—New York Times. a leetle better."—World Today. Your Child. The Dead Watch. Does your child break Into the con­ Altitude Loosens Tongues. During tbs rebellion of 1745 a high versation when you have visitors? "Workmen on high buildings have Does be leave bls clothes lying all prejudices that must be respected,” lander came into possession of a watch over the bouse? auld a contractor. "A sedate, well bal­ The thing was strange to him and Its Does he eat surreptitiously between anced man never likes a talkative use unknown to him, and its beauty meals? nelghltor. Height unhiugea some men's and Its constant ticking gave him Doea he lay hla hands on almost tongues. Men who are decidedly un­ pleasure. That night the watch ran anything he wants to make something communicative at street level lay their down, and the ticking ceased. The out of without asking your pvriula- souls Imre ttuo feet above ground. That highlander now was disgusted with alou? loquacity does not impair their own his toy and sought for some one to Does lie oom« down 1st« to break- etllcieucy. They lay brick or chisel buy K. A purchaser was soon found fast? stone Just as skillfully, no matter how at a low price. When the watch and fust they talk, but their chatter gets on the money had changed hands, the Does he say “Huh.” ''Geer And, if not, why not. You are hla Ike nerves of other meu whose speech highlander, chuckling over his bar­ parent, and he Is living In the United la not accelerated by altitude.”— New gain. said, "Why, she died last night." —London Express. York Proas. States of America - IJfe. The Fusilo of Life. Life Io a quaint pusale. Bits the most lucongruoua Join into each other, and the scheme thus gradually liecomea symmetrical and clear, when. Io, aa the Infant clasps tils hands and cries, "Boe, see; the puaale la made out!” all the pieces are swept back Into the box­ black bos with the gilded nella! Ba*, wer-Lytton. —a Presidents Then and New. When Thomas Nickerson, who wna president of the Banta Fe before It struck oil. wanted to take a ride ho carried lila lunch and took a berth with the way freight That taa't the way of all American railway presidents — Railroad Man'a Magaxlue. Changing Doctors. “What you ueed. madam, la oxygen Oome every afternoon for your In halations. They will cost you J4 each.” “I knew that other doctor didn't understand my case,” declared the fashionable pat leu t "He told me all I seeded was plain fresh air.”—Wash lugton Herald. Matter ef Eeonomy. Mildred — They were married I* Mar Preesnc» ef Mind. haste. I understand? Eleanor- Tee; “Harry atarted to propone to me last High and Worthy. Elie—I'm afraid I canuot marry yo< they had engaged a taxicab by the night but hla voice actually stuck In I want a man who jioaaaaaae a noble hour, eo they requested the minister Ms throat.” “Well?" ambition, one whose heart la set aa to hurry. - Exchange. aitalnlng some high and worthy object, “It was all right, though. I could see lie Well, don't I want yen? Bbe-OK Me U|>e moving and knew what lie was George, daring I am yours' Boeteu trying to eny."-Chicngo News. I raneertpt Centradletory Evidence. "That firm la going under" ‘ whv“ I heard the fa. ta of the kualneaa I was sure It was going up." • Baltimore American A Usurper. Man (at the phone tu man at the oth­ er eod of the wire» How dare von talk to me like that? You re not my wife! Satire I I a HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN'S SUPPLIES AND STEEL STOVES & RANCES I We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, ’1 •i Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sashes, ? Agents I for the Great WesternSaw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County V 3 h KIDNET PIUS for backache, rheumatism, kidney or biaaaer trouDie, ana unitary irreguranuu^. Foley Kidney Pilis are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes. Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook. Notice of Sherifi’s Sale. before described, on the date of said attachment, or at any time thereof; and that the proceeds of said sale will be applied to the sat­ isfying of said judgment and order of sale and execution, together with all interest accrued and accruing, and all costs and disbursements, land all accruing costs and disburse­ ments. Dated this 4th day of May, 1912. H. C renshaw , A b Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. ________________ In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Tillamook. Mrs. W. W. Curtis, i Plaintiff, | vs. D. E. Goodspeed and | M. J. Goodspeed, | Defendants. J N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That by virtue of a judgment and an order oi sale of attached real pro­ perty made and entered of record COMMITTEE INVESTI and docketed in the above entitled GATES. court and action on the 15th day with the problem of buying Harness, of April, 1912, wherin it was that the above named Finds Bitulith’c In Favor yo i will find it distinctly advanta­ adjudged plaintiff have and recover off of geous to come and do your select and from the above named With Property jOwners. ___ ' de ing here. You will get the best fendants and each of them, the The following extract is from the qualities, the most thorough and Burn of One Thousand ($1000.00) conscientious workmanship and be Dollars, together with interest there report of the paving committee at on at the rate of one per cent per charged the most reasonable prices. annum from July 10, 1908, until paid, Leavenworth. Wash. “At Portland, Oregon, the corp- We can supply single or double and the further sum of One Hun Sets or any single [article that you dred and thirty ($130.00) Dollars at mittee spent much time in investi­ torneys fees, and Twenty-One and gating the merits of bitulithie, may be in need of. 5-100 ($21.05) Dollars costs and dis­ wood block, stone block, concrete, bursements in said action, and the said judgment further ordered that asphaltic brick and Hassan paving. W.A, Williams ¿c Co the property hereinafter described, There appeared to be much more Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. and which was attached in this bitulithie than any other character action on the 29th day of Novem­ of paving in use. The committee ber, 1911, be nold for the purpose of satisfying said judgment and the visited tbe plant of the Warren Pav­ whole thereof; and iu pursuance ing Co., in Portland, where an ex­ of said judgment and order of sale pert chemist and road construction of said attached property, and by expert explained the metifods em­ virtue of an execution duly issued out of the above entitled court in ployed by the company if> putting this action, the same being issued down paving. The committee also under the seal of said court to me •aw and inspected bitulithie under directed, bearing date of the 17th construction from the time the first day of April, 1912, and commanding and requiring me as the Sheriff of course of rock is put down, after­ R A. WAHLEN, D.O. Tillamook County, Oregon, to make wards covered with bitumen, which sale in the manner provided bylaw waa thoroughly rolled and then Eye Sight Specialist, in such cases, for the purpose of covered with a mixture of ninety satisfying said judgment and order of sale of attached property, the per cent fine crushed atone and ten following described real property per cent bitumen, then rolled and situated in Tillamook County, Ore­ covered with a thin coating of pure gon, to wit: Two certain tracts described as bitumen and sand, or asphalt, follows : First all the Southeast which made the paving of which tMICMaCTION . QUICK IN RISULTa quarter of the Northeast quarter (or samples were shown in this club FW relief from BACKACHE, lot 14) of Section thirteen, in town­ room by an agent of the Warren ship one south of range ten west of Paving Co. “Members of the com­ S1DNKT and BLADDER TROUBLB, the Willamette Meridan, containing mittee talked with property owners MMEUMATISM, CONGESTION ef be 36 84 acres, according to Govern­ fronting on streets paved with bitnl- KIDNEYS, INFIJYMMATION of tbe ment Survey, save and except 22 ilhic paving, with employees of Hie acres off the North end of said tract water department who were em­ BLADDER and all annoying URINARY heretofore conveyed to D. Edgbert ployed in making openings in this IKREOULARITIF.S. A positive *1» w Goodspeed and save and except a and other character of paving, w.th certain right of way heretofore con­ employees of the water department MIDDLE AOED and ELDERLY veyed to the Pacific Railway and who were employed in making Navigation Company. openings in this and other character FEOPLE and for WOMEN. Second: The North East quarter of paving for the purpose of mak­ RAVI HIGHCST RECOMMCRDATtM of the South East quarter of said ing water and sewer connections ■ ■ DavG. KM Wa*hinr*»'n S*., c*—eaori rills Section thirteen and that part of and were told that the bitulithie [■J*-,. *•‘"hi« a.ih yMr. UavrursMi "1 Law Lot six of said Section more par was among the best and most sat­ suffsrwi n.ueh trow niy ki.lt,» seed bled dsr I ha. I M''»r»backKcli«aauF'>lar Kidney Pills to, »«ex them and an aow fra. of all tn.ablesnd ««aiaelKte Land Claim, and running thence Notice of Final Settlement. tone and aeon nd Fol», Akdaay FIR* kt~w South to within 30 feet of the North bank of Wilson river, thence West In the County Court of tbe State of parallel with and 30 feet distant Oregon, for the County of Tilla­ C 1. Clough. Druggist from the North bank of said river mook. to the center of the «resent county In the Matter of the Estate of Wil­ road, thence North following the liam D. Jones, deceased. center of said road to the South line N otice ib H ereby G iven ,—That of said C. W. Hendrickson D L. C. the administrator of the Estate of thence East to the point of l>egin William D. jones, deceased, b n» ning. save and except three certain filed in said county court his final Our tracts to-wit: 1st A certain tract here­ account of his administration of tofore conveyed to A. M. Hare; 2nd, coUeetion of flag A certain tract heretofore contract­ said estate, and the county judjie has apjiointed Tuesday the 2nd day "BPKNCBBflF ed to be conveyed to W. S. Hare- of |uly 1912, at 10 o'clock a.m.. »a and 3rd, A strip of land 16 fe-t wide the time for the hearing of objec off the South side of the North East tions to said tinal account and for quarter of said section 13, reserved the settlement thereof. Dated May win pfaMt a KK^m |V, as a roadway by ThaddcusS. Towns 18th, 1912. end ; all of said lands lying and D avid W. J one *. l>eing in Section 13, Township 1 Administrator. a ’I South of Range 10 West of the Wil­ A. S. D resses a J. W. D rapes . lamette Meridan. Attorneys for eaid entate. Now, therefore, by virtue of said judgment and order of sale of said Lame back is usually caused by attached property, and in compli ance with said execution issued as rheumatism of the muscles of toe aforesaid, I will on Monday, the back, for whichyou will find noth­ .'A? 10th day of June, 1B12. at the hour ing- better than Chamberlain’s Lil»* of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said ment. For sale by all dealers. day and date, at the North Front door of the County Court House in Poor appetite ia a aure sign ' * , Tillamook City, Tillamook County. .impaired digestion. A few doaeso* . Oregon, sell at public auction for ; Chamberlain'a Stomach and Uver ,hand' ,h« highest and Tableta will strengthen your dige»- beet bidder, all of the right, title I tion and improve your »appc,,’e- and interest which *he above named 1 Thousands hnve been benefited by .aefeodanta and each of them had taking these Tablets. Sold by *» I in and to the real property hereio- • dealers. Foley Kidney Pills SWEET PEAS ■on K>e< Krai ■of Kihi ■ho: K ■the Uis A ^Bol I H l’e« ijie t K: r< ■ ■ 7tl Why ■e g Out ■otia-r ..^Bun.-.c Kin i w ■f pub .^■rald. K ottlier «■ the a Mtiun, Kith th i ^■ay not ^Báteme BM The sc ■ig such ■ut the ■tateme W t’er8 ■card in ■t might ■efend o Which m K>y the ti » It won ■rom th ■hat the Kot take Bny inveì Bn J the ; Been ins Broperty Bnderstai ■ifiing c Í We mi; ■irculato Idvised t ■ the co ■y such J We are krm of t ■orris B Bay asc. bat whal b>s for it buch for ye have |e will n be facte beh an reful c fences a hard, an (ere mad k as tl 1st this Isiness < let, and ill what One th Ivertisei ese bom pers cat lue ami nd hous is were ly one I tich the It shoul ri Cleri un fro: tsting t tasurer I replie ' bid th ionside aonse t ■fris Br< Bort land ■ tie men Bur att» Ber wril ■ton. Jr ■fence 1 11 illam ■e are ; ■use it fes whicl I are als fly of e [only to [his dial |ou will po not ptht K Riet as f ad vici M facu k we w ►ery se K. for t [.Possi feiticisn ■ 'd. but fe you, »on in i were a kred t like fl ! letter ■nal kn •»ern bet ■nd wh •ir act d upon