Tillai»ookvH««dlight, Moy 16. 1912 “Tillamook City.”--Mayor J. R I L. ' R. Fields, Division Supt. THE SCHOOL BOARD Southern Pacific Co. DEFENDS ITSELF. Harter. I Fred Lockley, Manager Sunset, “Tillamook Beach Resorts." — ¡The Pacific Monthly. C H. Williams, Manager Press ' Gives Some Information Attorney Webster Holme*. • Fish Industry.”—Attorney John Bureau, PortlandCommercialIClub ! G. S. Crego, Official Photo­ that Will Surprise those Boosters Get Together to Leland Henderson. grapher. “ Power.”—Will Spaulding, who Want to Recall. R. R. Earle, Pathe’ Weekly. Boost this Wonderful As the Portland business men Arthur M. Churchill, Attorney. Tillamook Country. Absolutely Pure E. J Daly, Real Estate. To the People of School District will not be able to visit the south C. H. Farrington, Attorney-at- part of the county, the committee No. 9: Law. In view of the loose talk which NOTED FOR TALL TREES decided that Frank Taylor, editor of Geo. M. Hyland, Capitalist. J. Fred Larson, Umbdenatock A has been going around towo, and the Cloverdale Courier, give a short AND FAMOUS CHEESE. Larson. talk on that part of tbe county. O. H. Schwerdtmann, Secretary- inquiries which have been made of NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE us. the School Board think it best The Portland Delegation to I Manager Oregon Box A JMfjr- Co. H. C. Forbes, Mgr. Portland to make a statement of its trans­ be Composed of Wealthy Portland Delegation Rep­ I Photo Supply Co. actions concerning the letting of Citixen8---Local Com­ R. R. Routledge, President & the contract for the new school resents $140,000,000. I Mtrr. contract on account of the matters Mr. Zachmann that Wheaton Routledge Seed & Floral Co. mittee Arrange a andti . which are stated herein. After that with him about the plumbing andth W. W. W’isweil. Manager Under- building. P ortland , Or., May 15.—(Special) Nice Program. In the first place bids were called Mr. Wheaton went to Mr. Lamb and Wheaton was wanting to have it ’’ Representing easily $140,000,000, or . wood Typewriter Co. told him that if the Board would sign ranged in a way not in accordance Ja whi Harvey W’ells, Insurance. for according to the plans and tv»« more than $2,000,000, per passen- ■ the cor.trsct contract with him h** he wnuld would get his the specifications, specifications. H. B. McEwen, Sec.-Mgr. McEwen Tillamook City next week will be I ger, and comprising the most sub­ specifications. Several bids were iumber We have not wanted to talr» .. lumber from the Beals Lumber Com- »♦izxvx take *nv Koskey. »sx Aixsss ***—*▲__ _ i • • visited by a large delegation of some stantial business men of Portland, A T. Ralph R. Wheaton pany, and start teams hauling it out at action in this matter which would C Irving Potter Vice-President submitted. of the prominent and moat influen I the special excursion train to Tilla- T. B. Potter Realty Co. Wheaton, but wef we f 1 k submitting the lowest bid, his bid once. The place where the contractor injurious to Mr. Wheaton/but" ia laimhxxv hi nor with tial business men of Portland, who I inook County May 21, 22 and 23 will W’. F. Martin, Secretary and Sales being $20,668.00 outside of heat. The gets his lumber ta is anmpt something with that that nnr our dntv duty tn to fko the district reouiwd i us to refuse to which the Board has nothing to do. tr, go o-n ahead'with «heau ....-, l the^ .r’“11" come here under the auspices of I very likely be known as the “Mil- Manager Northwest Steel Co. Frank A. Heitkemper, Managing next lowest bid was that of Snook A The only reason for cancelling the tract with him for the building buildin andT the Portland Commercial Club and I lionairee Special.” There will be Director Mr Whaufnn j , Traver, which was $22,080.00. G. Heitkemper Co. contract was that the Board had lost fact that Mr. Wheaton has dining their etay in this city will be I any number of millionaires on J. B. Pilkington, Nursenman. statements — that - • he • has. has made i, Mr. Wheaton was to furnish bond confidence in Mr. Wheaton, arising -------------- R. R. Poppleton, Vice-President the guests of the Tillamook Com­ I board, for the Rose City is sending from the circumstances related, our duty we feel, to let the pubi within ten davs, and left Tillamook did not think that the interests d of and the know the facts in regard to the matter mercial Club This is one of the the leaders in the community to Pacific Electric Co. to get his bond ready. Before leav ­ S. C. Pier, Sales Manager Mar­ district would be properly protected We have absolutely nothing to Conc«i m st important meetings ever held I visit the rich farming and timber shall-Wells Hardware Co. ing a disagreement arose between if he should be allowed to do the work. in what has been done; it is a matter in this city, for these meetings are I district* of this nearby Oregon Jay Smith. Manager Marshall Wheaton and the Board over the Before leaving Tillamook Mr. Wheat­ in which the people of the district a-, held for the purpose of getting the Coast country. Wells Hardware Co. on, we are informed, employed an entitled to be informed of the facta following matter : business men together, not only attorney to prepare a petition for the and we want them to know the facte Interest in the excursion is 80 The specifications read in part as recall of one or the members of the about the whole transaction. in this city, but all over the state high that it would be easy to fill The Itinerary. follows: ’ Excavate the ground as Board and paid the uttorney for this We invite those who are circulatinv and with united effort boost for all two trains, but the limit will be aci­ TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1912. required by the site and drawings service. We understand that this peti­ the recall petitions to make public an» parts of Oregon. This is the first hered to strictly. The publicity de- 7:30 A. M.—Train open at Union Depot. tion has been circulated to some extent, facts in the matter which they know for all footings piers, etc., to the time that the business men of Port­ partment of the Portland Commer­ but the same has not been seen by and would ask that people investigate Breakfast will be served a la carte depth figured or shown, or to such either of ths members of the Board, before paying attention to the state­ land have come to Tillamook in a cial Club is arranging all the details to all desiring same on train. depth as will provide absolute se­ and those who have been circulating ments of a disappointed contractor, who body, and to visit a county noted and C. C. Chapman, Manager of 8:00 A. M.—Leave Portland, Union curity against damage from frost the petition have never taken the seems to be the only one who was inter­ for its big trees, wonderful cheese, _________ _______ _ _____ enough in the matter to pav for or insecure foundations. This trouble to corue to either of the mem- ested Depot. 4 L 4 4 i rvrv- tvvx ——--11 — . ill r * —- delightful climate, splendid scenery, the Promotion Committee, and Sec­ East must be done irrespective of depth bers of the Board to inquire as to what the getting up of a recall petition. We retary of the Oregon Development 8:10 A. M.—Leave Portland, beautiful beaches, and many other the facts were in regard to the matter. don J— ’t * know 1------ — whether the circulatoriof i League, is manager ot the excur­ Morrison St. shown or figured on drawings, and The Board hi-i been ready and willing the petitions are in Mr. Wheaton’s em­ fascinating attractions, to say noth­ sion. 10:00 A. M.—Arrive Banks. without extra charge to the district ” to at any time explain this matter ploy or not, but it would seem that if in, r of the wonderful undeveloped The advance itinerary he has just 10:15 A. M.—Leave Banks. Plans gave a depth for footings of 2 fully to any person interested in it in they were actuated by an interest ir resources of the county. Tillamook way. the welfare of the district they wonk issued has made a hit with those 10:40 A. M. — Arrive Buxton. ft. and 10 in., but also had written any City will give the Portland visitors The additional matter of the heating, find out what the facts were before signed up for the trip They are 10:55 A. M. — Leave Buxton. thereon “ Footings to go to solid about which some criticism has been they would go very far in the matter. a light royal good time and extend anxious to view the Coast Mount- | , 12:15 A. M.— Arrive Timber. ground.” Mr. Wheaton contended made, came about in the following way: If we have not made the situation the glad hand of welcome, for it is The original plans provided for steam entirely clear, we will be glad to clear that under this he was entitled to n good thing to get in closer touch ains, through which the new rail I - 12:25 A. M.—Leave Timber. heat, but the Board concluded after .WIcr which wuicn may be anything lu further road passes, following the windings j Luncheon served on train. extra pay if he should run the wall careful investigation that a hot air up _. —»,y y one ¡nterestefj with the business men of the me­ wanted by an any one interested, of the Salmonberry and Nehalem 2:00 P. M.—Arrive Summit of Coast deeper than two feet and ten inches system, with fan to insure thorough ’ " ’ tropolis of the Northwest. | Very respectfully, Mountains. to get to Bolid ground. Tbe Board ventilation, would be much better, and . H. T. BOTTS, The Reception Committee of the rivers, the scenic stretches along the I Tillamook Coast line and the beau- , before the bids for the building were G. B. LAMB. 2:15 P. M.—Leave Summit. refused to allow for any extra pay, Tillamook Commercial Club, com-1 opened, the contractors were requested ( Members of the School Boari Frequent stops will be made along but he still insisted on it and would posed of Will Spaulding, Fred C I titul expanses of Tillamook and to add to their bids a statement of the | the precipitous gorges of the not give it up. He stated to the reduction they would make in their Baker and Ira Smith, with theassis-1 Nehalem Bay*. The excursionists Church of Christ. picturesque Salmonberry and Ne­ Board that Mr. Burggraf, the original price if the heating were, t ince of President Shrode and I are no less interested in the mag­ halem Rivers for inspecting timber architect, and Mr. Brodhead, who omitted from their contract altogether, ■ 10 a nt.—Bible School classes for Secretary Claussen, have been en-1 nificent forests through which they aii. you who do m not ____ attend and viewing scenic points of spec­ had been employed to superintend and this was done. The Board did not Bible To trusted to make all arrangements I will pass and are eager to see the j School attend with us. advertise anew for bids for the hot air tine dairy farms, creameries and ■ ial interest. in this city tor the entertainment of I the work, had talked with him in system, but closed a contract for that 11 a m.—Preaching, ‘‘Rightly tbe visitors. This committee has I cheese factories that have made the 3:45 P. M.—Arrive Mohler. regard to the matter, and told him withW. G. .MfiF.iersonft Co., whom we dividing the work of truth.” name of Tillamook County famous 1 3 p. tn. — Junior C.E. Receive reception committees from that he was entitled to extra pay believe to be entirely reliable. Under been at work for several day*, and I —Christian Endeavor. | Tillamook, Bay City, Nehalem and for this additional depth, whatever the contract male the system is guar- i 7 8 p.m. although there is considerable to I for excellence in dairy products. p.m —Preaching. "A well anteed to be kept in repair by the com­ Strange as it may seem, many ofj Beach Resorts. be done yet, the program has been I it might be. The members of the pany for five years, and we are assured earned crown.” will be on board the 3:50 P. M.—Leave Mohler. If you have nochurch home there about arranged. I those who . Board saw Mr. Brodhead and were of satisfactory service. The cost of The Committee was fortunate in hpecial Hain have never seen Tilla 4:15 P. M.—Arrive Garibaldi Beach told that the matter had never been the hot air system under our contract is a place for you, we will be glad will be $2.900.00,with $300.00 additional to welcome you obtaining the service of W. H. I mook County. They have always (Manhattan Beach Station). discussed with him. Mr.'Brodhead for extra carpenter work which is cov­ R. E. JOPE, pastor. Evans and staff, proprietor of Rose I intended to visit it, but the difficulty along Frequent stops will be made wrote to the architect, and Mr. Burg­ ered by contractor’s bid. The cost of City Hotel, us chef, to take chargeR access to this fertile but isolated beach to permit ¡visit* to fresh- graf replied that the matter had the steam heat, or the amount of re­ ME- Church Service*. of the banquet, lunch and dinner I district has discouraged them here-, water lakes and the surf. not been talked over with him, and duction made in the bids of Mr.Wheaton in the club rooms. Mr.JEvane hue I ’ofore. Now that the trip maybe 5:00 P. M.—Leave Garibaldi Beach at and also Snook & Traver, was $2,120.00, 10 a. m.—Sunday School. Especial they both agreed that the contract­ so that the hot air system costs more a reputation in this city us an | made readily by train they are tak-: is centering in ¡the Sunday Life Saving Station, Bar View. or was not entitled to any extra to install. But the Board believed, interest school. There is a welcome for all. up-to-date provider, and as the com I inK advantage of this long-awaited 6:00 P. M.—Arrive at Tillamook. and now believes, that it is more than pay for this work. 11 a. m. —Sermon Subject, "Why mittee decided that home products | opportunity to spy out the land, worth the difference in the price, and the Necessity of Christ’s Suffering.’' Band will meet train, and excur­ Tbe specifications also read: were to be used as much as poeei I which they have been told ia one 7 p.m. — Epworth League. Be sionists and baggage will.be taken “Earth from excavation to be de­ that the price contracted for is a reasonable price, as we learn that at early at the league An interesting ble, these will be typical Tillamook I flowing with inilk and honey. to their sleeping accommodations posited where directed.” Mr. Klamath Falls the same system was and profitable service is assured. meals and no doubt will be appre I Those who will be on board the before eating. Wheaton talked with Connie Dye put in in an eight-room building at an, 8 p.m.— Song and Sermon, Sub­ ciated by our distinguished guests. I Portland Commercial Club special 7:00 P. M.—Banquet, Tillamook Com­ of $3,200.00, while our school ject, “ Balancing Account.” as to the excavation, and told Mr. expense building will have twelve rooms and The committee expect to muke the I train are: J ames T. M oore , pastor. mercial Club, followed by toasts. Dye that all that he had to do with we are getting the system in for $300.00 B. S. Josselyn, President. Rail­ bunquet the awellest and most WEDNESDAY, MAY, 22,1912. the dirt was to get it out of the bole. less. We have not been able to find way, Light A Power Co. novel banquet served in this city. Prices for Hogs II. I. Pittock, Publisher Morn­ 8:30 A. M.— Automobile trips through Mr. Dye came to the Board to see that we should have saved any money The visitors will be met at Mohler ing Oregonian. famous dairy country, inspection about getting extra pay for placing tn the district by advertising for bids 150 lbs. to 200 lbs., 10c. dressed. by n delegation from this city com A. I.. Mills, President First Nation­ for the hot air system, and believe that of Maple Leaf, Fairview, South the dirt around the building, or in we exercised »ood judgment in making 200 lbs. to 250 lbs8%C. dressed, posed of Will Spaulding, Fred C. al Batik. Prairie and Tillamook cheese fact­ low places in the yard. This was the contract we did and that the inter­ 300pounds and over, 7^0. dressed. Edward Cookinghatn, Vice Pres- Baker and lra Smith (the club’s re Tillamook Meat Company. dent Ladd A Tilton Bank. ests of the district have been well ories. after Mr. Wheaton had left. ception committee), und ex-Presi- I John F. Carrol, Manager, The looked after in that respect. 12:30 P. M.—Luncheon Tillamook Com­ Also Mr. Wheaton in talking with dent Webster Holmes, Fred R. Evening Telegram. Will say further as to Mr. Wheaton, Poor appetite is a sure sign of mercial Club. the Plasker Brothers as to the that we have made some further in­ George M. Trowbridge, Editor, Beals and Attorney II. T. Botta, 1:30 P. M. - Visits to business houses. plumbing expressed his intention vestigation as to work done by him in impaired digestion. A few doses« The Journal and probably there may tie a few F. C. Knapp, President Portland 2 ; :30 P. M. Launch trips to points of of putting in a cheaper quality of i other places, and have not discovered Chamberlain’s Stomach and liver other* who will go along us well. '"liatnber of Commerce; Secretary • i than — us to feel that tn at. we Tablets will strengthen your digei- •oyming^ to • cause interests on Tillamook water front |M****-ial material than th»- the Bnecificatimi specifications a r*. re- ( i anyunng have m«de to migUke jn reel th# matter tion and improve your aPf*’1**' On th* arrival of the visitors in Penisula Lumber Company — - - î — — ■ — * — — •* 'I — I' «* * n «r z* «s 1 I fill n * es i < a * . 1 Thousands have been benefited by and bay. quired, and when they called his | On* man"My/: ___ My experience with F. C. Malpas, Manager Canadian this city at six o’clock on Tuesday I 6:00 P, M.—Fried Clam dinner, Tilla­ attention to the specifications said I Mr. Wheaton, in erecting a building taking these Tablets. Sold by all i'v< ning, the Tillamook Concert Bank of Commerce. Emery Olmstead, Vice-president that was wh*t be would put in any- ! for me abouf two seasons ___ ago, was i dealer*. mook Commercial Club. I ..u Brunn, Manager Blake. Me- it was cancelled because he had refused c Week —James Walton. Full Co. Let the proceed. File to buy the lumber from the Beal* Lum­ “ Manufacturing Oppurtunlti*«.“ J