Tillamook Headlight, May 23, 1912 the farm which was to pay the in­ Clark Cannon Co...\........ Giant breakers on the beaches comb- of terest on the |9,8b0 and lay by the gro­ Alex Muirhead, President -’oaoo and yellow. While the crowd was Muirhead A Muirhard Co waiting for the banquet, the Port­ Mountains veiled with blue;—invite ceries and clothing for both my broth­ Portland Union Stock Yard 50100 landers amused themselves by ren­ er’s family and my own. To keep afloat .ve had to borrow a P. L, Chambers, First Na­ 1OJ.00 dering popular airs, giving the Ore­ to roaming. tional Bank ...................... gon yell and singing their original What sports await man, matron, certain amount of money and, staring 100.00 the panic in the face, the following Chas. Ray, Ray Feed Co vong to boost Tillamook Cheese. child and maid: 100.00 year things looked pretty blue to us, Oyster, and crab, and clam .hat L. Samuel,JG ‘ neral Manager It was ae follows : but, having a certain amount of knowl­ Oregon Life Ins. Co...... ' ’wait the spade; TILLAMOOK CHEESE. The clean beach sand where chil­ edge in the dairy business and all the Pacific Hardware A Steel Ca ion« (Air-Beer, Beer, Glorious Beer.) confidence in the world in “Old Bossy’’ S. G. Cutting, Union Meat 100.00 dren dig and run; I won’t sing ofjapplee or peac tea Co ................. Ducks, geese, brunt, snipeanddeer —and thank Go 1 for thy good health— 100.00 Or cherries that grow upon trees, L. J. Shell, Capitalist.......... lot) for fowler s gun; our success followed. 00 I won't sing of railroad or rainbow e, Fish that off shore lie where the Now, gentlemen, I have outlined my George Lawrence Co....... 100.00 For this is a song about cheese. own commencement in Tillamook coun ­ Phil Metachan, Jr., Imperial deep seas roll; 1 won't sing of rivers or harbors, Hotel Co..................... Trout for fly; leaping salmon for ty, and it will apply in some way or loaoo I won’t sing of honey or bees, another to almost every family that the troll; For here in old Tillamook County Auto trips where forests green the has lived here on the farm as long as Total........ ’•.......................... l3.45Q.ty My subject is bound to be cheese. roadway arc; I have. | Cheese Another Stunt. Sea lions barking around Three- In 1893 the farmers of Fair View or­ Cheese iginated a co-operati>’e creamery, and Arch Park, During the lunch the commit!«, this original venture has developed had another stunt. They had inadZ Cheese ¡Cheese. Cheese. Tillamook Cheese. From Neskowin, Netarts to Neah . into one of the g,?ate»t cheese produc- about a hundred small cheese that Kah-Nie, ing organizations of the Pacific coast, weighed six or seven ounces Thev I Fill yourself chock full of cheese. Bayocean. Manhattan, Garibaldi. if not of the entire United States. Beach Lots, multitudinous, high, I Now, gentlemen, you can often hear were ;put up round, with cheese cloth and parafined, bearing a small Their voices lift in welcome cry that tho dairy business is only just in ' Tillamook, Tillamook Cheese. “ Sleek city Jambs with fleeces yet its infancy in Tillamook, which I do label ’Tillamook’s FamousCheese " One of these novel cheese was nre Don’t be afraid of it, unshorn, not dispute. But how to bring further Boost for our Oregon cheese. Thank God, like teeming millions development about is the great ques­ eented to each of the visitors who applauded the committee after the Eat all you can of it, yet unborn. that confronts us today. presentation of the souvenirs There Boost every man for it, They come. In scriptural phrase, tion The past success has been gained was quite a demand for these sou Tillamook, Tillamook Cheese. ‘ we take them in,’ along the line of clearing our lands, Another song was : Their satin skins we’ll leave, but which we performed with a good ax venire, the visitors wanting them to send to their friends, as well as take their ‘tin.’ BOOST FOR TILLAMOOK COUNTY. and saw, a strong muscle and a good the labels which were on th“ bottles The Portland, get together, boost­ ■ Hie vote was 75, while his only (Air—Marching Through Georgia.) will. By these means of adding room but what remained over went like No ‘Stand and Hold’ shall on their ing spirit pervaded the whole of 'opponent, J. V. Beech, managed for cows, a good many of us have ac­ hot cakes. senses grate Tillamook Countv in anticipation of to »crepe together a bare 8. The Clear the way for boosting, boys, complished a substantial increase in we ll sing a rousing song, While these strangers from their Launch Trip to the Bay. a visit of business men who belong vote was taken and counted by B. our herds. gold we separate. to the Portland Commercial Club Lee Paget, A. L. Finley and S. C. Sing it with a spirit that will move Wednesday afternoon the launch* What we have to solve at present is the state along, .... We will transform, transmute their thia week and when the large dele­ Pier. how to make the land produce better e9, Henrietta and Frolic, were en sordid gold B. Lee Paget, cold water candidate Boosting country districts is what gation of live wire boosters arrived gaged for a trip to the bay, and makes the cities strong, For them, to breeze, Btiff, and salt, crops, and the following of a feeding both boats were well filled when in this city on Tuesday evening, for United States Senator, showed Boost for the Tillamook Country. method with our cows to produce more and cold ; they received a royal welcome and remarkable strength in another left here. As it was the de- Surges roar; a strip of sand with milk, in which method it is necessary they the glad hand from the business straw vote, in which Ben Selling CHORUS— to apply a certain amount of education sire of the visitors to take a look at nien and members of the Tillamook and Harry Lane also ran The vote Hurrah ! Hurrah ! Hurrah for Till­ rippling wave; Bayocean it was decided to make a Their swiftly flying auto’s wheel to along the agricultural line, which is a stop Commercial Club. The Portlund- was Paget 06, Lane 3, Selling 18. amook ! there on the trip, which was Seat stumbling block to the average ers were a real live bunch, and Contests on 18 of Setting’s votes Hurrah! Hurrah! We’re here to lave. done, the Portlanders being sur­ rmer in this country. . strange to relate, out of the 90 who were immediately announced. L A. We’ll give them air, sea, sky, sand take a look. Reading a certain amount of dairy prised at the large amount of work made up the delegation, 53 had Colton and Addison Bennett took Boost for creamery cheese that s and shore, papers and bulletins which are given which had been done at this delight, never paid Tillamook County a visit the vote, while A. L. Finley was a made in County Tillamook; Nature’s gifts to all on which we’ve out by the agricultural colleges is of ful resort. As there were several before. For that reason, perhaps, watcher when the count was made. Boost for the Tillamook Country laid hand i very little benefit, for it is generally who were down the bay in the the visit to this county and city was SOME TREES! ! ! And fenced 'round ’ with paper supposed that the editors of these dairy morning they were provided with a revelation to them, as they had W C. Cone, of Bay City, onboard Repeat Chorus. God and „ ‘“d man, papers write only of theory, and our autos in the afternoon for a run but a poor conception of this won­ our train, is one of the best timber Itet the call from Oregon be heard ’gainst And views of hills and mountains agricultural collegec are largely sup- through the country. As Bay City derful resourceful section of West­ authorities anywhere Hehasbeen the world around, feathered o’er ported by the state and are generally had made arrangements for a ern Oregon, and it is not strange closely connected with Oregon tim­ Proclaim it as the state where With forests. Thus Fancy - will keen supposed) supposed to have money to feed to the banquet for that evening for 40; a that these wide awake business men ber interests for 25 years, and opportunities abound, business ply ' I chickens. Therefore, their practice is special car was rundown there, but from Portland have gone back en­ started in the business in Saginaw, ' Get busy, all you boosters, and the ’Till in our 1 hands their golden looked upon as not practicable for our most of those who intended going thused and delighted with every­ Mich., when he was 15. He is country’s praises sound; there were on the launches and fleeces lie. thing they saw in Tillamook, for authority for the statement that home farmering. Boost for the Tillamook Countty. We welcome thee, Oh, Porland busi­ In regard to this great question, I were put off there. they never before fully realized the Tillamook County has a green tim­ Chorus. industrial and commercial business ber belt 50 by 3J miles in extent have thought be-'^re now as to whether The Dinner. The Menu. Our thirsty soils? rejoice at such a it"would not "be practicable to establish that will benefit the city of Port­ that contains forty billion feet, The dinner in the evening wai ken, 1 - ....... ------ *- The banquet proved to be one of land by the development of this worth eighty billion dollars. This 1 a farm for instructing the farmers in another event in the program which long bottled up section of Oregon. is the most extensive and valuable the most unique affairs ever taken in Partake of all the gods on ua their home localities; this farm to be the visitors were ready to partake bestow. The timber resources, the splendid body of standing timber in the hand in this city, and proved^a 1 operated by some of the authorities of after their trip to the bay. It dairying country, the beautiful world. This makes even us million­ decided Buccese in every way. The ‘ But leave your coin of realm be- from the state agricultural college was a fried clam dinner, and every Committee made it a point of pro­ fore you go.” beach resorts, thc’scenery, and aire editors feel small. I for the purpose of assisting in bringing viding home products, and fili» Hemlock, cedar, spruce and fir, 1 about the (kroduction of these great thing was dished up in excellent many other things, impressed style. Several speeches were also FOUND. was the menu: them immensely, so much so that crops, which was figured out on a chart made at this time. vast of girth A Masonic Emblem Watch Charm they showed their readiness to in and talked upon by a professor at a BANQUET MENU | Before our Constitution had its Picture Show. vest in the building o' a new hotel was found in the Parlor Car by T. meeting of the State Dairy Association . birth, The Gem Theatre was engaged in this city. We may »tute that S. Townsend. Owner may have in Portland last fall, and also teach us Netarts Oyster Cocktail Lift their giant arms in welcome ~---- show ----- of ' Oregon " while in Tillamook City, tile Port same by proving property and pay­ to practice a feeding method which for the picture Tillamook Bay Clsm Chowder sway, ing for this ad < C. Chapman was the land business men were not bored Trask River Trout, Parsley Sauce More than Forty Billion feet they will make the cow give upwards of views. C. L. Samuel has given the Pilgrim It Wai a lecturer and or induced to invest both proved enter- 10,000 pounds of milk a year. Bulls Head Brand say. pleasant and an agreeable surprise an interesting statement. By but­ The Beer That Made Milwaukee Jealous To the keen, prophetic business If such should be done by the state taining. to all the Tillamookers when the tonholing everyone on board, he and worked at a profit and the farmer Neskowin Roast Chicken The Return Trip. eye, Portlanders offered of their own learned that o* the 90 people on Garibaldi Beach Cranberries These poles, straight, towering high would follow suit and increase his pro­ The bulk of the visitors left this free yvill to give financial assistance board, 53 have never been in Tilla production, it would have a great ten­ city on Thursday morning on the Blue Ribbon Cheese Potatoes and vast mook before, while 37 have visited ior that enterprise. . South Prairie May Peas From ocean beach to Coast Range dency of helping to solve the question special. Before doing so the visi­ The Tillamook Commercial Club it. which is much talked about and that tors expressed themselves ae highly Tillamook Famous Cheese crest, forecast, Bay City extended the glad hand whs determined thut the Portland Sturgeon Channel Crab Salad Precurse, prognosticate and pro­ is the high cost of living, .or in other pleased with their visit, and what business men should tie royally nt Tj ruber, when a delegation from words would help to solve the roal the Tillamook Commercial Club Biscuit and Nestucca Honey phesy : entertained while in this city, anil the Buy City Commercial Club question which there is so much agi­ had done for their entertainment. Tillamook “Mokatil” Ice Cream “Tall stacks with plums of smoke tation about at the present time. In the entire management of the local greeted the excursionists. J- P Cake Mr. J. K. Gill, one of the oldest by day, and dark affairs was left in the hands of the Bozorth spoke a few words’of wel­ Committee Had a Good Stunt, my opinion the people are equally di­ Li’t with lurid streams of belching vided for and against the high taxes gentlemen in the bunch,saying that Hyland re- Entertainment Committee of the come and George „ M. ________ it was two of the most enjoyable The committee pulled off a spark ; Club, which consists of Will Spald-> »ponded in his own eloquent wuy. to be spent upon roads, but by estab­ ing, Fred C. Baker and Ira C. Smith. 1 The Bay " City ......... Committee . is ae fol­ good stunt, which caused some The hiss and exhaust of escaping lishing this farm of instruction to help days he had ever spent in 'iis life. They felt at home and in the hand* steam ; It whs no small job to entertain j lows J. O. Bozorth, W. S. Cone, amusemeut and fun. They had increase the production in regard to over two hundred persons to three, C. W Mclllvane, Dr. W. C. Hawk over 200 beer bottles filled with Machinery’s whirrling sound ; the both land and cattle it will give every of friends directly they arrived in the city, nor had they been bored milk'und put in the cold storage, loud shrill scream meals and find accommodations in i and George H. Root. farmer a chance to buy an automobile private homes for the visitors, I The Bay City and Tillamook pa- the bottles being labeled “ The beer Of saw ; the crunch of gang ; the and have him boost for the roads in­ in any way by those who had real estate to sell. C. C Chapman paid toil of hosts ; which kept the committee continual I ' pets say the excursionists represent that made Tillamook famous,” a of knocking them. Bettering the committee a great compliment facsimile of which can be seen on The sweetly pungent aromatic odor stead ly on the jump for over u vzeek. 82,000,000 per passenger. the condition of the farmer by so doing One thing where the committee Chorus of Editors—Who’s got unpther page. During the evening Of stacks of lumber in serried will also have the tendency to start for the successful manner in which they had carried out their arrange­ the waiters placed the Dottles on the order ; was fortunate, . it was inducing our'a ? tables. The Portlanders looked at The ocean carriers gathering to our the immigration out of the city onto ments, saying that it was one of the Mr. “ w. Hi “ Evans, II. ■ proprietor of the farm which has baen so much best committees he had met with Ten Million people will see the them with some amount of suspicion coasts. Rose City Hotel, on Garibaldi beach, talked about during the last few years. in the many trips he had made. to act na chef. We mu/ state thut speech C. C Chapman didn't make at first aud felt dubious about un­ Twenty-five feet of water on our Now gentlemen if you can be instru­ corking them. One after another at Timber, for R.R. Earle, represent ­ Mr. Evans served a banquet, u The Portlanders, on their r.turr, bar ; mental and use your influence to bring ing P* L ’ " ’ ■ __ ‘ ‘ “ tackled the job, ao.ne suspecting 1 ‘ athe ’ » Weekly, filmed it and it lunch und u dinner that did him given an opportunity to visit forest to mill, and vessel, and about such a farm of instruction in dif­ were credit and brought forth the praise will by shown everywnere. The that they might contain some find From Bay City, 40 of them being enter­ car ; ferent localities of the state you will 300-foot flag pole at Timber also brand of beer or wine. The visitors of nil those who partook of them. tained the previous evening, the posed. showed that they had not forgotten Panama complete ; water trans­ help to bring about a more pleasant Bay City Commercial Club serving portation condition on tfle farm than all the The Excursion Train. Manuger Chapman has an one- what they were raised on, for the artery of commerce to all the newspapers or bulletins from agricul­ a banquet in honor of the visit, The ‘‘First Tiflutnook'* boosters' roid in his pocket. Consult him 290 bottles of ice cold milk disap­ The which proved very successful. Nation. train left Portland at nine o'clock for altitude. This instrument show­ peared in quick time. Some of the The Zenith City, is Tillamook’s tural colleges will ever bring. In the afternoon the Nehalem visitors stuck bottles in their on Tuesday with 90 in the delegu- ed 1870 feet at Summit. F. W. Christensen, Rollie \V. Commercial Club took the visitor» fate, pockets while others removed the tion. Quite a number, who had Watson, Jaine “ Walton, Mayor J. Frank A. Rowe brought greetings labels from the bottles and carried From Columbia’s Barto the Golden R. Harter, H. T. Botts and Frank in hand and showed them over that intv- text taking the trip to Tilla­ from Nehalem, joining the trsin at delightful and resourceful section Gate ; them away as souvenirs. mook dropped out the last few Gays, Timber. were the other local speak­ of Tillamook County. We forests welcome you business Taylor lint Others were too glad Io take Address of Welcome. ers, all of whom discussed subjects men bold The Song Committee hereby ten­ Their place», which gave the locul ders President D. L. Shrode acted as To a share in the glories thus fore­ concerning Tillamook City and Committee Appreciate Assistance. its thanks to B. Lee Paget for uiiiiiittee considerable trouble in the loan County. told. ” The Reception Committee of the toaatiuaster, and he called u|»on of his pocket hymnal, ■arranging the list. There was from which the Beer, Beer, Beer Deputy District Attorney G. Willett From the blue Coast Range crest to I Amongst the Portlanders who Tillamook Coinmerci il Club, which - ich n demand from the business Song wus taken, spoke during the evening were had charge of the local arrange­ and the Cheese, men to take the trip into Tillamook the tumbling sea, Hon. Ben Selling, J. K. Gill, George ments for the entertainment of the Cheese song wrotten. Sing, to make the address of welcome. And that unother excursion had to be Cheese, from Neskowin to fair Neah- Thia was also unique and we give W. Hyland, C. B. Merrick, C. C. Portland Business Men to thia city, arranged for next month Notwith brother, sing. Kah-Nie, Chapman and Fred Lockley, wish to thank the business men and Htanding thut the excursion wus to Tillatnxik Delegation at Garibaldi it in full, which was as follows : In punch, brewed by Nature’s own The orchestra furnished some others; for their hearty support, the lie limited to US. the local committee alchemy After beholding one of the most In rising, Mr. Chairman, impromp­ for rooms, for the use of the wired that thev could accommodute scenic railroad routes in Oregon tu. From clover, buttercup and timo- splendid music, and every once in ladies a while the visitors would sing a auto», the band, the high school WO, and with those who came in on over the Coast Range, the train After long days and night« of toil „thy’ j and all others who helped to the regular train, there were over arrived at Mohler, where the cheese I and stew, Tillamookers all, like lusty roosters. popular air, which enthused the boys make the visit such a decided suc­ KU) in the Portland delegation. factory was inspected. It was the i This august body of men to salute, Greet the Portland Commercial Portland spirit in most everybody. cess. Also to the cheese factone» Visits Cheese Factories and Dairy w°uld take, pulled up by Club Boosters. Weather Indications did not look intention of the Tillamook reception j 1 for samples of cheese and ts Chas. •**« root, promising on Moudny, for the rain committee to meet the train her», Cutintry. The Dairy Industry. Kunze for the milk; he furnished tluit makes Tilluhmok famous cume hut owing to wet weather, it was' The whole tree of knowledge, to The next local speaker was Mr. 1 Wednesday morning was an ideal the Portlanders when they’ took the down in copious shower nil night decided to go to the Life Saving ' rightly reveal, day for a trip into the country and Monday I'he heavy clouds rolled station. The reception committee The fullness of joy in the pleasure Charles Kunze, one of our practi­ a visit to the cheese factories The auto drive. we 1 feel, iwax on rueaday morning, mid it consisted of President Shrode, ' Best Town in Western Oregon. cal and experienced dairymen. He weather was perfectly delightful turned nut mi ideal Tillamook day Secretary Claussen, ex-President As round our banquet board we said : B. S. Josselyn, President of . M Plummer, badges ; C. view Dairy Association and the Tillamook City, he composed tie „'de ‘ " °r ,or,uoe subject. B. Merrick, cigars ; U C. Chapman, the line and other exhibitions of made. Creamery factories were following paragraph while making It 1 understand it rightly, this trip Tillamook entertainment, and Fred Lockley skill in their hazardous occupation *heae. in senate, press, finance and you gentlemen are making into Tilla­ also visited, but time did not per­ the editor Jof the Headlight a call J »1 enker as lite aavera. The visitors gave bar, — win. mit of visiting Red Clover and mook is for the purpose of getting bet­ Soon after pausing Oswego, the the bova several hearty cheers, aud And give us hopes that sweeten ter South Prairie factories. I This is the best town in Wester» acquainted with the past and the the life-savers expressed a hope tii at number of the excursion patter Darwin. Oregon.—-B. S. Josselyn. future, as well as with the people who The Lunch that the PorUanJers would lend was issued, which was called The reside in Tillamook at the present their aid and help secure a motor Location ? Nature ’ Yes. somewhat; Lune h was served at noon at the Portland Pilgrim, aud frequeut time. On this occasion we are only too Club rooms, and nearly 200 persons But more. issues were turned out during the boat for them. For Sale or Trade. Strong virile men pushed Portland glad to meet you. were present. A numberofs, eech- Arrives at Tillamook City. duv. Mr. Imckley was the editor in As I said before that I am only a es were made, but what surprised to the fore. cl htef of the publication, which It was 0:'JD p.tu. when the double Stallion, two years old, black, claimed to have a " leaset wire"’ header excursion train arrived in For forty years, like Isrealites of dairyman. I will Uy to touch only upon the Tillamookers moat was when weighs ld85. fierfectly gentle, wifi subjects which lead along the dairy one after another the Portlanders old, service and the largest circulation thia city, which was the best equip­ line. Just allow me to make thia atate- signified their intention to help guarantee him. Will sell cheap f<* extant. “ Below we give s copy of ped train thus far to come here over They've wandered in the desert ment : drear and cold. finance the n*w hotel propoei- cash, or will trade for town pn'|**W une issue the P. R A N. The Tillamook Cor­ Twenty-one years ago the 25th of tion. Enthusiasm prevailed, so Vacantt lots preferred.—See brass But now they've come, a band of net Band and a large crowd of citi ­ The Portland Pilgrim, this month I came a-foot over the Yam­ much so that President Shrodeca 1- Hanenkratt. hustling spies, »File first daily paper ever printed zens were present to welcome ’he | i To view the Promised Land that at hill stage road, not because I liked to ed for three cheers for the Port­ visit ora. The visitors were axin ___ in Tillamook Conuty. walk, but 1 had an opportunity to save landers. This was restionded to by ffietr doorway lies. taken to private homes and hotels ■ They ’ll '*«" For Sale or Rent At Buxton, Mayor D H. Stowell and it was not tong after that they | fro„. three rousing cheers for the Tilla. b*,'k' not ■nookers The amount of money welcomed the escursioa and made were making themselves acquaint- *10 acres bottom land, 22 miles With my brother, who is now in Ida­ subscribed was as follows ; a hit with the party. S. C. Pier ed with business m/n and «iT*** ,h"‘ ,o action clear do fiom Tillamook. All cieai, will "•* made a neat speech in response. ho, I explored others. ****■ ed this Uns county for about K. J. Jaeger. Jaeger Bros... $2 XX 00 3U cows. Good house, two barn* Th« Banquet then farm W. ... G. ~ McPherson. President. ’eaaTof*^,. \riui~ Watch your purses—there are i What acenea From Salmonl-erry’s Xut’7 mil^ and freah water on place, half m*l* “ .... we -/ bought a politicians amongst us. W. G. ~ McPherson Co....". 2JX00 from school, post office, store »»a ( The first event on tlw local pro i leaping way. certain sum paid down, agreeing to pay F- I- Payne, Manager Ray- Straw votes are now the order of cheese factory.—See M. R. Hu»** W banM«*t st »even o dock Roaring Nehalem falling to its bay. the foriMr~ownar' _---- r the additional Feed Co......... ...... the day. 500.00 kratt. in the Tillamook Commercial Club **,chi* " 'la«n. Tillamook, - amount of M 800 at * m °unt of 88,800 at the expiration of -------------------------- " ■ — Hon. Ben Selling. Republi­ O. W Plummer, the Pilgrim's rooms, cover» being laid tor AM Traak, w‘«h >«• fall«, Beaver ’’ dVe w* •*» °°r «'i- can Nominee V.A Senator 250.00 popular candidate for School Di­ poraons. and it took five rows of Prices for Hogs : At the end of our first year's dairy sm . S. Joaaelyn. President. rector. ran like a reindeer in a straw table« to neat the crowd. The room Where in i maybau., Portland Railway Light vote taken on t*onrd ibis morning. orvaented a pretty appearance, with 150 lbs. to 200 Iba. 10'. dressed- Portland and told the tame to Ofden A aud Power Co ................ 50U 00 festoon» o( electric light«, in green | ^^««»toriee bold that no scaling ’_____________ _________ 31*» lbs. to 250 lb«., 8^: drewred. ~ ®t th« round turn of l>M). F. S. Stanley. President. XklpouiKia and over, í'eC- drees*« j Thia waa practically the gro»»*incu«B« Stanley Smith Lumber Co. 2» 00 Tillumouk Meat Company t*- TILLAMOOK CATCH THE BOOSTING SPIRIT. Portland Business Men Visit Tillamook, the Best City in Western Oregon. DELIGHTED WITH THE COUNTY Tillamook Commercial Club Royally Entertain Visitors — The Banquet, Lunch and Dinner of Home Pro­ ducts Proved Pleasing Features. sria&s