J Tillamook Meadliqbt, May 30, 1912. Seaport Addition. ** Drew Addition Inspect, Investigate These-Two-Properties For 30 Days Keep your investment eye on SEAPORT ADDI TION to Tillamook that your keen vision may be fully awake to your opportunities. Drew Addition WHY ? Eor Wiis property holds the key to the future water transportation of of Tillamook Bay. For it has the command of the fresh water harbor. For it is absolutely removed from the destructive toredo belt. For it is the only harbor on the bay sheltered from wind and storm. For it has the natural fresh water impoundment for saw logs. For nature has provided the only adequate deep water channel for commerce. . For it is bound to be the second largest Commercial Port in Oregon within 10 years, and from an investment standpoint these strong factors mean much to you- For it is the logical and geographical Point from which the vast timber belt of Tillamook County must be Concentrated for water trans­ portation. For it is in Close Proximity to Portland and its Vast iMarket advan- tages and should equal if not Surpass Portland as a Lumber Manufactur- ing Point within 20 years. CLARK-CANNON CO., 274 OAK and 80 FOURTH STREETS - PORTLAND, OREGON Phones: Main 5407, A 3252. ROLLIE w. WATSON, Tillamook, Oregon. One of the epoch making events of Tillamook county which has been anticipated and looked forward to for the last 20 years will take place on May 25th when Clark-Cannon Company, of Portland, and Rollie W. Watson, of Tillamook, open their campaign for mill and factory sites in Seaport Addition to Tillamook, thus assuring deep water trans­ portation for Tillamook and contiguous territory and adding one more large feature to the transportation facilities and insuring the requisite mills and factories at the head of deep water transportation, only one mile from the center of Tillamook City.—Oregonian, May 21st. $400 the Lot 10 Per Cent Cash---TERMS, S10 a Month. 5 Per Cent Discount for Cash, Your choice of lots without Restriction as to Location or Merit at $400 the Lot and during the month of JUNE ONLY. The terms are such that you should not let this opportunity pass. The merit of the. property is without question. GET BUSY. WHY YOU SHOULD BUY IN THIS TRACT: 1.—Introductory Price of Lots. 2.—On main traveled road of Tillamook. 3. —Principle 10 inch Water Main of City. 4. —Street Paving within one block. 5. —Close in to Business Section. 6th—On Second Avenue East and Stillwell Avenue where property values are on the upward trend. The above are a reasonable half-dozen statements of facts. Come in and we will tell you a dozen more reasons why you should look at this property. Make an appointment. Reason : • ROLLIE W. WATSON, AGENT. • / Advertising Rates. We want to say that we have some liberal and broad minded L egai . A dvertisements : business men in'this city, who 10 First Insertion, per line ___________ . . $ 5 are deserving of commendation. Kaeli subsequent insertion, line As as illustration of this, when Business and professional cards, 1 month .. ...................... 1 CO the committee called on them Homestead Notice».................. 5 111 fora little motley to entertain . 10 00 Timber Claims the Portland business men,there 3 locals per line each insertion ■ were quite a number who said Display advertisement, an meh, 1 month ............................... 50 1 if the stipulated amount was All Resolutions of Condolence and not sufficient to cover the ex­ Lodge Notices, Sc. per line. penditure, to call on them for Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. more. That is a proper spirit Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc., ininimim rate, fee. not ex. ee.l when some public function îb taken in hand for the benefit of ing five lines. the city and county. RATES OF Sl'BSCRP'TION. (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year...... 1 5o Six mouths...., 75 Three months 50 Entered us second class mail mat­ ter July, 1888. at the po.t oft ice nt Tillamook. Ore., under the act of March 3. 1879. ^iliumooh ^cabligM. Editorial Snap Shots. l'he Tillamook Commercial Club will make an effort to pro­ cure a Carnegie Library. The get together spirit last week, in which the Commercial Cl II I mi <>f Tillamook, _________ w __ _____ Bay City w and Nehalem played an import­ ant part in tile entertainment <>f the Portland business turn, showed wliut united effort for a common cause can do. All honor to the Indies i of Nehnletn who decorated the ex- i ni raion train witli beautiful fresh flower», That was ano- tlier instance that ahnwed the right spirit towards the visitors. The Tillamook club doffs its hat to the ladies of Nehalem. W«- would like t<{»iiggeat to those who are ndviH'ating cos- vict lifbor on the liglithoase» house road, why wouldn’t ft lx n more sensible stunt tQ nine them finish the Netarta road or start work <»n the \fayoc«riii road f If that will cut dos n the coat of comp’ieting acid building these reads and gvt them completed ». q^iefch hs V'*»i‘‘le it wiU he a g'od thitjg Yours veiy truly, ithe road put in shape for sum­ PAPER RAILROAD HOLDS $6,000,00 in taxes, is deprived of n A. M. CRAWFOM road to Bayocean, to say nothing mer travel. On sober second UP BAYOCEAN ROAD. Attorney General. of the other taxpayers and property thought let us go over the sit­ uation. Thousands of dollars Obtained Right of Way Over . owners in that vicinity who have Salem, Oregon., May 27th, Mr. Ered C. Baker, Till» have already been expended on been wanting a road for several State Tide Land Without Oregon. the Netarts road to make it a years. The matter of building a D ear S ir ,—Your recent comm any Provision when good wagon road for summer road to Bayocean was first takeo up cation to the State Land Board, to Build the Road. and winter travel, which the by the Tillamook Commercial Club, gardin^- right of way grante settlers and property owners in and after a good deal of work suffi­ the legislature to railroad com overtide lands in TillamookC Tbe building of tbe proposed cient money was promised that section are entitled to, and The has been this morning called to it is our impression that it is wagon road from Tillamook City to proposed road skirts the south side attention of this office. W the intention of the county Bayocean is held no on account of of Tillamook bay, which is con­ state that after examination of court to complete this road as the fact that in granting a right of sider the best location on the bay question, it is my opinion that soon as money is available. We way over State tide lands in Tilla­ for factories, as it is protected from legislature is about the only of granting relief, take the position, in all due mook Bay to the Tillamook Bay- the southwest storms and Sturgeon capable grant to the railroad company deference with those who differ Railway & Navigation Company, channel gives it the best deep made under legislative act, with us, that it would be far the State Land Board did not stip­ water facilities on ths bay. It is consequently it is my opinion more sensible to spend several ulate when work was to commence only a question of time before the legislature would be the party to revoke such grant i thousand dollars for a perma­ or when the railroad was to be com­ the road will be built, but there is is not acted upon bv the rail nent road for travel at all sea­ pleted. The company that ob­ some disappointment on account of companv within a reasonable d sons of the year than to expend tained the right of way from the not getting the work star'ed this I have informed the Land money slashingouttheold light­ State have done nothing towards year, for it is an injustice to collect that this is the opinion w entertain; that is, that the house trail for a summer road building the road and from what large amounts of tax money from of the revocation of the grant s for automobiles. Those who can be learned do not propose to the T. B. Potter Realty Co. and be put before the next sessioi advocate the lighthouse road do anything for several years, and other property owners and not give the legislature. Yours very truly, claim that automobiles cou’.d who are now standing in the way of them a road out because a paper A. M. C rawford . reach Bayocean by that rout*. public improvements. Togive Bay­ railroad has jumped in and stands Attorney Gen Our impression is that a large ocean and the property owners on in the way of public improvement. amount of money would have the south side of Tillamook Bay a A battle has been won •• Following are the letters from the to be expended on some of the way out. the County Court had the Turko-Italian war by tbe u* steep grades before they would proposed road surveyed by the Attorney General : Salem, Oregon., May 22nd, 1912. "air bomba.'’ Such weapon» be able to do so. We are just the County Surveyor, who pre­ Mr. Fred C Baker, Tillamook, been used before, but seldom as big a booster as anyoue for pared plans and specifications and Oregon. victory ever been won by them- good roads, but let us first ob­ estimates of cost last winter, as it D ear S ir ,—Yours of May 18th Woodrow Wilson says he»* tain roads that are of commer­ waa the intention to have the road relative to right of way held by rail­ cial benefit to the settlers That built this year. The road was to be road company has taken no steps running in the Massachunett» constrcuting their line there­ mary election. His friend» »« is the reason why a road should built by the united aid of the County toward over, and stating that Tillamook be built to Bayocean on the Court, the property owners and county desires to establish a county vinced at least, that he w* south side of the bay, which money raised by subscription in road along such right of way, at running very well. the business men and property Tillamook City. The estimated cost hand. Canada state officially that Replying thereto would state that owners subscribed large sum's of building the road , was between the State Land Laws of 1911, Sections Americana removed to 11* towards building, and after the •*0.000 »nd 150,000 for a 18 foot road, 58 and 59. provide that railroads minion last year. A bulletin showing that the Tillamook which would be on a water level may have right of way across State kind never mentions how Commercial Club made in be­ grade. It was found that the county owned lands by filing with the Canadians come to reside >• half of that road, we under­ and the railroad surveys, at several I Clerk of the State Land Board, United States. The inhabit» map showing the location of such stand that it is the intention of important points, go over the same right of way However, this is sub­ Canadian birth in this cou»**? the County Court to build the tide land. Those who obtained the ject to the usual rule that steps outnumber the American* road ns soon as the right of right of way for the railroad will must be taken within a reasonable have emigrated to Canada- length of time to construct a road way is straightened out. not concede any, of their rights, and L. Samuel, who is founder and general manager of the Oregon Life, was one of the Portland business men who visited this county last week. Although he has lived in Port­ land for 40 years, that was hih first visit to this much favored spot. But what we liked about Mr. Samuel was his address in; advocacy of patronizing home industries. He showed that in patronizing home industries it helped to create a pay roll for Tillamook City, It wus not the proper thing, when large sums of money were invested in in­ dustries, and’which gave a city a pay roll, for the people to trade elsewhere. ¿That was the gist of Mr. Sanruel'a remarks, and we hope that it will help cre­ ate n stronger sentiment in favor of patronizing home in­ dustries, fk>r the way to foster them and to increase a pay roll is to patroxiize them. For in- stance, vvrtry thousand feet of lumtier manufactured in this city mefitis so many dollars put in CircrihiticMi and every thou­ sand fe-et of lumber shipped in mean*, the sume amount of Two of Capt. Amundsen's trained money taken out of circulation which goes to create a pay roil companion, helped him dim-over »ti M me other place. The same |‘he Northwest Passage as well as thiafg applies to the baker, the ‘he South Pole. Happily, old old Happily, laundry, and other home pro inends will not go out of fashion, ducts ami industries. "Macle The University of Missouri will in/Tilhiniook City" would be u V i .i i » , ,WOMW encourage Mudent. of farmin* KOod think to label home made who want to graduate without know. pr.Hlucts, ----- —, ing how to hitch a horse. Inform«. x,\\ e uiliinrv the boosting spirit 0,1 how to trade a horse will be abilities. of those who circulated tbe left '**' to ,o natural abilities, Mr ambassador re­ petition to have the Count) “ . Bacon, our -------------- Court open up mid improve the ’nrn',‘* from France. Intended to om come over on the Titanic, but was automobiles can get to Netarts, »«va. If he had gone down h£ tins summer. No one doubts ’“CJ‘ have been hard, and if for one moment but what it be had survived he would now hs under au.pk.ion of having left a •would be a nice thing to have girl behind him. over such right of way. In other the County Court is reluctant to words, a railroad, although entitled pna-eed with the building of the to a right of way over tide lands county road, as the cost will l>e for a limited time, cannot hold such right of way for an unreasonable more if it is force of blast out a right time without building their line of way at |K>ints where the surveys thereover. conflict Attorney General A. M. I have taken this matter up with C rawford thought at first the State the Clerk of the Mate Land Board Land Board could revoke the grant, □ nd he says that the same question been "PO" by the but as the board failed to make any Board before andconseq jently does proviso as to time limit he has not know what ruling would be However, aince given it as his opinion that made in the premises. relief can on'y be obtained by an it is my opinion, that it the railroad has been extremely dilatory in util­ act of the State legislature. There- izing this right of way, the grant of fore, it is more than probable that1**'"? COU|d be revoked by action oL thi. much deaired improvement !»?* *•••* **nd Board. It. however? will be held up for one year at least the county desires a road construct­ ed along such right of way. tbe • l,»l'*r railroad company which same could be built and tbe rail­ did not pay one cent to the State for road company could then come in the right of way, while the T. B. and enjoin it* const ruction upon Potter Realty Company, which paye wi?1’-1}- **•* . *^rhts of ail parties would be adjudicated. Just as the free speech at San Diego, Cal,, were to feel that the authorites had down on their high-handed on account of the n»m£ public opinion in the city against the activités of the es, another case of the in private rights came to neaday, when upon lear“:,,< Emma Goldman, the A lecturer, and her man»«* Reitman, had come to the stitnably to aid the at masked committee of m** the hotel where Mi»* stopped, made h-r promi* in the morning and <• man out of the city to • place, where they l«r«ed made him kiss the flag-