ilkuiwk WaNùjh <♦ TIUÀMOOK, OREGON MAY 23, 1912. A The Tillamook Meat Co. is selling . lard at the following prices : joib. pail, $1.50, ; 5 lb. pail, 80c. ; 50 lb. pails at 12Hc. per pound, This lard is absolutely pure. Mrs. Reese han sold her house and lot on Stillwell Avenue, which has been on the market for a long time, and never seemed able to do so until the pavement was assured. Monday morning, Dr. and Mrs« D. C. Urie left for their home in Camas. Wash., after spending u pleasant week at the home of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Small. CONFIDENCE. The man who keeps his money in the bank while he has plenty creates a frieud in tfie bank to whom he can turn when he has little. Having confidence in this My method in selling glasses ia not to catch a new victim and the price—but to see how well I can fit the eyes. R. A. Whalen, Opt D. Registered under State Law of Ore­ gon. • bank begets its confidence in you, and we can’t, any of us, get very far on the road to Now that the Anvil is going into service again in the coastwise trade between Portland and Bandon, the Commercial Club " might pull off that Tillamook excursion.—Ya quina Bay News. success without giving and receiving con­ fidence. Dr. S. M. Wendt, successor _________ _____ ... to Dr. Smith,' speaks German. Surgery, ear, eye, nose and throat. Office in the Commercial Building, opposite the Todd Hotel. All calle answered day or night. Both phones. • This bank has fairly earned your confidence through nearly ten years of square dealing and helpful service. Gnt, shells, meat scraps, ground hone, blood meat, char coal, scratch food, baby chick food, egg food, in fact all chicken supplies at the Tillamook Feed Co. General Supply It will appreciate your account. > ankt OUNTY TILLAMOOK COUNTY TILLAMOOK CITY. Off E. CAPITA L| Miss Nancy Hathaway, who has been visiting her uncle and aunt the past few months, at Jefferson­ --------- I ville, Ind., was called home on ac­ count of the serious illness of her little brother, Bennie. She came ! in this (Thursday) evening. ISUPERVISION LAMOOK JOTTINGS ,«£#"TSSK ata bargain. Tillamook Feed Co. * I rt for filling yards, for sale. — i The best is the cheapest, A ber - 1 Harter. dare (Australian) Coal, Lamb- 0 Choice Strawberry plants for Schrader Co., Telephone Main 1771.* See Snrode. You can get the genuine Eastern by Crib and mattrees for sale, corn feed meats at the Tillamook Feed Company General Supply lire of Ira C. Smith. • Store. • :orge Trask is critically ill at For Sale,—Saddle Horse known as David Martiny home.. the George Y’oung mare. Will sell C. W. Leghorn Eggs- $1,00 per cheap if sold at once. Apply Pat ng of 15. A. M. Ginn. Childers, Fairview, Ore. • ie 63 egg Petaluma Incubator' Elmer Allen, who has been attend­ ale. King & Smith Co. ing dental college in Portland, litor Effenberger was down came in Friday on account of the illness and death of his father. i Nehalem on Saturday. Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton inted. 100,000 pounds of Bees or 4.50 for half ton, or good fir wood . Clough’s Drug Store. already sawed for $5.75 per cord or le Full Blooded Jersey Bull for $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode * .—Apply to T. H. McCormick. * !' Mrs. Jonas Olson and daughter r Sale,—Seven Head of Horses left for Portland on Tuesday, where two Hacks.--J. E. Brown, Tilla- her eon, John Olson, will graduate from the North Pacific Dental Col­ i will sell you a buggy for less lege. e^r than it has cost us. Ask Lytle & Gordon handle all kinds of building materials in any ss Ruth Holmes went to Port amount and can quote the lowest on Monday on a visit with prices in the city. See them before buying. * ids. the four year re chickens wanted at the Tilla- , Bennie , , Hathaway, , ,, ik Meat Company's Market, 13c. 80n J- Hathaway, under- nound • went an operation for appendictis p Ion Friday, Dr. Wendt being the •8. W. O. Stone, Ol Bayocean. | physician. trwent an operation in thia city Mrs. W. F. Baker and children friday. returned to the city on Sunday after ley say the Diamond W. line spend a month at Dallas, and she t be beat for quality.—Tilla- was accompanied by her sister, k Feed Co. • Miss Pearl Foland. « ! but that Diamond W. Steel The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ coffee is good,get it at the Tilla- lows who haul anything, anywhere, k Feed Co. any time Office on Main Street, ing your chickens to the Tilia- 'opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call k MeatCompany’s Market. We ■ us by phone, Main 051. 13c. per pound. * There will be a big demand for The le only genuine‘‘Standard Port- good Cement this season. largest Lamb-Schrader Co. carry the lajyest I Cement” to be had in the city line of Cements in the city, Tele­ le Tillamook Feed Co. * phone Main 1771. >r Sale,—A light wagon, light If you want a good garden, or ble harness and mowing mac- want to grow good potatoes, use a 1. Enquire at Rogers Barn. • fertalixer prepared for the purpose, T. Dick left on Tuesday for no weed seeds. A supply at the r Oak, Kan., after visiting re Tillamook Feed Co. * es here. He will return next John Morgan, who bought one of r Sale,—one thorough bred the Overland automobiles from fun mare, cheap; also small A. K. Case,has become such an ex- idian horse.—W. B. Powell, i, pert driver in so short a time that he can bring a big lot of eggs to h Prairie. • market without breaking them, in le merits of Dement’s Best is nlB >7U . thinks that ....... his machine Gue it .. is ■en by those who buy nothing the 8Uperior quality of the machine I 1 their flour. Tills- why wjjy John john did .<>, thing that we can’t repair we will buy. A suit was filed in the circuit court by N. J. Myers against H. Crenshaw for the possession of a of a McIntyre automobile which had been replevined. The dam­ ages are assessed at $10 and the value Of the machine is placed at $400. Allen Page has severed his con­ nections with the Pacific Salvage Co., and opened a furniture and hardware store next to Williams' studio. He solicits the patronage ___ ___ of Ilia friends ___ and will aim to pieae‘e those who" will trade with him. On Friday afternoon the Killkare Klub meet and surprised Mrs. Chester Hoskins. . the members presenting her with a beautiful set of spoons. Mrs. Hoskins left Tues­ day morning for Portland, where she will spend several days visiting friends, then later join her husband at Bandon, where Mr. Hoskins is a member of the life saving crew. Fairview Grange met on May 9th with an excellent attendance con­ sidering it being the busy season for the farmers The principal feature of the day was the discus­ sion of various road bills to be brought before the voterr. next Nov­ ember. A committee wai appoint­ ed to draft resolutions regarding these bills to be reported on at the next regular meeting of the Grange, June 13th The graduation exercises of the 1 Tillamook High School will take i place on Friday, June 7th. in the ; Presbyterian Church, when C. E. ' Carrolton. assistant state su|*r- intendent. will deliver the address The graduate« will be: Ev.i Wheeler, Ruth Holme*. Barhnra Hathaway, Daisy Goodspeed. William Ander­ son, Horace Sappington,. Floyd Kberman. Reed Bain, E. E. Ginn and Myron Blanchard. I GREETING What's the matter with Tilla­ mook County young men ? Only one marriage license issued in 55 days! The Fourth of July Com­ mittee should make a stunt and see how many young people they can hitch up on that occasion. We received the following tele­ gram on Thursday which ia of in­ terest to Tillamook County: Hon. F. C. Baker, Tillamook, Or. “We succeeded in securing the addition of an amendment of the Panama Canal bill which will allow our vesaels engaged in coastwise trade passage through the canal without tolls. I believe thia will be I of great benefit to the Pacific Coast W. C H awlby . hen your Bank Account is Balanced To the People of Tillamook City and County. The Fourth of July Committee has engaged the service« of J. C. Cooper, of McMinnville, to take charge of the arrangements. Mr. Cooper was the gentleman who had charge of tbe IWfi fair and carnival ia thi« city and which turned out ■uch a success. The committee ia planning a two day«' celebration, and making extensive preparations for plenty of attractions, which will (Successors to Ray Feed Co.), -----------............. _ 1 ■ ' - . ...... .. Death of J P. Allen. be announced later. The business men have subscribed a large amount of money to make this We have to announce the death one of the most attractive celebra­ of J. P. Allen, which took place nt tion ever held in this county. an early hour on Tuesday morning, Carl Haberlach left for a trip to after a short illness, although he Portland Saturday and returned on had not been in the best ol health The funeral Wednesday. He reports but little i for several years. Tillamook cheese in Portland, and , took place on Thursday, when a large number of sympathising that dealers are largely buying other Oregon cheese and cheese I friends were present to pay their made in the State of Washington i last respect to the decease1 lik­ factories together on similiar lines ing it there they went to Kansas Tillamook factories ure operated City, Mo., for a short time before Kansas, on, this is going to be a condition going to Junction City TillamiMik Dairymen will be con­ where he married Nellie Austvneon, fronted with in the future. Several on November 5, 11*70. He worked of the small condensors tip the val­ at his trade of stonemason f< r some ley are now being operuted this time- until lie took up a lioniesleivl year and there is lots of mi k offer ten miles from Clay Center, Kansas, ed cheaply all through Vie Willa­ where he lived for three veurj. After thia, lie moved to Clay Center mette valley and was engaged in the mercantile business for seven years. He then moved to Denver, Colorado, and The Killkare Klub was engaged in the grocery busi­ ness for another seven years. He The Killkare Klubheld its regular meeting on Thursday last, at the moved westward going to Redwood home of Mrs. J. ■ S. ~ Lamar, * where a City, California, to invest heavily in the flour milling business which afternoon was most < deliirbtful _____ spent. The study of Russia, which proved to be his first financial fail-. ure. grows more interesting each meet­ Hearing of the timber resources ing, was resumed L’pon the resig­ nation of Mrs. Chester Hoskins, of Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, in I ___ , ; which was received with much re company with two other families, ( twenty-three gret, Mrs. D L Shrode was elected came to Tillamook secretary. Three new members wers were years ago and took a pre-emption admitted, Mrs. Penningti ton being claim nine miles south of Tillamook. the 15th, making the K dub now Leaving his family here he was' Mes- called to Portland to follow his old i complete in membership, dames F. D, Small and Bert Sever- trade and worked on the Perkins snee coming in by invitstion upon Hotel. Upon completion of thia he I the resignstion of Mesdames L. L. returned to Tillamook and has Baker end Chester Hoskins. An since engaged in the hotel business, 1 elsborste luncheon wss served in the hostess’ best style. After vot ing Mrs. Lamar an ideal hostess the Klub adjourned to meet two weeks hence with Mrs. Shrode. being so employed at tile time of his dentil, which was for over twenty years, making hosts of friends hs his hotel was always full. He leaves to mourn their loss his widow, his daughter. Mrs. J. <”. Holden; his son, Elmer Allen; four brothers, one in California, one in Oklahoma and two of Clay Center, Kansas; two sisters also of Clay Center, Kansas, and other relatives. He was a memlier of the Macu bees, Fraternal Union mid Knights of Phythias. We FREE GO D FISH. Are Going to Give Away M'n- d y, May 27tli. One (llobe, 'J'w<> Goldfish, One Instruction Sheet, One Box Fish Food, Sea M osh , Pebbl«» mid Shell«. With each 75c. worth of Rextill Remedies, or V iolet D ulce Toilet Preparations. CUJUGH’S DRUG STORE. Reliable Druggists. '■ r- Church of Christ. 10 a. ill.—Bible School classes tor all. To you who do not attend Bible School attend with us. 11 a m.—Preaching, ‘‘The keys of the kingdom.” 3 p.m,—Junior C.K. 7 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. 8 p.m,—Preaching. A.patriotn- service in keeping with the memor­ ial subject for sermon “The great­ er Conflict.” Old soldiers and sons of veterans especially invited. Special music. If you have no church home there is a place for you, we will be glad to welcome you R. E. JOPB, pastor. SEAPORT ADDITION TO TILLAMOOK. Mill and Factory Sites Cam­ I paign', Now Planned By Leading Portland Firm. One of the efioch making events of Tillamook county, which has tweii anticipated and looked for­ ward to for the last 20 ye*r. Irill take place on May 25th when Clark Cannon Com|mny. of Portland and Rollie W. Watson, of Tilla­ mook, <>|M*n tlieir campaign foj, null anti factory sites in Seajiort Addition to Tillamook, thus aaaur inr deep water transportation for Tillamook and contiguous territory and adding one more large feature to the trans|K>rtalion facilities and insuring the requisite mills and factories st the h»ad of deep wster transportation only >me mile from the center of Tillamook City.-Ore­ gonian, May 21st UAtfAR’S VARIETY STORE TILLAMOOK, OREGON. “ DROE IN AND LOOK AROUND."