Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 16, 1912, Image 4

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    Maÿ I*. 1Ô12
W.C.T.U. Meetings
On Friday of last week, Mr*. Ada
Wallace Unruh, State President and
organizer of the W. C. T. U. ar­
rived in the city from Portland, and on
Friday evening gave her first address,
aubjset, “Sowing and Reaping,” which
was a very fine effort, full of many
idea* that everyone ought to have
knowledge of. On Saturday afternoon
Mr*. Unruh gave a talk on “Social
Purity” t<> the ladie* at the Commer­
cial Club room*. On Saturday evening
•he gave a talk on “Woman’* Suffrage. ”
On Sunday she delivered a splendid
sermon at the U. B. Church, touching
many thing* in connection with her
work. In the afternoon Mrs. Unruh
gave another splendid address on
“Social Purity and the White Slave
Traffic ” In the evening she gave a
■ermon at the Christian Church, the
subject of which was “Building a
Mr*. Unruh is a woman of great at'
tainment* and is so thoroughly con­
secrated to her great work that it is
inspiring to hear her.
The city is to be congratulated be­
cause of the fact that Mrs. Unruh was
able to organize a real live W.C.T.U.
organization here of 27 members. Every
woman who stands for social purity
and that which is for the best, should
belong to this organization.
The following officers were elected
for the organization here: Mrs. E. F.
Rogers, Pres; Daisy AI lander. Corres­
ponding Secretary ; Ellen Bewley,
Recording Secretary; Mrs. Ona Phil­
lips, Treasurer.
The society will meet at the U. B.
Church on Wednesday afternoon nt
2:30. A large attendance Is desired at
this first meeting.
The Commercial Club Meets.
Hew He Decided Upon His Ballet la a»
Alaatian Election.
Tbe simple people of Alsace, wbo re­
tain in tbeir hearts a strong love for
France at tbe same time that they are
desirous not to offend tbeir German
rulers too much, frequently have a
bard time of It when they go to tbe
ballot to vote for representatives In
tbe German parliament.
In one election in a certain Alsatian
district tbe two candidates were Kable,
an Alsatian of French sympathies, wbo
bad protested against tbe annexation
after tbe war of 1870, and a Germau.
On election day a peasant went to tbe
polling place, which was presided over
by a German official. Tbe peasant had
In one band a ticket on which wns
printed tbe name of Kable and in the
other a ticket bearing tbe name of tbe
German candidate.
“Mein berr,” be said to tbe German
electiou official, "will you tell me which
of these tickets is tbe better one?”
Tbe officer looked nt him. “Why.
this is much preferable,” said be. indi­
cating tbe German's ticket.
"Ah. 1 thank you.” answered tbe
peasant. “I will keep It next my
heart.” He folded it carefully and put
It inside bls coat. "As for this other,
then." said be, with an air of putting It
away from him ns an unworthy thing.
"I will leave it here.” And be put tbe
Kable ticket In the ballot box.—New-
York Press.
Aitutaki Islanders Pull Them Up by
ths Tail With Ropes.
The island of Aitutaki. oue of the
Hervey group, in tbe Pacific, is sur-
rounded bv
islets ___
underneath which
caverns, the homes of
are I submarine
sharks These
____ sharks, which are about
six feet long, are esteemed a delicacy,
and the natives catch them with nooses.
Arrived over tbe entrance to the
shark cave, tbe fisherman leaves bls
canoe to the care of his companions
and dives to the bottom, carrying with
him a strong cord tied into a slip knot.
He expects to find two or three sharks
at home well satlsfleil and drowsy aft­
er feeding In the lagoon, with their
talln toward the entrance. Selecting
the largest, the diver adroitly adjusts a
noose over the tall, taking care that it
hangs loosely. If he has another noose
he secures a second shark.
Tbe shark catcher now. with one
bound on tbe white, sandy bottom,
rises to the surface In order to assist
his friends In hauling up the fish. Tbe
astonished shark suddenly finds Itself
ascending tall first to the surface, when
a smart blow from an ax between the
eyes or on the tall ends Its career.—
task** That Can Eject a 8tr*a«*
Poi*«n From Their Fangs
A writer io tbe National GeograpM
Magazine *ay* that «Hue of tbe Afri­
can. not tbe East Indian, cobras spit
poison at any oue wbo disturbs them.
Tbe ringbals, genus se|M-doo, of south­
ern Africa is a pitcb black, exceedingly
vicious cobra tbat receive* its name
from one or two broad white lends
that sbow on tbe neck »’hen tbe snake
l< reared in lighting pose. When he
nrcbes bls neck to glare at tbe intruder
lie Is able to eject fine Jets of poison
to a distance of six or elgbt feet. These
deadly streams are dangerously well
Tbe poison is ejected by contracting
tbe lower Jaw in such a fashion tbat
tbe permanently erect fangs overlap It.
At a movement of the adversary the
reptile arches bis neck till (he bend is
(brown luickward, bringing (be lips of
tbe hypodermic teeth to bear. Tbe
muscles over tbe poison glands are con­
tracted. and a thin stream of venom
leaves each fang. The observer Is lia­
ble to receive tbe poison directly in the
eyes, and tbe amount thus ejected 1»
The writer has seen tbe entire lower
part of a large glass |>auel peppered
with tiny drops, and in photographing
or observing (he snakes always protects
bis eyes with auto goggles. Tbe frout
of bis camera Is ofteu well spattered
with tiny drops of poison, as tbe cobra
becomes Infuriated at the movements
of tbe photographers bands in focus­
in one of his books Theodore Roose­
velt tells bow tbe explorer Tarlton was
once struck iu tbe eyes and nearly
blinded by poison thus spit forth.
Washing tbe eyes with milk was found
to give tbe most speedy relief.
We carry a Large Struck of
and China
Oils, Paint, Varnish. Doors. Window
Agents } for the Great Western Saw
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouDie, and unnary irreguiancwu,
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitute».
Chas- I. Clough, Tillamook.
Physical Exposition of an Act Som*
Parson* Cannot Enjoy.
Notice ot Sheriff’s Sale.
What la laughter? An American hu­
morist bus called It "nn undignified
widening of tbe human mouth, accom­
panied by a noise resembling a cough
In the effort to avoid swallowing a
chestnut "
"Laughter.” said Professor Sir
Charles lb 11. "Is a convulsive action of
the diuphrngm. Iu this state the per­
son draws a full breath and throws It
out in Interrupted, short and audible
< iichlnnutious. This convulsion of tbe
diaphragm is the principal part of the
physical manifestation of laughter.
"But there are several accessories,
esiiecinlly the sharp vo-al utterance
arising from the violent tenalon of the
larynx and the expression of tbe fea­
tures. this beiug a more intense form
of tbe smile. In extreme cases the
eyes are moistened by tbe effusion
from the lachrymal glands.”
There are some people tvbo cannot
laugh, who are wholly unable to enjoy
either the physical or the rnentnl lux­
ury < f a laugh. Thus it was said of
William III. that he was utterly nt a
loss to understand what could be got
out of laughter except loss of dignity.
There ure many persons In history
who have been, according to common
report Incapable of laughter. Queen
Mary I.. John Knox. Kobespierre and
Moltke are examples. The Iron Duke
himself rarely. If ever, went beyond a
grunt.—Ixmdon Strand Magazine.
before described, on the date of
said attachment, or at any time
thereof; and that the proceeds of
said sale will be applied to the sat
isfying of said judgment and order
of sale and execution, together with
all interest accrued and accruing,
and all costs and disbursements,
and all accruingcosts and disburse­
Dated this 4th day of May, 1912.
H. C renshaw ,
As Sheriff of Tillamook County,
Oregon. ________________
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Tillamook.
Mrs. W. W. Curtis,
D. E. Goodspeed
M. J. Goodspeed,
Defendants. J
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
by virtue of a judgment and an
order of sale of attached real pro­
perty made and entered of record
and docketed in the above entitled
court and action on the 15th day
Department of the Interior.
of April, 1912, wherin it was
United State» Land Office,
with the problem of buying Harness, adjudged that the above named
Portland, Oregon.
yon will find it distinctly advanta- | phi in tiff ' have : and recover off of
April 15, 1912.
geous to come and do your select and from the above named de To Albert Amy, of Tillamook, Ore­
ing here. You will get the beet sum of One Thousand ($1000.00)
gon, Contestee:
You are hereby notified that T. A.
qualities, the most thorough and Dollars, together with interest there
who gives 3721-69 St. S.E.
A Grewsom* Pun.
conscientious workmanship, and be _ on at _________
rate o ‘ f one per cent per
Portland, Oregon, uh his post-office
A foreigner who was nt work shovel­
charged tlie most reasonable prices annum from July 10, 1!
address, did on April 6th, 1912, file
ing ore In the bottom of a vessel which
We can supply single or double I and
•-.—. the
------ further
- -.-2:zL sum of One Hun-
this office liis duly corroborated
Idred and thirty ($130.00) Dollars at- in
lay in the port of u city in northern
to contest and secure
sets or any single .article that you torney8
aj;d Twenty-One
• -
■_ “
1 and application
Ohio jumped upon the bucket to ride
the cancellation of your Homestead,
j dis
out of the bold. The increased burden
No. 02172 made September 11,
bursements in said action, and the Serial
broke the book by which the bucket
1909, N.W. V* of S.W. *4, and the W.
was attached to the lifting cable. Mau
of N.W. X of Section 32, and N.
W.A, W llliamS & L/C the property hereinafter described, Vk
AJ of N. E. *4 Section 31, Tp 1
and bucket fell back Into the hold, and
and which was attached in this E.
the man received Injuries from which
Veil Door to Tillamook Conntv Bank, action on the 29th day of Novem North, Range 9 West, Willamette
Meridan, and as grounds lor this
he died. An administrator was ap-
ber, 1911, be sold for the purpose of contest
he allege« that snid AL­
satisfying said judgment and the BERT AMY,
isiinted, who sued the hoisting com­
on or about the 22nd
whole thereof; and in pursuance
pany for damages. The lawyer em­
of said judgment and order of sale day of April, 1911, sold the cabin
ploy«! for the plaintiff was in conver­
of said attached property, and by constructed on the land herein des
sation one day with a friend, who re­
virtue of an execution duly issued cribed to one Amos Vaughn, w':o
out of the above entitled coifrt in moved the said cabin from the said
"I should think that the company,
Added Injury.
this action, the same being issued tract; and that said Al.BERT AMY .
after an Hccldent like that, would lose
A woman who "had an account to
under the seal of said court to me did then and there vacate and
no time In installing strouger hoisting settle" with the village schoolmaster
directed, bearing date of the 17th abandon the said tract of land and
day of April, 1912, and commanding has never since said 22nd day of
apparatus. It ought to be sufficient In consequence of his chastising her
April,. 1911, resided thereon.
and requiring me as the Sheriff of
boy visited tbe schoolroom and used
You are, therefore, further notified
"Sufficient!" exclaimed the lawyer. some very strong language.
that the said allegations will be
“Why, man. that was otily a drop in schoolmaster, finding It itni>ossib!e to ■
in such cases, for the purpose of taken by this office as having been
the bucket.”—Philadelphia North Amer­ pacify her. put her outside ami locked Eye SightSpecialist, satisfying said judgment and order confessed by you, and your said
the door against her. For a long while 1
of sale of attached property, the entry will be canceled thereunder
following described real property without your further right to be
the sounds of nngry expostulations
situated in Tillamook County, Ore­ heard therein, either before this
History on Coin*.
and of knocks and hammering upon
office or on appeal, if you fail to
gon, to wit:
The knowledge of coins and medals the door were heard, but. the much
Two certain tracts described as file in this office within twenty
through the Inscriptions and devices tried man took no notice. Ultimately
__ follows: First all the Southeast days after the fourth publication of
thereon Is to nn extent a history of tbe lie went to unlock the door and found
FMIQI M ACTMNI • QUICK IN result * qljarter of the Northeast quarter (or thia notice, aa shown below, your
world from the date In which metals the woman sitting on the ground, wait­
fBBtopt relief from BACKACHB, lot 14) of Section thnteen, in town- answer, under oath, specifically
were applied to such uses, say* the ing for him with an expression on her
meeting and responding to these
ni innua TDonnik 8hiP one 8Oulh of range ten west of allegations
of contest, or if you fail
New Era Events engraved upon these face that was more eloquent than
^Willamette Meridan, containing
remain bidden In tomb* or burled in words. He had shut her skirt in the 1 BMSUMATini, CONGESTION af ba 36.84 acres, according to Govern" within that time to file in this
the bosom ot the earth, deposited there door when he locked it and kept her »■■!**■ ub ntwi * mmat m*a w
inent Survey, eave and except 22 office due proof that you have
In ages long past by careful and miser­ a prisouer all the morning.—London ■DNBYa, INFLAMMATION «K tta aCrea off the North end of Baid tract served a copy of your answer on
BLADDBR and all annoying URINARY heretofore conveyed to D. Edgbert the said contestant either in person
ly hands, only awaiting tbe research of Globe.
or by registered mail. If this ser
» poaittoa ---------
save heretofore
and except a
the patleut Investigator to tell the sto­
to*, to Goodspeed,
q{ wgy
vice is made by the delivery of a
ry of their origin. Numismatic treas­
copy of your anawer to the con­
Children, look In those eyen. listen to '
ures are scanned as evideuc* of facts
testant in peraon, proof of auch
Navigation Company.
to substantiate statements on papyrus that dear voice, noth e the feeling of ■ wwlr _ ‘ a» WOMEN •
Second: The North East quarter service must be either the eaid con
or stone, and dates are often supplied even a single touch that Is bestowed
NAV» HIQHStT MCOMMUMTtU of the South East quarter of said testant’a written acknowledgment
to define the tiorder line between as­ u|x>n you by that gentle hand. Make
A A. Davis, C7 Wsahlturton St., Cnee*isitlto Section thirteen and that part of of his receipt of the copy, showing
serted tradition and positiv* history. much of It while yet you have that Ina., toin bi*K>ch y**r. H* wriiMB*: "I haw Lot six of said Section more par the date of its receipt, or the affi­
Etolj *aS*r«d mneh troai my kido* * aad Mad
Gibboa remarks. "If there were no oth­ most precious of all good gifts, a lov­ B*r Ih*dM>v*r*b*<-loiche**uainy kidesyMUa* ticularly described as follows: Be­ davit of the peraon by whom the
too tr*q *nLc*n«int- me to Io** mock stoat ginning at the South East corner delivery waa made stating when
er record of Hadrian Ills career would ing mother. Read the uufatboiuable waa
and where the copy was delivered ;
•I *igi>L and in «! bladder there waae artaa*
be found written U|>otwtha coins of bi* love of those eyes, the kiud anxiety of Bain I took Foley Kidney nil* for MSB* ton*. of the C. W. Hendrickson Donation , if made by registered mail, proof
am BOB tree of all trouble end eminahtot* Land Claim, and running thence
that tone and look, however slight your Bad
^^p^and an» ^J^^,*^**** Pthaaave av South to within 30 feet of the North of such service must consist of the
paio. In after life you may have
bank of Wilson river, thence West affidavit of the peraon by whom tlie
Wasta Papar In Parla,
friends- fond, dear friends—but never
fiarallel with and 30 feet distant : copy was mailed stating when and
mtn the North bank of said river : the post office to which it was
will you have again the Inexpressible
Suppose the Democratic donkey the act ___
_ waste ____
against throwing
papers love and gentleness lavished upou you
to the center of tl>e present county , mailed, and thia affidavit must be
should be the dark horse this year. I and refuse upon the streets. An abeant- which none but a mother bestows.—
road, thence North following the . accompanied by the postmaster's
center of said road to the South line , receipt.for thejletter.
Horror* !
' minded old gentleman varelasaly drop- Macaulay.
You should state in your anawer
of Baid C. W. Hendrickson D. L. C..
If the phrase “ butting in'1 hud | ' i>ed a hundred franc uot* from Ms
the name of the post office to which
A deed Sort of Man.
not been coined the presidential,
ning, save and except three certain 1 you desire future notices to be sent
•yed iwlleeman requested th* old gen­
Our “HOHF* tracts
••pray.’* said a lady to Foote, “what
to-wit: 1st, A certain tract here­ to you.
center ol the presidential primaries | tleman _ to give
_ _ his
name and address or sort of man la Sir John 1». Y*
II. F H1GBY, Register
collection cf
tofore conveyed to A. M. Hare; 2nd,
the year would have made it a ne L
| WUOUIIl lu
J. C. A rdrey , Receiver
•*Oh. a very good sort of tnnn!"
A certain tract heretofore contract­
Date of first publication April 25,
er reacbed Into th* gutter and picked
'•But what do you call a very good
ed to be conveyed to W. S. Hare;
• large nkto., Ms and 3rd, A strip of land 16fe->t wide 1912; date of second publication
Massachusetts, the great educa up tbe waate paper and opened it be- rort of man?”
• l o* pkt*., »UM off the South sid? of tlie North East May 2, 1912; date of third ptwj-
“Why. nindam. one who preserve*
tional center of the I’nited States *or**,h* policeman"* eye* he waa let off
wm Molina* sb * quarter of said section 13, reserved cation May 9. 1912; date of fourth
did not do so very
a* a rotidwav by ThaddensS. Towns publication Muy 16, 1912.
Woodrow Wilson.
WM* end ; all of said lands lying and
tbe A mo *
being in Section 1?, Township I
The world hopes that the ;>eace
“What la Ilf* without semi meet!“
For Sale or Trade.
South of Range 10 West of tne Wil-
movement in Mexico will not pro­ exclaimed th* romantic twraon
Some people who are always gram-
SwewtPffM lamette Meridan.
Stallion, two year« old, black,
“Y* b ." replied Mr. Grnweher. "but It bling beijw they cannot get what
dnee two new rebel chief* for each
iff th* »Ml
Now, therefore, by virtue of said
doesn't always promote a square deal. they cousWer their «bare of the sweets
w .... »ww* judgment and order of sale of said weighs 1935, perfectly gentle, will
one pacified.
Sentimvot to what enables a girl to of Ilf« forget that they have omitted to
MllliaB* Mff attached property, and in <oropli guarantee him. Will sell cheap f’T
At the prr sent price of beet and trade a lock of her hair for a *400 en­ put their penny In the slot
ance with said execution issued aa ‘ cneh, or will trade for town proóefj^.
potatoes plain living and high gagement ring.“—Washington Rtar
aforesaid, I wtii on Monday, thet J Vacantt loin preferred.—See
10th day of June, 1912. at the hour Hanenkratt.
thinking is not so easy aa philoao
of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said
phers have been n< cuMomed to
R*th*r R*ogh.
day and date, at the North Front
Mrs Renbani Whv do they gtv* him
For Bale or Rent.
< | door of the County Court House in
The Masaachuaetta prvaidential such an awful n*m* a* "BrtottoaT'
| Tillamook City, Tillamook County,
bottom land, 22 mile*
FaatoJUMA Oregon, sell at public auction for from Tillamook.
All clear, will ran
preference law *eema to have been llenham- llwauae he I* always "ou
the bog "-New York Fro*»
20 COWS.
, —
Good ikkivc
hotter, , two
bar:* —
cunningly deviaed to prevent the
i Interwoven to the leve of liberty with
_ ____ half
____ m
1 “*
1 <RM b **•’ bidder all of the right, title and ___
fresh water on ___
people from e*pres*iiig a prefer­ I No groat good com** without toot­
«■»•to , and interest which the above named f from achool, , poet office,
r _. store
every I games' of the heart - Wash­
BMM , defendants and each of them had cheese factory.—See M. R. Haars-
bug *fter It. Danish
in and to the real property be rein- krstL
A Ofecial meeting of the Club was
held Monday, May 13, President Shrode
Minutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved.
It was moved and seconded that re­
ports be laid over until the regular bus­
iness meeting. Carried.
It was moved and seconded that the
mid-day luncheons held at the club
rooms be made public. Carried.
A communication from the Interna­
tional Theatrical Co., regarding an aer­
oplane exhibition, waa read and ordered
to be referred to the 4th of July com­
It waa moved and seconded that res­
olutions be adopted endorsing the plan
for a new hotel in Tillamook, and that
a committee be appointed to aid in so­
liciting subscription to the stock of the
hotel company. Motion carried.
A motion duly seconded that the
Club committee actin conjunction with
the parties now working on the hotel
proposition was carried.
It was moved and seconded that
Messrs. Clough, Baker and Watson
constitute the committee on soliciting.
Motion carried.
In regard to the proposed new hotel
Erwin Harrison made the statement
that of the *16,OtX) which it was neces­
sary to raise here, *8,909, with possibly
another thousand, had already been
subscribed, leaving between four and
five thousand yet to raise.
In the matter of the excursion of the
Portland business men, it was reported
by the Committee on Entertainment
l hat tickets to the banquets to be held
at the Club would be sold to defray the
It was moved and seconded that
Mesars. Beals, Botts and Holmes be
delegated to accompany the Committee
on Entertainment to Mohler to meet
the party. Carried.
A motion, duly seconded, that each
member make inquiry concerning rooms
to be had for the guests, and report to
Will Spalding, waa carried.
It was moved and seconded that a
committee be appointed to revise the
schedule of fees set by the by-laws and
report at the regular business meet­
ing. Carried. Messrs. Holmes. Spald­
ing and Claussen were appointed.
It waa moved and seconded that the
meeting adjourn until Friday, May 17,
at 8:00 o'clock. Carried.
E. J. Claussen, Secy.
Foley Kidney Pills