Tillamook Headlight, May 30, 1912 For Violent Transit. A book by Edwin J. Dingle, entitled “Across China on Foot." contains a bit of practical advice about tbe man­ ner In which American goods should be jacked for transportation in the interior of China. Conditions are such that tbe packing should be thoroughly done. Tbe Germans and tbe Japanese understand this; British and American manufacturers are either careless In this respect or Ignorant of what Is de­ manded by the conditions of transpor­ tation over roads that are mainly eight Inch tracks slong the face of preci­ pices. One of Mr. Dingle's friends, needing s typewriter and knowing the country, wrote home explicit directions as to the packing. "Pack It ready to ahip,” he wrote, “then take it to the top of your office stairs, throw It downstairs, take the machine out and Inspect, and If It Is undamaged send It to me. If damaged, pack another machine and subject it to the same treatment until you are convinced that you have one that can stand being thus handled and escape injury." Didn't Convert Franklin. Whitefield, the great preacher, who toward the middle of the eighteenth century started such a revival of re­ ligion in all the colonies, was, of course, a man of too much ability to escape tbe serious regard of Franklin, who relates that he attended one of hr- sermons, fully resolved not to con­ tribute to the collection at the close of it. “I had in my pocket,” he says, handful of copper money, three or four silver dollars and 5 pistoles tn gold. As he proceeded I began to soften and concluded to give him a copper. Another stroke of his oratory determined me to give him the silver, and he finished so admirably that I emptied my pocket wholly Inta the collector's dish, gold and all.” Franklin and Whitefield became fast friends, and Whitefield often prayed for his friend's conversion, but “nev­ er,” says Franklin, “had the satisfac­ tion of believing that his prayers were heard.”—“The Real Benjamin Frank­ lin.” Woman ths Excaption. “As I understand it,” said the yonng man thoughtfully, “two negatives make an affirmative.” “Quite right,” replied the distinguish­ ed grammarian. “And yet,” persisted the young man, **lt doesn’t seem to work out just exact­ ly right.” “What's the trouble?” asked the distinguished authority. "Perhaps I can straighten the matter out for you.” "I will be deeply Indebted to you if you can,” said the young man earnestly. “In the last two months I have re­ ceived two decided negatives—one each from two girls—and for the life of me I can't see where the affirmative comes in." "My dear sir,” explained the distin­ guished authority, “as you grow older you will learn bow utterly Impossible It is to apply any rules to womankind!” What Wealth Brings. The late Colonel Ingersoll was talk­ ing one day with a group of friends when the subject of wealth and the de­ sire of most men to accumulate money was discussed. "i never could understand It.” said the colonel. "Just Imagine a man with 800.000 hats. 400.000 pairs of shoes. 1,000.000 pairs of gloves. 0.000.000 hand kerchiefs, 200,000 pairs of suspenders and a train load of neckties getting up before daylight and exerting every en­ ergy until late at night In order that be may make enough money to buy him­ self another necktie!” Artletie. “I will give yon your dinner If you will beat those rugs." said the wom­ an with the gingham apron at the back door. “Ah. madam.” replied the wanderer, his hat tn his hand, "those ruga are really and truly beautiful—exquisite. I don't think they possibly could be beat!”—Yonkers Statesman. A Boomerang Rebuke. A certain high school professor, who at times is rather blunt In speech.* re­ marked to his class of boys at the be­ ginning of a lesson. “I don’t know why It Is—every time I get np to speak some fool talks." Then be wondered why the boys burst ont Into a roar of laughter.—Lippincott's. Clams That Drown Men. Those of us whose acquaintance '.•lib clams embraces only the Little ?,’eck variety are slow to think evil of ■my members of so delightful a family, but the Inoffensive Little Neck has some big brothers who vigorously re tent any attempt to pry into tbelr per- tonal affairs. Men have accidentally ttepped into the open jaws of these huge clams at low tide, and the clams, closing their Jaws, hare held them fast until the tide rose, when the men were drowned. Other men bare reached for a lure In the form of a luminous spot. The instant they touched it the shells of a clam closed on their arms, and in i few minutes the men were drowned. Some of these clams that trap men ire founded imbedded In the coral reefs of the Pacific and Indian oceans, and the men captured are pearl divers. The fiesh of one of these huge clams sometimes weighs twenty pounds, and added to that Is the 500 pounds or more of shell. The shell Is sometimes five feet long by two and three-quar­ ters wide.—New York Herald. Notice of Application for a License Notice of Sheriff's Sale E:IIes of the Capet Family. JOHN L. HENDERSON The descendants of Edouard Lasne. To Sell Spiritous, Malt, and Vinous In tbe Circuit Court of the State of rho was housekeeper of tbe Temple Liquors, Etc. Oregon for Tillamook County. ATTORNEY & COUNSEL- prison when the Capet family were Peter Byrom, there, gave to the Carnavalet museum, N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That Plaintiff, LOR-AT-LAW I in Paris, some of tbe things which a petition has been filed in the vs. Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette left County Court of Tillamook County, The Garibaldi Beach • Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or, la tbelr rooms when they were taken Oregon, by Clareuce E. Hanenkratt, Company a cor- 1 a true copy and transcript thereof po ration. ¿o tbe scaffold. There nre two chem­ Room No. 361 t Defendant. J ises of fine linen belonging to Marie and of the whole thereof, is in words, letters and figures as follows, to-wit: Under aud by virtue of an order Antoinette. Tbe crown which was embroidered on them has .been picked In the County Court of the State of of sale and decree of foreclosure Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. issued out of the Circuit Court of T. BOTTS, out. and only the Initial “M.” remains. the State of Oregon for Tillamook There la a black silk blouse, very To the Honorable County Court County on the 30th day of April, A ttornky - at -L aw ubove named: much worn and mended In several 1912. in the above entitled suit, We, the undersigned, hereby al ­ Complete set of Abstract Bool places, which Marie Antoinette made wherein Peter Byrom, the above lege aud show to you the following with her own bands in prison and facts, and petition you as follows: named plaintiff, obtained a judg­ n >ffice Taxes paid for non ment and decree against the Gari­ which was worn by the princess royal That we, and each of ue are resi­ after her father’s execution. There are dents and legal voters within Gari­ baldi Beach Company, a corpora- i Residents tion, defendant, on the 24th day of also two pairs of the king's silk stock­ baldi Precinct, in Tillamook County, April, 1912, which said decree was, Tillamook Block. ings (darned rather badly), a pair of Oregon; and have been such for on the 30th day of April, 1912, re “Mme. Boyale’s" little sllppera, a more than 30 days next p,eceding corded in Judgment Book 3 of said Both phones. crystal bottle which has a few drops the date and signing of this peti­ Court, at page 41, I am commanded tion, and the filing thereof; having of Marie Antoinette’s favorite scent been and now are actual residents to sell: All the following described lands ; remaining In It and Louis XVI.’s shav­ and legal voters within said Pre­ ing 't thetic of the relics of the monarchy T "" " ' ~'—j, ZZ'.Z. That tile said Hanenlrrutt i- Q i 5"eKon’ That the said Hanenkratt, is a which went to pieces on the scaffold All the Tide lands fronting and ATTORNB¥ AT-LAW, Is a game of bricks with which the man of a family, and intends to I abutting on Lots One (1), Two (2) build, open up and personally con­ The Moon’s Mission. little dauphin, whose fate has always and Three (3) of Section Twenty- duct a restaurant, lunch room and Some partisans of final causes have Tillan: ’ been and always will be a mystery, confectionery store on the ocean two (22), in Township One (1) North imagined that the moon was given to used to amuse himself In prison. of Range Ten (10) West of Willamette beach in said Precinct to beat least the earth to afford It light during the Meridan, containing 96.34 acres, 3 miles outside of the Town of Gari­ more or less : ulgbt, but in thia ease nature would baldi, for the summer and tourist Turkish Women at th« Theater. Aleo all the Tide lands fronting Q^EORGE WILLETT not have attained the end proposed A notice which is to be seeu in one trade, and also desires to obtain a and abutting upon Lots Three (3) , since we are often deprived at the »f the theaters of Constantinople ef­ liquor license for the accommoda and Four (4) of Section Twenty-one . same time of the light of both sun and tion of the traveling public who de­ ‘J 1 1 in Tntvnahin ’nrth of X ttornky - at -L aw in Township One /Il (1) Nj North fectively solves the problem of people mand it; but owing to the peculiar ( (21), iuoou . To have accomplished this end at the back obtaining a clear view provisions of the liquor laws, he Range Ten (10) West of Willamette it would have been sufficient to have and Is very much more radical than must obtain a liquor license the Meridan, containing 109.85 acres Tillamook Commercial Hnilding ' laced the moon at first in opposition more or lees, save and except that polite request made In English same as if applying for a saloon; t > the sun and In the plane of the ellip­ the portion of said described lands con­ We hereby petition you to grant tained within the limits of a certain and French theaters that ladies should T illamook O rkgon . tic nt a distance from the earth equal mar the view of the stage with a liquor license to the said Hanen­ right of way heretofore conveyed *o the one hundredth part of the dis­ not kratt, for a period of one yeai from huge bats. The notice reads: "In order by Peter Byrom and wile to the tance of the earth from the sun and to the date of the granting of the same, to render the performance agreeable Pacific Railway and Navigation H. GOYNE, to sell spiritous, malt, fermented Company. have Impressed on the earth and moon to all those present the management and vinous liquors, and hard cider parallel velocities proportional to their Together with tenements, heredi­ of the theater has decided that the or fermented cider, commonly call­ distances from the sun. In this case spectators of the first three rows ed hard cider, in said Precinct of taments aud appurtenances there­ A ttornky - at L aw . the moon, being constantly In opposl unto belonging or in anywise ap­ should recline, those of the next three Garibaldi, to be at least 3 miles out­ pertaining. lion to the sun, would have described side of the said Town of Garibaldi. rows be on their knees and all the Now, therefore, notice is hereby round it an ellipse similar to that of Dated this 1st day of May, 1912. others be standing up. In that way given that on Saturday, the First 4 the earth. These two bodies would everybody will be able to enjoy the , 1- J. G. Balmer, Garibaldi. day of June, 1912, at eleven o’clock then constantly succeed each other, T illamook , O rkgon . 2. C. V. Stoker, Garibaldi. a. m. of that day, at the front door play.” This notice is followed by a and as at tills distance the moon could 3. H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. ef the Court House in the city and suggestion Implying the Turkish wom­ not be eclipsed its light would always 4. L. L. Smith, Garibaldi. county of Tillamook, I will, in obedi* an's lack of romance. "It la strictly -eplace that of the sun.—Laplace. 5. Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. enceto said order of sale and decree forbidden to laugh, for It Is a tragedy a E. Beelitz, Garibaldi. of foreclosure, sell the above des­ T. BO ALS, M.D, that is being performed.’*—Le Monde 7. cribed property, or so much there­ John Aellig, Garibaldi. Ths Transforming Touch of Genius. Artiste. 8. of as may be necessary to satisfy A. F. Goff, Hobsonville. The genius In tailoring accomplishes 9. Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. plaintiff's judgment, with interest without effort things that refuse to 10. Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. A Genial Young Man. thereon and costa to the highest PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, yield to the most determined efforts of 11. Andy Hayden, Garibaldi. and best bidder for caBh. Late one night young Jlnka sat In a the ordinary mortal. He apparently crowded trolley car. and when a girl 12. I A. Smith, Garibaldi. Dated thia 1st day of May, 1912. TILLAMOOK. creates out of nothing. His touch be knew got aboard and stood directly 13. Wm. Dowd, Garibaldi. H. C renshaw , 14 Win. Keys, Garibaldi. Sheriff of Tillamook County, transforms the shape of the customer in front of him he made no sign. His Tillamook Block. 15. W. H. Derby, ** ‘ ~ ........... Garibaldi. Oregon. ind the set of the garment. He molds face bidden by his newspaper, he pre­ 16. Chas. Fonger, Rockaway. G eorge W illet , he ungainly form into an Apollo, and tended that be didn't know the girl 17. A. L. Daggett, Rockaway. Attorney for Plaintiff. the misfit garment falls into natural would like to have bls seat. After 18. W. H. Evans, Rose City. place In his bands. The lines of bls awhile she spoke. “Good evening, Mr. M. KERRON, 19. L. W. Fowler, Rose City. draft are unapproachable, and bls sys­ Jinks!” 20. Joe Surino, Garibaldi. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale tem is Infallible. He knows just when 21. F. C. Robison, Garibaldi. “Oh, good evening!” 22. Victor Brener, Garibaldi. the shoulder Is to be advanced or re­ N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That PHYSICIAN & SURGEON “I've been to the Primrose Social 23. M. Adamson, Garibaldi. ceded; he understands intuitively just dance.” Then after a pause she add- in pursuance of a decree of fore 24. O. C. Hawthorne, Garibaldi. closure and order of sale duly ren­ Tillamook Block, how much the waist Is to be suppress ed, “It’s a wonder, Mr. Jinks, you 25. Carl Loll, Garibaldi. dered and entered in its journal by ed or filled in and how much spring Is wouldn't offer me your seat!” 26. R. E. Jackson, Garibaldi the Circuit Court of the State of Tillamcok, required. He never makes a mistake, Oregon 27. Charles Bowers, Garibaldi. Jinks then got up. but he was very Oregon, for Tillamook County, at and If the journeyman ruins a gar­ angry. He said as he booked himself 28. Lloyd C. Smith, Garibaldi. a regular term of said Court on the 2V. Archie C. Smith, Garibaldi. ment beyond repair In the making the to a strap, "I thought you wouldn't 15th day of April, 1912, in a certain 30. Grant Marshall, Garibaldi. genius sets It right with a few touches, want It. for as you said you’d been suit then pending in said court c 31. D. Johnson, Garibaldi even though to repair It Is beyond the to a dance I knew you must have been wherein Robert Osborn is pluintiff 32. B. S. Thompson Garibaldi. and William I.. Reifenberg and ordinary cutter’s skill.—Tailor and sitting all the evening.”—New York ¿33. Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. Lillian C. Riefenberg aredefendant«. Cutter. Press. 34. E. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. in favor of pluintiff i\nd against said 35. M. F. Robison, Garibaldi. t defendant, decreeing that pluintiff PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Close Mouthed. 36. Gus Leon, Garibaldi. An Interrupted Duel. have und recover from «aid defend­ When Austin Lane Crothers was gov­ 37. I. . H. Holt, Rockaway. A Are engine was recently the means ants the sum of $1000.00, with inter­ 38. C. E. Crov.ther, Rockaway. ernor of Maryland be had ’he reputa­ of putting a sudden stop to a duel In BAY CITY, OREGON. est thereon at the rate of 8 per cent 39. H. M. Davis, Rockaway. tion of being harder to get Information Germany. Two physicians quarreled per annum from September 8th, 40. C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. out of than any man the Maryland re- and arranged for a meeting with pis­ 1911, for the further sum of $200.00 41. Joseph Swahaw, Garibaldi, attorney'« fees, and the coat« und porters ever knew. He wouldn’t talk tols. The village chief magistrate 42. j. W. Cook. Garibaldi. R. BEALS, disbursements taxed at $17.25, and about any official matter. heard of the proposed duel. He In­ 43. J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. also the costs of sale; und further A reporter who knew him very well formed the firemen, and together, 44 J W. Foley, Garibaldi. decreeing the foreclosure of the was trying to find out whether be drawing a machine, they proceeded to 45. M. F. Bowman, Hobsonville. mortgage iu the complaint in «aid REAL ESTATE, would call a special session of the leg­ the scene of the encounter. Just as 46 A. G. Krumlauf, Garibaldi. cause described; and in pursuance 47. P. Byrom, Garibaldi. islature. of an execution and order of sale the seconds had stepped off the dis­ F inancial A gkmt , 48. H. K. Emery, Hobsonville. “Mr. Crothers,” said the reporter, “la tance a heavy stream of water struck duly issued out of said court under 49. Alvin A. Jurhs, Hobsonville. your conversations with Governor one of the physicians, and a moment the seal thereof in said cause, to me Tillamook, Oregon. 50. Wm. Kennedy, Hobsonville. duly directed, and dated the 27th Crothers what does tbe governor say later the second doctor was also 51. Frank Ekroth, Hobsonville. day of April, 1912, commanding and to you about a special session of tbe drenched to the skin. The would I* 52. C. Heyes, Hobsonville. requiring me to make sale of the ■reneral assembly?" 53. lames Heyes, Hobsonville. fighters, In their dripping clothes, look­ following described real property, P. J. SHARP, “M? ion,” whispered the governor, ed so ridiculous that they both burst 14. H. T. Sheldon, Hobsonville. to-wit: tbe governor never talks to me on tbe ont laughing, shook bands and return­ 55 M. M. Mead, Lake Lytle. "Beginning sixty (001 feet west of 56. L. L. Mead, Lake Lytle. subject I can’t get a word out of th« ed to their homes, thanking the in­ the Northwest corner of Block four RESIDENT DENTIST, 57. Geo. M. Gunderson, Lake Lytle. (4), James M. Fuller's Addition to close mouthed old rascal.”—Saturday genious mayor for bls Intervention. 58. A. Longenbaker, Lake Lytle. the town of Bay Cify, Tilluincxik Evening Post. 59. C. C. Byers, Sea View. County, Oregon, being the North Office acron the street iron- th< 60. I. A. Hushbeck, Lake Lytle. Entirely T«o Literal. east corner of the tract to be des­ A Po««r. Court House 61 Joe Snetwinger, Lake I.ytle Some people are too literal for any­ cribed; thence West two hundred It had been explained to a man that 62. M. Moroney Lake Lytle. <200) feet; thence South one hundred thing. A young man gave a graphic Dr. Wise’s office. mathematics, politics, ethics and gym­ 63 Henry Jennings. Lake Lytle. (100) feet; thence East two hundred nastics "Is.” The plural form bothered description of a narrow escape that 64. H. P. Sheldon, Rockaway. (2IO) feet; thence North one hundred 65. Arthur Davis, Rockaway. him until somebody said: "Well, did be had recently bad from an enraged (100) feet to the place of tieginning, 66. W. T. Coates, Rockaway. -p 8ARCHKT, you ever bear of a mathematic, a poli­ bull: and “I seixed him by the tall!" be ex­ 67. C. L Lindsay, Rockaway. The Southwest quarter of the tic, au ethic or a gymnastic T' •• . The Fuxhiouable T««’ 68. L. G. Evans, Rockaway. I was Northeast quarter of Section eigh­ The doubter retired in confusion, bur claimed, “an' there I was. 69. J. H. Smith, Bar View. I dare not let afraid to hold on and teen (J8), township One (1/ North, .'«me back triumphantly from retire­ 70. Thomas Quinn. Garibaldi. Range nine West of the Willamette