Tillamook Headlight, May 16, 1912 A j tor. According, then, to Sena­ tor Bourne’s logic, the people L egal A dvbbtmbmbnts : of Oregon are a lot of blamed 10 fools and have not arrived at First Insertion, per line .. $ 5 that degree of political civiliza­ Each subsequent insertion, line Business and professional cards, tion and intelligence the sena­ 1 month ................................. 1 00 - l - I Notice of Application for a License Ad vert is 'ng Nates. Irl í Ti E 5 00 Homestead Notices.................. Timber Claims ................. 10 00 5 Ixxsla per line each insertion Display advertisement, at. inch, 50 1 month ................................. All Reaolutiona of Condolence and I,odge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc. minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ ing five lines. tor has. be left to each county as at pre- j Liquors, Etc. sent. For instance, Tillamook N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That county has made more rapid j ' a petition has been filed in the development in road building County Court of Tillamook County, than some of the other c°b”" Oregon, by Clarence E. Hanenkratt, true copy and transcript thereof ties and expended considerable a and of the whole thereof, is in words, money, and it would not be the letters and figures as follows, to-wit: exact thing to tax this county In the County Court of the State of to improve roads in counties Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. which have not made the same To the Honorable County Court progress this county has. It is above named: true that a large proportion of We. the undersigned, hereby al­ the burden would fall upon lege and show to you the following and petition you as follows: Multnomah county, but as there facts, That we, and each of us are resi­ are so many persons owning dents and legal voters within Gari­ automobiles in Portland there baldi Precinct, in Tillamook County, is not much doubt but what a Oregon; and have been such for more than 30 days next preceding large proportion of the State the date and signing of this peti­ road tax would go. towards tion, and the filing thereof; having building roads for their benefit. been and now are actual residents Notice of Sheriff’s Bale. JOHN L. HENDR In the Circuit Court of the State of ATTORNEY & coUHj Oregon for Tillamook County. Peter Byrom, Plaintiff, LOR-AT-LAW. vs. The Garibaldi Beach Tillamook Block,Tillaoi Company, a cor- | poration. Room No. 261 Defendant. J Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of TT T. BOTTS, lillamocx the State of f Oregon tor for Tillamook ATTOBN EY-AT-Uy County on the 30th day of April, 1912, in the above entitled suit, I Complete set of Abstract fe. wherein Peter Byrom, the above I named plaintiff, obtained a judg­ n office. Taxes paid ment and decree against the Gari­ baldi Beach Company, a corpora­ Residents. tion, defendant, on the 24th day of April, 1912, which said decree was, Tillamook Block. on the 30th day of April, 1912, re corded in Judgment Book 3 of said Both phones. Court, at page 41, I am commanded to sell: All the following described lands and premises situate, lying- and I arl haberlach being in Tillamook County, State of Oregon, to-wit: All the Tide lands fronting and attorney - at - law , abutting on Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) of Section Twenty- ‘Tillamook Bioct. two (22), in Township One (1) North of Range Ten (10) West of Willamette Meridan, containing 90.34 acres, more or less : Q.EORGE WILLETT, Aleo the Tide lands fronting and abutting upon Lots Three (3) and Four (4) of Section Twenty-one A ttornky - at -L aw . (21), in Township One (1) North of Range Ten (10) West of Willamette Meridan, containing 109.85 acres Tillamook Commercial Unildii more or lees, save and except that portion of said described lands con­ T illamook tained within the limits of a certain O hbgo ». right of way heretofore conveyed by Peter Byrom and wife to the Pacific Railway and Navigation H. GOYNE, Company. Together with tenements, heredi­ taments and appurtenances there­ A ttorney - at L aw . unto belonging or in anywise ap­ pertaining. Now, tnerefore, notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the First day of June, 1912, at eleven o’clock T illamook , O regor . a. m. of that day, at the front door of the Court House in the city and county of Tillamook, I will, in obedi­ ence to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure, sell the above des­ T. BO ALS, M.D, cribed property, or so much there­ of as may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff’s judgment, with interest thereon and costs to the highest PHYSICIAN & SURGED] and best bidder for cash. Dated this 1st day of May, 1912. ttllamuok H. C renshaw , Sheriff of Tillamook County, Tillamook Bieck. Oregon. G eorge W illet , Attorney for Plaintiff. Colonel Roosevelt is denounc­ ing the political bosses. To a casual observer, we are of the opinion that the colonel is one of the most successful political bosses in national affairs, with plenty of boodle furnished by the special intere-ts backing him. But like most politicians RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. who have been successful, the (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) colonel has reached that stage l.ßo where it ia rule or ruin. There One year....... 75 Six month«.... f>0 is a good deal of the pot calling Three month* the kettle smut in politics, and and legal voters within said Pre­ C , cinct for more than 30 daye next Entered as second class mail mat­ when we hear the self-righteous proceeding the 1st day of May, 1912. The petition circulation habit ter July, 1888, at the poet office at politicians prate about their That the said Hanenkratt, is a Tillamook. Ore., under the act of goodness and honesty, there is is a farce, so much so that man of a family, and intends to March 3, 1879. not much difference in them, most everybody signs them, no build, open up and personally con­ for they all appear to use every matter whether an injustice is duct a restaurant, lunch room and cent of boodle they can get hold being done innocent persons. confectionery store on the ocean of to obtain votes. It is money An instance of this occurred in beach in said Precinct to beat least miles outside of the Town of Gari­ which makes the mare go, this citv last week when R. R. 3 baldi, for the summer and tourist moves the wheels of industry, Wheaton, the contractor who trade, and also desires to obtain a Editorial Snap Shots and, besides many other things, was turned down in the high liquor license for the accommoda plays an important part in na­ school building, had the recall tion of the traveling public who de- inand it; but owing to the peculiar petition prepared and induced I provisions Give the Portland business tional politics. of the liquor laws, he some of our misguided citizens must obtain a liquor license the men a loyal and hearty welcome The failure of the life saving ' to peddle it around to secure sig­ same as if applying for a saloon; to Tillamook next week. We hereby petition you to grant crew to reach Tillamook bay natures, and, strange to say, a liquor license to the said Hanen­ upon the untruthful statements, Men who stand on the street last week again proves that the and not in any way concerned i kratt, for a period of one yeat from date of the granting of the same, corners and “knock” and de' Garibaldi life saving station about the real facts, some of the to sell spiritous, malt, fermented fame public officials rarely ever should be provided with a motor our citizens signed the petition and vinous liquors, and hard cider put their shoulders to the wheel boat. Anyone with any com­ to recall the school directors. or fermented cider, commonly call­ mon sense knows that it is im­ ed hard cider, in said Precinct of ol progress. possible to handle the boat with We have made some enquiries Garibaldi, to be at least 3 miles out­ expedition while a gale of wind in this matter and we want to side of the said Town of Garibaldi. There is some talk of recall­ if blowing when manual labor say that the directors should be Dated thiB 1st day of May, 1912. ing the school directors, It is has to be depended upon. It is commended for turning down 1 1. J. G. Balmer, Garibaldi. only waste of time, for the re­ plain that life saving stations Mr. Wheaton, as any person 2. C. V. Stoker, Garibaldi. call law is inoperative. Any­ are far from up-to-date when will admit who is fair-minded 3. H. Mitchell, Garibaldi. 4. L. L. Smith, Garibaldi. way it does not apply to school they are not provided with and not prejudiced. And at the 5. Roy Dunham, Garibaldi. districts. modern equipment. The acci­ proper time we suppose the ?: E. Beelitz, Garibaldi. John Aellig, Garibaldi. dent to the life boat at the Argo directors will make this public, Get the auto craze and travel wreck was conclusive enough and those who have been ped­ 8. A. F. Goff, Hobsonville. in modern fashion. Some of that the old boat should have dling around false statements 9. Ben Johnson, Garibaldi. 10. Sam Johnson, Garibaldi. the farmers have been discard­ been replaced with a new motor will find they did wrong in 11. Andy Hayden, Garibaldi. ing their old ¡dugs, mid to lie boat, but thus far the station not ascertaining the real facts. 12. J. A. Smith, Garibaldi. . up to-date our business men has not been provided with a This matter again proves that 13. Wm. Dowd, Garibaldi. are keeping pace in taking joy­ motor life boat. Some one needs some little personal strife j 14 Win. Keys, Garibaldi. 15. W. H. Derby, Garibaldi. rides over the county. a little jacking up and public still exists in this city, and that 18. Chas. Konger. Rockaway. censure, for it is endangering some of our citizens are not dis-, 17. A. L. Daggett, Rockaway. Attorney - General Crawford the lives of the life savers to posed to get together in a gen­ 18 W. H. Evans, Rose City. M. KER RON, 19. L. W. Fowler, Rose City, rendered an opinion that the re­ send them across a rough bar tlemanly manner and discuss 20. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. loe Surino, Garibaldi. call law ia inoperative. Since or through the breakers in a disagreements in a fair, un­ 21. F. C. Robison, Garibaldi. i then he has given another opi­ boat that is old and antiquated. biased manner that will be just 22. Victor Brener, Garibaldi. I N otice is H ereby ' G iven ,—That PHYSICIAN & SURGEON nion to the contrary. So as to in pursuance of a decree of fore and fair to the accused as to the 23. M. Adamson, Garibaldi. Tillamook Block, closure and order of Bale duly ren­ decide this point the gentleman accuser. We are sorry that any 24. O. C. Hawthorne, Garibaldi. Die nnnonneement was made of our citizens signed the recall 25. Carl Loll, Garibaldi. dered and entered in its journal by should have the recnll invoked 20. R. E. Jackson, Garibaldi the Circuit Court of the State of Tillamcok, Oregon. on himself, so that we may . bv the railroad officials in Feb­ petitions, but it is to be hoped 27. Charles Bowers, Garibaldi. Oregon, for Tillamook County, at ruary that the season ticket 28. Lloyd C. Smith, Garibaldi. know for sure where we are at. that they will be more careful a regular term of said Court 011 the rate would be $4.00 front Port­ Archie C Smith, Garibaldi. I5th day of April, 1912, in a certain not to sign recall petitions be- 29. 30. Grant Marshall, Garibaldi. land for the? round trip and $3.00 suit then pending in said court O. HAWK, force the veracity of those who 31. D. Johnson, Garibaldi The way to straighten out anv for Saturday to Monday, which wherein Robert Osborn is plaintiff B. S. Thompson Garibaldi. and« William L. Reifenberg and and a 11 differences of opinion in 1 would place Tillamook beaches peddle them can be substanti­ 32. 33. Chas. Morgan, Garibaldi. Lillian C. Riefenberg are defendants, regard to the school bonds and on equal rates with Seaside. ated. This is no time for per­ 34. E. Kruitilauf, Garibaldi. in favor of plaintiff and against said the school contracts is to get For some reason the Southern sonal strife in this city in an 35. M. F. Robison, Garibaldi. ; defendant, decreeing that plaintiff PHYSICIAN & SURGED!, effort to pull down public offi ­ 36. Gus Leon, Garibaldi. together and hear both sides of Pacific Co. has placed the rate ■ have and recover from said defend- ' ants the sum of $1000.00, with inter­ the controversy. It is easy on the P. R. & N. for the Satur­ cials, but it is a time to get to­ 37. L. H. Holt, Rockawav. 38. C. E. Crowther, Rockaway. BAY CITY, OREGON. est thereon at the rate of 8 per cent enough to repeat statements day to Monday trips at one and gether and stand back of those 39. H. M. Davis, Rockaway. per annum from September 8th, who are honestly performing which are not true and peddle one third rate, which is $5.67. 40. C. F. Alexander, Garibaldi. 1911, for the further sum of $200.00 , 41. Joseph Swaliaw, Garibaldi. them as gospel truth. Get to­ 1 The distance from Portland to the duties imposed on them. attorney’s fees, and the costs and R. BEALS, 42. J. W Cook Garibaldi gether and get nt the true facts t Seaside is 120 miles, while to disbursements taxed at $17.25, and J. S. McDonald, Garibaldi. also the costs of sale; and further of the cnse, and, then, perhaps, the Tillamook beaches it is 90 VICTORY FORBITULITHIC 43. 44 J. W. Foley, Garibaldi. decreeing the foreclosure of the there won’t l»e much difference miles. It mnv be that the rail­ 45. M. F. Bowman, Hobsonville. PAVEMENT. REAL ESTATE, mortgage iu the complaint in said 40 A. G. Kriinilauf, Garibaldi. of opinion. There is a tendency road officials, on account of the j cause described; ana in pursuance for people to go off half cocked, lack of hotel accommodations in Action of Newberg in Select­ 47. P. Byrom, Garibaldi. of.an execution and order of sale F inancial A gent , 48. H. K. Emery, Hobsonville. !duly issued out of said court under anyway, before they hear both this city and at the beaches, are ing This Material-for Hard 49. Alvin A. Jurhs, HobBonville. | the seal thereof in said cause, to me Surfacing Her Streets Is side of a question. Get toge­ not desirous of rushing a whole Tillamook, Oregon. 50. Wm. Kennedy, Hobsonville. duly directed, and dated the 27th Likewise Regarded as a 51. Frank Ekroth, Hobsonville. ther and talk it over. raft of persons into the county day of April, 1912, commanding and 52. C. Heyes, Hobsonville. Victory for Property requiring me to make sale of the at one time, but as the P. 53. lames Heyes, Hobsonville. Owners. following described real property, P. J. SHARP, The mntter of building a new R. & N. expects to bring 50,000 54. H. T. Sheldon, Hobsonville to-wit: hotel ia practically settled, ns persons into the county this N ewburg , Oregon, May 1912.-The' 55 M. M. Mead, Lake Lytle. "Beginning sixty (00) feet west of L. L. Mead, Lake Lytle. enough money is subscribed summer, surely the rates ought contract for paving the streets of 50. Northwest corner of Block four RESIDENT DENTIST, 57. Geo. M. Gunderson, I-«ke Lytle. the amongst the business men. It to be on an equality with Sea­ Newburg was awarded b.y the City 58. A. Longenbaker, Lake Lytle. (4), James M. Fuller’s Addition to the town of Bay City, Tillamook Office across the street fror th» is to be hoped that those who side. Council last night, Bitulithic being 59. C. C. Byers, Sea View. County, Oregon, being the North­ are interested in this enterprise the material selected. The decision I 80. I. A. Hushbeck, Lake Lytle. east corner of the tract to be des­ Court House. One of the provisions of the of the Council was practically 61 Joe Snetsinger, Lake Lytle to provide first-class accommo- cribed; thence West two hundred 62 M. Moroney, Lake Lytle. (200) feet; thence South one hundred Dr. Wise’s office. tions will do so. It will be a minimum wage law which is unanimous as to the material to be 63. Henry Jennings, Lake Lytle. (100) feet; thence East two hundred mistake to cramp or confine it to be submitted to a vote of the used, as the Mayor and Council, 64. H. P. Sheldon, Rockaway. (200) feet; thence North one hundred to small rooms and insufficient people, which covers piece or as well as the committee represent­ 65. Arthur Davis, Rockaway. (100) feet to the place of beginning, W. T. Coates, Rockaway. S ARCHET, in number. It would soon be­ contract work, specifies that if ing the property owners, ha-ve had 66. and 67. C. L. Lindsay, Rockaway. The Southwest quarter of the come a second class hotel and a person fails to earn $2.50 a the matter under consideration for 68. L. G. Evans, Rockaway. . The Fashionable Tai'* Northeast quarter of Section eigh­ leave the field open for a grst- day, he ia to be paid that amouut some time and have thoroughly in­ 09. J. H. Smith, Bar View. teen (18), township One (1) North, class hotel. Our impression is of money. This bill has the vestigated the claims made .by the 70. Thomas Quinn Garibaldi. Range nine West of the Willamette C.eauing, Pressing and Rep® thut it will be much more of a npproval of the labor organiza­ various paving companies ae to the 71. C. R. Sutton, Garbaldi. Meridan, in Tillamook County. 72. C. E. Hanenkratt. State of Oregon,” ing a Specialty. financial success to have a large tions, and it is safe to say that merits of the different materials I, Clarence E. Hanenkratt, being Now, therefore, by virtue of said first class hotel than a second it will receive united support proposed. from wage earners. Those who Though paving propositions, first duly sworn, say: That I am ; execution, order and decree, and in S» jre in Heins Photograph class hotel. . of the above signers of the compliance with the commands of so strongly advocated the Ore­ slightly cheaper as to initial ex­ one foregoing petition, and that I circu­ said writ, I will, on Monday, the Gallery. gon system never stopped to Quite 11 number of persons pense, were submitted, it was con­ lated the same; that each and all of 3rd day of June, 1912, at the hour of foregoing named petitioners 10 o’clock a. m. at the front door of are objecting to the improve­ consider that class legislation sidered practical to select the more the signed the same in my presence; the Court House in Tillamook City, ment of the city. This is not to would eventually be forced to durable Bitulithic, owing to the that each stated his name, address Tillamook County, Oregon, sell at J. CLAUSSEN, lie wondered at. The same the front nnd that the law placed great saving made ¡xissi ble in and residence correctly; that each public auction «o the highest bidder LAWYER, thing happened at all the cities a weapon in the hands of cranks maintenance, as this material lasts is a legal voter in Garibaldi Precinct, for cash in hand, all of the right, which have put down hard sur ’ ­ ¡and knockers nnd those who for years without the necessity for in said County and State, and has title and interest which the above actually resided therein h>r more named defendants, or either of them, ____ _ ¡lavement, _____ _______ ~ we expect I have personal grievances. We repairs. faced and 30 days next proceeding May had on the date of the mortgage to see the same thing occur hen* presume this is what is so flip-1 General satisfaction is felt re­ than lst., 1912; that all of the facts set 1 described in the complaint herein, a 13 Tillamook Blcck, pantly called the sovereign will also, viz., those who now garding the action of the Council forth in said petition are true as I to-wit: On September 8th, 1911, or , since had in and to the above des­ strongly opfsise this kind of im­ | of the people, and no matter in the selection of paving material, verily believe. T illamook - O bmgom - C larence E H anenkratt . cribed , . . _______ ,____ real property, to satisfy said provement to become the big­ what the labor organizations a natural result of the unanimous Subscribed and sworn to before ex *J' ,, * ’ on - order and decree, interest gest boosters for it This is the and wage earners demand, if action of the property owners in me this 1st day of May, 1912. and costs and all -------- securing costs. *--------- ** ” experience of all the wide awake they have the votes, they enn signing the jietitions that ha we oeen E. REEDY, D.V.M-i ; H. C renshaw , [ sea . 1 W ebster H olmes , enact them into law, no mntter towns in Oregon, and which Sheriff of Tillamook County, Notary Public for Oregon. circulated in 4 Will presented to the County Court of. centers, with enhanced valua­ the industries of the state. fore-runner of much improvement the (Both Phones). State of Oregon, for said Til-1 There never was a time when peo­ tion in all kinds of property. which will take place here this lam.Hik County, on the 5th day of ple appreciated the real merits of Oreg* Cough Remedy Tillamook June. 1912, at the hour of 10 o’clock Chamberlain’s Do not get the impression spring. tn the forenoon of said day, and more thHn now. This is shown by Perhaps our esteemed friend, that the proposed State High­ based thereon said Clarence F the increase in Sules and voluntary Dr. J. T. Work, M. T. Bro. Trombley, can bring into way Com mission is going to lie Hannenkratt will at said time, testimonials from persons who have let St. and 3rd Ave West harmony two thing» that don't a good thing for the good roods place, date and hour, apply to said been cured by <♦. .If you or your Mother knows she bM However, it is jibe to our wey of thinking. It movement. Chiropractor and Naturopath i* County Court for a license to be children are troubled with a cough ia well known Senator Bourne about safe to predict, notwith­ the moat improved science for the granted to him, to sell within aaid or cold give it a trial and tiecoms made the test, Precinct, spiritona, malt, acquainted with its good qualities WM a great exponent of the standing that the people beef cure of disease. Why suffer from Garibaldi vinous liquors and bard cider, for For sale by all dealers. fsoliticnl slogan, the sovereign ■bout high taxation, they will colds, catarrah rheumatism, hernia a period of one year from the date will of the people. Previous to vote to create another tax eaters tumors and abdominal displace­ of said license. It would snrnrise you to know of Dated this 1st day of May, 1912. the primary election the honor­ commission at Salem under the ments. indigestion, inslassiinilation the great good that is being done C larence E. H anenkratt . by Chamberlain’a Tablets. Darina Some of the and the general neurotic run down able senator authorise thia state­ On-gon system. Downey, of Newberg Junction, N.D., ment : “It ia not I, but you that leading Granges have endorsed condition that follows when the ”Hy wife has been using Sow is the time to get rid of your *rttes, ia on trial.” Meaning the peo­ a State Highwny Commission cause may be easily adjusted and Chamberlain's Tablets and finds ple of Oregon, it waa the aov- and are advocating the passage removed with no danger of othsr rheumatism You can do it by so- them very effectual and doing her Is the Best, Chamberlain's Liniment °»s of good." It you have any ereign will of the people which of the bill. We do uot think complications, as there ia no drugs plying and massaging the parts freely at trouble We use Olympic with your stomach or bow­ a watted Oregou'a senior scum - that it is the correct thing for or knives used in this system. each application. For sale by all el» give them a trial Sold by all R. J Tillamook Bake Bread I dealers. . dealera. Flour.