Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 23, 1912, Image 7

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    Tillamook Headlight. Muy 23. 1312.
▲ Criticism of Evangelistic Usages
by a Close Observer.
Drew Addition to
This Choice Tract is now in the
Process of Platting.
The Deed
of Dedication will go on Record with
the County after June 1st There will only be 28 Lots
in the Platting to Choose from. Take a look at this
property at once Come to this office and make vour 2
Reservation, for they will not last long at the Prices.
The Terms will be easy The Prices Low Have a talk
with us about this Choice Residence Offering
Tillamook Leading Sub-Division^
Agent. Office in Todd Hotel
Ground Floor.
Summer Vacations
Via the
To the East.
Rose Festival.
Elk’s Convention.
al Cities of the East, going or
Round Trip tickets to the principal
ortland. Going limit 15 days,
returning through California, or via P'_r
final return limit October 31, on sale as follows :
Sale Dates.
May 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14. 15, 17,
18, 24, 29.
Jume 1, O, 7, 8. 13, 15, 17, 18, 19,
21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29.
July 2. 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15. 16. 20, 22,
23, 26. 29, 30, 31.
August i. 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 22,
23, 29, 30, 31.
September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 20.
Stop-over going or returning
within the limit
Newport—Yaquina Bay.
The home of the Rhododendron, an ideal place to epend the summer.
Low round trip and week end tickets. Reasonable hotel rates, out
door amusements, bathing, boating, golf, fishing, etc.
Low Fares to Meeting of Women’s Clubs San Francisco, June ¿4 to
Are now within easy reach by the P. R. &. N. and a new held for a
pleasant vacation open. Weekend tickets now on sale and season
tickets from all points on sale June 1st.
Opens June 10 and closes June 15. The greatest Floral Fiesta and
Carnival of Pleasure yet held. Low round trip tickets on sale from
all points.
_ n
For beautifully illustrated booklets describing Newport, Bay­
ocean and other points, as well as information about Eastern Fares,
routes, stop-overs, etc., call on nearest Agent or write to
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon.
B P. O. E. (Elks) Convention, July 8 to 13, 1912.
It takes five different aged
whiskies to make Cyrus
Noble—each one good in
itself. But it takes. blend-
ing and re-ageing to bring
out the best in each — to
round-out” the flavor.
Why punish yourself with rough, hi^h-proof. atro.ij
whiskey when you can get Cyrus Noble everywhere’
w. J Van Schuyver Co., Portland. Ore
ZF’ox Sale ©z Ezcolxarxg'e at
216 Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or.
To the Editor Tillamook Headlight. '
What ia the average evangelist
and are we better or worse for his
visitation ? Gypsy Smith may be
called the world’s greatest evange­
list, and his advanced experience
and methods justifies the claim,
yet it must be admitted the results
of the services in Portland last fall
was a great disappointment to the
churches involved.
Then what may be expected from
others who do live the consistant
lives they claim or they would not
so often figure in the criminal courts
for going to unlimited extremes
with whatever appeals to their sen­
sational natures that have not depth
enough to bold any good philoso­
These initerant species of the
genus homo can attract a certain
class of people with a plentiful gift
of words of the cheap jack order,
a sinister expression, a snivelling
intonation, a sickly smile and hand
shake that is almost a hog. Their
discourse ia usually lacking in co­
hesion as in common sense, punct­
ated with silly stories and saturated
with morbidity. You can only se­
cure happiness by being miserable.
There ie nothing healthy or educa­
tional about it.
People who have not much ex­
perience with such, imagine they
see the workings of the Spirit many
times when it is only the workings
of suggestion on a negative, impres­
sionable, hysterical or weak minded
people varying in different stages
of hypnotism according to their
temperment, for sad to say.it proves
to be this oftener than anything else
and people are carried into all kinds
of fanaticism in the name of religion.
The hypnotist can produce the same
phenomena without any religion ti 1
unbiased experts cannot tell tile
It is hard for a convert to stay
with such a shallow hot house reli-
gioti, teaching they can make a sud­
den jump from the most wicked in­
to a life of perfect holiness before
the good Christian who has been
plodding along the way all his life.
Such teaching causes much dis-
ap|>ointment both to churches and
preachers in the field who have
been toiling long and hard, bearing
the burden and heat of the day and
then are often robbed of their har­
vest by such unworthy laborers. In
these days of education, with no lack
of preaching, it is wonderful an
audience will listen seriously to
such clap trap, much less have it
foisted on sensible people as the
world’s greatest philosophy. Hum­
bug is not any better for being clad '
in holiness or fanatical sincerity |
and the beat interests of truth ie.
I not served if it should have immun- J
ity from criticism.
I ' The Jews of old made a wiser de-1
cision than they knew when they
■ said the workings
____ ot God would
1. —35H acres in cultivation. Free city water. 61» mile's S.E.-$4,500.
2. —16 acres in cultivation. Spring water. Oretown.—$2,250.
3. -65 acres at Beaver. Dairy ranch and stock. -$10,000.
4. —160 acres, Castle Rock ranch. 314 miles S.E. of Hebo.—$7000'
5. —House and Lot in town.— $525.00.
6—Fine Residence, central Tillamook City. $2,100.
7 —House and Two Lots, Miller’s addition, Tillamook City. $1,500.
8. —160 acres. Dairy Ranch. Pleasant Valley.—$7,3(X).
9. —40 acres on Tillamook River. Unimproved. All b«»ttom.-$l 700.
10—160 acres, Timber Claim on Miami liver.—$4,500.
11. —80 acres fine timt»er. 1,581k M, feet.—$1,500.
12. —40 acres. Well improved. New building. 41» miles S.—$8,000.
13. —80 acres, near Cloverdale. Timber. —$3,000.
14. —30 acres. Four miles south. All improved.-$6,500.
15. —30 acres. 31, miles south. Half improved. $3.500
16. —150 Lots and Hotel site, I.ong Beach add. to Bayocean,$15,(JOO.
... miles ..
» —
17. —80 acres 41»
18. — -230
230 acre ranch. 70
,0 acres bottom. AU stocked. —$22,530.
19. The finest residence in Tillamook —«4,700
20. — -240
240 acres 55»
5S miles S.E. Dairy Ranch.—$43,200.
21. —60 acres. Nestucca bottom. Dairy Ranch.—$11,000.
1. -17 acres. Orchard. Well improved.
Will trade for bottoni
land only.—$15,000.
2. —10 acres. Orchard. Buildings cost $5.000. —$18 000.
3. -24 acres. Orchard. Fine improvements.—$36,000.
4. —421» acres. Part Orchard. Balance raw. —$25,000.
5. —15 acres. All fruit. Good improvements. —$20,000.
tk— ’• acres. All in fruit. Good improvements.— $10,
7.— Business Lot, Hood River.—$10,000.
11.—KM) acres. Six acres cleared. Fine apple land. $8.000.
Washington County, Or., Lands.
1.—1000 acres. Orchard Land.
tracts to suit.
County Clerk.
Notice to Ci editors.
N otick is H ereby G iven .—That
the undersigned hue been by the
County Court of Tillamook County,
Oregon duly appointed as admin­
istrator of the estate of JOHN C.
MANGAN, deceased, and that he
has qualified as ouch administrator.
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required to
present the same to said adminis­
trator at Ilia office in Tillamook
__ _ ____________
Tillamook County, ^re _
within ail month« from the date
hereof, together with projier verifi
cationa thereof as required by law.
Dated thia May 23rd, 1912.
H. T. B otts .
Administrator of the Estate of
John C. Mangan, deceased.
Lame back ia usually caused by
rheumatism of the mns-lea of the
I back, for which yonwill find noth-
'ing better than Chamber.on’aLini-
I mtnt For sale by all dealers.
In on* of the presidential prima­
the minority claims to have
I ries
come out on top, and in another no
candidate receive«) a majority At
this rate patent medicine politic«
will not last *hrough the campaign
I_aat year in Maaaacluseetta the
I»rinocratic total vote «*< 214,(01.
In the preai<lential primary three-
fourths of these Democratic voter«
were miming. Arithmetic men in
>w awkward
liter bo" they hao Be st.
Five acres in cultivation. Fine creek. — $2,400.
1.—8 acre« in town
1. —160 acres. AU good fruit lands. 4 acres orchard. Buildings.—
$12, (XX)
2. -378 acres Ranch 70ucrea, 1 year old apples, 1.10 acres cleared
$75 per acre.
31 acre Truck Farm at Ethridge Will trade. $,KXX).
John Leland Henderson & Son,
On the date« given below, round trip tickets will be
sold to the point« in the East shown below, and many
others, at greatly reduced fares quoted:
Atlantic City
. $111.00
. .
. . .
Buffalo ....
Chicago . . .
Colorado Springs
. . .
In Connection With
Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railways
. . . $60.00
Detroit .... $82.50 Omaha
60.00 Philadelphia . .
Duluth ....
Kansas City . .
60.00 Pittsburg . . .
72.50 St. Louis . . .
Milwaukee . .
70 J00
60.00 St. Paul . . .
Minneapolis , .
J .50
Montreal . . .
108.50 Washington . .
New York . .
107 JO
July 2, 3, fl, 7, 11. 12, IS, 10, 20, 22, 23>
26, 20, 30, 81, 1912.
Augu.t 1. 2. 3, 0, 7. 12, IB, 16, 22.23, 29,
June 1, 6. 7, 8, 13. 14.16. 17. 18, 19, 20,
30, 31, 1912.
September 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30. 1912.
Stopover« aud choice of routes allowed in ench direction.
Final return limit,
October 31, 1912.
Detail« of schedule«, fares, etc., will be furnished on reqwest.
May 2,3, «,9,10, 11,17.18,24,39,1912.
W. E. COMAN, GenT Freight and Pam. Agent,
The Easter Rush
Is On
blit we are not too busy to
fill your order for lumber,
even ii it is but a small one.
Look around and m * c if your
place wouldn’t look latter
fora little fixing up. Then
tell uh wbut lumlier von
need and we'll have it up to
your place in leas than no
A. G. Beals Lumber Company
day with the Jensen girls.
Mr. Margarell is busy preparing
his store building to receive its
stock of goods, which he ezpecta
to purchase in Portland in a tew
Mrs. O. P. Mattoon has gone to
Helio for a few days visit with her
sons there.
Dr. Perkins’ little son has been
staying with Mr. and Mrs. John
Borba for the paut week.
Mrs. Norman Dye, of Tillamook,
who has been visiting her daughter,
yjrs. o. W Kinnaman, for ■ few
days, went home Sunday, Mr«,
Kinnaman taking lier a. far a.
Pleasant Valley.
Mrs. Sperry closed her school in
Brown district last Friday after-
noon, with a nice program which
waaerjoyed by a number uf visitors.
Sam Blazier and wife, of Tilln-
■nook, visited with Mr. and Mra.
I.. N. Sandoz, last Saturday and
Sunday. Mr. Blazier will O|»en a
blacksmith shop at Nehalem, earn.
N. G. Broughton returned Sator
day fnmi a Imsmese trip to Port­
land and Vancouver.
Poor a| («Hite is a sure sign ni
impaired digestion. A few doses of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will strengthen your diges­
tion sod improve your appetite.
Thousands have been benefited by
taking these Tablets. Sold by all
For sale only in
1. —Two Lots Portland Heights. $12,000.
2. —Three Lots. Peninsular, near Swift’s Packing Plant —$1 500.
3. - Fine Residence Mt. Tabor. Furnished.—$3,600.
4. —Equity in 2 lots. Capital Hill add.—$400.
5. —6 Lots. Parrell’s add, to Woodlawn, Portland.—$4,SIX).
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of Tillamook County,
Oregon, will receive Sealed Bids, for
making fills in the County Road, as
follows: For grading a wagon road
running from thj North end of the
ma „"’“in
ririz fit
Bridge ««AMAaA
across fkn
the MrvwtK
North Is Fork
of th«»
the come to nought and the second
Nehalem River to the trestle across condition be worse than the first.
the Creek near the Larson Hotel in | Trusting there are many good
“Upper Town” Nehalem, in Section 23, Christian people in Tillamook fair
including the fill across the Schollmeyer enough minded to agree with thia,
bottom, according to the plans and
I am,
specifications on file at the office of
T illamook .
the County Clerk.
A certified check equal to 5 per cent
Bculder Creek.
of the amount of the bid, must ac­
We are glad io see Mrs. Ebbesen
company each bid as a guarantee that
the bidder will execute a Bond for the is back among us once more.
completion of the c ntract if awarded
Joe Borba arrived from Idaho a
the same.
few d?ye ago to visit his uncle and
I All bids tobe filed in the office of family, John Borba.
County Clerk of Tillamook County,
The rain put a stop to the road
Oregon, on or before 10 o’clock A. M. work for a while and the boss broke
Wednesday the 5th day of June, A. D. camp, Monday afternoon, and went
home to Blaine.
The County Court reserves the right
Misses Helen and Millie Stoner
to reject any and all bids, By order
and Mias Cordie Blalock spent Sun­
the County Court.
J. C. Holden.
Mostly raw.
No. 48.MOW A.T.R.
No. 5,74h A.M R.
Will make the senaon of 1912, at Rogera-McNamer'a barn.
Term« of service $20.00. to insure a colt $15.(1) of which ia to be
paid to Rogers McNamer as soon as roll ia foaled, and $5.00 to lx
paid at First National bank for each and every Colt fowled in 1913,
to make a purse for, get of said horse to complete for prize«.
50 (wr cenl to first c.ilt, 3) per cent to aecon.l, JO percent to 3rd,
some in July. Angust or Sept 1915
Sickle Bill ia v -ry handsome, ha« size good g.iit and action,
and will lie a show horse bred for a race liorae or sire.
Sickle Bill is a mm of Hpokeane. Record, '2.15k, and «ire
Freddie C. 2 12*«. Starlight. 2 13*,. Kane, 2,17'«. Gee Gee. 2 19'«.
Revel Kane, 2 24’4. Joe Cane, 2.22'» Conteator, 3 yr., 2.21'».
Creole Kane, 2.25'4. Paul Kane, 2.27'» and Nettie S|Mikime, 2.W.
Fimi I him. Crei Crei, by C*ot>i<MÌ«>rr Belmont. 4340
Se» oik I Dam, Hellen, 2.32, by Daniel l.ainl>ert, l<rz.
Third Dani, Knie, Dam o( Veloi,
Fourth Dam by Vermont Hambeltoman.