I Tillamook Headlight, May 23, 19*2 Advertising Ratea. Facsimile ofthelabel on the beer bottles containing ice cold milk served in at the banquet on Tuesday Alex Craib, W.U. Tel. Co. L. 1. Shell, Capitalist A. L Finley, J. p. Finley a c«. Stenographer. G. W. Davies, Columbia SOpplj not more respect for the Presi­ dent of the United States. No L egal A dvertisements : one should complain, after First Insertion, per line I what has taken place the past Each subsequent insertion, line few months when they hear Business and professional cards, Dr. J. T. Work, M. T. 1 month ................................. 1 oo anarchists and others denounce 1st St. and 3rd Ave West 5 00 the President. Surely the poli­ Homestead Notices.................. Chiropractor and Naturopath j, Timber Claims ................. 10 (O ticians have succeeded in drag­ 3 ging the President in the mire, the moat improved science for the Locals per line each insertion Display advertisement, an inch, cure of disease. Why suffer from with their repetition of false ­ 50 1 month ........................ colds, catarrah, rheumatism, htrnia All Resolutions of Condolence aDd hood. It was dirty’ politics tumors and abdominal ness men to Tillamook is the have base ball, band, fair, Jay Smith, Manager, Marshall- THE VISITORS. Wells Hardware Co. first of a series which will help Fourth of July, hotel, Masonic F. S. Stanley, President, Stanley- Temple, I. O. O. F. building, to boost this county. Smith Lumber Company. and Commercial Club enthusi­ Complete List of the Port­ H. C. Thompson, Manager, asts galore, soliciting subscrip­ land Delegation. Oregon Land A Timber Co. “The beer that made Tilla­ tions, to say nothing of the large H. N. Tinker, President, First mook famous," was one of the amount of money that is to be Trust Co. stunts at the banquet Tuesday raised for city improvements. T. S. Townsend, President-Treas­ urer, T. S. Townsend Creamery Co. evening that took the cake. Probably, before the summer R M. Townsend, Property Agent, Portland Railway Light A Power 1 is over there will be other com­ (jet the Portland spirit—get mendable proposition which J. W. Vogan, President, Modern together and boost all parts of will require money. ' We have Confectionery Co. Tillamook County as the Port­ business men whose hearts are A. B. Wastell, Assistant Manager, landers are boostingall parts of in the right place, but they The Whitney Co., Ltd. S. JOSSELYN, Oregon. cannot keep going down in Harvey Wells, Insurance. President Portland Railway their jeans, What, then, is Light & Power Co. We want to say that the $3.00 best to be done? Simply this. Follow the plan of other cities Saturday to Monday and the S. S. Hewitt, Sale Manager, Pacific $1.00 season ticket, on the P R. and have a committee of the Coast Biscuit Co. A N., will go into effect oil the business men consider and ad­ R. M. Irvine, Fleiechner, Mayer 1st June, which gives benches vise in this matter, and when A Co. in this county the same rate as it becomes too steep put on |. C Ilitt, Sales Manager, Pacific the breaks. Hardware A Steel Co. Seaside. E. J. Jaeger, Jaeger Bros., Jewel­ ers Quite a number of persons Home Made at the Cold Storage. I For the information of Mr. K. H. James, President, James I Printing Co. Addison Bennett, reporter of ure wondering why the County- B. S. JosBelyn, President. Port­ the Oregonian, who told an Court has done nothing toward land Railway, Light A Power Co. amusing story at the banquet, building the road to Bayocean. « Geo. M. Hyland, Capitalist. The rail­ that it is customary in Tilla­ This is the trouble. John W. Kelley, Reporter, Tele­ road ami the county surveys gram mook, when young men take Frank R. Kerr, Secretary, Wad­ C. C. CHAPMAN, young ladies out driving,to turn go over the same ground at cer­ hams A Kerr Bros. the reins over to the latter so tain ¡mints and the railroad will Manager Executive Committee H. I). Kilham, President Kilham, Portland Commercial Club. that the young fellows can be not allow the county to in­ Stationary A Printing Co. fringe on their right, which will Manager of the Excursion. M. L. Kline, Wholesale Plumbing arm loose. Get the idea, Bro. make the cost of the road more and Steam Supplies, represented by­ Bennett ? Frank H. Page. Byron II Arnold, Capitalist. by having to build south of it. Gus Kuhn, Lion Clothing Co. Addison Bennett, Reporter, Ore­ The renl^trouble lies with the No doubt, however,that Post­ gonian J. Fred Larson, Umbdenstock A master Merrick did add weight State’s methods of doing busi­ A. F. Bickford Manager, Termi­ Larson. George W. Lawrence, Jr., Secre­ to the Portland delegation, but ness. It gave away, to a paper nal Ice A Cold Storage Co. O. C. Bortzmeyer. Cashier Mer­ tary and Treasurer, The George we would advise him to drink railroad company, the right of chants Lawrence Company. Savings A Trust Co. C. COLT, more of Tillamook's famous way across the tide land, with­ A, Breyman, President, Breyman President Union Meat Co. out the payment of a cent for it. beer, for we will guarantee that Leather Company. V B. Galloway, Assist. Manager, he will add more weight to the [ There does not appear, as far Portland bunch by doing so. [as we know, any conditions as Blake McFall Co. Wm. Whitfield, Wm, Whitfield A E. F Cannon, Clark Cannon Co. Co. We felt a little sorry forCharley, ¡towhen work on the railroad Paul Chamberlin, News Editor, C. H. Williams, Manager Press ■ >r he was run down and needs should be commenced or when Telegram. Bureau, Portland Commercial Club. H. L. Chapin, President, H. L. a little more tlesh to make him finished, and if we understand W. W. ’.'.'¡swell, Manager, Under­ a handsome gentlemen when the situation right the paper Chapin Realty Co. wood Typewriter Co. Its distinctive quality and C. C. Chapman. Manager Execu­ railroad company don ’ t have to easting googoo eyes at I'm le James Mcl. Wood, President, tive Committee. Portland Commer­ rare delicious flavor suit James Mcl. Wood A Co. do anything, and can hold the cial Club; Secretary Oregon De­ Sam’s postmistresses. the palate of the most A. M. Wright, Asst. Cashier, right of way franchise until it velopment League. United States National Bank. exacting connoisseur. Arthur M. Churchill, Attorney. liecotnes valuable and then sell H. L. Funk, Northwestern Mana­ It is not our intention to ere­ 3. J. Cutting, Vice President, it ata big figure. However that Union Sold by ger, R. G. Dun A Co., Mercantile Meat Co. ate any dissension amongst our Agency. may lie. we do think that the Louis A. Colton, Manager, Pacific JOHNSON & M c LAUGHLIN citizens, but rather a get toge­ J. M Healy, Capitalist. County Court should expeud Patier Co ther spirit, yet it is well to re­ V. S. Dodge, Pac. Stove A Range G. S. C rego, Official Photo- some of this year’s road money Mfg, Co. mind those who circulate and in getting that road starteli. It grapher. K B. Clark, Chf. Clk , U. S Eng E. I. Daly, Real Estate. sign petitions which reflect on Office. * is not fair to Bayocean and the C. V. Dyment, Reporter, Journal. the character or honesty of the i W H. Jenkins, S. P. R. R Earle, Puttie’ Weekly. member« of the School Board i 1 other property owners to keep Jas. S. Huselton, Capitalist. K. N. Underwood, Failing Me- I them without a wagon road, for could be sued for damages in the 1 _Jas. . C. 1 Co. — - Potter, -—, Auditor, Home that part of the county’ is di­ Caiman Telephom« Co. C. H. Farrington, Attorney-at i ircuit court. Wedo not advise titled to u way out, and to de­ Law. C. C. Colt, President, Union Meat this, but if the board shows it Co. L R. Fields, Division Supt. lay building the road is an in­ little spunk in that direction it Ralph Ackley, Real Estate. justice and a detrament to the Southern Pacific Co. is going to mean a good deal of George Kelty, Newberg. H. C. Forbes, Mgr. Portland county. Photo Supply Co. J. D. Gordon, Mayor of Newberg. trouble and attorney's fees be­ Frank A. Heitkeni|>er, Managing P. I- Chambers, First National fore the affair is settled. Bank. Director, G. Heitkemper Co. When the Riversand Harbors Bill passed the Senate it placed The Portland business men $100,UW) nt the disposal of the showed tlu ir faith in Tillamook government for the improve­ Ion Lewis, Whidden A Lewis. City by subscribing $3,3.10 to­ ment of the Tillamook bar and 1 'r’7l J ockley, Manager, Sunset- waids a new, up-to-date hotel placed the project under the Pacihc Monthly for this city, Flint showed the continuing contract. It is now J. I. Louisaon, Manager, M A Gunst A Co right get together spirit and up to the Ports of Tillamook C. B Merrick, Postmaster interest they have taken in Till­ and Hay City to join hands in Phil Metschan, Jr., Secretary. amook City. They all saw a raising half of the $NOO,t)OO, Ireasurer. Imperial Hotel Co. rbe time bright future for this city, and which is the estimate for the r-<1V. Mcl>her*°”> President, W. I». Met tierron Co. like true liooster«, they saw the improvement of the liar, not­ J. K. Gill, President, J. K. Gill need of lietter accommodations withstanding that it has been a Co. for visitors and went down in long tight tn obtain this appro­ Alex Muirhead. President. Muir- their jeans and helped the local priation, it is gratifying to those, head A M urban! C o. < fieople in this enterprise. William Muirhard, Plumber. and especially to the Headlight, Let ns show you ,>lli C. II. Dexter, A.G.F.A. S. P. Co that after years of persistent B Lee Paget. Mortgage Loans, s,»ecial display of at'.r>»c-_ The Taft administration has effort, victory came at a time krank I Parker, Collector of live new styles. We are* l*een maligned bv the poli­ when the whole of Tillamook is Customs, Astoria. perfectly equipped foe , ticians, who want tn control on the eve of a great develop ru* . » Paterson. Manager Grain making group picture« R-’* ' A!bcr* Pros. Milling Co national affairs. They have meat. What now retards the W- E Pearson. McCargar. Bates and will please you »'th l>een actively engaged the past progress of this project is the A Lively. the quality of onr w< rk. (ew months makiug base insin­ suits against the Port of Tilla­ f-• Pier. Hardware Sale. Manager Mar- shall-Wells C* uations and false accusations mook. The case is now pend­ against President Taft, so much ing before the Supreme Court J- I*- Pilkington. Nurseryman, so that It is a great surprise to «nd a decision may be expected o " ,¿“PPleton, Vice-President. Pacific Electric Co. BEN SELLING, us that men like Roosevelt, ••bout the first of next month. O. M. PRIMMER. O M. Plummer. Secretary.Treas­ and others have But no matter what that de- Republican Nominee for U.S. urer, Portland Union Stock Yards Secretary-Treasurer Portland Senator. Co. Union Stockyard*. Tillamook’s Superior Beverage Brewed Twice a The Beer that Made Tillamook Famous Specially Brewed for the Portland Business Men this Morning. Ask for Mokatil HARPER Nou>iis to have that group picture made. Monk s Studio. I I_____________ _